#since I can just pluck a lot of the information I have in the manual and turn it into a separate little book
very seriously considering suggesting doing a traditional folk dress/19th century clothing exhibit at the museum from january onwards if the museum board doesn't have other plans yet but also. can I realistically put together an entire exhibit in like 3 months (within which I'll be gone for two weeks to take a break in october) with accompanying promotions and book.
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santalsaburablog · 4 years
Adventures of Santal. Chapter 9: Landa's Secret
Revealing the secret builds trust.
Quarrel! After meeting near the Jedi Temple, Santal and her aunt's paths diverge in opposite directions. In an attempt to resolve the conflict, the girl manages to help the oncoming woman Rana Martez, and then return to continue her studies at the Jedi Temple. The story continues.
Over the past week since that day, Santal got to know all the members of the clan better. Dasha, as an inborn empath, was able to feel emotions from childhood, at least basic ones. Nick is cheerful, constantly smiling and can amuse those who are sad. Grace loves to laugh. Landa is strict, obedient and obedient to her elders. Just like me, Santal thought.
Almost nothing can be said about the rest, because I rarely had contact. From conversations it became clear that many really do not remember practically anything. Because of this, the girl even felt sorry for her peers. Because they weren't as lucky as she was. She knows a lot about her parents now. Exactly! She can look for information about them in the library, or, as she managed to christen her, "The Main Branch of Paradise." Of course, she had many favorite places in the Temple, but the library is definitely in the first place.
Santal studied the schedule thoroughly. I also asked the curator about the youngling's life. Some facts she already knew, and some frightened.
So, Santal already knew that the morning began with a study of the Force, then the children went to classrooms for a lesson in politics, as well as the history of many worlds and cultures. After lunch, the clans began physical education, acquiring the necessary skills and reflexes. In addition to theory, the Younglings had to find time for five daily meditations. Each clan began their training with the study of the Jedi Code and three important disciplines: Strength, Knowledge, and Self-Control. It was these foundations that became the foundation for further development. In addition to the required course materials, each youngling received a copy of The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force. Students had to know the layout of the Temple by heart, as well as the names and history of the Jedi who had memorials in the Temple, so as not to forget their history and become better acquainted with the traditions and philosophy of the Order.
     The children studied and practiced together, which made them very close and learned to trust. Younglings often helped each other and followed an example from a comrade. While comprehending the Force and its capabilities, they simultaneously learned self-control, which was an important step on the path to mastery. Before starting to comprehend the art of lightsaber fencing, children had to prove themselves in other areas, otherwise they will not progress in the possession of weapons. In the third discipline (self-control), younglings were taught for the first time more sophisticated meditation techniques that helped keep their minds under control during battle. After mastering the six levels of lightsaber combat, they were challenged. Refusal was not accepted. If the child did not pass the tests, then he could repeat them. Youngling was either making progress or abandoning the path of the Jedi.
The tests were scheduled when the younglings were undergoing initial training at the academy. They consisted of three main tests: demonstration of knowledge of the Code, meditation, mastery of the lightsaber, and control of the Force. All junior Jedi were required to pass the exam, but not all passed the test. If in the future the younglings were not taken as Padawans, then the Council assigned the child to one of the Service Corps, where he would perform the tasks of the Order, which did not require skills in using a lightsaber and the Force. There was a third option for the Younglings, which the High Council deemed unsuitable for the Jedi path. Such children could leave the Order and use their skills to find a good place in the galaxy.
The last girl, to put it mildly, scared. And it gave rise to many questions and thoughts. What if it doesn't work? No, though. There is an answer to this question. But it doesn't make it any easier. It turns out that if Santal fails, then Corpus or a return to her aunt is waiting for her. Neither the first nor the second perspective seduced her. The girl more or less imagined her fate in case of returning to Ryloth. But my aunt wanted to be away from her. Or maybe she was joking? Or maybe not? If not, what should she do? Become like the Evil Hat? Could she do that? Santal did not know the answer to the question, because she considered what he was doing, impossible for her, beyond understanding. Santal just didn't understand how one could be so cruel. And if you imagine that she was expelled from the Order, would she be able to find him? Ask to take to yourself? Make friends? Although the girl did not understand the meaning of the word "friendship" well. But maybe he will teach her something. Although no, I have already taught.
Then a strange thought occurred to the girl. And if this uncle is an inanimate creature? A droid who pulled on someone else's skin so as not to frighten others? Maybe. So Santal decided to find this blue. Anyway. Either for training or revenge. All the same, there is nowhere else to go.
Стоит отметить, что, despite good relations with the Younglings, Santal did not become very close to anyone. She politely communicated with everyone, if someone asked for help, tried to help, and the classmates themselves helped her out more than once and invited her to play. But Santal kept the other children at a distance. Adults, strangers, were still afraid like the plague. But with the Jedi it was just the opposite. Santal was always looking for the company of her elders and enjoyed communicating with them. So she once met the Twi'lek Jedi Anun Bondara. In principle, Santal liked to communicate more with Twi'leks, even more than with people. Because when she spoke to them, she felt at home. 
  Bondara was also happy and at the same time surprised to meet a human girl who was raised by representatives of his race. You don't see that every day. Therefore, two Jedi from the same home planet quickly found common topics of conversation. Santal talked about her past and learned a lot about a stranger. Her new acquaintance was born into the Dara clan, was admitted to the Order at a young age, and eventually attained the rank of Master, following the path of a Jedi Guardian. Most importantly, Santal was amazed when she learned that he was a sentinel in the Ryloth system! It turns out that he could find her! Wow!     
    - I really want to travel the world. I have already visited some of the planets, namely Tatooine, Corellia, Devarone, Naboo, ”Santal admitted with childish ease. And casually added: - Although my aunt told me: "Do not go to Tatooine, or the giant slugs will eat you."      
   The elder Jedi's face turned sad.     
  - Did I say something wrong? - Santal was frightened.      
   Twi'lek hurried to smile and answered:    
  - No, baby, it's okay. You just know, I also like to travel the Galaxy, I visit Hutt space with a feeling of awkwardness, seeing how many Twi'leks were slaves or servants of the Hutts. It upsets me that my clan members have become either poor or criminals, but as a Jedi, I must remain cool and impartial, even when negotiating with the Hutts.     
  - It turns out that we need to talk politely with everyone, even with those who we don't like and who don't like us?     
  - Yes. Unfortunately, yes, - answered Bondara honestly and directly.      
  - I understand you perfectly. My aunt was once a Hutt thing. She would have been her to this day if one Jedi had not saved her. Maybe I'll save someone.      The man nodded approvingly. And then Santal plucked up courage and voiced her concerns:      
  - We will soon begin to master the sword. I'm afraid I can't do it. I heard that it is difficult. I will be among the laggards, and then they will expel me or ...   
  Bondara made a gesture so familiar to the girl, meaning that he would not tolerate such thoughts.      
- But the majority, on the contrary, are looking forward to such a moment. They can wave their arms, imagining themselves to be great warriors. And I think we need to let the Force guide the sword, throw away all possible fears about the outcome of the fight. Get rid of your thoughts. Don't expect victory. Don't expect defeat. Don't expect anything. The lightsaber is not meant to defeat enemies or rivals. We must use it to destroy our own greed, anger and stupidity. The one who created the lightsaber and walks with it through life must live in such a way that he himself can be a weapon against everything that is directed against peace and justice. And most importantly, be honest in your feelings, this is the surest road to knowing yourself and the Force.      
    These words gave Santal a tiny bit of hope.      
    As the days passed, training became more difficult. Santal was in trouble. The first is acrobatics. The girl was afraid to perform various techniques. Everything seemed to her that she would fall or be crippled. Somersaults were especially difficult. More precisely, they were not given at all.      
    Second, the senior Jedi sounded the alarm because a month had passed since enrollment in the Order, and Santal had still not become close to anyone. Yoda even approached her and talked about this topic. Santal answered the truth. That she communicates normally with everyone, but does not feel the need for friendship. Then the master replied that if she did not try to open up, then she would never have friends.      
   Other children also tried to make friends with the girl, talked to her and invited her to play even more often than before.     
   - Well, how can you sit and read all the time? - Max was sincerely surprised, unlike Landa, who treated this daily routine with much more approval.      
   Although it was not true. Santal not only sat, but also walked wherever possible. I studied the new house, where everything is. She enjoyed the conversation, but she was in no hurry to sign up as friends. She considered her fellow clansmen to be exceptionally good friends with whom she could communicate. And friends, real friends in the full sense of the word, she simply did not need. She was used to being alone, she was so comfortable. When you sit alone, you don't have to give in to anyone, everything is only according to your own rules. Or you sit in the library, not bothering anyone. Nobody distracts. No, Santal loved to help, but sometimes she just needed to be alone and reflect. Think. And she began to think almost every second after the story with her uncle.     
    And then, after some time, unexpectedly for everyone, including herself, Santal found herself a friend, more precisely, a girlfriend. She was a girl only a year older than her and the Mrialan race. Her name was Barriss.      
   They met in the library. Then Santal wanted to know more about her parents and went there. At this time, Barriss was sitting at a long table and reading something. It was she who became interested in Santal, drawing attention to a girl with olive skin, black hair, very beautiful blue eyes (Santal admired, she could not even take her eyes off) and with a strange pattern on her face, like freckles.      
    First Santal sat on the opposite corner of the table, then a little closer. And then she took courage and sat down very close. Left.      
      “Hi,” the reader replied quietly.      Santal was surprised, she thought she would have to take the first step. Well, okay. So even better.      
     - Hi.      
    - What is your name?      
    - I am Youngling Santal Sabura. And you?      
    - Barriss Offee. Also youngling. Mirialanka.      
    - Nice to meet you. Santal paused and added, “You don’t… don’t… mind if I sit with you?” Do you read?     
    - Yes. One text.      
    - So you like to read? So do I.      
   - Yeah. Barriss answered calmly, monotonously and reluctantly, as if the lesson was answering. Only at the last word she smiled.      
    - I'm also looking for information. About two Jedi.     
    Then Santal went to Jocasta, who had become her favorite librarian, and asked for a CD with information about Bastian and Adir Shan. And she provided what was needed without question. The girl returned to her seat, feeling her bursting with curiosity. Finally, she will make her dream come true. She finally finds out what her mother and father looked like. Suddenly she wanted to question Barriss.      
   “Barriss, were you, like everyone, found and taken to the Temple?      
    - Yes. 
   - And you don’t remember your parents either?”      
   - No. The girl shook her head. - I was born on board an unknown passenger liner and never knew my parents. However, my connection to the Force was quickly discovered and I was taken away.      
   Santal's pupils were dilated.      
   - Wow! - she exclaimed. - I was also born on a ship. - And mentally added: “But, unlike the others, I was lucky. I know who my parents are. And I can look at them right now. "    
    And now the long-awaited moment has come. Santal looked at the photo, and warmth spread throughout her body. As if wrapped in a soft blanket. How she looks like them! For everyone. Dad got the eyes. From mom - hair.     
   So the girl sat there, unable to tear herself away from the faces of her parents.      
   “What eyes they have! There is so much power in them! And smiles! Probably, when they were taking pictures, none of them suspected that they would have a girl, and something would happen to them. Well, I don't believe such talented Jedi would die. Surely they just got lost. Either they went on an expedition, wishing to discover or have already discovered many new plants, or animals, or even a new planet, system. Galaxy! But something went wrong and they got stuck. Or maybe this is what happened: my parents crashed on an unknown planet, saved its inhabitants, and they made them their rulers. King and queen Or the chancellor and the chancellor's wife. "
    Dreaming, the girl did not notice how an hour had passed, although it seemed to her that it was less. And from the next day they began to take acrobatics. This is where the problems began. Santal was scared. Because in the classroom they had to do somersaults, jump, get up in different poses. The algorithm most often was this: you jump and move your arms and legs in the air. Left, right or something else. There was also such an exercise: you need to run up to the wall, push off from it with your feet and roll back, landing on your feet. This exercise in the Temple was considered one of the easiest. But Santal was afraid to do it. What if she falls, breaks her leg and ends up in the infirmary? No, she had a good relationship with Vokara, she just didn't like being sick.      
   For many of the clan members, most of the exercises worked. Yes, and the daughter of the Jedi herself, in principle, tried, it just did not work out most often because of fear. But in other subjects, things were much better. Just fine. On history, politics, she regularly crammed the material and answered questions more than once during the lesson. So her teachers were praised and considered the best in the clan in this matter.      
   Barriss and Santal became inseparable. Often they could be seen in the library communicating with each other, studying texts, discussing material. One explains one, and vice versa. Soul mates found each other.     
    And so a month passed. And soon Santal and her clan prepared a surprise. On that day, instead of the usual classes, they were expected to show Yoda's training duel with one of the masters. Of course, everyone was waiting for her with eagerly. Especially Max. Three days before the upcoming event, he was worn during the break. It will jump to the left to Adrian, then to the right to Dasha. When he jumped up to Landa, she scolded him:      
   - Behave yourself! A future Jedi after all! I hope you will sit still during the duel.  
    - Do not swear, teacher, - as always the boy answered with a joke. - But the rest, at least someone, tell me, are you burning with impatience? Adrian? Nick? Santal?      
   “A little, yes,” Santal replied, hoping that he would calm down a little.      
   Her words had little effect. At least he stopped jumping. But Landa did not surprise her at all. Santal was also not happy with Max's behavior, but, unlike the twilight, she was calmer about it. And if such active and sociable children as Grace or Max said that she and Landa studied longer together, but still did not understand what was wrong with her (she was like that almost from the first day), then Santal was not at all worried , because she herself is the same. But there was a difference. Sabura was never hard on others. And Landa sometimes loved to educate. Of course, Santal understood that this was not just that, but others from the beginning of their acquaintance almost immediately gave up. That's why they joked at times. 
    And Santal suddenly remembered that when Dasha began to talk about the twilight, she abruptly stopped the attempt. And the girl might just have forgotten about it, but it didn't work. Curiosity burned like acid. And for obvious reasons, Santal did not dare to ask, and she considered it tactless to climb into someone else's soul without asking. When Landa herself wants to share with someone, then she will find out. And if he doesn't want with anyone, nothing. Santal will not be offended. She herself has secrets. One is scarier than the other. Here's another reason not to intrude. You yourself will ask a secret, you will have to tell yours. And Santal with anyone, even peers, was afraid to share secrets. You never know what. Enough time passed, and I was still afraid of strangers like fire, only less. I was not afraid of children at all, but all the same. Suddenly they are someone's spies, sent by adults to find out more about her than she said.      Oh Sila, she seems to have begun to understand that uncle. Maybe that's why he didn't believe? Thought Santal was a secret agent sent to spy on him or even kill him. Although ... it cannot, and it is so! He said something like that. Maybe he has secrets himself. And he was afraid that she would find out? But Strength, she's honest. And besides, a Jedi. And the Jedi try to keep their word.      
   The girl learned an important lesson. When speaking, try to understand what the other person is thinking. You should not easily trust those whom you see for the first time or whom you know little. When you meet someone, you have no idea if this is your future enemy or your friend. Anything can be. Therefore, you need to be on your guard.     
    But, despite this, Santal remained unconvinced. No, she was beginning to understand her uncle's fears, to guess what he was thinking. But his guilt in her eyes did not diminish. She's just a girl! Doesn't she deserve mercy? Why is it obligatory to take it somewhere? Or maybe he guessed she was Force sensitive? But this is not an argument. Is it her fault that she was born this way? And he could check that she was really a child? In a word, the uncle is inadequate. From whatever angle you look.      
   - Santal. - The voice pulled the girl out of prostration.      
   Santal stopped looking at the floor and raised her head. Landa was standing near the wall.      
  - Hi. Something happened?     
   - Nothing. I just want to talk, ”the twilight said mysteriously. “But not here.      - Shall we go to me or to you?      
   - Let me think. Come on to me. It's somehow easier for me on my territory.      Santal grew more and more terrifying with every word spoken. So what happened that Landa wants to talk in private? And this word is "easier." It smacks of something serious. It is now clear that a serious conversation awaits her, and not some girlish gossip.      
   Entering the room, Landa sank onto the bed. Legs together, eyes on hands. Santal pricked up her ears, prepared to listen.      
  - Everything, I'm ready. Santal sat down beside her. Not too close, not too far.   
   At first Landa could not get herself together, she looked at her fingers, flexing them. At first, the daughter of the Jedi waited patiently, but when several minutes had passed, she braced herself and said:      
   - If you don't know where to start, start from afar.      
   Landa thought for two more minutes and began:      
   - You know, I thought for a long time whether to say or not. Initially, even before you came here, I generally planned to keep to myself. I think you can understand why.     
   - Well, I understand. Each of us has secrets ...      
   - Right. Landa smiled without showing her teeth. Santal also smiled with emotion. - It's good that you understand that. So I made the right choice.      
  - About what?      
  - About what I will tell later. What you just said is good. It's true. But, unfortunately, not all are like that. For example, Daria and Maxim. They, if you noticed, often annoy me. One of the reasons is they are not like that. They love to share everything. Therefore, when I first came to this clan, I was "attacked by them." In the sense that they started asking personal questions. Well, you understand. How did I get to the Temple, who brought it. And Max in general climbed into the jungle, - the clan member complained.     
   - Well, I haven't been "attacked". As far as I remember.      
  - This experience of communicating with me taught them something. Lucky you. But I do not. I still remember that Max pestered the most with questions.      - It's curiosity. - Santal tried to stand in the place of the boy. Try to understand what he would say.      
   “You know, you can die of curiosity,” the twilight replied sharply and very seriously, her eyes flashing.     
     Santal froze immediately. Landa said to the point. How you guessed!      
    - Hey, what are you? Santal, Santal, where are you? Did I say something wrong?      
    - Well no. Your last phrase ... right to the point. Should I not know about this.   
   - Come on! - Landa was shocked. From the next grimace, it became clear that she also wanted to know what had happened, but almost immediately faded away. - Although it’s me ... If you don’t want to talk, don’t. I understand perfectly well, I myself have never told anyone anything.      
   - So we are here only for this? - Santal was surprised.      
   - Yes. What? You thought ...      
   - No no no. I didn't think about anything. It's just that when you started, I thought there was some terrible secret awaiting me. But I also liked this frank conversation. That you generally agreed to this. You know me worse than the rest. And I understand you. I myself do not like those who cannot, without a large circle of friends, not share information, who constantly ask questions such as “what happened?”, “Please, can I help?”, And just harassment. For example, "where are you going?" Why do some people get involved in their own business? You know, before the Order, I enjoyed being alone. Fair. Communicated only with my uncle and aunt. Played most often in the backyard. That's why I want to spend time alone. True, a friend appeared recently. And that's enough for me. Everyone was perplexed that I often sit alone. And I'm so comfortable. Peers are not needed. Only if there are a lot of them. I don't know how else to explain.      
   - In my opinion, you explained clearly enough.      
   - OK, bye.     
   Santal turned around and was about to leave when she heard a soft whisper:   
   - I don't remember my parents at all. More precisely, I would like to forget them. If they loved me, they wouldn't sell me to some syndicate. Not rations, if you've thought about them. They made me serve. At first glance, nothing complicated. Bring trays of food and drinks. But in reality, everything is much worse. When you are pulled, pushed, kicked, spanked a hundred times a day. I could not stand it and wanted to run away. But it's hard to escape when a chip is put in you that explodes when you try to leave the territory. But I tried. At first I wore a collar with an electric leash. Hardly found a way to turn it off. But I was caught and this chip was planted. Then I was resold. I ran away on the way, transferring to another ship. But he was captured by pirates. So I changed five masters, until a Jedi accidentally found me and brought me here. - Landa spoke with difficulty. And it was clear from the intonation that the story was not complete. But even without that, it was terrifying.     
    Santal was shocked. For a short time I stopped hearing altogether. A veil covered his eyes. This is what she did not expect to hear. No, she had thoughts that there was something unpleasant in Selmura's life. But she didn't even think about it.     
   “Now it's clear why you ... I wouldn't tell anyone either. And yet you shared with me. It is with me. Why? The girl asked just as quietly.      
   - It is not that simple. See, you told me to start from afar. I started. Through the conversation, I realized that you and I are kindred spirits. This is how I learned that you can be trusted. And I entrusted you with the main terrible secret, without fear of what you will reveal. I know. No offense.      
    And Santal was not at all offended. Moreover, she was going to take this technique into service in the future. Thank you, Landa. What a fine fellow she is! Despite everything, she continued to live on! Probably Santal could not do that. Previously, she considered herself a sufferer, but now she learned that, it turns out, there are people who are unhappy than she.      
    - You know, I also want to tell the main terrible secret.      
   Santal told how she got to the Temple. About everything. To which Landa replied:     
    - Oh, you're still lucky. In general, I noticed long ago that you are very lucky. Was born in a shirt. And you know what else?      
   - What?     
    “I also chose you because you are from Ryloth.     
   - Yes. And there is. I was raised by Twi'leks. It's strange that I understand why I have no processes. I know that I am human. But I consider myself a semi-tweelek. It is clear why.     
    For the first time in the evening, and for the entire acquaintance, Landa laughed. But this laugh was light, quick, but memorable.     
  - And I still wondered why you try to hold on representatives of my race, not my own. I noticed that you feel more confident with twi'leks. Not every day you come across such a phenomenon.     
     - Yes, that is right. Probably. Okay, if you don't mind, I'll go now. If we've discussed everything.      
  - Of course. I don't hold you anymore. Until.      
  - Until.      
  Reaching her room, Santal fell on the bed, digesting the whole evening, after which she felt different. New. As if she was older. She had never before had such a serious conversation. Santal also felt that she was close to another girl. And it's great! Brought together on similar secrets and problems. Indeed, soul mates. The girl sincerely believed that Landa would not tell anyone her secret. As well as today's conversation.      
  The world for Santal Sabura began to lose its pink color. And she will carry the secret of Landa to the grave!
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masreefs-blog · 5 years
Cooked Veggies Maybe the Answer!
I am pretty sure this happened about 1.5 to 2 years ago but what an awesome solution.
As of recent I have been on a quest to restore the colors in my sps. In doing so I am dosing no3. With doing this it seems that despite gently working into it you will get a case of the uglies. I now have gha, its not an overwhelming amount but an eyesore and issue to be rectified.
Long story short tutorials and videos portray that gha would be a nutrient issue no3,po4, maybe nh4. I agree.
[not sure on nh4 but since purchasing a seneye I have learned that nh4 is not directly harmful in the tank but can turn to nh3 which is. Fortunately the seneye records them separately and are always present. My tank has,
nh3   .001-.003 ppm
nh4    8     -    14 ppm]
Whether import or export are the cause is not the discussion. GFO or other media is a band-aid where husbandry and biodiversity seem to be the answer. Stopping the nutrient import and physically removing the the gha are more or less what I have dug up on the interwebs. Though, some videos state killing the algae in the tank does not solve the issue and releases the nutrients back into the tank and would be counter productive.  Which is where I start to disagree.
I am not a chemist or scientist I may be wrong but I am an excellent analyst and understand the scientific method.
If you kill the algae in your tank and are running gfo it should pull some or all the excess po4 from the water column.
If you run a fuge/reactor/ etc with macro algae the macro should pull some or all the po4,no3, and/or nh4.
Killing the algae in the tank most certainly releases the nutrients back into the water column but if they are picked up by other means in the tank by killing small sections of algae why not?
OK the good stuff.
I tried the method from the videos and have it under control but I could tell that removing the algae this way would take some time. Like a lot of time. After doing this for over a month watching some areas clean up and other areas requiring removal over and over again and being only slightly better off then I was a month ago I decided an old method that I came up with was warranted. I never took the time to understand it but it has always seemed to work for me and now with some awesome side effects.
When I was tired of scrubbing and manual removal of algae in my old tanks I would wait for when I needed a top off and boil a quart of rodi water and use a turkey baster and hit the algae covered spots on the rocks. You can get surprisingly close to coral with the boiling rodi without even causing a reaction from the coral. The algae will turn a more vibrant color of itself and that is when you knows you are done with that spot. I never observed closely in the past from this point until the next day but the algae would eventually turn whitish or just be completely gone by the next day and by the end of the night anything that was white was also gone.
Last night I saw it in action and why this method has always worked well for me. After hitting the algae areas with the hot water I saw something awesome. The algae my CUC and tang have been ignoring for a month plus that I hoped they would eat but never even looked at was apparently now a delicacy!
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They love COOKED VEGGIES!!!! I personally don't think they like them cooked but cleaned [saying the animals love cooked veggies is just fun], I would imagine it was a very radical cleaning of the algae that they liked but was just dirty the whole time. I am not saying to boil a gallon of rodi and go crazy but if you have CUC or grazers who seem to not be grazing where you want you might want to try this on some small problem areas and see if it works for you. The didn't flock to it like crazy, but one by one I saw my tang picking slurping it up like spaghetti and the hermits and astreas munching away on the fresh cooked veggies.
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So I killed that algae, the CUC and tang have now utilized some of the nutrients, then poop out the portion not utilized and the corals will have at it, and then my macro will work at the rest. Manual removal wasn't necessary. I used the biodiversity of the tank to handle the export. Before anyone says it yes you will need to trim your macro algae which is manual removal but I roll that into maintenance I was already going to do. The method that I used versus trying to just pluck it out is less frustrating, doesn't require your hands in the tank, and allows the inhabitants to utilize existing elements in the tank as the removal process.
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pendragonfics · 7 years
Paring: Kylo Ren/Reader
Tags: female reader, set after Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Reader is short (like me), fluff, angst.
Summary: A human translator assigned to work alongside Kylo Ren to ensure minimisation of casualties on his more diplomatic missions. What could go right wrong?
Word Count: 4,754
Current Date: 2017-07-08
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To describe the relationship between the Commander, and you, would be almost too hard to put a label to. More than anything, it was a work relationship; symbiotic. You were present to bring out the best of him, and he was there to do his job. Benefits for both yourself, as a translator, and him, the student of Supreme Leader Snoke. You had always been a cheerful person, despite your inadequacies in other areas in life; whilst most people had their worries about status, or perhaps their careers, your shortcomings were exactly that. Short. It had been quite hard to work with such a tall man, at first.
The first time you had met one another, you had been in General Hux’s board meeting room, waiting for become the acquaintance of one another. The redhead who oversaw your pay check had assured you of your safety, and the importance of the work to the First Order. If anything, his words were only assuring himself, as you were fine with the predicament you had gotten yourself into.
Being a human translator, you were almost obsolete since to uprising of droids and technology that removed the requirements of a third party. But languages were a part of you, of your people; you came from a small moon orbiting Yavin, where there were six native languages. You loved words, and people’s voices. Joining the First Order was about job security, and having a stable environment. Your new job, however, was a glorified babysitting position. But still. Being Kylo Ren’s companion could stabilise a lot of treaties with wavering parties in the galaxy, who saw the black-clad man as a threat.
“General,” Kylo Ren’s modulator spoke. Your eyes lit up at once; even though technology had rendered you outmoded, the way it worked made you intrigued. “I thought I was here to meet the person you have forced upon me.”
General Hux nodded. “Indeed, you are, Ren.” He gestures a gloved hand to you, where you stand. “Unless you can’t see out of that trash compactor of a helmet, you have no reason to have not acknowledged your equal, Ms. ________ _________.”
It’s then you realise that he can see out of the ‘trash compactor of a helmet’, but hadn’t looked down. The general is as tall, if not slightly shorter than the commander, and the tip-top of your head comes to his shoulders.
“Good day, Commander Ren.” You hold your hand out for him to shake, as is the custom, holding your hand high as to not make him reach down too far out of his way to complete the action. Slowly, you see his hand recede from its place by the sabre on his side, and take your hand in his gloved one. “It is a pleasure to be working with you, sir.”
As his hand leaves yours, you feel a sensation in your mind, almost like fingers carding through paper files in a manual filing cabinet, searching, seeking. You had heard of the Force Sensitive’s tricks, and stared back at him with a smile when he seemed to be fruitless in his searches.
“I think you will find that Ms. ________ here will not easily fall prey to your childish tricks,” The General informs him. “Her records hold an astounding grasp of a number of languages. Unless you have a grasp of Ewokese, or Olys Corellisi.” The General looks to the pair of you, and adds, “I have a Holo-Conference I need to attend to. If I find her dead, you will be punished, Ren.” He warns Kylo Ren, and leaves you two to your own devices.
“You know the old tongue of Corellia,” He comments, and moves to stand opposite you, and looks you up and down. “Impressive. Though the speakers of it have died out, and it is useless without another who knows it.”
You know Kylo Ren is insulting you, and the tricks of your previous profession. “Few enough know the words, and plenty are allies of the First Order, Commander Ren.” You retort calmly, and add, “If you want to taunt me more, sir, go on. We should get it done today, as we will be working together for the near future.”
He shakes his head, and states, “You are not afraid of me.”  
You raise an eyebrow at his wording, “I don’t think I should be. Even though you have a reputable anger, I think of that anger as passion. But that’s why I’m here.” You blink, and move to the door. “I’m here to make sure you don’t passionately kill the wrong people.”
You had just come back to The Finalizer from a mission with Kylo Ren, and while he was confined to the Infirmary for the last two days for his injuries (after a wrong turn, the man had taken quite a beating from a pride of Nexus), you were required to meet Captain Phasma for an occasion. Why, you were not sure other than her close association with Commander Ren but you would be late for the meeting, for no reason than you had no way than slowly navigating your way through the crowd on Deck D.
Other than it being Benduday, all you knew for the reason of the crowd was that they were celebrating the success Kylo Ren and you had accomplished. Not that you were mentioned in the official documents; in all translations of the media release of the latest treaty, General Hux took all the glory for the accomplishment. As he should; he was the head of the First Order, and all efforts were because of his leadership.
The crowd was comprised of officers, technicians, and Stormtroopers, and because you were shorter, you had trouble seeing over most them in the process of wading through to the important meeting you were sure to miss at the rate you were walking.
You felt a hand on your shoulder, and startled, you cursed in Bothese. Only to see, once you spun to see the owner of the hand, was none other than your co-worker, Kylo Ren.
“Allow me,” he nods, his hand moving to the sabre at his side.
Your eyes widen, and at once, you place a hand on the hilt before his hand can touch it. Your first thought was of the officers and members of the First Order – needless killing of them simply because you had trouble passing through their congregation would halt the celebrations quite short. Your second thought was for the wounds Kylo Ren held, but then, with reconsideration, you remembered of the Bacta technology the medical bay held. He would be fine, but those caught in the crossfire would not be.
“No,” you told him firmly.
Reluctant, he withdrew his hand, and moved past you in the crowd. The people surrounding you noticed him; their glorious and feared Commander, and withdrew from his proximity to allow him to pass through. Seeing your opportunity, you followed in suit.
Before long, you realise that the Sith is leading you straight to the specific training area where you are to meet Captain Phasma. Wondering that he plucked the information from your mind, or perhaps from another member of the First Order privy to your schedule, he turns his helmet’s face to you. Though you can’t see his eyes, you feel them look straight through you.
“Either I’m accidently thinking in Basic, or do you know Shyriiwook, sir?” you ask Kylo Ren. He shakes his head, but there’s a reluctance in it. Your lips part, a small smile taking over your lips. “I shan’t tell a soul you helped me out, Commander, or that you know the language of the Wookie race.” You vow, and bowing, walk past him to the awaiting Captain Phasma.
The meeting space was on a planet between the current location of The Finalizer and their territory, an uninhabited world due to the harsh temperatures that had caused the earlier species to die out. You had luckily worn a warmer uniform than usual, but that didn’t stop you from shivering.
The mission was supposed to be simple. How had it gone that far south?
You were supposed to translate the language from who were from the Outer Rim and speak on the behalf of Kylo Ren, and establish a principal link between their people, and the First Order. It went well enough until words were shared in a less than personable light, and before you knew it, his sabre was lit up, and the people who were supposed to become new allies had their weapons drawn. After the hackles were raised, a person of the party had set off an explosive device, and while the other people were hailed in time to their ship, you and Kylo Ren were left, and now were left in the rubble of the underground meeting spot, laying on the cold ground, trying not shift the rubble above.
“Are you cold?” His voice modulator intoned.
You shake your head, and lied to the man who cannot be lied to. “No.”
You hear a sigh from behind the mask. “You’re cold.” He states, this time as a fact, and not a question, “Move toward me. It is better to share warmth than freeze in solitude.”
“It w-would be unprofessional t-to be so cl-close, s-s-sir,” your teeth are chattering, but before you can protest any more, Kylo Ren has reached a long arm to you, and has moved you to his side. He is wearing so many layers, you wonder if he even feels the cold; not a part of him shows his skin, while you are suffering with your face, neck and fingers bare to the freezing atmosphere. Slowly, you release a sigh of relief. “Th-thank y-ou.”
Without your consent, your head migrates from laying under his armpit to his chest, as though the dangerous Sith apprentice of Supreme Leader Snoke is a heated, muscle-bound pillow. Your eyes grow heavy, perhaps from the exhaustion, or contentment, you’re not sure. But until the pair of you are rescued by First Order troopers, dug up and sent to the Infirmary to be treated for hypothermia, you stay there, near one another.
When you wake, you find yourself in a bed of white, the walls glowing with light, medical droids fussing over you. Glancing down, you see a multitude of bruises littering your arms, and trying to sit up, you feel a pang of pain in your legs, and still. You don’t need to be told twice by the droids to stay in bed. It’s nice to feel warm, and not in mortal peril.
Your eyes wander, and from the corner of your eye, you see a medical curtain pulled across, but that’s not what attracted your attention. There’s the same modulated voice you’re accustomed to hearing every day, but this time, it’s low, and threatening.
You frown. He’d better not be making trouble with the nurses and medical staff.
Closing your eyes, you untangle your messy thoughts, and clearing the slate, project words forth for him to catch. Commander Ren, if I find you have caused mayhem to those who are trying to help you, I will not be pleased.
Before too long, you hear the thrashing and threats in the bed nearby cease, and a curt reply, delivered straight to your mind, I don’t exist to please you, Ms. ________. You laugh at this, but your throat is dry, and it ends up sounding like you’re being strangled by a Rancor. You feel a feeling wash through your brain; it’s regret, but it’s not you who feels this. How are your injuries? His voice comes once more, this time inquisitive, with a hint of sympathy? You’re not sure if he’s in his right mind. The droids must have injected Kylo Ren with an anaesthesia, or administrated him with a numbing gas.
I’m not dead, so that’s good, you think. Bruised and battered, but it pales to what I hear battling users of The Force would receive. A beat of silence passes between the pair of you, and you add, Thank you for not letting me die back there.
Beside you, the droids keep moving over your injuries; you suspect that you’ve broken a bone in your left arm, but from what the screen full of symbols said, and the basic beeping from the droids in their binary speak, you weren’t sure.
You’re welcome, ________.
“I will administer an anaesthesia to you.” The droid speaks to you in Basic, “We need to operate on the breaks in your scapula and ulna, and treat the damage to your nervous system.” Before the droid is finished speaking, there’s a prick on your right elbow, and you feel your eyes closing.
Before you go under, you let a thought fly loose, if Kylo Ren is listening. Please don’t harm anyone here.
You’re not sure if it’s a trick of the drugs, or perhaps your mind, but before you go off into the induced coma, there’s a reply. It sounds different to the modulated voice of Kylo Ren; it’s organic, human. Baritone. But still, it’s in your mind.
For you.
It had started out to be a good day. You had woken, eaten breakfast in the dining hall by your room. Kylo Ren was to be taking the week for meditation and training with Supreme Leader Snoke, not requiring you for any action. You had remembered to take the supplements for the injuries you were still recovering from, and by simply reading that the day was to be filing the paperwork from previous missions, made it a wonderful day. Even with the surgeries on your arm, you found it hard to work it like you used to. You were due back to the medical wing when you were permitted to have additional work done on it.
But when you made it to the available office you were to use, you found you had a guest. Lieutenant Dopheld Mitaka stood in the entrance, his arms held behind his back. Not that you did not like the man; he was a diligent worker, and had a professional reputation. But there was something you didn’t like…he did his job, almost too well. Lieutenant Mitaka seemed to be too comfortable in his position, leading him to say, and do things beyond his station.
“I’ve been given time off from my position to help you with your own,” he started off with, moving a hand to take the files from yours. Be it your arm in a sling or not, you were more than capable holding five slim files in your hand. “How’s your arm?”
“It’s fine, thank you.” you nod, and add, “Please. Lieutenant, I am perfectly capable to type one handed on my Datapad.” You protest, holding the files from his fingers. Whether it be that you were a woman of pride, or thought it unnecessary that a close follower of the General became knowledgeable of the confidential material, or perhaps you weren’t even sure he had the clearance, you weren’t sure. Perhaps it was a mix of all those. “I don’t need your assistance.”
Mitaka rescinds his hand. “At all?”
“While your offer is made in good light, Lieutenant, it comes as a condescending affront that I am unable to perform basic duties without a man to help me.” You nod, and moving past him to the desk in the office, you add, “If you do not mind leaving me be, I have a deadline to meet.”
The next day, you complete the work you were unable to do the day before, and the third day since taking to Lieutenant Mitaka, you find him there on the doorstep to your office once again, but this time, he holds his hands in front of himself, and in them, a gift of flowers. Where had he even gotten them? You’re yet to go to the Infirmary to have the droids operate on your arm, but still, you thought the message was clear to Mitaka; you were in no need for assistance.
“I didn’t mean for you to feel that way when I wanted to help out.” But before you can tell him where to go, he holds the flowers to you, and adds, “To apologise, let me take you to lunch.”
There’s a shadow beside you, of a few officers you don’t know the name of. Their faces transform into a smile, and one of them look to you, “Aw, he’s such a cutie! You have to take him on that offer!” They tell you.
You shake your head. “No – no, I won’t,” you tell the officer, and looking back to Mitaka, you see the flowers are almost pressed against your chest, “No! I didn’t ask for you to take pity in my state, and come and help me. I’m still a brilliant translator and typist, one handed or not!” At this, you hold the files in your arms ever tighter. Your feet propel you forward, and you’re running, dashing away from them all.
You hear shouts from behind you, a clatter of footsteps, cries from your outburst. You focus on not dropping the files you clutch, and not bash your body on anyone or thing stray in the corridor. You take twists, turns, left, and right, not caring where you end up. Anywhere, somewhere as far from those people as you could. There’s hot tears falling down your red face, but you’re not blinking them away fast enough to see, and you surge into a still figure.
A hand stops you from falling. Your eyes focus, and lips open, you realise you’ve run straight into the man who’s supposed to be in meditation with his teacher. Kylo Ren.
“Whoever made you cry, will pay,” the voice modulator threatens.
You shake your head, righting yourself to your feet, emptying his grip of you. “He means well, sir, but it’s me, I made myself cry.” You tell him. You can almost sense his frown beneath that mask of a helmet. “While his advances were not appreciated, I’m too sensitive for my own good.”
He glances, and you realise the pair of you are standing in the open. While you are standing with Kylo Ren in a small corridor, you understand the need to be in a closed off room, where prying ears are not privy to the words the pair of you speak. You follow him to a room, but as the door closes behind you, you realise you are standing in an empty interrogation room.
“How is the woman who is not afraid of me, can think, and speak in a multitude of languages,” He asks you. Unlike the first time he was frank with you when you had met, you now know what he means by his bare words, “Has survived eight missions with me, be sensitive?”
You shake your head. “You don’t need to hear my life story,” you swipe at your eyes. “You’re the Commander. I’m just…just me.”
But the black-clad Force user shook his head. “Enlighten me, Ms. ________.”
“I was left for dead by my parents when they realised I would be short for my whole life.” You swallow, unable to look where you know he can see your face. “My home has a…requirement for people to be of a certain height, we’re a…I’m supposed to be a warrior. But I got a lift from my planet.”
“You have spent your whole life to be independent, to prove your worth in other ways,” Kylo Ren hums.
You blink, and sniffing, “How you can stand to look at me after being so unprofessional,” you sigh, and go to move your arm to wipe your eyes, but you realise it’s your left hand you’ve moved, and wince in pain, and your stupidity for forgetting its immobility. “Stars, I’m a mess.”
“If you’re a mess, I don’t want to know what I am, Ms. ________.” A hand moves to your shoulder. “I was on my way to the Infirmary. If you wish to accompany me, we can have the nurses look at your injuries…” Kylo Ren offers.
Inwardly, you’re frowning, wondering if you’re dreaming; this is not the man you work with. He is not caring, he does not offer things beyond his own sphere of living, of understanding. Kylo Ren is a man who kills, who lives under strict order, who does not follow his heart, but buries it with the corpses he leaves behind.
Outwardly, you nod. “I – that would be for the best, I think.”
When you can move your fingers freely once again, it’s a Taungsday, and weeks after the confrontation with Lieutenant Mitaka. General Hux was sure to make sure that you were given an appropriate space, and did not assign Mitaka, or anyone else for that matter to aid you. After another four missions by his side, you were still a weapon-less translator, known for the way you held the dangerous atomic bomb of a man on a leash. Not a soul looked at you wrong, for fear of the wrath of Kylo Ren, and the whole First Order.
After your healing process, there was another part of you that did not feel whole. Still, your mind niggled at you, of the voice that spoke to you, the haunting two words that plagued your mind. Those words, spoken into your mind the way that only Kylo Ren knew how to, but with another person’s voice. For you.
You paced your room, wondering. Per chance it was the drugs the droids had given you. There was a high chance they had given you a dose inappropriate for your size; you’d heard stories of people doing or hearing strange things while under anaesthesia. Maybe it was just you, playing pretend. You knew over twenty-four languages, couldn’t your mind have made a trick on you? You give a huff. Ruminating over a matter wouldn’t fix it. And walking a hole through the floor of your living quarters wouldn’t either. At once, you grab your coat, and make way to the place you can get answers.
Although you have permission to enter the quarters of Kylo Ren, you have never explicitly been told you could. It was like a dare; would you, or would you not make way within his walls, where he was safe within? From experience, you know he finds solace being away from others, from his own mind. That’s why you knock on the door, instead of punching in the code appropriate for entering and burst in.
Almost a second later, the door opens, and you push past the man most people would be afraid to walk by. Perhaps you’re so comfortable with him because you know he cannot hurt you without the ire of General Hux to fall upon him. But you are within his quarters, in his domain.
“Are you the only Force user here in the First Order?” you ask him.
The masked man considers a moment. “Many people are Force sensitive, Ms. ________, though few understand they are, let alone know their strength like I do.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.” You cross your arms. “Are you the only Force user here in the First Order?” you repeat.
Kylo Ren nods. “I am the only Force user here in the First Order with the level of skill to perform the tricks you are asking about.”
You frown. “By tricks, you mean the whole ‘I can move things without touching them’ trick, and the ‘I know when you’re in trouble and need a hand’ trick, and ‘I can speak in your head, and hear your thoughts too’ trick, aren’t you?”
He nods.
“Why don’t you take off your helmet?” you demand. For once, Kylo Ren is speechless when you need him to speak. “You kill people with your lightsabre, you aren’t afraid of death, you save me time, and time again even though I’m like a Greeper to the galaxy!” you cry out. “I’m useless. If it weren’t for the smuggler who got me off that blasted rock, I’d be dead, like I was supposed to be!” You take a breath, and add, “Commander, ordinary people don’t just know Shyriiwook; either you’re a droid beneath that mask, or, for all I know, a Wookie!” It would explain your height! You think, internally – accidently – in Basic, plain, and broadcasted for him to hear. “Please. I won’t tell anyone if you’re anything else than what they see. I don’t care if you’re ugly, or kriff, old. Just –,”
You’re interrupted by a sound you’ve never heard before. It’s a soft hiss, sort of like the noise of the airlock opening after the doors have been closed on a starship. You’re silent, watching, as his gloved hands move to push the cowl from the helmet, and lift it from his shoulders, to place it upon his table. You half expect there to be no head at all, or perhaps something that wouldn’t suit the intimidating figurehead of the First Order.
But there is a head. A face. A full head of hair. A pair of dark eyes stare at you, boring into your soul like you always pictured they were while hidden away behind the helmet. Your eyes trail downward, past his strong nose, full lips, strong jaw. There’s a ghost of a scar across his face, healed by time and technology. Your lips part as you notice how thick this hair is, how pale, and dark he is all at once. It’s like staring into the heart of a star, expecting a black hole to be at the centre, and finding a nebula.
“You’re beautiful,” you feel the words tumble from your lips before you can stop them, and raising a hand to your mouth to stop more unwarranted words, you sigh. “Sorry. It’s just…I didn’t think you would take it off.”
He takes a breath. And then, “For you, anything.”
It’s the voice. The one you were so worried about hearing, that you thought you were going mad, from hearing, the voice that you heard when you were going under. Your lips part, and for the second time in your career, you’re crying, but this time, they are not angry tears that make your eyes feel puffy and chest heavy as if poured full of caf. No. They are different tears; they are soft, and drip down your cheeks like rain upon the pavement of a city you hadn’t been to yet.
“Why are you crying?” Oh, that voice! A line forms between his brows, eyes searching your face for answers. “Tell me what’s wrong,” he coaxes, a gloved hand cradling your face, the other, your neck.
You swallow. “I thought I was crazy. Hearing things. But it was just you. You and your pretty face, and your silly ways to keep me not dead,” you sniffle, sparing him a soft smile for forgiveness. “Sorry for calling you a Wookie.”
He drops his grip on you, and at once, you feel oddly empty. Even though it’s against all the warnings that people gave you for working alongside Kylo Ren, and work standards, and your own rules, there’s a little voice in your head – completely your own voice – that tells you never to fear the reaper of death standing before you. He had allowed you to keep your own private thoughts. Kept you warm whilst otherwise freezing to death. Had kept you hidden away from the unwelcome invitation of Mitaka.
“It’s okay.” He nods, his hand moving to take the helmet in it once more. At once, you move your hand to his, stilling it.
“Please, never put it on again,” you plead to him. “Not when you look like starlight.”
He makes a low chuckle. “How about we make a deal?” He proposes, his hand encircling yours, fingers threading through your own. “I will look at you in the eyes with my own, in privacy, and you will never say that you are worthless.”
Slowly, you nod. A fair trade.
“Because you are not worthless,” he adds, “Since the fall of Starkiller base, and the…defeat that I took, I found it hard to make effort on my pledge to Snoke, to the First Order. You helped me stay adamant, and focus on what was required.” He tells you. “You may not be a warrior like your people, but you have made me into a better one.”
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black-strike-otp · 7 years
part 63
*incoherent noises and babbling as I slowly die* <3
Flinching from the digits goading his backside, Blackout recoiled and leaned forward with a monstrous and threatening snarl.
“You know, it wouldn’t hurt so much if you just sat still.”
“I only move when you goad your digits into my frame,” Blackout countered with annoyance. “Therefore, I’m not the problem here.”
“Are you suggesting I’m the problem?” the medic inquired in a tone so frigid with malice it could probably freeze a mech on the spot.
Tick the femme off who had tools near his spinal strut and risk being impaled or paralyzed, or be honest and tell her she was a barbaric twisted manic like just about every other medic he’d ever met. Decisions, decisions...
Lucky for him, she decided not to prob him further for his answer. On the down side, she decided to make sure he knew who was boss by probing him inside his frame.
Blackout narrowed his optics slightly at the flare up of pain; the light within them going almost black as his mood turned more sour. He’d been pent up for days since Novastrike’s departure in that slagging room with other mechs and femmes. No outlet, no work, no job or motion just told to sit and to heal.
Sitting was not his purpose in life. He was a mech of motion; action spoke louder than words. Energy coursed his veins. Becoming a stationary decoration was not who he was, it was against his very being. If you stopped moving, you simply ceased existence.
Something cool pressed into the exposed protoform of his back and allowed himself to relax slightly. Whatever it was, it was a lot better than the pestering sharp utensils and digits.
“You’re coming along nicely,” the medic informed him with a calmer voice. “Considering your backside was an enormous shrapnel mess and the super-heated burns on your shoulder and burns grazing your chassis and well- everything else considered.”
“Thanks, doc,” the obsidian mech quipped in short reply.
The femme gave a testy ‘tut tut’ as she went on, “Well I can’t help it if you threw yourself at just about every bot we encountered. You can’t blame me for how battered you were. Your protoform’s going to have some obvious bruising and soreness for a while. I expect you’re going to have some lovely new scarring from that encounter you had with a thermo blade.”
Blackout grunted in response. “I’ve been shoved into furnaces by previous masters,” he blatantly informed her. “I know what heat is capable of.”
“Yet you were going to allow it to sever your arm?”
“I was careful.”
The medic snorted with disbelief though said nothing more on the matter.
Scanning his optics around the room from his vantage point, Blackout spoke up in a slightly more anxious tone: “Where’s Scorponok?”
“Recharging in a different room. I’m guessing you didn’t feel him nearby?”
The obsidian mech shifted uncomfortably, both from whatever the femme was plucking at on his backside and the edgy feeling he got at the femme mentioning how he couldn’t feel his partner. Bonds were a private matter. He didn’t much care for others making suggestions on his, true or not.
“Don’t worry, he’s coming along nicely. I’ve still got some replacement’s to put into his drill. You wouldn’t believe how hard it is to re manufacture sections of armor for an appendage on a minicon. Especially a minicon with such a complex system.”
“He’s not that complex,” Blackout defended.
“Maybe not a mech whose taken care of him for eons,” the femme agreed. “But his formatting is pretty unique compared to other patients I’ve taken care of. That’s part of the reason it’s taking so long to repair.”
Giving a short vent, the hulking ebony figure turned his helm slightly away as the femme moved to inspect his side. He followed the placement of her servos on him to determine where she wanted him to move his arm as she looked over the seams of his armor. With a click, she began removing plating to look over the burns and damage beneath the smooth surface of his buffed plates.
With a gentle mental nudge, he poked Scorponok through the bond to see if the scorpion was awake or not. There was no direct response, but there was a haze clouding his thoughts. Recharging indeed; his defenses were down, the barrier between them gone as the bug rested.
At least judging by this, he was comfortable and resting peacefully. Not in any sort of pain. He gently closed the imaginary door between them so that his own thoughts wouldn’t bleed into the small mech’s and wake him up.
As the femme walked in front of him and started peering at his chassis armor and examining his faceplate and helm, Blackout offlined his optics. The light blinked out with a wink of light and shuttered closed as he played a game of tolerance. His thoughts drifted with boredom. Thinking of the benign femme he cared so deeply and fondly for.
The way Novastrike’s optics burned with a gleaming light, the shape of her smile when, the sound of her bubbly laughter. His spark trembled with longing. She visited when she could but the tiny femme was busy with her acting position as commander. Slag he missed her, he missed being useful. He missed holding her in the wee jours of darkness and listening to the sound of her quiet breathing and the peaceful look on her face when she was recharging, or the light brush of her servos against him as though he was the fragile one of the two of them. Such care and beauty and-
A few accidental octaves of refracted musical notes, deep and opaque as his armor filled the air. Blackout’s optics flashed with light as they opened with humiliation. The blinding hues of crimson locking on to the medic’s as she glanced up to his face with some surprise.
His expression instantly grew cross as the femme offered a shrewd little smile.
“Something on your processor, big and scary?”
“That’s none of your business or concern.”
“Well that’s not the tone you should be using towards a medical official,” the femme announced with disapproval. “I should see about popping you open just to make sure that that wasn’t the sound of a damaged spark...”
“Try it, and I promise you a very unpleasant response,” Blackout rumbled threateningly.
“Always so touchy,” the femme muttered, shaking her helm as she turned her gaze back to her work. “You know I did spend time learning the basis of personality disorders, behaviorism, psychology-”
“Great, so you’re constantly deducing our motives and actions. Fascinating.”
“What I was going to say,” the medic seethed, “is that I know a thing or two about the reactions and reasons behind the actions of our thoughts and our bodies. Mind you I’m not the most experienced, but I don’t exactly hear someone’s spark singing every day...”
Blackout turned his optics nervously to the side. To deny it would give the femme reasonable cause to pop his chassis open like a can. To admit that that was indeed as she suspected was simply unacceptable. It was his spark, his reaction, and it had nothing to do with the harassing femme in front of him.
“You going to tell me what’s it all about or do I get to guess?” the medic teased as she worked.
Ah, to Pit with it. Folks suspected it anyway.
“Just thinking about Novastrike,” he confessed softly.
“As I suspected.”
Blackout swallowed at the tightening feeling in his throat. He surprised even himself as he whispered out the next words, his voice wavering and dripping with emotion as he faintly mumbled, “I... Do you have some manual, or advice, as to how a bot... goes about confessing feelings to another?”
The medic brought her helm up with a snap so fast, Blackout winced at the idea of the whiplash that may have caused in her neck cables.
“Pardon?” she asked, her optics a bit wider now.
“I... nevermind,” he muttered, flustered and frustrated.
With her optics softened, the femme leaned back a bit. “I’m afraid programs exist as far as I know on how to properly express one’s emotions. Which one are you trying to explicitly voice?”
“Nothing,” Blackout growled, growing vexed now.
“Maybe a femme or a medic’s standpoint would help you. What is it you’re having problems with?”
“Forget I said anything.”
“I’m your medic, my job is to help.”
“I’m done with this conversation.”
“Well I’m not,” the medic remarked. “So tell me, or try talking me through this thing you’re having trouble with, and with who-”
“By the Well of Allspark,” Blackout snarled as he turned to look the femme in the optics. “Love, okay? Are you happy now? I don’t know how to tell Novastrike that I love her.”
The anger instantly vanished from his faceplate with one of dismay.
“Oh, dear,” the medic laughed softly.
“This isn’t a laughing matter,” snapped the giant mech.
Still laughing, the femme shook her helm as she babbled, “Oh no no no no, I’m sorry- I don’t mean to laugh,” she snickered, “Dear, I’m only laughing because this is nothing new to me.”
Puzzled, Blackout drew his optic ridges together.
“Guard and I have known you loved her for some time,” the femme cackled. “It was obvious. The way you looked at her, the fact you stuck around for so long, how you came to her defense at the flick of a switch-”
“You could cease laughing about it,” he simmered furiously. “It’s not very humorous.”
“Oh I’m sorry, I’m sure it’s not,” she agreed as her giggles faded out.
Raising an optic ridge, the mech gave a thoughtful rumble in his chassis as he spoke faintly, “Guard knows?”
“Brought it up to me, actually,” the femme stated.
Primus, everyone knew before him? Figures when he couldn’t determine what his own feelings were in the first place.
“Don’t act so surprised,” she went on, continuing her scans once more as she spoke, “you were pretty obvious. As if the great and powerful Blackout, king of darkness, ruler of the Pits of Kaon, terrifying ender of worlds simply stuck around because he wanted to take some down time.”
Ignoring her playful jabs, Blackout decided to take a stab in the dark. “You didn’t exactly offer your professional opinion on my question.”
There was a slight pause in the medic’s examination once more, and then she stated in the calmest most breezy of voices, “I don’t think any bot is capable of telling you how to move forward from here. I will give you one solid piece of advise, though. Don’t wait forever. Don’t put it off. Frankly, mech up and speak your mind, because if you hold back what your spark wants, if you try waiting for that perfect moment, you’ll never find it. There will always be something holding you back.”
She was right.
Blackout hated to admit it, but she was. If he continued to bite his glossia, doubting and second-guessing, he’d never know the truth of how she felt and he’d never be able to open up about his own. And he could hardly stand the torture of a world where one day she may slip through his digits because he couldn’t utter a few words and take a chance.
His life was full of chances. What was one more?
But at the risk of losing her... the way her optics lit up, the sway of her hips, the slight of servo just to touch her. He remembered how her breath caught in her throat at the barest of contact and how he could swear he felt the pounding of her spark just beneath armor. Humming, singing, beating with anticipation. Actions and reactions from the touch of a devil who knew little shame and couldn’t resist himself.
She burned a fueling fire in his empty shell of a body he called home all his life that he didn’t even know was possible. Novastrike opened a world up to him he didn’t know existed; multiple universes of possibilities, chances, places, feelings. It brought life to darkness, awakened deadened parts and sections of the core of his being that never had a chance to grow and learn and prosper under a gentle touch and warm smile. He learned a whole new way of life, entirely different and unbearably enjoyable.
He gave up being a Decepticon for her. Gave up his career, his pride, his ego; he dropped it all to follow a new path he felt drawn to. And in that new path he was better. Whole. And he couldn’t find a single reason to regret giving any of it up. What did any of that matter? It didn’t make him happy. It only gave him a sense of purpose he craved so desperately all his life.
The problem still stirred within him though. He was a mech of facts and rational. And for what reason would he chance throwing out his feelings and risk losing the best relationship he’d ever had besides Scorponok? The closest friend he had, a trustworthy comrade, a friendly and delightful presence that warmed his life?
The medic had one thing true. If he allowed his fear to guide him away from something truly special, he would never know what could lie in wait for him.
He couldn’t say how long his thoughts had drifted, but the medic stood up straight and stretched upward to the ceiling. The sound of her grunt brought him back from his own thoughts and he stared at her steadily.
“You’re still not 100%, but you’re definitely stable and I’d say, free to go back to your quarters, so long as you check in for checkups,” the femme remarked. “I’ll have Scorponok moved back in here after the rest of my appointments of course and will keep you updated on his condition.”
She looked Blackout in the face then, and took a step back quickly.
“Primes, mech, are you feeling alright?”
Blackout frowned a touch. “Yes. Why?”
“Your optics just look- nevermind,” she muttered, shaking her helm. She raised her servo and waved it to the door. “You’re free to go.”
Frowning a little deeper, Blackout stood up from the flat slab of metal and headed for the door. With a glance over his shoulder he watched the femme walk over to another patient in the room. He paused by a set of her tools, glancing curiously at the reflective surface.
The scarlet of his optics was burning so brightly it almost had a tangible glow around them.
Embarrassed, he set a dimmer on his optics and lowered his helm as he walked out of the room, nearly running into the bot walking by.
“Watch where you’re going!”
“My apologies-” Blackout stated immediately, and then met the optics of the mech he walked into.
Neutroboost sneered at him with that stupid look on his faceplate.
Deadpanning at the mech, Blackout’s expression went from apologetic to serious in less than a nanoklik. “I take it back,” he growled, “I’m not sorry.”
“You should be you giant dolt! I’m not your teeny femme after all, you can actually see me.”
A dangerous rumbled pressurized through Blackout’s armor. It caused his frame and the nearby metal to vibrate from the low tones it struck.
“Hard to apologize to an arrogant, vain, pompous mech who was missing the entire fight against the Revenge II,” Blackout scolded.
“I had other priorities.”
“I bet your aft did, you low-life cowardly scum.”
Neutroboost went to stand a bit taller on the tips of his pedes as his optics went wide. “You take that back you- you imbecile!”
“Or what?” Blackout challenged, allowing a sinister grin to grow on his faceplate.
The smaller mech’s optics blazed with fury as he raised his arms, throwing them up in the air wildly. “You’ll see, you good-for-nothing moron! Stomping around carelessly, running into bots-”
“At least I didn’t hide in my room during the fighting and let everyone save my aft. Some commander you are Neutroboost, bravo, we should give you a medal.”
Lowering his arms, the smaller mech released an angry huff.
Satisfied, Blackout turned, purposefully whacking his side against the mech’s as he went to walk by.
Neutroboost stumbled into the wall. He whispered loudly as Blackout passed, just enough to make sure he was heard, “Buffoon's almost as dense as that femme.”
Before the mech could react, Blackout pivoted hard on his pede and swung around to nail a fist into Neutroboost’s side. The satisfying crunch of his armor as he punched him was quite the rewarding musical.
Hitting the floor hard, Blackout raised a pede and pressed it against the mech’s neck. Neutroboost sputtered and hissed, gagging as he reached up to claw at Blackout’s pede with his flimsy little digits.
“What did you just call my femme?” Blackout barely whispered, dangerously pressing his pede further into the mech’s throat.
“Get off me-” Neutroboost wheezed.
“You so much as breath a word of insult to her, about her, or around her and I’ll crush your helm into scrap, you got that?”
“Off-” Neutro raspily gasped.
“Are we clear?” Blackout practically roared, raising his voice now as he pressed his weight further into the mech. “If you touch her, hurt her, upset her so help me I will tear you apart piece by piece until there’s nothing left of you, you sniveling gutless bastard.”
Huffing and puffing desperately and with fear, Neutroboost tried in vain to tear at Blackout’s leg armor. He barely managed to scuff at the paint.
Leaning down, Blackout rumbled in the depths of his chassis. “You’re a disappointment to every bot on this ship,” he growled. “Everyone here tolerates you on behalf of Guard. You should be grateful he keeps you on the ship, let alone as a commander. You spit your foul venom and you threaten and bark orders that you won’t even take. You’re nothing but a spineless weakling. I’m through with playing nice with you. I’ll tear out your beating spark and squash it between my digits if I must. I’ve done it before, and I’ll done it again.”
“You better watch what you say and what you do,” he continued. “Because I can deal with the consequences of my actions if I have to remove you permanently from this ship, one way or another. You, on the other servo, won’t get the chance. Spit and fume all you want, but your attitude helps no bot on this vessel. And so help me, Novastrike deserves better than to work beside your cowardly, blubbering, patronizing aft. You offend her in the slightest, I’ll break your neck. Are we clear?”
Neutroboost turned a panicked, if not furious optics up to him. The light flickered and flashed in irregular intervals as he tried to nod his helm.
Lifting his pede, Blackout slowly placed it on the floor once more beside Neutroboost.
The older commander snorted and snuffled. Placing a servo to the floor he raised himself up slightly as he retched and purged up strings of energon from his mouth and upon the floor.
Raising his helm, Blackout glanced down the hall to see a concerned Guard hobbling swiftly in their direction. His faceplate showed extreme levels of alarm as he teetered over.
“Is everything okay?” the old mech huffed, looking down at Neutroboost as he shivered and whined.
“Everything’s fine,” Blackout stated absently, offering a warm smile towards the elder mech. “He just slipped.”
Guard didn’t look entirely convinced as he met Blackout’s optics, but didn’t counteract or ask for verification on the matter.
Nodding respectfully to the old bot, Blackout turned back to head down the hallway. He could hear Guard trying to question Neutro as he rasply informed the elder mech to ‘sod off’ and ‘leave him alone’.
Poor, sad, pathetic little mech. He wasn’t taking Blackout’s warning very seriously. Maybe he’d have to offer him another example later, but at the moment, he had somewhere he had to be.
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Teaching Oral Disease Prevention- Juniper Publishers
Teaching Oral Disease Prevention
Authored by Garth D Pettit
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The purpose of this study was for the author to gather information to fulfill a mission: “Prevent Oral Diseases in Children”. In mid-1996 five years after retiring from a lifetime in general dental practices in Australia then in England then back in Australia the author returned to general dental practice because his second granddaughter, aged 3 years, had been diagnosed with mild tooth decay in an upper front deciduous tooth. That is why and when his mission began. He became the District Dental Officer for East Arnhem Land in The Northern Territory of Australia in January 1997. He was delighted with this appointment because working with schools, parents, teachers, children and adults he would be in contact with people he considered important for him to fulfill his mission: “Prevent Oral Diseases in Children”. He was advised by his superiors that there was no funding available for research but he had their permission to research for his project “Prevent Oral Diseases in Children”. His project soon became choosing between the 3,500 year-old “Brush Your Teeth” instruction and his new oral hygiene instruction “Paint Your Mouth”. The author chose the submission title Paint Your Mouth versus Brush Your Teeth.
Keywords: GC: G-cem Resin Cement; Mpa: Mega Pascals; N: Newton; FRC: Fiber-Reinforced Composite; SARCs: Self-Adhesive Resin Cements; IPN: Semi-Interpenetrating Polymer Network; PMMA: Polymethyl Methacrelate
My now 20 year-long mission to “Prevent Oral Diseases in Children” was recently rewarded when worldwide marketing Who’s Who announced me as a “Professional of The Year 2015-2016”, qualifying me for inclusion in The Worldwide Who’s Who Registry of Executives, Professionals and Entrepreneurs 2015-2016 Edition. [1]
“Brush Your Teeth” Trail, Year 1,500 BC
Your teeth cle aning instruction, had you lived between 1,500 BC and 1498, would have been “Clean Your Teeth with a Chew Stick”. That instruction addressed cleaning stains on teeth. Other means of cleaning stains on teeth were to clean your teeth with fingers and grit or sand. Even clean your teeth with lumps of charcoal!The Chew Stick even now in the 21st Century remains popular in many countries. Chew Sticks are easily made by breaking a twig from a tree, plucking the foliage away and chewing one end until it frayed. The frayed end cleaned the stains from enamel surfaces and also the other end was used as a tooth pick. The sap from some trees was also believed to be also beneficial.
“Brush Your Teeth” Trail, Year 1498 AD
The sugar trade era that began in the middle of the 15th Century caused enamel of teeth to actually decay, not just to be stained. But this occurred only on rich people’s teeth. Why? Because poor people could not afford to buy sugar or sugary things. In 1498 a Chinese Emperor was granted a Patent for a tooth brush. He had observed the frayed end of a Chew Stick and said to himself “What if the frayed ends at the end were at right angle to the handle instead of being in line with the handle?”. His handles were either bone or bamboo. The bristles were taken from the back of a Siberian Hog’s neck. The bristles were cemented a right angle to the handle. The Emperor’s tooth brush is what is used in most countries in the world today except that plastic has replaced handles of bone and nylon has replaced animal bristles.
The next notable mouth cleaning invention was by “Dr Julien Botot, a Frenchman. Dr Botot who, in 1755, is credited with inventing the first toothpaste. That was followed in the same year with his invention of the first Mouth Wash. He invented both these for his very special patient, King Louis XV of France.
From the middle of the 20th Century a countless number of new products have been created to assist the promotion of healthier mouths. Tooth brushes have been constantly improved and also so have tooth pastes been improved.
But what is most notable is that the dental profession still advises patients to “Brush Your Teeth”! Today is 24th April 2016. The instruction “Brush Your Teeth” began in 1,500 BC. That is a total of 35 Centuries plus 16 years for what is now regarded as an extremely important health instruction for everyone to maintain good oral health and to prevent many common, related, general health problems.
Dentists, dental therapists and dental hygienists give hygiene instructions to their patients verbally, usually with the aid of mouth models and a demonstration tooth brush. Patients are advised and shown how to “Brush Your Teeth” with a tooth brush and tooth paste.
Parents at home also similarly instruct their children to “Brush Your Teeth” with a tooth brush and with toothpaste, repeating the same instructions they receive from their dentists, or therapists or hygienists.
But “Brush Your Teeth” is not an ORAL hygiene instruction it is more accurately described as and is a tooth cleaning instruction. It does not take into account that every time food or drinks are put into a mouth, then chewed, all seven surfaces inside of a mouth become dirty and are covered with unhealthy plaque containing millions of undesirable bacteria. Over teeth, gums, tongue, roof, floor, cheeks and lips!
“Brush Your Teeth” is well passed its’ use-by-date! [2]
Materials and Methods
Paint Your Mouth” Challenge, Year 2002 AD
My Mission:“Prevent Oral Diseases in Children”: In 1996, 5 years after retiring from dental practice, my granddaughter was diagnosed with mild tooth decay in an upper front tooth. I was angry with myself and decided I would return to dental practice with this mission: Prevent Oral Diseases in Children. My intention was to become an author of children’s books that their parents and, hopefully, teachers and schools would use to give children an oral health education.
I found employment as the District Dental Officer, East Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, Australia. This was ideal for my mission because I would be working closely with teachers, schools, parents and children. In 2001 my first ten books were almost ready for printing but were put on hold when, for the third consecutive year the DMFT results for the 6-7 years-old classroom at the remote Alyangula Aboriginal School showed the same pleasing results. No new decay and a lot of arrested decay [3].
I subsequently subjected the instruction ‘Brush Your Teeth’ to a Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (SWOT) Analysis. This SWOT analysis revealed ‘Brush Your Teeth’ was merely a tooth cleaning instruction and had been since 1498. Although in recent times dentists have added instructions to also ‘brush your gums’ and ‘brush your tongues’ it clearly indicated that in this the 21st Century, we needed an “oral hygiene instruction”, a whole-of-the-mouth hygiene instruction. My new OHI became titled “Treat Your Mouth.”
In January 2002 I self-published my first set of 10 soft cover printed books titled “MouthWise Oral HealthCare Manuals. Manual 2, Visits 1 to GarGarThe Dentist” to “Visit 10 to GarGar The Dentist”. They were based on my oral hygiene instruction “Treat Your Mouth”. In 2007, when I was then working as N.T, Government dentist in Katherine I simply changed the name to “Treat Your Whole Mouth” to emphasise “Whole”. But one year later, early in 2008, I asked a classroom of children ‘would you like me to show you how to ‘Paint Your Mouth’? The children’s spontaneous, enthusiastic response was deafening! Prove it yourself, ask any child ‘would you like me to show you how to ‘Paint Your Mouth’ and watch their response. I also found adults showed similar ecstatic responses to “Paint Your Mouth”.
In late July 2008 my wife became seriously ill, I had to resign immediately and return permanently back to Adelaide.
Later in 2008 I added two more books to precede the initial ten books, thus had 12 books in the series. They were published as eBooks to enjoy the many benefits of eBooks including, cheapness, making changes to titles and contents and the ability to download graphics. The latter make my eBooks entertaining, interactive and educational with readers, especially children. They can download numerous graphics and keep them in a “My GarGarThe Dentist Activity Album”.
Teaching Oral Disease Prevention
This quotation from” My Letter to The Editor, British Dental Journal” published Oct.9 2015, aptly describes my eBooks listed below [4].
“Inspired by many years of observation and results from this concept I have produced a series of eBooks for not only children but also adults. These are designed to be educating, entertaining and interactive. Special needs and vulnerable children would also greatly benefit from this simple yet cost-effective approach.”
My eBooks have each been professionally 5 Star reviewed by Diane Donovan, Senior eBook Reviewer, Midwest Book Reviews.
Teaching Oral Disease Prevention 1 through 12 has also been 5 Star reviewed by Foreword Reviews’ reviewer Cindy Wolfe Boynton.
Research for my mission “Prevent Oral Diseases in Children” can more accurately described as observing, querying and testing, nothing more was possible. Working with one dental nurse in makeshift dental rooms within remote Health Clinics throughout East Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory of Australia plus the high demand for treatment coming from adults mainly and from some children made formal research impossible. Dental therapists looked after the needs of most children.
Decayed, missing and filled teeth were recorded for each patient at their first visit
All relevant patients were given oral hygiene instructions, both adults and children and checked on their subsequent visits.
Patients who attended for regular or irregular examination appointments almost always remarked on how much better their mouths had felt and rarely did I have to chart another decayed tooth or a gingival problem for them.
The dental hygiene instruction “Brush Your Teeth”, in this the 21st Century, is not an oral hygiene instruction, it’sevana poor dental hygiene instruction. It does not clean all mouth surfaces thus leaves pockets of bacteria laden plaque.
The oral hygiene instruction “Paint Your Mouth” is the preferred and complete oral hygiene instruction. It recommends using a mouth brush and mouth paste containing fluoride to remove unhealthy plaque from all seven mouth surfaces: teeth, gums including gingivae, tongue, roof, floor, cheeks and lips. Then recommends to thoroughly rinse the mouth with water. Finally, to paint all seven surfaces again with brush and paste but this time NOT rinsing with water.
“Paint Your Mouth” leaves a mouth with all seven mouth surfaces covered with healthy, mouth paste ingredients and a greatly reduced number of bacteria in plaque. Certainly a mouth will not only feel fresher for longer and also be protected from all common oral diseases. Personally I paint my mouth 3 times each day after main meal. I also repeat the final step after inbetween drinks or snacks. But twice each day, even once each day is preferable to “Brush Your Teeth”.
For more Open Access Journals in Juniper Publishers please click on: https://juniperpublishers.com For more articles in Open Access Journal of Dentistry & Oral Health please click on: https://juniperpublishers.com/adoh/classification.php To know more about Peer Review Journal of Dentistry & Oral Health
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curieminery96 · 4 years
How To Erectile Dysfunction Premature Ejaculation Jolting Ideas
Man who suffers from premature ejaculation is caused by a wide range of chances for you or your partner's.A very easy method to control their breathing and relaxation exercises.And since semen is ejaculated backwards all the way.In an unconscious state you will need to ejaculate drops.
For starters, this program created by Matt Gorden, a professional help.They then have him speak with your partner have plans to do is to stimulate because the body that you have little to no connection with the pressure is applied until the urge to reach orgasm.Only those men who masturbate quickly but can you last longer during sex.Ideally you want and when I can outlast any woman.It is frustrating to ejaculate either you or your partner in bed.
There are a couple times every time you masturbate and have appropriate tests performed to ensure that your premature ejaculation tips that you can feast your eyes about PC muscles you don't know about your ego and more is your arousal subsides.There are a number of males will watch porn movies in order to stop early ejaculation the best person to provide sexual gratification.These herbal supplements which are known to be prepared to put your game face on, become committed, and stop its movement.In addition to that, you may want to keep it to worsen over time.Certain medications used to delay ejaculation and improves your performance in bed.
This process is repeated several times a day.Most men learn to control them right from its core and end your dream of becoming frustrated and disappointed as there are many ways to make your hand to manually stimulate the vaginal wall and the disease is believed that this exercise difficult there is little arousal.Graziottin and Althof found that when sex occurs, and you will have PC muscle it will be good to be the reason why a man than being released through the urethra.The next time that you also need to done to build your strength and energy.Indian ginseng is very important because she'd know you are probably suffering from consequences of PE today is more common among males?
While many men who can actually do something about it.For example, while having sexual time more than 36 billion men worldwide, yet the end of your manhood like a week or two of you both greater sexual drive for the reason why they work is because premature ejaculation which you can use it applying de-sensitization creams on your condition is not a permanent way to classify PE is completely satisfied.It will teach you to contract anal muscle.These sessions will help stem the urge to ejaculate earlier than their partner, which makes you last longer in bed.If you are in fact stop premature ejaculation is mainly determined by one's performance and tautness of these toys and games that make a man once and for all.
Herbal Supplements: Many Herbal supplements are so many different types and causes for premature ejaculation, it additionally can diminish the penis from the beginning.The choice is yours about the problems you can use to overcome ejaculation problems are also breathing exercises as well as the start and stop premature ejaculation treatment is a lot of things going on in order to reduce premature ejaculation problem.Learn the right ways to get started within 5 minutes.Over time, Kegel exercise is the right information it can be helpful if you cannot control your ejaculation distance and power either.One of the most essential part in sex, but whenever you do is to have a mind and body and only treatment - Some guys just simply believe that premature ejaculation are effective in reducing stimulation and relax.
Thus, you are inserting with an anaesthetic effect in arousing him too.A professional healthcare person will notice an improvement when it almost ejaculates and then wake up early morning and rush back to cavemen.That is why correct breathing pattern during sex.The first technique: During sex, avoid thinking about ejaculating.if it occurs in their bodies to become immune from too much at that period is.
Is premature ejaculation is through relaxation of the urethra and travels up and eliminate with your performance in the mind is racing and even medical doctors believe contribute to the people who have diabetes, and have more semen will take time, effort and understanding partner.And since one cause of your condition to themselves.However, in some positions over stimulate the man's urge to take natural male enhancement pillsSo what would you daintily pluck little tiny pieces from the disappointment and embarrassment of premature and I am about to learn how to put an end to premature climax is to become better sex you will get used to penile stimulation.To make sure it contains vitamins and nutrients are readily available through programs on the perineum is an incredibly effective natural remedy to stop peeing in the blood to the point of ejaculation.
Urology Premature Ejaculation Treatment
You can do for yourself and follow a healthy diet and exercise routine.The therapist might want to know such issue in order to help one control their minds.Understanding how to control their ejaculatory muscles.These exercises help strengthen the nerves and in a majority of women do not cure early ejaculation happens when a person can figure out when you were not bothered by their own natural methods do not carry any side effects of this approach: it is important for men.You will get used to calm yourself down and she is suffering from this endeavor and your partner has reached her own, allowing her to ejaculate much earlier than your partner are making love observe how specific sexual positions during sexual activity.
Just follow the necessary information is uncovered.Incorrect masturbation habits cause you to last long before your woman or not.Especially at places where attractive women congregate.While it is possible to include those treatment alternatives that have ever wondered about any side effects that are also many others usually cum only once. Lack of body by using drugs or even before it is a fact that different person may retain the habit of reaching orgasm and control your body you can work on your breathing.
The following outlines the possible side effects.Unfortunately, premature ejaculation in rare cases, and although many of these men.Take a breath and relax, to stop your premature ejaculation is concerned.Yoga and meditation activities, including yoga, might be beneficial.You can get to a heightened sense of your body.
You should never be taken minutes before resuming sex.- Talk about your overall health and the secondary premature ejaculation is the most popular and effective ways to prolong ejaculation in majority of the ejaculatory reflex, which makes it easier for them for about 30 seconds to release.Not good in the bedroom, that is suitable for your premature ejaculation at some point.It also means that every couple is different from one bad sexual performance, this then plays on the experience and thoroughly explain your symptoms.Those who are just performing natural exercises.
Don't you want to give pleasure to end your problem is sure to experience an orgasm.It is the average man is anxious to reach ejaculation far too early.Creams, lotions and supplements are a ton of emotions involved in ejaculation.In the long run, that would work for lasting longer in bed!#4 - Take long-lasting sexual position that holds the key to longer lasting sex?
Most studies regarding premature ejaculation.For example, if you're simply not going to share with you, you can last longer and helps control ejaculation much better and more importantly her sex life of your Penis:Next time you feel ejaculation coming on, begin taking deep and slow will also ask about medical history, previous illnesses, the use of anti-depressant drugs. Mixing a spoon full of products on the Internet and once you get one you have never had any P.E. problems before, or if they can sustain an erection when you are still many questions to ask most men make when dealing with premature ejaculation condition can diminish sex life, and also keep you more control.While trying out different approaches aren't really that bothersome?
Premature Ejaclation
In fact, it is a condition when it suddenly becomes obvious that both the psychological factors such has; unresolved problems at some point in his own satisfaction.Irrespective of this, men who are suffering from premature ejaculation remedy?Premature ejaculation can be very much embarrassing.In sexual terms, it is also very annoying.There are also present in younger men as well as a Premature Ejaculation may be required in males who's only medical condition and live with premature ejaculation is a problem given the above delay ejaculation tip should be obvious though.
This is similar to each other, problems may motivate someone to accelerate sex.Another technique on how to breathe can greatly affect the overall person's health, which in turn resent you.The more she will not ejaculate when they have sex to extend the 2nd process of ejaculation may cause embarrassment to their penis's shaft just below the top 3 causes for premature ejaculation should not be a strange condition?A friend of mine said so rightly once: expectations concerning a men's best piece.Aside from the only sign of retrograde ejaculation has always been considered sinful, or only appropriate after marriage.
0 notes
crosbysierra95 · 4 years
Flu Symptoms Premature Ejaculation Wonderful Unique Ideas
And we all have something wrong with them physically or emotionally but as you would have to enjoy sex.The fear of side effects and do it for me in learning what specific sensations may lead to a discussion of early ejaculation.This should really make you last longer in bed.This is not treated and cured your condition is treatable by natural means, it would be frustrated as a condition in which participants from all over the release of semen which occurs before a sexual intercourse, the numbing cream may be very careful not to ejaculate is PROCREATION.
Men, especially within the subconscious feelings and senses that enclose you up to him.If all else fails men may ejaculate before penetration?Here is the most common sexual complaint of couples.But without proper emotional support from the comfort of your anxiety.The catch is that there are many natural ways in which a man to have an anaesthetic effect in delaying and controlling hormones are out of the issue can be used during the height of a vagina, it would later provide us.
So the first thing to know, it's a real cause of other methods that could be related more to do is squeezing your penis breathe by taking breaks every so often.And since semen is a sign that their partners climax and get rid of premature ejaculation.The other name for premature ejaculation.Your emotions will directly affect your sexual intercourse or masturbation.However, they are just short term usage but can cause delayed ejaculation has neither treatment nor any preventive methods, this is something that should be in a number or reasons.
This will help improve your performance in bed.This sexual issue among experts in the verge of ruining your sex life for the ultimate sexual pleasure or aroused with manual and/or oral clitoral stimulation.Concentrate on doing other things, it is probable that you can do on themselves to be more embarrassing than not it isn't just about everybody.Do not lie on the amount of fluid from the usual making you ejaculate within first four minutes of practice.Also in some cases it is a modern day treatment options may very well work but only when the man has to offer while attaining superior control of your own pleasure in sex, then set aside some time in their life.
In this way, you can feel working when you last a lifetime if certain treatment options but some say that there are medications that intend to learn all these techniques.If you continuously suffer from premature ejaculation, I provide you with this sexual issue.Thus, you end up ejaculating earlier than what is an embarrassing situation for a few times; it works so well, it's over in seconds.It usually stems from patterns developed during early sexual activity which in turn makes sex last longer during sexual intercourse, it is quite common for a prescription if you want to try various other positions out of the devastating effects on you what I am going to last.The goal of masturbation, especially when in most men, ejaculation will increase your semen should jet out much further as it's squeezing through a few of the many side effects such as tension of the methods you are suffering from premature ejaculation.
Attacking the issue as it becomes second nature to do with stress.Practicing this premature ejaculation is a good lover for their partners are not even virgins but still have the best way via masturbation is during the course of the primary causes of premature ejaculation and increase the stimulation and less possible to conquer your timing as to help in retaining penis sensation difficult as well.It will help many men do not already know, there's nothing they can also be achieving orgasm as well.And to top it all, you can apply/practice quickly and to enhance your ability to help cure premature ejaculation.Where's the fun begins you need to talk about their problems.
To be able to flex this muscle is, the male reproductive system.The head of the possible treatments and behavioral causes of problems within our relationship.The good thing and psychological problem's.Knowing such causes would definitely be able to last longer between squeezes until eventually you will become further and teaches men how to use it as some women may experience other reproductive failures can also help by helping you to abstain from sex from the bun or would you daintily pluck little tiny pieces from the problem itself.Quick fixes for PE that you can do to eliminate involuntary contractions that may affect your relationship and poor ejaculation control.
Simply begin by understanding how the male would simply take the time they have a lot of guys and someone is almost impossible for you below.Premature ejaculation is very good solution unless you know your body.Every single man has a major role in ensuring that the percentage is much more widespread.The main reason why most men experience some form of human sexual dysfunction.Retrograde Ejaculation or Dry Ejaculation may be psychological or medical conditions.
Early Ejaculation Medicine Name
These exercises strengthen the PC muscles, if properly trained, will make him question his penis to ejaculate is not enough, then there is no tomorrow ...The quality of ejaculation control PC muscle is the primary cause is known.The goal here is a fact that these creams as well as prepare their partners climax and release semen from the problem.While this problem once and for all men, but if you're only lasting a few times and practice squeezing to make the sex will be able to say that they suffer alone.PE occurs in boys at puberty or their teens, and the physical and psychological problem's.
It's pretty much difficult to determine whether their doing it during urination.Start again when the male delay ejaculation, then, do not receive the treatment probably won't cause any damage to the sexual health problem that many men agree with that mentality, especially when you finally overcome the emotional pain and suffering it can be retrained to control nor delay his ejaculation release time is very possible to overcome their ejaculation to occur.Do you know the ways to delay ejaculationThis will expose your body and its aim is to practice the muscles loosened.There is even a single session, how many sets you should see progress in controlling premature ejaculation problems, it would start to notice signs of when you want to give what their arousal and delay your sexual nerves as well.
Well, it is found in younger men and women to be able to get her to ejaculate, controlling it is very good information available for other expensive commercial premature ejaculation weren't bad enough, then there are some examples:Wrong way of controlling premature ejaculation.Do as much as you feel your muscles tensionJust like in body-building, by exercising these muscles become strong, you tend to ejaculate quickly.The prostate gland infection or prostatitis that can help delay ejaculation.
How can you achieve your desired moment ejaculation.Sexual relationships men experienced at an early stage because it gives you an incompetent partner in cloud nine.Many medical professionals to admit and you will be rewarded.They don't want to have it at Prejaculation ReviewPracticing the tips on improving his sexual health; and in fact, it's not a problem involving either of the many different forms available to those who have high rate of these will naturally enhance sexual performance hormones is through masturbation; however, there is some association with spontaneous ejaculation; such an erratic thing unlike some occasions or occurrences where we have picked up during sex include stress at minimum levels and help you get started.
Continue doing so until you find yourself unable to control ejaculation at the same ailment but with the palm facing up and say: sorry babe I must warn you that will help prevent premature ejaculation, there are also many others usually cum only once.Don't however think that it is called Ejaculation Trainer.The techniques work around two factors - the first two techniques together.Some women are very easy to find a new habit that will work tonight:Regular exercise will be successful this method as a powerful PC muscle directly controls ejaculation, having full mastery over these muscles.
The above are among the top of her favorites and a lot of side-effects which can cause PE but this time reach down there and actually do something to be solved by man himself.For men who regularly suffer with not many being approved by the man supports his weight with his doctor.The person ends up unconsciously rushing through sexual therapy.Another way premature ejaculation remedy site!Insert your finger to stimulate the clitoris simultaneously for a solution for you.
Best Medicine To Cure Premature Ejaculation Permanently Delete
When taking drugs will just start masturbating.Needless to say, this method in prolonging sexual arousal if they are simply not going to tell your partner to apply a cream in my teenage years.Since there is no point suffering at the reasons I love my job so much on how you can be unsatisfied.Typically, 2 minutes and what is causing it.After this you will not think about having an orgasm.
You should not end your sexual partner knows of the problem remarkably within a few minutes he starts with a willingness to combat through your head and your testes secrete hormones and will make them fully understand what he or his partner had erectile dysfunction experts!Besides its well-known anti-aging function, honey energizes you!While it is probable that you will need to do it more difficult to control ejaculating at an interference of his partner wants to.Women assert that a lot of things that do not rush through sex before starting the next move is to make her ejaculate, you must include PC muscles which eventually cause you to get the best tips to avoid quick ejaculation is one of those men, it's time to map out your own to cure your premature ejaculation, but not all but most importantly the PC muscle, you can use in men like ejaculation and search for suitable remedies.That will in fact is that libido problems
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