#silver platter. thank u da
kiexen · 1 year
re: these gays, did you prefer the book over the movie/vice versa or if you didn't have a real preference, what were some differences you noticed or appreciated or disliked
the movie was good but the book was BETTER.
i'm gonna say this is a whole lot of spoilers for red white and royal blue for anyone else who sees this, because i know you won't watch or read it. so it doesn't matter. anyway. and also i guess i'm putting this under a readmore. feels like a lot of words about nothing.
justice for june i cannot believe they cut her out ENTIRELY. [june is alex's older sister. she just straight up does not exist in the movie which is a travesty i love her so much] there is So much missed characterization. and a whole large plot point that is missed because of other cut characters and a lot of it i know can be chalked up to for timing and pacing but :/ there was also a few really minor changes that didn't really make sense to me to have needed to be changed? idk. they changed henry's royal side of his last name, and that just did not make sense to me as to why. in the book, the reigning monarch is a queen; in the movie, a king. why? [makes i don't know sound] also on the topic of siblings, i'm almost completely certain the book told me henry was the youngest and his sister was older. in the movie, his sister is the youngest and her characterization just. does not feel the same. everything about her was cut out. all of it.
there were a few other minor changes that i liked, and some that i liked, but i am glad we have both versions? if that makes sense? there's this scene like, ¾ths of the way through where henry takes alex to the v&a and talks about how his dad [movie, it was both parents in the book but yk. his mum doesn't exist in the movie, either. also a travesty.] took him to that museum a lot before he died and now henry sneaks in a lot. he was going on about how he used to fantasise about bringing the man he loves there and slow dancing amongst the statues. in the book, henry then puts music on and invites alex to dance. in the movie, henry doesn't even get to finish his sentence about it being a "daft prepubescent fantasy" before alex pulls his phone out behind him and puts music on while he's still talking, before dancing with him. and idk i just. really like the idea of alex being the one to initiate it more than it having been hen. [also, in the book, henry played "your song" of elton john's. in the movie, alex plays "can't help falling in love" and both just make me so. mmmmm.] a little later when alex is preparing to leave back to america, hen gives alex his signet ring [which, info dump within an info dump time, if you don't know, signet rings are the like. flat ones that usually have a family crest on it. it's an identifier.] in the book, alex slides it onto the chain he always wears, which also holds the key to his family home, he started wearing it when they moved into the white house. which yk. the symbolism of having both his homes together. very tasty. in the movie, however, after hen gives him his ring, alex gives henry the key necklace and is later seen wearing the ring on his hand instead. which, i believe, is a little bit of a call back to a movie only line way earlier [the book directly contradicts this quote, actually.] where alex is explaining the key and henry says he's never actually owned a key before. so now he does. i love both of these versions of this interaction so very much
there were a couple of scenes or lines that were movie only that i did enjoy, but most of my favourites were either in the book, or both. most of my issues with the movie stem from what is normal content loss in adaptations
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I know this isn’t technically a prompt but pleaseee write something for Bitna and Gyuhyun. I’ll read anything at this point. Love me some best friends to lovers trope
Fandom: Nevertheless (K-Drama)
Rating: T
Tags: Oh Bitna x Nam Gyuhyun, Canon Compliant, Character Study, Friends to Lovers, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied Sexual Content
Read on Ao3 here
This was meant to be short. RIP. I wrote this very quickly and fast between being swamped with uni work, so it hasn’t been really well edited. Basically, I have a shit ton of work to do but ta da~
hope u enjoy it anon and other nevertheless fans!!
send me more Bitnaxgyuhyun prompts on tumblr, I’d be happy to fill them out
Title from Taylor Swift’s Champagne Problems
your heart was glass, i dropped it (champagne problems)
Bitna has always been told she’s a pretty girl. She has taken full advantage of this fact - choosing to indulge herself in new relationships and experiences whenever she can. She isn’t one to be overly cautious, choosing to live in the moment.
It keeps her away from a lot of pain and hurt, while also giving her new joys to feel through.
Unlike her best friend Nabi, Bitna knows not to look for true love in every partner she meets. She’s not dating with the intention of marriage - just to have fun. Unlike her mother who spent years waiting for Bitna’s father to come back, she never wants to wait and stay held back because of a man. She’s scared to let a man become her habit, her drug, something that she gives her heart to with uncertainty - inevitably waiting for it to break one day. No, Bitna is not like that.
She’s strong but she’s weak. She hides herself so that people will see what she wants them to see and that’s it. No more than that.
Everyone seems to know that she knows about everyone - she’s Bitna news, of course. But very few really know about her.
Not even Nabi and Jiwan, two of her closest friends.
Nam Gyuhyun, though, stares at her as though he knows her. His piercing eyes seem to look through the walls she’s put up for the rest of the world. They look past the Bitna who’s a player, a social butterfly in their department, the one that several juniors and seniors in their college lust after. She knows that behind her back, when they think she can’t hear (but of course she can, she’s Bitna news), she knows of the names they call her, the words they use to describe her. She’s way past that sort of nonsense - her armour is way too thick for it to bother her, but sometimes in places where it’s chipping and thinned, they manage to get to her.
Nam Gyuhyun looks at her as if he understands her and what the fuck? How could he? He looks at her as if he’s seeing the real Bitna, who’s scared of the uncertainty of presenting one’s heart on a silver platter and having it rejected and tossed away.
She hates it. (Does not.)
She wants him to stop. (Does not.)
She wishes he didn’t act as though he knew the real her. (Does not.)
She doesn’t know what her mind and heart want. They are separate from each other. (But not as separate as she thinks.)
It’s awfully easy for them to fall into bed together. Bitna’s slept with countless guys - she’s well experienced in bed, thank you very much. She knows exactly how to seduce a guy. Make him a quivering, drooling mess. Leave him wanting for more (she won’t give more).
With Gyuhyun, it’s awfully easy - like breathing. Though they are drunk and maybe this is a bad decision, she doesn’t regret it then. He’s a good kisser and she can taste the alcohol on his tongue. It tastes delicious and she wants more.
She inches herself closer to him. Earlier that day, she had complained about his nagging on her alcohol consumption, but as she told him - he does look quite different, quite good, quite handsome in this new light.
And of course, they fall into bed together when he takes her to her room. It’s quite obvious.
She’s standing in the shower, considering what to do now. He’s outside, presumably still waiting for her. She knows some part of her likes him, and that this had changed their relationship irrevocably.
She fucks it up. She’s too scared to take this next step and perhaps it was just a drunken mistake. Right?
She tells him so. And hopes that their relationship stays the same as before. He looks hurt then resigned and leaves before slamming the door on her.
Of course, Bitna fucks up the one healthy relationship she has.
Truth be told, Gyuhyun is probably her best friend. Her closest friend. Jiwan prefers to spend her time with Sol these days, and Nabi is often in her own world (strangely enough, nowadays, often to be found with Jaeeon - but she doesn’t have the time to think about that). She’s warned Nabi about Jaeeon’s habits - she knows him too well, because she is (was?) Jaeeon. She knows the type very well and she hopes Nabi knows herself and him well enough to not pretend that whatever between them is real.
She hopes Jaeeon doesn’t break her heart like she might have broken Gyuhyun’s. It’s for the best - he thinks he knows the real Bitna, he really doesn’t. She’s really saving him from a hurt. While breaking his heart, she might have broken her own. She has given him a tirade of excuses, and maybe more than him, she was just trying to convince herself.
It’s easier to lie to others than it is to yourself.
She distracts herself and he ignores her. Bitna’s armour is chipping faster than ever and there’s no one else to help her. Nabi is lost in paradise with her secret paramour (It’s Jaeeon, Bitna isn’t fucking stupid) and Jiwan is having some sort of issue with Sol. They are not as close as they were and Bitna’s barely close enough to the rest of their group to air out her problems to them. It was always Gyuhyun, who held her when she was sad, when she was drunk, when she was down. He’s a constant rock that she’s found herself to be dependent on, in hindsight.
Bitna knows life isn’t a fairytale. There isn’t a prince to take her away from her miserable life, no fairy godmother to solve all her life’s problems with the swish of a magical wand, no palace where she can begin her new happily ever after.
She has burned the last bridge to her only happily ever after. She lit her only happiness with fire. Everyone thinks Bitna is some kind of airhead who’s been oblivious to Gyuhyun’s obvious growing affections for her. She isn’t. She’s known - she always has. She can’t stop herself from falling for him, but she’ll try her damned hardest so he doesn’t have to fall for someone like her.
He deserves much better than her. Someone who isn’t as scared as her, someone who hasn’t broken themselves, someone who is fixable.
Someone who will be able to give him all the happiness he deserves.
It’s easier to say this, harder to watch.
Watching her with that girl, laughing and happy, she feels that burning hatred inside her. She doesn’t give a fuck about her man for the night today - he’s a wisp compared to her Gyuhyun. All she can see is red and him and her and Bitna is not there to make him laugh, to kiss him, to drink with him.
She didn’t mean to barge on his date but she did.
He spits out his drink. Good.
Eventually, she comes to her senses.
What the fuck is she doing? She’s a grown woman and she was the one to let him go. She can’t do this.
Eventually, she leaves, because what else can she do. Oh Bitna will not make a bigger fool out of herself.
She isn’t like that. She doesn’t chase after guys or ask them out - she hasn’t ever had the need to.
She can do this - she can forget Nam Gyuhyun. He's the one that got away. She should remember him as a close friend and a cherished memory from her time at university when she’s old and sad and boring. When she has the time and space to reflect and contemplate her numerous regrets and mistakes in life. Now is not the time - not when she has many experiences to fulfill, to colour her life, so that she won’t be bored.
She won’t be tied down.
Bitna has always talked about a big game, but it’s harder to implement this in reality.
She sees him eating mint chocolate chip ice cream with his new girlfriend. Her blood boils - was what they had nothing? What did she mean to him? Was their friendship all a show?
Did he lie to her then? Has he been faking it all this while?
Her hurt and anger imbue her. She’s just so tired and sick of being played and broken like this. As much as she breaks herself, it’s the people around her who add the smaller cracks that eventually make her fall over.
She leaves him.
The next day, she finds him sleeping in class for once and finds out that the other girl had the fucking audacity to dump him. Does she not know what a catch he is? Does she not know that Bitna would kill to be in her position?
Gyuhyun can’t sleep because of that stupid girl who broke his heart, the one he moved on with after Bitna so quickly.
He wanted to be Bitna for such a long time, why did he leave her so quickly?
There are too many questions she doesn’t have any answers to. The insecure voice in her head tells her that he doesn’t want her, he never did, and while she usually hides it, it’s a little harder to do so when she has neither her friends nor Gyuhyun to support her.
She tries to make amends with Gyuhyun, but he ignores her. She masks her hurt with her usual smiles and cheerfulness. People don’t question it when the mask always stays in place, though it’s starting to crack in some places now.
In the end, she does what she always has. She drinks all her pain and hurt away. It doesn’t help much but for a moment, she can pretend it doesn’t exist and everything is fucking fine. It’s just fine. Nothing is wrong.
She gets wasted. Alcohol is the solution.
Everyone around her is arguing about what to do with her. She’s very drunk and none of them want to take care of her. It’s okay, she didn’t expect any of them to help out. She’s very practical and independent- she can take care of her all by herself. She doesn’t fucking need Gyuhyun, or Nabi or Jiwan or any of her other friends. She’s perfectly fine.
She doesn’t notice when Gyuhyun comes there and manages to convince their drunken companions to leave her to him and make their jolly way back home. They gladly do so, and then there’s him and her and the silence.
She sniffles and cries as he tries to get her up and take her home. She questions his stupid newfound love for mint ice cream. She demands to know why everything has changed when she specifically requested that it wouldn’t. She wants to know why he’s avoiding her.
And oh. Oh.
He kisses her, and she kisses him back. It’s not a mistake. Not at all. Bitna may be drunk, but for all intents and purposes, she’s in control of herself and her decisions. She won’t retract on this.
On the way back home, and she’s piggybacking on his back, she contemplates the way Nam Gyuhyun always seems to understand her. How he seems to see through to the real her.
She was lying earlier. She doesn’t hate it.
She loves it.
She wants him to break her walls.
She wishes he would become her habit.
She knows what her mind and heart want now. It’s what she’s wanted all along even when she was lying to herself. She wants Gyuhyun for herself, for worse or for better.
She wants to drink with him, bash mint chocolate chip ice cream with him. She wants him to take care of her, as he always does with unending patience and tenderness. She wants his faux-resigned looks as she manages to drag him into a some fun gathering, she wants to go on dates with him. She definitely wants to feel his passion, his gentleness, his love in bed. She wants it all. Her desire has overpowered her fear.
Why should she be scared? When there's a man who loves her, who wants her, who gives his heart to her on the same silver platter she gave hers to him.
No. She won’t be a coward anymore. She won’t lie anymore - not to him or herself. She’s tired of denying herself happiness. She wants to be happy.
And for once in her life, she isn’t scared to ask for it.
With a smile and a kiss, it’s granted to her.
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azurexalacrity · 5 years
@skytornhero gets a starter ‘cuz why not? lol (Also I wuv u buddy)
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 “Hey, thanks f’er da save back there… not dat I needed it…” Grains of sand were brushed off of the hedgehog’s chest, now coating each and every inch of his glove. Some of the sand got into his quills, and fur, and maybe in between his teeth, but at least he wasn’t a toasted hedgehog on a silver platter. That had something good to it, right?
Well, not exactly for Sonic. Millions of pieces of sharp metal were scattered all across the beach, now just discarded bits of something that reminded the hero that it should be him smashing the bots, not this… this dragon.
Although, the flames that expelled out of the said dragon from earlier made his eyes sparkle of awe. Not that he’ll admit that. Nope. No siree. He didn’t care if it was cool. Okay, maybe it was cool. But, he still won’t admit that!
“So…” he began, folding his arms over his chest, “What brings you here? If y’er lookin’ f’er a fairy tale to hop in, there’s no princesses on this island.”
Okay, maybe that was a rude first impression, but then again, he was never the greatest at them anyway.
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