#simply just block the blog and move on i'm begging you
zapasnoysoldat · 2 months
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Sometimes I hop onto a largely inactive blog to just check some tags or whatever, and I see someone I follow posting something discourse-y and "look at my moral high horse"-y and I'm just like "oh. oh, no". Because like, if there's one thing I've learned in my 10+ years on this hellsite, it's that I am just here to write and ship fictional characters and that's it. I don't need dragging into "if you do x you are z" kind of stuff. The real world is already full enough of people wanting to yell at you, I really don't need it here as well.
I've literally blocked mutuals over this before. I'm almost 30 fucking years old, guys. I've got a heavy af job with lots of awful shit happening every single day. Along with staying aware of all the other bad shit happening out there. The last thing I need is yelling and hate and discourse about silly little fictional people who fly on dragons or fight supervillains or can do magic. Sometimes, it's just really not that deep.
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lavendertales · 1 year
cállate la boca || Miguel O'Hara x f!reader**
summary: he's so damn annoyed by you. he detests you. he finds you boring and uninteresting. except for when you're alone with him at night.
word count: 1.2k
warnings: Miguel being a bossy asshole (who rambles in Spanish when he really gets into the heat of things), dirty talk, teasing, ass play, pussy slapping, doggy, just general filth.
A/N: ...I have no comment. idk how I got here. this is just somethin' I had to get out so I'm posting and fleeing lmao 🙈 feedback is more than welcome!
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As far as everyone else is concerned, Miguel O'Hara finds you annoying as fuck. Some might go as far as to say that he's repulsed by your mere presence.
And you don't argue with them. Why would you? You've got nothing to prove. You know the truth as well: Miguel does hate you.
Except for when he doesn't.
Which is every single night.
You don’t bother looking back on how it all started. Frankly, you don’t remember. All you know is the present and the well-choreographed routine you and Miguel have selfishly developed over the weeks.
When he shuts the door behind him, he exhales. You’re already waiting for him in the bedroom, no words spoken. Though the way in which he fucks you varies from night to night, you always know to wait for him naked unless otherwise instructed.
Miguel’s eyes notice you from the frame, drinking in the image of your nude body in the poorly lit room. He leans against the door’s frame, head cocked to the left, and then to the right. Then he slowly inches closer to the bed, disposing of the skintight suit. Your mouth nearly waters.
“Always so needy,” he groans.
You can practically hear his eyes roll. It’s best if you follow his lead once he decides the kind of mood he’s in and how he wants to use your bodies to reach the throes of pleasure.
Though you can’t help the gasp that leaves your mouth when two of his fingers boldly dip into your cunt, stroking and teasing. “Did you touch yourself before I got home?”
Part of you wants to tease him further, but you know from past experience that is a dangerous game to play with Miguel. So you gulp, shamelessly admitting defeat. “A bit,” you confess.
“So damn needy. Couldn’t wait for me to fuck you, hm?”
You barely breathe. You don’t contradict, you don’t oppose him. Your desires precede any of that; you simply want to give and receive. It’s all this physical relationship is for. Relief. A simple biological need with nothing else brewing in between.
But the way Miguel goes about pleasure is somehow fitting with him: impatient (no matter what he reprimands you for), greedy, dominant and overall a wild ride. He starts playing with your clit as you gasp, spreading your legs further, and then he stops. When you involuntarily whine, he lays a spank over your pussy, though nothing you can’t handle, and leans in to whisper to your earlobe, “Ass up for me, princesita.”
You follow his instruction, albeit the mocking petname, and turn around, your ass shamelessly on display for him to play with however he deems fit. He squeezes and spanks a few times, then he moves back to your clit—and surprisingly, to the other tight ring of skin that’s in its vicinity.
“You’d let me fuck this hole too, wouldn’t you? Yeah, I bet you would. I bet you’d like me to stretch every inch of this body and would take whatever I give you.”
You can barely muster a “mhm” as Miguel’s fingers graze further, testing, anticipating and building. Building for what, you don’t know.
All you know is that you are ridiculously wet by this point, and you have to resist the urge to reach around and play with your clit—else you won’t be able to come at all tonight. Usually when you disobey, Miguel doesn’t allow for any relief from your side.
And you desperately need some relief right about now.
Sometimes he likes it when you beg. Sometimes he himself asks you to beg for him and his cock. You just don’t have the luxury of knowing when or if it will happen.
“Needy little thing,” you hear him coo.
Sometimes he likes to tease you about the height difference too. No matter what you’d look like, you’d still be smaller than him. And Miguel fucking loves that. He loves towering over you, having power and direction over you.
You succumb to him each and every time, without fail.
You can’t conceal the broken moan that you exhale when you feel his cock thrust abruptly into you. He only gives you a few seconds to adjust to him and the sensation of having him fill you up to the brim like that, and then he starts to move.
And you see stars.
“Such a needy little cunt,” Miguel mutters, groaning. “So needy and tight and wet… you thought of me when you touched yourself? Hm?”
“Hable, hoy.”
Talk, today.
“Yes—yes, I—I did—“
Words are hard to come by when Miguel’s mercilessly pounding into you from behind, holding you by your waist and with his free hand teasing your ass, barely breaching the skin there.
“You like being a little fucktoy, don’t you? Hmpf—carajo—“
He’s grunting relentlessly, proof that he doesn’t have as much control over his own reactions as much as he’d like to. Whenever he grunts that throated fuck in Spanish, you know he’s getting close. And if past is any indication, you know that soon enough his rambles and his talk will melt almost exclusively into Spanish.
“Princesita needs—needs her little pussy stretched out, doesn’t she? Princesita n-needs to be filled—with my cock, isn’t that right?”
“Yes, that’s fucking right… ella me necesita… a mí, y a mi polla…”
She needs me… me, and my cock.
Miguel’s string of thoughts begins to lose itself into your body, your scent and your sounds, and you both know it. If you were to dwell into the moment too much, you might overthink how Miguel emphasized the “me” in his barely coherent string of filthy words, but you don’t. You can’t.
“La princesita está necesitada y estúpida de mi polla, ¿verdad?”
The little princess is needy and stupid for my cock, isn't she?
You swear you hear him smile behind the words. You can only mumble yes on a broken loop, feeling your climax close. You’re thankful that you’ve learned some Spanish when this whole Miguel ordeal began because approval is something he seeks deeply, almost like he feeds off of it, and the lack of a response wouldn’t sit well with him.
“Miguel—Miguel, I’m—“
“Mhm. P-Please—“
He grabs a handful of your hair, thus ceasing the tease to your ass, and bends your body almost in half just to whisper harshly to you, “Cállate la boca y ven”.
Shut your mouth and come.
His command sparks something inside you, and you come mere seconds later, biting your lips to the point of tasting blood so you don’t scream his name. Some night he wants to hear his name scratch your throat as you beg for him, but it seems tonight is not one of those times.
“Wanna paint this ass all over,” he groans.
And that is just what he does. He strokes himself to completion, his hot seed spilling in thick spurts all over your ass as he licks his lips. He’s already thinking of tomorrow night and how he’ll want to push new limits and explore more of your body.
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naritaren · 7 months
So, here's a little bit of context in regards to the previous anon you received. And to give you the full context, this message might be a little bit lengthy, so I apologize in advance if it's too long. But I'll try not to.
Here goes. Apparently, your friend blackholesun told a person in their DMs to kill themselves, after complaining about being told to "choke on it" and "die mad about it." And somebody saw that you liked the particular post where blackholesun stated that they don't feel bad about sending that message out, because they and their mutuals have allegedly been getting harassed by burner accounts for the past few months.
Now, maybe you didn't mean to like the post or didn't realize what it was about, since you mentioned you were busy during the day. But just yesterday in general, there was a whole drama with Punk stans, because it seems that's what they do best lately and don't have anything better to do. And it all started with a burner account sending out messages to multiple people about a user and blog owner named biancabelairs.
Regardless of how it all started and even if it was true that your friend and other mutuals were getting harassed, it doesn't excuse blackholesun in the slightest and doesn't make them the better person by any means. These people didn't have to engage or let it escalate to the point that it did. They could've simply just ignored it, deleted the messages or even report them if it was necessary, and just gone about their day. But they literally wasted their whole day on that alone, continued to engage and keep the drama going, and I'm supposed to feel bad they got told to "choke on it" and "die mad about it"?
Yeah, no. Anyone that deliberately goes out of their way to antagonize and intentionally provoke a person, instead of just letting things go, deserves whatever they get hit back with from that person. They deserve whatever is said back to them. So, your mutuals and all these Punk fans bear the responsibility. Had they just ignored it the first time around, none of this would've happened.
But again, Punk fans have become bitter and jaded and full of hate, that I'm not surprised this is the behavior they're sinking to now. So again, I don't feel bad for whatever hateful things gets said to them, because it's what they deserve. They want to act like that? Well, learn to take it the same way you dish it out. It's not anyone's fault their fave no longer has a job. As much as it sucks, time to get over it and move on and grow up. The world doesn't revolve around Punk.
-blinks- and why does this have to involve me? Like what is fucking wrong with you that you feel the need to involve someone who isn't involved. Especially when I have intentionally stayed out of the Punk fans vs Elite fans drama???
Please re-evaluate what you consider spending your time doing. If you continue to send asks I'm just going to block and report for harassment. I am not involved in this and I don't wish to be involved in this.
So stop trying to fucking involve me in this. This is the type of shit that makes some of you fans look deranged. Get a fucking hobby. I beg of you.
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queersnape · 4 years
I'm sorry to bother you again but could you please answer my ask about whether or not you're okay with pedophilia ships, as a minor I'd like to know. Obviously it's not the same as pedophilia but it makes me incredibly uncomfortable and I'd just like to know where you stand because I don't like following people who are okay with that kind of thing.
First off as a minor - I'm 25 years old and quite frankly I'm uncomfortable having you follow me. I'm an adult, I run my blogs as an adult, and while this is a fandom blog and I have much less personal information on it I run it with the mindset that my peers are also adults my age. If tumblr could give me the option to block people under 18 from following without making my blog nsfw or whatever I'd take it for this very reason.
Second, I get you asking again to get me to answer but I mostly use tumblr on mobile and only very occasionally check asks so I wasn't ignoring you I literally saw both of these at the same time.
Thirdly, I personally myself am not for or approve or ship any "pedophile" ships and every ship I may mention on this blog is with the intent of both characters being adults. People who do like pedophile ships or ones I don't approve of I block and don't interact with. My saying of shipping not being morality means that my interaction ends there and I dont want you following me if yours doesn't and includes harassing them or making false claims to the FBI or anything in between.
Finally, if you DO go out of your way to interact with these people as a minor, I beg you to reconsider and simply block and move on. Going out of your way to be exposed to that content (ESPECIALLY IF they properly tag it with warnings, indicating that you have to intentionally see it) is Not Healthy. If you believe these people are actually pedophiles then Do Not Interact With Them - even if they're not and simply have problematic ships I stand by my statement. Also, I implore you to critically interact with any adults encouraging this harassment and interaction and them wanting to get on your good side as a "good person". So SO SO many antis have been time and again exposed as predators doing this exact thing.
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I'm so sick of seeing things based on the travon Martin and/or Mike Brown stories that make it seem like there is some sort of hunt for innocent black people and the evil whites tm don't care. There's a show called "rest in power" and then some dumb movie coming out based on those cases. Why are bad people being treated like insperational martyrs when one beat a man half to death and the other robbed a store and charged a cop?
Yep, I’ve been over this many times throughout my blog so I’ll just compile it in this reply so you can get all the information and sources without having to scroll endlessly through my blog :) xx 
Narrative: A young innocent African-American gentle giant who couldn’t harm a fly was for no reason shot by a murderous racist cop while he had his hands up begging not to be shot. Some even say that he was kneeling while the cop assassinated him, some say the cop stood over him and shot him in the head. These narratives quickly sparked BLM and their campaign of Hands Up, Don’t Shoot and was used as the justification of extensive violent rioting and looting.
Reality: Michael Brown robbed a store, grabbed and shoved the store attendant before walking out with his stolen items. In the official DOJ report, it shows the officer came across Brown after the robbery went over the police radio, this wasn’t a random targeting of a black male. As the cop went to get out of his car, Brown slammed the officer’s door shut, reached in and began attacking the cop. When the cop pulled his gun, Brown went for it and tried to take it from him. A shot was let off and the bullet hit Brown’s hand. Brown ran so the officer followed, ordering Brown to stop. Brown turned and charged towards the officer and after several more demands for Brown to stop, the cop fired. 
Several witnesses provided testimony that supports these accounts. Blood spatter analysis, shell casings and ballistics tests also confirm it. The autopsy report showed that Brown had a graze wound on his thumb which contained matter “consistent with products that are discharged from the barrel of a firearm that can only happen in close range,” so close that there was no stippling, a patterning of gunpowder that won’t appear within an inch of the gun’s barrel. As Medical Examiner Judy Melinek said “this guy’s reaching for the gun.” 
The official report further backs up the altercation at the car with Brown’s skin was found on the exterior door of the vehicle. Blood from Brown was found on the officer’s uniform, police car and gun. The autopsy even shows Brown wasn’t shot with his hands up. According to the autopsy report, the gunshot wound to Brown’s upper dorsal right arm demonstrated that the direction could not have happened if Brown’s palms had been up, facing the cop and surrendering. It also proves that he was not running away but rather lunging towards the officer. The entire “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” is a catchy slogan for the BLM movement but it’s one that is entirely unsubstantiated and completely fabricated. 
But of course, aggrieved blacks, social justice activists, the media, celebrities and Brown’s family lawyers had already developed their story long before any facts were released. Brown’s mother made it clear she will not accept any autopsy or DOJ report that proves the officer was telling the truth. Something you won’t ever see in these documentaries - The DOJ report reveals that this race-baiting narrative was being whipped up instantly after the shooting: 
According to Witness 102, crowds of people had begun to gather, wrongly claiming the police shot Brown for noreason and that he had his hands up in surrender. Two black women approached Witness 102,mobile phones set to record, asking him to recount what he had witnessed. Witness 102responded that they would not like what he had to say. The women responded with racial slurs,calling him names like “white motherf-ker.” This bi-racial witness stated that he thought he had witnessed a cop killing as Brown took off running from the police vehicle after a shot was let off while Brown was “wrestling” through the window. Brown stopped then charged at the officer. Witness 102 was in disbelief that the cop “kept missing” because Brown keptadvancing forward. 
Black witnesses also came forward to provide statements, shown in the report. Witness 103 was a 58-year-old black male. He said he saw Brown punching the officer at least three times in the facial area, through the opendriver’s window of the vehicle, while the officer was leaning back towardthe passenger seat with his forearm up in an effort to block the blows. The witness heard a gunshot and explained that Brown took off running before coming to a stop. Brown turned around to face the officer, his hands were then down at his sides. Brown started “moving fast” toward the cop. Witness 103 said Brown never had his hands up. 
Witness 105 was a 50-year-old black female. She noticed Brown’s hands on the officer’s car after the first gunshot grabbed her attention. Brown then ran and the officer chased after him. Witness 105 explained thatBrown put his hands up “for a brief moment,” and then turned around and puthis hands down “in a running position.” She said the officer told Brown to “get down,” but Brown did not comply. Witness 105 stated the officer only shot at Brown when Brown wasmoving toward him. Like Witness 103, she was afraid to come forward due to pressure by the community. She explained that she was coming forwardbecause in speaking with her neighbors, she realized that what they believed had happened wasinconsistent with what actually happened. 
Witness 104 was a bi-racial female. She said Brown was leaning inside the police vehicle. She heard a gunshot then saw Brown run from the car, followed by the officer who hopped out of the SUV and ranafter him while yelling “stop, stop, stop.” She said the officer did not fire his gun as Brown ran from him.Brown then turned around and quickly “balled up in fists” in a running position and “charged”at the officer. The witnessed described it as a “tackle run,” explaining that Brown “wasn’t going tostop.” The officer fired his gun only as Brown charged at him, backing up each time Brownran toward the officer. At no time did Brown get shot with his hands up, according to the witness. 
Witness 108 was a 74-year-old black male. He stated to detectives that the shooting was justified, but repeatedly refused to give formal statements to law enforcementfor fear of reprisal should the neighborhood find out that his account corroboratedthe police officer’s. Witness 108 refused to identify himself but told detectives that the police officer was “in the right” and “did what he had todo,” and that the statements made by people in the apartment complex were inaccurate. He reluctantly explained to detectives thatthe officer told Brown to “stop” or “get down” at least ten times, but instead Brown “charged” at him. Witness 108 repeatedly expressed fear in coming forward, citing community sentiment to support a “hands up” surrender narrative as his reason to remain silent. He explained that he would rather go to jail than testify publicly before the county grand jury. 
All throughout the witness reports, majority of them being black, there is a clear trend of fear of community backlash against anyone going against the “hands up, don’t shoot” story. This pack mentality within black communities is nothing new, but it does show how easy it is for a false racial narrative to spread across the media and country and become a mantra of the professional race agitators as the truth is stifled and forced into silence. Michael Brown’s movie is told through the lens of his family, which et’s remember his parents have already said that they will never accept any alternative findings other than their son was targeted for being black and gunned down by a racist cop for no other reason.
As for the Rest in Power series, it’s the same deal. It’s framed as a truth telling documentary, but all the inconvenient facts are left out because a story about a violent thug being killed in self-defense isn’t as profitable or politicizing as an innocent black youth being slain by an evil racist. From the very beginning, it was obvious they were setting up the Trayvon Martin killing badly by turning it into a giant racial atrocity. George Zimmerman had been tried and convicted in the media and public opinion before any facts were released, with the case almost uniformly being portrayed as racially motivated, and the wearing of a hoodie by a young black male as the symbol. Even Obama framed the case in racial terms. 
In trying to turn the case into a racial narrative, the initial burst of publicity and activism turned on Trayvon wearing a hoodie. The Hoodie has become the symbol of protests and the entire make-believe narrative of the shooting, based on the assertion that Zimmerman found Trayvon suspicious simply because he was wearing a hoodie. But in audio tape in which Zimmerman mentions a hoodie, it’s clear that a hoodie was only ever mentioned in response to a later question by the 911 operator who asked Zimmerman what the person was wearing. The dispatcher asks, “Did you see what he was wearing?” which Zimmerman replies, “Yeah a grey hoodie, either jeans or sweatpants and white tennis shoes.” This is the only mention of Trayvon’s hoodie, and it was among a description which included several other pieces of clothing. 
Still, from images of former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm wearing a hoodie, to the “million hoodie march,” to Havard law students wearing hoodies with a sign “Do we look suspicious?,” to Congressman Bobby Rush appearing on the House floor in a hoodie, the hoodie has come to symbolize the alleged “racial profiling” by Zimmerman which led to him shooting Trayvon. While Trayvon was wearing a hoodie that night, there is nothing to suggest that Trayvon was considered suspicious by Zimmerman for that reason. Despite this lack of evidence of the wearing of a hoodie as an actual factor in the case, the hoodie today remains the symbol of the case.
The racial narrative is based on multiple other falsehoods, the first major one being the NBC News doctoring of police audio in which it falsely made it seem as though Zimmerman said he was following Trayvon because Trayvon was black. But that’s not what happened. Zimmerman once again only mentioned race when the police operator asked about race. The dispatcher asks, “Is he white, black or Hispanic?” and Zimmerman replies, “He looks black.” Seconds later as Trayvon walks closer to him with his hand inside his waistband, Zimmerman confirms to the dispatcher that he is a black male. This is the only mention of race, only after the 911 dispatcher asked the question. 
There also was the claim that Zimmerman used the term “f-king coons” on the police tape. But that was debunked early on. One of hottest topics of argument had been whether George Zimmerman said “f-king coons” under his breath on the 911 tape. The left-blogosphere has used the alleged racial epithet endlessly to paint this as a racially motivated hate crime. In the Affidavit of Probable Cause, State of Florida investigators swore under oath that Zimmerman used the term “f-king punks.” Feeding the media racial narrative, there was also widespread but false claims that neo-Nazis were patrolling the neighborhood where the shooting took place, even though Sanford Police denied this. 
An extensive FBI investigation found no history of racism in Zimmerman’s past. To push the race-baiting narrative, Zimmerman continues to be described as “white” when he’s very clearly Hispanic. Have you guys ever seen photos of him? The dude ain’t white. Also, a year before the incident, Zimmerman had angrily spoken out against the son of a white police lieutenant who had beaten a black man. Zimmerman had also tutored black children for free in his spare time, he was a Democrat, he voted for Obama, yet he is painted as a white supremacist and racist who assassinated an innocent black male for no other reason than Trayvon was black. 
One of the most believed false narrative of the case is that George Zimmerman supposedly was told by the police dispatcher not to leave his car, but did so against police instructions. This allegation is used to claim that the entire confrontation was Zimmerman’s fault, and had he merely followed police instructions, nothing would have happened. But Zimmerman was not in his car at the time of the comment “we don’t need you to do that.” The audio tape proves at no time was Zimmerman ever told to stay in his car. Trayvon had become aware that he was under observation and started circling Zimmerman’s car while Zimmerman was requesting the police. At about the two minute mark Trayvon runs, and Zimmerman loses sight of him. When Zimmerman did exit the vehicle it was in direct response to the dispatcher asking him to report the direction of Trayvon’s travel.
The dispatcher testified at the trial that dispatchers are prohibited from giving orders over the phone because they are not physically on the scene and may inadvertently direct the caller into greater danger. When the dispatcher asked if Zimmerman was still following the direction that Trayvon ran, Zimmerman said yes, that is when the dispatcher said they don’t need him to do that and Zimmerman replied “OK.” There is not a single piece of evidence - none - that suggests Zimmerman continued to follow Trayvon after this point. Of course, Trayvon would ultimately launch his attack on Zimmerman right at the corner of the building where Zimmerman complied with the dispatcher’s suggestion to stay where he is. If Trayvon had truly been fleeing from a frightening Zimmerman, he had more than enough time to reach the safety of his father’s girlfriend’s condo.
The other most believed narrative is that Florida’s Stand Your Ground law was invoked in Zimmerman’s defense. That’s not true, it was never invoked. It made sense for Zimmerman not to rely on SYG, because Stand Your Ground would only be relevant if Zimmerman had a route of exit, but the shooting took place while Zimmerman was on his back on the grass, his head having been pounded on the pavement and being beaten relentlessly by Trayvon. All witnesses say exactly the same thing. Trayvon was on top of Zimmerman, beating his head into the ground as Zimmerman was screaming for help. Blacktivists claim that it was Trayvon calling for help, but it’s been long confirmed that it was indeed Zimmerman crying for help. Zimmerman had a broken nose, two black eyes and cuts to the back of his head where Trayvon slammed Zimmerman’s head repeatedly into the ground. Forensic analysis also demonstrated that the trajectory of the single shot and burns on Trayvon’s sweatshirt were consistent with Zimmerman being on his back with Trayvon hovering over him at the time of the shot. Since Zimmerman was pinned to the ground, he didn’t need to invoke SYG because there was no reasonable means of avoidance. The race-agitators then argue “but Trayvon was just a kid and Zimmerman was a man,” yet forget to mention that Trayvon was far bigger, taller and in far better physical shape than Zimmerman. 
Of course this case is one of the many that are exploited and twisted by race hustlers like Al Sharpton and BLM to prove the existence of oppression and victimization of blacks. There have been plenty of cases, such as with Roderick Scott, a black man in New York who shot and killed an unarmed white teenager. A jury found Scott to be not guilty of murder because Scott had killed the teen in self-defense. Scott was found not guilty for the same reason that Zimmerman was found not guilty. Both killings were done in self-defense, but you will never hear about this case because only black people are murdered and only white people are found not guilty, remember? Pretty much every legal scholar who has closely followed the Martin-Zimmerman case said that the verdict was correct, Zimmerman had indeed acted in self-defense. 
Again, there is no question that the documentary makers and journalists will leave these facts out. I bet they also won’t tell you how a search of Trayvon’s backpack showed it to contain a dozen pieces of women’s jewelry, including silver wedding rings and earrings with diamonds, as well as a screwdriver which is often used as a burglary tool. They won’t ever tell you this because it gives credibility to Zimmerman’s claim on the 911 call that Trayvon was acting suspiciously around the houses and the reason Zimmerman was on alert was because he was in charge of the neighborhood watch and there had been many burglaries recently committed by youth. Trayvon’s autopsy showed marijuana in his system, which also verifies Zimmerman’s claim on the 911 call that Trayvon was acting like he was on drugs.
The verdict came as no surprise to those of actually following the evidence. It came as a shock to those who bought into the false narratives, evident by the eruption on social media, the mass rioting and outbreak of violence and the eventual beginnings of Black Lives Matter, who carried these false narratives and deceit into the Michael Brown case and have since continued to glorify and martyr criminals in their efforts to demonize police officers, blame whites and demand reparations for this this make-believe targeting and oppression. 
When it first happened, I was all about social justice and I was as outraged as anyone as I heard about these black youths being executed by crooked racist cops and white supremacists simply for being black. I get questions all the time about what made me abandon the left and these activist groups such as BLM and feminism and this is it. It’s the lies, deceit and the searing, irrational hatred for anyone who dares questions it. It’s also the constant state of victimization that one must be confined to in order to maintain the worldview of racial oppression in the United States. I keep hearing aggrieved blacks say “Zimmerman will come for me next, he will come for my child next.” Why on earth would anyone worry that Zimmerman might “come for them next”? Is it because they are planning to break Zimmerman’s nose, give him two black eyes and smash his head against the ground while thundering down punches to his face? Or, is it because they’ve foolishly believed Zimmerman “murdered” and “executed” Trayvon Martin for being black? 
Black youth are in danger but it’s not white men or white cops killing them. 93 percent of black murder victims are murdered by other blacks. Over 1400 more black Americans were killed by other blacks between 2010 and 2011 than the total number of blacks lynched between 1882 to 1968. Despite making up just 13 percent of the population, blacks committed half of homicides in the U.S. for nearly 30 years. In 2012, blacks at just a fifth of the size committed almost 1000 more murders than their white counterparts. The murder rate for 20 to 24-year-old blacks is 17 times higher than the rate for whites the same age. Black-on-white murder is more than double the rate of white-on-black murder. Black males are 7 percent of the population but are responsible for over 40 percent of cop killings. Blacks are 18.5 times more likely to kill a cop than be killed by cops. It would take cops 40 years to kill as many black men that have died at the hands of others black men in 2012 alone. Black and Hispanic police officers are more likely to fire a gun at black suspects than white officers. 
Black youth are being taught to see oppression and white supremacy where it does not exist while embracing and glorifying the “culture” that sees murder and crime rates only comparable to the Third World. They’re taught to celebrate and martyr criminals and that consequences and the law is a conspiracy carried out only against victimized black people. There’s not a single piece of evidence that supports the narrative of innocent blacks being gunned down by police for sport. There’s absolutely zero evidence of systemic discrimination. It’s a fable that can only be believed if you confine your worldview to Malcom X and Al Sharpton’s radicalized race conflict theories. There’s no big evil white police force dedicated to eradicating the black population. There may be some racist cops, but to imply that all law enforcement exists only to kill and lock up innocent blacks is one of the most dangerous myths of our time. If cops really wanted blacks dead, they’d stop patrolling and serving black neighborhoods as black delinquents are already doing a pretty good job at wiping each other out.
BLM chant a slogan that implies they care about the wellbeing of black people, but they always go silent the second the slogan could actually be useful for advancing the wellbeing of black Americans. The only time they’re provoked into action is when the situation doesn’t warrant it, such as the times a black person is shot during the commission of a crime. They’re nowhere to be found when they’re most needed, such as when discussing how to lower black crime rates, homicide, drop out rates, gangs, single mothers, broken families, health and abortion. These are the real problems destroying black lives, yet Black Lives Matter will only ever show up when a police shooting can be twisted and spun into a cool new hashtag, sparking another violent riot and more looting where more black business owners and black citizens will have their property damaged and stolen by their supposed saviors.
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