#alp flower system
chatonyant · 2 years
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The protagonists of my stories.
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dewphox · 1 year
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Hehe this is Dorothea UU I don’t have time to get into details just yet or do actual artwork instead of doodles but I had to get her out of my system.
The short story is she’s an ex rhythmic acrobat and varieté theater performer, who after an accident went to stardew valley with her grandmother to recover and escape the media. For the first years she’s rocking crutches or a cane and maybe a cast where all of the villagers will sign and draw on hoho.
Also her grandmother is the younger sister of the granpa and the actual ‘‘farmer’‘ that inherited the farm. But Dorothea would be my player character it’s just to spice the canon up a bit. Her grandmothers name is Elfriede, Elfie for short and she’d be the sort of lady you could find in the golden girls or a jessica fletcher from murder she wrote. If you know you know <3 She’s also the owner of the Varieté Dorothea performed in! When they moved to pelican town she only left a letter proclaiming her successor but they didn’t tell anyone where they went.
Dorothea is also an insect girly and likes butterflies perhaps a bit too much UU She has a pet snail (unnamed for now) and their dog is of the species Leonberger and called Joseph (a healthy dose of Heidi references are included :> you’ll know why later when i can draw her more hehe)
Their Farm is canonically an Alp and they specialize in goats, sheep, flowers and honey. I don’t know a ship yet, but just for the goth x girly girl aesthetic she’ll have some kind of relationship one way or the other with sebastian, even if it’s just unlikely friends, or something haha. She’s also albinistic! At first i just wanted to give her white hair just because, but when Alex dropped the line ‘‘you should go out into the sun more, otherwise you’ll get pale’‘ it would be just too funny if she is. I already have a few designs where i included funky sunglasses or sunhats and i’ll propably make some cute parasols too.
She’s very girly pop but more frugal and capable than most people would think at first glance. All her clothes are secondhand or upcycled she doesn’t buy or care for brands. She also doesn’t care if her clothes get dirty because she ‘‘only has nice clothes’‘ and if all her clothes are nice then all her clothes hold the same value to her and as such can be used as work clothes all the same.
She also has a mischievious streak and often plays into it when people don’t take her seriously, very ‘‘be smart, play dumb’‘.
As I said I don’t have too much time at the moment but I still already love her very much and am excited to get more in depth UU
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vanillaanillav · 2 months
flower symbolism in alien stage
So, we have two confirmed flowers mentioned in the series—Clematis from Round 1 and Edelweiss from Round 2—and the red flowers from the Anakt Garden. I have a few options for what those could be, so I’ll go over each option at the end. 
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Of course, Clematis is the most obvious flower reference. Here’s what they look like if you’re unfamiliar. It’s a beautiful flower, available in pink and purple varieties, colors which you can find in both of their color palettes. 
They represent transformation and wisdom, the pursuit of knowledge, determination and spirituality. Very compatible with the themes of the series, and specifically of Mizi and Sua’s love for each other. They deify each other and transform each other, through meeting and knowing each other. Sua’s knowledge of their world and Mizi’s lack of it is what leads to her death and to Mizi’s subsequent transformation.
Clematis grow on vines, constantly racing up towards the sun. Sua’s sacrifice, I think, is what will allow Mizi to finally reach it.
It’s really lovely and terrible. A perfect fit for them. 
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Now Edelweiss! It’s a very tough plant, but also very short-lived, and nearly impossible to get your hands on, as they’re native to the lonely peaks of the Alps. 
It’s representative of devotion, nobility, and purity, which is FASCINATING to me. There are many more romantic flowers out there, even ones with meanings specifically related to unrequited love, but Edelweiss specifically so perfectly encapsulates why I think Till likes Mizi. 
He sees her as something pure, untouched by the nightmare of their lives. She’s kinder than the others. Naive, still believing in good things like homes and friends and love. 
Even when he hallucinates her, he imagines her as a child, big-eyed and smiling—her purest form. He hates their capture. Hates living, fights and fights and fights. I think he clings to her as a symbol more than a girl by the point of the Alien Stage, devoting everything to this ideal of her, continuing to sing his confession at her even while she’s crumbled into a ball of grief. That version of her may not even really be the being he’s singing to. 
He clearly has her on a pedestal in his mind. When he loses that idol, both watches his friend lose her innocence and then his symbol of purity go apeshit and beat the hell out of their competitor, he loses everything. By the time we see him in Round 6 he’s been completely broken down by the system, never fully developing the will to live for himself, only for his Edelweiss. 
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As for the red flowers…
They have five petals, with a black center. Honestly, given that one of Mizi’s likes is “artificial Anakt flowers,” which are presumably these, they're probably not intended to be a specific type of real-world flower. But I’m going to play in the sand here anyway!
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Poppies have four or six petals, but they do have the dark core. Red ones specifically symbolize death and remembrance, which is… obviously fitting the themes of the series. But, the red flowers are used mostly to depict their childhoods, specifically their playful childhood love rather than their deaths. I think some of the other options are more fitting.
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Geraniums are commonly red and have five petals, but no dark inside. They symbolize deceit and preference, with the red variety further meaning stupidity and consolation. Yowza!!! 
Preference is clearly applicable—Mizi and Sua choose each other to give their flower crowns to, Till makes his flower crown for Mizi. It seems like a ritual among the kids that they give their flower crowns to someone they like.
Stupidity could be for Till not noticing Mizi’s clear mutual interest in someone else, or for Ivan, either not realizing that the flower crown he stepped on was Till’s or thinking it would get Till’s attention in any other way than Till jumping him LMAO.
As for deceit or consolation… I feel like these don’t quite fit? Deceit isn’t present in the scenes with the red flowers, though maybe in Sua and Ivan’s decisions to sacrifice themselves? Consolation is unfortunately not really present in the series at all. Much to all of our collective pain and suffering.
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So, petunias are my favorite option for the red flowers. They’re five-petaled and have the dark center, even if they're not as similar as poppies... just hear me out!!!
They represent two conflicting ideas—anger and resentment, and “being with you is soothing.” I think this fits all three of the pairs they’re shown in relation to. Till’s anger with Ivan in their childhoods for ruining his flower crown is pretty clear, his anger with him in general, even with the world.
Then Mizi and Sua’s reciprocated love—of course, being with each other is soothing, and Till finds Mizi soothing as well, as we covered in their section. 
I love the double meaning. I think the meanings flip as they age, as well. Mizi resents Sua for leaving her, and Till only realizes once Ivan’s gone that he did, in some way, appreciate his presence. 
Anyway I just had to get this out of my system because I have so many Thoughts about this series. Also fun tidbit: Till is said to specialize in floral art. Much to think about...
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tobiasdrake · 1 month
Digimon Adventure 01x35 - The Fairy of Odaiba! Lilymon Blooms / Flower Power
Previously on Digimon Adventure: Vamdemon didn't even realize he had the ultimate Chosen Children Collector's Item in his possession until he'd already taken it out of the package. Amateur move. Can you really even call yourself a Chosen Children fandom nerd if you can't even name all eight Partner Digimon? What a scrub. Fake nerd vampire.
This is another episode that I've been eagerly waiting for! Now, at long last, it's time for the best evolved Digimon in the show to debut. Yes, even the Ultimates/Megas.
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We open on the Rainbow Bridge. Traffic is congested due to Vamdemon's fog bank, slowing traffic both for drivers and for the public transit system.
Tachikawa Keisuke, Mimi's dad, is on his way back to Odaiba. He checks his watch and sighs. It's 9:02 PM.
Keisuke: I'm screwed.... Announcement: Please excuse this interruption in your travel plans, but the train must slow down due to heavy fog.
We find Vamdemon up on top of the Fuji Broadcasting Center or FCG, which overlooks Tokyo Bay across from Daiba Park. Vamdemon is performing an eerie incantation with his hands, conjuring up the fog bank.
Vamdemon: Soon this fog barrier will be complete. Then this land will turn into Hell. Hmhmhmhm Ah Ha Ha Ha Ha....
In the dub:
Keisuke: (checks watch) Oh boy.... Announcement: Due to the continuing heavy fog, we'll be experiencing some delays up ahead. Please bear with us. (Cut to FCG Building) Vamdemon: Ha! It's almost done. Huhuhuhahahahaha!!! Soon now, not in fire or ice but in fog, this world will be mine! Huhuhuhahahaha HUHUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Kinda feels like "this world will end" would be the natural follow-up to "not in fire or ice but", but maybe that's just me.
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Out in the playground late at night, Mimi is feeding Palmon. Unlike the other Partner Digimon who can just eat leftovers from their Partner's dinner, Palmon has to plant her roots in the dirt.
She's not impressed.
Palmon: Tokyo's soil doesn't taste very good. Mimi: Guess what? This place used to be part of the sea. Palmon: ... Mimi: ^_^ Here, you can have this. Palmon: Thank you!
Mimi's little anecdote there is an attempt to explain why Palmon's not enjoying the soil. Odaiba is a man-made island constructed from transported soil, some shipped in and some drudged out of the water. Palmon's eating ocean dirt.
Though they do have a bunch of parks there, so maybe Palmon's being snobby.
Mimi pours bottled water onto Palmon's roots for sustenance. Palmon seems much happier about that, right up until Mimi suddenly throws a sheet over her in a panic. She hears footsteps.
Mimi: (wrestling with the sheet) Shh! Quiet!
Keisuke, walking home from the station, comes into view and spots her.
Keisuke: Huh? Mimi! Is that you, Mimi!? Mimi: PAPA!!! Keisuke: What are you doing out here so late? Mimi: Uhhhhhh nothing special. I'm here to pick you up.
See, this is why Mimi rarely lies. Because she is the worst at it.
In the dub:
Palmon: Yuck! This soil's polluted! Tastes like gasoline and old candy wrappers! Mimi: I've got this bottled water! Try it; It's fresh and pure as a winter morning in the Swiss Alps! At least, that's what it says on the bottle. Palmon: Okay! Pour it on my roots! (enjoying) Mmm, yummy. Yodelayheehoo! (BLANKET) Mimi: Hush!
American kids aren't going to understand Mimi's comment about Odaiba's history, so the dub team came up with a different explanation for Palmon's dissatisfaction. American kids do understand pollution. Especially 90's kids, who grew up in a time when messages about personal responsibility to clean up our planet were everywhere.
The rest of Mimi's dialogue space is used for a charming exchange about mass-produced mineral water.
Keisuke: Mimi? Is that you? Mimi, what are you doing out here? Mimi: Oh! Hi, dad. Keisuke: You should be inside. Mimi: Well, you see... Uh... I was just waiting for you!
To sell her panicked claims, Mimi plops her hat down on top of the giant lump of bedsheet in her arms. Absolutely nothing to see here! Just a sweet and trustworthy face that is definitely not up to anything.
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Nothing suspicious here AT ALL.
Mimi: You're home late today. Keisuke: The train took its time because of the fog. Hey, I have to ask, what's in the blanket? Mimi: EHHHHHHH!?!?
Mimi practically screams with alarm at Keisuke's question, then grabs his arm and starts speed walking home, practically dragging him along.
Mimi: Let's hurry home, Papa! Mama must be worried! Keisuke: Uh....
THE BEST at lying. XD Look, don't go to the Crest of Purity if you want talented deceit.
Dub Mimi lies a little better.
Mimi: So Daaad... Why are you so late, anyway? Keisuke: It's this fog. It's got everything tied up in knots. Say, what's that you've got under your hat there? Mimi: Oh, it's just a, uh... (Mimi grabs Keisuke's arm and starts pulling him) Mimi: Brr, it's getting cold out here! We better hurry up and get home or Mom will be worried!
She does not scream in her father's face because of the question, though she's still clearly trying to change the subject. Consequently, the original version is funnier, though I like the dub's addition of "It's cold out here!' to Mimi's avoidance waffling.
Once they're safely tucked away in Mimi's room, she explains herself.
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Wow, her room is small. Taichi and Hikari's room is a lot bigger. Though, to be fair, it has to fit two kids.
Mimi: I'm sorry. It'd be nice if you got away with pretending to be a stuffed animal, but I don't want them to think I have bad taste. Palmon: Bad taste? (wilts) You mean me? Mimi: Ehehe, don't read too much into that. Palmon: :( (Long, awkward pause) Mimi: Tehe!
That last line from Mimi is basically like a "Teehee!" She's trying to raise Palmon's spirits. But Palmon is so fucking offended by what Mimi said.
In the dub:
Mimi: Sorry, I could have pretended you were my doll or a stuffed animal, I suppose. But I have a reputation for good taste to maintain. Palmon: I'm in bad taste!? (wilts) Is that what you're saying!? Mimi: Oh ho ho, Palmon, I didn't mean it that way! Really! Palmon: :( (long, awkward pause) Mimi: Really!
The wording's a little different but the core idea still gets across. Mimi says some offensive shit to Palmon and then fails miserably when she tries to backpedal.
This builds off of what we saw in the first episode of the kids' return to Japan. Remember when Mimi completely bailed on Palmon because she saw her human friends? All Mimi ever wanted was to get home, to be safe again, and to stop having to do all this Chosen Child and Digimon conflict. She took being drafted as a child soldier harder than anybody.
She has never wanted to be a part of that world.
Meanwhile, out in their tiny apartment's dining room, Mimi's parents are fucking adorable.
Satoe: I made kimchi fried rice and topped it with whipped cream and strawberries! How is it? Keisuke: (nom) Mm, it's good! This tastes so great! Satoe: Yay! Eat as much as you want! Say, 'Ahh!' Keisuke: Ahh! Satoe: Ahh!
That last bit is delivered over a closeup of the kimchi so it's not clear if she took the spoon and is feeding him or what. Either way, they're adorable. At least somebody in this group has zero family drama.
The Tachikawas may be squeezed into a fucking closet but they love and cherish each other dearly.
In the dub:
Satoe: I made this dish up myself. I call it shrimp-fried rice with whipped cream and strawberries. Well? Keisuke: (nom) You've really outdone yourself this time, honey. Satoe: You mean it!? Oh, I'm so glad you like it! You mean it!? Keisuke: I mean it! Satoe: Really!? Keisuke: Really!
Yeah, they're just as cute over here.
Though I have to say, the size of Mimi's tiny-ass apartment is inadvertently hilarious in the dub after all that time spent playing her up like she's the heiress to the Bezos fortune.
Meanwhile, across town at Cram School, Jou's life is ruined.
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Narrator: Around this time, Jou was in the city outside Odaiba. Jou: A 54. This is the worst grade I've ever gotten in my life.
Gomamon pokes out of Jou's duffel bag.
Gomamon: Cheer up! Life's full of ups and downs.
This meager encouragement works, bringing a smile to Jou's face.
Jou: I should call home and tell them I'm being kept after classes today. (Jou tries to call) Recording: The number you have dialed is not in service. Jou: That's weird. There's no reception.
The dub cuts the shot of Jou's graded test. At this point, we're pretty far past trying to conceal Japanese text from the audience; In fact, there's Japanese text on the windows of his cram school, which the dub keeps. So I imagine they cut it so they can lie about what it says.
Joe: I can't believe I got a C! There goes Med School. And my dad wanted me to call right away and tell him my grades! Gomamon: (pops up) A C? Forget about Myotismon; This is a real disaster! Joe: (smile) You're right. Clearly this grade is the result of all of the stress from the monster attacks. Gomamon: Well, if you can't get into medical school, I'd try politics.
First off, they undersell the severity of Joe's bad grade. 54 isn't a C. That's an F. The Japanese system is a little different from the American one but 59 and under is still an F. Jou is here to prepare for his entrance exams, which will determine the quality of middle school he's able to attend, and he fucking failed the test.
It's a good thing this was a practice! Jou is brutally unprepared to return to academia. Probably because he just spent the last four months or so on an alien planet foraging for berries and trying not to be killed by monsters. It's hard to study algebra under those conditions.
I do like that the dub makes a direct connection between Joe's bad grade and the Digimon battles, though they undersell that too.
They also removed Jou's attempt to call home, which sets up the signal problems that Vamdemon's fog bank is creating for Odaiba. He mentions he's gonna, but he never makes the call and finds out Odaiba no longer has phone service.
Jou isn't the only one having signal reception problems. In Yamato's single-dad apartment, even tinier than the Tachikawa home, the TV's gone to static. He attempts multiple esoteric poses with the TV remote to try and bring the signal back.
Yamato: No! Come on, work! (pose) C'mon! (pose) How (pose) about (pose) this!? (surrender) Ugh... It was just getting good!
In the dub:
Matt: Oh no! Gimme a break! Come on! (goes through all the poses without saying anything, then surrender) Aw, man! Right when it was about to get to the best part!
So, bad nights all around, it seems. Let's not forget that Taichi and Hikari are out there having the shittiest night too.
While Vamdemon's doing his fog ritual up on the roof of the FCG Building, his father Hiroaki is working late inside. We join him at a vending machine, retrieving his change to put into his wallet. His eyes linger on an old family photo from happier days.
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Suddenly, one of his colleagues runs past.
Hiroaki: What's going on, Chioka? Chioka: Ah! Ishida-san! You're awake? We've got big trouble! None of our station's transmissions are working! Hiroaki: What!? Chioka: No one knows what's causing it! It could be a system crash or something faulty in the electronics. Both transmission and reception are down!
Nobody ever suspects Rooftop Vampire. But, up top, Vamdemon finishes casting his fog spell.
Vamdemon: No one will escape. That includes, of course, the Eighth Child. Hmhmhm HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! AH HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!
The dub renames Chioka.
Hiroaki: Hey! What's going on, Charlie? Charlie: You're awake! I was just coming to get you! The whole system's gone down! Transmitters, satellite feed, the whole shebang! Hiroaki: What!? Charlie: If it's a system glitch, it's like the Godzilla of all systems glitches! But we can't even check it out because communications are down too! It's like the end of the world or something! (Meanwhile, on the roof) Myotismon: No one will escape! No one! Not even the Eighth Child! Hmhmhmwahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
I really like Charlie referencing Godzilla, because that's a pop culture reference that someone in Tokyo might reasonably make.
Returning to wherever Jou's cram school is, we find him unable to return home.
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Announcement: Due to heavy fog in Odaiba, we will not be able to provide train service to that area. It may be some time before service is restored. Jou: Even the public phone booths don't work. What a hassle.... Gomamon: (peeking out of duffel bag) This world has its problems too.
Over in the dub, the effects are even worse.
Announcement: Due to a systems failure, all trains will be delayed indefinitely. We apologize for the inconvenience. Joe: The pay phones don't work either! What's going on? Everything's falling apart! Gomamon: (peeking out) It could be worse. We could be stuck on the train!
All trains. The signal-scrambling fog in Odaiba is so bad that it's nuked the entire train network in the greater Tokyo area. Was that necessary, Myotismon? Little bit overboard there, bud.
Back at the FCG Building, Hiroaki confers with his team about what's happening. Well, with two of the three; Sakurada is listening to a tape cassette while Hiroaki chats with Chioka and Yuki.
Chioka: The broadcast system's been going haywire ever since the fog showed up. Hiroaki: So it happened while I was tossing out the papers.... Yuki: None of our phones are working either. (Hiroaki throws on his jacket and starts to walk away) Yuki: Where you going!? Hiroaki: Isn't it obvious? I'm going to investigate. That's our job. Yuki: Understood.
Yuki and Chioka move to follow Hiroaki. Without missing a beat, Yuki yanks the headphone cord out of the radio on the desk, disturbing Sakurada.
Yuki: Sakurada-kun, let's go. Sakurada: O-Okay!
With the headphones unplugged, we can hear that he's been listening to the chanting of sutras, like the one Jou used to weaken Bakemon way back when. Something to chase away the ghosts and demons that could be emerging from the fog.
In the dub:
Charlie: Everything started going wonky ever since that fog came in. Yuki: Even my cell phone isn't working. Of course, it wasn't working before but still... (Hiroaki throws on his jacket and starts to walk away) Yuki: Hey, where are you going? Hiroaki: To earn my pay! To investigate this thing. That's what I do, after all. Yuki: We'll come with you. (Yuki pulls out the headphone cord) Jeremiah: Huh? Radio: Believe in yourself. Say it. "I believe in me." Good.
Yuki's expositional line that all the phones are down is replaced by a laugh line. We're kinda losing track of the fact that the phones have been disrupted. This is two references to the phones that have been replaced, with the only remaining one being Joe's ambiguous statement that the pay phones in the train station don't work.
Yuki says nothing when she yanks out the headphone cord so now it looks like she was messing with Sakurada, now named Jeremiah as revealed later in the episode, for funsies.
As with the Bakemon episode, the religious chanting has been replaced by self-help affirmations. Next time I meet a possessed kid, I'm taking them to a TED Talk. Apparently that's the trick.
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At the Yagami residence, a terrified Hikari peeks out at the night through the curtains.
Hikari: ...Tailmon....
Taichi sits up and leans out of the bottom bunk.
Taichi: (determined) Wait for tomorrow. I'll call everyone tomorrow morning, and then we can go save her. Agumon: Hikari-chan, Taichi is worried too, but you should get some sleep. Hikari: (closes curtains, defeated) Mm....
Hikari climbs up into the top bunk and pulls the blanket up.
Taichi: Can you sleep? Hikari: (covers her face with the covers) I'll try. Taichi: Good. Leave everything to me.
Hikari is distraught. Holy shit, her face in this scene is heartbreaking.
In the dub, Kari wakes Tai up on purpose.
Kari: Hey, Tai? Do you think Gatomon's okay? Tai: (empathetic) Sure she is, Kari. First thing tomorrow, we'll go find her. Agumon: Don't worry, I think we'd better go to bed. We'll need our rest to fight Myotismon. Don't want to fall asleep on the job, do ya? Kari: Okay.... (Kari climbs up into the top bunk) Tai: You scared, Kari? Kari: (covers her face with the covers) Not really. Tai: Attagirl. Leave everything to me.
Tai and Kari talk about Gatomon like she just ran away from home. Agumon goes too far the other direction. Uh, no, Agumon; Kari does not need her rest to fight Myotismon. The plan is still that she goes nowhere near him.
I do like the way the dub uses Kari's last line. Juxtaposing her dialogue against the animation of her hiding her face under the blanket, to convey that she's not as tough as she's trying to act. Her voice even quivers a little. That bit is perfect.
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Mimi peeks out of her room to say goodnight to her parents.
Mimi: Have a good night!
Then she realizes Palmon popped out with her and has to stuff her back into the room, while still awkwardly smiling to her parents.
Parents: Good night!
Meanwhile, at Yamato's place, he's written a letter to his father.
Letter: To Dad: There's boiled mackarel in the fridge. Underwear in the laundry. Yamato: He's working overtime again.
Yamato tries the TV again, but still only gets static.
Yamato: This is so weird.
In the dub:
Mimi: I'm dying my clothes pink again! (Mimi stuffs Palmon back into the room) Satoe: Okay!
At 11 PM!? Why!? Weird-ass line change!
The dub cuts Yamato's letter but keeps the dialogue.
Matt: Looks like Dad's working late again. (Matt tries the TV again) Matt: Something weird's going on!
No boiled mackarel for Dub Hiroaki, it seems. Gabumon probably ate it all.
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Hiroaki and his team continue working to bring the FCG Building back up. They've taken a van out to go scout the mystery fog and figure out how far it extends.
Hiroaki: And so, this is what the fog encompasses. Chioka: It only covers Odaiba. Yuki: It's like someone is controlling the fog. Like a wizard or something! Sakurada: ...maybe we should go back to the station.
Superstitious Sakurada is not pleased about being out in the Ominous Wizard Fog. He's immediately proven correct when the ground shakes suddenly, rocking the van. A colossal monster stomps through the night, passing in plain sight near their van.
Sakurada: K-k-k-k-- Chioka: (claps a hand over Sakurada's mouth) Quiet! Yuki: You saw that too, right!? Both: Mhm!
The Fuji team pile out of the van for unclear reasons.
Hiroaki: Perhaps the fog has something to do with these kaiju....
Yamato's dad is on the right track. These things are, indeed, related.
Over in the dub:
Hiroaki: The fog's disrupting our entire area! Charlie: Why isn't any other part of town seeing fog? Yuki: It's like some alien power's controlling the fog bank with magic or something. Jeremiah: Magic? Stop trying to scare me! (Giant Digimon stomps past) Jeremiah: What's that!? Charlie: (claps a hand over Jeremiah's mouth) Keep it down. Yuki: You both saw it!? Both: Mhm! (Everyone exits the van) Yuki: Good! At least I know I'm not the only one going crazy! Hiroaki: What's the connection? Somehow, the fog's tied in with all these monsters we keep seeing.
Pretty straight adaptation. It's phrased very differently but all the key points are hit. Yuki also gets a silence-breaker as they're exiting the van so she can punchline the "You saw it too!?" moment.
Suddenly, getting out of the van is proven for the bad idea that it was.
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A swarm of Digimon attack the crew from all directions. Yuki screams while the narrator goes into the rundown.
Gizamon is a Child-stage Virus-type Aquatic Mammal Digimon. The name comes from the onomatopoeia for a sawing motion. Gizagiza. They're the sibling evolution to Gazimon, evolved from a Pagumon that didn't get hugged enough. Their evolutions that have appeared thus far are Devidramon, Flymon, and Raremon.
Narrator: Gizamon. Though they prefer to live underwater, these ferocious Child-stage Digimon can jump like frogs on land. Hiroaki: Careful, everyone!
The swarm descends upon the Fuji team.
In the dub, the Gizamon do their own rundown.
Gizamon: Let the human scream! It doesn't bother us Gizamon! We travel in packs, creating terror! Whether on land or underwater! Hiroaki: Everyone, get in the car!
Good advice! I don't know why we got out of it!
We leave our Fuji crew there, under Gizamon assault. Time passes, and we come to the following morning, when news crews outside the city have discovered what's become of Odaiba.
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Takeru and his mother Natsuko are watching the news, where a helicopter pilot reports on the fog bank.
Reporter: It's fog! This fog has completely covered Odaiba! We cannot contact anyone inside! The safety of Odaiba's residents remains unknown.
Takeru dramatically drops his spoon in his cereal bowl and stands up.
Takeru: (determined) I have to go. Natsuko: Takeru! Takeru: (more firmly) I have to go! Onii-chan and Papa are in there!
Staring at the fog bank on the screen, Natsuko's mind drifts to images of Yamato and Hiroaki superimposed against the fog. Then Takeru snaps her out of it.
Takeru: Let me go! Natsuko: ...okay, we'll go together.
They're going to have a hard time getting into Odaiba, but Natsuko agrees to go look for Yamato and Hiroaki.
In the dub, they use Takeru's point about Yamato and Hiroaki as a silence-breaker, in place of Natsuko thinking about them herself after he says it.
Reporter: An impenetrable fog has sealed off the main district of the city. Incoming reports also verify that all communication systems appear to have been rendered useless. T.K.: (drops breakfast and stands up) I'm coming, Matt. Nancy: T.K.! T.K.: I have to go! You don't understand; Whatever happens, they'll need me there. Nancy: Mm-mm. T.K.: Aww, mom! (superimposed images) Matt is there! And so is Dad! We can't just leave them! Nancy: Oh... Alright, then. We'll go together. Get your coat, son. T.K.: Yeah!
I feel like, as a parent, she should be scrutinizing the line "Whatever happens, they'll need me there," a bit. That's a weird thing for her kid to say about a mysterious weather phenomenon.
Takeru can come off like a scared kid who's just determined to help his brother and dad, but T.K. said a weird thing and Nancy should be questioning it.
Meanwhile, Hiroaki bursts into Yamato's room. His clothes are ripped and ragged and he's shoveling food into his mouth from a bowl while using his foot to nudge his son awake.
Hiroaki: Yamato! Wake up! Yamato: D-Dad? What happened to you!? Hiroaki: I'll tell you later! Hurry up and get dressed!
No change in the dub.
We next move to Shimbashi Station, pinpointing Jou's location. The sun has set and come back up, and still Jou hasn't made it home.
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Jou knocks back an energy drink before getting up and starting to walk.
Gomamon: Jooooou... Where are we going!? Jou: Hinode Pier. Maybe the boats are still working.
That's a good idea. For reference on the map, the Red Marker is Shimbashi Station, where Jou is now. The green circle is his destination, Hinode. It's not too far; About a mile's walk. The black circle, as usual is Daiba Park, with Odaiba to the south and east of it.
The dub cuts Jou's energy drink. Poor Joe; He has to deal with fatigue the old-fashioned way. It also takes off the specific location reference, but keeps the main point.
Gomamon: Joe, where are you going? Joe: Down to the pier. Maybe we can get in by boat.
Meanwhile, in Odaiba, Yagami Susumu (Taichi's dad) is at the train station trying to commute to work. A clock shows the time as 6:02.
Announcement: Due to an unknown incident, train service has been suspended. Susumu: What the...?
Before he can even think about that, the station is filled with the sound of screams. Phantomon enters, flanked by four Bakemon.
Phantomon is a Perfect-stage Virus-type Ghost DIgimon. You might think they're the evolved form of Bakemon. That'd be the natural conclusion to make. Weirdly, no. Though Phantomon is a Nightmare Soldier, they do not evolve naturally from any Digimon and exclusively require Jogress, like Pumpmon.
Bakemon's natural evolution is Vamdemon.
Susumu: W-WHAT ARE THOSE!?!? Narrator: Phantomon. A Perfect-Stage Ghost Digimon whose giant scythe with chains is his trademark. His special attack is-- Phantomon: SOUL CHOPPER!!!
Before the narrator can even finish the rundown, Phantomon cuts him off to attack the ceiling display. Presumably to get everyone's attention.
Phantomon: By order of Vamdemon-sama, you are all coming with us!
Yeah, this quiet conflict has been getting steadily less quiet with each "mysterious kaiju battle" but now it's gone loud. With the revelation that the Eighth Child has been found and not by him, Vamdemon is not playing anymore. This is an invasion. You are all under attack.
The dub seems to get a little confused here.
Announcement: An announcement will be made when service has been restored. We apologize for any inconvenience. Susumu: Poor kids... (Screams and ghostly wailing) Susumu: Huh? WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT THING!?!? Phantomon: (rundown) I'm Phantomon. You don't want to be near me or my frightening little friends when I start to swing my... Phantomon: SHADOW SCYTHE!!! (Phantomon cuts down the display) Phantomon: Myotismon requests your presence and he won't take no for an answer.
Susumu's line, "Poor kids...." seems disconnected from anything that's happening. The only explanation I can come up with is that maybe they think he's in Shimbashi Station, watching Joe leave dejected?
I can see why they might think that. We cut from outside a train station to inside a train station so logic follows that it's the same train station. That is such an easy mistake to make, if that's what happened here.
But it's not; Susumu is in Odaiba trying to go to work. Vamdemon's forces are not rounding people up on the outside of the fog bank.
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Morning comes to the Takenouchi residence. Piyomon seems to have recovered from her Pyokomon cooldown.
Piyomon: Where are you going so early in the morning? Sora: Soccer club's morning practice. I'd like to talk to Taichi about what we should do, as well. I'll be back by breakfast, so keep quiet, okay?
On her way out, Sora says farewell to her mother, who's chopping vegetables in the kitchen.
Sora: I'm off! Toshiko: (unenthused) So long. (thinking) Again with soccer....
Toshiko's still not about Sora's hobby.
In the dub:
Biyomon: Are you really going to soccer practice today? Sora: Tai will be there, and I really need to talk to him about our plan of attack. Besides, I could use the practice. (Sora heads out) Sora: MOOOOM!!! I'm going to soccer! Toshiko: ... Sora: Mom? Toshiko: ... Sora: Well, I'll see you in a little bit. Toshiko: ...
Toshiko gives Sora the complete cold shoulder. Fucking harsh. Continuing the trend of dub Toshiko being meaner than original, who at least gave Sora a courtesy goodbye.
A minor note, but Toshiko's activity changes between versions. She's chopping vegetables in the original but washing dishes in the dub. We see her doing something at a kitchen counter, and the sound effects fill in the blanks.
At this point, I'm fairly convinced that they would give the editors a silent copy of the animation and everybody's voice recordings, and the editors just had to cut it together with whatever sounds looked right for the scene. There's a lot of these little effects changes or outright missed sound effects throughout the series.
Meanwhile, at the Yagami home, Taichi and Hikari are trying to call around like promised. Unbeknownst to them, an army of bakemono, of wicked spirits impersonating a human guise, have invaded Odaiba and are moving from home to home.
Taichi: (at the phone with Hikari) This is weird.... Yuuko: Taichi, don't you have morning practice? Taichi: This isn't the time for that! Yuuko: Oh, is that so...?
At once, in synchronized motions, the bakemono ring many doorbells.
Yuuko: (teasing) Look, your teammates came looking for you.
Yuuko prances off to go get the door, leaving Taichi and Hikari with the malfunctioning phone.
Yuuko: Yes, yes, hello there-- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
The clearly inhuman bakemono pushes Yuuko down, then drops its guise and reveals itself to be a swarm of Bakemon. Three Bakemon swarm into the house. Agumon throws open the bedroom door, firing back at them with a Baby Flame to protect Taichi and Hikari.
Taichi & Hikari: (relieved) AGUMON!!! Yuuko: TAICHI!!! HIKARI!!! AHHHHHHHH!!! Taichi & Hikari: MOM!!!!
Three Bakemon carry Yuuko away while more flood into the apartment.
In the dub:
Tai: Oh, great. The phone's still out. Yuuko: Oh, your poor father. I hope he's not stuck in the subway. Tai: We're not watching that video again! Yuuko: The TV's still out, sweetie.
This is a little confusing but the "video" Tai's referring to are grainy shots of the bakemono moving into position and ringing the doorbells. The dub implies that the Kamiya family are watching this happen as a movie while it is also happening in real life?
I think the grainy horror movie effects on the bakemono shots might have thrown the dub team.
(Doorbell) Yuuko: I wonder who'd be dropping by unannounced? (Yuuko gets up to go answer) Yuuko: Coming! Hello? ... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! (Bakemon attack; Agumon fends them off) Tai & Kari: AGUMON!!! Yuuko: TAI!!! KARI!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!
The original version of this scene flows better, because Yuuko riffing Taichi about skipping soccer practice connects directly with Sora's preceding scene. Though the dub version does try to connect to a previous scene as well, through Yuuko fretting over Susumu.
After commercial, we go to a few more homes under bakemono assault.
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Keeping Palmon under a blanket, Mimi and her parents find refuge in an elevator.
Keisuke: It's okay now. Satoe: What were those things!? Mimi: Mama, I can explain--
Before Mimi can explain, the elevator arrives at its destination and opens to about a million Bakemon. The Tachikawa family screams in unison and we cut away.
In the dub, Keisuke takes charge with a silence-breaker.
Keisuke: Run! This way! Hurry! (Family enters the elevator) Keisuke: Alright, we're all safe now. Satoe: Yeah, but honey, what are they!? Mimi: It's a long story, Mom! (Ground floor, Bakemon central)
Mimi doesn't even try to bring them up to speed this time.
Cut to the Takenouchi home. We arrive in time to see several Bakemon blasted out the door by a beam of Magical Fire. Toshiko is about having a heart attack.
Toshiko: Y-You... You're not a stuffed toy!? Piyomon: (fiercely) Where does soccer club hold their morning practice? Toshiko: (shaking with terror) In the elementary school's schoolyard.... Piyomon: I have to hurry. Sora's in danger!
When Piyomon says that, Toshiko suddenly stops shaking. All of her fear evaporates in an instant.
In the dub:
Toshiko: You just talked! I saw you! I thought you were a stuffed animal! Biyomon: Well, life's full of surprises! Where's the soccer field? Toshiko: It's down at the school! Why do you ask? Biyomon: All you need to know is: Sora's in trouble! I've got to find her!
She did a little more than talk, Toshiko. She blew a bunch of ghosts away with a spiraling death beam. XD
The Bakemon gather the people of Odaiba together at the Big Sight convention center. Vamdemon instructs PicoDevimon on where to go from here.
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Vamdemon: Separate the adults from the children and have each of the children meet Tailmon. We'll go through them all in sequence. PicoDevimon: Why overcomplicate it? Killing them all would be much quicker. Vamdemon: That doesn't suit my aesthetic. But.... (Tailmon is raised by a crane behind him) Vamdemon: You understand, of course? If you play dumb, they will all die for it.
Vamdemon doesn't have a good answer for PicoDevimon but honestly, Vamdemon's right. If you kill all of the kids without ever confirming that the Eighth Child is among them, then how can you really know for sure that you got them? What if they weren't here after all? What if they got away?
If you didn't get them, then you won't even know that this isn't over.
And even if you did, you won't have the certainty of it.
Set the haystack on fire without finding the needle and you'll never really know. You'll never have peace of mind again.
All this talk of mass slaughter's a bit too dark for the dub, of course.
Myotismon: We'll start by separating the children from their parents. Ah, how they'll scream and weep! Delicious!
The next two lines between DemiDevimon and Myotismon while they fly in are cut, replaced by various Bakemon going "Gyarkle snargle blark". Miscellaneous monster noises in place of tactical discussion.
Then, as Gatomon's being raised on the crane, she addresses Myotismon.
Gatomon: I guess you're not as powerful here in the real world as you thought you were! Myotismon: Power isn't anything I'd concern myself with if I were you, especially since you don't have any! You little traitor!
She's awfully uppity for someone who's hanging limp from a crane while Myotismon is holding all the cards and there's no sign of impending rescue. I don't know what about this situation could possibly make her think this is an appropriate context for an "Aha, see how weak you are!?" type Gotcha.
Cut to Yamato, Gabumon and Hiroaki hiding out on a scaffolding. Evidently Hiroaki's "GET THE FUCK UP AND COME WITH ME" moment earlier was him successfully getting his son clear of the impending bakemono assault. Good for him.
We've also skipped the recap on Yamato's part, it seems.
Yamato: Tell me what's happening! Hiroaki: I don't know either! But in the meantime, both of you stay safe here. Yamato: What about you, Dad?
Through the construction beams of this little hidey-hole they're in, the FCG Building can be seen right across the way.
Hiraoki: I'm going to the station. I need to contact the outside world and tell them what's happening here. Gabumon-kun, is it? Protect Yamato for me. (Hiroaki starts walking away) Gabumon: Yes, sir. Yamato: Be careful! Hiroaki: Yup. (Hiroaki leaves) Gabumon: Are we sure about this, Yamato? Yamato: We have to trust my dad.
Gabumon's iffy about letting Hiraoki go out there alone, but Yamato has faith in the man.
(I don't. What happened to the rest of his crew? Did they get eaten by Gizamon?)
In the dub:
Matt: Now, will you tell me what happened, Dad? Hiroaki: I hardly know, myself. But I want you to stay here out of sight. Matt: Where are you going? Hiroaki: The station. To try to find some way to communicate with the outside world! Smoke signals! Anything! You'll be safe here; Stay with Gabumon. (Hiroaki starts walking away) Gabumon: How do you know about me!? Matt: But Dad... HOW!? Hiroaki: Never mind how! Just be safe! (Hiroaki leaves) Gabumon: You know, I think he likes me.
According to the dub, Matt has said nothing to Hiroaki about the Digimon and just dragged Gabumon's limp, heavy frame over here. Nonetheless, Hiroaki is so well-informed that he actually knows all about Gabumon already. Uh. Somehow.
In the dub's defense, we did skip Yamato recapping things for Hiroaki and that is a little confusing. The giveaway that Hiroaki has very recently learned about Gabumon for the first time is when he addresses him as "Gabumon-kun ka."
Using か ka to end a sentence recontextualizes the preceding sentence as a question. It's basically the Japanese question mark. Hiroaki is saying Gabumon's name as a question, as if he's unsure about it.
This is implicitly something they already had to talk about on the way here, and Hiroaki only kind of gets it. But it's still pretty vague and rushed-through, and as a result the dub winds up making a grand mystery out of it. We're never going to find out why Hiroaki has known about Digimon all this time, because he hasn't.
Meanwhile, at the Yagami family's apartment complex, Taichi has a plan to save Yuuko.
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It is exactly what you'd expect of a Taichi plan, and it does not go well.
Yuuko panics when she sees Greymon explode out of the apartment complex. Presumably the neighbors' bad days also just got worse because that did a lot more damage than just taking out one apartment.
In fact, the Yagami apartment is about two or three floors down from the top of a thirteen-story complex. They made sure to go down to first or second floor before doing this. So none of the apartments they just cratered are theirs. XD
In any case, Yuuko quite reasonably flips the fuck out when Godzilla joins today's festivities.
Yuuko: A DINOSAUR!?!? NO!!!
As Greymon turns, Taichi and Hikari are on his left shoulder.
Taichi: This isn't what it looks like, Mom! Greymon, save Mom! Yuuko: NO!!! MY CHILDREN!!!
Greymon stomps over towards Yuuko, but he's suddenly cut down by a sharp slash to his arm, spraying black blood everywhere. His assailant, Phantomon, leaves it at that.
Phantomon: It's useless to resist. (thrusts his scythe to indicate direction) Now! Take them all to Vamdemon-sama!
The Bakemon force-march their captives in the direction Phantomon indicated. Yuuko desperately tries to push through the crowd
Yuuko: TAICHI!!! HIKARI!!! Greymon: MEGA FLAME!!!
Greymon suddenly lobs a sucker punch at Phantomon from his spot on the ground. Phantomon teleports before it can hit him, causing Greymon's shot to "harmlessly" blow off another chunk of the complex. But it buys them a second to act.
Greymon: I'm sorry, Taichi. I promise to save your Mom later! Right now, we have to run!
Given that it's been less than twelve hours since we tried MetalGreymon and only got one shot out of him, Greymon's probably right. We aren't in good shape to throw down with Phantomon. Greymon bails, leaving poor Yuuko down there not understanding a thing she's seeing.
Taichi & Hikari: MOM!!! Yuuko: SOMEBODY HELP!!! MY CHILDREN!!!
Right now is a bad time to be a parent in Odaiba.
In the dub:
(Greymon explodes from the building) Yuuko: Oh no! Another monster! Tai: Don't worry! This monster's on our side! Get my Mom, Greymon. Hurry! Phantomon: SHADOW SCYTHE!!! (Greymon falls to the ground, bleeding) Phantomon: Well, Greymon, it looks like your time is up. (thrusts his scythe to indicate direction) Get the rest of the crowd! Yuuko: NO!!! STOP!!! Greymon: NOVA BLAST!!! (Greymon chases off Phantomon with a sneak attack) Greymon: Sorry, Tai, I'm losing it... We'll get your Mom later... Right now, we've got to get out of here! (Greymon books it) Kari: MOMMY!!! Tai: MOM, WE'LL BE BACK!!! Yuuko: KARI!!! TAI!!!
Gotta say, I love Phantomon's dub voice. In the original, he's a high-pitched fast-talking goober. The dub plays him for ~woo spoo~ooky ghost but with a hint of menace and edge in it that really works.
Very minor quibbles: "A DINOSAUR!?!?" was a funnier reaction than "Oh no, another monster!" Also, Phantomon doesn't call his attack in the original; Greymon suddenly stopping and spewing blood comes as a total unexpected shock.
Over at the soccer field Taichi was supposed to be at, Piyomon and Toshiko have a great plan foiled by a timing.
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Pulling back the hoods on their makeshift Bakemon disguises, Piyomon and Toshiko look across an empty soccer field already pilfered by bakemono assailants.
Piyomon: We were too late.... Toshiko: (fearful) Sora....
The dub seems to think there's a trail here.
Toshiko: We'll follow them and find out where they've taken her! Biyomon: But will it work? Toshiko: ...we'll see....
It's not clear who they intend to follow, since the Bakemon are already long gone and they're standing alone in an open field. Maybe they plan on finding some other Bakemon at work elsewhere in Odaiba and following those ones.
In any case, they will be at Big Sight next we see them, so this dialogue serves as a gap-bridging purpose to explain how they get there.
Following their train of thought, we find Sora among the crowd at Big Sight. Mimi creeps up on her from behind.
Mimi: (grabbing Sora's shoulders) Sora-san! Sora: Ah! (Mimi sits next to Sora) Sora: They caught you too, Mimi-chan? Palmon: (peeks out from under the blanket) Want me to evolve?
Sora takes a quick look around the shopping center.
Sora: The enemy is all around us. Let's lay low for right now. Palmon: Got it.
The girls have an ace up their sleeve. They just need to pick their moment.
In the dub:
Mimi: (grabbing Sora's shoulders) Sora? It's you! (Mimi sits next to Sora) Sora: Oh no, Mimi! They got you too? Palmon: (peeks out from under the blanket) Psst! I can Digivolve any time. Just say the word! Sora: (looking around as she speaks) There's too many people and too many of them. (finishes) Let's see how this plays out. You'll be our trump card for later. Palmon: Got it.
Differently phrased but same ideas.
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Sora takes a look around the station and finds Yuuko with Susumu. Yuuko is weeping inconsolably.
Yuuko: The children... THE CHILDREN.... Susumu: Calm down! Yuuko: I CAN'T!!! That orange dinosaur must have eaten them by now....
Sora approaches Yuuko to offer what she knows.
Sora: Please don't worry. Yuuko: Sora-chan? Sora: The dinosaur is with us. He's going to come here with the other good Digimon and save us.
I'm glad someone was here to explain this to Yuuko. Can you imagine?
In the dub:
Yuuko: I can't stand it! I can't stand not knowing! Susumu: Calm down, dear.... Yuuko: How can I calm down!? For all we know, that monster's devoured the children by now! (Sora approaches) Sora: Don't worry; He's one of ours. Susumu & Yuuko: Huh!? Sora: There's a lot more where he came from. We've got some powerful friends. Besides, we've got truth and justice and all that good stuff on our side!
Susumu comes off as a dick in both versions. Japanese Susumu tries to get Yuuko to stop crying by barking it at her as an order. Kinda harkens back to his drunken "WHERE MY CHILDREN AT!?!?" midnight antics from the OVA. Susumu's in that grey area where he's not abusive but he still kinda sucks.
Meanwhile, dub Susumu has this whiny sound to his voice like "Ugggggh I can't believe she's doing this right now...." He's passive-aggressive instead of aggro-aggressive but still comes off as unsupportive.
Hey, Susumu? Your children have been eaten by Godzilla. You could stand to care a little about that.
Without the context of what she's talking about, Sora sounds a little deranged in both versions. But original Sora is concise and to the point about her wild rambling, while Dub Sora wanders wildly off-topic and starts ranting about superhero themes.
In her defense, she's 11. Static Shock took a lot of cues from Batman comics early in his career, before he was retconned into the DC Animated Universe proper and met Actual Batman.
The actual problem with the dub version is that Yuuko provides zero contextual information that Sora could possibly use to realize she's talking about Greymon. Sora has to conclusion-jump to her role in this scene based solely on the description, "that monster".
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Dressed in their Bakemon disguises Toshiko and Piyomon arrive at Big Sight.
(You know, there's something deliciously ironic about a human masquerading as a fake bakemono. Turnabout is fair play, assholes.)
Toshiko: Where could Sora be? Piyomon: Let's have a look inside. Toshiko: Yeah. ...um, Piyo-san, this might be a strange question but has Sora ever said that she hated me? Piyomon: Never! In fact, what she said was this.
Piyomon flashes back on Garudamon's debut episode, just after they escaped Vamdemon.
Sora: I was acting just like my Mom. Pyokomon: Sora.... Sora: That's when I realized my Mom loved me all along. Pyokomon: Ehehe! I felt it too! I felt your love! Sora: Hehe, I'm sorry about that. (Return to Present) Toshiko: (taking off her hood so we can see her smiling fondly) That girl....
Aww, now Toshiko's up to speed on Sora's character development.
In the dub:
Biyomon: Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Toshiko: Now let's go inside and find Sora! Biyomon: Right! Toshiko: Wait. This may be a strange question but, did Sora ever say... Did she tell you... Does Sora hate me? Biyomon: What!? Oh boy, do you have it wrong! (Flashback) Sora: Then I realized I was worried about you just the way my mother worries about me, and now I know for sure. My mom loved me all along. Yokomon: And it was your love that helped me Digivolve, Sora! Sora: I'm glad! (Return to Present) Toshiko: (taking off her hood so we can see her smiling fondly) Sora....
The start of this version flows awkwardly. They have Toshiko be the one to say we should go look inside, and then Toshiko interrupts Toshiko's plan to ask her question.
Also, I don't think Biyomon knows what that phrase means. "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!" would have been a great line the first time we saw the Bakemon disguises. However, for the second scene that they're disguised in, it comes out of nowhere.
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Inside Big Sight, the parents and two Chosen Children make plans. By which I mean, Susumu is trying to get himself killed in a fit of machismo.
In addition to the Yagami and Tachikawa parents, Hiroaki's crew have joined the party.
Susumu: Understood? The men will take down the guards. While we're keeping them busy, you take the women and children and you run. Yuki: Understood!
Susumu's plan of attack is "We'll get 'em with our masculinity!" This is why women live longer. That said, I see where Taichi gets it.
Suddenly, a big green mascot pats Yuki on the shoulder.
Chioka: Eh? Susumu: Do you want to help too? Mascots: (silently nod) Satoe: (standing up) Excuse me.... Susumu: What is it? Satoe: Please don't make my husband participate in such a dangerous plan! Keisuke: Huh? Hey, now-- Satoe: (to Keisuke) Not now, Sweetheart. (to the group) There are plenty of men here, so my husband doesn't have to join in, right? Susumu: Uh, ma'am, that-- Satoe: (bawling) HE'LL DIE!!! IF MY HUSBAND DIES, I'LL FOLLOW HIM IN DEATH!!! Susumu: Uhhhhh okay, okay, I understand! Well then, Tachikawa-san, you escort the women outside. Satoe: (stops crying INSTANTLY and embraces Keisuke) Isn't that great, Sweetheart!?
I also see where Mimi gets it. Tachikawa Satoe is Life Goals. She just made Yagami Susumu back the fuck off. This woman is pink as fuck and stone cold.
The dub cuts out Susumu and Yuki's initial lines, opening this scene on the mascots joining the conversation. It also gives them dialogue.
Yuki: How could it be worse? Mascot: You could work for minimum-wage in a foam rubber suit with kids kicking you all the time. Right guys? Mascots: (nod) Right! Satoe: (standing up) Ahem. Mimi: What is it, Mom? Satoe: I just can't stay in this place one second longer! Keisuke: Well, you've been wanting to get away; Look at this as a vacation. Satoe: (to Keisuke) WHO ASKED YOU TO TALK!?!? (to the group) I'm sorry, children, I didn't mean to yell. It's just that I'm not used to being held captive by creatures from another world. Chioka: Don't worry, lady; You'll get used to it. Satoe: (bawling) But I don't wanna get used to it! I wanna go home and sleep in my own bed! I wanna live life to the fullest! I wanna clean lint out of my dryer! I wanna pick up after my doggy! I wanna know what's happening on my soap operas! Wahhhhhh! Satoe: (stops crying INSTANTLY and embraces Keisuke) I'm so glad I got that off my chest.
This whole exchange sucks. They cut Susumu's entire ill-conceived plan of attack and replaced it with the mascots whining about their jobs. Uh. Nice filler dialogue but we were talking about something important.
This also means that Satoe sticking it to Susumu to defend her husband's safety gets cut. Instead, she just whines for ten seconds straight then abruptly stops for no reason. Where the original was a nice "Like mother, like daughter" moment, here we see "Like daughter, like mother"; the dub screws Mimi like this a lot too.
Keisuke and Chioka's lines are pretty bullshit too. "Think of being kidnapped by Thriller like it's a vacation?" "You'll get used to being abducted by monsters?" What the hell are these men on about?
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Before the attack begins, Sora notices that Sakurada has been hugging his radio and listening to a tape through this entire conversation.
Sora: What is he listening to? Yuki: Sakurada-kun? When he gets stressed out, he listens to sutras. Sora: Sutras?
Sora flashes back on what she learned from her Jou-senpai back on File Island.
Jou: To counter ghosts, you have to chant a sutra and pray for God's grace! Sora: Chant what!? Jou: By chanting the sutra, Bakemon-sama will lose his power!
Back in the present, Susumu is raring to go.
Yuuko: Honey.... Susumu: It'll be fine. Now, let's go, everyone!
The men suddenly attack the Bakemon crowd. Susumu, Chioka, Sakurada, and the mascots all grab metal bars and start swinging at any ghosts they see.
(Credit where it's due, getting them with raw masculinity seems to be working.)
Unfortunately, all of Susumu's ghost-punching doesn't amount to shit once the crowd is past him. More Bakemon descend on the fleeing Odaiba citizens from the front.
Sora: Listen to this!
Sora turns on Sakurada's stereo at full volume, blasting the Bakemon with Buddhist sutras. They fall helpless to the ground.
Sora: Now! Hurry! Hurry!
The crowd of hostages escapes Big Sight into the daylight! Well, what daylight can pass through the fog bank, anyway.
In the dub, since we didn't use the planning scene to plan, Sora abruptly decides we should come up with a plan.
Sora: Enough of this! We need a plan! Yuki: Yeah, Jeremiah! Why don't you help us instead of listening to those mind-over-matter tapes all the time? Sora: What'd you say? (flashback) Joe: The only way to weaken Bakemon is with mind over matter. Sora: Huh!? Mind over what!? Joe: It's an old Roman technique. You repeat a phrase over and over again and it helps you focus your mind. (Return to Present) Sora: That's it! We need some of you to attack the Bakemon, creating a diversion while the rest of us come up with a Mind Over Matter chant! Yuuko: What's that mean? Susumu: Just do what she says, alright?
Having to remove the religious elements of the Bakemon episode now has a knock-on effect that makes this scene absolutely ridiculous. Sora's plan is rooted in absolutely nothing but a bunch of nonsense Joe said to her one time that inexplicably worked.
Made even funnier because of the way they butchered the previous scene. Like. All of these adults were ready to sit here and wait to die until Sora said we should give the Bakemon a self-help seminar. And now they're like, "FUCK YES. I pledge my sword to the inane ramblings of this preteen." XD
So the assault begins.
Susumu: Half of you come with me! LET'S GET 'EM!!! (Charge!) Yuki: Women and children, follow me! (Bakemon attack the crowd) Sora: PUMP UP THE VOLUME!!! (Sora holds up the radio) Crowd: BAKEMON LOSE YOUR POWER!!! BAKEMON LOSE YOUR POWER!!! (The Bakemon fall to the ground and the crowd escapes)
The curse of the Mind Over Matter chant continues to plague this scene. Sora said we need to come up with something but then they just reuse Joe's. I guess they got impatient.
More glaringly, the plan is for the crowd to chant something. When Sora holds up the radio, nothing comes out of it. They have no recording saying "Bakemon lose your power". How would they? It's the crowd that all chants the words at once.
So. Like. Why did she take Jeremiah's radio away from him and then brandish it at the Bakemon if it has no bearing on this fight?
Escaping into the foggy daylight, Satoe cheers.
Satoe: Yay! We made it outside!
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Whoops, too early for jubilation. We have a third new Digimon to analyze this episode.
DarkTyranomon is an Adult-stage Virus-type Dinosaur Digimon. They're from the Pagumon evolution tree like Gizamon, but are not available for Gizamon to evolve into. They're basically peak evolution for their tree's Adult-stage; A well cared for Pagumon will become Gazimon, and a Gazimon that's well cared for and supremely well trained will become DarkTyranomon.
Satoe: There's another one! Narrator: DarkTyranomon. A ferocious Digimon whose heart and body were infected by a computer virus. His special attack is Fire Blast.
While everyone panics, Keisuke gently pushes Satoe off of him with a fierce look on his face. He runs off into the crowd.
Satoe: Where are you going!?
Jumping into a nearby motor scooter, he scoots into action to avenge his earlier emasculation.
Keisuke: I am... A MAAAAAAAAAAN--
DarkTyranmon's gigantic claw slaps the scooter and sends Keisuke flying ineffectually through the air to his doom. This is why women live longer.
In the dub:
Satoe: We made it! We're safe at last! DarkTyranomon: (exists) Satoe: Oops, spoke too soon. Palmon: (rundown) It's DarkTyranomon! He was actually a nice guy once until he was taken over by an evil computer virus and his personality did a 180. (Keisuke suddenly separates from Satoe and runs into the crowd) Satoe: Huh? Where are you going? Keisuke: (scooter) YOU COULDN'T BE IN SAFER HAAAAAAANDS-- (Swipe)
A lot of the comedy of this scene didn't make it through. Satoe's reaction to DarkTyranomon is too reserved. Since we lost Keisuke's emasculation in the earlier butchered scene, we also lose the punchline to it here; He suddenly makes shockingly bad choices for no reason and it's not half as funny.
That said, Palmon's diegetic rundown covers all the pertinent information and is good.
Watching Keisuke fly through the air, Mimi has feelings. That she punches DarkTyranomon in the face with.
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Palmon rushes through one of the fastest evolution stock animations we've ever had to preserve the momentum, then uppercuts DarkTyranomon to the ground. Our ace in the hole has now officially been launched.
While Togemon's keeping DarkTyranomon busy, the Tachikawa women hurry to Keisuke's side.
Satoe: Are you okay, Honey? Keisuke: I am, but I made a fool of myself. Satoe: No, that's not true. You were very cool out there! Keisuke: Really? Satoe: Really! (hugs Keisuke) Keisuke: REALLY!? Satoe: REALLY!!!
While Gomez and Morticia are enjoying each other's company, Togemon and DarkTyranomon are still having it out. DarkTyranomon has hoisted Togemon up into his claws, giving her a great vantage from which to juggle punches into his face.
Mimi: Hey, this isn't the time for that! Keisuke: Once in a while doesn't hurt. Satoe: Yeah! Mimi: But you're always like this!
Mimi's parents wear their hearts on their sleeves. Again, it's easy to see where she gets it from.
In the dub, Togemon gets to quip as she comes out.
Mimi: DAAAAAAAD!!! (Palmon evolves and Togemon uppercuts DarkTyranomon) Togemon: Back to the Stone Age with you! Mimi: Dad! Daaaad! (The Tachikawa women run to Keisuke) Satoe: Honeybunch, are you okay? Keisuke: Ugh... I guess I made a fool of myself, huh? Satoe: Mm-mm. Don't be ridiculous. That was the bravest thing I ever saw! Keisuke: Really? Satoe: Really. (hugs Keisuke) Keisuke: You mean it!? Satoe: I mean it! Keisuke: Oh, honey.... (Fight raging) Mimi: Uh, Mom? Dad? I hate to ruin this love fest but maybe we should run for cover or something!
Dub Mimi is a lot more supportive of her parents' mushy PDAs, which means we lose a funny gag and a fun bit of characterization.
Unfortunately, the fight takes a turn while the Tachikawa parents are having their moment.
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DarkTyranomon throws Togemon down on her back, then follows up with their Fire Blast.
Mimi: Ganbatte, Togemon! Togemon: (pained) ...I'm trying to ganbatte....
As a reminder, ganbatte is the Japanese cultural construct of perseverance in the face of tremendous hardship, using hard work and dedication to pull through and overcome the impossible.
While Togemon's struggling, the Bakemon regroup. They chase the crowd back inside the convention center. Sora runs around blasting the sutra with Sakurada's radio, but there's only so much she can do.
Mimi: Why? Why!? Why are they doing this to us!?
We see Susumu's group inside, still fighting it out with the Bakemon. Back out here, the regrouped Bakemon swarm towards Mimi's parents.
Mimi: (tears in her eyes) I can't let this... I WON'T LET ALL OF THESE DIGIMON DO THIS!!!
The dub puts a commercial break on Togemon getting Fire Blasted, which is a pretty good pick for a commercial cliffhanger. Then we return on Mimi inexplicably telling Togemon to abandon everyone.
Mimi: It's no use! Save yourself! Togemon: (pained) I got it under control, no problem.... (Bakemon regroup) Mimi: Oh, this is the end. It's over. Myotismon will rule the world. (Bakemon swarm towards Mimi's parents) Mimi: (tears in her eyes) This is terrible! Now my family's going to suffer and so are my friends! There's got to be something I can do!
The dub doesn't play Mimi's meltdown half as hard as original Mimi's. Mimi has never wanted to be a part of that world, and now all the hardship and trauma has followed her home. She's never understood why this has to be her life.
Here, it's basically a tantrum that actualizes her power. Not unlike the one from that destroyed Devimon's Black Gear. Not unlike the one her mother just used to vanquish Susumu. The Tachikawa women channel incredible power when they let their feelings run wild.
Mimi doesn't want to have to fight these Digimon conflicts. She just wants it to stop. So her feelings erupt and she claims the power that will make it stop. Mimi fights so that she won't have to fight again.
Dub Mimi falls into despair because the bad guys are winning. Then she quietly decides to try and help, and somehow that's sufficient to light her Crest. It lacks both the emotional power and the resonance with her storyline to this point.
Mimi's overwhelming feelings cause her Crest to ignite. Togemon CHOU-SHINKAAAAAA!!!
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Let's have a warm round of applause for the best evolved form of an Adventure 01 Digimon, Lilimon!
Mimi: Togemon evolved? Lilimon: FLOWER CANNON!!!
Lilimon announces herself by pelting DarkTyranomon in the chest with her Flower Cannon, and we go into her rundown.
Lilimon is a Perfect-stage Data-type Fairy Digimon. She would not release as a V-Pet until several months after this episode aired, when she became part of the 0.5 rerelease for Wind Guardians - Replacing Blossomon as Togemon's Perfect evolution.
Mimi: Lilimon? Lilimon: Hi! Mimi! Narrator: A Perfect-stage Fairy Digimon who flies through the sky using the four wings on her back. That is Lilimon! Her special attack is Flower Cannon.
Between letting Phantomon cut him off and now changing up the typical rundown format so he can respond directly to Mimi, the narrator's rundowns have been pretty fun this episode.
Lilimon: (teasing) Am I in bad taste? Mimi: Not at all. You're so pretty! And cute! Lilimon: Thank you!
Once the rundown's finished, Lilimon immediately pays off the "bad taste" bit from earlier and makes Mimi eat her words. As she should because Lilimon Best Evolution.
The dub calls her "Lillymon", not only changing out the second I for a Y to shore it up into English but then promptly misspelling the word "lily" with a second L. Um.
Mimi: Where'd she come from!? Lillymon: FLOWER CANNON!!! (Lillymon blasts DarkTyranomon) Mimi: Whoa! Who are you!? Lillymon: It's just li'l ol' me! Lillymon: (rundown) Or should I say "little old us"? I'm Palmon and Togemon too! This is just my fully Digivolved form. You can call me Lillymon! Lillymon: Am I in bad taste? Mimi: No way. I'm sorry I ever said that. Lillymon: No biggie!
Dub Mimi apologizes for the objectionable comment, while original Mimi gushes over how cool Lilimon is. Both are valid ways to play this scene. It does make Dub Mimi come across as a little more mature than Original Mimi, but it wouldn't be the first time.
Though I'm not a fan of how 2/3 of the dub exchange including the rundown have to be spent explaining how Digivolution works to Mimi. Really? We're how many episodes into this?
DarkTyranomon tries to take a swipe at Lilimon from behind, but she's too nimble and easily dodges it.
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Lilimon: Ehehe! Try and catch me if you can! Mimi: Be careful! Lilimon: Hey, Mimi! Your tears of purity helped me evolve. I want to cherish that heart of yours. That's why.... Mimi: What are you going to do? Lilimon: Watch this! HANA NO KUBIKAZARI!!!
Though her Flower Cannon is spoken in English, her second attack Hana no Kubikazari is in Japanese. It translates to "Flower Necklace". Lilimon zips around DarkTyranomon's neck, creating a ring of flowers that pacifies them.
Lilimon: I've removed the evil virus from them using my flower power. They're not our enemy anymore. (pets DarkTyranomon) Good boy. Mimi: SO COOL!!!
Lilimon can produce flowers that unfuck viruses. There is so much we could do with that!
In the dub:
Lillymon: Whoopsy! You'll have to be quicker than that! Mimi: Be careful! Lillymon: Your wish to save your family and friends brought me into existence. Mimi, you're a very special girl even though your wardrobe sometimes clashes. Mimi: What do you mean? Lillymon: Later! Right now, I have a dinosaur to tame! (Lillymon creates the Flower Necklace but doesn't call the attack) Lillymon: My flower wreath counteracted the evil computer virus, so he ought to be as gentle as a lamb from now on. (pets DarkTyrannomon) Nice Tyrannomon. Thattaboy.
Lillymon's too busy quipping to queue up her decision to use the Flower Necklace, despite the fact that explaining said decision is the point of her heartfelt monologue. She chooses mercy for DarkTyranomon to reflect Mimi's disdain for all this violence and desire for a peaceful life.
Mimi fights so that she won't have to fight anymore. Respecting her values, Lilimon uses her powers to end this without having to fight.
Unfortunately. And very symbolically. Mimi cannot have the peace she desires.
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Vamdemon: Are we having a tea ceremony? BLOODY STREAM!!!
Mocking the hyper-femininity of this sweet moment we're having, Vamdemon cuts in and executes DarkTyranomon. One lash of his attack is all it takes to make DarkTyranomon disintegrate into pixels. The only thing left behind is the Flower Necklace, which hangs in the air for just a moment before falling hopelessly to the ground.
Vamdemon has seen Mimi and Lilimon's mercy, and answered that there will be violence. There will be blood. Mercy is not an option so long as he's driving this war.
Lilimon: How could you do that!? Vamdemon: Hmph. All I did was rid myself of unnecessary rubbish. You're next. BLOODY STREAM!!!
Vamdemon lashes at Lilimon with his whip. She darts away, dancing around his attack and returning fire with Flower Cannon. The fight is back on.
From here, the dub starts putting scenes out-of-order again. This is the last scene in their version, so we're gonna come back to this when the dub gets here. For the original, we leave Mimi here for the episode to go check in on how everyone else is doing.
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Jou has finally made it to Hinode, only to discover that the boats are shut down too. He's so distraught, he starts complaining about the education system.
Jou: The boats won't work either... How do I get through that fog? Gomamon: Jou, don't they teach you that in cram school? Jou: Of course not! Stuff like how to make a fire or how to wash dishes? You never learn that in a cram school! Gomamon: Then what do they teach you? Jou: Who cares about that? What matters right now is that fog.
In the dub:
Joe: I should have known. What made me think the boats would be running when nothing else is? Gomamon: It could be worse. We could be stuck in some crazy-- Joe: Please stop saying it could be worse. I have news for you, pal: It is worse! The whole world is stuck in turmoil and we're waiting for a ride into town! Gomamon: We might as well just give up right now. Joe: Well, I wouldn't go that far. After all, it could be worse. Myotismon: Ahahahahaha HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Joe: Huh!?
Jou's dissatisfaction with the education system is replaced by a funny exchange about the phrase "it could be worse". Which is then inexplicably interrupted by Myotismon laughing so hard he can be heard three miles away at Hinode Pier. DemiDevimon must have just told a hell of a good joke.
I think they just couldn't come up with a valid reason for Joe to suddenly look at the fog when Jou says "What matters right now is that fog."
Takeru and Natsuko are on a train heading in; They're still far enough out that they haven't been stopped yet.
Hiroaki is sneaking around the FCG Building, avoiding a patrolling Bakemon.
Hiroaki: (thinking) Maybe if I try the satellite broadcast... That might work.
In the dub:
Hiroaki: Maybe if I can just get to that satellite dish....
Taichi and Hikari run past the scaffolding where Yamato's hiding out with Gabumon. Taichi is carrying the exhausted Agumon on his back. He's also holding Hikari's hand so she doesn't fall behind.
Taichi: Are you okay? Agumon: Eh, sort of.... Yamato: TAICHI!!! Taichi: Huh? Yamato: Over here! Taichi: Yamato!?
Taichi joins Yamato inside the partially constructed building. The boys go talk things through while Hikari tends to Agumon's injured arm.
Hikari: Does it still hurt? Agumon: It's gotten a lot better. Yamato: WHAT DID YOU SAY!?!? Taichi: It's true! Hikari is the Eighth Child!
So now three of the eight Chosen Children know the truth about Hikari.
In the dub:
In the dub:
Tai: You okay, Agumon? Agumon: I've felt better. Matt: TAI!!! Tai: Huh!? Matt: UP HERE!!! Tai: Matt!? Is that you!? Hey, we gotta talk! (Cut to interior) Kari: You feel any better? Agumon: A lot better; Thanks, Kari. Matt: What!? You're kidding me! Tai: No, it's true! Kari is the Eighth Child!
I really like Tai's "We gotta talk!" here. Delivered with all the urgency of someone who has news that will blow Matt's mind. And he does!
Meanwhile, back inside Big Sight, Sora's plan has run its course. This little rebellion is over.
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Phantomon destroys Sakurada's radio, disarming Sora of her only weapon.
Phantomon: Try chanting the Buddha's name this time so you can die a peaceful death!
Phantomon is referencing a Buddhist belief that dying with the Buddha on your mind will positively affect your dharma and allow you to reincarnate into a better form than you would otherwise. You don't have to do the chanting yourself; Others can chant it for you. The important thing is that the Buddha is the last thought on your mind when you pass.
Two eerily grounded Bakemon approach Sora, grabbing her by the arms.
Phantomon: Your life is mine! Bakemon?: Not so fast! Phantomon: What.
Toshiko and Piyomon shed their garments, with Piyomon evolving instantly. Birdramon rushes Phantomon and the Bakemon horde, buying Toshiko and Sora a moment to reunite.
Toshiko: (embracing Sora) Sora... (After a moment, they stand up) Sora: Mom... Toshiko: You have to escape, Sora. Sora: You come too!
More Bakemon reinforcements close in on them. Toshiko stands out in front of her daughter, barking at her.
Toshiko: HURRY UP AND GO!!! Sora: MOOOOOOM!!!
Toshiko and Sora may not be able to connect over their interests, but if there was ever any doubt that Toshiko loves her....
The original episode ends here on Sora's scream.
Over in the dub, Phantomon has the unenviable task of having to try and make a deadly threat out of a self-help mantra that wasn't even coming out of the radio to begin with.
Phantomon: Enough! That new-age psychobabble won't help you where you're going, my pretty little miss!
He almost succeeds but then he gets super weird in the last four words. He also then clarifies that this wasn't a veiled threat; He really is dialing the violence down and just intends to put Sora in captivity.
Phantomon: Seize her! Take her away! Bakemon?: Boo! Phantomon: ...what? (Biyomon Digivolves) Phantomon: Oh, it's just a bird. A large bird, I grant you. (Birdramon rushes them) Phantomon: A LARGE ANGRY BIRD AUUUUGH!!!
Though the "Boo!" line is weak, the silence-breakers added to Birdramon's attack are amazing. Gold star. XD
Toshiko: (embraces Sora) Sora.... Sora: Oh, Mom. I'm so.... Toshiko: There's no time now, Honey. You've got to get out of here! Hurry! Sora: But what about you? (Bakemon reinforcements arrive) Toshiko: GET MOVING!!! I'LL BE FINE!!! Sora: NO!!! MOTHER!!!
This lands almost as hard except for one confusing point. Was Sora about to apologize to Toshiko for this morning's drama? Apologize for what? Going to soccer practice?
Maybe she meant to apologize for being unfair to Toshiko over the knee injury way back when. There was blame to go around there. But in recent memory Sora hasn't done anything wrong.
I don't know. It's not bad or contradictory for Sora to have apologetic feelings towards her mom given their relationship as a whole. Just a little awkward that she's trying to apologize right now for something that has barely been touched on in this episode, in a scene she wasn't part of.
Finally, while the original ends here with Toshiko's sacrifice, the dub loops back around to end with Mimi and Lillymon facing off against Myotismon.
Mimi: We woooooooon! Myotismon: We'll see about that. Back to the Digital World with you! (DarkTyranomon dies returns to the Digital World safe and sound) Lillymon: You are such a bad sport! Myotismon: You meddlesome little flower child! It's time I plucked your petals! CRIMSON LIGHTNING!!!
They then cut the footage of Lilimon dodging Vamdemon's attack and returning fire with her Flower Cannon, leaving her fate more ambiguous and desperate than seeing her give as good as she gets against Myotismon might have otherwise.
Narrator: Will Lillymon withstand Myotismon's Crimson Lightning or will Mimi lose her best friend? Next time on Digimon: Digital Monsters!
XD None of the above; She dodged it, asshole. Fuck out of here with your patriarchal false dichotomies!
Assessment: Lilimon is the best and her debut episode sees the plot ramping up, as Vamdemon abandons all pretense of a stealthy infiltration now that he's narrowed down the Eighth Child's location to a single district. We aren't sneaking around doing Animorphs shit anymore; We are going loud and doing last five or so Animorphs volumes shit.
The parents are now in on it, to varying degrees, and it's great to see them stepping up for their kids. Mimi's parents are adorable and hilarious, Sora's mom is trying to reconcile, Yamato's dad is a badass, and Taichi's dad beat up ghosts with a metal bar.
I said it before, but you really can see the traits that trickled down into the Chosen Children embedded in their parents. Where they inherited their best qualities, and also their worst.
The dub is fantastic for about 2/3 of the episode but then shits the bed once we hit Big Sight and never fully recovers. It does slowly recover, but never fully.
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deathmoth-blog · 3 months
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The hummingbird hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum) is a species of hawk moth found across temperate regions of Eurasia. The species is named for its similarity to hummingbirds, as they feed on the nectar of tube-shaped flowers using their long proboscis while hovering in the air; this resemblance is an example of convergent evolution.
The hummingbird hawk-moth is distributed throughout the northern Old World from Portugal to Japan, but it breeds mainly in warmer climates (southern Europe, North Africa, and points east). Three generations are produced in a year in Spain. There is evidence that the population in the British Isles is actively expanding its range, as numbers have been consistently increasing. In addition, it is believed that this population is becoming resident instead of migratory, as warmer temperatures due to climate change are allowing individuals to overwinter.
It is a strong flier, dispersing widely in the summer. However it rarely survives the winter in northern latitudes (e.g. north of the Alps in Europe, north of the Caucasus in Russia).
Moths in the genus Hemaris, also of the family Sphingidae, are known as "hummingbird moths" in the US, and "bee moths" in Europe.[citation needed] This sometimes causes confusion between this species and the North American genus.
Its long proboscis (25–28 mm (1.0–1.1 in)) and its hovering behavior, accompanied by an audible humming noise, make it look remarkably like a hummingbird while feeding on flowers. Like hummingbirds, it feeds on flowers which have tube-shaped corollae. It should not be confused with the moths called hummingbird moths in North America, genus Hemaris, members of the same family and with similar appearance and behavior. The resemblance to hummingbirds is an example of convergent evolution. It flies during the day, especially in bright sunshine, but also at dusk, dawn, and even in the rain, which is unusual for even diurnal hawkmoths. M. stellatarum engages in free hovering flight, which allows more maneuverability and control than fixed-wing flight, despite high energetic cost. Like many large insects, it relies upon Johnston's organs for body positioning information.
The hummingbird hawkmoth's visual abilities have been studied extensively, and they have demonstrated a relatively good ability to learn colours. They have a trichromatic visual system, and are most sensitive to wavelength in the range of 349-521 nm. They have been shown to discriminate a wavelength difference as small as 1–2 nm between sources. This discrimination is even more precise than Apis mellifera, or the western honey bee. Among other flower visitors, their visual system is similar to Papilio xuthus, or the Asian swallowtail butterfly, and Deilephila elpenor, the nocturnal elephant hawkmoth. Their food preference is based mainly on visual identification, while D. elpenor preference relies upon olfactory identification. Compared to D. elpenor, M. stellatarum have a much smaller number of ommatidia, but a larger optic lobe volume to provide more visual processing tissue.
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Jonah - a Magnus Archives fic
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An AU Somewhere Else - part of the Magnus Monsterverse series.
Spoilers for the whole podcast.
He’d spent decades floating, chanting the terrors of the terrorized in iambic meter, a repeated buh-DAH pulsing like a literal beating heart, and somehow I knew that the Eye didn’t do that on purpose, but that was Jonah’s wish.
Because he was a dramatic, overclocked asshole who had to make everything a show.
The desire to just… fall upon this floating, ruined, filthy man and tear him to pieces, to bite into him and rip into him and leave him in bloodied screaming shreds, scared me very badly.
The Alps was about as vague a location as it was possible to get.
The mountains stretched over eight countries and nearly 1,200 kilometers. A massive orobiome covering 200 habitats, nearly 5,000 combined species of plants, birds, flowers, and animals, it had rivers and valleys, glaciers and peaks, and the only reason I knew we were in Austria was because I… knew.
We were deep in the mountains themselves, hidden in stone, gently swathed in bedrock. She’d made the place somehow… cozy? No plants or anything, but there were beanbag chairs and colorful throws. I caught scents of baked cookies, and vintage jazz piped from somewhere down the hall.
She walked at speed, having opened the portal right at the start of this bizarre, white structure in the middle of a mountain, and I guessed she might want to show it off.
I had to jog to follow her.
“Sorry to rush you,” Manuela said, waving her hand vaguely in the direction of a fifty-year-old poster with an animated, misshapen horse and human girl galloping along a rainbow. “But these things swing into position rarely enough as it is.”
“I’d love a little more explanation.”
She sighed, taking a right—and suddenly we were away from any pretense of cozy. Here were the blinding whites, the sterile smells, various doors with stenciled numbers on them and tiny windows, all manner of little keypads with glowing buttons. “So… think of it like a… a baby’s cot mobile? Sort of?”
“Worlds dangling on strings to entertain the still-developing?” I drawled.
“Right, lousy example,” she said, and took a left.
At last, we encountered security. She used a palm print, an eye-scan, and a keycard for each successive door, and I couldn’t help but notice that she tapped something on a keypad after each one, as well (telling the system I was friendly, at least for this individual trip, the Eye informed me).
This hall felt… weird. Hot? Not hot. Radiation? I knew. “Why are we being bombarded with actual galactic cosmic rays?”
“We’re both immune to them,” says Manuela.
“Are you sure?” I say, my voice cracking.
“Completely. And it’s happening because… well, come and see.”
The weight of the mountain atop us was beginning to frighten me. I could feel it, approximately 21,4285,714.2857 stone above and around us, and—
Approximately? Very funny, Eye. “Do… do you bring everyone through here?” I said.
“No, most of them couldn’t handle the radiation very well,” she said. “But it’s nice to be able to show someone.”
“I will need to do something with my clothes before returning to Martin,” I said firmly.
“Oh, he’d be fine.”
“He… he would?” Why didn’t I know that?
“He’s immune to this, too, so yes.”
“Later, all right? We’re in a rush.” She turned one last time, led me through one last door, and we were basically on the bridge of the Enterprise. (I was proud of myself for making that connection.)
Three levels, sort of stadium style. Chairs, bolted to the floor, each before a currently unoccupied control panel, lights blinking. The front wall was one enormous metal panel, which I knew slid down to reveal… “What is that?” I whispered.
Manuela smiled. “Welcome to reality.” And with all due grandeur, the metal panel moved.
The air sucked out of the room. I didn’t need to breathe; and right now, neither did she—she’d manifested some kind of other atmosphere around herself and around me in a bubble, a weird cut-out glimpse of blue sky and butterflies and green grass, and I stared at her before gawking at the reality she dared to show me.
It was like an orrery, but this was no model. No wires. No strings. Only worlds.
Worlds within worlds, overlapping each other. Doubled, tripled, sometimes halved, smoothly sweeping by in an orbit so huge I struggled to comprehend it, if “orbit” was even the word. Each world was not alone; each one mimicked itself, mirrored, twisting that reflection into variations until it was impossible to tell which was original and which was not.
(The Eye knew. The Eye could delineate them for me, and I suddenly saw which worlds were ended, which worlds were not, which worlds had been ruined by one of the Fears, which worlds had—)
“There’s your Martin’s,” said Maneula, and I looked.
Indeed. A quiet, mist-wreathed world, gray; supernaturally so, because even as it was, it should have reflected blue. It was empty. Looking at it made my stomach ache, as if I hadn’t eaten in days. Then it swept past and was gone.
“How many are there?” I blurted.
“Hundreds,” said Manuela. “But more to the point, they’re either not all ready for rescue, or the avatar in question died, or their cycle—as I call it—doesn’t come into range of my abilities very often.”
“And… this Jonah…” My stomach ached for another reason.
“He’s ready.”
I shook. I couldn’t seem to stop shaking. “I’m… not sure I…”
Manuela sighed. “Look. I’ll be square with you, okay? We have ninety seconds until his world swings into my reach, and yes, I’m going to grab him.”
My teeth chattered. I didn’t give them permission to do that. (How the hell do eyeballs chatter, anyway?)
“This was originally Leitner’s idea,” she said, which was not surprising. “He wants us all to get along, and from what Martin told us of your particular tale, this one… is a hurdle.”
“You don’t say.” I couldn’t help how I sounded, so dry, so dismissive, so mean.
She didn’t take it personally. “This isn’t your Jonah. This Jonah is practically a child. He was twenty-three years old when he became a full avatar of the Eye, and twenty-nine when he ended the world.”
Younger than I’d been.
I can’t… process that. “How did it happen? How did all of these happen? They’re supposed to be able to bring in all the Fears, have all the marks. So how did it happen?”
She looked so surprised. “What?”
“What do you mean, what? You heard me! How, statistically, could all of them have the same—”
“Here he comes,” she interrupted. “I need you, Jon. We have to do this together.”
I did not have words for how little I wanted this. “Manuela!”
A world swung into view. So much closer than the others, filling the screen and filling my—
The whole world, WATCHED
Oh… oh, the Eye liked this one, yes It did (though not as much as me), and was so disappointed it had ended so soon.
It fed on him there. Fed through him, forcing him to know all the terrible things that ever were and to re-live them for Its happiness, because It loved his screams and his tears and his torment and
This was not what had happened to me.
“Steady,” said Manuela. “Steady.”
I didn’t want to see.
I had to see.
She opened.
Herself, her entire being like a mouth, split down the middle.
Inside her were stars, eternal and unending.
I gasped, saw to the end of everything, knew what she contained inside herself even though she did not, and she
The man who floated from his dead world was and was not the one I had known, and the eagerness of the Eye for us to get along almost hurt my heart, or whatever giant eyeball stood in for it.
He was… in rags, in clothes that barely looked like anything now, but I caught a memory of what it had been—a high waist and puffed chest, an almost feminine silhouette by modern standards, fluttery fullness at the sleeve caps that guaranteed eye-catching movement with every gesticulation. The tailcoat, waistcoat, and long trousers had cut him a fine figure, classy and contemporary for his time.
And then he’d ended the world, and clothes ceased to matter.
He’d spent decades floating, chanting the terrors of the terrorized in iambic meter, a repeated buh-DAH pulsing like a literal beating heart, and somehow I knew that the Eye didn’t do that on purpose, but that was Jonah’s wish.
Because he was a dramatic, overclocked asshole who had to make everything a show.
The desire to just… fall upon this floating, ruined, filthy man and tear him to pieces, to bite into him and rip into him and leave him in bloodied screaming shreds, scared me very badly.
I hated him. I hated him. I would have killed him in my world if we’d made it to the Panopticon together. I would have done what I did in Martin’s timeline. I would have stabbed him until he died.
(And that was… frightening, because now it made me question how many other versions of me really were me, just with different opportunities given.)
“Easy,” said Manuela, her voice coming from far away and right here at the same time.
Before of all the control panels (and whom were those for, what did they do, why were they here, if necessary why unstaffed, why—) was a simple rectangle I now realize was a table. I saw no restraints.
It turned out she needed no restraints.
She lay him down without touching him, exhaled heavily as though she’d been carrying a great burden (with which we can all agree), and then came back together into one, seamless Manuela, whole and panting.
The world we’d taken him from slid away and was gone. Empty, now; it was empty. Anything of the Fears left there would starve.
(Or find Hill Top Road and go elsewhere, I presumed, but I had no time to analyze that now.)
Jonah Magnus lay on the table, looking nothing at all like Elias Bouchard.
Elias had been a pleasant-looking, well-kept middle-aged man. Dignified; he’d looked like someone who’d come from money, whose family had bred for it, who’d lived his whole damn life with spa days, or whatever the hell the rich did with themselves.
This man was pretty, and I wanted to tear off his face for it.
Of course, he wasn’t pretty now. If this was anything like the way I’d looked when I’d been rescued, I could see why Martin had not known who I was for certain.
He was encrusted. Tangles of hair like rope hung heavily from his head. His nails had curlicued, his beard had matted, his clothes had disintegrated; every inch of exposed skin was blackened, covered in muck, and half of what remained of his outfit was covered in mold.
But I knew what he had been.
Pale. Like someone who spent all his time indoors, reading. Surprisingly blond hair (I could not picture Elias as anything but authoritarian salt-and-pepper), all of which was kept just long enough to curl playfully. A tease. A mouth that smiled easily, clever blue eyes that focused, made one feel heard, properly listened to, and now stared wide without comprehension. Pink lips. Why did he have pink lips?
He had not looked dangerous. That was the key, wasn’t it, to all of this? He’d even dressed to ensure he had not; no one could guess he was secretly shitty, reading their minds, spying on their most private thoughts, leveraging their hidden shame and hidden terror to drive them to madness or violence or death.
Wickedness could only hide for so long under a false flesh elegance, and I could see it all.
He was gasping now, gaze darting everywhere.
“Jonah,” said Manuela. “Jonah, do you hear me?”
Behind us, the door opened, and Sasha came in at a jog. “Sorry I’m late! Oh, you’ve already got him, good! Hi, Jon.”
I swallowed, staring at Jonah. Resisting. If I popped off now, I knew I’d endanger my own life here. My time with Martin. I couldn’t do that.
“You sure this was a good idea?” Manuela muttered to Sasha.
“Yes. He’s going to be just fine. It’s important for them both, anyway.”
“That one never knew Jonathan Sims, but… well. From what you said, he thinks he’s the bee’s knees, right?”
Manuela snorted. “From what I can tell, he thinks he’s the Ceaseless Watcher’s best beloved.”
Well. I could definitely fix that.
(Was I really going to leverage my unwanted favored status with a god made of fear to hurt this horrible man’s feelings? Yes. Yes, I was.)
Sasha and Manuela both leaned over him now. “Jonah? Do you hear me, Jonah?” said Sasha.
His rolling eyes, mad-cow-wide, fixed on her.
Then he started screaming.
This didn’t seem to be unexpected. Whatever Manuela had in place here kept him down, and he couldn’t flail, get up, run, anything; the odor of him had reached me by now—the sour, rotten smell of a body unwashed in decades—and I knew that he smelled himself, too, and didn’t know what it was any more than he knew where he was, and that lack of knowledge frightened.
Good. I wanted him frightened.
But the Eye wasn’t done, and I’d let too much of It in to get all the information I had today, and so I knew  the Eye liked him (Why? I whined at It), and I knew, too, his ruined regret.
Knew that after he’d found a way to tear the Veil (the what?) and create the world he thought would be so grand, that after the people he so loved to watch all began to die, that after it all went as wrong as he fully deserved it to, he finally experienced through brute force a thing he’d never known all his life: agony belonging to other people.
He had no empathy. Had never known it. Like Mike Crew, simply did not have the ability to feel what others went through, and so it only made sense to look out for himself and nobody else, and so that’s what he’d done—studying, reading, worshiping (for whatever value of that word), giving his fear and other people’s to the Eye he’d chosen to follow, and when he’d torn the Veil (there was that word again) and made a new world, he thought he’d finally be happy forever.
He wasn’t.
His world survived for twenty-two years before everyone died.
The first fifteen years alone, being eaten, he couldn’t understand why. He’d done it all right; why did he have to feel badly? As though, unlike him, the people he’d sacrificed had somehow deserved it—which he’d thought because they were less smart than he, less talented than he, just less.
The next five years alone, being eaten, he knew he’d fucked up. Miscalculated. Hadn’t considered what could happen if everyone finally died and only he remained.
The next thirty-eight years were spent in a cycle of terror, completely absorbed by the lives It pushed through him, forcing him into a conduit he was never meant to be, utterly overwhelming himself.
He’d suffered.
He didn’t fully understand why he’d suffered—he blamed miscalculation, not his own horrible decisions.
I hated him. I wanted him hurting. I…
Damn. Stop it, I said, because I did not want to feel this. Don’t… SHOW me this! I said, because seeing him sob and writhe for year after year wasn’t pleasing, not to me, because I bloody well did have empathy, and it was horrible to watch.
I wanted him punished, yes, but this was not that. This was torture. It wasn’t the same.
He’d screamed himself out, straining so hard that he’d sweated through some of the grime on his skin (and how the hell he still even had moisture in his body was wild to consider—I could clearly see he wasn’t made of eyes), and he was weeping now, like a stupid little boy.
“We’ve got you. You’re safe,” Sasha kept saying.
“Calm down. You’re all right,” said Manuela.
And he wept (good), and he shuddered (better), and he did not understand which was his biggest fear of all (best), and then he glanced beyond them and laid eyes on me.
He froze with a gasp.
My teeth chattered. I clenched my jaw to stop it. There were no emotions for this. For all of this. None. Satisfaction, guilt over that, hatred, a sadism I disliked to find in myself, a tiny bit of horror because I know this kindness had been done for me and I deserved it no more than he did, confusion that Martin would love me when this monster and I were so much the same, terrified anticipation as to what would happen next—
“God?” he said to me, and then his eyes rolled back in his head and he passed out, drooling.
Oh, for the love of hell.
“Finally,” said Sasha. “That first nap took a while.”
“The first one always does. Jon was what, a week plus?”
“Yes, but we expected weirdness with him,” said Sasha. “A thousand years? Pfft.”
“Ahem,” I said. “I am right here.”
“Did you  just say, ‘ahem?’”
Men made of eyes could redden, and I did. “Shut up.”
“Sorry,” said Sasha, who was not.
“So what do you think?” said Manuela to me.
Sasha gave her a dry look.
“Think,” I repeated.
“Salvageable?” said Manuela cheerfully, because she was a little bit of a sociopath herself, wasn’t she, because this was all really great fun to make work right, wasn’t it, and she did not share my horror.
Sasha at least had a look of understanding and pity. “You don’t have to pronounce anything right now, of course.”
“Why are you asking me?” I said, evenly, my tone so hard it hurt my throat.
“Because next to you, he’s been in it the longest, and… well, you have a history,” said Manuela. “We want this to work. We need you to work together, at least by choice. He’ll be important as we fight the hunters, as we figure out how to prevent the Fears from taking this world.”
“Stopping rituals, all of that?” I said too casually.
“Not exactly,” said Sasha. “We—”
“What’s the Veil?” I said.
They stared at me. Looked at each other.
Sasha laughed. “Oh, Jon, I missed you.”
“How… who did you…” Manuela started.
“He’s Eye.”
“That doesn’t matter. He can’t know that. An eye can’t see itself.”
“What?” I said.
“Later,” said Manuela.
“Look,” I said. “I’m getting such a huge pile of things to talk about later that it’s threatening to tumble forward off the folding table and all over the gods-damned floor.”
They stared at me again, and then both of them laughed.
I wish I knew why. I wish I could see this as unserious as they seemed to. I wish I could share the freedom to laugh in the middle of this horror, their confidence it would all be all right.
Sasha came to me while Manuela fussed over Jonah, using some kind of tool to begin removing his clothes. “Hey,” said Sasha. “I’m sorry. You know so much, and you’re so familiar to me, it… well. It’s hard to keep track sometimes what you don’t already know.”
“Or what I’m not supposed to know?” I snapped.
“How about, ‘What we don’t want to overwhelm you with?’ Nobody’s hiding it all, Jon. You could just know everything, anyway.”
“Not without a cost,” I murmured.
“Right. But that’s part of the reason why you’re running around a free man. We know you won’t do that. Won’t sacrifice the world again.”
“No,” I agreed. “I will not.”
“So, trust me. We’re going at a pace that’s been proven workable through countless people in your exact circumstance. If we just poured it all onto you, you’d miss things, or be unable to properly grapple with them, or jump to the wrong conclusions, or just… shut down.”
“You’ve seen all those, have you?”
“Me.” She shrugged. “I was the first they rescued. They dumped it all on me. Jon, you don’t want that. I lost my mind for a full year.”
I stared at her. “What?”
“They… they still took care of me. Even though I was shrieking and… look. You’ll get it all, I promise. We just… your body may be really weird, but you are still you—your mind is very much human. Your emotions. Your heart. We’re trying not to hurt you.”
I dearly wanted to believe her.
I almost did. It seemed to me the reasons to believe and disbelieve were… somewhat balanced.
Emotionally, I wanted to just go off, demand information, learn it all. But that particular choice had never worked out very well for me, had it? People died because of that choice. People were sacrificed, blown up, eaten.
Maybe I had to exercise some patience to avoid doing that again.
“I don’t like this,” I said.
“I know. Right, well. Are you willing to be there when he wakes up?”
I snorted. “He thinks I’m God, or something. No.”
“I really think it’ll help his adjustment if you’re around.”
Martin hadn’t given up on me, and I had not deserved that grace.
Damn it. I sighed. “When he’s awake and in his right mind, we’ll talk. I can’t… I won’t be there the way Martin was for me when I was out of my mind. I can’t, Sasha. I can’t. I’ll throttle him, or something.”
She snorted. “‘Throttle?’ Really?”
“All right, Mister Nineteen-Forty-Two,” she said. “Go on home. Steel yourself. This is just being part of a community, Jon—people aren’t perfect, but they still need help.”
“Some people are monsters who should be put down,” slipped out.
She just looked at me.
I looked away. “I know I’m being a hypocrite. Just let me have this right now.”
“I trust you. You’ll work through it.” She patted my shoulder and returned to Manuela. “Let’s get him transported.”
“Right,” said Manuela, who’d put his sliced-off clothing in small, floating containers and shipped them off somewhere. (Why? The mold? To study some kind of spore we didn’t have here? Was that safe?)
“Behind you,” said Manuela.
I turned. Lo, there was a portal for me, and through it, I could see Martin’s front door.
I leaped through without a word, unable to avoid the rudeness. I needed to be with Martin, press my face against him, maybe pull him on top of me like a quilt, and hide from everything for a while.
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magioffire · 2 years
Whats the diet like your fae? i recall you said that they can't do gluten - how does that effect their meals? do they have the three main meals like we do ( breakfast , lunch , dinner ) or do they have a different system ? gimmie all the food culture -
word building questions ; always accepting!!
dokkalfar are omnivores with a lean towards fruitivore and insectivore/carnivore tendencies. they will eat just about anything that does not eat them first. however, like any organism, they have preferences and specific dietary needs. dokkalfar primarily consume a diet that in high in protein and sugars.
they have very high caloric needs, so sugar and other simple carbohydrates are commonly on the menu for dokkalfar for short bursts of energy they need throughout the day, while protein is needed to help maintain the muscle mass they require to do all the funny bug stuff they do.
since they dont consume grains, they consume their carbohydrates from root vegetables/tubers, nuts/seeds, legumes, fruit, fungus, and some easy to digest leafy greens (rarely). sometimes they even consume the flowering bodies of plants. because of their high caloric needs and how fast they go through energy, fruit is a common form of replenishing energy, and its very common for dokkalfar to snack on various fruits they find throughout the day.
since dokkalfar have a few cities along the coastline of their western-most territory, dokkalfar in the west have taken to enjoying sea food, particularly shellfish. insects make up the majority of the protein in their diet, but they do eat pretty much any form of protein they can get their hands on.
dokkalfar typically eat many small meals throughout the day, however they also enjoy camaraderie of eating among their own kind, so even small meals can be enough to warrant gathering -- for this reason drinks like teas, coffee, and wine are all very common to drink throughout the day too to excuse a get together. dokkalfar typically have one or two big communal meals a day, usually at dawn or dusk - during the twilight hours, and many small ones with smaller groups throughout the day.
for a healthy dokkalfar, they would need a big sized meal every 6-8 hours, or small meals interspersed over 3-4 hour periods, to keep their energy levels stable. so dokkalfar can have anywhere from 4 BIG meals in a day, or 6-7 small meals in a day. thats alotta food, almost twice as much and as often as humans need -- ESPECIALLY if they are active. so they would be kinda like hobbits in that they got , breakfast, brunch, lunch, post lunch tea, supper, dinner, midnight tea---
since they have a love of sweets and a resistance to toxins, dokkalfar enjoy drinking sweet teas steeped with the leaves of plants that would impart secondary pyschoactive effects, and many of their wines are cloyingly sweet (as well as strong). dokkalfar very much enjoy black tea seeped with aromatic spices and sweetened with sugar, like chai without any milk.
they love honey, will go to great lengths to harvest honey, and beekeeping is not unheard of among the dokkalfar. though they prefer the taste of wild honey. they refine most of their sugar from sugar trees, sugar-cane-like stalks that contain insane amounts of natural glucose. the bark and natural gummy resin from the sugar trees is popular to chew on throughout the day.
candy and sweets are a cornerstone of dokkalfar food culture, and while they cannot make pastries as we might know them, they have their own ways of creating pastry-like confections from non-grain plant material. im sure they've also figured out how to extract gelatin from animal collagen.
frozen treats are also popular, as dokkalfar extract ice from the mountainous alps that line their northern most border, bring them deep into the earth, and create sort of ice boxes. this allows them to have frozen goods all year round. frozen fruit shredded on top of shaved, flavored ice is really popular in the summer months.
they harvest a lot of spices, more in line with stuff like vanilla, and cinnamon, and other 'sweet' spices or spices that can be used in a sweet context. but they do harvest their own fair share of savory spices too, like spices in line with cumin, paprika, mustard seeds, stuff like that. they export and import a lot of spices and herbs, and like to experiment with different flavors, even if they usually circle back to sweet eventually.
they dont really consume animal dairy products. the concept of milk, cheeses, yoghurt, etc are all weird and alien to them. the only sort of 'milk' products they would use would be nut milks. like something in line with walnut, soy or almond milk. eggs, however, would be used in cooking and eaten. fermented products would be very popular, as dokkalfar are experts are manipulating the environment of their underground abodes to create perfect places for food to ferment safely.
raw meat is not off the table for dokkalfar, they are capable of digesting it without much problem. raw fish, especially in western coastal towns, is not uncommon, and neither is the consumption of raw bugs. however, when they can, they prefer to cook their meals than eat them raw.
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swissforextrading · 2 months
Scientists unlock the secrets to an Alpine flower's survival
08.08.24 - A team of scientists from EPFL and other research institutes have identified just how an Alpine flower is surviving by adapting its genes to local habitats. This discovery has important implications for the protection of ecosystems under threat. In the Alps, adventurous hikers aren’t the only ones to regularly climb to new heights. Several plant species are doing the same in response to climate change, as warmer temperatures threaten their survival. Today, scientists are working with environmental conservation organizations to better understand the strategies used by these species and predict their migration, in order to help protect Switzerland’s biodiversity. A research team that includes EPFL scientists began studying this process in 2013, combining geographic information systems with molecular ecology (landscape genomics). Their findings – published in the July issue of Evolutionary Applications – can help answer a question that has puzzled biologists until now: at what scale does natural selection operate? The study clearly indicates that natural selection works on a very localized level and can vary significantly, even within the same plant species. That means a multiscale framework is essential for making effective observations about how the natural selection process works. Mapping and genomics In the study, researchers used drones and a light-detection and ranging (LiDAR) system installed on a helicopter to produce topographic models of four valleys in the Vaud Alps at an unprecedented spatial resolution of 6 cm to 32 m. At the same time, the researchers collected samples of a plant representative of the local ecosystem – the Alpine rock-cress (Arabis alpina) – at the four sites. This plant produces white flowers and grows in rocky, sandy mountain soil as well as in cracks in mountain rocks. The researchers extracted the whole genome of plants from each of the four sites in order to identify genotype variations. When they combined the results with the geographic data, they discovered that the species’ genome varied significantly between valleys based on the specific environmental conditions in each one (sunlight, humidity, air temperature, surface slope and orientation, etc.). In other words, they saw just how the plant fights for survival in response to its local habitat. Now, for the first time, we’re able to detect natural selection signatures at the right scale Stéphane Joost, senior scientist in the Geospatial Molecular Epidemiology Group (GEOME) at EPFL’s Laboratory for Biological Geochemistry (LGB) A multiscale approach Stéphane Joost, the corresponding author and a senior scientist in the Geospatial Molecular Epidemiology Group (GEOME) at EPFL’s Laboratory for Biological Geochemistry (LGB), explains: “For a long time, these kinds of studies used topographical models with a spatial resolution of just 25–50 m and that were supplied mainly by the Swiss Federal Office of Topography. Now, for the first time, we’re able to detect natural selection signatures at the right scale.” So what new information does this reveal? Joost gives the example of a defense mechanism that the Alpine rock-cress uses to ward off plant-eating insects. These insects are often found under the large mountain rocks where Alpine rock-cress grows. To protect its leaves, the plant produces a sugary sap that repels the insects. “We found a significant association between a gene involved in this defense mechanism and a variable that measures surface roughness – but only when the variable is calculated at a spatial resolution of 2 m,” says Joost. “The association can’t be detected or doesn’t exist at other resolutions.” He believes the study shows how important it is to carry out multiscale analyses in order to identify the full range of local adaptation strategies that are crucial to the survival of a given species. The study also highlights another important point: even though the Alpine rock-cress… http://actu.epfl.ch/news/scientists-unlock-the-secrets-to-an-alpine-flower- (Source of the original content)
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laughing-lompie · 10 months
"Interlaken, Switzerland: A Paradise of Tranquil Beauty and Adventure"
Switzerland, renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and charming towns, harbors a gem nestled between Lake Thun and Lake Brienz—Interlaken. This idyllic destination offers a perfect blend of natural beauty and thrilling activities, making it a dream location for travelers seeking an unforgettable experience. Here are ten compelling reasons why Interlaken should be on your travel bucket list.
1. **Spectacular Alpine Panoramas:**
Interlaken is surrounded by the majestic Swiss Alps, providing awe-inspiring views at every turn. The crisp mountain air and panoramic vistas create a serene atmosphere that captivates visitors from the moment they arrive.
2. **Jewel-Like Lakes:**
The town is situated between two pristine lakes, Thun and Brienz, each offering its unique charm. Enjoy a leisurely boat ride or simply bask in the tranquility along the lake shores, framed by the reflection of the towering Alps.
3. **Adventure Capital:**
If you crave excitement, Interlaken is a haven for adrenaline junkies. The region offers a plethora of outdoor activities, including paragliding, skydiving, and skiing. Brace yourself for an adrenaline rush against the backdrop of snow-capped peaks.
4. **Gateway to Jungfraujoch:**
Known as the "Top of Europe," Jungfraujoch is easily accessible from Interlaken. Take a scenic train ride through Eiger and Mönch to reach this high-altitude wonderland, where you can witness glaciers and unparalleled mountain scenery.
5. **Lush Greenery and Alpine Flora:**
During the warmer months, Interlaken transforms into a lush paradise with vibrant meadows and blooming flowers. Hike through the scenic trails to discover hidden waterfalls and enjoy the enchanting alpine flora.
6. **Charming Old Town:**
Interlaken's Old Town exudes charm with its quaint streets, historic buildings, and delightful shops. Stroll through Hoheweg, the main promenade, to soak in the ambiance and perhaps indulge in some Swiss chocolates.
7. **Swiss Cuisine:**
Indulge your taste buds with Swiss delicacies in Interlaken's cozy restaurants. From fondue and raclette to mouthwatering chocolates, savor the authentic flavors that Switzerland is renowned for.
8. **Efficient Public Transport:**
Interlaken boasts an excellent public transport system, making it easy to explore nearby attractions. Whether by train, boat, or cable car, getting around is a breeze, allowing you to make the most of your visit.
9. **Year-Round Appeal:**
Interlaken's beauty is not limited to a specific season. Whether blanketed in snow or adorned with wildflowers, the town offers a different but equally mesmerizing experience throughout the year.
10. **Warm Swiss Hospitality:**
The people of Interlaken are known for their warm hospitality. Expect friendly smiles and helpful locals who are eager to share their love for their town and its surroundings.
In conclusion, Interlaken is a destination that seamlessly combines natural splendor with thrilling adventures. Whether you're an outdoor enthusiast, a nature lover, or someone seeking a tranquil escape, Interlaken has something to offer for everyone. Pack your bags, and let this Swiss jewel enchant you with its timeless allure.
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fatehbaz · 4 years
When above, were not raised heavens; and below on the earth a plant had not grown up; The abyss also had not broken open their boundaries: The chaos (or water) Tiamat (the sea) was the producing-mother of the whole of them. Those waters at the beginning were ordained; but a tree had not grown, a flower had not unfolded. When the gods had not sprung up, any one of them; a plant had not grown, and order did not exist; Were made also the great gods, the gods Lahmu and Lahamu they caused to come ..... 
The Mesopotamian creation myth Enûma Eliš, which derives its title from the opening lines “When above,” is inscribed on seven clay tablets in Old Babylonian Akkadian Cuneiform language. It was discovered in fragmentary form at Ashurbanipal’s Library at Nineveh, Ashur, Kish, Sultanepe, and in other sites [...]. The tablets date to ca. 1200 BCE, but the cuneiform inscriptions indicate that they are a copy of older versions of the myth long predating the fall of Sumer, ca. 1750 BCE. Creation myths from this region all refer to great floods, and the following attempts at maintaining a clear-cut distancing between water and land [...].
The early Holocene sea level rise (EHSLR) was a consistent increase in sea level of around sixty meters following the high of the previous glaciation, between 12,000–7,000 years ago. Low-lying coastal areas were flooded and their populations, early settlers and farmers, were forced on the move. This period of rapid sea level rise is associated with the spread of Neolithic culture into Europe, as well as the 8.2 kiloyear cooling event that facilitated the development of Mesopotamian irrigation, agriculture, and surplus production.
The mixing of salty waters with runoff of the rivers where early agriculture developed was a largely catastrophic event. The source of this new water volume has been traced either to the melting and collapse of large swathes of the Antarctic ice sheet or a location in the Northern Hemisphere, most probably the Laurentide Ice Sheet. While it has now become common stance to cast the rise of the Anthropocene against the long, almost-stable climatic balance of the Holocene, catastrophic sea level rise events are associated in the Holocene’s early documented history with large and complex reorganizations of human cohabitation, the invention of new polities, new narratives of inclusion, and the renewal of concepts of property. These processes are hallmarked in distinctions and separation; with the slow and difficult recombination of the horizons shattered and scattered by the sea. [...]
The widespread presence of domesticated animals, agrarian spaces, settlements, roads, cities, and plantations that started ca. 10,000 years ago accelerated during the second half of the twentieth century to the point where many human trace fossils currently extend for hundreds of square miles, with a geometric and material complexity unprecedented in geological history. [...]
Today, observations of the Arctic Ocean indicate it has turned into a vast estuary. Its rivers are rapidly carrying fresh, dark water plentiful with suspended organic particles from the melting of the ice worlds and the permafrost of peatlands and tundra at higher latitudes.
Salty waters and fresh waters are mixing fast, with vast repercussions on the global circulation and lives of the ocean. The new freshwater from the Arctic and/or its heat enters the North Atlantic and can hinder the formation of the density-driven North Atlantic Deep Water, leading to the reorganization of the Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation (THC).
These are elements of a complex global ocean-atmosphere-land circulation model, where small perturbations at a critical threshold can radically alter the state and development of the Earth system. Tipping points are critical moments in the evolution of the Earth, denoted by tangential and asymptotic conditions of its dynamic states.
When above water, horizons shape [...] a globe available to pre-calculated risks, voyages, and coordinates. Horizons mark who is included and who is excluded, what can be owned and what is beyond the reach of humans. [...] In spite conceptualizing the free seas as a space of unbounded opportunity, exploration, encounters, [...] however, a harder reality of enclosure, blockades, and shipped people as goods has emerged throughout modern history. The imperial and colonial character of this World-System is more attuned to the architectures of apportioning and subdivision that the difficult currents, maelstroms, gusts, surges, and shoals of navigation. With the shift from sailboats to coal powered steamboats, the oceans were turned into extensions of rivers and canals [...], turning into a seamless bureaucratic affair. [...] Initially-undetected yet carefully-engineered catastrophes are at the very heart of contemporary forms of relating to the ocean: oil spills, storm surges, drownings, pollution, overfishing, trawling, militarization, deep sea mining, oil drills, underwater surveillance telecommunication cables, and an expanded maritime supply chain at a distance of a click. [...]
Dark waters carrying organic suspended particles are flowing from the melting tundra into the Arctic Ocean; bright blue ponds and streams are forming rapidly on the ice sheet of Greenland; the ice-worlds of the Himalayas are melting and reshaping both the lakes of the Tibetan plateau as the rolling waters of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. The circum-Himalayan rivers are deeply modifying their deltas. Glaciers are directly meeting warm currents and melting away. Sea ice in the Arctic is entering its last decades. The permafrost of the Alps is melting away faster than we can start seriously discussing even how to sense it. Large icebergs are breaking off the coasts of Antarctica. The heated waters of the ocean are expanding. Increased storms are hitting coastlines, with their intensity getting closer to the shores. Deltas are rapidly eroding. [...]
The ocean is a sensorium. It records in its complex dynamics the transformations of the Earth, and it inscribes its cycles back into the dynamics of life-forms.
Ann-Sofi Ronnskog and John Palmesino. “When Above.” May 2020.
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chatonyant · 2 years
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dwellordream · 3 years
“…In one way, pre-Roman Italy was quite a lot like Greece: it consisted of a bunch of independent urban communities situated on the decent farming land (that is the lowlands), with a number of less-urban tribal polities stretching over the less-farming-friendly uplands. While pre-Roman urban communities weren’t exactly like the Greek polis, they were fairly similar. Greek colonization beginning in the eighth century added actual Greek poleis to the Italian mix and frankly they fit in just fine. On the flip side, there were the Samnites, a confederation of tribal communities with some smaller towns occupying mostly rough uplands not all that dissimilar to the Greek Aetolians, a confederation of tribal communities and smaller towns occupying mostly rough uplands.
In one very important way, pre-Roman Italy was very much not like Greece: whereas in Greece all of those communities shared a single language, religion and broad cultural context, Roman Italy was a much more culturally complex place. Consequently, as the Romans slowly absorbed pre-Roman Italy into the Roman Italy of the Republic, that meant managing the truly wild variety of different peoples in their alliance system. Let’s quickly go through them all, moving from North to South.
The Romans called the region south of the Alps but north of the Rubicon River Cisalpine Gaul and while we think of it as part of Italy, the Romans did not. That said, Gallic peoples had pushed into Italy before and a branch of the Senones occupied the lands between Ariminum and Ancona. Although Gallic peoples were always a factor in Italy, the Romans don’t seem to have incorporated their communities as socii; indeed the Romans were generally at their most ruthless when it came to interactions with Gallic peoples (despite the tendency to locate the ‘unassimilable’ people on the Eastern edge of Rome’s empire, it was in fact the Gauls that the Romans most often considered in this way, though as we will see, wrongly so).
That’s not to say that there was no cultural contact, of course; the Romans ended up adopting almost all of the Gallic military equipment set, for instance. In any event, it wouldn’t be until the late first century BCE that Cisalpine Gaul was merged into Italy proper, so we won’t deal too much with the Gauls just yet. I do want to note that, when we are thinking about the diversity of the place, even to speak of ‘the Gauls’ is to be terribly reductive, as we are really thinking of at least half a dozen different Gallic peoples (Senones, Boii, Inubres, Lingones, etc) along with the Ligures and the Veneti, who may have been blends of Gallic and Italic peoples (though we are more poorly informed about both than we’d like).
Moving south then, we first meet the Etruscans, who we’ve already discussed, their communities – independent cities joined together in defensive confederations before being converted into allies of the Romans – clustered on north-western coast of Italy. They had a language entirely unrelated to Latin – or indeed, any other known language – and their own unique religion and culture. The Romans adopted some portions of that culture (in particular the religious practices) but the Etruscans remained distinct well into the first century.
While a number of Etruscan communities backed the Samnites in the Third Samnite War (298-290 BC) culminating in the Battle of Sentinum (295) as a last-ditch effort to prevent Roman hegemony over the peninsula, the Etruscans subsequently remained quite loyal to Rome, holding with the Romans in both the Second Punic and Social Wars. It is important to keep in mind that while we tend to talk about ‘the Etruscans’ (as the Romans sometimes do) they would have thought of themselves first through their civic identity, as Perusines, Clusians, Populinians and so on (much like their Greek contemporaries).
Moving further south, we have the peoples of the Apennines (the mountain range that cuts down the center of Italy). The people of the northern Apennines were the Umbri (that is, Umbrian speakers), though this linguistic classification hides further cultural and political differences. We’ve met the Sabines – one such group, but there were also the Volsci and Marsi (the latter particularly well known for being hard fighters as allies to Rome; Appian reports that the Marsi had a saying prior to the Social War, “No Triumph against the Marsi nor without the Marsi”).
Further south along the Apennines were the Oscan speakers, most notably the Samnites (who resisted the Romans most strongly) but also the Lucanians and Paelignians (the latter also get a reputation for being hard fighters, particularly in Livy). The Umbrian and Oscan language families are related (though about as different from each other as Italian from Spanish; they and Latin are not generally mutually intelligible) and there does seem to have been some cultural commonality between these two large groups, but also a lot of differences. Their religion included a number of practices and gods unknown to the Romans, some later adopted (Oscan Flosa adapted as Latin Flora, goddess of flowers) and some not (e.g. the ‘Sacred Spring’ rite, Strabo 5.4.12).
Also Oscan speakers, the Campanians settled in Campania (surprise!) at some early point (perhaps around 1000-900 BC) and by the fifth century were living in urban communities politically more similar to Latium and Etruria (or Greece, which will make sense in a moment) than their fellow Oscan speakers in the hills above, to the point that the Campanians turned to Rome to aid them against the also-Oscan-speaking Samnites. The leading city of the Campanians was Capua, but as Fronda (op. cit.) notes, they were meaningful divisions among them; Capua’s very prominence meant that many of the other Campanians were aligned against it, a division the Romans exploited.
The Oscans struggled for territory in Southern Italy with the Greeks – told you we’d get to them. The Greeks founded colonies along the southern part of Italy, expelling or merging with the local inhabitants beginning in the seventh century. These Greek colonies have distinctive material culture (though the Italic peoples around them often adopted elements of it they found useful), their own language (Greek), and their own religion. I want to stress here that Greek religion is not equivalent to Roman religion, to the point that the Romans are sticklers about which gods are worshiped with Roman rites and which are worshiped with the ritus graecus (‘Greek rites’) which, while not a point-for-point reconstruction of Greek rituals, did involve different dress, different interpretations of omens, and so on.
All of these peoples (except the Gauls) ended up in Rome’s alliance system, fighting as socii in Rome’s wars. The point of all of this is that this wasn’t an alliance between, say, the Romans and the ‘Italians’ with the latter being really quite a lot like the Romans except not being from Rome. Rather, Rome had constructed a hegemony (an ‘alliance’ in name only, as I hope we’ve made clear) over (::deep breath::) Latins, Romans, Etruscans, Sabines, Volsci, Marsi, Lucanians, Paelignians, Samnites, Campanians, and Greeks, along with some people we didn’t mention (the Falisci, Picenes – North and South, Opici, Aequi, Hernici, Vestini, etc.). Many of these groups can be further broken down – the Samnites consisted of five different tribes in a confederation, for instance.
In short, Roman Italy under the Republic was preposterously multicultural (in the literal meaning of that word)…and it turns out that’s why they won.”
- Bret Devereaux, “Citizens and Allies.”
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cupsofsuga · 4 years
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{ ⚠️} WARNING - This is a yandere au, meaning the following may be triggering to some viewers.  I am not trying to discriminate the boys in any way, this is for entertainment purposes. Viewer discretion is advised!!!
{ 💐} REQUEST - ❝ how do the boys act with their s/o during the pandemic? ❞
{ ☕️} NOTE - i am not in any way trying to romanticize or glorify this pandemic. this is strictly for entertainment purposes. right below, i provided a link that lists ways you can help with covid-19::
please stay home and stay safe!
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through the fog of yearning for summer, jin has found you, the child of aphrodite in autumn’s oath
oh, the tender sound of flesh… it’s like thunder under earth’s surface
to love y/n is to love the nymphs that dream amongst the fragrance of weeping willows
to love y/n is to long for their sole attention, and much to jin’s benefit, this global pandemic may have given him the opportunity to hog all the stardust held within the deity of his lover
with classes canceled, you both can spend eternity gathering tulips and wildflowers in the safety of your home
jin can taste laughter against his lips and the august rain of your divine infatuation
he can inhale the sun in your hair and the midsummer fruits on your skin
finally, for what seems like infinity in quarantine, he can breathe
now, to keep this daydream within the forest at constant, he’ll rob any potential excuse of yours that involves not having your attention on him
of course, he would forbid you from seeing anyone outside the solace of your own residence
the faint idea of those heathens laying their ruthless hands upon your heavenly form and possibly imperiling you with this virus infuriates him to no end
even during the hours spent on online classes, jin will smother with resentment over the revelation that he’d be required to spend several hours without your love
boredom and envy, two poisons racing like serpents through the maze of his veins
and he can’t seem to sedate this burning jealousy, that is until the session ends and the grandfather clock sings it’s euphoric harmony
oh, and when your attention is finally on him
petals splatter, lambs sing, the sun kisses the moon and the fruit of the earth flourishes
heaven is on earth, and besides, you never needed those classes, anyways
with perfect grades, perfect class, perfect reputation, jin could give you whatever your heart could desire
and he’ll love you until the sun vanishes and the earth is reborn; until all stars fragment and our galaxy dissolves into dust
jin loves you and the blossom of july that follows
he loves you to death.
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oh, how yoongi loves you...
to digest his own organs, to tend to the wounds of his garden
he’d trade in his life for the fleeting chance of bathing in your moonlight
like the crumpled-up paper left on your table with the number of a pretty waitress scribbled on, the scrape of peach fuzz against naked skin under ocherous streetlights
you, y/n l/n, a stranger in the alps holds the dawn-tinted fragments of this young boy’s soul
the resonance of your honeymoon-flavored voice, the liberation of the ocean’s pearls as they sleep in your touch, your superlunary reassurance as you soothe him of his concerns for the world’s condition
yoongi cannot comprehend how sour solitude blossomed into a sultry summer by the acceleration of a global pandemic
he owns the privilege to spend infinite days in quarantine, butterflies and white lace upon his heart as he wakes up to the sight of your face, yet again
he watches as stars and planets melt together as your galaxies collide, relishing in the feverish sensation of eternal divinity
and during this pandemic, yoongi’s tendencies flourish as his dependence, neediness and loyal compliance intensify
he’ll go out of his way and purchase all of the necessities you could ever crave, the revelation of his health at stake left unbothered
it is challenging to find entertainment throughout quarantine, but fortunately for you, your hero (missing his cape) uses his rent money to find you whatever it is you've deemed vital
you’ll go and welcome your lover after he returned to your residence from getting groceries and discover a variety of board games to play, a nintendo switch (with animal crossing, obviously), and an espresso machine that he bought with intentions on teaching you how to make drinks like he does (even though there will never be a day where he won't brew one for you)
despite fear painting every street in the world, yoongi touches aphrodite’s reminiscence as he skates beyond a rainbow’s arch
he has found sunlit honey in the mornings where he can cling onto your form like a lifeline and smother you with his coffee-stained kisses and overwhelming fascination
finally, days are heavenly with you by his side every. waking. second
the bullets have faded, the storms have abolished, the tears have shattered and all that’s left is your french perfume and cherry lips
oh, you should expect suffocating love during this quarantine season because you’ll never escape from yoongi
not now, not ever.
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due to covid outbreak, hoseok feels his body tremble with fear beneath his covers as if the virus was a monster underneath his bed
behind the exquisite light of his sanity is winter, where terror sits like snow against naked trees
only then, you waltz into his tunnel of vision, your silver armor glistening under the amber light of his bedroom
finally, with you by his side, he can savor the taste of the sun as it peaks through the leaves of summer
y/n, the sweetest apparition, the aurora of jasmine, stardust in a mason jar
you are the bones of ecstasy and hoseok feels the horror racing through his veins melt into a daze of tulips and passion
and it took him days to recover from the lemon-flavored euphoria that dreams of you in a hallucinatory lucidity
but, even then, the heart of his infatuation still holds cunning ways of creeping up behind him
despite being locked inside, hoseok still relies on you to protect him
you’re his knight in shining armor, his life preserver in an empty sea
he needs you to wrap your wings around his form and shield him from the demons that lurk in the shadows of your home
god, does he need you
but, when the sun is high and both of you are trapped in the walls of your home, his soul ascends as if he had listened to his favorite part of a song for the very first time
your lover then insists on creating a fort, the light of purity heavy in his opalescent irises
that childlike innocence within him, you always adored it
you’ll both make a mess of your living room with couch cushions and chairs, certainly to receive a scolding from your parents
there are fairy lights strung upon quilts with its heavenly glow and tender pillows that are painted with last years midsummer night-dew
and with scarlet ribbons and a huff of contentment, your masterpiece is complete
now, you will lie in the fort that is shielded with a password, lover in your lap as he runs upon his little rants
a disney movie you can’t recall the name of is left abandoned to play on its own as hoseok works you through the timeline of the pixar theory, hope, and exuberance within his expression
he always admired conspiracy theories, but not the ones that are too frightening
you, aphrodite’s rose and summer’s sweet fruits, are there for hoseok to love and to embrace
and he’d swim all the oceans and waltz through the depths hellfire to prove to you just how enamored he truly is
that is until he longs for his childhood stuffed animal that he makes you go into the attic to get because he’s too afraid of the dark.
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namjoon will love you until the end of eternity
he’ll love you until the moon swims the seven seas, he’ll love you until fate eradicates into liberty, he’ll love you until white jasmines accelerate into poppies
he’ll love you until our solar system melts into prismatic ash
and this epiphany flourishes as the night sings with you nestled against his chest, your lover refusing to let you go even when the sun is high in the sky
with locks of hair rested upon the crevice of his neck and latin poetry he’s too tired to translate parting his lips, he has found ecstasy in the purple rain that enveloped him
he has found the hidden nymphs of his life nestled under leaves; he has found his light in a sea of dead stars
and namjoon can’t imagine a day where he wouldn’t bleed himself dry to protect the one thing that matters most to him
due to the spread of this virus, let’s just say that his paranoia has gotten the best of him
you’ve never seen so much fear within his eyes from just a simple cough
you’ll be forced to stay within the lavish bedroom of his as all possible necessities are delivered to your door
and any excuse for you to leave, he has another to dismiss it
you’re hungry? great, a full-course gourmet meal made by our personal chefs is on its way!
you’re thirsty? would you like water? tea? wine? we’ll have the housekeeper deliver it in a jiffy!
you’re bored? we have board games, puzzles, movies, video games, whatever your little heart desires!
you feel trapped? ok, fine… well, i guess we can go take a walk in the garden
and you felt such a rush of elation to take sight upon the lustrous tulips possessing a variety of colors and to inhale the fragrance of summer as it stains your consciousness
oh, to feel sunbeams heavy against your longing skin and to trace your fingers down the juts and crevices of your favorite flowers
this is euphoria tied with a silk bow
that is until you were aggressively yanked behind namjoon as he saw the gardener wasn’t 6 feet away from you
he spat out threats to the poor man just trying to water the poppies you infatuated yourself with
but hey, at least you got a taste of the sun though, right?
oh, well, the tiffany and louis in your expensive bedroom will suffice, anyways.
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so… this is love
to caress the sugar-scented tulips on the riverside, to taste summer as worries melt like honey against your tongue
to lose yourself in the lustrous daze as camellia flowers fall like pink rain
so… this is love
and god, jimin has never felt so alive
like a dove at dawn, iridescent feathers, and misty eyes
you descended into his field of vision and robbed him of his heart right then and there
and now, as the sun glistens and the moon shimmers, day-by-day, he holds the privilege of calling himself yours
especially being locked within the walls of your home, infatuation seethes like dust in the attic above
it’s far too dangerous for you to leave, anyway
with disease, sorrow, and pain staining the air of the world, it’s only best is you stay indoors… only by his side, for every waking second
and you swear, you’ve lost count of how many times you’ve awoken to the sight of your lover with his chin rested against his palm, hearts swimming in his eyes as he chirps, “good morning, bumblebee!”
but, you have to realize, he just can’t help it
there’s moondust in your lungs, sunbeams bathing within your veins, the rings of saturn enveloping your locks of hair, stars nestled beneath the crevice of your heart
there’s a universe inside of you, and luckily for jimin, it is all his
only his
as the morning is set into motion, your boyfriend has a variety of activities for you to indulge yourself with
days are spent reading you through all several journals he reserved just for you, pages filled with cheesy poems, songs, or your name written obsessively over and over and over and over again
he’ll giggle like a young schoolgirl at your reactions, drown you in butterfly kisses or gaze at you for hours as you read, oblivious to his creepy admiring stare
and god forbid you drink water and it goes down the wrong tube
you’ll cough once and he’ll begin to pamper you as if you were a sick orphan child
that’s who he is, though
dedicating his entire life to the sun itself; dedicating his existence to the child of aphrodite in full bloom
god… he has found love
and nothing is more euphoric than this
and you had absolutely no idea a worldwide pandemic could make this man the happiest boy on planet earth.
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you can’t recall how long it’s been since you were abducted
days have melted into candy, hours turn to honey, seconds are everlasting grace
you’ve been treated like royalty ever since pages of your face with a loud ‘MISSING’ on top had been scattered across town
your kidnapper lover will bake you cherry pies, boxy smile threaded on his face. he’ll draw a bath adorned with rose petals raw from the garden, eyes flickering with hopes and exuberance
taehyung will give you just about every pleasure a human could ask for, all in the name of seeing that candied smile that sedates his mind and turns his knees to jelly
he wouldn’t be shocked if he looked down and saw a puddle of his drool, to be honest
and because of the uproar of the virus, taehyung finds in his best power to simply not tell you
to protect you from your worries, to shield you from this world
he would rather die than risk losing his glimmering evening to the arms of the earth
this revelation strikes coldly as you sit beneath a willow tree, sugary pastries and treats varied around you as your lover sits with his canvas
to blend the opalescent tones of your face, then the loud devotion of your skin and the feverishly irradiated hues of your iris
oh, to sit here and paint his dear… it’s pure bliss!
days spent deprived of the burden of technology, heaven has reached the recesses of this horrid planet
after lunch beneath the sun, you and taehyung will take canoe rides throughout the lake just outside your little cottage on the hillside
and watching as you graze your fingertips upon the lake’s surface like you’re made of something magic and blessing the water with your enigmatic essence was practically holy to see
he’s been puzzled stupid in times like these
where the sun is high and heavy, golden embers kiss upon the land, his lover sat with a goddesses caress
it’s euphoric how you breathe and strip taehyung of every logical thought within his mind
yes, you are captive, but there is simply no denying this man's devotion to you
you shall not worry about the worldwide pandemic and should rather fall into a deep slumber within the faded-red canoe
when it’s only the two of you, a virus is but a speck of dust left upon the highest shelf
no matter what this world comes to, you are safe with taehyung
and nothing will take you away from him.
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jungkook thinks of you more often than he should
those fleeting moments where your dulcet laugher reflects and his eyes are practically glued to you; those moments where your “i love you”’s are unadulterated and his entire chest collapses
he’d do anything and everything to keep his light forever home
fortunately for him, this global pandemic may have gifted him that opportunity laced with a velvet bow
but this boy is paranoid, you see. so paranoid that the intensity of his concern comes out in an opalescent pandemonium
it’s as if saltwater swells in his lungs and kisses him with it’s strangling embrace; as if his worst sins have been placed on a silver platter, left for the world to laugh and gape at
but, through the haze of his purgatory, there’s you, joyous and alive
and it’s like a potion mixed with rosewater, vanilla and a dove’s feathers heavy on his tongue whenever he drinks in the sight of you
it’s like the essence of his infatuation dancing like a ballerina beyond the recesses of his mind; his sanity it’s ballroom
to spend days in quarantine bathing within his bewitchment is euphoric, but there are the days of terror that creep upon him
and you don’t think you’ll ever forget the time where you had complained to your lover about your headache and observed as the planets swimming in his irises abruptly fade to utter horror
he always over-exaggerated his worry, which you were used to, but this
you’ve never seen true fear like this
you were given a cold towel to place upon your forehead and kisses to soothe you of your distress
the worry he possessed only snowballed into something much more cynical and evil, though, as the prophecy of the virus taking you away from him shook him to his very core
you eventually fell into a deep slumber by dusk, most likely by the fault of the medicine
though, as the moon was high and the bedside clock read 2:38 AM in it’s fluorescent, neon green hues, you were awoken by the hushed sounds of weeping
blinking your mind back into reality, you found jungkook on the bedside, shoulders shaking violently from the sobs that shook his entire body
you watched as he incoherently wailed into the phone, only to finally decipher the person on the other line was a 911 operator
you then handled the situation safely and maturely, reassuring the poor operator that you were perfectly healthy and safe and thus proceeding to care for your puppy-dog of a boyfriend who worried over every breathe you took for the following several weeks
oh, what a time this quarantine will be
but, hey! you weren’t sick! so…yay!
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Saturday 28 June 1834
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With her from ten to eleven and a quarter and a long very good kiss to her and tolerable to me - fine morning F57 ½° at 6 10 - breakfast at 7 ¼ - wrote the last 15 lines till 8 ¾ - Hotel le la cloche very comfortable – good eating – attent[ive] civil people - Miss W- and I out at 9 ¼- cathedral good old gothic church but not so handsome as Notre Dame we saw last night -  At the botanic garden at 9  40 called Jardin des plantes  – the old one given up and this new one not quite finished - approached thro’ a piece of nicely laid out, wooded (with large trees) piece of ground in which boys were playing and seeming to belong to a good pile of brick building adjoining the garden - perhaps (from the no. [numero] of beds in a room) a school - much pleased with the garden – only wish it larger – (or square of about 3 or 4 acres?) All the trees, shrubs and flowers planted quite recently - a winding stream all thro’ (across from corner to corner) with a little basin and boat on it - 2 or 3 pieces of pretty rock-made mount, and a gothic seat hide the ends of wall, too little distant as one faces it on entering - small but pretty serres near the top of the garden, nicely placed the right side wall on entering - flower beds (as at the Jardin des plantes Paris) laid out in narrow stripes, but looking more soignés from being all box-edged and having 2 ft gavel walks between - all the plants ticketed (Linnaean system?) Sambucus nigra common Elder - Fedia (forget-me-not?) Dipsacus, teazle - cineraria maritima (while velvety stalks and leaves ragged, like senecio, [dogstander]) - Off from the hotel de la cloche  (very comfortable - good eating) Dijon at 10 47 D- a very nice good provincial town, in a fine country - Genlis (1st relais) very neat little village - Auxonne fortified goodish town – stopt on entering the poste de ville to shew passports and at the café opposite for a cafe au lait for A- had it in 22 minutes – walked forwards to the poste and off in 2 minutes more at 2 18 - soon after Dijon on getting to the top of the 1st rising ground 1st view of a saddle-backed mountain of the Jura range - wide, fertile plain (common India ditto 1st we have seen potatoes lucerne grass etc) around Dijon and all the way till the wooded hills  en face gradually closing upon us on nearing Dôle till at 3 40 from the top of the hill (or mountain?) just above Dôle, very fine rich view - a large vine-covered sufficiently wooded  plain to our right, Auxonne behind us, and the good-looking town of Dôle with its church steeples en face backed by the long line of Jura mountains - not like Alps or Pyrenees, but very fine - vines for the last hour (from about 2 40) and all about Dôle in the rich plain, little else -  At Dôle at 4 11 – no postilion - obliged to wait - so drove to the hotel de Paris close by – dined (very good dinner) at 5 in an hour -  before and after 6 ¼ wrote the above of today. Off from Dôle at 6 22 – no vines much beyond D- - corn India ditto, hemp etc as before - the Jura not more than the wolds ½ way between York and Market Weighton now at 8 ¼ - picturesque villages all today - At la Poste Mont-sous-Vaudrey at 8 35 – a mere auberge - but a nice enough double bedded room and wanting nor dinner or breakfast in the morning (both which by the way would I daresay have been very fair) we do very well - some little more than usual difficulty in bargaining for the 4 beds for 6/. - fine morning, tho’ blackish clouds about soon after 12, and showers in the afternoon, but fair and fine from between 4 and 5 for the rest of the evening - F68° at 9 pm.
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Frankenstein (1931)
Frankenstein begins with Edward Van Sloan stepping from behind a curtain to break the fourth wall and deliver a brief caution to the audience:
How do you do? Mr. Carl Laemmle feels it would be a little unkind to present this picture without just a word of friendly warning: We are about to unfold the story of Frankenstein, a man of science who sought to create a man after his own image without reckoning upon God. It is one of the strangest tales ever told. It deals with the two great mysteries of creation; life and death. I think it will thrill you. It may shock you. It might even horrify you. So, if any of you feel that you do not care to subject your nerves to such a strain, now's your chance to uh, well,––we warned you.
In a village of the Bavarian Alps, a young scientist named Henry Frankenstein and his assistant Fritz, a hunchback, piece together a human body. Some of the parts are stolen from freshly buried bodies in a cemetery, and some come from the bodies of recently hanged criminals. In a laboratory he's built inside an abandoned watchtower, Frankenstein desires to create a human, giving this body life through electrical devices he has perfected. But he still needs a brain for his creation. At a nearby school, Henry's former teacher Dr. Waldman still teaches, showing his class the brain of an average human being and the corrupted brain of a criminal so that they can compare the two. Frankenstein sends Fritz to steal the healthy brain from Waldman's class during the night. But Fritz accidentally drops and damages it, and so brings Frankenstein the corrupt brain instead.
Henry's fiancée Elizabeth speaks with their friend Victor Moritz about the scientist's increasingly peculiar actions and how he secludes himself. Elizabeth and Victor ask Dr. Waldman for help in understanding Henry's new behavior and Waldman reveals he is aware Dr. Frankenstein wishes to create life. Concerned for Henry, they arrive at the lab just as the scientist makes his final preparations, the still lifeless body now ready on an operating table. As a storm rages outside, Henry Frankenstein claims he has now discovered the energy that brought life into the world and invites Elizabeth and the others to watch his great experiment. With a pulley system, Frankenstein and Fritz raise the operating table high in the room, moving it toward an opening at the top of the tower. The creature and Frankenstein's equipment are exposed to the lightning storm and empowered. The hand of Frankenstein's creature begins to move. The scientist triumphantly shouts, 'It's alive!'
Frankenstein's Monster, despite its grotesque form, seems to be an innocent, childlike creation. Dr. Frankenstein welcomes it into his laboratory and asks his creation to sit, which it does. He then opens up the roof, causing the Monster to reach out towards the sunlight. Fritz enters with a flaming torch, which frightens the Monster. Its fright is mistaken by Frankenstein and Waldman as an attempt to attack them, and it is chained in the dungeon. Thinking that it is not fit for society and will wreak havoc at any chance, they leave the Monster locked up, where Fritz antagonizes it with a torch. As Henry and Waldman consider the Monster's fate, they hear a shriek from the dungeon. Frankenstein and Waldman run down and find that the Monster has strangled Fritz. The Monster lunges at the two but they escape, locking the Monster inside. Realizing that the Monster must be destroyed, Henry prepares an injection of a powerful drug and the two conspire to release the Monster and inject it as it attacks. When the door is unlocked the Monster lunges at Frankenstein as Waldman injects the drug into the Monster's back. The Monster falls to the floor unconscious.
Henry collapses from exhaustion, and Elizabeth and Henry's father arrive and take him home. Henry is worried about the Monster but Waldman reassures him that he will destroy it. Later, Henry is at home, recovered and preparing for his wedding while Waldman examines the Monster. As he is preparing to vivisect it, the Monster awakens and strangles him. It escapes from the tower and wanders through the landscape. It has a short encounter with a farmer's young daughter, Maria. She is not afraid of him and asks him to play a game with her in which they toss flowers into a lake and watch them float. The Monster enjoys the game, but when they run out of flowers he thinks Maria will float as well, so he throws her into the lake where, to his puzzlement, she disappears beneath the surface. Upset by this outcome, the Monster runs away.
With preparations for the wedding completed, Henry is serenely happy with Elizabeth. They are to marry as soon as Waldman arrives. However, Victor rushes in, saying that Doctor Waldman has been found strangled. Henry suspects the Monster. Meanwhile, the Monster enters Elizabeth's room, causing her to scream. When the searchers arrive, they find Elizabeth unconscious on the bed. The Monster has escaped.
Maria's father arrives, carrying his drowned daughter's body. He says she was murdered, and the villagers form a search party to capture the Monster and bring it to justice, dead or alive. In order to search the whole country for the Monster, they split into three groups: Ludwig leads the first group into the woods, Henry leads the second group into the mountains, and the Burgomaster leads the third group by the lake. During the search, Henry becomes separated from the group and is discovered by the Monster, who attacks him. The Monster knocks Henry unconscious and carries him off to an old mill. The peasants hear his cries and they regroup to follow. They find the Monster has climbed to the top, dragging Henry with him. The Monster hurls the scientist to the ground. His fall is broken by the vanes of the windmill, saving his life. Some of the villagers hurry him to his home while the rest of the mob set the windmill ablaze, with the Monster trapped inside.
At Castle Frankenstein, Frankenstein's father, Baron Frankenstein, celebrates the wedding of his recovered son with a toast to a future grandchild.
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timehasbeenbusy · 4 years
Dijon to Mont Sous Vaudré
Saturday 28 June 1834
5 50/..
10 55/..
With her from ten to eleven and a quarter and a long very good kiss to her and tolerable to me  Fine morning Fahrenheit 57½ at 6 10/.. breakfast at 7¼ wrote the last 15 lines till 8¾ - 
Hotel de la Cloche very comfortable – good eating – attentive civil people – Miss Walker and I out at 9¼ - cathedral – good old gothic church but not so handsome as Notre Dame we saw last night – 
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Botanic Garden Dijon   Source fr.wikipedia.org
At the botanic garden called Jardin des plantes at 9 40/.. the old one given up and this new one not quite finished – approached thro’ a piece of nicely laid out, wooded (with large trees) piece of ground in which boys were playing, and seeming to belong to a good pile of brick building adjoining the garden – perhaps (from the nº of beds in a room) a school – much pleased with the garden – only wish it were larger – (a square of about 3 or 4 acres?) 
All the trees, shrubs and flowers planted quite recently – a winding stream all thro’ (across from corner to corner) the garden with a little basin and boat on it – 2 or 3 pieces of prêtty rock-made mount, and a gothic seat hide the end wall, too little distant as one faces it on entering – small but picturesque serres near the top of the garden, nicely placed the right side wall on entering flower beds (as at the Jardin des plantes Paris) laid out in narrow stripes but looking more soignés from being all box-edged and having 2 foot gravel walks between – 
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Sambucus Nigra  Source Gardening Express
All the plants ticketed (Linnaean System?) Sambucus nigra  com[mon] Elder – Fedia, (forget-me-not?)  Dipsacus, teazle – Cineraria Maritima (white velvety stalks and leaves [?] ragged, like senecio, dogs tander) – 
Off from the hotel de la Cloche (very comfortable – good eating) Dijon at 10 47/.. – Dijon a very nice good provincial town, in a fine country – Genlis (1st relais) very neat little ville – 
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Auxonne    Source en.wikipedia.org
Auxonne fortified goodish town – stopt on entering the poste de ville to shew passports and at the café opposite for café au lait for Ann had it in 22 minutes – walked forwards to the poste, and off in two minutes more at 2 18/.. 
Soon after Dijon on getting to the top of the 1st rising ground 1st view of a saddlebacked mountain of the Jura range – wide, fertile plain corn India around Dijon going 1st we have seen potatoes Incema grapes etc and all the way to the wooded hills en face gradually closing upon us on nearing Dôle till at 3 40/.. from the top of the hill (or mountain?) just above Dôle, very fine rich view large vine-covered sufficiently wooded plain to our right, 
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Mont Dore   Source en.wikipedia.org
Auxonne behind us, and the good-looking town of Dôle with it’s church steeples en face backed by the long line of Jura mountains – not like alps or Pyrenees, but very fine – views for the last hour (from about 2 40/..) and all about Dôle in the rich plain, little else – 
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Dôle   Source en.wikipedia.org
At Dôle at 4 11/.. no postillion – obliged to wait – so drove to the hotel de Paris close by – dined (very good dinner) at 5 in an hour –before and after till 6¼ wrote the above of today – Off from Dôle at 6 22/.. – no vines much beyond Dijon corn India ditto, hemp etc as before – the Jura not more than the Wolds ½ way between York and Market Weighton now at 8¼ - picturesque ville’s all today 
– At la poste Mont Sous Vaudré at 8 35/.. – a mere auberge –but a nice enough double bedded room and wanting no dinner nor breakfast in the morning (but which by the way would I daresay have been very fair) we do very well – some little more than usual difficulty in bargaining for the 4 beds for 6/- fine morning, tho’ blackish clouds about soon after 12, and showers in the afternoon, but fair and fine from between 4 and 5 for the rest of the evening – Fahrenheit 68º at 9pm -
 WYAS  Reference Number SH:/7/ML/E/17/0046
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