#simply..... 2 ppl being like this in the span of 2 days........ is not fun
arrowpunk · 11 months
If I had a nickel for every time someone was weirdly possessive over my OCs and continued to use them even after we lost contact and got upset with me when I politely asked them to please stop. I would have 3 nickels. Which isn't a lot. But it's annoying as hell that it's happened even once.
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ulec-elec · 4 years
Harpy hcs (+ Harpies in general)
Harpies are one big civilization that live in a hole/cave system
The females are the leaders. (males most often get kicked out) Stick to royalty and most often get to see the outside of the Caves. (Ex our Harpy)
The harpies have their own language which is a mixture of ancient greek and the lagugages of the birds. (Not many understand that language and it's pretty hard to translate as an outsider.)
-> every Harpyies name would be translated into "Harpy" even though the names completely differ in their pronunciation.
There are two species if Harpies. They high class ones (beautiful women with Bird bodies) and the lower class ones (ugly scrappy birds)
The harpies live in a monarchy like system. There is a royal family, in which the oldest royal daughter gets to mate with an outsider creating the new royal family.
They have a council of harpys. The eldest and wisest harpys there get to decide along with the current queen political stuff.
The lower class is mating with male Harpies. It's a newer phenomenon as it was "recently" decided that it would be beneficial to expand the amount of harpies.
(They still call them self's sisters)
Harpies live relatively seperated from the whole underworld civilization. They have their own politics while sticking under Kibosh's wing. (Like Egypt and Atlantis)
Our Harpy was the oldest sister of the current royal family. That's why she was attending scare school. (She was scare School's first Harpy tho which lead to the culture shock of not speaking that language, she simply wasn't prepared)
She often hung out with Thatch and the gang but never really was friends with them (most of the time not really understanding what they were saying)
Harpy struggles a lot with learning languages that's why it took her pretty long to talk it fluently. Understanding became easier.
She knew Ra before from the news (People are interested in Egypt's royalty the way people are interested in british royalty yk. Like mostly old ppl and such) and thought he was quite handsome.
She fell from him pretty quickly considering that he constantly made an idiot of himself ("you're stupid I like that in a man")
Harpy in general was a very openly and active monster. Loves singing (which was very common in her culture) and sappy romance storys with happy endings. She was very loud and sometimes a little bit too lazy for her own good.
She gets cursed between first and second year (so after season 1 before season 2)
An assassin was sent to curse the queen into a human form. They mistook the queen for their daughter and almost managed to fully transform her.
Harpy looked human, still keeping her feathery hair as well as pointy ears and teeth.
With help of medicine she could get turned into her old form temporary though. While greeks best healers tryed to find a solution she tryed her best to hide this from the outside world.
But over time the medicine stopped working and the spans between transformations became shorter.
Harpy turned from favorite child to family disgrace. Her mother started despising her for being different. Beeing a shame.
This ended in abuse (Harpy's are fighters and pretty rough in general) Damaging her eyes and leaving some scars (mentally and physically).
After three weeks of not turning back Harpy was ripped out her bed one night and got knocked out and woke up to a flying ship to America. Taking her to an orphanage. (The council's decision, Harpy lives in the believe that it was her mother's) That happens after season 2
She stays in Salem's orphanage for a long while. There was not really a change of getting adopted. She was wounded still not able to speak and still had the features that made her different from the other children (not to mention that she was like 13 which is an unlikely age to be adopted at)
When one day a lovely wizard couple, not able to get children of their own comes to the orphanage to get information about adoptions they find Harpy. Diana and Carl Garcia immediately have a soft spot for her.
They want to help her, heal her and raise her (teach her what they know)
So she gets adopted and even if it takes Harpy a while to fully trust them she lets them help her.
These two are mostly healers which means they both could do wonders. Made her eyesight better (she still needs glasses/ contacts but it's way better than before) and strengthended her english ability's with a spell.
Due to the healing process her hair as well as her eyes got lighter/ brighter. She had to change her name to Henrietta (Harpy is not an official name in the rest of the monster world) They taught her magic and sent her to the Taliesin Academy for magicians.
She befriended two girls (Daliah, prodegy child and Tempest, chill closet lesbian gal). Since Daliah is the Headmistress' daughter she was sent out to become a somewhat rolemodel for scare School's brand new witch program.
So she took Harpy and Tempest with her to Scare School to "dominate" their witch class. (Boom season 3 starts)
Harpy meets Ra again (no she did not get over him) and he slowly starts falling for her. Not knowing who she is. (She tells him the day they become a couple. "That means I fell for you twice")
Since she isn't royal anymore she's a stressed person always very focused on good grades and discipline. A people pleaser. She indeed has a therapist but recovery takes a looong time.
All witches/ wizards use a dark magic to some extent but going full on black magic/ demon powers is frowned upon.
The day it's studied a relatively harmless demon is brought in for a demonstration. And let's say Bully™ has fun teasing it. Which leads into Harpy getting possessed. This results in a lot of drama but luckily the demon can be hold back by a glove. (She can't controll it yet since she has no deal with him)
The demon does have slight effects on her personality. Not as in it changes but her true personality shines trough. (Jealous, dominant and slightly sarcastic and sometimes even fisty but she mostly stays sweet and shy)
So she remains good in theory semi good in pratical magic.
Because if bad memories Harpy hates music/ doesn't listen to it on her own.
She loves flowers both for aesthetic reasons and for potions and such.
She got into reading. Mostly dramas. She stays very traditional though. She works very hard especially in magic hoping to become a teacher/ professor one day.
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caredogstips · 7 years
If College Football Teams Were National Soccer Clubs, Which Ones Would They Be?
If there’sone thing that followers who love all the popular American plays and soccer wantit’s obvious: We want ournon-futbol-loving peers and favorite plays media personalities to come around, too.
So, you could imagine any football fan’s amusement when an ESPN radio hostsaid he could eventually get down with soccer once he figured out that it was just like college football, but for the world.
ppl reading england is more like notre madam. i see it. #TheRightTime
— El Flaco (@ bomani_jones) June 28, 2016
And, yes, college football is definitelythe perfect analogy in American boasts to compare to soccer. No other athletic emphasizes institution and culture in the same way college football does.
No other play stressesthe importanceof home-field advantage like college football does. And no other athletic stimulates till-death-do-us-part love like college football does.
But, actually ?!
Is that all you guys needed to hear is capable of being jump on board the bandwagon? Why didn’t you just say so?
Here’s what the top football programs would be if they were national teams.
Miami Brazil
Both of these programsdominated the ’9 0s and the early 2000 s. Both of them have the most memorable empires in their respective plays since they are did it with flair.
Now, both are in a slump that has no definite tip in sight.
Michigan Argentina
Both make up one-half of the greatest struggle in their respected boasts. Both too have done simply enough winning and have made exactly enough top actors that they can still look down upon other programs.
Still, it’s been multiple decades since either has acquired a entitle, which means they’re “-A” platforms, for now.
Oregon Belgium
Despite neither having given aprecedent as afootball powerhouse, Belgium and Oregon have become two of the trendier appoints in their arenas.
Both fell upon a goldmine of physically talented promises within the past five years, but you get the sense that, like Oregon, if Belgium doesn’t win soon, their opening won’t bide open forever.
Arizona USA
On their day, either of these squads can beat anyone in the game. Realistically though, both programs are from places in the world where endowment is scarce, and that fact will always keep them from rising above a certain ceiling.
In the same way that AU can brag that its campus is better than anyone else’s when they lose, America can basically do the same to whatever country it loses to.
Texas The Netherlands
Like the Netherlands, Texas has created some of the bestplayers ever and is just a degree below Miami, all things considered, when it comes to the coolest program to support, the same way Holland is just behindBrazil.
Both programs, though, havefailed to keep up with the ways their peers have grown, and it demo in how they’ve dramatically fallen off. Holland’s didn’t even qualify for the Euros. And Texas? Well, who know when we’ll ever recognize them in the college football playoff.
USC France
France and USC are the perfect composites for platforms that give cool units to corroborate from cool targets to live. Still, their refer and its own history far outweightheir capabilities at this point.
And , not to mention, dumb arguings keep coming up for both.USC having a manager get into drinking trouble and a player stirring up a imitation floor about saving a drowning toddler is almost as wacky as French participates being arrested forblackmailing teammates over a sex tape.
Ohio State Germany
The influence of both Germany and Ohio State is prevalent of all the countries. The rise of both of their programs has provided a divulge from the tyranny of Spain and Alabama over their respective sports.
The question is, are able to keep the momentum going from the championship each triumphed during the 2014 season and squeeze out another trophy from their current grades?
Alabama Spain
Spain had a span success that was similar to Bama’s in that it won three entitles in six years old, which led to everyone was intended to do stuffs the Spanish way.
People wanted to use Spanish playing forms. Parties wanted to develop potentials the course Spanish people do. And the worst component? Precisely when you thought they were done reign, a brand-new class of amazing talents rose behind to change veterans. Throw in the egotistical devotees that expect to win everything and you have Bama.
Notre Dame England
Like Notre Dame, English football is known for having lucrative Tv contracts and unending cachet to its game.
Like ND, England’s name is much more valuable than its actual team.
Once in a while, they’ll do well enough to earn their space to the big game( see ND vs. Bama, circa 2012) and when they do, it becomes clear that they’re not even in the same conference as the top dogs.
Oklahoma Mexico
You can never count either curriculum out ever. They’re part of a select group of crews that will exactly ever be good.
Still, compared to the rest of the teams in that group, they’re actually simply the best of a bad cluster( Mexico in CONCACAF and OU in the BIG 12 ).
Stanford Switzerland
Stanford is like Switzerland in that you don’t certainly is looking forward to to acquire. You’re only surprised that their programs have formed it to a point that they can consistently win.
And it’s also recreation pointing out when these two programs grow enormous musicians.( Did you know that Andrew Luck is really smart and went to Stanford ?) Who knew such enormous concoctions could come from such prissy places.
LSU Italy
If we’re going to be honest, neither of these crews have been rendering enormous class of endowment lately.
Still, getting a profession coaching either of these squads feels like it will always be a top-five gig in video games. And, despite the aptitude lack, you wouldn’t be surprised if either procured its way to a trophy any devoted time because you can always count on them to have good defenses.
Clemson Colombia
Clemson is one of those schools that has enough history to make it a respected brand name in football, hadn’t been much of a serious contender lately. That is, until the past two years.
Now, these two programs are the ones you look to as units that any neutral devotee can root for, especially those looking for a change at the top.
Baylor Chile
Like Baylor, Chile comes from an area where it’s very easy to fall behind the shade of the conventional supremacies( reckon Texas and now suppose Brazil ).
But while those conventional powers have passed, these two programs have taken full advantage. Baylor has proven itself on multiple reasons to be best available program in Texas the mode Chile has in South America.
Houston Wales
You don’t know how either is supplanting, you just know that they are.
Boise State Iceland
Both hail from situates you’re not sure you can pinpoint on the map and have been very stealthilygaining force before having their large-scale moment.
No matter whereIceland get from here, they’ll always have a win overEngland on their resume, the same way Boise State will ever have that 2007 Fiesta Bowl win against Oklahoma.
Florida Portugal
Both have a deceptive reputation in that when you look at their biographies, you’ll discover they’re not nearly as good historically as the other curricula we compare them to.
Both had been plagued by an inabilityto get their hands on the right coach-and-fours nor the right young players.Because of that, it hasn’t been much fun following either for the better part of the past five years.
Turkey Penn State
Neither has done anything for us lately. At this degree, the most valuable resource that either has to its refer is maybe the craziest crowd in their respective sports.
Tennessee Croatia
They have the endowment to do damage every couple of years and before tournaments embark, looking at their listing clears it seducing to choice them as a dark horse.
And they might be able to draw away a startle once in awhile if their disposal wasn’t in shambles.
TCU Uruguay
Like Uruguay, the post-2 010 surge that TCU has suffered feels like it comes down “out of nowhere.” But there was a stage in time when TCU reigned; it’s only that no one recollects it.
TCU’s two national entitles between 1935 and 1938 are just as sneaky of accomplishments as Uruguay’s 1930 and 1950 World Cups.
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