#silvie is not very good at making friends 😭 force help him
orange-twilek-guy ¡ 1 year
Office Visit
Umm 😊 just a little 900 word quick thingy I wrote for Silvanis. That little guy is 90% of my brain currently
Includes mentions of: Discrimination
Silvanis reclined back into his chair and stared at the paperwork they had yet to complete. Despite dedicating most of his day -and night- to completing the work it continued to tower over their neatly organized desk. His green eyes skimmed the nearest page, preparing to sign it after he finished with his small break. Kage were known for their excellent memory.. or at least that’s what a droid had informed him of after Silvanis had impressed another senator with his ability to recall previous senate matters but the young senator couldn’t remember any point in his life where he hadn’t felt swamped with work. His right hand reached over to massage his dominant hand’s wrist instinctively to prevent cramps but he was stopped by the wrist brace he was wearing.
A light flicked on overhead and he looked up in surprise, his eyes adjusting to seeing in the light rather than the dark. Silvanis had forgotten he had switched it off in hopes to be able to leave the office sooner than later but that was a long gone mission now. His attention settled on a figure in his office doorway- Silvanis recognised the armour as the Coruscant Guard. The young Kage shifted in his chair and sat straighter, his hands coming to rest on the cool metal of their desk.
“Yes?” Silvanis found himself speaking first, he saw the clone straighten up as he addressed him. Exhaustion had crept into the young teen’s voice and carved away some of the formalities that usually decorated his speech. “What has brought you to my office?” Silvanis further prompted from the stranger although he had a sneaking suspicion it most likely had something to do with the clone personhood bill Silvanis had presented to the senate floor just a few rotations ago.
“With all due respect senator, why’d you do it?” The clone asked, nerves bringing him to his point far too swiftly to be considered polite. Silvanis could feel the Guard’s eyes searching his expression from behind the visor. They wondered why the guard was so anxious speaking with him but Silvanis chose to not think on it too much.
“Do what? I have done plenty of things you will have to clarify” Silvanis replied, although he felt as if his suspicion was correct he preferred to have all the clarification he could before he answered.
“Pushing for my brothers’ rights” The clone clarified, clearing his throat. Silvanis had expected this to be what the clone wanted to know but he still found himself unprepared to answer. He wasn’t quite sure what to say and his eyes searched the wall opposite to him as if it would hint towards what to say.
It made sense why the guard was curious to it, Silvanis didn’t fault them for it. The young kage wasn’t as good with people as his job description wanted him to be, he was hard to read with his cold nature and Silvanis didn’t quite understand the emotions of people around him. This didn’t change when he interacted with the guard and so the clones just thought of him as another harsh senator that didn’t want anything to do with them. Silvanis also had not advocated for anything of this nature previously either unlike the other senators he had worked with on this bill so they understood how seemed out of the blue for any outsiders. The reason he did it was quite simple to the senator, Silvanis saw his people in the clone’s position. His people, the kage, had been oppressed by the Belugans for as long as any kage could remember. Silvanis saw some of the discrimination the clones faced and he was reminded of the treatment they had seen his people get his whole life. A part of Silvanis also hoped that if they helped them, it might alleviate some of the guilt he had from the setbacks he knew he was the cause of for the kage warriors. A civil war had raged on Quarzite, his home planet, between the kage and the belugans for centuries and after allying themselves with the republic for trade Lord Otua Blank wanted to keep the republic from involving themselves against his rather tyrannical rule and had chosen to raise a kage to use as a puppet in the senate to try and paint Quarzite more equal than it was. Silvanis had filled that role and played out the Lord’s wishes as he was demanded too. He knew he couldn’t help his people but he could do something to help the clones. Silvanis had justified his advocacy of the clones to Lord Blank by convincing him that the clones may one day remember this and return the favor. “I am not certain myself” Silvanis admitted although the lie didn’t quite fit right in his mouth. He hoped the guard wouldn’t question it. The senator didn’t elaborate any further and an uncomfortable, awkward silence fell between the two of them.
“Thank you for your time senator, I’ll be going” The clone sounded more on edge than he did previously. Silvanis nodded his head forward silently and watched as the guardsman retreated from his office and darkness fell upon the room again. Silvanis blinked a few times to readjust to it. He continued to stare at the wall as a familiar shame burned at him. Shame for what he had done to the kage, shame for the things Silvanis knew would do and the shame he felt at not being able to fit in neatly with anyone around him. One day he was sure it would swallow him alive.
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