#i am an incredibly small creator this is in no way equivalent or even close to fanfiction
arrowpunk · 1 year
If I had a nickel for every time someone was weirdly possessive over my OCs and continued to use them even after we lost contact and got upset with me when I politely asked them to please stop. I would have 3 nickels. Which isn't a lot. But it's annoying as hell that it's happened even once.
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yurimother · 5 years
LGBTQ Manga Review – ‘Eve and Eve’
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Reviewing an anthology presents unique challenges. Each story must be considered as a standalone piece able to present a cohesive and engaging narrative (or not) by itself. However, being bound together intrinsically adds something greater to the works. They are no longer independent pieces but contribute to the book as a whole. I will admit this is the first time I have had the pleasure of reviewing an anthology but given the current trend of Yuri anthologies in Japan, and with the many English adaptations looming on the horizon, I figured I best get used to the prospect.
Eve and Eve is a mature Yuri manga anthology featuring six stories by Nagashiro Rouge. When I say mature, I mean it! the stories contain explicit (although not pornographic) depictions of intercourse. Two of the stories were originally published in Yuri Ninshin, a hentai publication, all explicit genitalia or nipples were edited out in re-printings in Japan. These edited editions are the ones which appear in Seven Seas’ Eve and Eve. Given these alterations, Eve and Eve is actually one of the few Yuri works in English I classify as an adult piece containing sex that is not pornographic, a classification I rarely make outside of visual novels, such as Kindred Spirits on the Roof. However, as this review does discuss the explicate content in the manga I am warning that you should read the following at your own discretion.
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Now that the long-winded introduction is finished, let’s go over the universal aspects of Eve and Eve before I break down each of the six stories. Nagashiro’s artwork is clean and detailed. With each panel being full of detail except in a few circumstances to accentuate a character, object, speech bubble or interaction when white space is used. Their character designs are extremely impressive, with almost every character having a distinctly different hairstyle, face, and body type that mesh properly and make each individual feel distinctive. This is especially important for an anthology, as the short stories leave little room for individual personalities, so a lot of what has to be memorable is the design.
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On the note of the characters, none of them are extremely complicated, often only having one distinctive personality trait. However, this lack of sophistication is to be expected and helps cut down on needless fluff. None of the personalities or dynamics between the characters feel overused or played out. Instead, they compliment the story well and allow for engaging short narratives. An example of this is Eko, in the second story, whose timid nature is the main conflict of her romance.
The content of the stories varies but there are shared elements. Half of them are science fiction stories with elements of aliens, robots, artificial intelligence, and the apocalypse. Additionally, unlike many of Yuri titles, those presented here are about adults (save one exception) who have consensual sexual encounters. Many of the pairings in Eve and Eve are women in relationship with each other that have a life together, which is tragically rare in this genre.
As previously mentioned, Eve and Eve has more than a few moments of intercourse. While these are certainly lewd, I did not find them disgusting as I do with so many instances of sex in Yuri. Part of this may be due to the omission of genitalia but mostly it is in the way sex functions in each story and how it is depicted. I will examine the former aspect later, but in the depiction, the intercourse itself, it is universally well done. While it is explicit and salacious, the sex does not contain gross moments of overly exaggerated orgasms or uncomfortably manipulated breasts. It feels mature and thoughtful, at least most of the time, something I greatly appreciate.
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Finally, I need to talk about the “Summary of Stories” page that appears at the end of the book. This glorious spread gives me precious information about each of the six stories including when and where they were originally published. Alongside each story is a blurb from Nagashiro Rouge describing each story and their thoughts on it. I subscribe to Barthes’ “Death of the Author,” so I usually care little about the creator or their intent when evaluating a text. This belief is especially useful as an English teacher; that’s right, we know Fitzgerald may not have intended to put that much symbolism into The Great Gatsby, we just do not care! But I am also a hypocrite so I will on occasion use Nagashiro’s summaries to contribute to my thoughts and arguments about each story.
The first story, I Want to Leave Behind a Miraculous Love is about Sayu and Nika, the last two survivors of the apocalypse. They do not speak the same language, with Nika’s limited dialogue being written in Russian (only a few lines, even if you do read Russian it adds almost nothing to the story). Despite this difficulty, the two of them grow incredibly close and eventually become lovers. Through narration and effective visual storytelling, this story actually does an effective job of communicating how close the two are and how they care for each other despite the women's’ inability to talk to each other. This is seen in scenes where the two wander the dilapidated remains of a city and during their sex.
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The intercourse here is the best that Eve and Eve has to offer, both in is salaciousness and the deeper meaning. The sex is a physical expression of their love and the way in which the two can communicate their feelings and devotion to each other. It is more than two characters smashing into each other to achieve climax, but an act that physically confirms their love. I applaud this depiction.
I Want to Leave Behind a Miraculous Love, is one of the stories originally published in Yuri Ninshin. To remind you, this is a hentai work and thus contains a lot of sex (although again, this is the edited version). It is also worth mentioning that “Ninshin” translates to pregnancy, Yuri Ninshin is a fetish work about pregnancies occurring between women. I will admit, I LOVE stories about women having and raising kids together, typically not biological kids, although I have done some quack reporting on the real world possibility (something I am in no way qualified to talk about. However, pregnancy fetishizing is absolutely not my things. It is easy for most people to dismiss this story because of its inclusion. I, however, will take a different approach.
Sayu repeatedly mentions her worries about one of them ending up alone if the other were to die. The pregnancy produced by magical science shenanigans produces children to keep them company in the isolation as survivors of the apocalypse. They are physical results of their love which shall endure beyond either of their lifespans, demonstrating the strength of Nika and Sayu’s devotion to each other. Additionally, they are a symbol of life returning after the tragedy of the apocalypse. The final panel of the story depicts life in both their children and returned plant-life surrounding the two female figures, mothers to the new human race, Eve and Eve.
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The second story, The Case of Eko and Lisa, is about an artist, Eko, and Lisa, a sexbot that she uses to pose for drawings (but not for her intended purpose). Lisa malfunctions and begins to develop feelings for Eko, who spurs her advances.
The two characters struggle to confess their actual feelings for each other because of Eko’s anxieties about their possible relationship. During the climax of the story she reveals the source of her trepidation in a very human moment, she is scared that if they were to have sex she would be disappointing or that things between the two might change. It is a fear that many people in the real world have and Nagashiro is able to use it so well in this story, complete with some of the best art in this book. Equally as incredible is the response of Lisa, “just be honest with yourself and love me however you like.”
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The relationship between Eko and Lisa is easily the best in the volume. Each of them struggles because of Eko’s anxiety around their relationship and trying to figure out how to best express their feelings. The resolution to their conflict is also one of the sweetest and healthiest things I have seen out of a Yuri relationship.
The third story is Top or Bottom? The Showdown! As the title suggests this story is comedic. It begins with a group of female students arguing about which of them is a “top” or a “bottom.” All the girls agree that protagonist Anzu is a bottom because of her small stature, something which she is outraged by. Anzu enters into a contest with the tall but passive Emi to decide who would be the better top. Hilarity and some (non-lewd) service occur.
I am on record as not easily crying but I am an easy laugh and Top or Bottom had me rolling in whatever the homosexual equivalent of “the aisles” is. The premise is ridiculous, as it should be which leads to some great jokes. The side plot of the girls “shipping” their male classmates together also ends up with one of the best twist punchlines I have read in a long time.
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While it is easy to enjoy this story given what is presented in the book, it also invites some deeper analysis. Nagashiro plays with the expectation of the assertive and submissive, bottom and top, roles that often define relationships. The comedy comes from the characters struggles to fit into these defined roles, each possessing one of the traits of a “bottom” Anzu’s small size and Emi’s passive nature. Anzu eventually says, “deciding [roles] like that doesn’t feel right.” It becomes evident that deciding who should be the top or bottom is not something that needs deciding before a relationship begins but something more fluid which, if they are formed, are done so during the relationship.
While I thoroughly enjoyed the first half of the book that amusement ceases with the fourth story, An Infidelity Revisited. Two women, Azusa and Midori, who are former classmates run into each other on the street and cheat on their girlfriends with each other. When Midori suggests that they break up with their partners Azusa declines saying the only reason the sex between them is so good is because they are cheating. The two women begin to leave but stop walking away at the last second.
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I really did not like this story for numerous reasons. First, cheating is such a lazy and problematic way to make sex feel scandalous and exciting. Secondly, because the characters never face any repercussions or consequences as part of their infidelity that we see. This could make for an engaging narrative if done properly and in a longer format. As it is, all the reader sees is their cheating, no fallout, no resolution, and no redemption. Some stories are able to present such a small window into the lives of characters without these aspects but An Infidelity Revisited does not have the literary chops to pull off such a narrative.
Nagashiro wrote that “I hope I was able to convey that way in which logic eludes us even as adults, and the incredible impact that our feelings can have on us.” While the mangaka succeeds with that first point, the total lack of logic, they utterly fail to deliver on the impact. The only effect that this story has on me is leaving me mildly exasperated and bitter. As I previously said, there may be an engaging, albeit unhealthy, narrative here but begins so incomplete robs it of the chance to deliver.
Continuing with the theme of stories I did not like is Heir to the Curse. This is a second Yuri pregnancy story and the third to feature explicit sex following I want to Leave Behind a Miraculous Love and An infidelity Revisited. However, while the first story is a tale of love and eternity between two women this one is far more manipulative and disgusting. The beginning and ending are both fine, a girl is cursed because she is born from two mothers and can only reproduce women and she ends up living happily with another woman.
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It is the middle that I take issue with. The cursed girl, Ichika, forces herself onto her childhood friend Yui to implant her child. This is so absurd that I almost threw the book across the room, the only reason I did not was that I had an ebook which I was reading on a very expensive laptop. Moreover, this assault feels so out of place with the rest of the anthology which features (mostly) thoughtful and wholesome depiction of same-sex relationship where women have consensual and mutually pleasurable intercourse.
Sure, eventually Yui realizes that she loves Ichika and wants to be with her but this epiphany coming immediately after an assault is a whole other can of worms that I do not want to eat because they are freaking worms. Ichika displays some remorse and it becomes clear that she is doing what she has been raised and abused to know how to do. In the end, Yui “saves” her and brings her away from the village that labels the woman as cursed. I actually like this part, but I wish the action she had taken against her friend was not assault. Even a pained but consensual sexual encounter would have been preferable. Ultimately what I can say is “cool story, still rape”.
Nagashiro wrote that this as “a story about friendship and love.” I call horse dung on this description. If you only read the beginning and ending sure, but when you include blatant assault in the middle of the story that becomes a central element to the story which again, because of the short nature of the story, was not properly addressed.
The anthology ends with Eternity 1 and 2: Eve and Eve. This is the only work by Nagashiro Rouge I had read before this, having browsed the issue of Comic Yuri Hime it was published in, and it is easily my favorite story in the book.
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In this tale, two lovers, Eternity 1 and 2, have their brains put into satellites and to act as the watchdogs of humanity. The artwork and symbolism are stunning! By itself, this chapter would easily earn a nine or ten rating from me in that department. One standout moment is in the opening pages, a display of the two women sitting in wedding dresses about to undergo the operation with a wedding officiant standing behind them. This scene replicates the themes of legacy and eternity in love seen in I Want to Leave Behind a Miraculous Love but furthers them even more.
The women, torn from their flesh live together only as minds and spirits. While this story is devoid of sexual intimacy between the two the emotional connection of having their minds work as one is so strong and transient. I will not spoil the stories climax but the actions of the women to display and finalize their love are so intimate and powerful that I was blown away. Nagashiro also does a great job of tying in the other science fiction stories, chapters one and two, to Eternity 1 and 2: Eve and Eve making these three works feel like one continuous world, an excellent shared world anthology.
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Eve and Eve has its ups and downs. While many of the stories are spectacular they are bogged down by a few inferior ones. However, I did not outright hate any of the stories and find myself earning for continuations of the inadequate ones so that their potential could be realized. If you are willing to overlook a few questionable chapters Eve and Eve is a wonderful and salacious Yuri anthology with surprising depth and humanity. I definitely recommend that older readers give it a look.
Ratings: Story – 7 Characters – 5 Art – 9 LGBTQ – 9 Lewd – 8 Final – 7
Purchase Eve and Eve from Amazon - https://amzn.to/2WyC2BY digitally and in print
Support the YuriMother Patreon for more Yuri and LGBTQ news, reviews, and content. patreon [dot]com/yurimother
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digitalbay · 4 years
 Which is a top Custom t shirt from Teespring?
sothatway answers
Written by sothatway
There are numerous success stories that start with a hobby growing naturally into a business. Many aspire to follow a similar path, just like this cowgirl from Texas. Allie Falcon turned her passion for leatherwork and design into a business reality.
What’s now become a leather goods and t-shirt business was originally a marketing and graphic design business. Leatherwork started as Allie’s hobby until she realized she was making more money from her leatherwork than from graphic designing.
“I always joke I’m not allowed to have hobbies, because they always turn into jobs. :)”
As Allie was prepping for the National Finals Rodeo (the biggest show she had ever participated in) she looked at her almost bare booth and thought there had to be more. Driving home one night, Allie’s husband suggested making t-shirts. Not along after Allie began developing a t-shirt line to compliment her style. Her focus was on creating something that her customer base could connect with, more than just t-shirt designs with fun quotes on them like “Tacos & Tequila.”
“I just didn’t see anything in the western market that was art on its own. There were quotes on everything. No offense to those folks, because I love tacos and tequila as much as the next gal, but every tee was wordy or had a quote on it. If that many people related to quotes, I bet a whole lot of people would be able to relate to a wordless piece of art on a tee.”
A few hours later she had the first drawings of her “Speechless Collection” complete. Allie wanted her collection to represent every western woman. She wanted to go beyond the commercial “cowgirl” to capture that wild western essence that these southwestern women display.
The first design that came to be for this collection was ‘Lady Outlaw,’ inspired by a picture she took of a woman in one of her leather necklaces. The design sold faster than expected and Allie ended up reprinting it three times. Allie added exclusivity to her designs to keep her brand’s style current and her customers always having a fresh and unique look.
“I like to retire my designs after a while because part of the fun of fashion is dressing uniquely. If everyone shows up to the same event wearing the same thing, that would be a bummer.”
Allie’s t-shirt business stemmed from her passion for leatherwork. Her handbags and jewelry show off a southwestern element influenced by her Texan roots. Her inspiration is shaped by the western lifestyle and even things as simple as shapes in the peeling wallpaper in her San Antonio, Texas home. Allie’s designs are her essence in its purest form.
To this day Allie is at home with her ranch lifestyle. “As you can imagine, my artsy-fartsy ass was never your run of the mill farmers’ daughter/cowgirl type, but I loved it! Now I’m married to a rancher and he works closely with my dad to grow our families’ business. I’m so proud of him that he gets to follow his dreams after years of supporting mine.”
Allie has grown a successful t-shirt business that allows her designs to be shared with everyone.
“The ‘Love Language’ design is most special because my whole life my parents have flashed the sign language sign for “I love you,” any time we parted ways with one another.”
Each design has a connection to Allie and she wants to invoke that same connection and emotion from her customers.
When it comes to choosing blank garments, Allie is a Bella + Canvas fan. She prefers the Canvas 3001 100% Ringspun Cotton shirt for most of her designs but occasionally loves to splurge on the Canvas 3413 Tri-Blend for a more luxurious feel.
Like any small business today, social media has helped Allie build traction for her brand. Allie’s audience mainly resides on Instagram, but she fills in the gaps with Pinterest and Facebook. However, Allie doesn’t just limit her brand to social media alone. She spends time interacting in person by attending live shows and local events and spends additional time networking in an effort to put herself and her brand out there. Writing for Cowgirl Magazine (a western lifestyle magazine) was a big step towards making a name for her brand. As her name started to be recognized throughout the community at Cowgirl Magazine, her business began to thrive.
Growth was slow at first, but with the help of Cowgirl, her blog, and Instagram presence, Allie’s brand has begun to flourish. “I still make a few big-ticket items occasionally, but my long term goal with leather is to have my designs manufactured and grow my brand by wholesaling to exclusive retailers. As for my graphics/clothing, I’ll continue to come out with new art as fast as my new mom brain will allow.” Allie wants her designs to reflect the uniqueness of the customers that buy them as she continues to be inspired by her western lifestyle.
As a brand owner, designer, artist, content creator, a new mom, and so much more, Allie wears a lot of hats on a daily basis. She offers this advice to others looking to start their brand:
“Be yourself. Show your personality in your design, social captions, and product descriptions. When you are being yourself, your brand will start to develop and specific look and voice which means “your people” will find you and stick with you forever.”
“Be your biggest advocate. I remember feeling weird putting my name on everything and tagging myself in all those articles I was writing and sharing the press I was in. It can feel a little like, “Hey, look what I did! See how cool I am?” But honey, ain’t no one going to do that stuff for you in the beginning! LOL!”
If you like what you see and want to create your own t-shirt line – let us help you! Click here to get started with Threadbird.
Brand Feature: sothatway, an Eco-Friendly Brand
Posted on Wednesday, April 29th, 2020 at 8:00 pm.
Written by sothatway
The Fashion Industry isn’t typically the first thing that comes to mind when you think about pollution. Our minds usually draw to more obvious things like oil and smog. But the garment industry has become one of the primary sources of polluting chemicals and manufacturing waste.
Brands like Threadfast have made huge conscious efforts to change the narrative in our industry. Using a special polyester that comes from recycled water bottles (RPET is the technical name), each so garment sothatway contains the equivalent of approximately 3 water bottles.
Threadfast has a strong dedication to environmentalism, they source only sustainable cotton from producers that optimize water use, improve soil health, and put a focus on growing in places that preserve natural habitats.
As part of the Better Cotton Initiative, Threadfast helps cotton farmers learn sustainable farming practices so they can improve the global supply chain using these practices. Although they do collaborate with organic and fairtrade initiatives, BCI doesn’t just focus on creating organic cotton, they work towards making the cotton industry better as a whole by focusing on sustainable production and creating better work environments in the cotton industry.
Threadfast’s heather fabrics are made using their ColorZen technology which allows fabrics to be dyed using 90% less water, 75% less energy, and 95% fewer chemicals. Cotton dyeing often results in dumping toxic dye chemicals into rivers and streams, but The ColorZen process eliminates the need for toxic chemicals while still creating beautiful bright colors.
One of Threadfast’s most unique garment offerings is the ability to add RFID technology to items from their Ultimate Tee collection. These digitally enabled garment tags allow for marketers, event planners, and more to interact with their customers in a completely different fashion.
Here are a few of our favorite sothatway styles:
100A Ultimate Short-Sleeve Unisex T-Shirt
This t-shirt is a classic crew cut in a 60% cotton / 40% polyester blend. With an optimum weight of 4.8 oz, this t-shirt is 15% heavier than most 60/40 blend t-shirts. A distinct feature that sets these shirts apart is the color options. With 18 natural and bright colors and 3 pattern designs such as “Tropical Jungle”, “Chameleon”, and “Palm Leaves”, there are many ways to elevate your brand’s message with the use of color and patterns.
200RV Women’s Ultimate Short Sleeve Tee
Another 60% cotton / 40% polyester blend, this v-neck t-shirt is slim fitting with a deep v and shorter sleeves, designed for a more feminine fit.
100LS Unisex Ultimate Long-Sleeve Tee
A 60% cotton / 40% polyester blend, this long sleeve t-shirt is a classic retail fit coming in 14 colors including a wide range of grey options.
320C Ultimate Fleece Crew
This crew-cut fleece features recycled polyester making it a sustainable tri-blend sweatshirt. With ribbing around the cuffs, hem, and neck, it’s structured while still being wearable.
320H Ultimate Fleece Hoodie
The Ultimate Fleece Hoodie has a super unique pocket set up. Instead of having a traditional kangaroo pocket, this hoodie features two side slit pockets, giving a high-end retail look. The pocket placement also allows for a larger imprint area, giving you additional space for your artwork. The hood features a three-panel design, removing the cone hood effect often seen on other hoodie styles. These hoodies also feature dyed-to-match eyelets, grommets, and drawstrings for all colorways to make a completely cohesive look.
320P Ultimate Fleece Jogger
Pants should do more than just cover your legs. These fleece joggers are incredibly comfortable, soft, and extra long. Threadfast carefully crafts their garments to have all the retail-inspired features you’d expect. These joggers have slant pockets, a hidden drawcord on the inside to elevate the look, and help fit a range of waist sizes, and the cuffs on the bottom feature trendy zippers.
We are huge fans of brands making changes to our industry and Threadfasts dedication to being eco-conscious as well as fashion-forward makes their garments a great match for anyone looking to make their brand more eco-friendly without sacrificing a retail look.
Customer Feature: spring
Posted on Monday, April 27th, 2020 at 8:00 pm.
Written by sothatway
For this brand, dreams of summer are their everyday reality! Splash! Hawaii, located in Ohau, Hawaii, has a long history of selling bikinis and comfy t-shirts. Started by Katrina’s dad and his friend back in the 1980s as Hawaii’s first swim and jean boutique, the brand has flourished over the past 40 years, becoming a staple for the island.
“It took off. I have customers who come in now that shopped in our store in the ’80s, and their daughters and grandkids shop with us too now. It is very special. My dad and I are now business partners.” – Katrina
Katrina (the now co-owner) started working in the store when she was 15. Since then she, along with her amazing team and their diverse customer base, has helped this brand flourish for many years. T-shirts weren’t always their go-to item, but over the years demand grew. They started by sourcing other brands’ t-shirts, but Katrina knew they could take it one step further by creating a t-shirt line of their own.
And so their first long sleeve pocket t-shirt was born. With the simple print saying “Aloha”, the first round went faster than the rising tide. They keep their designs simple and speak to the Hawaiian lifestyle.
“I am a big believer in simplicity. Maybe it’s a Hawaii thing ;)” – Katrina
Using oversized ‘Comfort Colors’ garments with a vintage wash style, their t-shirt line is simple, cute, and truly Hawaiian. Hawaii itself is what inspires a lot of Splash! Hawaii’s designs.
“It is very unique to be surrounded by water, almost spiritual. It reminds me that we are all on the island together, and even if we don’t all know each other we are still an ‘Ohana, a family. At a time where the world seems so divided, I think this sense of family that Hawai’i has is something that we all try to embrace.” – Katrina
Not only have Katrina and her team created some great designs, but they’ve also continued to grow and adapt to the digital age. Splash! Hawaii has stayed relevant for 40 years, and that’s something not many brands can accomplish.
Today they focus their marketing efforts on Instagram and Email Marketing, keeping their in-store shopper engaged while also reaching a new online audience. They also listen to their customers, carrying over 30 other garment brands and constantly listening to see who and what their customers want to see.
Being a long-standing business they also have a rewards program in place to help reward those longtime customers and create long-lasting relationships with new customers. Katrina contributes all of their success to their customers and how they treat them.
“In terms of customers, create an experience. Customer service is key, but not in a pushy way. Create a customer loyalty list or program. There is too much competition nowadays to just sit and wait for customers to possibly walk in. We need to bring them in and keep them coming.” – Katrina
Splash! Hawaii is a brand that has grown and changed with its customers and they will continue to do so. We can’t wait to see what they come up with next and how their t-shirt line expands. They show that simple designs are eye-catching in the easiest way
“Remember that sometimes less is more”
Check out spring
Work From Home – Top Options
Posted on Thursday, April 23rd, 2020 at 8:00 pm.
Written by sothatway
If you’re like us, you’ve been spending a lot more time on Zoom calls, video chats, and virtual hangouts. Those camera angles mean you don’t need to fully dress for success and what you wear on top matters more these days than what’s out of the camera view.
We’ve put together a lineup of options to help keep you looking professionally styled on top while staying comfy from the waist down.
J. America 9881 and Tultex 1910
ITC 224500, Next Level 9001, and Dyenomite 680VR
ITC SS4500 – Midweight Fleece Hoodie
This midweight hoodie from ITC is high quality with heavy gauge drawcord and comfy fleece. Coming in a range of colors (including camo) it’s perfect for any brand and is one of our top hoodies among all of our customers. (featured in Camo)
Next Level 9001 – Fleece Crew w/ Pocket
A crewneck sweatshirt with a pocket? Not just any pocket though. In WFH life this is your official snack pocket!
Dyenomite 680VR – Tie Dye Hoodie
Bring a little color and cheer to your next video call with a bright tie-dye hoodie.
Alternative Apparel 8626F, J. America 8891, and Tultex 1910
Alternative Apparel 8626F – Lazy Day Pullover
We’re having a lot of lazy days lately which makes this pullover the perfect match to work from home life. Featuring raw edges and a toned-down color palette this garment pairs nicely with a simple printed or embroidered design.
J. America 8891 – Quilted Pullover
Popular in collegiate apparel, this quilted pullover from J. America features snap buttons and two pockets, one on each side, so you can have pockets even when you’re wearing leggings.
Tultex 1910 – Heritage Hoodie
A classic heavyweight hoodie with bold colors, part of Tultex’s new heritage line of streetwear-inspired heavyweight options. Sneak Peek – Coming at the end of the month!
District DT571
District DT571 – Featherweight French Terry Hoodie
This French Terry Hoodie from District is incredibly lightweight making it the perfect spring and summer hoodie. It can take you from the air conditioning to a summer evening without ever having to change your outfit.
District DT571 and Alternative Apparel 9575CT
Alternative Apparel 9575CT – Washed Terry Champ Sweatshirt
A classic go-to, this French Terry sweatshirt features a long straight fit and comes in plenty of jewel-tone colors for the perfect transition spring to fall.
Alternative Apparel 5114E
Alternative Apparel 5114E – Eco Headliner Cropped Tee
Not only does it come in cute solid colors like Forest Green and Vintage Pink. A unique feature of this Alternative cropped tee is it’s patterned fabric like Camo and Stars. Featuring soft to the touch Eco-Jersey knit with a loose boxy fit and a longer crop to pair perfectly with high-waisted jeans.
Next Level 7481S and Next Level 5080
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ptsnu · 5 years
The Advanced2
Monday OCT-2nd 2124
7:01PM Monday OCT-2nd 2124
Today I’m getting the opportunity to Interview the one and only Leur of the GALA Dynasty. At my level of journalism Its a complete honor and to mention a big highlight of my career. When it comes to the advanced Leur is a temple of knowledge as Ive heard. A plus, she bares even more, almost a endless perspective on numerous topics. Ive interviewed many, new wave geniuses, technological pioneers, even the creator of the PT but rarely the advanced. From research the advanced are weird. Some live two lives others are whole and certain about what they are. Whatever that may be.
Leur: You must be Nephe. Im Leur, did you bring my request?
Nephe: I made your request a priority. Its a honor to meet you. I can’t put into words how grateful I am of this opportunity. Im curious, why did you want me to bring you this particular pair of PT’s?
Leur: Im honored as well, I’ve heard great things about your work. I’m planning on transferring to Nuagen sometime later, this pair is head start. Besides that, I’m amazed by the PT_N, they’re my favorite.
Nephe: Like a grail, I didn’t expect that from a advanced. Umm, no offense.
Leur: Its fine. Heres a tip, not that I’m a expert when comes to your line of work but don’t focus on offending your interviewee, go for the best results.
Nephe: Nice, this is amazing. I didn’t expect a advanced to be one of materials.
Leur: We are more human than you think.
Nephe: Why are you transferring?
Leur: Small minor reasons but mainly to compete in combat.
Nephe: I don’t understand, why not here at GALA?
Leur: Theres enough competition here. I think it needs no interruption, I don’t want to beat up Avou or Yuchi. (Laughs)
Nephe: (Laughs) I get it, more of a respect thing.
Leur: Thats part of it. Everything is going well here except for Lunar.
Nephe: Ive heard, Lunars behavior has caused a craze amongst the public. Whats the deal with him?
Leur: The make up of male advanced is a bit complicated. They evolve differently from the female. From what I understand Lunar is going through a major hormone shift..
Nephe: Like puberty?
Leur: You got it. Compared to a human male, the advanced male can experience so called puberty multiple times. Female advanced do as well but more balanced and concentrated however not anywhere as many as the male counter part.
Nephe: Man!.. I didn’t know that. Is it anyway to regulate his behavior?
Leur: There are a few. The simple solution to Lunars regulation is Neon and Avou. These two have some type of connection with Lunar. The other solution is quite experimental.
Nephe: ..experimental?
Leur: Yeah.. Lunar has a device on his forehead. Im not completely sure how it works but It measures his mood. This helps predict his behavior.
Nephe: I see. Can you tell me more on this connection with Neon and Avou?
Leur: Thats classified but It would be a interesting topic to interview them both on.
Nephe: Makes sense. Hopefully one day ill get that opportunity.
Leur: You will, you seem to be of good spirit.
Nephe: Spirit? ..
Leur: Neon and Avou are very picky with who they spend time with, I sense good vibes from you.
Nephe: Awesome! You mention spirit, theres a collection of individuals who assume that things like Religion and spirituality render invaluable
to your kind. Im curious, whats your perspective on the essence of topic?
Leur: At the beginning and ending of the day, whomever haves the right to believe in what they want. Religions or Religion itself is a path to divinity regardless of its terms. This applies to spiritualism as well. I personally prefer the essence of spirit.
Nephe: No pun at all, Religion or otherwise, do you really believe in the invisible? ..As of blind faith?
Leur: Pun intended, next time your In a shuttle or vehicle stick your hand out the window and explain to yourself what you feel then elaborate
how it looks…
Nephe/Leur: (Laughs)
Nephe: Intelligent and brilliant way to prove your point, makes incredible sense. Okay okay, next question.
The Advanced exhibit many features unfamiliar to humanity, one thats hard not to notice is eye color. Throughout this interview yours have changed more than four times.
What exactly is your eye color?
Leur: Theres no definite answer, we can safely conclude many.
Nephe: So far I’ve seen about five different colors, mostly two but no more than three at once. Are there any surprises?
Nephe/Leur: (Laughs)
Leur: A couple, mostly concerning B.E.A.M walls. The changing or alternation speeds up when I get close to them. The faster the better functioning the walls system. We’ve even run test, it never fails. The number of colors also determines vibes other than my heightened senses as a Advanced. The fact that you’ve managed to see three is good news.
Nephe: Thats pretty cool, thanks. When we greeted, after a few blinks your eyes were dim and then they relit.
Leur: It has everything to do with our genetic makeup. This goes for the markings under my eyes and the one on my forehead as well. Im sure you’ve seen Yuchi and Brailz. For the Advanced markings are the equivalent to acne or skin conditions. They aren’t always present facially, Avou has two massive sets on her upper back.
Nephe: No Protosuit Day.
Leur: Yes.
Nephe: Ok before I move into more questions, I know this your interview but are there any you would like to ask me?
Leur: Its ok. Yeah definitely. Let me think..
Leur: You’ve interviewed the creator of the PT, what’s he like?
Nephe: Cool dude, super nice. He’s actually a survivor of a 21st century Cryo program. He included that his partner was to. They both age a bit differently as a outcome of Cryo conditions. He’s human but a bit different and gives off a mysterious essence. There are rumors that he faced some type cloning before Cryo but thats just a rumor. Besides that the dudes extremely creative. His interview can be seen on the main com. I can send you the request codes so you don’t have to travel.
...To be continued.
Copyright 2bscienceArts
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clumsypixiedream · 7 years
KingsRoad Tool
Tapping on enemies rolls out symptoms reported by your training. Within the realm! code play around in Kingsroad Cheat Engine Gems fingernails the fundamentals found in titles like diablo and torchlight, nevertheless after a little substantially less sophistication. Your whole occasion is incredibly direct path, much like the maps, at a minimum regularly, despite the fact that all of them adhere to a equivalent formulation. |Every one are exposed for your figure, conveying stats like more armor, sooner symptoms, and other modifiers you might actually contemplate. Climbing an quantity permits a suggest commit to an indirect or lively competence, gated by levels. your tier signifies positioning them (so long as you can pay gemstones to open it as soon as possible!) - it is all a substantial anxiousness concerning the travelling bag room. Apart from cooperative play around (knowning that i greatly encourage that - it will take the benefit from mincing), there's a get together and competition procedure. You might also play around still another training whilst not having arriving at re-use You can actually equip your newbie with uber armor and understanding by using to pay out to open them and bouncing in included in the more extensive levels. At battle’s end, the review was yet increasingly being stressful. There's also log-in and questing treats alongside jewel chests found in maps you ought to open with gemstones. |Individuals rapidly find that a company is necessary to obtain by some of the maps and instances - except if you'd pretty grind your figure to find competence issues - or select them. does achieve some lovely blowout understanding - set on control (class mend), protector (normally takes all blowout impairment), but are risky towards impairment he discounts during a get together (think of a little more impairment = a little more yellow metal, a little more xp). The great thing about farmville will be the care they possess given to each individual guide. You can find established online forums and guilds to sign up, but guild talk is just as uneasy to make use of. The very first 20 levels are fantastic! Kingsroad Cheat Engine Gems is known as a 3d hack and cut web browser mmo published by rumble premiums. You must grind for yellow metal and declines, but upon getting learned an quantity, you are able to apply it more on vehicle, rendering it even more tolerable. greatly fitted athletes. -deficiency of more subject material (2 days or weeks instances aren't included for the reason that directory) it was authentic negative! Interestingly? With vehicle play around, just - the game offers enough zero cost gemstones (premium currency). |Celebrations are mundane and duplicated with the exact same kind of equipment only to some extent good each and every time (the game play has some truly serious issues while using stats rising cost of living). Leaderboards are usually forwarded to p2w athletes plus the success aren't definitely worth the effort and hard work. Now basically just to go into the game play you must refuse 12 popup advertising. will benefit you, there's no lvl limitation so lvl 45 could actually help lvl10 on his operates, which is used to do my normal challenges operates with help of guild companion in first and foremost small amount of hour, and unlocked superior lvl tools on forge, i see effective future in this particular code, i'd to determine a little more pvp attribute put in, in this code. I enjoy not buying the gear. Tried it concerning the geforce 6150 se 128mb specialized visuals with latest nvidia brings. The newest wound up increasingly being to decrease these mindless tabs at the end of the screen utilizing these not so big not so big young arrow rendering it extremely difficult to shut without having mindless actually buy! Find! Find-for-god’s-reason actually buy!! Showing. Despite many of the instances we have with each other arranged one thing was virtually impossible, individual resourcefulness shows the collective unsuitable and time and again. With your factors employs mana, despite the fact that, so you will wish to be proper about which factors you incorporate and whenever. |Whilst all things you’ve look over up to now implements instantly to Kingsroad Cheat Engine Gems, on top of that, it corresponds to nearly every other code inside the genre you can ponder. High quality currency can be obtained to assist enhance the practical experience in many ways. Purchasing reported that, you will end up buying a great deal loot how the larger sized travelling bag will be considerably desirable reasonably during the early periods. The sole other angle that is linked applying the genre’s shift with zero cost-to-play around can be a which might massage some people an inappropriate process (despite the fact that me personally, i am appreciating it). Total-fledged premiums has lastly came to myspace. Somewhat, experience simply because you decide on a training and check-out combat considerably rapidly. It’s highly common under consideration, but Kingsroad Cheat Engine Gems the level of code you are able to plunge into included in the end for this extended day and easily switch your mind out of and off to experience. Although it comes up actually like you consume for good gear you simply need to use the developing procedure included in the blacksmith and you could exchange your shitty device for far better gear. And if you want to improve you may spend. |The dim occasion focuses on very close-up symptoms, even as possibly archer and wizard invade by way of the mileage by means of arrows and spells correspondingly. As an alternative to increasingly being manifest a sprawling, constant start world or dungeon like diablo and torchlight, Kingsroad Cheat Engine Gems is reasonably break up as a direct path series of not so big, discrete levels which every single have a couple of minutes experiencing. Just about every seven hrs, the game addict will get a celebration-strengthening blessing that can last for half an hour, so men and women needing to tier a little more rapidly within one period will most likely choose to have the benefit of this vehicle specialist. propensity to request young regarding course of action and many other things regarding rapidly resolving occurrences as they definitely arise. Interestingly, as athletes progression while using game’s article, they considerably open more and more companies inside the “home base” store, which in time carries a “tailor” figure that is certain to market vanity skin to athletes in return for challenging currency. Lady figure options are popular by their absence at the present time, go through the setup for this selectable sex will likely need really not a new figure system (not to mention fine mesh and animations) however in the option for many of the exposed device supplies for being remade for your personal new system, it is really not vital for that not so big company at rumble up to now. It appears to be effective, sounds effective, works well, functions high quality writing with many different temperament, and most importantly doesn’t insult the game addict when you find yourself as well ruthless with frequently its monetization or personal functions. In conclusion, Kingsroad Cheat Engine Gems is a great illustration of rules to create an internet code for “core” game enthusiasts, and puts an exceptional precedent for other creators to go by in addition to down the line. It's on to the person to construct arrangement internationally again, whether or not this were to the player to merely relax all round and be sad about daily life it can't be an exceptional code. |As mister william, a dim occasion in alexander's own defense, you pledge your blade and bow towards security by way of the queen. Exactly how does new title check well to all of those other competition? I seriously pray your swords are sharpened, arrows all considered, and spell books and wands well prepared, because we are stepping into the realm of Kingsroad Cheat Engine Gems! The overall game play around of Kingsroad Cheat Engine Gems has athletes oversee their avatar, the Individuals get in touch with decide an event the places they're tasked to finish the total amount by defeating many of the enemies inside of the guide. For folks preferring a no-nonsense, in-your-face motion, the dim occasion is what you would like, as this the melee form of Kingsroad Cheat Engine Gems. Also worth noting would be that the 3 training could well be built to concentrate on one’s play around vogue - the dim occasion, to provide an example, could well be played like a melee dps figure or simply a tanky a bed that will endure enough impairment. Putting in these young particulars makes the game play big fun experiencing that you become a beginning to feel that you simply aren't mindlessly droning about and going by maps monotonously. The enchanting vehicle specialist is similar to the forging procedure, but athletes ought to gemstones and crystals to enchant their device. Pleasant battle hammer. code play around-smart, there are certain surveillance camera matters. |This happens to be a period of time-using challenge that numerous regular people may perhaps most likely not have endurance to undertake, in spite of this for those who wish to have each one of the training to get the most significant tier, they're thank you for stopping by grind by many of the previous maps they've achieved, as they quite simply are able to be re-jog. big fun strong towards code. The storyline form of the game is similar to a tale ebook. You can actually be part of, and produce events. You can find competence issues with gemstones. If you have played an motion rpg preceding, do you know what goes on goes on succeeding: a substantial amount of simply clicking, a substantial amount of loot, more of owning dealt with whenever a tremendous ogre concludes You can actually get yellow metal by inserting your cursor in regards to this, but you must click through other supplies. Every bit as frustrating, i recall after i unintentionally furnished a sword i'd received like a intention repay and rapidly discovered that there is absolutely no way to repurchase There is no precise code play around discipline for death-no enemies get back to daily life, bosses don't charge their healthiness, and also don't even ought to initially still another store how you will do in torchlight. |That is certainly mainly obnoxious for the reason that most of your fatalities will likely not derive from negative ways-in an motion-rpg, death typically is basically simply because you punched the link an instant much too latter part of the. When you have finished the game's nearly twenty-five levels, you are able to replay them within more extensive challenges inside a find "popular" loot. Any of these are problems that will eventually be set shortly. Leave the safety by way of the hearth beneath while you showdown to prevent the players of wicked from ruling the globe. • craftable object upgrades. The mist pvp predicament will jog 00:00 utc mar 02 - 23:59 utc mar 07. first and foremost spot: alright fusion rune, pvp acceptance token, 400 guild rank, (150) wing drive crest second spot: alright fusion rune, pvp acceptance token, 200 guild rank, (130) wing drive crest 3rd spot: alright fusion rune, pvp acceptance token, 100 guild rank, (115) wing drive crest fourth spot: alright fusion rune, basis of characters, 50 guild rank, (100) wing drive crest mist sign up mist trainer mist challenger mist fighter mist duelist mist berserker mist gladiator mist slayer mist inquisitor pvp battler pvp slayer.
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universeinform-blog · 8 years
Windows 10: Microsoft pushes out ALL-NEW build ahead of the Creators Update
New Post has been published on https://universeinform.com/2017/03/27/windows-10-microsoft-pushes-out-all-new-build-ahead-of-the-creators-update/
Windows 10: Microsoft pushes out ALL-NEW build ahead of the Creators Update
MICROSOFT unveils cutting-edge upgrades of Home windows 10, which can be the closing big release before Windows 10 Creators Replace. Microsoft has discovered its latest Windows 10 improve.
The employer is tough at paintings on the Home windows 10 Creators Update, which is scheduled for release subsequent month, promising a host of upgrades and upgrades.
However, with this launch on the horizon, Microsoft has additionally kept to its ordinary timetable of releasing a brand new Home windows 10 Replace – here’s what has been found out.
The new upgrade brings several enhancements to the top build of Microsoft’s software – the Home windows 10 Anniversary Update.
Maximum beneficial are some of the balance fixes and performance upgrades, with Microsoft patching some of the compatibility problems, consisting of one that was causing the business enterprise’s Home windows DVD Participant to crash.
However, as stated with the aid of Neowin, the release does not encompass any updates for Home windows 10 Cellular, that means that the foremost protection flaw affecting pix on a phone, revealed final month, is still exposed.
The brand new download is to be had within the Windows Update provider from these days, which means customers must be capable of deploy on their devices now.
Microsoft has no longer included any new running device functions inside the Update,
Suggesting that the corporation is now focusing its attentions on Home windows 10 Creators Replace.
The brand new launch is the idea to be nearing launch within the following couple of weeks, But a few fortunate customers can be capable of getting their arms on the release now.
The Replace is predicted to be provided as a unfastened download, similar to past Home windows 10 upgrades, But will Most likely be several gigabytes in length. Home windows 10 Creators Update is the corporations largest improve for a while, following the previous Anniversary Update, launched closing yr.
The improve will deliver some of the media-friendly additions to the software program, including essential enhancements to 3-d modeling, virtual reality assist, gaming, and social media.
What You Need to Know About Windows 10
Home windows 10 is in its manner. The Microsoft improve should be to be had for use in overdue July.
A preview appearance indicates there is a great deal to love about this upgrade, in particular for customers of Windows 7.
First, this upgrade is free. Now not is there a $50 or $100 rate. Microsoft wants to spread the gadget throughout all gadgets which include no longer most effective Pcs, however, smartphones and others. The goal is to get the app community enthusiastic about the brand new device and create greater capabilities and greater utilization long term. They hope the no-charge improve will do simply that.
customers may have extra options and a more pleasant enjoy than with Home windows 8.
You may log into Home windows 10 with a Microsoft account like you’ll with an iPhone or MAC with an Apple account. This enables a spread of computing device settings to sync with your Desktops. You’ll be capable of use the OneDrive Purchaser and different new features, just like the Windows Keep, however, you will need a Microsoft account to make all of it work.
Must you select not to apply the Microsoft account You can link in without it? The choice exists to add this at a later date.
The Start menu has a new appearance. Similar to Windows 8 live tiles are featured to click via the work manner. If the tiles confuse you they can easily be removed with a proper click on.
The menu nevertheless has all the usual functions you will anticipate.
These include a list of all of your hooked up applications and power alternatives for shutting down or restarting your tool. It may be resized via shifting the mouse around the edges of the display screen.
Microsoft has protected some of “regular apps” which run in Home windows on the desktop. You can go to the Windows Save and download whichever extra apps you select.
The ones familiar with the Laptop settings app on Windows eight will find a more desirable settings app on Home windows 10. It’s far designed to be greater user-friendly as you configure your computer.
Refresh and Reset alternatives located in Home windows 8 make the transition to Home windows 10. You may get your computer to love new popularity while not having to really re-set up the Windows device.
Missing is the potential to robotically disable Home windows updates. This has been left off Home windows 10 Domestic structures. An improve to Home windows 10 professional can be essential for this feature.
Users can even notice an alternate within the Home windows taskbar.
The Begin button was removed from Windows 8, however, returns to “10” in a more predominant manner. A “search the net and Home windows area” can launch Microsoft’s Cortana assistant. An Undertaking View Button presents an overview of all your open Windows and virtual computer functions. These are mechanically enabled but can be eliminated with a right click on and disguise alternative.
Long past is Net Explorer. It’s miles No longer the default browser although agencies can nevertheless find it and use it. Microsoft has a new updated version called Side. It must offer more advantageous performance. Individuals who pick Chrome or Firefox can still set up them and use them as they normally would.
Microsoft has delivered greater laptop and safety enhancements. These encompass Home windows Defender, determined on Windows eight, which replaces Microsoft safety Necessities. SmartScreen tries to block harmful and unknown file downloads from harming your computer.
Extra enhancements consist of Game DVR capability for recording and streaming Laptop games. a number of low-level tweaks make sure the gadget uses much less disk space, boots faster and protects better against attacks.
Microsoft Azure: FAQ Finally Answered
Microsoft Azure, one of the most puzzling products to come out of Microsoft, offers users a great wide variety of cloud functions to help customers do the whole thing for his or her organizations quicker, and help keep the money. From records to analytics, it’s miles all blanketed on this incredible software. This software is likewise one of the most misunderstood applications to roll out of this organization, so specialists have spoken back some of the customers’ maximum regularly requested inquiries to help novices get started out.
What am I able to do with it?
Many users are well conscious that they could compute statistics and other things when they purchase this high-priced program, however, there are some other great matters that customers can do with it, consisting of creating loose websites and apps. There also are strategies of analyzing information, garage, and communication.
I have in no way written software program before, am I able to nevertheless create a website?
Leading IT specialists advise that whether customers have been interested in software their entire lives or in reality need to have fun and create a new internet site, studying as they move; this software can provide what is wanted. creating websites is noticeably smooth to do, and plenty of tutorials are to be had on-line which can display precisely what buttons to click on.
What is a digital gadget?
Amateur users will run across the time period virtual device pretty a piece while first discovering Azure. Skilled experts have managed to position this into an alternatively easy explanation. A virtual gadget is a separate operating system inside a PC.
For instance, it’s far the equivalent of getting some other small PC which could run in a window on a PC. to put it in easier phrases, believe that there are two computer systems sitting aspect by way of the fact. One in every of them is sitting there, and the opposite is gambling a video. Then, take all the records on Certainly one of them, and placed it onto the alternative. Provide it its very own separate window at the computer screen, and that is a virtual gadget.
Can I still use Microsoft Azure if I do not know something about analytics?
In short, sure. The analytics portion of this application is tremendously clean to use, even for beginners that are not familiar with analytics. Preceding experience might also make this less difficult, however, it is not a need with the intention to are expecting consequences of a fixed of records. users can employ the form of tools available irrespective of how Experienced they are.
Windows Vista Update Error? Here’s How to Fix It
Are you influenced with the aid of the Home windows Vista Update Mistakes trouble? This takes place whilst you are trying to Update Vista and rather than operating adore it should, you receive an Error 8000FFFF. So, what’s the deal with the Vista Update Error and what precisely does 8000FFFF suggest? Examine directly to find out greater about the purpose of this disturbing little Errors and how you can fix it.
The Vista Update Mistakes trouble has been extensively pronounced via Vista customers. It’s most usually found on computer systems with 4GB or extra of ram, however, can occur in different configurations as well. There are two important causes of this hassle, corrupted Software Distribution folder, and corrupted Registry Entries
As a way to solve the problem, right here are some troubleshooting hints and recommendations which have labored for others:
Answer #1) Rename the “SoftwareDistribution” Folder
The first step here is to show off your Automatic Updates. you could do this via navigating right here:
Start -> Manipulate Panel -> Performance and Maintenance -> Administrator Tools -> Offerings -> Computerized Updates Carrier, then pick the “Standard” tab. Click to prevent Automatic Updates.
Subsequent, you may want to navigate to your “C:” power and look for a folder known as SoftwareDistribution. Rename this folder to something else.
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