#since everyone dying was the cause why the pact was unable to be fulfilled. What did the heliobi gain with this?
fragmentedblade · 10 months
The more I learn about them the more I think the heliobi are in the right
#I talk too much#I should probably delete this later#I loved that Jing Yuan pities them#And I love that he talks about the debt that never got paid#ngl I think had it been some other species or some other people with whom the Xianzhou had made the deal#(or had it been some other debt) the debt would have more likely be repaid or at least tried to be repaid somewhat#since the terms of the deal were impossible to fulfill given the circumstances#Definitely keeping them caged as source of energy through millenia doesn't seem the way to go nor how the Xianzhou would have treated#some other people (although they are consistently terrible and prejudiced against the Abundance followers‚#and they don't seem to really forget conflicts)#With how there was a deal that was never (and in exact terms could never be) repaid‚#no wonder the heliobi talk about everyone in the Xianzhou being tricky and untrustworthy lol#I love that Jing Yuan sees their point and understands where they come from‚ and as I said I adore that he sympathies with them#'The hero and their followers would lose their physical bodies for eternity' I imagine he meant just the people fighting#since everyone dying was the cause why the pact was unable to be fulfilled. What did the heliobi gain with this?#Was it the bodies of those they possessed? A flesh body of their own? Is that what the heroes would be giving away?#Their selves for the heliobi to own for all eternity‚ to live in physical form?#I'm loving the heliobi and their struggles with existence haha The pain and suffering and charm of wishes‚ desires‚ emotions and physicalit#The pain and suffering and charm of human life
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porcelainhands0717 · 4 years
In Aeternum | Jungkook X Reader
TITLE: In Aeternum CHARACTER/S: Jungkook | Reader GENRE: fantasy | romance | hunter vs immortals (unspecified beings) WORD COUNT: 2,232 CHAPTER COUNT: 1/1 | one shot | drabble TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of death/dying
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Your luminous amber eyes were trained to the night sky, beholding the beauty of what was to be the last full moon you’ll see in your lengthy lifetime. It seemed trivial knowing that you would be able to see it whenever you wanted to, but times have changed as your predestined death approached. And what a beautiful thing it was, the moon, and the irony that you only ever appreciated it mere moments before you close your eyes for all eternity.
“I knew you’d come,” you spoke, your clear voice sending ripples of waves to echo back with a subtle ring that sliced through the silence you’ve been enduring for days. You didn’t have to turn around to know that you were no longer alone in your chambers. You knew exactly where he was standing without looking, just under the lintel of what was supposed to be a stone doorway. It was both a power and curse to have such heightened senses that you could almost touch the very essence of another being lurking close enough.
Your destined executioner’s life force was just too potent for you to miss. It was something you’ve always marveled at from the time he was born. You have known of everything, his fate and how it was intertwined with yours. The oracles have spoken. Your death shall come in his hands and no one else’s, and for someone who is so used to living, it was an affront, but so was your initial designs to end his life before he even knew of what he was to become.
You remembered standing over his wooden crib twenty three years prior, a dagger raised high above your head, ready to kill. But then, he opened his eyes, bright as they were dark, rendering you motionless and unable to carry out your plans. A smile etched its way across your mouth. You had it coming, too.
When he didn’t say anything, you took it upon you to break the silence. “You would not remember, but the first time we met was on a night like this,” you began. “A full moon on placid winter evening.”
“No. I met you at the edge of the woods on a spring day,” he contradicted, moving deeper into the room, his boot-clad feed hitting the hollow floor-boards with creaks and dull thuds until he was standing right beside you.
“Sometimes, I forget that you are fully aware of my nature.” You broke into a sorrowful grin whilst you turned you head to face him so that only half of your otherworldly countenance was illuminated by the moonlight, the rest hidden away in the pitch-black darkness of the chamber. “I have known those eyes since the day you were born, Jungkook.” Reaching out with your hand, you touched him on the cheek, your lithe fingers brushing ever ephemerally across his skin. “I know why you are here.”
He nodded, placing his larger hand over yours, slowly sliding your palm over his mouth to press butterfly kisses into your supple skin. Closing his eyes as if he was being physically assaulted by an unseen force, he pressed closer to your cool hand.
“I came that night with the same intention you have at present and more nights and days after that. I thought I can stop the Fates from having a hand in my destiny, yet I could not bear the thought of your blood being spilled.”
He opened his eyes. “You knew.” It wasn’t a question.
“I was born to kill you.”
“And I am ready.”
Jungkook shrank away from you, retreating into the darkness, eyes glistening with hurt and rage as he regarded you with those eyes, the same ones that shone brightly at the sight of you not too long ago. “You lied to me.”
You received the accusation in a resigned manner, merely looking away and returning your gaze back to the moon. There was no sense arguing your cause. Essentially, you did lie to him by not telling him the truth that you know.
“You made me think you were something else entirely. You befriended me, gained my trust. You protected me, taught me everything I know these past seasons, and for what, Y/N? You led me to believe we can be together!” he rasped in anger, his voice rising and engulfing the whole room and the woods that surrounded you.
His words were followed by a thud, causing you to look his way, and found him kneeling on the floor, agony written all over him.
“All this time, you knew what I was to you…” He raised his head and with blazing eyes, looking straight into yours. “Why didn’t you just kill me? Why did you have to be so good to me just so I could take your life away later?”
You fully faced him, dropping on the floor and cupping his face between your hands. “Jungkook, such is the will of the gods.”
“Then why did you make me love you?” Tears spilled from his eyes, staining his cheeks as he dug his fingers into the floor. “If you wanted me to kill you, why did you make me feel like this?”
You held his head against your chest, embracing him, feeling his warmth seep through you, letting his smell fill your lungs and letting him invade your senses. “In truth, the day we met in spring, I thought you were setting out on your mission only to find out that you knew nothing. At first, I only wanted to know whether my destined opponent was worth it, but you’ve proven to be more than that. I’d gladly die in your hands than anybody else’s.”
“No!” he protested as he wept against you.
“Jungkook, listen. If you don’t kill me today, one way or the other, you will. We are natural enemies after all. I’m an abomination in this realm because I violate the nature of life itself by being deathless because of dark sorcery, and you were born of the lineage that has sworn to obliterate my kind. If you do not do your duty, you will end up damned like I am.”
He looked at you sharply through his tears. “You are not damned.”
You smiled at him. “I’ve lived for eons. I do not fear death anymore. I will never hate you for being who you are even if you’re the one fated to end me.”
“It will not be by my hands, Y/N! I refuse. I do not care for the legacy of my forefathers or the pact they made sealed with blood. You have been good to me, you love me, I know that, too. It does not matter to me what my people would say, even if they disown me. I love you more than anything else in this world even if it means I burn in the depths of hell for it.”
You were taken aback by his words and you would shed tears if you could. Instead, you were just stunned into silence as you minced every single word he said, your mind lingering on his final statement and declaration of love for you that your resolve was being shaken. He took that chance to lean forward, seizing you by the chin and securing you against him by the back of your neck as he laid claim to your lips with his, molding his urgent mouth against yours which submitted to his will like the clouds to the wind. He kissed you with scorching fervency until the feeling was a burning brand in your very being, his taste a permanent sensation.
“I love you,” he said against your mouth.
You gazed into his eyes. “I will not allow you to do that for me.” You reached for the sacred dagger he brought with him for the purpose of ending your life and placed it in his hand. With eyes that have turned darker, you glowered at him, enraged that he would think of such things. You directed the blade towards your chest. “Do it, Jungkook. Kill me. Fulfill your purpose!”
He pulled it away from you, gripping your hands instead. “Didn’t you hear me just now?”
“You don’t know the consequence of what you’re saying!” you shouted at him, the physical force you were repressing manifesting in another form, making the whole chamber shake. “You will be like me, an eternity of wandering in this pointless existence while everyone else progresses towards their possibilities while I remain frozen in time. You do not want this.”
“I know I want to be with you.” As if to emphasize his words, he removed the silver ring that had been passed down through generations to the leaders of his people as a symbol of their purpose, throwing it somewhere in the room along with the dagger, reminding you of every mistake you did in your former life. “I denounce my claim as the heir to the throne of the Hunters.”
“No!” you screamed, but it was too late. Those were very simple words, did not even count as an incantation, but they held power. It did not even have to be a hallowed rule among them. Just the way he said it with all the conviction and absolute certainty was enough.
“It’s done. I’m all yours.”
You staggered back, trembling as he was suddenly engulfed with black smoke, moving like tentacles that wrapped around his limbs and his body, reaching around his neck and his head. All you could do was watch as the consequence of his actions took effect like it did with you all those centuries ago. You were powerless against it, and finally, you found something you could not protect Jungkook from. He wanted it and brought it upon himself.
History was repeating itself. You were the greatest of your kind, the Huntress, leader of the hunters, until you also relinquished your blood oath with the gods because you fell in love with one of the dark immortals you were meant to kill, the punishment for which was to be turned into their kind. You have remained the greatest enemy of the hunters, waging war after war against them until only a few were left of both of your kinds out of revenge after they have killed the man you have loved, all that, thinking you would never feel the same way again. That was until Jungkook came, making you realize just how much more you could give and feel for someone else, enough to let yourself perish in the process.
Unable to do anything else, you simply stood there, waiting for the effect to complete itself. You had no control over it and there was nothing you could do to change it. Such was your fate, and he made his so to be entwined with yours for all eternity.
There was a loud click and all the lights came on. “And that ends my presentation on the legends of the Hunters of the North,” you said, closing your laptop and smiling at your classmates.
“Excellent work as always, Y/N,” your professor complimented you, glancing at the clock above the board behind you. He stood up from his post on the stairs at the aisle of the amphitheater-type lecture room. “We’re out of time, but since that was the last report on the legends we are tackling, prepare for a quiz next meeting. Dismissed.”
Collective groans filled the room as you collected your things from the table, also leaving the room with the others once you were done. You spotted a familiar figure standing across the door, making you break into a giddy smile the moment your eyes met, but then, one of your female classmates approached you.
“Hey, Y/N, you did really well today!” she said as a way of congratulations. “I think yours is the best. You related the story as if you were there to witness it firsthand if that makes sense.” She chuckled. “Cause yeah, they’re legends, but damn, girl!”
You joined in on the laughter, exchanging glances with the person waiting for you. “Thank you. I appreciate that.”
She also took the hint and winked at you. “Anyway, I best not keep you from your Prince Charming.” She waved bye at you and left.
“If they only knew that you were the single female figure who made it into the legends of the Hunters,” a melodious voice said just loud enough for you to hear and when you looked, the owner of the voice was already standing close to you, eyes bright as they stared back into yours in pure adoration the way he always did for century after century now. “But she’s right. You did a great job today.”
You rolled your eyes and linked arms with him and prompted him to walk. “I told the story the way it should be,” you told him. “I knew you were listening.”
He chuckled at that. “How long has it been since then?”
“About a thousand and a half years now.”
“And you remember it like yesterday?”
You glanced at him with a withering look, feigning annoyance. “How can I not, Jungkook? You’re a constant reminder, really.”
“Tired of me yet?” he asked.
At that, you stood on your toes and planted a kiss on his cheek, smirking. “Not in a million years.”
Thank you for reading.
ctto (GIF)
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