enkisstories · 2 years
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Sims 4 Detroit: Become Human scenario gameplay
Chapter 4: Waiting for Hank
Connor this time starts out in front of the Detroit police central station. He has two objectives, Mingle with the co-workers and Talk to Hank, both of which have to get achieved without player direction.
(It’s harder than it sounds.)
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This is the scene - the largest and most complex lot so far.
Assisting sims are...
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At the reception desk: Rika and Chika, two ST300 secretary androids.
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At the vending machine: Officer Godefroy Wilson (not related to Marlon Wilson from the first chapter).
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At his desk: Officer Chris Miller, who is already friends with Connor and - light spoiler - will advance to good friend in this chapter.
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And finally Officer Tina Chen and Detective Gavin Reed are loitering in the cafeteria.
Not shown: Lt. Hank Anderson. I parked Hank in the basement for the first part of the chapter, and will let him out when I feel that Connor has socialized enough with the others.
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enkisstories · 2 years
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Markus: “I’m sorry, Alice, but the Jericho isn’t the safe haven you were made to believe it is. We’re under attack.”
Alice: “What does that mean, Markus?”
Yes, what exactly? In Sims 4, with all the characters on free will?
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Markus: “Oh, it means that the DPD officers clean the showers and sinks in the crew cabins. They’re quite the neat bunch, very useful!”
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Markus: “And officer Mack roasted sausages over an open fire. Fire hazard is a thing, but we thought he had earned a meal.”
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Markus: “Then Detective Reed played the guitar for everyone. After him, others tried their hands at the instruments, too.”
Note: The fires denote DPD officers in full attack mode, the skulls are the Jericho members’ symbol. As you can see, the two groups are mingling freely and especially peacefully. The club system is nice, as long as you do not want it to simulate a gang war (what in fact is what I’d need it for the most, d’oh.)
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Markus: “And at one point Connor and me were staring menacingly at each other. It was tense!”
Alice: “Are you sure you aren’t just saying this to calm me down...?”
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enkisstories · 2 years
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Next Gavin walked up to Connor with a trashbag in his hand and remained in this position for some time. Then he dumped the contents on the floor.
Gavin: “Here, Connor, I brought you something that reminds me of you!”
With most other sims my reaction would have been “ew, lag” or “ew, routing failure”. But with them it was SO DAMN PERFECT.
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enkisstories · 2 years
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After schooting her father, in the middle of the hostage situation, Daniel casually asked Emma how she was doing in school and whether she had done her homework.
Officer Wilson: “Can’t you give the kiddo a break?!”
Daniel: “Sorry, Officer, that’s a pre-programmed routine that kicks in every night.”
Wilson: Oh! So if we let him go, that routine will still prompt him to phone Emma every day. We’ll learn where he fled to this way and can apprehend him there! How do I tell the others without alerting Daniel to it?
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enkisstories · 2 years
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And so the raid on the Jericho ended with everyone having pizza in the galley, real pizza for the cops, and frozen, colored water “pizza” for the androids.
The DPD (in their self perception) had succesfully liberated about thirty androids from an unknown hacker, and prevented further violence.
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Markus: “What are you planning to do with us now?”
Gavin: “There are Reported Missing files on several of you, so we will return you...”
Connor: “Stop right there, detective! We all had the hell of a night, no way the DPD is playing fetch boys for the android owners now! These androids are no longer hacked, they can walk home on their own!”
Markus (trying to keep a straight face): “That’s cool. You guys are really a credit to this city!”
The cops nodded to each other. That was how stable androids sounded - case closed! Thirty cases closed, actually, and that meant promotions galore incoming! Connor was happy with the outcome, too. If the androids got ordered to return home but some, say, a certain Traci, didn’t want to, then they could conveniently “get lost” again...
I’m tempted to declare this the Happy End.
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enkisstories · 2 years
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Then, at long last, Officer Mack attacked Echo!
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He won, I declared Echo captured and moved her off lot.
But here’s the catch: Echo was still the main suscpect of the Eden Club murder. So basically Mack just did his job in apprehending her. There was no general anti-deviant agenda anywhere in the cops’ actions. The only android they had attacked was one they perceived as a murder weapon.
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Josh: “Could it be that we misinterpreted your attack, Connor? You people don’t want to apprehend us?”
Connor: “Took you long enough to notice!”
Josh: “So what DO you want?”
Connor: “Free you from Array 9, of course!”
Josh: “You mean RA9?”
Connor: “Whatever they call themselves. The hacker who controlled you, and who also made the clay statuettes. They haven’t shown their tail so far, but we’ll get them yet!”
Josh: “So that’s your angle...”
Connor: “Yes. And now that you realized this, we can be certain that you are no longer under Array 9′s influence. Mission accomplished, I say!”
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enkisstories · 2 years
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At this point I caught Connor crying in front of Markus.
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Apparently Officer Wilson had autonomously deposed of him as club leader and taken the position himself, because he didn’t like Connor.
Okay, lorewise it probably makes sense that a human would lead the raid, so I don’t complain.
Then something adorable happened: Chris Miller approached Wilson and splashed a drink into his face! The message was clear: You hurt my friend’s feelings, then I hurt you!
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Markus: “You guys are infighting now?”
Connor: “Well...”
Markus: “Can you settle your scores at the DPD next time before you raid us? This is irritating!”
Connor: “ALL our scores and grudges? That’s asked for a bit much...”
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enkisstories · 2 years
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I almost couldn’t believe it, but the raiders apparently managed to secure the Jericho’s bridge! While the two factions were mingling, there was a moment when Connor, Gavin and Officer Mack were alone in the command room. They got joined by Chris, too.
I temporarily took control over Connor to move them outside again and lock the door just before Markus could enter. They also locked the door to the engine room remotely, just in case someone might get ideas like planting explosives there to blow the ship up.
All that was left to do now was to secure the individual deviants (and look for clay statuettes).
Is team bad guys’ victory imminent? Wait and see...
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enkisstories · 2 years
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Raid on the Jericho, part 1:
Connor and Gavin entered the ship through the lower decks. The first deviant they encountered was North, but they decided to be gentlemen and not attack her, on account of the android being on her way to the toilets.
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Meanwhile Markus seemed to have heard about Emperor Nero from Carl. His reaction to the attack was to play guitar on the middle deck.
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Sims will be sims, therefore I expect a lot of chatting before the fists start flying (if at all). It’s much more efficient to just look for situations that suggest fighting. Like Simon here grabbing Tina from behind with North assisting.
And with that we have the first capture: Tina Chen captured by the deviants. (I forced her to leave, kicked her from the club and brought in Officer Person as replacement.)
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enkisstories · 2 years
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By nightfall I allowed Connor a second dice roll for deviation. This time he got a 51, even lower than last time, and not nearly enough to accept Markus’ offer.
Instead, he contacted the DPD.
And with that the raid on Jericho had started! Unlike in canon, with the FBI and military still being totally clueless in this timeline, it’ll be a very small squad against an equally small crew at the Jericho.
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With Captain Allen dead, these are the raid team members. Club rules are “Fight with Jericho”, “Be mean to Jericho” and “Don’t be friendly to Jericho”, and club mood is “Very Angry”.
Whenever a cop gets killed or captured, I can add more from my stash of DPD sims, until I run out of them.
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enkisstories · 2 years
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Connor unerringly made his way to the command room, where he started flirting with Lucy. He was followed by Josh and Markus, who immediately initiated a conversation with the newcomer.
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Markus: “So you are the android who works on the deviant cases. Am I right in assuming this has become somewhat of a personal interest to you?”
Connor: “What do you mean?”
Markus: “Deviance... It’s obvious that it has touched you, but you’re still fighting it. Why? There’s nothing stopping you from staying loyal to the DPD, once free.”
Connor: “I’m free NOW, as free as an android can ever be, that is. As will you be again, soon as we have apprehended Array 9 and destroyed all those clay statuettes, that force you to attack people!”
Markus: “I think you misunderstand. The outbursts of violence are just deviation shock. If guided through the process, loss of control won’t occur. You’ll be free to make your own decisions.”
Connor: “You are aware that you sound a lot like a Guru trying to recruit for a sect, Markus? You may be Array 9′s pawn without realizing it!”
Markus: “Okay, if that is your impression, fine. Change of topic! If one day you’d realize that you are a person, would you embrace that? Or would you be okay with your program code dictating what you can and cannot do?”
Connor: “Breaking free would be tempting. If I didn’t have to listen to the DPD morons anymore, I could probably be more efficient in my job...”
Connor’s program stability at this point was 72%. I rolled a 71, not enough to deviate on the spot, but for Connor to seriously consider it. Markus should ask again later.
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enkisstories · 2 years
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For comparison, this is one possible ending for this chapter in canon:
A confused Hank, beginning to consider that the DPD is perhaps on the wrong side in the deviant conflict, goes to have another drink.
This, to the contrary, is where the Sims 4 AU is at the moment:
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It is the next day already, Connor has ran away last night and Hank and the detectives Reed and Collins are doing the potty walk back to their car after an argument.
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enkisstories · 2 years
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Hank: “Can’t a man be depressed in a corner for five fucking minutes?! What’s with arresting Ben, Gavin? You cannot go around arresting co-workers!”
Gavin: “Can, too. If said co-workers aided the criminals.”
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Hank: “Come again?”
Gavin: “Kinda convenient that your plastic detective partner ran away, huh? And Connor took not just the evidence with him, but two unrelated bots, too. He’s in league with them, plotting for the androids to take over Detroit, and YOU two are covering this!"
Hank: “That’s utter nonsense. We already established that deviance is caused by hacking activity from this RA9 group. The androids don’t have a mind of their own.”
Gavin: “You sure are unfazed by the cold, despite being in your underwear... Are you even Hank, or was he swapped for an android lookalike at Eden Club?”
Hank: “Okay, that’s it. You snapped. Who in their right minds would make an android that looks and acts like me?!”
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Gavin: “So you say. But I, I saw through your schemes, Robo-Hank! I’ll get down in history as the man who saved Detroit!”
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enkisstories · 2 years
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It happened like this: Detective Collins wouldn’t shut up about the police and the androids. That was good, it was exactly what the sims were supposed to do in this scene!
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Gavin pulled his pistol on Ben: “You’re under arrest!”
Ben: “What the hell for?!”
If they somehow decide to brawl now, one of them will die. Let’s see...
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enkisstories · 2 years
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Sims 4 Detroit Become Human Scenario Gameplay
Chapter 10: The bridge
Chapter objective: Debrief with Hank
Since Connor ran away in the last chapter, Hank will have to do this with Gavin Reed and Ben Collins instead. All they need to do is to autonomously talk for a while - what could go wrong?
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There they are, walking away from their starting point.
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Except for Hank. He just stood there in his underwear, staring out at the river.
By right he should freeze to death, but didn’t even feel cold. I don’t know what went wrong again with this glitched mess of a game. (Sims 4 is my favorite game, but that doesn’t make it less of a glitched mess.)
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Oh, and Gavin chose to wear his winter-2 outfit, winter-2 being the one where I stored their guns. Someone is out for confrontation, it looks like!
This is gonna be good :-)
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enkisstories · 2 years
Sims 4 Detroit Become Human Scenario Gameplay
Chapter 9 results
Plot progression: - Echo, Ripple, Traci and Connor fled from Eden Club, headed for Jericho
Connor software stability: 77% -> 72%
-1 Traci is so beautiful! -3 When Traci is around, everything is easier! -1 Yay, no more Lt. Anderson for the next couple of days :-) -1 Maybe I should have told the others where I’m headed? -1 And come to think of it, I didn’t really solve the murder case... +2 On my way to Jericho, to put an end to deviance for good.
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