pinksilvace · 2 years
Pros of writing long stories: I actually can't think of any but I keep doing it so there must be a benefit
Cons of writing long stories: I am forgetting SO MUCH INFORMATION about the rules of this world it is UNREAL
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pinksilvace · 1 year
(crawling out of the ground like the undead) NINE MONTHS (and one day) LATER... NNNFNS IS DRAFTED
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pinksilvace · 2 years
I love that Silver and Amy's dad has disappeared from a the fic, can I lump him in with the other dads in your canons that don't consider the kids in their care their kids?
lskdfjlskdjflskdjflkd I was wondering if anybody would pick up on that... I can run fast but the daddy issues run faster 😞
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pinksilvace · 2 years
Chapter 24 of NNNFNS is up!
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pinksilvace · 2 years
Chapter 11 of NNNFNS is up! There’s a whole lot of new information in this one :D
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pinksilvace · 1 year
F G H and I
F: Share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it.
Right away, Amy reached through the bars and shoved at his chest—not hard enough to do any damage or cause any real pain, but enough to make him take a step back. “What am I doing here?” She narrowed her eyes. “What am I doing here? Can’t I care about my brother? Can’t I worry about him when I hear he’s been kidnapped and locked back up? What am I doing here? How about, what are you doing here? You never had to agree to any of this!” Ah. Right. After what Sonic had said, Silver should have been able to guess this outcome. “Sorry,” he stammered. “Sorry. You’re right. I, uh, haven’t been using my best brain cells.” Amy dropped the basket, reached back through the bars with both hands, and tugged Silver forward into one of the most awkward hugs he’d ever been a part of. After a second, he heard her hiccup. Shit. Fuck. Shit fuck. Amy was crying, and this time, it was actually Silver’s fault. He pretended that his rib cage didn’t feel like it was being split in two. “Hey, Amy, it’s okay,” Silver hastily assured her. Over the top of her head, he made frantic eye contact with the G.U.N. employee, who looked almost hilariously out of their depth. “I’m okay! You can stop worrying because I’m okay, and I’m safe, and I should be going home soon, I think, so everything will be alright and normal and good! Just—gosh, this is all my fault. I was a little silly, I admit it, but we’ll be okay, but if you keep crying, it’s going to make me cry.” Amy looked up. To her credit, she had the decency not to blow her nose in his fur, though goodness only knew how much he needed a bath already. “No more adventuring for you,” she blubbered. “You’re really bad at it. Don’t you ever do this again. You… you…” Silver sighed. “I know,” he agreed. “I was a jerk to leave you alone. Things just got a little messier than anybody thought they would. I really want you to try not to worry, okay? I know it’s hard, but I can protect myself when I have to.” “I don’t want you to!” Amy rebuked, almost yelling. The G.U.N. employee inched back toward the door. “Silver, that’s the whole point! You shouldn’t have to defend yourself!” There wasn’t a good response that he could give her. She was echoing every sentiment that he had ever felt when he found her gone. “Now you know how it feels,” he murmured. “You get why I worry about you, right? You’re my baby sister. I don’t want to cause trouble for you, either, so please stop crying, okay? We’ll make this better.” “Crying is healthy,” Amy argued. “I’m going to cry whether you want me to or not, after all you’ve put me through. You should try it sometime.” Silver had cried out of fear more than enough times, but she didn’t need to know that. “Okay,” he said. “You’re right. I’m sorry. You’ve earned the right to cry.” “Silver?” “Yeah?” “Stop talking.”
There are a lot of dialogue bits I like from NNNFNS, but especially the ones with Amy and with Mephiles. This particular scene comes to mind since it's such a turning point for Silver and Amy's relationship, secondary to the plot as it was.
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
I always write my stories in order. I think I'd be too lazy to add as many scenes as a story deserves during revision, so I try to just get everything out as I think of it.
H: How would you describe your style?
I have absolutely no idea. It just sounds like the thoughts in my head.
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
I'll admit that I go back to reading BN//HA fic every few months. I'm not a fan of the source material, but that fandom can write some damn good crossovers. I'm also not immune to Shinsou Hitoshi as a character, and fic authors LOVE putting him in situations of angst and whump, which tend to be my favorite to read. I'm also a big fan of mermaid aus, so I'm always down to read a Shinsou siren au fic. They're some of my favorites of all time.
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pinksilvace · 1 year
Chapter 39 of NNNFNS is up! Just one more to go :D
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pinksilvace · 1 year
Chapter 38 of NNNFNS is up!
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pinksilvace · 1 year
Chapter 37 of NNNFNS is up!
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pinksilvace · 1 year
Chapter 36 of NNNFNS is up!
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pinksilvace · 1 year
Chapter 35 of NNNFNS is up!
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pinksilvace · 1 year
Chapter 34 of NNNFNS is up!
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pinksilvace · 2 years
Chapter 33 of NNNFNS is up!
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pinksilvace · 2 years
Chapter 32 of NNNFNS is up!
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pinksilvace · 2 years
Chapter 31 of NNNFNS is up!
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pinksilvace · 2 years
Chapter 30 of NNNFNS is up!
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