#similar theme of warming up to people who dislike you tho
chatonyant · 2 years
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Old designs which have since changed (a lot, Asadal has different hair and clothes now) but the colors are the same and i like it so up it goes
Yeah! Flower System! cause its a story with the game system dungeon crawler thing but the mc gets isekaid into a different world without that system (it ends up getting it) and also they all have plant names hahahahhaha
yeah more stuff under readmore
woe, identity crisis be upon ye
Thorn is Just Some Guy (false) who is a part of one of the world's strongest guilds that fights for the protection of humanity and for the hopes of climbing the Tower that appeared one day and caused some sort of apocalypse on Earth. It's been 5-10 years (undecided) since the world has been plunged into chaos as dungeons spontaneously spawned and spewed forth monsters that terrorized the world. Humanity has gained powers and skills alongside the System, allowing them to fight back and rebuild. Guilds have formed to challenge dungeons and fight monsters in order to find magical items or collect monster spoils in order to create their own items. Dungeons contain monsters, but monsters aren't limited to these domains and free roam the land alongside various different ailments upon the land and people. The System has told them that with the defeat of the Tower, there comes a chance to end the nightmare of uncontrollable destruction at the edges of their barely rebuilt towns.
One day, as Thorn's guild is challenging the Tower, Thorn takes a wrong step and just
through the cracks of reality.
Thorn wakes up in the body of Asadal, the bitchy wife of Maple LastNamePending (Kal? Jun? idk), the head of noble family who is in charge of keeping the monsters that lurk at the edge of their town at bay. Suseon is Maple's nephew, who he treats like his own child after Maple's older brother and Suseon's father perished during a monster swarm. Maple's family isn't a historically noble family and had only been "promoted" (dunno if that's the right word) during Maple's father's younger years due to the family's contributions to the protection of the country's borders against monsters. Chamomile is the head guard of the estate and one of Maple's old friends.
(idk why i'm writting this so formally)
Thorn-now-Asadal is now having a grand time (wrong). Having been told by guildmates about dungeons that places them in scenarios with different settings and bodies, Thorn decides to investigate and figure out what the goal of this dungeon is. Problem is, Asadal seems to dislike the entire people of the estate, especially Suseon, and at best tolerates Maple and seems to be trying to??? seduce him???? Thorn is very confused about the motives of this wife.
On the flip side, Maple, Suseon, Chamomile, and everyone else is very confused as to why their lady one day woke up and is??? nice???? She sees Maple and runs. She sees Suseon and runs even faster. She's sometimes on the roof (why). She doesn't seem concerned about her dress and excessive jewelry (though she still wears some). She's got her nose into every other book in the house. She doesn't remember anyone's names– wait no that's pretty normal, she always looked down upon people. But now she's making the effort to remember??? Is she possessed (yes).
The world does not have the System that Thorn has grown accustomed to, which had granted things like resistances, skills, and ability upgrades. Along with that, Asadal's body is not built for fighting or moving the way that Thorn's was. Asadal doesn't need to have a fighting body. But Thorn does. Suseon walks in on Asadal(Thorn) training and internally freaks because wtf
so uhhh personality?
Asadal(Thorn) is quietly batshit. my notes say "like a cat. quietly leaves gifts and runs" which yeah checks out. blunt and to the point, down to argue with fists. plagued with the Doubts. Feeling quite lonely without his guildmates. Very curious, will do many things to satisfy that curiosity. Also impulsive i guess? I have. a doodle of Asadal going "what's this plant" -immediately eats it and barfs, forgetting the loss of poison protection- Hey why is Asadal up a tree. Hey is Asadal bout to go marching into the fforest please for the love of fuck please stop her. Why does she know things about the monsters. Oh lord she's pestering Suseon to teach her talisman magic. Oh Fuck She's Good. She is now setting fires. Help.
Maple is, in the simplest way i can describe him, the type of gentleman the grannies love. When with the common people he's incredibly friendly and expressive and deeply cares for the people he's responsible for. Though he cares for Suseon like his own son, he insists on Suseon always calling him Uncle and never "Dad" despite Suseon thinking of Maple as his dad as Suseon was too young to remember his actual dad. Maple loved his brother and never really got over the loss. Maple wasn't meant to be the head of the family and had to scramble to learn things he hadn't been fully trained in. In front of his people, he is warm and gentle. In front of other nobility, he is cold and hard. He often has problems in hiding his expression, so he trained himself to not show any emotion at all, leading him to look stiff and angry all the time. He often runs into issues regarding funds and aid as much of high nobility look down/don't give enough regard to the edge towns. With the original Asadal he tried to be accommodating and gentle but in the end could not ever properly connect, leading to a cold relationship. With the new Asadal he is hesitant and confused, but eventually warms up once he realizes this new personality means no harm. Asadal ends up teasing Maple endlessly
Suseon is stubborn and grumpy and highly defensive against Asadal. Maple calls Suseon "my boy". Suseon uses a gun. Asadal gives him pointers on using a gun. Suseon is freaked out by that. He wants to live up to the reputation of his father because he thinks its what people expect of him. He knows Maple is endlessly proud of him and loves him and fears ever disappointing him. Asadal(thorn) looked freaked out when she first saw him and he doesn't understand why. Suseon is likely to get into fights at school because he, like maple, is not great at holding back his emotions.
Chamomile is the lone braincell and is endlessly tired of reminding his lord to please stop charging into monster battles with a laugh. Calm and observant. Master of talisman magic and future baffled tutor of Asadal regarding magic. (undecided: he's lost a leg and has a prosthetic? something about him previously being a part of the monster fighting brigade and moving to be the estate guard head after losing his leg. also something about the change in job being maple and chamomile making his leg an excuse for chamomile's change in job. because he's kind of maple's advisor as well???? thoughts aren't organized enough)
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witchthewriter · 2 years
Hi! I’m so glad I found your blog! I love it! I was hoping you would be able to do a matchup post for me.
My fandoms: Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon, and Harry Potter
Level Completed: 3
About me:
• she/her
• Bisexual
• Libra sun, Pisces moon, Aquarius rising
• Introvert
• Hates conflict but will do anything to defend the people I care about
• Generally an anxious mess
• Passionate to a fault
Hobbies: Cross stitching, reading, cooking/baking, history, snuggling my cat
Likes: hanging out with people in small groups, prefers staying in to going out, trying new food, sarcasm, morally grey fictional men, all women ever, a big thunderstorm, the smell of fresh roses and gardenias, cuddling up under warm blankets
Dislikes: mess, people who feel the need to be loud at all times for no reason, the cold, having to make decisions, weirdly specific but eels (why they gotta look like that tho?)
Thank you so much!!
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𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫
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I ship you with Ginny Weasley! Moreso book Ginny rather than movie Ginny - no hate to Bonnie, but they completely ruined her character. I mean she wasn't even a character in the movies, she was just ... there.
Anyway, I think you and Ginny would be a great couple. She would always look out for you and make sure that you're okay.
・She takes note of what you do to calm yourself down if you’re feeling anxious, or when your sad or overwhelmed. She does her best to take any burdens she can from your shoulders
・Would absolutely love to braid your hair, or playing with it. She’s a very physical person, and likes to hold your hand, or cuddle into you whenever she can. 
・Would throw herself in front of you if there was even a tiny threat of danger. 
Theme Song:
↬ ‘Hares on the Mountain’ by The Local Honeys
Relationship Tropes:
↬ Outgoing and Bold (Ginny) x Introvert Who Doesn’t Like Many People (You) 
↬ Aggressively Supportive 
𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬
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I ship you with Sansa Stark! Specifically, the woman she develops into after leaving King's Landing and the Boltons. She's an independent, strong and smart woman, who knows what she wants and how she's going to get it.
・She loves to pepper kisses all over your face, it’s always done in private because Sansa isn’t big on PDA, but she is so loving when it’s just the two of you. 
・She’s very witty and has a lot of good banter. She loves when you two sit and laugh about awkward interactions and embarrassing stories. 
・Would kill anyone for you, without a moments hesitation 
Theme Song:
↬ ‘I’m Kissing You’ by Des’ree
Relationship Tropes:
↬ Sun x Moon 
𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧
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I ship you with Rhaenyra, I think you two would have a relationship based in friendship. You have similar personalities and I think she would appreciate being with someone who likes to be away from the crowds and sneers.
・She would defend you against ANYONE AND EVERYONE. No one talks ill of her partner, and she would go down swinging if she must
・Loves humming and you can always find her in the castle because she’s absentmindedly doing so
・And she loves to slow dance, she would love swaying with you back and forth
Theme Song:
↬ ‘To Bring You My Love’ by PJ Harvey
Relationship Tropes:
↬ Childhood Friends to Lovers 
↬ Forbidden Love
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