#And I love that he talks about the debt that never got paid
fragmentedblade · 10 months
The more I learn about them the more I think the heliobi are in the right
#I talk too much#I should probably delete this later#I loved that Jing Yuan pities them#And I love that he talks about the debt that never got paid#ngl I think had it been some other species or some other people with whom the Xianzhou had made the deal#(or had it been some other debt) the debt would have more likely be repaid or at least tried to be repaid somewhat#since the terms of the deal were impossible to fulfill given the circumstances#Definitely keeping them caged as source of energy through millenia doesn't seem the way to go nor how the Xianzhou would have treated#some other people (although they are consistently terrible and prejudiced against the Abundance followers‚#and they don't seem to really forget conflicts)#With how there was a deal that was never (and in exact terms could never be) repaid‚#no wonder the heliobi talk about everyone in the Xianzhou being tricky and untrustworthy lol#I love that Jing Yuan sees their point and understands where they come from‚ and as I said I adore that he sympathies with them#'The hero and their followers would lose their physical bodies for eternity' I imagine he meant just the people fighting#since everyone dying was the cause why the pact was unable to be fulfilled. What did the heliobi gain with this?#Was it the bodies of those they possessed? A flesh body of their own? Is that what the heroes would be giving away?#Their selves for the heliobi to own for all eternity‚ to live in physical form?#I'm loving the heliobi and their struggles with existence haha The pain and suffering and charm of wishes‚ desires‚ emotions and physicalit#The pain and suffering and charm of human life
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propertyofwicked · 5 months
lando is at risk of losing his job if he doesn't clean up his image, and his best friend needs a way of travelling the world. they come up with a flawless plan - which could not possibly go wrong, right?
based on this request! (i went a little overboard im sorry) ✧ my inbox is open! ✧
warnings - fluff, angst, small allusion to smut at the end - fake dating to lovers hehe. also, 5k words??? who am i?? (writen BEFORE the miami gp!! i needed a few days to recover lol)
the song inspo for this got removed from spotify but it is based on "was it real" by ben rodrigues <3
masterlist the playlist
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✧ tell me was it real...
...or was it just pretend? ✧
“and now i’ve had zak sit me down and essentially said ‘we don’t hire slags’”
“he said that your recent behaviour was causing concern for mclarens image - not that you were a slag, lan.”
“same thing,” he argued, ”i’m 24 for gods sake, if i want to speak to women in a nightclub that shouldn’t be any of zak’s business.”
“i think it became his business when someone filmed you, in your mclaren, having what im sure was a lovely conversation with the girl sat on your lap,” she teased back, emphasising her words slightly. he huffed at, crossing his arms over his chest as he leant back into her sofa.
lando had walked into her flat 20 minutes prior, as he had hundreds of times before, threw himself down on her sofa and launched into a long rant about the meeting he had just come from.
since he was at the woking offices, zak had taken the opportunity to discuss the several occasions in recent weeks where lando had been caught in predicaments with multiple different women. when he finally left, zak’s ultimatum ran through his brain on a loop as he drove to one of his closest friends houses.
“clean your image up, or we’ll have to reconsider the possibility of you having a seat next year.”
“it sucks, lan, but i really don’t know how i can help you here,” y/n told him, moving a stack of research notes to the table before sitting cross legged next to him so that her body faced his.
y/n l/n was a newly graduated environmental researcher, who was taking a year out to decide what kind of work she wanted to pursue. she needed to travel, see the world, and experience all elements in her field before she could make that decision - but travelling was expensive and she could not afford to be in anymore debt after university.
“i have an idea,” lando announced, the realisation of what he was about to propose never really settling.
“that’s never good,” she joked.
“no, no hear me out -” he started, “i need to look like a man in a stable relationship, you need to see the world.”
“yeah? so?” she questioned, confused as to where he was going with this.
“look, it’s ok if you say no. i’m just saying - you could pretend to be my girlfriend and use the opportunity to travel the world and research your little bugs.”
“i don’t know, that seems a bit…deceitful?” y/n replied, yet the idea mulled in her brain more than she wished.
“just a few public appearances. you come with me to my races and use it as a research opportunity. maybe stay in monaco with me for a bit? let people film us being domestic and that?” lando replied, stuttering as he tried to think of more reasons - truly, he had started talking before he’d really thought it through.
“it’s tempting,” she replied slowly, “and for the last time lando, i do not study bugs, i study the environments they live in.”
“all expenses paid, travelling the world, looking at trees across the world,” he added teasingly, “- and all you have to do is hold my hand in public,” he finished, trying to summarise the arrangement.
“yeah, what’s the worst that can happen?”
✧ tell me all the places that you wanna see...
....i can take you all the places that you've never been ✧
the two of them fell easily into a natural act, almost gaining a sixth sense for cameras and fans and reaching for each other. it started small - a hand on her back, standing close to each other, being seen arriving and leaving together. but it hadn’t been enough, many pointing out that y/n had been at races and stayed with him in monaco multiple times, and concluding the two were still, just friends.
so they upped the ante. lando began holding her hand when they walked anywhere together, kissing her forehead lightly as they both pretended to be clueless to the snapping of cameras. at the last race, y/n had spotted a reporter and made a quick decision to tug at lando’s fireproof, pulling him down and pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
“that’s new,” he had told her, laughing lightly, but keeping his hands firmly on her waist.
“camera,” she told him, smiling up at him as he nodded.
and lando kept up his end of the deal, the two of them using the week of the australian grand prix to visit the great barrier reef.
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their plan was working - the two were elated that people were finally putting the pieces together and believing the two really were together. even zak began to notice the positive effect y/n had on not only his image, but lando’s entire life.
“say y/n,” zak started as he walked up to the woman, “you work in environmental protection, don’t you?”
“i guess you could say that,” she responded, too tired to correct him, and slightly startled that he’d approached her as she sat minding her own business in the garage before the race began.
“we’re doing some work with the barrier reef group and oscar in a few days - would you consider being a sort of environmental advisor? just tell oscar a few things that he could talk about for the project?” he asked her assertively, smiling as her eyes widened at the request.
“i’d love to! but im supposed to be flying back tomorrow. let me ask lando later and ill get back to you?” she replied.
“sure,” he replied, smiling at her again before returning to his job. she was filled with excitement, it wasn’t often that she got to talk about her degree, and being able to contribute to a project of this scale was an amazing opportunity.
and her excitement only continued throughout the race, a feeling she always got watching lando compete, but overwhelmed when he cross the line 3rd. y/n ran round to join the rest of the mclaren team at the pit lane, watching as the podium cars pulled in and the drivers hopping out to celebrate with their teams.
lando climbed out, removing his helmet quickly before turning, scanning the crowd for y/n, and half sprinting when he spotted her. later, he would celebrate with his team, but for now he ran to her, pulling her in closely as he pressed his lips hastily to hers, pulled in closer by her hands cupping his jaw. when they pulled away, he kept her close to his embrace.
“im so proud of you,” she told him, smiling as he bent down to kiss her again, before rushing off to join his team.
y/n tried so hard to push away the feeling rising in her stomach - she didn’t like him like that, it was just the excitement of watching her friend succeed. so she ignored it, the same way she pushed away the feeling she got every time he calls her angel, even when they were alone.
im only here so that he keeps his job she reminded herself.
lando was distracted - he got podium, he was excited, his team were celebrating. yet he couldn’t help but let his thoughts linger to that feeling that shot through his veins when he’d kissed her. the same feeling he got every night, when she wrapped an arm tightly around his chest as they fell asleep.
she’s only here for research opportunities he told himself.
“im so proud of you,” y/n told him later that day as they left the track. wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him in to a tight hug, his arms falling naturally to hold her waist close to him. lando risked everything in that moment, pulling slightly back to look at her, before pressing a kiss to her lips.
“camera,” he told her, feeling her hesitation. her smile fell slightly before she leaned up to kiss him again. of course - the cameras, that’s why he kissed me she thought to herself, saddened slightly at the realisation.
there was no camera. they were totally alone.
✧ colours of the sky in your eyes
...fragments of the truth in your lies ✧
lando felt alone, his apartment felt so empty without her. he was happy she had the opportunity to stay in australia and do what she loves, but he couldn’t help but dwell on the flames igniting inside of him when he saw the videos of her and oscar together. it wasn’t jealousy, he told himself, he just missed her. after spending the last few months in close proximity, it made sense that he missed smelling her perfume around, or hearing the way her voice travelled through his brain.
y/n had a calming effect on him, and right now, lando was anything but calm.
which is why he found himself going back to his old ways, in a club, surrounded by women he wouldn’t remember the next day. he was too gone to remember that people with cameras tend to follow him around, capturing his every move in 4k - and he was far too gone to realise that publicly he was in a relationship, a relationship that should not include him leaving a club with a blonde.
and of course, y/n had seen the images blasted over twitter, headlines titled “cheating scandal?” consuming her entire feed. it was hard to remind herself that this thing between her and lando was not real, it was all pretend. and no matter how many times she told herself that fact, y/n couldn’t help but feel jealousy consume her entire existence.
the flat had never felt so awkward than the week before their flight to japan for the next race. she had returned a few days after the incident, lando greeting her at the door with a tight hug and a kiss to her forehead, but something was off.
“you have fun?” he asked her offhandedly as they moved to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water for himself.
“i did,” she said with a smile, though her tone held malice, “did you?”
lando’s hands stopped opening the cap of the bottle as he breathed in sharply.
“the fuck does that mean?” he replied, his tone harsh in defence.
“i was just asking if you had a good time, lando,” y/n answered, “she looked pretty, your type.”
“nothing happened, y/n,” lando told her, his voice sounding almost guilty.
“it’s ok if something did happen - we aren’t actually together,” she assured him, even though she could feel the jealousy bubbling up inside her again, “can you just be more cautious next time? im not sure i enjoy being told i deserved to be cheated on every time i open twitter.”
“im sorry, y/n, i am. i dont know what i was thinking,” he apologised, his eyes still softening with his guilt.
“clearly not a lot,” she tutted, before moving to take her bags to her room.
the rest of the week followed a similar vibe - the two of them barely spoke if they didn’t have to, making a few affectionate public appearances to show the world that their relationship was as strong as ever… oh the irony y/n thought every time she saw something dismissing earlier lando’s actions. however, by the time they flew out to japan, the friendship between the two seemed to have recovered - lando had almost sighed in relief when he saw her smile at him again.
“where you off to today?” lando asked her, pacing around the hotel room as he packed his bag for the day.
“the marina,” she replied, smiling as she pulled her coat on, “looking at the fish.”
“what time is qualis?” y/n asked him, ignoring his statement.
“uhh…3 i think - but you should try and get there by 2?” he told her, glancing down at his phone to see the current time. lando strode over to her, cupping her face lightly as he pressed a quick kiss to her head - this was becoming second nature to him, and she wasn’t sure how he felt about it.
“perfect!” she replied, trying to stop the nervous blush rising her face, ignoring the way her stomach flipped, “ill be there,” she added before pressing a quick kiss to his cheek and leaving the room. the moment the door closed, lando’s hand raised to touch where she had kissed him, smiling fondly at the thought.
he was utterly and truly fucked. how had he let himself fall for her? how could he continue to pretend to love her, when he really did?
y/n spent the rest of the morning in a similar state of panic, mentally shutting down at the prospect of loving lando and knowing he’d never feel the same. she hadn’t even intended to leave him today, but found herself quickly googling anything for her to do the moment she woke up with his arm wrapped tightly around her stomach and his head resting on her back. y/n needed space, she knew she couldn’t keep up their little act when her heart was slowly shattering every time he kissed her for the cameras.
so caught up in her own thoughts, she didn’t realise the time until it hit 2pm and she was stuck at the marina, desperately trying to find a taxi to get her to the track. and when she finally made it, y/n wish she hadn’t bothered.
lando was pacing angrily, talking under his breath as he checked his phone constantly - he only had 5 minutes before he needed to go down to the garage and get ready for qualifiers. the door slid open, and y/n walked through - ready to spurt out her apologies - but she stopped suddenly, sensing the anger looming in his room.
“where were you?” lando asked her, trying to keep himself calm, though the race nerves mixed with his temperament made that quite difficult.
“im sorry lan, i lost trac-”
“lost track of time? found something more interesting to do? save it, i don’t wanna hear your excuses,” he argued back, interrupting her with his ever loudening tone.
“you’d know all about ‘finding something more interesting’, wouldn’t you,” y/n replied, her own voice raising to meet his. if there’s one thing y/n will do, it’s stand up for herself, even when all she wanted to do was kiss him. dont kiss him, hit him she told herself.
“fuck you,” he spat, shoving past her to leave the room.
“at least im here!” she shouted back down the hallway, desperate for the last word
y/n stayed in the room for qualifiers, trying to stop the tears running down her face before lando returned. she hoped his anger was only heightened by his nerves, praying that after securing P3 he would return as his normal self, laughing and joking with her. in a strange way, she wanted cameras on them, she wanted him to be affectionate with her - she needed him to comfort her.
the woman walked nervously down to the garage, hoping to catch him quickly before he had to run off for media duties. maybe now he had secured a solid start position for tomorrows race he would be more willing to have a mature, sensible conversation with her.
or not.
lando spotted her immediately, pulling her arm quickly to lead her round to a secluded area outside the garage. he wasn’t angry at her, he was angry at himself for letting it get this far. he was so irritated, he couldn’t even spare a moment to see the fear in her eyes as he took in a deep breath.
he wasn’t angry at her, but he didn’t know how else to express his overwhelming emotions.
“what do you want? make it quick, ive got media to do,” he snapped, letting go of her arm as they stopped walking. she rubbed at it, her skin still burning from his tight grip.
“i just wanted to see you lan, congratulate you,” she replied softly, biting back tears once more.
“oh now you want to be here to support me?” he breathed out, crossing his arms over his chest.
“what does that mean?”
“i let you come with me to help with your career, and yet you can’t even turn up to support mine. i knew you were selfish but thi-”
“selfish?” she argued, trying to keep her voice low, “me? selfish? i haven’t got enough fingers to count the amount of times you’ve missed my important things because you were busy with your career. and have i complained once?”
“well no but-”
“but nothing, lando. i can’t even pretend to love this version of you,” she ranted, her anger being overcome with sadness, “you know what? fix your own reputation - or don’t. i don’t care what or who you do anymore,” she finished, turning on her heel and storming away from him.
he wanted to follow her, he wanted to hold her close as he apologised. lando knew he was being selfish, he knew it wasn’t fair to string her along under the pretence of saving his career. he knew he could no longer pretend, not with her and not with the public. lando needed her in every sense of the word. but duty calls, so he settles on dealing with this later, sitting her down and telling her the truth, even if it had the potential to destroy their friendship - he figured he couldn’t make it any worse.
but y/n isn’t at the track when he finishes up for the day, and she’s not at the hotel when he returns - and neither are her belongings. lando checked his phone repeatedly, messaging her desperately.
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he fell to the bed, head in his hands as he tried to regulate his breathing.
she was gone, and it was all his fault.
✧ i know that you're perfect for me
…tell me that you're sorry
…won't you please just take my heart again ✧
it took a few weeks for lando to finally stop messaging her, though y/n noticed an increase in visits from max, their mutual friend, under the guise of “just checking in” on his childhood friend. y/ wasn’t stupid, she knew who was behind max’s sudden interest in her wellbeing. but max was stupid either, he knew why the two of them had taken this fall out so hard.
“you did what?” max shouted in shock.
“i asked her to pretend to be girlfriend so i could keep my job,” lando sighed, hiding his face in his hands.
“you’re stupid.”
“i know.”
“in what world was that ever going to end well?”
“the world where i didn’t realise i actually do fancy her?” lando replied quietly, questioning his own admission.
“im so stupid,” max replied.
“how are you the stupid one here?”
“stupid for believing the two of you had finally worked out what has been right in front of you since we were 13.”
lando was desperate. he needed to talk to her, he needed to tell her how he felt - but for now, he settled with knowing she was ok.
“she’s alive and healthy - and she had pizza for lunch,” max told him over the phone, growing tired of this weekly routine the two of them had started.
“but she’s doing ok, right?”
“she’s good, lan,” he reassured, neglecting to tell him the part where she cried on him about losing her best friend over a trivial, child-like crush.
“but…?” lando asked, sensing there was more.
“but - she still doesn’t want to talk to you.”
“i could’ve guessed that one, thanks mate.”
“hey dont get mean with me - im just doing what you asked.”
“i know, sorry.”
“don’t apologise to me, find a way to fix this you muppet.”
y/n was not ok, spending most of her nights alone, scrolling through social media seeing the rumours about her and lando’s supposed split - “she’s wasn’t at the race” “i saw her leaving suzuka crying” “he looks so sad in interviews”. why do they care so much? but they aren’t wrong, she thought.
she began looking for a job, but nothing seemed as exciting as the work she’d done with mclarens environmental programme - which seemed to no longer be an option. unbeknownst to her, mclaren also loved the work she had done with them - her presence was greatly missed in the garage by many, especially those on the receiving end of lando’s current outbursts.
y/n’s phone lit up the entire room, the notification cutting through the silence of her room, breaking her away from her own thoughts.
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y/n was still convinced this was a trick, luring her to miami under the pretence of work so that oscar could push her head first into a trap. the thought stuck with her throughout her plane journey, as she checked in to her hotel, even up to the moment she knocked on oscar’s door to discuss the project. she was waiting for lando to appear, push her into a locked room and force her to talk to him.
“…’but if i talk to him, ill end up telling him why i ran, and how i feel about him, then he’ll reject me, laugh in my face and im back to feeling sorry for myself,” she told oscar, having finished giving him the run down for their project, and allowing the conversation to move to the elephant in the room - what had happened between her and lando.
“im sure that’s not true,” he replied, feeling sad for the girl in front of him, though he already knew most of the story from hearing lando’s self-destructive rants.
she opened her mouth to responded, but was stopped by a sharp knock at the door.
“oscar? are you ready to go?” a familiar voice called from the other side, sending y/n’s blood cold, her eyes widening in panic.
“what the fuck, oscar?” she whispered shouted, feeling betrayed.
“i didn’t know he was coming y/n, i swear, i’d never do that to you,” oscar reassured her truthfully, although slightly beaming as a plan formulated in his head, “stay there, ill tell him to meet me downstairs.”
oscar stood, moving to open the door slightly.
“hey mate - just got some things to sort out, ill meet you downstairs in 15?”
“sure,” lando nodded, turning to leave, but not before his eyes drifted into the room, spotting the same pair of flowery vans that had spent months sitting in his hallway. y/n’s vans.
lando walked down to the lobby, taking a seat as he waited for oscar, his mind consumed with the fact that y/n was here, in miami, in his hotel. why was she here? why hadn’t she told him? was she still avoiding him?
“where is she?” lando interrupted the australian the moment he approached.
“’hi oscar, are you ready to go?’ would’ve been my response but ok,” oscar replied.
“where is she, oscar?” lando continued, determined.
“she doesn’t want to see you.”
“i know,” he replied bluntly, “why is she here?”
“y/n was invited to join mclaren as an advisor on a new climate video,” oscar gave in, replying as professionally as he could - he wasn’t here to discuss their ‘breakup’.
that’s a lie, he’s pretty sure zak asked him to do another environmental video purely to suggest that he contacted y/n to be an advisor. and he’s absolutely certain that zak, equally as fed up with lando’s attitude, was looking for a reason to bring the two back together.
“who invited her? where is she staying?” lando quizzed him as they walked towards the car, doubting he’d even get an answer.
“zak invited her, he appreciated the work she did for us in australia,” oscar replied, ignoring his second question. lando hummed in response, if oscar wouldn’t tell him, he would find out for himself.
it was only a press day, so lando split from his teammate and began his hunt for zak brown. it wasn’t hard, the man was wearing bright orange and had a laugh that could be heard for miles.
“hey zak,” he started.
“hey lando, what can i do for you?” zak asked, glancing at his at a text on his phone quickly before giving lando his full attention.
“how are you?” lando asked hastily, beginning his attempt to bombard his boss with questions till he slipped up.
“im good.”
“what are you doing today?”
“just going over some things with the team.”
“what do you think the weather will be like on sunday?”
“where’s she staying?”
“the marriot i-” zak replied, pretending to stutter as he answered, feigning shock at accidentally revealing the hotel.
“thanks zak, love you,” lando called out as he jogged out. zak smirked to himself, replying to oscar’s message.
z → mission complete.
o → you made sure it looked like an accident, right?
z → jesus oscar i just told him the hotel name i didn’t kill him
of course lando couldn’t leave the track immediately, he had a job to do first. but the moment he became free for the evening, he was off, arriving at the hotel in record time. there were many cons to being a recognisable face, but a pro of being so famous was a hotel receptionist who barely batted an eyelid as lando demanded to know the room number of y/n l/n.
his knuckles rapped on the door quickly, his heartrate beating rapidly as he did. this could go so many ways, and most of them were not good. the door swung open, his eyes coming to look at the woman in front of him - she looked good, but she looked different, like something was missing.
“lando? what are yo- OSCAR!” she called out, turning to look back into the room, the door widening as she did revealing his teammate sat at the desk, “did you do this?”
“not me,” he replied, holding his hands up in defence. her head spun back around to look at lando, she was taking him in. he had a plaster on his nose, the curls were alive and well, and his everlasting tan ran the expanse of his skin. she didn’t want to admire him, but damn, miami was treating him well.
“go away i dont want to see you,” she announced suddenly, trying to shut the door but finding his foot blocking it.
“i know you don’t, but i need you to just listen to me, please. and then you can shut the door and never have to deal with me again,” he told her, pleading.
“oscar’s here.”
“actually, i should probably get going,” oscar announced moving to grab his stuff to leave. y/ns head shot back around, her eyes shooting daggers at him as if to say ‘dont you dare leave me alone with him right now’ to which he merely shrugged and walked out.
lando closed the door behind him, moving the two of them back into the room - y/n sat down awkwardly on the edge of the bed as he remained stood in front of her.
“what do you need to tell me?” she asked him impatiently.
“y/n, these last few weeks have been hell for me. i know i hurt you, i said some horrible stuff that you really didn’t deserve and i will do anything for you to forgive me and move past this,” he said, pausing before adding, “i don’t know about yo-”
“oh, so it wasn’t you sending max to “check in on me” every week?” she interrupted, her eyebrows quirking with her accusation.
“you worked that one out then?” lando replied, laughing slightly, relief washing over him that she didn’t seem angry at him.
“it was so obvious! since when has max ever felt the need to check im doing ok ever? let alone every week?”
“i sent him because i care about you y/n. you weren’t responding to my messages, dodging my calls,” he told her, watching her smile slightly, a blush rising her face.
“so why are you here now?”
“look, this whole ‘thing’,” he started, waving his arms to indicate he meant whatever the two of them were doing, “it started as something purely to benefit the both of our careers. but i think somewhere down the line, it turned into something more. something that should’ve happened years ago,” he told her, his heart ready to beat its way out of his chest and jump out the window.
the two sat in silence for a moment, y/n mulled over his words in her head. this is what she wanted, wasn’t it? she wanted him to love her the way she loved him. so, why did she feel so apprehensive about letting him back in?
“i know you felt it too, y/n,” lando said again, not letting her thoughts distract her too far.
“feel,” she said bluntly.
“you said felt. i still feel that way about you lan.”
“then why won’t you let me in?”
“you said some really nasty stuff to me, lan. really horrible stuff that had me reconsidering my entire life. you’re lucky i even let you stay. why couldn’t you just be honest with me - instead of pushing me away?”
“i didn’t know how to,” he admitted, stepping closer to her, “if i had a time machine, i would take back everything i said. id go back and slap some fucking sense into myself.”
lando now stood directly in front of her, his thighs brushing her knees lightly as his hand moved to her face, wiping away a tear she didn’t even know what trailing down her cheek. his fingers tucked a lose strand of hair behind her ear before settling on cupping her jaw lightly.
“can you forgive me?” he asked her softly, thumb stroking at her cheek.
“it’s not all your fault, lan. i could’ve said something too,” she told him.
“please just say you forgive me so i can kiss you, you idiot,” he laughed out.
“forgiven,” y/n said quickly, her head tilting so that their lips met. it was familiar, the feeling his lips on hers, but this time there was a sense of urgency. a sense of love that was absent anytime they had kissed before. his tongue swiped at her bottom lip, desperate for more which she granted happily, as her hands moved to rest in his hair, tugging at the curls lightly.
“fuck, y/n. ‘missed you so much,” he moaned out, the grip on his hair sending his mind blank.
“missed you too,” she replied as he moved to kiss down her neck softly, “even if you were a bit of a dick.”
“let me make it up to you?” lando teased, nipping at the skin of her neck whilst his fingers toyed with the hem of her top.
“there’s a lot to make up for.”
“ive got time,” he replied, pulling the fabric away from her body fully. her hands reached out, grabbing at his mclaren polo to remove it as well, dropping it next to herself on the bed.
lando laid her back on the bed, hovering over her as he continued kissing down the flesh of her torso.
“y/n i forgot m-” oscar started, barging back into the room, “oh my god, ive been gone what…? 3 minutes? how have you already taken your clothes off?” he exclaimed with a laugh.
“fuck off!” y/n and lando called out in unison, lando reaching for his top and launching it in oscar’s direction.
“ok ok, im going,” he replied, raising his hands again in defence, “stay safe kids,” he added before leaving the room, his forgotten phone now in tow.
“kids?” lando muttered, “im older than him?”
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kooktrash · 1 year
lace & luxury | kim taehyung
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summary: Money, Money, Money, must be funny in the rich man’s world. At least that’s how you feel working day and night to make end’s meet and still never having enough. Out of nowhere you get roped into a give and take relationship with a very powerful fashion designer who shows you the way into a life of luxury and lingerie. You’ve become his muse and in exchange he’s become your source of pleasure and riches. It’s a rich man’s world and you’re living in it.
➣ genre/au: sugar daddy!taehyung x exotic dancer!reader [she/her, female anatomy], taehyung aged up
➣ 13.6k words
warnings: smut. tae is 31 oc is 21. a lot of teasing. mention of NDAs. he’s a bit cold to everyone else. oc is an exotic dancer. oc dances on Tae a couple times. Tae adores oc. lavishes in gifts. protected sëx. oc is confident af. oc has belly button piercing. Tae is very handsy. jk and Hobi are oc’s besties so a lot of locker room talk between the three. oral [f receiving].m. multiple positions. missionary. mating press. and riding. an open ending but also I feel like y’all know what’s gonna happen
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Money does not buy happiness.
Money does not buy happiness.
Money does not bu—
“Fucking hell,” you groaned in annoyance as you hit the machine in front of you. The vending machine seemed to mock you with its silence even as you pushed the button for your drink a dozen times. There was a clear sign above that said not to hit the machine yet here you were beating the shit out of it with your foot.
Three dollars. It just took three dollars and refused to give you your drink. What a fucking con.
Money doesn’t buy happiness but you know that if you had that nice and refrigerated fizzy drink right now you would be at least .05% happier than you are now. With a defeated sigh you gave the vending machine one final ‘fuck you’ and left. Listen, you’re not a moody person [not usually] but you’re stressed, broke, and hungry… and now annoyed.
“You’re stressing over a drink or three dollars? I can’t tell,” Jungkook asked you as you stood at the entrance to work still thinking about earlier, “Go get a drink from Hobi and once you get on stage you’ll make more than 3$ quickly. No biggie.”
“It’s about the morals, Kook,” you sighed, “In this country even the vending machines are capitalists, taking money from the poor and not giving us anything in return.”
“It’s fine, you take money from horny rich people, speaking of which if you don’t go get ready, boss will throw a fit,” Jungkook said, pushing you forward and cutting your talk short. You whined in frustration as you did as told and headed to the dressing room.
You were a bit dramatic, you know you were. It was just three dollars but damn did that piss you off. You haven’t eaten a single thing since you were working a full day waitressing and now you’ve got to get on stage and dance on an empty stomach. You just paid rent and your stupid student debt bills and now you’re very broke. After tonight you’ll surely have way more money but it doesn’t change the fact that this is a common problem you have.
During the day you waitress and at night you dance at an exotic club where the clients treat you like some dress-up doll they touch whenever they want and stuff crumpled dollar bills in your lingerie because they think it’s sexy. You loved to dance, that was not the problem, it was the people you danced for and why you did it. If you had the money to finish off school you would have a degree by now in fashion marketing but instead you’re stuck with two jobs struggling to pay off loans and reach ends meet. It was exhausting.
“I heard about your drink dilemma,” Hoseok said apologetically as you got to the bar already dressed in lingerie waiting for your cue. He handed you a glass meant for whiskey filled with the fizziness of caffeine and you thanked him profusely before chugging it down.
“But if it makes you feel better, a group of very wealthy looking young men just walked into V.I.P,” he added. You released a content sight as you handed him the empty glass, “I’m not in the mood to be groped tonight.”
“So just the stage? Got it,” he said and you gave him a soft smile as you heard your stage name be called and you left.
“You need to loosen up, get some inspiration even,” Jimin said with a chuckle as he led Taehyung by the shoulders into the red night club. He’ll admit it’s above his expectations but at the end of the day — or night — it’s still an exotic club with women in lingerie unlike he’s ever seen. He should be used to it by now but he’s not. He’s too stressed to even enjoy whatever his friends had planned for him tonight.
“How about that one?” Jimin asked pointing to a dancer who was currently sitting on the lap of an older man wearing the ugliest Rolex watch Taehyung has ever seen. He just shook his head and kept his gaze forward as they went to a V.I.P section close to the stage.
Here’s the thing, Taehyung is new to all of this but at the same time he isn’t. Being the eldest grandson of the one and only original creator of the luxurious lingerie brand, Erotes: Sexy, Sensual, & Surreal, you would think he’s more used to this by now and he is. He’s used to the designs and fashion shows that his grandmother and mother would put on but to be the one in charge of it all now? That’s an entirely different ball game and he’s failing miserably to come up with something for the spring catalog. In truth, his younger sister should have been the one to take over but unfortunately that wasn’t the case and now they’re both unhappy with the outcome. He’s 31, he’s thankful to be able to get in the position he’s in at the head of his own empire but he’s just struggling. How is he supposed to find inspiration to follow their footsteps?
“Next up is the loveliest of them all, Venus, with her sensual movements you’ll have no choice but to fall to your knees, worshiping her like the goddess she is.”
You nearly gagged on stage at your intro as the lights went black and you stood at the center of the stage ready to walk forward when the song started. To clarify, you didn’t choose the stage name.
Some bottle girls brought expensive liquor to their section but Taehyung wasn’t paying attention anymore. He’s not sure when he tuned out how the night was going until you came out on stage. It wasn’t your introduction that drew him in but it was the sudden shift in the air that made him take in what was going on. The lights had gone off with only a red and blue hall above your head and it was the first time he took notice in one of the dancer’s he’s seen tonight.
He didn’t know where to look first, his eyes went from your feet which were in tall crystal heels to the length of your smooth legs before stopping at the first hint of lingerie he could see. You wore baby pink panties under a sheer babydoll dress and you looked simple yet elegant, like the stage was where you belonged. Your hand trailed up from your thigh to your stomach lifting the frill fabric for anyone’s watching eyes and he watched you dance, entranced for the first time tonight.
The lingerie was cute, it was simple and appealing to the eye but it wasn’t for you. He could see it in your strong gaze, this wasn’t right for you. You should be in a dark color that matched your strong presence and the desire you brought upon whoever watched you. You needed something that showed more, less concealing. He can picture you in a garter belt, pearls around your neck maybe…
The way you moved seemed to captivate every single person in the room and Taehyung especially.
By the end of your performance Taehyung watched you walk off stage and it’s the same confidence you put formed and the energy immediately changed when you were gone. He hadn’t realized how focused he was on your dance until he released the breath he had been holding in.
“Getting inspo yet?” Jimin joked as he snapped Taehyung out of his trance with a pat on his leg.
When Taehyung first took over Erotes, everyone expected a lot of changes. The company went from being owned by generations of women to now the first man in charge and not a lot were comfortable considering the lingerie was specifically for women and those others who would choose to wear it—very clearly not Taehyung. He knew he would face a lot of challenges and that’s what’s happening right now.
He wants to create a line of lingerie that the wearers [whoever that maybe, biologically female or not] would feel comfortable in. He doesn’t want to make it simply for the male gaze, he wants the wearer to feel comfortable and sexy and proud of their body. It probably isn’t much help that the person who had suddenly inspired him to create is an exotic dancer but something about you just caught his attention.
He’s solely looking at you from a designer’s point of view and he’s picturing that some of the company’s target audience would be people like you. Of course he’s going to create pieces for those who would just like to feel sexy at home or under their work clothes, but he needs to find inspiration first.
That is the sole reason why he went back to the gentlemen's club a couple nights later all by himself. The atmosphere seemed to fit what he was looking for too and he just needed to be in the element and in the presence of someone he considers sexy.
By the time he arrived it was late and since it was a weekday there weren’t that many people there. Business was good, just not as busy as on weekends but it worked in his favor. When he asked for a private dance they directed him to a red room where all he had to do was wait patiently for you to come in.
To be honest, you were a bit annoyed to do the private dance. Usually the ones who request are young arrogant men who don’t pay enough for what they get and if that wasn’t the client then it was typically some old ass dirty sleazebag who needs Viagra to keep it up. You definitely weren’t expecting for a man who looked like a God to be sitting there on the red velvet couch, dressed in a Dolce & Gabbana suit and had sandy blonde hair. He looked arrogant but for a reason, look at him. He was lounging comfortably on the seat with his arms stretched out on the back of the couch holding a glass of whiskey. His legs were spread in a manly way and his shoes shined even in the darkness.
You didn’t say anything when you walked in but the silk robe you wore simply slipped off your shoulders as the music began and exposed your lingerie to his hungry eyes. He raised his glass to his lips as he watched you let it fall to the floor and saunter over to him. You fell to your knees before him and your manicured hands skimmed over his thighs making his legs open just a little more to make room for you. Neither of you have spoken but for the moment it didn’t feel like you needed to.
The room was a little foggy too but Taehyung could see you very clearly as you pushed up against his thighs until you were standing back up and his eyes locked on yours when you swung a leg over his lap and swayed to the music. His fingers twitched with the urge to touch but he kept himself composed as he asked, “What’s your name?”
“Venus,” you used your stage name for obvious reasons as you situated yourself on his lap. Taehyung wasn’t aware of his moving hand until he was just inches away from touching your waist when you grabbed it and pressed it into the couch. Your breasts pushed against his chest as your fingers locked with his and you whispered into her ear, “You can look but don’t touch.”
“Got it,” he said breathlessly and he really did understand. He knew the rules and honestly he was unaware of what his hand was trying to touch until you called him out on it. He watched you closely as you arched your spine back and his eyes caught on the shiny reflection of your belly button ring and he hated to admit he’s a lot more turned on than he thought he would be.
He honestly was just interested in seeing what you wore tonight but he couldn’t even think about that right now when your body looked so appetizing to him. “Have you ever modeled before?”
You had your back to him now as he watched you bend forward and present yourself to him and once again he had to stop himself from reaching out and touching when you showed off your flexibility. You gave him a simple response as your hand came to the back of his neck and your back pressed against his chest to grind on his lap, “No.”
“Would you want to?” He asked in a whisper when you pulled on his neck tie harshly. His suit would have wrinkles now but he does not mind one bit. You laughed softly and he even liked the sound of that more than the music, “No.”
“I’ll pay you for it.”
“You’re paying for this, isn’t that enough?” You asked with your face just an inch away from his that he could feel the heat run between you.
“It’s far more than enough and yet I still want so much more, Venus, I think you would be a perfect model for me,” Taehyung said honestly, “Since the first time I saw you I wanted to see you in my designs.”
“And here I thought you wanted a dance because you found me attractive,” you teased. He was a client of the club and you should just treat him as such but he’s very attractive and he listened to you when you told him not to touch. Most men would still try and catch a feel even after being warned.
Taehyung released a breathy laugh, “Oh I find you absolutely irresistible but I’m sure that’s not something you don’t hear on a regular basis. I think you know your effect on others especially when you dance like this.”
You smiled, content enough that this God of a man found you irresistible, “What kind of model?”
“Lingerie, a boudoir shoot if you will,” Taehyung said but you wanted to play a little longer and his time was almost up.
“Not interested,” you said seductively and though your rejection stung, the way you said it made his growing arousal all the more prominent.
When his time was up he paid for the 140$ fee for a private dance and when he was ready to tip you and give you the money you let him slip it into the waistband of your panties and with that he left. You took out the money, surprised to count a total of 800$ just for you.
“I’ve never wished I had a pussy before in my life.”
You and Hoseok looked at Jungkook completely speechless as the three of you stood around the ivory box that was delivered to the club. It was from your client the other night and when you told Jungkook that he seemed annoyed.
One, he was mad you got tipped so much for a simple dance and second, that you just got a custom lingerie set designed specifically for you by a billionaire. You only know this because he left the Erotes business card there along with a couple hundred more with a note that said, ‘If you’re interested, come visit me.”
“I smell Sugar Daddy in the air,” Hobi finally said after the long silence that followed an envious Jungkook. To be honest, none of you knew much about the company until Jungkook went ahead and searched it up only to find a picture of the man you danced on just a few nights ago tied to an article titled, ‘the newly appointed CEO of Erotes Lingerie, Kim Taehyung.’
They brought your box over from the club and being their nosy selves, they wanted to see what you got.
The two were at your shitty, run down apartment where the three of you have been talking shit about your main boss all day. There’s nothing specifically wrong with the guy other than the fact that’s he’s a fucking cunt who steals from his dancers and never cares for it a man gets too touchy unless Jungkook has to kick them to the curb. You were all just tired of him.
“Go see what he’s gotta say,” Jungkook said with a smirk, “I’ll even drive you there and if he offers you money just remember how supportive your bestie was.”
“Shut up,” you rolled your eyes, “Should I?”
That’s how you ended up in front of the skyscraper before you. Erotes was your typical gray building on the outside but there were hues of red lights basically oozing out of the window panes. It felt otherworldly and stepping inside felt like you were stepping into an Oasis on Mount Olympus. There were large statues of Greek gods and goddesses of love inside and the red and yellow lights seemed to set the mood in the corporate building. You walked right up to the front desk with absolutely no clue on what to say that you found yourself stuttering.
“Uh, um, can I speak to Kim Taehyung?” You immediately wanted to slap yourself for the way you just asked to see the CEO OF THE COMPANY and clearly the receptionist wanted to do the same considering she looked you up and down unimpressed before looking back to her computer. You waited for her to say something but after a minute or two she looked at you as if confused why you were still standing in front of her desk.
This time you couldn’t help but scoff at her rude behavior and reached into your purse for the card. You slid the business card across her desk and looking annoyed, she picked it up and looked it over. You smiled, “Now can I speak to Kim Taehyung?”
“Not if you don’t have an appointment,” she smiled tightly and you mirrored her expression. “So can you set an appointment then?”
“For what reason?”
“You can ask him when you set the appointment since he’s the one who told me to come here, or I can just leave and the next time I see him I can let him know how I tried to see him but I was refused,” you smiled and with a clenched jaw she finally picked up. You were bluffing because in truth you didn’t know if he would see you again or it he would just give up on whatever he’s trying to gain but it scared her enough to finally call whoever she needed to.
“What’s your name?”
“Venus,” you said, “That's all.” With another look at you from head to toe she muttered the name to the person on the phone and hung up shortly after. She flashed you another fake smile and said, “Alright follow me.”
You went up the elevator to the 100th floor which meant a long and uncomfortable ride with this snobby receptionist who kept glancing at you like she couldn’t understand why the man upstairs wanted to see you and in truth you weren’t sure either. His secretary gave you the same judging look as she knocked on Taehyung’s large office doors and honestly you didn’t get it.
It was clear you weren’t his girlfriend or anything so what was their deal? Unless he was just some rich guy already engaged or married and they knew you weren’t the wife… maybe you should check that, men are trash anyway—especially ones with a lot of money. When the receptionist left with Taehyung’s secretary you awkwardly stood in front of you as she typed away, “He’s in a meeting, go ahead and sit over there.”
With a small huff in annoyance you took a seat at one of the waiting chairs not far from the front desk. There was a stack of lingerie magazines but you didn’t bother going through them as you got on your phone instead to text your closest friends.
you: im too poor to be in here
hobi: did they check ur bank acc and see u only have 2.75$ in there?
you: fuck u
kook: is he wrong tho
you: no
you: anyway idk I’m getting bad vibes from the employees
hobi: ask if they’re libras and if they say yes you better run
kook: true. I don’t trust libras
“It was great seeing you again Tae, we need to get together for drinks like old times.”
You looked up for a split second to watch a beautiful tall blonde leave his office as he held the door open for her. She had sparkles in her eyes that made you want to gag at the thought of ever looking at a man like that. You visibly cringed and looked back down to your phone and waited until he was done.
you: oh god I’m scared. I’m about to go in
kook: remember that he’s just a man
hobi: ^ a very rich one who made u clothes for dancing on him
kook: yes that too
“I’ll have to see if it fits into my schedule,” Taehyung finally said back seemingly unmoved by her flirtatious smile and as he was out the door with her his eyes shifted to you making you look up. He didn’t send another glance her way as he asked, “Ready?”
You released a sigh as you finally got up from the chair and walked past the shocked blonde like you’ve been here before. Being a dancer meant you needed confidence — or at least pretend like you had it — so that’s how you acted most of the time. Also, he’s a member of the club and at the end of the day you’re still just an exotic dancer who doesn’t have a place in this building meeting with the CEO.
Taehyung is a little surprised at the sight of you. Well, for clarification, he had hoped you would take him up on his offer but he’s just surprised to see you outside of your normal dancing attire. It’s not that he expected to see you dressed provocatively out in public but… well you simply just looked pretty. You wore a plain long skirt that fit your body nicely and a plain fitted long sleeve and regular heels. Your hair was even pinned back in a cute way and it caught him off guard. He looked over to his secretary who was pretending not to watch as he held the door, turning the lock for privacy and following you in.
You looked around the space, his single office was bigger than a studio apartment. There was no need to have so much space especially if it was big enough to have an entire statue of aros. It was obnoxious, kind of. You could see Taehyung’s suit hanging on a hook and all he wore was a navy blue button up long sleeve tucked into black slacks and a belt. The sleeves were even rolled up and the tie seemed just a bit loose. He looked at you, “You received my gift already? I thought maybe you would get it tonight.”
“Someone brought it to me,” you told him as you stood behind his large glass coffee table, “Did you not want to see me?”
He released a small scoff, “On the contrary, it’s a pleasant surprise, I am curious to know what you think.”
“About the lingerie? Yeah, you designed it?” You asked. He nodded, “As you can see this is a lingerie company and I’m the new appointed CEO and designer. The only problem is that I can’t seem to find any inspiration for original and unique designs. I actually was made to go to the club and well that’s when I saw you and I’ll admit, you were very captivating and for some reason I was able to visualize you in a set.”
“Really?” You asked, genuinely surprised. You knew you were at least somewhat attractive but you didn’t think it was enough for someone to design something for you. He said it so confidently and professional like this was just some sort of business meeting for him and in truth this is not what you had in mind when he gave you his business card. You assumed he wanted to try and gain something with the lingerie like give him a private show. The only reason why you had come is because of how good of a tip he left you and why he gave you the gift.
“Yes, that’s why I would have liked it if you modeled for me,” Taehyung said as he rounded the table to get closer, “I mean you seem to wear lingerie confidently and from what I can see now is that you also seem confident in ordinary clothes—is that second hand?”
Your jaw nearly dropped as he read you like a book and you looked down, “Yes? How’d you know?”
Taehyung moved on instead of answering, “Did you bring the gift?”
He looked around you like he would suddenly find the white box he sent his gift in but all he could see was you. So Taehyung couldn’t help but let his eyes run along the length of your body as he came to a realization and his eyes seemed to widen with peaked interest, “Is that so? Would you be willing to show me?”
A small smile to your face as you nodded, “Of course, I thought that was the whole reason why you wanted to see me.”
He watched as you began to strip your clothes from him right there in the middle of his office just letting the clothes fall. You made sure he was watching too and he couldn’t look away even if he wanted to. It was exactly how he pictured it would look. He found himself looking around as if the idea of having a woman undress in his office and looking damn good in it was a crime. Not necessarily a crime, but enough to raise questions but he sort of liked that. He locked the door so it’s not like his secretary can barge in and he doesn’t have any meetings till later.
“Well?” You asked completely undressed aside from the lingerie. It was a simple black bodysuit made of lace with embroidered leaf and vines that met over the valley of your breasts down to your navel where the lace didn’t wrap around. The only thing that kept the lace together were those vines down the middle. The straps were made of silk black ribbons that continued into the cups of your breasts where a clip rested in the middle to undo the top. It seemed plain but the lace had small shimmers of glitter that shined the same way your belly button piercing did. It hugged all your curves in the right places and you fit it so well.
Taehyung just nodded, assessing you with a tight lip smile, “Looks amazing.”
“The lingerie?” You questioned even if it was very clear he was talking about that. This man seemed strange to you. You knew people in the fashion world could be eccentric and creative but this was the first guy you’ve ever met more pleased by the lace you wore rather than the body that wore it. Taehyung’s gaze shifted to your face, “No. The wearer.”
He came up to you, finger lightly tracing the silk strap and sliding it under so it grazed your skin too. You tilted your head to the side, an innocent gaze in your eyes as you looked up at him, “Is that all you needed me for? To dress me up?”
Taehyung’s finger traced up toward the curve of your tilted neck and jaw not yet touching but you could feel the heat from it, “Not the only thing, but I’m too tempted to touch you right now and I know that’s off limits.”
“You’re not a guest of the club right now, are you?” You asked softly. Listen, you knew how to play the game. You knew exactly how you should act to have a man entranced and that’s how you get tipped so well. The amount of money he gave you the other night was enough to cover rent and if you had to find a way to make him tip you again, you will. There’s a reason you became a dancer.
“I’m not,” Taehyung softly said back to you, “So what now?”
“Now you sit,” you lightly pushed at his chest until he was walking backward toward the couch. There was no music playing so it felt a bit awkward for you still yet the second you moved closer to him, he took the initiative to guide you onto his lap as you said, “No music? How am I supposed to perform?”
You were teasing him a bit but he didn’t seem to mind as you straddled his lap, feeling his fingers trace along your ankles toward your thighs, hips, waist, and then linger along your rib cage. Taehyung was too busy looking at your body in his design to care for music, “Do we need it?”
He looked up just as you gave him a smile and said, “Without music it feels too close to sex.”
“Mm,” Taehyung hummed in response. You slowly began to move on his lap and now that he could touch he didn’t hold back. He was still gentle but his hands did come forward to graze your covered breasts before running down the exposed front. You also played with the collar of his navy blue button up, pulling on his tie slowly ready to stop if he wanted you to. “What’s your name?”
“Your real name,” Taehyung said, feeling his breath hitch when you fully yanked his tie open and pulled him closer. You flashed him a smile that showed the whites of your teeth, “Do you really want to know?”
Taehyung couldn’t help but scoff with a small chuckle, “It’s only fair, you know my name is Kim Taehyung. Now can I know yours?”
“Y/n,” you said as you moved to get off his lap but his strong hand held you in place, not hard enough to feel like he’s forcing you, but enough to know he didn’t want you leaving. You made yourself comfortable once more running your hands up his shirt untucking it and making him look like a complete mess of a CEO. Taehyung just let you too, his hands did move up your rib cage until his thumbs pushed against your breasts but other than that he was letting you lead. Once again it’s like you’re back in the red room with him under you as you perform.
“Y/n,” he repeated as he guided your hips however you moved them. Taehyung will admit, he’s turned on by the whole thing but there’s just no way he couldn’t be, right? You’ve stripped down to what he designed for you, sitting pretty on his lap and he can’t help but want to get closer… it’s only natural.
“How old are you?” He asked.
“22,” you told him and you could see the surprise on his face but you already knew his age since your friends looked him up earlier and you found yourself saying, “But I like them a little older.”
Listen, you have rules as an exotic dancer and performer set for your safety and comfort specifically. You keep things professional when you’re at work and if you run into anyone outside of it you simply act oblivious. You very rarely visit any client unless booked for an event and usually you aren’t alone. You never let them get too touchy or personal yet here you are letting him in all because Taehyung was undeniably attractive and wealthy with some sort of interest in you.
Neither one of you seemed to notice the way you both leaned closer until your lips brushed against his suddenly. Taehyung did pull away as he whispered, “Model for me.”
“I don’t have time,” you whispered back, “I have two jobs.”
There was just a small hint of a kiss but it wasn’t long enough to be worth anything and he said, “I’ll pay better than both.”
You smiled and without much thought into what you were doing, you finally kissed him. Taehyung didn’t need any sort of push to be curling his fingers into your hair and kissing you back deeply. It was an intimate kiss, needy and wet. You had a limp hand on his chest nearly touching his tie and his free hand was down on your thigh. Just as your fingers began to slide toward the buttons of his shirt, a loud ringing cut into the room making you jump in surprise.
Just before you could pull away, Taehyung’s tongue licked along yours drawing a light sound out of you as he chose to ignore the ringing. You figured if he was ignoring it then you would too for the time being and soon enough it stopped.
You pulled away a few seconds later feeling out of breath and hot and he looked the way you felt. Shirt untucked. Tie undone. Hair a mess. Like swollen. Eyes hazy. Jesus, this stranger was beautiful and he didn’t even have to try. Looking down into his eyes it made you snap back into realization. You’ve never gotten so physical with a client before and he’s probably not even going to pay you because there’s no reason for him to, so you're wasting time here. It was cute and fun but it’s over and you should get dressed and move on, right?
Taehyung let you slide off his lap as the phone made you both realize where you were and he tried fixing his own appearance as much as possible. He kept his gaze down when you undressed — knowing the moment was over — for privacy but he couldn’t help but ask, “What’s the other job?”
“Waiting on tables,” you told him, slipping your long skirt back on. His brows furrowed, “Really?”
“Why? Is it a surprise?”
“A bit,” he said honestly as you both stood straight looking as organized as you could after what happened. You didn’t give much of a response then, only said, “Alright, I’ve got to go if I want to catch the bus.”
You were looking at the time on your phone not noticing as he left you for a moment only to come back with a checkbook. He didn’t say much as he quickly scribbled away and handed it to you. Your eyes met when he grabbed your hand and made you hold the check.
“This is for today,” Taehyung said, sounding a bit out of it, “Um… I’ve never done anything like this but…” he looked down at the check, “Maybe we can work something out between us. Beneficial to us both.”
You raised a brow as you looked at the number written down on the check, “How so?”
His thumb brushed some hair away from your face and without thinking he leaned further down until your lips never touched but didn’t move closer. You knew he was probably giving you the choice to decide if you want to do it or not and you reached up to kiss him. His hand was firm against your cheek and kept you in place as he pulled back and ran his tongue across his lower lip, “Like this.”
“Truthfully, I don’t have time to go out with someone and personally I don’t want to. I have a lot of work to do and being in a relationship is not something I want right now but,” Taehyung kissed you again when you didn’t pull back, “I want to be able to do this.”
You smiled, pulling back, “You can find any woman who would die to be with you even if it’s for one night.”
“I can,” Taehyung said in agreement, “But I want you. You won’t push me for a relationship, would you?”
“Obviously not.”
“Then let me spoil you with whatever you want and in exchange—“
“Let you have me?” You asked and he nodded his head.
Taehyung was attractive.
He was wealthy and respectful.
There is no doubt in your mind that every woman he comes across wants him yet…
For some reason he would rather have a give and take relationship with no ties and he only wants it with you. It might even free up a little bit of your time too. You finish one job only to go to another that very same night. You’ve been trying to pay off college debt and other things too so money always seemed to be an issue. You don’t mind dancing, you actually enjoy it and that’s where your friends were. You would have to cut back time at the restaurant—it seems like you’ve already made your decision.
“Give me your number then,” you said. It was a short contact information exchange and just as you reached the door with Taehyung behind you, there was a loud knock against it.
The second he opened it, your eyes fell to the secretary who worked right outside his office. You watched the way her eyes seemed to narrow as she found you back in your sweater and long skirt — completely unaware of what was underneath. Taehyung turned to you, “Let’s connect later tonight, I’ll give you a call. Miss Jia, please call a cab for my guest before telling me whatever was so urgent you had to interrupt us more than once.”
The secretary looked stunned before nodding her head and running back to the desk giving you one last dirty look.
As strange as this might sound, you had no idea what to expect the last time you had seen Mr. Kim. You understood what he had implied and in the moment you wanted the same but now as you’re reading over the contract he’s had printed out for you, it all was beginning a little too real. It wasn’t long but the words felt like they just went on forever and ever and he looked at you like he was waiting for you to have some sort of question. It was nothing more than a non disclosure agreement and you understand what it’s for but it all felt just a little bizarre. You’re not put off by it by any means, you’ve signed a few as a dancer, but this will include sexual acts—things like what you did in his office and much more… did you really not mind doing this? Even if it felt a little like signing your freedom away.
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Maybe you were just worrying too much, it’s not like you were looking for a real relationship and at least this way you’ll get money and your sexual needs dealt with from an ungodly attractive man.
“Is everything alright?” Taehyung asked once the silence had gone on for too long, “If this is not something you’re interested in then…”
“It’s not that,” you held the paper up and looked over at him from across the long stretch of dining table between you, “I thought this all started because you wanted me to model for you. There’s nothing about that here?”
Taehyung just looked at you, the corner of his lips turning upward as he smirked, “Well this contract is just between us two, I figured if you wanted to stop busting tables or dancing, I could hire you on as a model the legal way.”
You released a laugh, “And have to deal with seeing all of your prissy employees more often? Probably having to work with them? No, thank you.”
His eyes hardened as he watched you eye the contract. Before he could ask you what changes you would like him to make to get you to agree, you picked up the pen and quickly signed your name. A small smile came to his face as you slid the white sheet over to him and he quickly signed in his own name without a single ounce of hesitation, looking up at you with that same dark gaze you’re used to seeing before he gets his hands on you.
After dinner, you got into the back of Taehyung’s G-wagon with him following suit, ordering his driver to take you both back to his penthouse. You couldn’t help but smirk, “Are we starting so soon?”
Taehyung only smirked back as he stared out his window but you watched the way he loosened his tie with one hand, “This is soon to you, dear? After the day in my office?”
You’ve grown slightly accustomed to the deep mess of his face and the seductive way it sounded when it was just the two of you and you couldn’t help but reach over the back seat and press your face against his neck, breathing softly as you said, “You just don’t seem as eager yet.”
He turned to look at you, tongue running along his lips like he was ready to devour you and before he could utter out a single word, he felt your lips on his neck, kissing softly and making his eyes shut for a second. Once the shock had worn off he couldn’t help but look toward the rear view mirror where his driver was trying so damn hard not to stare back and catch sight of your arched back and short dress riding up with the way you stood on your hands and knees on the backseat, just kissing his neck teasingly. Taehyung brought an arm around to run a hand along your back, just keeping you close before turning his neck to capture your lips with his, and just like that the two of you were making out the entire drive to his home.
He blames it on all the teasing you did every time you would meet for his impatience. He’s felt your body on his, he’s touched your lips and stared at you as you stripped for him, it’s not his fault he couldn’t wait much longer to get to the real thing.
You barely had time to take in the sight of the hundred story building of luxury apartments before you when Taehyung was already pushing you through the front door and into the empty elevator. Immediately, you threw your arms around his neck, dragging him close and kissing him once more. He kissed back with such eagerness to feel all of you, hands holding your sides like his life depended on it, not wanting you to slip away.
His penthouse was huge, straight out of a movie and when you walked in it even echoed with each step you took.
“Welcome home si—“ a woman’s voice died on the spot and you couldn’t help but squeal at the thought of being caught doing something you weren’t supposed to. The two of you both turned to look at her, Taehyung holding you by the waist to keep you pressed against his front and you took the chance to get a good look at her.
She was dressed in a stiff pencil skirt with a gray blouse tucked into it. Her hair was in a tight bun and she wore black flats. She looked like house staff to you but you’re not sure, all you know is that she’s just as surprised to see you as you are at her. Taehyung released a deep sigh, clearly displeased, “Did I not tell you to head out early today?”
His voice was stern and authoritative, no room to argue and she looked genuinely scared like she would lose her job or something. You pulled away from Taehyung nervously but he didn’t let you get far as he kept his hold on you, waiting for the cleaning lady to leave and she did so rather quickly, not shying away from looking at you in confusion.
It wasn’t until she was scurrying out the door that you couldn’t help but laugh as you looked around, “What? Do you not have guests over often?”
“Not like you, no,” Taehyung said as he stood behind you, slipping the strap of your dress off your shoulder before placing a kiss on it, “Not as pretty.”
You couldn’t help but laugh as you stared up at the large chandelier above you, “So you only bring home ugly women?”
Taehyung couldn’t help but chuckled as he slipped his hand off your shoulder to your wrist, pulling you along toward his room once more, “We’ve been over this before, I don’t have the energy nor time to deal with romantic partners, and we don’t just pick up any woman off the street and bring her to my home.”
“No,” you teased stepping into his room, “Only women you meet when they dance on you half naked.”
He smirked now, watching as you began to slip your dress off only a couple steps ahead of him walking toward his king sized bed of satin sheets. He couldn’t help but begin to remove his blazer, undoing his tie too as your dress fell at your feet. He slowly began to unbutton his shirt, unable to keep his eyes off when you bent down by the waist to undo your heels, ass in perfect display for his eyes only, “My apologies for having taste.”
Once he was fully undressed he walked straight to you, pushing you onto the bed and taking you by surprise. You quickly turned on your back using your elbows to sit up as you watched him began to crawl between your legs still fully dressed but clearly on his way to change that.
"God, your body is so fucking hot," he said in a low growl as he took in the sight of you on his bed. He’s always thought this since the second he saw you on stage and now he has you in his sheets looking at only him and he couldn’t help but allow himself to let his eyes roam down your body.
You bit your lip as you felt his hands begin to slide along your stomach toward your breasts. A small smirk came to your face as he stopped, looking straight down at the center of your breasts and once he realized, he couldn’t stop his fingers from moving. Taehyung released a small chuckle as he held the small clip that rested right between the mounds of your boobs, “Did you wear this just for me?”
“Obviously,” you said with a small moan as he tugged harshly on the clasp, quickly undoing it and your boobs practically spilled out as your bra fell. He smiled, “Like my own little present.”
Taehyung did not hesitate to dip down and place a kiss on your collarbone, hands cupping your bare tits now and holding the weight of them against his palm. You released a breathy sigh of hen he sucked harshly on your skin leaving a line of red live marks trails toward your boobs until finally he was mouthing at your left nipple, tugging at it softly with his teeth and letting out a quiet groan himself.
He’s ashamed to admit how turned on he was just at the sight of your tits in his face, he’s imagined what they look like under your lingerie but right now you’re laying bare beneath him letting him lavish you in wet and sloppy kisses.
“I need you to take this off,” You told him as he licked along your nipple and slowly began to tug at his shirt. He just smirked sitting up in his knees, “Take it off me.”
You did just that, ripping the buttons open and tugging hard enough to make his body move toward you with his lips parted, turned in by how rough you pulled on him. His eyes fell to your nimble hands as they yanked open the top button of his slacks and undid the zipper, brows scrunching together, “Hurry up.”
He let out a soft laugh at your impatience, nodding his head as he flung the shirt off and quickly got off the bed to kick his slacks off too. He stood there in his Versace briefs, dick print evident and it only made you smirk when you saw how hard he was. You couldn’t help but giggle, “Just for me?”
He picked up on your teasing tone similar to the one he used when he asked if you wore the front clip bra earlier. He brought a hand down to his dick, palm running over it, feeling the weight of his bulge, unbelievably hard, “Do you want it?”
You spread your legs even further apart, “Give it to me, Mr. Kim.”
You said the last part in a mocking tone, remembering the way his employees always referred to him as and he just big his lip, crawling back between them and dipping down to kiss you. You welcome his kiss happily, his body pressed against yours and dick snuggly between your legs rutting against your covered pussy for any sort of friction he could get. Your tongue snuck into his mouth, wet and sticky as it swirled around his and a line of drool connected the two when he pulled away from the kiss till only your tongues kissed.
“Are you going to fuck me yet or make me wait?” You asked with your arms wrapped around his neck, hips grinding against his clothed cock, “I’m already so wet for you.”
Taehyung released a low groan at your dirty words when he felt your hands slide down toward his briefs and begin to tug them down on your own accord.
“Horny girl,” he said deeply as he reached down to tug on your underwear, a tearing sound heard clearly and your na dropped in surprise but he just smirked, “I’ll design you a new pair, love, a million of them for every new set I ruin.”
“That’s a big promise, Taehyung,” you said watching him reach into the drawer in his nightstand for a condom. Taehyung just smirked, “A promise I could keep.”
Taehyung knew he should give your pussy some affection, maybe get you stretched out before he completely impaled you with his cock but as he looked down at the gap of your entrance and the way your slick pooled inside it, he wondered if you would even need it. Your lips parted in surprise at the weight of his cock sliding between your folds coating him in your arousal, teasingly grinding against you until his tip bumped into your clit, “Want my cock, pretty girl?”
His hair was all out of place and his lips swollen from how hard he bit his bottom lip, waiting for you to nod
Your hips were becoming restless, “Give it to me.”
Taehyung smirked finally taking his cock in hand and guided his tip toward your entrance and before he could even attempt to push in, your hands were pulling at his hips and with a low groan, he sank into your heat in one go. You both moaned against each other as his hips fell against yours and unable to stop himself, he laid his body flush over yours, moaning against your chest, “Oh fuck.”
He’ll be honest and say he can’t remember the last time he had the chance to be in a tight wet pussy but he does remember that it didn’t feel like this. It was probably fast and unsatisfactory, just a way for him to release whatever stress he had at the moment. This… this was all just so fucking good, the teasing that led up to this, the dancing, the lingerie, all of it.
"Please fuck me,” you breathed out as he finally began to move and you wrapped your legs around his waist only for him to bring his arms around the underside of your knees and drag your legs up toward your chest. Your pussy stretched wider in the new position as he began to thrust, cock pushing in and out of your wet cunt with low moans leaving his lips.
Your hands clawed at his back and it made his eyes roll with the burn of each scratch, veins in his arms protruding as he made sure that you didn’t move your legs from the position he put you in and fucked you in a mating press that had you releasing moan after moan, head tossed back into the pillows in complete ecstasy.
“Such a good pussy,” Taehyung licked his lips but his mouth felt so dry, fucking you hard with his dick, “Fuck baby, haven’t had pussy this good in so long.”
“Good thing it’s yours,” you moaned, as he rocked his hips into yours roughly. His back muscles tensing with each powerful thrust and he growled, “Show me then.”
You didn’t need any explanation to know what he wanted and you were a bit thankful to relieve your sore legs from this position as he rolled onto his back with you on top.
"So good," you moaned loudly, when his hand groped a handful of your ass digging his nails in with small grunts every time your thighs smacked his. If he thought you were a flexible dancer, nothing compared to the way you split your legs open for him, bouncing on his cock using him like he was just another client of yours watching you perform. He didn’t mind that one but especially now that he could touch and he didn’t hold back from lifting his hand only to smack your ass hard enough to make you whine at the pain. Your hair fell to one side and your hand rested on his chest, riding him like your life depended on it just enjoying the depth his cock went into your cunt, “You’re so big.”
“Mhm,” he moaned in agreement, it was one of his proudest achievements and it had him pushing his upper body up to sit, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist and fucking up into you in this new position. Unable to hold himself back he dropped forward, your back hitting the opposite end of his bed instead of how you had originally been when your head was against the pillow. He quite literally made you switch to the other side just so he could be on top again but his hands never left your ass even as they got trapped between your body and the bed, “Am I fucking you good?”
"Mhm,” you whined softly, “I’m gonna—oh fuck, Taehyung.”
He only growled in response, drilling his cocking into you fully allowing himself to lose all sensibility and just do what he’s been wanting to do since he saw you in his lingerie—just fuck you roughly like he knew you were a slut for.
“You a slut for me?” He asked and you surprisingly nodded your head making him kiss along your neck, “Say it.”
“Wanna be your slut,” you moaned, nails scratching along his back as he just pounded the fuck out of you with his big dick, “Fuck, I’m gonna cum.”
“My slut gonna cum?” He asked in a whispered voice, feeling your legs shake and he just knew you couldn’t hold on any longer, "Cum for me then.”
“Oh my go—“ your words died in your throat when he swallowed your mouth with his, giving you the nastiest kiss you’ve ever had and just like that, the knot in your stomach came undone just as he came in his condom. He released a low growl into your mouth as he felt the flood of your release around him, pussy tightening and he physically began to shake through his orgasm.
You’re not sure how much time had passed with his cock still stuffed inside you and once the two of you both came down, he was finally pulling out of you with a tired groan, “Goddamn.”
You were both covered in sweat as he fell to your side and released a sigh, “Fuck, that was good.”
“Mhm,” you hummed, still out of breath as you attempted to sit up, “Bathroom?”
Taehyung pointed toward the door in the corner of his bedroom letting you go on your own to clean up. As you left you wondered what would happen now. Were you supposed to leave now? Was he at least going to call you an Uber or have his driver take you home? As you finished up, you decided you would ask him, you will pick up your dress and pray it wasn’t torn like your underwear and just leave with your dignity in tact.
When you stepped into the bedroom it was empty, you looked around in shock and feeling the insecurity of being completely bare after rough sex was too much to handle and you picked up your dress, wincing a little at the soreness between your legs.
Just as you were getting ready to pull the dress on, a warm hand touched your shoulder blade, moving your hair out of the way and your breath hitched. Taehyung pressed a soft kiss along your neck, “What do you think you’re doing?”
“Don’t you want me to leave?” You asked looking fully convinced it was what he wanted until he hugged you from behind, hand caressing your arm until he laced your fingers together, “What I want you to do is get your pretty self back in bed.”
You couldn’t help but blush, not sure how to handle the tenderness in his voice and touch. Usually after sex the guy would barely pay you any mind, basically toss you to the side even if it was your boyfriend but Taehyung only pulled you back into bed.
“I’m cold,” you said in a soft voice, suddenly feeling a bit more pliant to get in bed with him. Taehyung just smiled as he lifted the covers, “Then come lay down and let me warm you up.”
“I didn’t expect the CEO to be soft after how hard you fucked me,” your words were blunt and yet he still smiled pulling you into his side to cuddle.
“I was just giving you what you asked for, I’m not a monster, Y/n,” as he said that he pressed a hand to your hip, rubbing the part that was sore from all the positions he had you in, “If I was too rough, just tell me.”
“Don’t worry, I liked it,” you snuggled against him, letting him sooth the pain in your muscles as you rested a head on his chest. You brought a leg up around his waist and he hugged you close, “Good, but don’t think I’m letting you leave this bed anytime soon. I want to hold you to make up for all the marks I left.”
“Fine,” you yawned against him, “I’m tired anyway.”
Hoseok could not hide the look of shock on his face the next time he saw you. You wore an expensive silver diamond necklace, “You actually did it.”
It didn’t take him long to figure out what happened, especially when you grinned teasingly, “I did, and let me just say, oh my god.”
“Oh my god what?” Jungkook asked, coming over. The club has yet to open yet so the only people around were employees and that meant you could all hang around before actually having to do anything. That’s how a bartender, a body guard, and an exotic dancer, found yourselves sitting in a private booth having a very private discussion.
All you had to do was give Jungkook the look for him to examine you curiously, eyes widening at the sight of what adorned your neck, “You screwed the rich guy?!”
You nodded, not all offended by his crass tone, knowing he was just caught off guard, “He was so… so… listen, I’m not in love but wow.”
“That good, huh?” Hoseok asked before looking at Jungkook, “I wondered if I’ve ever been good enough to brag to her friends like this after just one night.”
You gave him a feigned pitied expression, “You’re about seven figures short of being that good.”
He playfully glared at you as he said, “Money doesn’t make up for ability.”
“Yeah,” Jungkook agreed with his equally broke friend, “Quality over quantity.”
Your brows furrowed wondering if he used the phrase right but unable to create a concrete thought on it, you decided to move on, “Well I guess Taehyung just happens to be lucky enough to have both.”
“So how does this work?” Hoseok asked, deciding to just change the subject before you destroy his ego any more than you already have, “Did he just toss cash out on the counter and leave or did he stay and do all that lovey dovey shit for shits and giggles?”
Despite your two best friends being guys, you all felt extremely comfortable discussing your sex lives. When you first started working for the club you thought they were so fucking hot that you would explode right on the spot if they even looked at you… now you can only see them as friends who know way too much about your sex life and vise versa… You did not need to know about the time Jungkook got head wearing nothing but his stupid toe socks.
Taehyung didn’t throw cash at you. You had originally thought he had wanted you to leave once you were done but he went as far as pulling you back in bed and made sure you stayed till morning when he had a driver drop you off back home.
You shook your head no, “No, I didn’t leave till morning when he was getting ready to leave. He let me sleep in when he left and when I woke up a check was laying under this necklace.”
“Should I get myself a sugar mama?” Jungkook asked in all seriousness but the girl dancing on the stage was done and you wanted to practice a new dance.
You shrugged as you stood, “Good luck finding one.”
“Sir,” his secretary Jia knocked in his door lightly, “Ms. Choi is here to see you.”
It took him a second to respond as he looked at her slightly displeased. She knows by now that unless he has an appointment with her, he does not want her just storming into his building. It was very obviously too late when Yuna was letting herself in following the secretary, the familiar blonde hair tied back with a hair clip.
“Do you have an appointment?” Taehyung asked from the comfort of his desk chair. She rolled her eyes at him, “Come on Tae, since when did I need an appointment to see you?”
“Since always,” he said, not bothering to rise from behind his desk, “You just never listen.”
With a small huff in annoyance, she plopped down on his couch, “Well, I just wanted to know who the girl was last time I was here. She didn’t have an appointment either.”
Taehyung seemed to stiffen. He absolutely hated when she asked too many questions like she had the right to know. It’s been heard and he still doesn’t understand how she can’t get the hint that he’s just not interested in her. He does not care that they’re family friends. He does not care that their parents would prefer them to marry. He just does not care about her beyond a friendly view. He enjoys being her friend and he’ll always be on her side but she also needs to know her place—which isn’t next to him.
“But I was expecting her,” Taehyung said simply, not feeling the need to elaborate on what he meant.
Jia just continued like he hadn’t said anything, “Who is she anyway? I didn’t peg you as the type to like them so young.”
“A few years never hurt anyone,” Taehyung said, looking down at his phone to see you finally responded to his last text.
taehyung: I’ve got dinner plans but I’m free after. are u?
you: nope, I’ve gotta work at the club tn and u left me a bit sore :/
He couldn’t help but smirk, lip pulled between his teeth as he remembered last night. The two of you were rough, aroused from the get go and he was not able to hold back. You told him not to so in the end he didn’t and now you’re sending him a picture of a small bruise he left on your hip. He was tempted to show you the scratch mark you left on his shoulder blade from clawing at his back.
He ran his thumb across his lips, unable to stop himself from noticing the red lingerie you wore and he knew you would be performing tonight. It was late in the evening and he did have dinner plans but he’s sure he can move it around… maybe.
taehyung: tomorrow?
you: working at the restaurant till close
Jia watched him completely ignore that she was even there and it was starting to really annoy her. She knows that they’re not dating and they most likely never will but she just doesn’t get it. Does he realize how many guys think he’s lucky just for her considering him?
“So are you two dating or is she just an easy lay?” Jia couldn’t help but ask and that barely got his attention enough to glare at her.
“Careful Jia, you’re beginning to sound bitter and I hate bitter women,” Taehyung said with a deep gaze that had her biting her tongue, “Now is there anything you need or did you just come to complain?”
He looked back down to his phone as he typed back a response.
taehyung: I’ll see u before u gotta go
you: what about ur work?
taehyung: I’m boss. I can do whatever I want
“That’s all,” Jia said, plastering a forced smile on her face and rising to her feet, “Just wanted to know who the slut was.”
That made Taehyung snap, “Go ahead and walk your ass out, Jia, I don’t want you coming back here until you learn how to act.”
Taehyung will never deny how much of a classist he really was deep down. Maybe not to the extent as his friends but when he stepped into your apartment he had become very aware of your financial situation. It wasn’t a studio apartment but pretty damn close and just being in there made him feel a bit suffocated. The whole place had to be about the size of his office.
“Are you judging?” You asked, arms crossed over your chest and hip popped out just slightly. Even knowing you were giving him attitude, he couldn't help but smile and say, “Only slightly.”
He just wanted to see if he would get a reaction. You scoffed, “Well sorry not all of us were born with a silver spoon in our mouths and a lingerie empire just handed to us.”
Normally Taehyung would get annoyed if someone said that to him, he’s very aware of his privilege but it annoyed the hell out of him when his own wealthy friends would say it. Instead of getting frustrated he just shrugged, “I’m just saying, two jobs and this is all you get? I could help y’know.”
“I don’t need a handout,” you told him even if it sounded a bit hypocritical. You know he’s giving you money but that was different, it was like a job that you got to enjoy too. He was very attractive and he was really good in bed, plus he’s lavished you with gifts every day of this week and yes you’ve allowed yourself to be spoiled but for him to offer help for an apartment? Now that was a bit too much, even for you.
Taehyung only smirked as he stood in front of you now, hand sliding under the waistline of your short skirt, “Who said anything about a handout?”
You rolled your eyes even as you let him begin to kiss down your neck, “I’ve got to work in an hour.”
“Plenty of time,” he muttered against your skin, “I just want a taste anyway.”
There was something about a rich, attractive man desperate to touch you that always had you smiling. Taehyung was slowly dropping to his knees and kissing down your clothed sides, raising your shirt to move it out of his way, “And if you quit the restaurant it’ll free up a lot of time for us, you know I can give you more anyway.”
“Yeah?” You asked teasingly, “And what about when you get tired of me?”
His fingers found their way under your skirt and pulled at your underwear, a smile on his face, “Tired of this? Never.”
“Hmm, I’ll think about it,” you bit your lip as he disappeared under your skirt, placing soft kisses along your thigh getting closer and closer to your heat.
Taehyung’s hands circled to the back of your thighs, going higher and until he was groping your hurt, nose brushing against your bare pelvis leaving teasing touches that had your breath hitching. He kissed your mouth doing everything to avoid the space between your legs and you were struggling not to move away from his hold. You were standing in the middle of your living room with no back support whatsoever. Your hand snuck under your skirt to move it held a firm grip on his hair.
Just before you could hurry him along, a breathy sigh left your lips when he pressed a tentative kiss on your hood clit feeling the way it began to rise with arousal. The single kiss became two and finally his tongue was slipping between the folds to lick it directly, feeling it harden. He looked up at you from between your legs urging you to move closer to his face with his hands on your butt pushing you into him and you had to spread your legs even further to do so. Taehyung sat prettily on his knees just under you, his tongue flattening against your slit, licking up the pool of wetness you were protruding rather quickly. You had to bite back your lip to hold in a moan and his brows scrunched together in displeasure. You hissed at the feel of his nails sinking into the softness of your ass in warning, “Don’t hold back on me. I wanna hear you.”
You barely had a chance to nod your head in response when he dug his face even further into your wet cunt, tongue lapping at your slick before traveling the tip of it all the way up to your clit and flicking it a couple times, the hard nub covered in his spit. You couldn’t help but let out a louder moan as you failed to pull your hips away from the pleasure with his hands holding you in place.
Your hand tightened in his hair when his tongue curled inside your pussy traveling between your folds until he was swirling it around your hardened clit once more. He wrapped his lips around the small nub, sucking softly while his tongue continued to flick the tip of it, meaning around your clit when you pulled on his hair. You were completely soaking his chin but that did not stop Taehyung from making out with your clit, hands keeping you upright so he could eat you out to his heart’s content.
"Oh god," you moaned as he moved a little rougher now, never once easing up on your clit and mouth open as he fucked you with his tongue. Taehyung knew he was on a time limit because you had to get ready for your shit too so he was doing everything he can to make you cum soon. Your jaw went slack at the sudden rough feeling of his two front teeth just barely applying pressure to your clit teasingly and you felt your legs begin to shake. You repeated yourself, “Oh god, Tae, I’m gonn—“
He licked along your swollen folds, lighting tugging on them with his teeth, not enough to hurt but enough for you to jolt in surprise and you were damn near rutting against his face, ducking your pretty pussy into his wainting mouth.
Taehyung didn’t need a verbal sign to know you were at your breaking point, he could practically feel the way your cunt twitched and just like that, his mouth was being flooded with your released and like a starved man, he happily licked it up.
“Good girl,” he said softly but in his usual deep voice as he pressed a chaste kiss to your mound before dropping your skirt back down and caressing your thighs as he stood up.
From the look the secretary had given you, you just know she was very displeased to see you again. You’re not sure if it’s because she felt like she had a chance with Taehyung or maybe she just doesn’t think you’re good enough for her employer, but she never failed to have a scowl in her face when you walked in, this time sporting a long Prada coat that reached down to your mid-thigh.
Once again you were here and her boss failed to tell her he had an appointment with you and she’s started to realize what your relationship is with him. You just know in her head she’s saying every word she can to make you seem like a slut but frankly, you didn’t care. You were here in business today… real business.
Okay, well, still with your body but it was different today.
When you got in his office he immediately locked the door and pressed a kiss to your lips in greeting. You whined when the camera around his neck dug into your chest but he smiled as he pulled away, “Let me see.”
“Eager?” You asked, “Take this off me then.”
Taehyung didn’t hesitate to do just that. He pulled in the tie in the front and practically yank off the coat he bought you, eyes scanning your body with his usual lustful gaze.
“You know, you should make your lingerie more affordable,” you said to him as he bid his lip at the sight before him. You were wearing white today with satin ribbons and sheer lace. You put on some body shimmer too and you just looked like a little present for him to unwrap. It was another custom design for you aside from the garter belt you added for a nice touch. Taehyung just nodded as he pulled you by the hand toward the couch, “I’ll look into it.”
He directed you to lay down, a hand down your back as he moved you however he wanted you to be. Today would be a different sort of touching, he was only making you pose however he liked on the expensive couch of his. He had you on your stomach, butt slightly raised making your back arched and he framed your hair around your face perfectly. You rested a side of your face on the couch with an arm stretched out behind you and the other tucked under your chin.
He took a step back, raising the camera up for him to get a good view and that’s how it started. Taehyung looked so fucking hot as he snapped picture after picture of you in whatever pose he liked. He wore his usual white button up but it looked completely messed up. The top three buttons were undone exposing his chest, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his hair a slight mess. He looked like a sleazy photographer even if he was anything but.
Remember in the beginning when he asked you to model for him and you just kept saying no? Well, there was a change of plans because now you’re in his office doing just that and modeling for him. You don’t even know how he finally convinced you because this was definitely something you weren’t used to. Obviously you were confident in yourself when it came to dancing or putting on a show for Taehyung but to have yourself photographed for others to see? That felt a bit much.
Still, he asked you and you said yes so now here you are listening to his words of assurance, “You look so good, baby.”
Of course with his words you were able to get more into it and did your own poses that had him smiling, “Such a pretty girl.”
“How many more?” You asked as you laid on your side and Taehyung took more close ups of the material. He sighed, “Almost done.”
It went on for a few more minutes till you were beginning to get fed up and Taehyung knew it.
“I’ve got something for you,” Taehyung said as the shoot came to an end and you watched him head toward his desk as you reached into your bag and changed into real clothes. You only came in the coat earlier because you knew he would like to take it off you but now that you’re done and you had work, you had to change. You watched him curiously as he came over to you with a yellow enveloped and a smile on his face. You furrowed your brows in confusion as you took the envelope and opened it.
Taehyung watched your eyes widen with a smile on his face as you skimmed the document, hearing a small jangle and turning it over to drop the last of its content into your palm.
“What’s this?”
“Papers to your new apartment,” Taehyung said as you examined the key, “It’s in your name and fully paid. I’ve signed a contract that covers all the added bills even if you and I happen to fall out.”
“Why’d you do this?” You asked as you looked at the picture of the apartment building. He shrugged, “Call me greedy but I want to spend more time with you and I want you to leave the restaurant, at least. This way you won’t have to worry about making more if I’ve covered your student debt and your housing.”
You just looked at him, unsure how to feel because this all was too much but at the same time you weren’t completely put off by it. You couldn’t comprehend why he would go as far as putting it in your name because then he won’t be able to take it away if you two end.
He didn’t expect you to be jumping in glee but your silence worried him a bit and he had to sit on the edge of the coffee table in front of you to talk, “Sign it and it’s yours, baby, if you want it.”
He handed you a pen and like before when you signed the NDA, you signed the contract wordlessly after reading through it all. He couldn’t help himself, happy to spoil someone with goods and pulled you into him with a hand behind your head and a kiss on your lips.
“You’re spoiling me too much,” you said between kisses and he only smiled.
“That’s the point, isn’t it?” He said, making you laugh softly. When you pulled away you checked the time, eyes widening, “I’ve got to get to work.”
Taehyung released a low groan in a whine, “Noooo.”
You smiled, “How else am I supposed to resign?”
That made him smile and finally, he walked you to the door, “We’ll work out a move-in day and I’ll hire a moving truck so you don’t have to lift a single finger.”
You said your goodbyes and like before he ordered his secretary to call you a cab and promised to see you tonight.
Just after you left, Taehyung called his secretary in holding a flash card in his hand, “I need you to go get these printed, I don’t care how much it costs and if they tell you they can’t fit it in, offer them more. I want these by the end of tonight.”
By late evening Taehyung had what he wanted and a worker was in to install all over his office. There were beautiful black and white photographs, high quality and with a nice depth of field with shadows in all the right places. He purposely did not include your face in a single shot per your request but at least he got to admire the pretty body of yours he gets to touch.
The one above his desk was his absolute favorite, a four foot picture of your breasts clad in the pretty white lingerie wearing his gold Cartier tiger necklace that stopped perfectly at the start of your cleavage, right between them. He looked at it proudly as it looked against the wall behind his desk, distracted by it to the point that he didn’t hear his friend storm into his office with a loud gasp.
“Holy shit,” Jimin did a full 360 as he took in the new art work in his office. Aside from the huh one he had about four others of you in various poses. One was just your arched back, another of your thighs, one with your hand grazing your side and finally, another of his favorite, a pretty view of your belly button ring where he oh so kindly wrote his signature down right next to it with a heart.
“Who’s the new model and is she single?” Jimin asked, smirk on his face as he watched his friend turn to him, clearly displeased.
Jimin wasn’t used to seeing Taehyung like this. Taehyung was always put together and never really let his emotions show. Even if there would come the rare chance when he would be in a relationship he was always private about it but not like this. Jimin has no clue who the person in the pictures was and he was unaware of the NDA you and Taehyung signed. In truth, Taehyung shouldn't even have these pictures in display for anyone who walks into his office to see but he’s not taking them down. The rules of the contract are slowly leaving his head and he’s wondering if the same is happening to you.
Taehyung looked back at the pictures adoringly, “Don’t worry about it, she’s all mine.”
idk how I feel about this 😭💀um hopefully it wasn’t horrible idk man fr. also I’ll probs add more to their relationship in short drabbles
collab taglist: @reissun @piecsblog @joyjunk @kityjoonie @soniaassomething @kioski18 @thvlover7 @cherrymonlightt @nono12bnd @taebangtanbabe @softie00 @exactlygreatcoffee @taetaecatboy @hellbornsworld @taebae19 @theoddinarygirl @queenv1997 @sweet-sourhotcoco @ohsweetmimosa @taebaelove @prajusstuff @amad04 @springfall @peterstarkchrishiddleston @tae-gf @dasa3040 @xyrusty @jjkluver7 @superchamchi88 @bluebloou @eat-sleep-bts-blog1 @bluelesbiann @bachiraslvr @gloriousyouthstudent @hani0407 @ayifawn @yoongiwantsme @kimseokjinsmirror1233 @hellfire-writes
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chaosandmarigolds · 4 months
Bc I’ve gotten so many requests!
MafiaLeadersdaughter (MLD Ig??) ! Reader x Simon Riley :p
Lil dribble Drabble series
“Aside from the obvious,” Simon motioned to the papers over the table, the photos taken of the obscure weapons dealers and organized crime leaders information and every little fact anything could be dug up on the few people they wanted to find. “What exactly am I needed to get ou’ of this?”
To that Price gives the lieutenant a small shrug, “Collateral. Get the information you can while undercover and when your cover is blown, bring the girl back.”
He looks down at the few pictures he had of the certain sects leader, a beaming smile across the face and an arm looped through a friend’s. Unassuming, pretty, sweet looking. Easy target- all the same, smart, probably wouldn’t let any information out.
Undercover had never been his thing anyway.
“Good morning, Jenny,” you happily chrip as you walk into the flower shop, looking through the new arrangements and you look over to the counter- expecting to see the same smile who had seen for the past four months. Instead you see an older person, maybe finish years older, a man- a medical grade face mask over his face but you still give him a kind smile. You set down your vase you were looking over and then walk over to the counter, “I’m sorry, I was expecting Jenny. But good morning to you too!”
With a quick introduction between you both you hum to the name and then leans forward, “Oh my gosh, I love that name. I have that name on my baby name list. ‘Simon’ ugh…so cute. Anyway-“ you tap the counter and then motion to the flower arrangements, “I’m picking these up for my dad, we have some guys from Italy coming and he wants to be all ‘ou look we’re so fancy.’”
“Right. Right,” With a short nod you watch as the man mutters to himself and then grabs the flowers. Only to falter to the sight of who you assumed to be Ivon.
You glance over your shoulder and then laugh, “oh! Let me introduce you- Simon this is Ivon, Ivon’s from Russia or something, owed my father money so he’s my bodyguard until his debt his paid. Ivon say hi!”
With a nod you look back to Simon, “Are you new to the area?”
With a glance between you and Ivon Simon sets the case down, “Moved about two weeks back.”
“Oh my gosh! Please, please please! Tell me you have friends or family here.”
“No ma’am.”
“Oh ew, don’t call me ma’am, that’s my mother- god rest her soul- but! You need an official tour of Manhattan, when do you get off?”
“Dinner? And Ivon can take you anywhere you wanna go! Not like uh…” you look him over, “you need a guard but Ivon’s the best, and I love to get to know everyone new to the community.”
“‘Ello.” Johnny had picked up the phone.
“Is capn there?”
“In a breifin wit Lasswell, made contact?”
Simon runs a hand down his face as he looks out the window of the shop, watching as Ivon ever so softly helped you into the car with the flowers. “Uh….yeah yeah.”
“Need backup?”
“Nah! Nah, I….she’s takin me to dinner.”
A silence.
“She’s fuckin doin what-?
“She’s as goody as she can get! I dunnae if it an act or somethin but—anyway, the meet between the Cortitalis? It’s happening.”
“Oi- how’d ya get that out of her-“
“Johnny she told me during our small talk.”
“…so she’s stupid.”
“No. She’s not and that’s the thing-“ the bell rung as another costumer is walked in and Simon takes a breath, “Gotta go.”
Annn…yeah, that’s all I got. I have a plot in mind but bear with me, if you have any feedback or comments please! I would love to hear them. <3
363 notes · View notes
wpdarlingpan · 10 months
Snow Falls… In Love?
Part 3 (Finale) ❄️
Yandere Coriolanus Snow x innocent!Reader
Female Pronouns
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Manipulation, Yandere, Coriolanus Snow, Hunger Gamed typical warnings
Click below for the other parts! ❄️
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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Snow kept his promise. The day after the games ended he woke up next to Y/N as the sun shined in then from the window. He simply laid there and watched as she slept and the ride and fall of her chest. It meant she was alive and that’s all he ever wanted.
She began to stir and her eyes opened tiredly before peering up at the boy who didn’t even try and look away.
“Why are you staring at me? Is my hair that bad?” Y/N teased as she used her fingers to brush down her hair. She’d never woken up beside someone before so that little nagging thought in her mind wanted her to look presentable.
“You look as beautiful as ever.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead gently. She blushed flustered. It was odd. Going from waking up in a dingy vent, fearing for her life every second as more and more people died. Now she was laying in bed with the boy she thought she loved, but it was hard to determine. After all, who wouldn’t grow some sort of appreciation for the one who saved their life?
“Oh I doubt it.”
They continued to go back and forth teasing each other, almost making the air in the room feel that much lighter. To outsiders it looked like a married couple. They got ready and cooked breakfast together in an apartment Corio rented just for her. It was all very domestic as they simply sat in each others presence talking about what the plans are for the future,
After receiving the prize money along with Y/N, they went out to the shops and bought her clothes and the apartment, both of which she greatly protested not wanting him to spend money on her but he ignored her.
Then he paid off all of the debt for the Snow estate so Tigres and Grand’mam wouldn’t have to move for as long as they both lived. Sure it was technically his but he figured he’d be spending more time with his soon-to-be wife before they'd move in.
Coriolanus was someone who always thought about the future and so he made plans. He wanted to be married as soon as possible. It didn’t matter how long they’d known each other but he loved her. He wasn’t going to let some stuck-up capital prick take her away from him.
He gave it a week.
Y/N and he went on dates and he showed her things she couldn’t ever dream of. Of course, it only brought up her admiration but now she knew she liked him if not loved him.
Life or death makes people do crazy things.
The kiss at the capital zoo was something she thought about constantly. Now that the looming figure of death wasn't influencing her every move, she had time to think about what it meant, as well as the fact he called her 'my love' in the arena. She doubted he even remembered the last part cause he had never brought it up since.
Y/N wanted to believe all of these dates meant something. Meant that they would someday be together. But to her, it seemed like false hope. After all, no one would approve of them nor would Corio deserve to be stuck with someone from the districts.
Y/N and him were in their practically shared apartment when he asked her to come to the living room.
"What is it Corio?" She asked as they sat down on the couch. He took her hand into his and made his features appear sad.
"The President sent a letter today...'' He trailed off to see her reaction which was immediately frightened giving him the cue to comfort her. "He wants to send you back to District 12 to show them the control of the games"
"No! I don't want to go back! There is nothing for me there. My family is dead, I had no friends, I can't go back to that. You are all I have Corio!" She blurted out the last part before covering her mouth as if it was some sort of crime. It only made Coriolanus love her more. After all, that's what he wanted. her reliance only on him.
"He gave an ultimatum" Y/N shook in fear at the idea. What would it be? Would she be forced into hurting more people? Would she be treated worse then she was in District 12? There seemed to be no way to win. But she finally asked what it was.
"You have to marry me" Her jaw dropped and she instantly turned red. "He wants someone to be watching over you, someone from the capital in order to ensure you don't 'embarrass them' as he said. We could try and find you someone else-"
"No. Please." Y/N begged, she did not want to be sent away nor did she want to be stuck with someone she did not love. "I don't want this for you Corio. You deserve someone with a higher standing. I can't help you get anywhere in the capital and we know it is all about connections and standing, to which I have neither. I'll go back, I love you Corio, but-"
Coriolanus froze at the admission. Sure he loved her with his entire heart. Y/N was his reason for living. She was his.
But he didn't know she fell for him just as he did her, even if it was at a lesser level.
He reached over and pulled her into his lap, her legs on either side of his as he put both hands on the side of her face to bring her closer.
"I love you Y/N. I could never imagine being with anyone else. I want you by my side for the rest of my life." He brought her close and kissed her gently to which she reciprocated. Both tried to put their emotions int the kiss once more but it felt different. Y/N did not know how to pinpoint the feeling.
So she agreed.
Coriolanus had never felt happier. He had the girl, the money, and the power.
But all that rises must fall at some point.
It was the day before their wedding. everything was planned out. Even Tigres made her a beautiful dress just waiting to be worn down the aisle.
Corio had been on his way back home to Y/N when he saw Sejanus go down an alleyway looking around hesitantly. So he followed him.
He was led to a door that was thin enough to hear through if someone tried hard enough and oh he did.
"I know a way out. It can get us out of Panem. If you just go north-" Sejanus was talking to an unknown voice. Coriolanus felt betrayed, he knew how much a sympathizer he was to the rebels but he never thought Sejanus would go as far as to abandon Panem. He grabbed a small recorder from his briefcase and slipped it under the door just enough to catch the information more clearly.
They seemed to be in a rush, not even bothering to check out the door if anyone was there. Nor glancing at the blinking red light.
Once he had enough information Coriolanus took it and ran out of the alley. Walking once he got out in order to not look suspicious.
He quickly went home, letting himself in as he heard Y/N cooking in the other room. The idea of seeing her and getting married the next day made him forget about the recorder sitting in his jacket pocket.
"Hello my love" He spoke as he walked in kissing her cheek. She blushed at the name but returned the greeting. Y/N was still getting used to the pet names and casual admissions of love. After that day on the couch determining they were to be married and they loved each other, he had changed. She noticed he was constantly checking in on her and telling her about how dangerous it was to go out without him. After all, they didn't love her like he did. They wouldn't understand what she had been through so they wouldn't treat her right.
He instilled all of these thoughts into her head and her fear of leaving the apartment alone increased by the sentence. Even when she woke up screaming from nightmares of dying or killing someone. He was right there comforting her, he could still see the kind and innocent glint that shined bright, the reason the capital loved her.
After all, she was what they could never be. They were too full of pride, gluttony, lust, and greed.
He asked her about her day, albeit their was not much to do around the apartment so she sketched.
"Could I see it?" He asked and her eyes lit up as he showed interest in something important to her but she shook her head "It's not done yet. How was your day?"
She successfully deterred him from her and he went on about his day, not including the aspect of Sejanus's 'betrayal'.
They finished their dinner and began getting ready for bed. Y/N still was not comfortable changing in the same room so she straightened up the living room.
Y/N spotted his blood-red suit coat sitting on the chair by the entry way and went to grab it to hang it up but as she did something fell out of the pocket.
She looked down and saw a.. box? It fell open on impact leavig a small recorder to fall out. She knew he carried one around to have in classes or whenever he was learning with Dr. Volumnia but he usually left it with his other materials.
Y/N bent down to pick it up, accidently pushing the 'play' button on the side. She was startled and attempted to turn it off when she heard what it was saying. The rebels. Leaving Panem. All of it.
Why would he have recorded this? She didn't know or at least she didn't want to believe it.
Turning the box around she saw "To Dr. Volumnia" Y/N knew of Coriolanus's loyalty to the Capital, he would never leave it. She knew he was working to design the Hunger Games and of course, a part of her broke at the idea. But, he always treated her like she was worth everything and she loved him.
He was planning to turn Sejanus, someone she met and determine she liked, in as a rebel.
Coriolanus Snow walked into the room, annoucing it was her turn to change and get ready when he saw what she was holding. His heart beat faster and his jaw clenched.
Of course it wasnt Y/N's failt, it was Sejanus's for putting him in this postion.
"Sweetheart?" He called softly as if she was a frightful animal.
"What were you going to do Coriolanus" Y/N spoke giving him a look of anguish.
"What is right."
"This is not right! Sejanus is your friend!"
Coriolanus scoffed at the idea of his 'friend' he was a traitor.
Although Corio supposes he should thank him, after all once he turns this in he will be praised and likely bring him and his love even higher up in the world.
"I don't need him." He walked over taking the box and recorder from her hands before returning it to his coat pocket.
Y/N rushed for the front door. The coldness in his voice scared her. He was willing to sacrifice his childhood friend for what? Power? Money? What she did know was that she did not want to be next on that list.
She pulled it open but a hand reached above her head, shutting it instantly before pushing her against it.
He held both of her wrists above her head as she struggled before growing tired. The adrenaline and anger are being replaced by fear and sadness.
"This is for us my love. When I give this to Dr. Volumnia she will tell everyone what I did for the Capital. How I saved it from the rebels and traitors that claimed to be one of us."
"But I am not one of you! My name is Y/N L/N, and I am from District 12. I hold no power with my last name nor do I have a fortune to sit behind. I am part of the Districts!" He kissed her harshly before he began to speak
"Sure right now you are, but tomorrow? We will be married, You will become Y/N Snow. An heiress to the Snow name and future First Lady of Panem."
Y/N scoffed as she looked at him defiantly. Of course she loved him, it wouldnt turn off in the blink of a eye. He was all she has ever known after being alone for so many years but he was foolish to think she would still marry him.
"I would rather be sent back to District 12, Hell even marry some stuck-up prick than marry you." Her words lacked venom which he picked up on but it only mildly dulled his anger.
His delusions of his love didnt allow him to be anger at her. After all, all of this was Senjanus's fault for corresponding with the rebels in the first place. It isnt Y/N's fault that her sweet mind was corrupted by those foolish rebels.
Still, He wouldn't reveal that the president wasn't forcing them to be married, why would he expose more secrets that are already laid to rest.
"You act as if you have a choice, my love. We will be married tomorrow Y/N Snow. This will all come to pass and we will be the happiest couple in Panem. I will give you everything you've ever desired. My love for you will never die Y/N."
Y/N struggled some more before he reached into his other pocket of the nearby coat. It held some powdered substance. He kept Y/N pushed against the door with his body before quickly opening the powder and blowing a small pinch in her face,
"What did you do?" She cried out, worried it was the same poison se used in the games. "Did you poison me?'
Coriolanus's face grew sympathetic as he put the powder away and picked her up bridal style as her muscles grew limp.
"Of course not my love. I would never hurt you. I'm sorry I worried you, This will just help you get some sleep. After all, we have a big day tomorrow." Y/N went to protest as she felt her eyes close and his grip around her loosened as she was laid in the bed. "Sweet dreams."
Meanwhile, he went and grabbed her sketchbook. He was curious about what she had spent the day drawing and he had nothing else to do before joining his dear fiancée in bed.
He opened it to see a drawing of the two of them, it was an almost photographic image of one of their dates when he took her on a picnic.
Coriolanus tore the page out and placed it in a frame, she claimed it was not finished but he had a feeling it was just cause she was embarrassed to show him.
Walking back to the bedroom he got into bed, kissing Y/N's forehead who was out like a light.
Knowing he would be getting what he dreamed of when he awoke the next day.
Y/N awoke the next day to Coriolanus out of the room. He sent stylists to help her get ready and had a few guards blocking the exit. The outside at that. He would not allow any men near her while she was getting ready. He didn't trust anyone's intentions, not even the women but someone had to get her ready, and Tigres would cave in an instant. He paid them to get her ready as they were assigned to ignore anything she said about leaving or not going through the wedding.
After all, he couldn't do it himself, it was bad luck to see his bride before the wedding.
After a lot of struggling Y/N figured it wasn't the stylists' fault. She vowed to not lose her values even now.
Then she was escorted to the wedding venue. No one was there to walk her down the aisle and nobody filled the seating area other than Tigres and his Grand'mam.
The officiator stood at the end of the path, white rose petals lining the surface leading her to snow himself.
Y/N walked herself up to the podium where Coriolanus took her hands in an inescapable grip but the poor girl had already succumbed herself to her fate.
She told herself it was because she was tired and there was no way she would get out of this.
But a part of her heart ruled her actions. Just wanting to stay by the man who seemed to love her so dearly that he couldn't stand being without her. She would never admit it.
Not even during their vows where he promised to love her for all of eternity. That she would be his forever.
Not as he slid a beautiful ring on her finger that seemed to be made just for her.
Not even when the question finally came after his own.
"Y/N L/N, do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in marriage in Panem, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"
Coriolanus gazed into her eyes, a look prompting her to say 'I do'.
A tear fell. For what she didn't know, A loss of freedom? or was it happiness to be married to the man she loved? Y/N felt as if she was forsaking her love and kindness, everything her mother wanted her to be, if she didn't try and fight back. But it was just so hard, she was tired of fighting.
"I do."
"I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Snow, you may now kiss the bride."
Coriolanus didn't waste another second as he dipped Y/N lovingly. It was a kiss straight out of a romance novel. She kissed him back unknowingly and he knew right then she still loved him without any words needing to be said.
After all, Snow always lands on top.
Thank you guys for all the love of this story. I am hoping to do more Coriolanus x Reader in the future. After all once I see the movie again Tom Blythe will pull me right back in. I hope you all loved the ending and thank you again 💙
Also this is just an ironic fact but I didn’t do the word count in purpose.
The first part had 1k
The second has 2k
The third has 3k
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stxp1dsxmp · 1 month
Thinking about...
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Sugarbaby!Dazai who is absolutely baffled when you take him to a highly expensive rooftop restaurant for a date. He was so embarrassed to admit he didn't have the money to pay :(( even more so when you told him you'd pay for everything without complaints.
Sugarbaby!Dazai who doesn't expect to be at the top of a luxurious penthouse when you asked if he'd like to come over to your house. He knew you were wealthy, you expressed that much when offering to pay the over a hundred dollar check at the restaurant earlier, how you held yourself, and the way you dressed.
Sugarbaby!Dazai who doesn't even think twice about moving out of his apartment when you ask him to move in with you weeks later. How could he refuse his lovely girlfriend who has him wrapped around her finger? 'Move in? Of course Bella, I could never resist you.'
Sugarbaby!Dazai who brags to Chuuya about how amazing his girlfriend is. Of course the shorter male doesn't believe it until Dazai invites him over. And Chuuya swears your wealth could actually rival his.
Sugarbaby!Dazai who gets shy every single time you offer to buy something for him, or give him gifts, and it only gets worse when he asks you to buy something for him. Poor baby is so ashamed.
Sugarbaby!Dazai who makes sure to repay you by burying his face between your legs, ripping orgasm after orgasm from you. He's got to let his baby know that he appreciates her of course. Beware, he'll have you going for hours until he believes he's repaid his debts. 'Stop squirming, belladonna. Need to make sure y'know how much I appreciate you~"
Sugarbaby!Dazai who is obsessed with the way you put on your most expensive lipstick just to smear it all over his lips and face from kissing it so much. Or the way your perfume lingers wherever you go, even when you're not around him. It drives him crazy, especially when on missions.
Sugarbaby!Dazai who is stuck at the agency daydreaming about you and what you could be doing right now. Another shopping spree? Eating lunch at the finest restaurant in Yokohama? He only stops when Kunikida scolds him, but once he leaves, Dazai is back to thinking about you.
Sugarbaby!Dazai who's mind almost exploded at the sight of his initials dangling from that diamond necklace of yours. Safe to say he had you in every position that night just to see those letters catch around your throat.
Sugarbaby!Dazai who protects you despite all you can afford. Just because your rich doesn't mean there are those who won't come after you. After all, Dazai is still the troublesome man to others. So if you happen to see a hooded figure following you, don't worry! It's your thoughtful boyfriend making sure you're safe.
Sugarbaby!Dazai who can't help but hold you as if he never will again. How could he not? He's got enemies everywhere, so just to see you alive and healthy is more than enough for him. 'Nothing's wrong, I just missed you is all.'
Sugarbaby!Dazai who's so in love and obsessed with the way you treat him. He just thrives off of the attention that is always on him no matter what. But he just adores the fact that no matter what the differences between you two and his life with the port mafia you love him and spoil him all the same. 'Ah belladonna, I love you, you know that, right?' 'Yes, 'samu, I love you too.'
Sugarbaby!Dazai who - thanks to you and your ungodly amount of money - managed to save up enough of his own to buy a beautiful wedding ring for you. He even paid for dinner this time, and waited for the perfect moment to propose. It was only when you both finished, and stood outside talking that he dropped down to both of his knees and begged asked for you to marry him. '[Name]..Please, please, will you do me the honor, of staying by my side for the rest of my suicidal life? Pretty pleaseeee?'
Sugarbaby!Dazai who's now your husband, still brags to everyone about how his wife is amazing and the best woman he could've ever asked for in his life. You still spoil him of course, but when he asks, you'll allow him to return the favor.
148 notes · View notes
inbarfink · 1 year
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So the AA Fandom has no shortage of jokes about how our favorite Anime Laywers generally prioritize stuff like the Power of Friendship above more mundane concerns like 'getting paid for doing their job' but...seriously now, how often do they actually get paid for lawyering?
Well, welcome to...
The Big Overview of WAA Lawyers and Actually Getting Paid!!
The vast majority of AA Cases do not discuss payments for legal services explictly, so I will be Ranking how probable I feel it is the Lawyers got Paid. With a 0 standing for 'explictly and unambigiously did not get paid' and 1 standing for 'explictly and unambigiously did get paid'
The First Turnabout
That's an easy one, it is actually explicitly mentioned that no, Larry did not pay Phoenix for his services as a Lawyer.
And so, my first trial came to a close. Larry slapped me on the back and said, "Gee, Nick, it's good to have friends!" But I'm pretty sure he's not going to pay us. Unless you count the clock he gave Mia.
Which is brought up again months later during 'Turnabout Goodbyes'
Butz: Whoa… Nick. S-so, is that why you helped me out for free? Phoenix: Uh… yes. I helped you because I believed in you. (Except I don't remember saying I'd do it for free…)
So Phoenix expected and wanted to get paid, but he’s just, like, not assertive enough to get his money off Larry. And thus a long legacy of Not Getting Money was born!
Probability of Getting Paid: 0
Turnabout Sisters
Okay, so the subject of money does not come up directly in ‘Turnabout Sisters’ but like… Maya does not seem to have a lot of liquid funds on her at this point. For most of the games she generally relays on Phoenix to pay for things for her. At best right now she is semi-dependent on Morgan for cash - and considering her motivations, she probably came out with some excuse like ‘oooh Mystic Maya must prove her independence in such a dire situation or something, the whole Fey Family is broke we can’t afford to give you any more money I feel so bad ooooh’.
So I think if Phoenix got paid for defending her that was mostly a token symbolic gesture of gratitude more than actually anything that’ll help him pay the rent. And obviously Phoenix wouldn’t gain anything if he paid himself for that second trial of the case lol
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.1
Turnabout Samurai
Okay, so this is the first case where I think it is more likely than not Phoenix Actually Got Paid. There’s nothing textual, but I think with the implications of Phoenix starting the case fretting over how to pay the rent:
Phoenix: A month has passed since my trial. Mia's murder was the talk of the town for some time… But no one paid any attention to the Wright & Co. Law Offices… How am I going to pay the rent this month? Maya: It'll be okay. I'm sure some big client is just around the corner! Phoenix: Hmph.
And THEN his new Client is Will Powers who is:
a fairly sucessful actor whose life and career seems to be unglamorous but financially stable.
the first cilent Phoenix has who isn't a friend, a relative-of-a-friend or Literally Himself
generally just a really nice and wholesome guy.
It seems pretty likely to me that Phoenix and Maya got paid for this one!
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.8
Turnabout Goodbyes
OKAY so, I've seen folks say that Phoenix would've probably done this for free cause he sees this whole thing as repaying a debt for Being Nice to Him in Fourth Grade because as we all know, Phoenix is a Certified Ridiculous Human Being.
Phoenix: This is my chance to finally pay you back. Maya: Pay him back…? Edgeworth: Pay me back? For what? I don't remember ever doing anything for you. Phoenix: Never mind… I guess you don't really need to know.
Buuuuut... Larry at the time was also part of that Class Trial Bestie Pact and Phoenix did expect him to pay I mean Larry is not the Love of His Life but still.
And more important, this case ALSO established that Miles has a problem expressing gratitude and overcompensate using financial gifts.
Phoenix: Thank you. Oh, wait! Umm… I was wondering, how much is bail going to be? Gumshoe: Don't worry about that. Mr. Edgeworth is posting the whole amount. Phoenix: What? Edgeworth…? Gumshoe: Didn't I tell you? He's grateful to her for what she did. Alright, pal. Well don't forget to go pick her up, okay? Phoenix: (Hmm… Maybe I can get Edgeworth to pay this month's rent, too…)
So I feel, like, regardless of what Phoenix wanted - at the end of this trial - Miles IS going to make sure he is GETTING PAID. Dude was probably shoving checks into his mailbox like a full month after the trial concluded.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.9
Rise from the Ashes
So... the person who initially hires Phoenix to the case is Ema Skye, a 16 year old girl whose main funds are her allowance. And Phoenix was kinda willfully ignoring his financial situation at the start and only took this case for sentimental reasons. (just more evidence that Miles was STILL sending him payments for 'Goodbyes' lol)
It's been two months since Maya left the office… Two months without a single trial. I've had offers… But none I took. That is… until the day that girl showed up.
However he does get 'formally requested' by her probably-well-off-considering-prosecutors-in-this-series older sister shortly thereafter.
Lana: … Mr. Wright? Phoenix: Y-yes? Lana: I believe our discussion here is ended. The rest… I leave to you. Phoenix: …! Um… you mean, you're requesting my services as your defense? Lana: Don't lose any sleep over it. Your client has confessed, after all. The case is over. Phoenix: Right… I'll do what I can to get to the bottom of this. Lana: …
And after a very long and harrowing journey of being in-conflict with his own client, Lana did end up being very grateful for what he did. And again, this case espacially emphasizes that 'prosecutors make the big bucks' - so she had both the means and will to pay him.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.6
The Lost Turnabout
Alrighty, so, Maggey is generally a nice girl and also a fangirl of Phoenix Wright and that gives her an incentive to support him financially...
Actually, I really love to watch court proceedings, and I always root for you to win! When I'm off duty, I like to come here and…
But with how unlucky she is, that might imply that she could have Money Troubles. Although on the other hand she at least has a stable job at the moment... But on the other OTHER hand she does mention how all the other lawyers 'laughed her off'
Just when I thought all hope was lost; when all the other lawyers had laughed me off… "Leave it to me!" you said! You! The one and only Phoenix Wright came to save the day! And just like that, I was moved to tears, sir! I'll never forget what you're doing for me, EVER!
Which usually I wouldn't note as a financial thing. Usually when an AA Defendant is like 'oooh I have no one else to turn too, all the other lawyers turned me down......" this is because the case is considered too impossible to win or Unbearably Wacky (or some sort of conspiracy like with Maya in 'Sisters'). But, like, this is a Tutorial Case. Phoenix won that one with Fucking Amnesia. The 'impossibility' of the case was not the issue, so, yeah, it might legitimately be the money?
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.4
Reunion, and Turnabout
It's Maya Murder Trial Time Again! Pretty much the same as before with the two added factors being:
Maya is now officially employed in the Wright & Co. Law Offices during the duration of the trial.
AFTER the Trial, when Morgan is like, in jail - Maya might have a bit more acess to her family funds. Although they are established to Not Be Doing Well Financially in general....
A piece of cloth with a ton of finely-written characters jammed onto it. Probably esoteric knowledge only mediums should know. …Hmm, let's see… Here's one in English… It says… "100 Ways to Save Money". … Being a medium sounds like a rough way of life…
I think all in all these kinda even out to the same Chances of Getting Paid at last time??
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.1
Turnabout Big Top
So if you ever start discussing how pointless the AA 'middle cases' are - just remember this one crucial detail; they are the most reliable way Phoenix Wright gets food on his plate! We once again have a stranger (that Phoenix won't feel obligated to defend for free) that is very explictly Fabulously Wealthy.
He's not as nicey-nice as Will Powers is but I feel like paying Phoenix's legal fees is not something Max will bet an eye at.
Phoenix: It's a table for guests… There are some papers scattered on top. Maya: Ah! Look at this! Max's salary is written on this piece of paper. YIKES! Phoenix: W-What is it? Maya: I didn't know a magician… This salary is incredible! Phoenix: (She looks like she's about ready to pass out from shock…) How much is it!? How much is it!? T-T-THAT MUCH!? Maya: Incredible, huh? Phoenix: You can say that again.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.7
Farewell, My Turnabout
Okay so this is the Big One. This one’s a really complicated one to determine.
Let’s just get the first thing out of the way, the fact that Phoenix “”lost”” the case does not matter one way or another. Criminal Defense Lawyers, as a general rule, do not work on a Contingency Fee Basis. That means they are paid regardless of the result of the trial. So if this was a normal trial, Phoenix would probably be paid.
But this was not a normal trial, was it?
Phoenix was FORCED to work as a Defense Attorney due to a KIDNAPPER. And, like, my first instinct is ‘if you are already forcing someone to work via criminal means, why the hell would you also pay them??’ 
Buuuuut….. This is MY instinct, not the instinct of goddam Shelly De Killer. 
Since Shelly’s whole thing is being the Honorable Assassin, and he has some level of respect towards Phoenix as like a Fellow Professional. I can see him thinking maybe wanting Phoenix to get paid for the work he is Coercing Him To Do Under Threat of Murdering His Best Friend for the sake of Honor. 
But also also, Phoenix’s terms are not officially with De Killer, it’s with This Asshole!
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And Matt Engarde is absolutely the kind of guy to casually take advantage of Phoenix’s frantic ‘please please just let me be your lawyer or my Friend is gonna Die!’ thing where, like, obviously getting paid is NOT gonna cross through Phoenix’s head atm in order to not pay/severely underpay the guy even though he can obviously afford it.
All in all, things are not looking good for this case’s probability, which is a shame considering how it ends.
Powers: Um, anyway… So, who's paying for this lovely dinner party? Maya: As if you need to ask! Everyone say, "Thank you" to Nick! Phoenix: Huh? Gumshoe: Ah, yeah… I'm kinda at the point where I can't even buy instant noodles, pal. So I kinda already put your name on the bill.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.3
Turnabout Memories
First time covering a Lawyer that’s not Phoenix!
Now, Mia’s client in this case is a college student who probably doesn't have tons of personal funds, and considering her own motivations for taking on the case she probably would’ve done it for free but…
At the time she was employed at the Grossberg Law Offices, and Phoenix hired just the office in general and then Mia took over the case just last night.
Grossberg: Still, you surprised me… What, with your earnest request last night… "Let me handle this case!" you suddenly said. And quite forcefully, too! Mia: I just found out yesterday. About the case, I mean.
So... really this is just the Vibes I get from the Grossberg Law Offices, being generally the more professional and by-the-book law offices compared to the utter chaotic energy of Wright and Co, that makes me assume that they usually reliably charge their clients and pay their lawyers.
There’s some evidence further down the line (which we’ll get to soon) that some of their lawyers do some pro-bono work - but I dunno if Phoenix’s case was extreme enough to necessitate that (I mean he might be a broke college student but his family would probably help him with the legal funds although that assumes they even exist) . So my assumption is that Mia probably did get paid. Probably?
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.75
The Stolen Turnabout
So, Ron DeLite used to really financially struggle to keep up with his wife’s shopaholic habits - but that seems to have stabilized ever since his ‘benefactor’ showed up. So I’d assume he still has some funds left to pay his lawyer. I mean I guess it won’t be totally implausible if Desiree did manage to blow through them all…. Or maybe being a a high-spending shopaholic means that she’d want to pay extravagantly for her lawyer as well?
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.7
Recipe for Turnabout
It’s Maggey again! And now she’s:
Closer to a friend, or at least a friend-of-friend. Rather than Just Another Client.
Is probably in a more dire financial state than before, on account of being unemployed and also in jail for the last two months.
Also being a waitress isn’t that prestigious a job anyways 
And if anyone is gonna help her cover her legal fees it could only be Gumshoe which… does not bode well to anyone involved!
Pissed at Phoenix cause it took her some time to realize that no, that guy who got her found guilty two months ago is not him
So basically everything that changed since her last trial makes it less likely that Phoenix charged for his legal services. I'm sure she'd try her best by the end, but Phoenix might just wave it off to save everyone a headache.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.3
Turnabout Beginnings
So first things first I want to reiterate that Criminal Defense Attorneys generally get paid regardless of if they ‘win’ and while I couldn’t find any concrete statements about the matter - I believe they get paid even if their clients die mid-trial??? I mean, the legal fees just get added to their posthumous debts? So the lawyer would hypothetically be able to claim their due payment from the deceased’s remaining funds and possessions. If they wanted to, that is…
Cause, well, this is why I said the Grossberg Law Offices might do some pro-bono cases. Terry Fawles was, like, a part-time tutor who has been incarcerated for the last five years. If he has any family or friends outside that could help him with his legal fees, he never mentions them. 
So I’m really not sure if he bought Mia services or if she volunteered to do this pro-bono after hearing he had no options for legal representations out of concern for, like, prisoners rights. 
And even if he was supposed to pay Mia for her service, after the grim ending of the case - I’m not sure if she would’ve even tried to pursue getting her legal fees from Fawles’ posthumously/from his next of kin. From how deeply traumatized she was by that trial, I think that would’ve only made her feel worse about the whole situation. 
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.05
Bridge to the Turnabout
Iris is a nun from a small temple that is mentioned to not-be-doing-so-hot (cause it’s tied with the Kurain Channeling Technique and it’s been on a downturn since DL-6), but she does have at least enough personal funds to have her own cell-phone and occasionally go into town. So it’s not a lot, but I think it’s enough to get Phoenix at least a a symbolic token-of-gratitude payment.
Also, it might be possible Phoenix will wave off the fees due to the Personal Connection to the case. You know, he was doing this primarily to Uncover the Truth and get some personal closure for the Dahlia mess.... Or maybe not, cause he did still get paid (or tried to get paid, or forced to get paid) to save his two Fourth-Grade-Life-Debt Childhood Best Friends in court?
(And I do mean just Phoenix, Miles probably would never charge for his services as ‘acting defense attorney’, we don’t need that farce to get any farcier)
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.3
Turnabout Trump
Now this is a complicated one, let us list the factors here one-by-one:
1. As per Apollo’s comment in the next episode, the Gavin Law Offices probably operated strictly quid pro quo.
(Good-bye, quid pro quo. Hello pro bono. sigh)
2. Phoenix is supposedly friends with the boss of the Agency. And in reality, Kritoph Gavin has a very VERY vested interest in making sure the trial goes According to Plan. Incentivising him to at least give Phoenix a discount.
3. Phoenix is also not doing that great financially right now. 
4. Oh right, that entire law agency disbanded once the boss got arrested at the end of the trial!
…Speaking of which, I may be out of a job. I work for Gavin Law Offices, after all. (I still can't believe I just saw Mr. Gavin get led away in handcuffs…)
I think it is most likely that Phoenix got some sort of “”Friend”” Discount from Kristoph. But I really don’t know what happens if an entire law firm gets disbanded right after the trial cause the owner got arrested as a result of it. It probably depends on whether Phoenix was in agreement with the Gavin Law Offices who then assigned Apollo on the case or if Phoenix had an agreement with Apollo directly.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.5
Turnabout Corner
Oh hey, look! Another rare case of an Ace Attorney that actually discusses the issue of money directly!
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Well, I mean we know how much Apollo got paid for solving the case of Phoenix’s accident and Trucy’s panties (nothing) and for solving Eldoon’s Noodle Cart Theft (a free bowl of ramen). We don’t see them directly discuss the subject of payment regarding Apollo’s Actual Job…
Apollo: Your request… let me guess, something's been stolen? Alita: Um, your flyer… It says "now defending" so I thought… Apollo: Whaaaat!? You mean, you mean you want me to defend you? Me? Trucy: Maybe you can tell us what happened? Were you hit by a car? Did someone steal your stand? Or your panties? Alita: No! No… I'm not the client, actually. The client would be my… well, my fiancé, I suppose you'd call him. Apollo: Fiancé…? What happened to him, then? Alita: He was arrested this morning. The charge… was murder.
But as he was complaining before about not only being pigeonholed as some sort of a detective, but also not getting paid for anything…
Um… I was wondering when I get paid? We solved the case of your accident, and um, found a missing article of clothing.
And then getting this job and being so happy about it...
Trucy: Polly! You look as happy as a clam in its shell. Apollo: For a lawyer this is it, the place where the battle begins!
Implies that He’s Getting Paid - just as much as with Phoenix’s rent stuff in ‘Turnabout Samurai’ if not more. 
Also, I don’t think the fact that the person who hired him wanted him to fail and is now going to prison is a factor here.
As I already mentioned, Defense Attorneys get paid regardless of the outcome of a trial and logically that would apply both when they lose and when they win. Plus, I am pretty sure Alita filed her request officially through Wocky’s name or the Kitaki family in general and they were obviously very grateful for what Apollo did, and they had both the wins and wills to pay him.
So let’s give a big round of applause for Apollo Justice, the WAA Lawyer most likely to get paid!
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.99
Turnabout Serenade
These kind of showbiz-focused Middle Cases are generally pretty good for Getting Paid Probabilities, but this case is a bit more complicated.
Cause the plot of this case hinges on Machi being so desperate for money that he was willing to risk death via cocoon smuggling,
Situation… I cannot explain. But money. I needed. Very much money.
That doesn’t necessarily mean he was unable to afford a lawyer - without details of why exactly he needed that Sweet, Sweet Cocoon Money we can’t be sure.  But it’s plausible that hiring Apollo was not out of his price range but he was desperate for something far more expensive. 
Considering his young age and… you know, until the final day of the trial he pretended to not understand a word of English, it’s also possible hiring Apollo was a matter handled by Lamirior and/or the duo’s agency. Both of which will probably feel committed to Actually Paying, each from their own angle. 
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.7
Turnabout Succession
Now, HERE’S a complicated one! 
Going generally over the usual stuff, Vera is a pretty nice person and she’s clearly grateful for what Apollo and Trucy did for her. And while the Misham Family was driven into forgeries by financial desperation, at the present-time they seem stable enough that Vera could at least afford the rates of the WAA. If this was just another case, it’ll get like a solid 0.7 at minimum. Pretty typical stuff by now.
But this isn’t just one more ordinary case. This a weird sort of ‘Test Trial’ for the Jurist System with every factor - including the Defendant and the Attorney - arranged by Phoenix’s weird little committee.
Well, for one, I'll be chair of the Jurist System Simulated Court Committee. The chair constructs the ideal situation… choosing the case, the jurist candidates… …even the judge and the courtroom.
Apollo: So… what kind of case is the trial simulation about? Phoenix: Well, since it is the first run through of a new system, I wanted something simple. Trucy: Good thinking! No sense wearing yourself out on something too serious! Phoenix: True. The case is a murder. Apollo: That's not simple at all!! Trucy: By "simple", did you mean that the defendant is… Phoenix: …Guilty. Yes. Most likely. …So, good luck, Apollo. Apollo: Um… with what? Phoenix: With the trial tomorrow. You're defending, of course. Recall that I said it had something to do with you.
So I guess the question here, did Phoenix basically make Vera officially hire Apollo? Did the committee hire Apollo and they’re the one paying him? Is this another case of Phoenix trolling Apollo into doing Free Volunteer Work for him?
Honestly I wouldn’t put that past the AA4 version of Phoenix..............but also if he did that I doubt he would’ve missed a chance to crack a joke at Apollo’s expense about that. 
...You know, I started this thread of thought with the thought I’m arguing for a lower Getting Paid score for this case but I think I just talked myself into increasing the probability.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.8
Zero fucking chances Phoenix got paid on this one. HIS CLIENT DISAPPEARED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE COURT PROCEEDING! And even if Phoenix gets paid before a trial is concluded (unlikely, since he didn’t know Larry wasn’t paying him until after the case was closed), he was his attorney for like half-a-day before he disappeared so wouldn’t have much of a chance either way.  And considering Zak’s character (and how he also tried to sabotage Phoenix’s current Poker-based career seven years after that), I doubt he put that much thought into Phoenix and his financial considerations to give him a down payment in case he had to to do his disappearnce act or whatever. The only thing Zak left Phoenix with when he left was his goddam abandoned child and ONE LESS BADGE!
So I think this case deserves a very special score!
Probability of Getting Paid: -1
Turnabout Countdown
It’s time for Athena’s first case! Or second case, depending on how you look at it.
Now, one of the major ways that Dual Destinies is gonna shake this Deep Serious Analysis up is that before we had, like, one Active Full-Time Lawyer at any time (maybe with a backup lawyer for Flashback Cases), and we now have Three Different Lawyers actively working together on the same cases. My main concern is primarily not which WAA Lawyers get paid for these cases, but IF any of them got paid at all. Still, shenanigans of cases changing hands officially and unofficially are gonna play a factor in my analysis as well.
And it’s here right from the start! We once again have a Lawyer defending their bestest friend in the whole world, and while some people’s instincts might suggest that means that Defense was for free, well… First things first, we already established Precedence for that back in the first trial of the first game with Larry (not for Lawyers getting paid by their friends, but at least expecting payment) and Juniper’s family is probably doing Just Fine considering she attends this super-fancy-pant prestigious Lawyer High School - so she would want to financially support Athena I would think.
And ALSO, Juniper technically didn’t hire Athena, Apollo was the one supposed to defend Junie in court at first. And although Juniper is… growing closer to Apollo at this point in canon, I don't think it's quite the ‘defend me in court for Free’ point of their relationship, compared to where Juniper and Athena are at. So this is just, like, one extra point to the Final Score!
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.7
The Monstrous Turnabout
So in this episode, we actually have two different jobs we need to make sure if Apollo actually got paid for. We have the actual criminal defense case, and we also have Babysitting Trucy.
Trucy: Oh, we'd better hurry. Doesn't look Daddy's going to make it, so let's get going. Apollo: Huh? Where are we going? What about the job he mentioned? Trucy: This IS the job, Polly! You're supposed to keep me company today! Now, come on! Apollo: Another day of not being a lawyer. Should've seen this coming. Trucy: Well, this is the "Wright ANYTHING Agency," y'know. And there's no law-related work at the moment, so… Apollo: (Tell me again why I chose to "work" here?) Where is Mr. Wright, anyway?
That being said, Phoenix might still be a bit of a troll but the WAA is doing a lot better financially now that Trucy has those Sweet Gramarye rights and he’s not quite as mean to Apollo as he was back in Hobomode. So I get a feeling that even with this little runaround, Apollo is probably at least getting paid for chaperoning Trucy around?? Probably?
The actual case is actually a lot more clear cut. It is directly mentioned that Damian Tenma could probably afford lawyers much more prestigious than the WAA, it’s just a matter of the WAA being the only ones crazy enough to take on this ‘doomed’ case. 
Trucy: Apollo! Maybe this is your chance. Apollo: Chance for what? Trucy: To do the right thing and defend Jinxie's dad in court! Apollo: Who, me? Wouldn't a man like Mayor Tenma have access to more experienced lawyers? Jinxie: Umm… You wanna know what the detectives said? They doubted there was a lawyer who could get a not-guilty verdict in this one.
And with Mayor Tenma’s personality being based around being almost overly-generous and grateful…
Tenma: How… incredibly… RUDE! Apollo: Umm, sorry. Did I do something to offend you? Tenma: A visitor when all others shun me like a common criminal! And here I am with nothing to offer! I am the epitome of rude! Apollo: (………Wait, so he wasn't mad at me?)
I feel like it is almost a certainty that Apollo and Athena did get paid for this case! 
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.85
Turnabout Academy
Okay so, it’s Junie again! Or Junie for the first time depending on how you look at it!
So all of the points I already brought up about Juniper from ‘Countdown’ still apply (save for the stuff about Apollo, of course) but ALSO this is right when Athena and Juniper reunited and their whole emotional arc in this case is about Athena feeling Juniper is being Uncharacteristically Cold and Distant towards her. So defending her on a Friend Discount would be a bit strange at this point. Maybe I can see Athena trying to insist she’d do it for free but Juniper refused?
Although I think that IS a bit weird that they had this big whole scene with Professor ScaryStatue taking over Juniper’s case and the issue of payment doesn’t even come up in passing. I mean, yes obviously, the issues of Trust and Truth and Aristotle Means being Sus as Fuck are the important things in this narrative but I’m suprised there’s not even a mention in passing. Like Means accusing Athena and Apollo of wanting this case back for the Money but they refute him???
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.8
The Cosmic Turnabout
Okay, look, I know I keep bringing up the Larry Precedence but it really IS quite relevant. If Actual Overly-Sentimental Human Disaster Phoenix Wright tried to charge a rate for his childhood best friend who was drifting through life doing weird odd jobs at that time. - Then Apollo, who is generally more practical minded, is probably going to charge a rate for his older acquaintance with the stable Astronaut Job. And while Solomon is a bit of a Space Larry, I don’t think he’d try and avoid the payment in quite the same way. Probably.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.7
Turnabout for Tomorrow
This trial has Phoenix defending one of his own employees in a trial forced on by a hostage situation. I feel silly even extending this paragraph any longer. 
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.01
Turnabout Reclaimed
First things first, yes, an Orca cannot pay for an attorney - but I assume that the person who hired Phoenix is officially Sasha Buckler. Who IS a human being with her own funds capable of hiring a lawyer. Especially as we know that other lawyers turned her down specifically because her case is ridiculous (and not for financial reasons). 
Phoenix: What's the real reason you picked me, Sasha? Buckler: …Well, to be honest, I asked a whole slew of lawyers, but they all refused. They said stuff like, "There's no merit to taking your case," or "I'm not sure I can help." They're all as cruel as sharks, with hearts punier than whitebait!
She does mention doing a performance as thanks at the ending of the trial but that’s probably no replacement for Actual Money.
But I think most notable for our analysis about this case, is not actually any of the Orca stuff - it’s this exchange right here.
Blackquill: Today, the orca. Tomorrow, Sasha Buckler. You intend to save them both? Hmph. You say you "believe" in your clients, but isn't money really your true motivation? Why not admit you're only doing this for your own benefit? I could understand that much more readily than your empty, righteous talk. Athena: Our own benefit?! That's not why we're doing it! Phoenix: Now, Athena. Try not to let him get to you.
Yet another rare case of the game Acknowledging Lawyers Are Paid As a General Rule! And notably, when Phoenix and Athena deny it, they don’t deny the fact that they are getting paid - just that it’s not why they’re doing this. This is not exactly an explicit confirmation of Getting Paid to get the score up to a full 1, but it’s probably as close as we’re gonna get. 
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.95
The Foreign Turnabout
Okay, so Phoenix basically just bursted into the Courtroom and bluffed his way onto the empty defense bench despite the protests of his own so-called Client. Said client also only started unlearning his Defense-Attorney-Hate during that same trial. And is ALSO a tiny little child who has to work part time as a tour-guide to make end’s meet. I highly doubt Phoenix asked for anything more than, like, a very token rate or maybe a discount on his next tour. 
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.1
The Magical Turnabout
Considering how this case has a WAA Lawyer defending the actual CEO of the WAA, I highly doubt the WAA got any money from it. But maybe Trucy could give him some of her personal funds as a token of gratitude?
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.2
The Rite of Turnabout
It’s MAYA TIME again! And while some consideration has to go to her bond with Phoenix or the possibility of some sort of Frequent Accused card the WAA issued for her - the fact that she is not currently a Coworker at the law office and has been an Actual Independent Adult for quite some time now means it is actually a lot more likely she’s able to pay Phoenix now than in any case in the Original Trilogy!
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.5
Turnabout Storyteller
This one’s a pretty average case. The Defendant is not a total stranger, but he is more of a friend-of-a-friend (and Simon was originally planning to get Apollo or Phoenix into the courtroom so the connection was even more distant when he contacted the WAA). He seems to be doing alright financially with his own noodle business, and he’s a pretty alright kinda guy. The only possible concern is that he’s too totally slushed to remember he’s supposed to pay his attorney. But then again, Simon might be ‘officially’ the one who hired the lawyer for the case.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.6
Turnabout Revolution
It’s time for the THREE CASES IN ONE SPECIAL!! Because we don’t just need to consider Dhurke’s trial, I think it’s only appropriate that we take into account both Apollo and Phoenix’s side of the civil case. They are both WAA Lawyers, after all.
On Apollo’s side, he is defending Datz Are'bal, an escaped prisoner/wanted revolutionary criminal in his own country hiding away in an abandoned building and making homemade lizard skewers for food- but Datz did apparently enter Japanifornia legally via legitimate means.
Apollo: What are the charges this time? Datz: Unauthorized entry, or something like that. They think I'm an illegal alien! And I can't prove otherwise ‘cause I lost my passport! Trucy: Is there any way they'd let you go? Datz: Not without my passport… If only I had it! Dhurke, AJ! You gotta find my passport! Apollo: …All right, we'll find it. (One more thing to add to our to-do list. Now, where might Datz's passport be?)
So he presumably has some sort of funds to pay Apollo for his legal services, at least a little bit. 
And with him being Dhurke’s best friend and knowing that he also struggled financially to make end’s meet as a defense attorney at first - I would like to think that’ll incentivise him to support Apollo financially if he can?
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.7
Meanwhile on Phoenix’s side, while Phoenix uses the word ‘hire’ when talking about working for Atishon. Phoenix was once again coerced via kidnapping into the position of attorney. 
And THIS time, there is no Assassin with a Code of Honor who might consider paying Phoenix a fair rate. Both Atishon and his ‘benefactor’ are sleazeballs who would not pay Phoenix a dime if they can get away with it. Plus, with this being a civil case, there might actually be a Contingency Basis going on when Phoenix basically quit and then they lose.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.001
And finally, the grand event of this case - the Trial of Dhurke! 
So… Can a summoned undead spirit pay for an attorney? I suppose it’s probably easier in Khura'in than in other places. And it’ll mostly work the same as if the client died before the case finished, right? It’ll be considered a debt to be carried by their next of kin. Who in this case will be Nahyuta… but also maybe Apollo? Still, considering all of Dhurke’s living family ranges between ‘wealthy and well-respected’ and ‘Literal Royalty’ - I’m going to assume they’d be more than happy then to pay their Weird Brother for his help. 
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.75
Turnabout Time Traveler
And here we are! The last case, and a relatively straightforward one at that - at least compared to the last one lol!
Ellen herself does not have many funds as a housemaid, it seems - but since she literally just married one of the richest inventors in the world, I assume her husband is gonna cover the legal fees. The WAA Legal Team and Also Edgeworth and Ema also got an invite to the Wedding but I assume this is not instead of actual payment?
That is, of course, unless it’s technically Larry who hired Phoenix actually.
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Then he’s never getting the goddam money he deserves for his labor.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.7
Average Probability Score for All Cases (not counting the Zak Bonus Round): 0.51721875
So what have we learned today? I think that while the WAA’s reputation for basically giving away legal services for free is not entirely unearned, it is perhaps somewhat exaggerated. While there’s certainly a lot of Shennanigans and their rates are probably not high (especially not for people they know), they still get paid for a decent amount of high-profile cases. I mean, this Getting Paid Probability Score is over the 50% mark at least....
And… the odd thing is that the First Turnabout really is the only time the subject of the lawyer getting paid is really brought up directly. I get that it might, y’know, ruin the Drama if we acknowledge that our Brave Heroes are getting paid to save people from being convicted of a crime they didn’t commit - or on the other hand of the equation, that they should get paid cause They Need Money to Live. But still…
Is the fact that the only time payment is brought up directly is when Larry isn’t paying Phoenix a bad sign for the general financial situation of our Anime Lawyers? Or is it actually a good sign? Like, that they only mention Larry not paying implying that every time it is not mentioned that means the client did pay them?
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heavenlymorals · 4 months
Arthur Morgan's Depression
(Warning: Spoilers for RDR2 and mental health issues)
Arthur Morgan is depressed. Yes, I know the writers haven't exactly come out and said that he is depressed, but it does not take a genius to see that Arthur Morgan is a man who deals with many demons and monsters. Arthur Morgan has some sort of functional depression, and it is shown in many ways. In many missions, he seems downtrodden and sad, but he goes along with it anyway because what else can you do? He talks about himself in such a degrading manner in the mirror, and not just in a way that we all do sometimes, but in a way that invokes actual hatred of himself.
He thinks he's ugly when he's a conventionally attractive man. He thinks he's dumb when he's very witty and smart. He gets knocked down for his intelligence a lot by both Dutch and Hosea (we, as a fandom, need to stop pretending that Hosea is perfect because he really isn't). I know that dudes generally joke like that a lot, but those two aren't his “friends”; they are quite literally his father figures. It's different. His journal is filled with self-doubt, pain, and a general apathetic outlook on life.
But as I was playing “A Quiet Time,” one interaction between Lenny and Arthur stood out to me.
“Why ain't you never married?”
“'Cause no one will have me.”
In the context of this mission, I think this was written as an “oh damn” kinda joke, something out of left field to make the player laugh. But after thinking about it more, I realized something.
If you guys follow my posts, then you probably know that I love to interpret things from a sociocultural perspective—so let's do that.
Now, this is an obvious reference to Mary and how she rejected him in the end for Barry Linton to keep her family satisfied. It might also allude to Eliza or other female love interests that Arthur might've had at some point.
But it may also be a nod to the culture of 19th century America and what it entailed for men.
Arthur isn't married at 36 years old. Men were expected to be married generally by their twenties. He has no children or legacy—the only one he did have died years ago. He doesn't have property or a home—he's always on the move with the gang (given how defensive he got with that woman he picks up to go to Lagras, it's probably a point of insecurity). He has no respectable profession—he should've had an honest career by now.
He hopes that Dutch will get his shit together and have them put their outlaw ways behind them, but Dutch literally cannot, and Arthur is the one feeling the burn for it. He has missed so many milestones that he “should've” reached by this point, yet he is still doing the same thing he was doing since he was a young teen.
He can't bring himself to leave Dutch either, as he feels like he has a debt to pay to the man (“I gotta try! I owe him that, at least.”) that can never be paid.
And that has to fucking hurt. You already hate yourself on the outside by thinking you're hideous. You hate yourself on the inside because you think you're dumb. You feel unaccomplished, like a damn loser. And on top of all of that? You can't bring yourself to let go of all the factors that make you feel that way because “they're family” and “they need you.”
You're trapped, and everything feels awful. I'd be depressed too.
It might also be another reason why Arthur is jealous and angry at John. He has a wife, he has a child, he doesn't feel particularly obligated to the gang (hence leaving for a year), he has a chance to do better, and he just doesn't care. He's reached so many milestones that Arthur misses not because he wants them, but out of pure luck, and I'm sure Arthur feels bitter about it.
It's just sad, man.
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babyangelsky · 6 months
BL Challenge 2k24 ✨Day 7✨
Hello and welcome to @negrowhat's 15 Day BL Challenge! Full challenge can be found here.
Favorite Villain: Korn Theerapanyakul
It isn't often that we get an actual villain in a BL. We have plenty of love rivals but those are rarely ever villains in the true sense of the word. We also have a large, unfortunate array of shitty parents and parental figures, some of which absolutely do fall into the villain category, but they don't deserve my effort or your attention.
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But then we have Korn.
Korn is a villain. Make absolutely no mistake about that. This man has dedicated his life to playing 4D chess with everyone around him, including and especially his sons, and he's brilliant at it. There is never a moment where he isn't in control, there is never a moment where he hasn't thought at least five steps ahead, and he has very few blind spots.
What gets me—and what makes him that much more insidious in my opinion—is how he presents himself to the world.
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♡ gif by @guzhufuren from this set
"This man, a villain? Never! He's just a nice, soft-spoken dad in a sweater vest! Sure he's a bit intimidating but he's in the mafia, it's to be expected. And just look at how accepting he is of his gay sons! He's looking at a photo of his son and his son-in-law and smiling, isn't that lovely?"
Korn's image is perfectly curated and if you only look on the surface, from the outside that's exactly what he is: a nice dad and a respectable businessman. He's rational, calm, and level-head, especially when you compare him to Gun—which you can't not do. It's impossible to have a conversation about Korn without talking about Gun, who is absolutely just as bad and who I easily could've chosen.
The difference is that Gun's evil is overt and in a way, it's more...honest because of it. He's not out here pretending to be a good person or trying to be anything other than exactly what he is. What you see is what you get. However, I chose Korn precisely because of that insidiousness, because his evil appears so much more subtle but only when it remains in the shadows.
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♡ gif by @kinnbig from this set
Because when everything gets brought to light? Hoooooo BOY.
This man kept his foster sister in isolation under lock and key for years after he killed her husband and took her away from her two little boys. Then he left those little boys in the care of a degenerate gambler and watched them sink further and further into debt. And that's only the thin end of the wedge! If we got into all the ways he fucked up his OWN boys, we'd be here all damn day.
Kidnapping on perhaps more than one occasion, a hit squad, Kim's entire personality, Kinn's emotional range, need I go on?
But getting back to Porsche and Chay, Korn could've helped them at literally any point but he didn't lift a finger until they grew up and became useful to him. He could've cleared their debts, paid for Chay's education, provided for them, kept them from getting remotely close to a situation were men were beating them and trashing their home. But he did exactly none of that because whatever sense of obligation Korn might have felt toward them absolutely pales in comparison to his need for control.
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♡ gif by @kinnbig from this set
That's what this all comes down to: control. The world is a chessboard and everyone in Korn's orbit is a piece on it. He proposed an outcome for himself and he got it.
He made sure Kinn was cemented as head of the main family and found a way to cement Porsche as head of the minor family. He got rid of Gun and the threat he presented and succeeded in burying the truth of what happened to Porsche's parents with him, because the truth that Korn gave simply is not the whole truth. It never will be because divulging the truth means giving up control, and that is something he will never do.
I could literally talk for hours about Korn. He's a fascinating character. He's got so many layers. Bottom line?
Este señor es el mismísimo diablo. This man is the living breathing devil.
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strwberri-milk · 7 months
Heyaa!! Hope ur doing ok! If you have time, and if this peaks your interest can i request
Sumeru boys with a S/o who's secretly filthy Rich, came from a wealthy family, they are like Super duper REALLY RICH, when they found out they have to come clean, S/o doesn't told them because wanting to find an honest guy and not after their money.
So now that the characters knew, S/o is spoiling them, like for example, Cyno- buying him all kinds of limited/rare TCG cards all over teyvact at once, Tighnari helping buying the lots of expensive herbs, and S/o casually ask if they can pay off Kaveh Debt because for them- the debt is like pocket money to them. Taking out to a 5 star restaurants not even looking at the bills and just pays for it. At this point s/o just become a sugar mommy
You knew you could trust him from the moment you met him but that didn't stop you from hiding your family and wealth from him. You didn't want to risk anything after all and every day that you became more and more invested you realised that he loves you more than you could have ever fathomed.
He's always been kind to you and when he found out you were rich he thankfully didn't get mad at you for hiding it from him. You knew that if he did you wouldn't be able to stay with him but just his simple question of why and nodding in understanding made you more relieved than you ever thought you could have been.
Whatever it is you buy him he's very happy but he also insists that he never needed it. He was getting by just fine without it but you essentially tell him that he doesn't have to worry about it and that you did it because you love him and simply just wanted to spoil him a little bit because you can.
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Tighnari doesn't expect to come to work to find a wild assortment of herbs and equipment that he's been wanting but unable to either expense out or pay for himself. He thought that someone had left it there by accident and was going to try to return it when he suddenly sees a note left on it. He smiles to himself as he realises it's from you, promising to put it all to good use to make sure you didn't waste your money.
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You're so excited to show Cyno the new cards you got him, practically vibrating as he realises what you did. You even remembered the way he likes to store the cards he has for collection purposes, putting them away for him already and eagerly pointing at the spaces where you're waiting to buy him more when they come out. He's just as excited as you are, pulling out some of them to set up for a new round of TCG.
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Kaveh adamantly refused you paying off his debt the first time you brought it up. He really didn't want you to and hated the fact that he'd be benefitting from your goodwill and kindness to him. That just means you went behind his back and paid it off for him anyway. You also use some of your connections to suggest Kaveh's name here and there, reminding people that he's the one who designed the Palace of Alcazarzaray to help him find some new jobs that are more befitting of his taste. He will spend the rest of his life trying to repay you back for your kindness, absolutely thankful as you constantly reassure him that you were under no obligation to help him out like this.
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Al Haitham didn't expect to come home one day to an exclusive edition of a novel he thought ceased to exist. The fact that it's an original is even better, you giving him room to read the book. When he's finished you let him talk to you about it, having your own copy so you could also discuss it with him as he holds you and thanks you for doing something like that for him.
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moosesarecute · 2 months
Part 8: The Shadows Sing
Part 7. Part 9
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You were thrown into the ground and landed with an oomph.
“I yield,” you said with a hoarse voice.
Sole walked away from the fight with an arrogant smile on his face. His twin met him with a hug, but Sole only pushed her away.
He won the chicken, again.
“Good job, Sole,” Master Raven spoke. “The chicken is yours.”
Master Raven turned towards you and tilted his head. The Raven was placed on his shoulder and mimicked the same motion.
“You remember what we talked about?” He asked you. “Do something about it.”
Two hours prior he had invited, which meant forced, you into his cabin to talk about your debts.
“You have the biggest debt out of all of you,” he started. “You’re 70 years Y/N. You’ve been here since you were 15 and you’ve only paid back a fifth of your debt. That’s unacceptable.”
Long conversation short, you were back to a 90/10 agreement. You got 10 percent of your profit from hunting and 90 percent would go to pay your debt.
He wanted you to have payed at least half of it within the next fifteen years.
The only good thing, was that you had payed back the cost for your training when you first arrived. It would keep you going.
You fought six fights and won five of them. In the end, only you and Sole were left. He was a lot stronger than you, so you knew you’d loose, but you find comfort in how much you had improved the last few months with Azriel’s training.
Master Raven turned his attention away from you and towards the entire group of hunters.
“The weather isn’t looked good,” he explained. “There will most likely be a thunderstorm in the next couple of days. Be prepared.”
He then dismissed you.
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You opened the door to your cabin and were immediately greeted by shadows. However, their excited swirling made you realize it wasn’t only your own shadows. The smell of cedar and night-chilled mist hit you.
“Hi,” you sang as you saw Azriel. You smiled your biggest smile as you put your winnings on the table.
His adorable smile faltered as he saw your bruises from the fights.
“Don’t worry,” you told him before he could say anything. “We sometimes fight for food and other goods. I won five out of six fights. I’m ecstatic.”
Your explanation seemed to have made him more confused. His eyebrow raised as his wings lowered just a few millimeters, his usual sign of being deep in thought.
“You haven’t done that ever since I first met you in your cabin,” he stated. “Why now?”
You understood you’d have to explain. You had grown fond of Azriel, but you hated his attention to detail on the things you’d rather not talk about.
“I’ll get a little less money going forward,” you explained with as little detail as possible.
“And why is that?”
You let out a sigh.
“Master Raven decided it.”
Azriel shook his head. Out of the small information you’d told Azriel about your leader, he’d started to hate him.
“And why did he do-“
“I don’t want to talk about it, Azriel,” you interrupted him. “It been a long day. I’ve been fighting all morning. Please, just not today.”
His gaze softened and he nodded.
He walked towards you and when he was close enough, he pulled you into a gentle embrace. His arms around you was your new favorite feeling. You could count on one hand how many times you had hugged, but you loved it more and more for each hug.
“Happy birthday,” he said. “You’re getting old.”
You pulled from the embrace and hit his arm.
“Says the male that’s almost 500 years older than me.”
He shrugged and let out a laugh. His eyes lightened and so did your heart. You could spend the entire day just staring into his eyes, into his soul. He was so beautiful.
Azriel cleared his throat and took a step back.
“I brought you a cake,” he said. “Unfortunately, Cassian and Nesta got into it, but I managed to save you a slice.”
“It’s typical them, isn’t it?” You asked.
“Yeah, it is. I should have known it would happen.”
You had never met Cassian and Nesta, but you felt like you knew them.
Azriel walked towards you with a huge slice of chocolate cake with a lighted candle.
“Make a wish,” he told you.
“What do you mean?” You asked him.
Make a wish? Why would you do that? You didn’t want people to believe you were ungrateful for all the things you already had in life. You never dared to wish for anything.
You knew he did his best to hide it, but the pity still glowed in his eyes.
“On birthdays, it’s normal for the birthday girl or boy to blow out the candle and make a wish. The most important thing is that you don’t tell anyone what you wished for, then it won’t happen.”
You felt a little shocked. You’d never known that. You’d have 70 birthdays and never celebrated them. When you told Azriel that, he insisted that he would help you celebrate.
“Oh! Wait!” He said. “I have one more thing.”
Before you knew it, Azriel had put a paper cone in a hideous green color with the number 70 on it on your head.
You let out a confused laugh.
“It’s a birthday hat,” he explained. “Rhys’ mother would always make us one on our birthdays when we grew up. I thought you should have one too.”
You had to hold back tears. He wanted you to had the same birthday traditions as he did. He wanted you to take part of the celebration, just like he did with his family.
“Make a wish, my birthday girl.”
What would you wish for? What was a good wish?
Maybe for protection?
“Azzy protects us!” Your shadows told you.
For more food?
“Azzy brings food!”
For happiness?
“Friends make us happy!”
“He won’t leave us!”
For the debt to be repaid.
The shadows were quiet.
“Don’t overthink it,” Azriel told you.
You took a deep breath and blew out the candle.
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“Good job!” Azriel exclaimed from the ground. “You’re getting a lot better. I’m impressed.”
You had used your shadows to make him fall, a trick you had work on for about two weeks.
You sense your shadows over to help Azriel up. Most of the time you had to concentrate to keep your shadows away from him, so when you send them towards him, they were always happy with you.
“Want to try something new?” Azriel asked as he brushed dirt from the ground off his leathers.
“What did you have in mind?”
Seconds later you were covered in darkness. You saw nothing and you felt cold. It was like the world stood still.
Then, Azriel pulled back his shadows and you were covered in sunlight once more.
“What do you use it for?” You asked him.
All the other things you had learned from him was about combat or self defense.
You were covered in darkness once more, however when it disappeared Azriel stood only centimeters away from you.
“To sneak up on people,” he told you. “You can use it to sneak up on animals.”
You couldn’t hear what he was saying. Your only thoughts were on the overwhelming feeling of having him so close.
You felt warm, felt safe and protected. Your heart was going crazy. Your shadows would have gone crazy as well if you didn’t have such a strong grip onto them.
You had to use all your willpower as you stepped back.
“Maybe another day,” you told him. “I’d rather spend the rest of my birthday relaxing.”
Azriel’s expression was a new one. He almost looked disappointed? Was he disappointed that you didn’t want to train more today? He said you did a good job! Did he lie?
“He doesn’t want to leave. He’s disappointed that he has to leave for you to relax.”
“He doesn’t have to leave,” you told your shadows.
“Tell him that then!”
With both a psychological and physical push from your shadows, you took a step forward and took a loose grip around Azriel’s hand.
“Stay, please.”
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You shadow walked together back to your cabin. By together you mean hand in hand.
Your hand was so little in his big one. Normally, that could be enough for you to feel like running away, but not today. Not with Azriel.
Your hand placed in his felt right. Your chest hummed as you stayed close to each other.
It was the mating bond, you realized. It was happy.
You hadn’t really discussed anything about the mating bond. You both knew you were mates, but other than that, it was never spoken about. You both shut each other out.
You were happy about that. You weren’t ready to tell him about all the rules you were forced to live by. All the rules that would keep you from him.
Azriel, you had gotten the impression, really wanted you to be his mate, but since you didn’t rush it, he didn’t either. That made you feel safer. He understood you.
“Should we make dinner?” You asked him. “I’m getting kinda hungry.”
Before Azriel could answer, your shadows started to prepare the ingredients to a vegetable soup.
They had taken it upon themselves to make sure you ate enough. So every time you mentioned food, they would have something ready for you.
“Do you have a chopping board?” Azriel asked you and a smile rose on your face.
Azriel chopped the vegetables while you lit the fire. It somehow felt right to do such a normal thing together.
What didn’t feel right was the fact that both yours and his shadows were in one of the corners of your cabin, obviously planning something.
“Do you know what they’re talking about?” You asked Azriel as he cleaned away your plates.
“I honestly have no idea,” he answered and laid the plates down on the table.
The second the plates left his fingers, his shadows sprung into action.
After a harsh push from his shadows, Azriel fell backwards and onto your bed.
You let out a hesitant laugh as you realized your shadows started to move towards you.
“No,” was all you were able to say before also you had gotten a rough push from your shadows and fell backwards.
Lucky for you, Azriel was there to catch you. You landed on top of him with both his arms around your waist and your arms on both sides of his head.
His eyes were wider than usual and you could clearly hear his heart beating. The warmth from his body against yours made you feel so happy and relaxed.
You spent a few moments in silence, only looking into each others eyes and enjoying the closeness.
But then you realized you were laying in bed, on top of a male.
“I’m sorry,” you said and tried to move away from him.
However, his arms only tightened around you.
“Stay, please.”
You stayed.
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“What happened to your hands?”
Azriel’s hand that was stroking your hair suddenly stopped.
You had been hugging for hours, but it only felt like minutes. It didn’t lake long for you to understand that this is how you wanted to spend your life. In his arms.
“You don’t have to answer if it’s too personal,” you assured him.
Azriel cleared his throat and continued to play with your hair.
“I grew up as the bastard son to an illyran lord. I was kept in a cell and was only allowed out one hour a day and I only met my mother one hour a week.” He stopped to take a breath. “When I was eight, but half brothers decided to test my healing abilities by setting my hands on fire over and over again. It left scarring.” He took another breath. “My shadows came to me not long after.”
You felt tears burning behind your eyes. You wished you could have been there. That you could have hugged him.
Azriel had always seemed so strong. He was strong, nothing could prove you otherwise, but you never realized he also had a traumatic past.
Your shadows had moved to his head and was playing with his hair. Azriel wore a soft smile on his face.
He was vulnerable with you, you would be the same.
“My mother died giving birth to me, I think. She was a bastard, but I don’t know if she was an illyran or not.
“I grew up as a bastard in Ironcrest.” I shiver spread through your body as you said the name of the camp.
“One of the girls that was a few years older than me fought against wing clipping. The camp lords decided to remove her entire wings. She bled out in front of us.”
Tears streamed down your face. You dried them away the second you realized they were there.
“I decided to run. So I left in the middle of the night the same day. But it was in the middle of winter and I only had one change of too small clothing. I was freezing to death and tried to hide in a cave to get warm. So I tried to make a fire, but failed.”
You couldn’t hide your tears any longer.
“After a few hours, I was covered in shadows. Some of them kept me warm and the others lit the fire.
“The fire made the illyrans realize where I was, so they caught me, took my wings and felt me to die.
“That’s when Master Raven found me.”
Azriel’s arms tightened around you.
“How old were you?” His voice was barely above a whisper.
His arms took an even more protective hold and also his shadows held you. Their cool touch felt comforting.
You felt how light your heart was.
“I haven’t spoken about it since,” you told him next. “It felt nice.”
“You can tell me everything you need.”
You knew you would.
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You startled as the thunderstorm woke you. Your heart was beating like crazy at the loud sounds from the weather outside.
First then you realized that you were alone. You hadn’t been alone last time you were awake. Azriel had been beside you. His arms and shadows had been holding you.
You turned your head as saw a piece of paper laying on your pillow. You had to smile as you saw the beautiful handwriting.
I’m needed back home and you looked too relaxed to wake. Hope you had a great birthday. I’ll be back next week. Take care of yourself, my huntress.
x A
Butterflies grew in your stomach. You were his huntress.
Your head flicked up as a new lightning strike came down. You counted the seconds. 3 kilometers away.
It would be a long night.
Your shadows moved and nuzzled into your neck and shoulders. They were restless, something they usually weren’t in the middle of the night.
A new lightning strike, you counted again. Now only two kilometers away.
Your shadows pressed themselves tighter against you. You suddenly understood why.
“Your scared?” You asked them. They only hummed in agreement.
You tried to stroke through them and comfort them.
“It’s okay, I’ll protect you,” you told them. They relaxed a little.
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@i-have-a-thing-for-the-dark @saltedcoffeescotch @rcarbo1 @mrsjna @kitsunetori @thecraziestcrayon @blessthepizzaman
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 7 months
okaaaaaaay i think im now madly obsessed w yan player amor so what if barista reader noticed and slowly became uncomfortable w his uncannily nice advances and overly big tips and all that knowing he has quite the reputation? but i think that the gods also shot an arrow into my heart as i read abt yan player >< <33
Yandere! Male! Player x gn! Barista! Reader part 2
An order of Amor coming right up!
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"He's here again."
One of your coworkers nudged your side, smirking at your deadpan face. "Aw, what's the face for? Aren't you happy that you got such an icon pursuing you?"
You want to gag.
Amor has been going here, everyday. Drinking the same coffee, eating the same cake. It's been like that to the point that you'll prepare the order beforehand.
He always come to the cafe at 7:30 in the morning, walk up to you and with that dumb smile on his handsome face, he would say "Hello darling. One order of caramel machiatto and a slice of red velvet please." And you would hand the order immediately just to minimize interaction.
But he would stay at the counter just to smile creepily at you.
It doesn't help that your coworker would gush about how lucky you are, how amazing it is to have THE Amor fawning over you.
But guess what, you didn't care. You wanted out.
And you made sure Amor knew about it.
You ignored him, always adamantly returning his ever so generous tips, and shooting him down whenever you had the chances.
On the other hand, Amor is getting quite... Pissed.
Why aren't you falling for him?
He made sure to wish for every person to fall for him in his next life, which is this current life. So why aren't you fawning over him? Even the god of love doesn't have an answer at all.
It was infuriating.
You were so close. So painfully near to his grasp but so far. You were like an unreachable dream to someone so selfish as him. Like a punishment for being so over himself.
But, he's the Amor. He gets what he wants.
So, begging to his family, throwing a quite embarrassing tantrum, he managed to...
"MOM! DAD!" You yelled at your parents as they stopped arguing. The dark circles below their eyes were a signal that something's wrong. Terribly wrong.
They looked at each other before your mother gave a pointed look at your dad.
"Do not tell them." Your mother seethed, but your dad groaned.
"They deserve to know!"
"But they don't live here anymore! They don't have anything to do with our debts!"
Debts? Your parents had debts?
You looked at them incredulously, not believing at what they're talking about right now. Your parents were pious, they never, ever had debts and always were good people. So what's with debts? And why haven't they paid it yet?
"Dad, mom, debts? You guys made sure to pay them always if you did get debts or favors or whatever." You raised your hands in disbelief. You had a bad feeling about this.
"It's just that, we somehow got debted to the Kim's." Your dad said, worried.
"Kim's?" You asked. "There's too many Kim's! Which?!"
Your gut feeling made you remember a certain playboy.
"You know, that Kpop idol Taejoon Kim. With his wife the miss Universe Alyssa Kim? Their son... Amor Kim."
Your eyes widened, a feeling of dread creeping up your back and making you shiver from the sudden chill. No way, right?
"How did you even get debted to them?" Your voice carried a humorless laugh that seeped out a bit of fear. Your parents looked at each other before your mom sighed.
"I work in that fancy hotel, right?" Your mother grimaced. "I apparently broke their pipeline? I swear I was only in the pipe system to investigate the rat problem but I bumped into a faulty pipe and now the whole hotel is flooded... That hotel was owned by Mrs. Kim..."
Your father fidgeted on the spot also, looking away.
"The company I work at, had this pipe system too, and as their main cleaning manager I manage the waterline. I thought I could fix the problem by myself... Ended up flooding the building also... Owned by Mr. Kim."
You shivered from the weird coincidence. Both pipelines? Really? How did that even happen?
"So? Both of you are going to pay for it?" You asked with a slight grit on your voice and they nodded.
They looked so defeated, it broke your heart into tiny smithereens. The anger flared up for Amor once more.
"Those rich people..." You seethed.
"It was our fault dear." Your mother cooed, hugging your frame. "I... I wasn't careful enough."
"Me too. I should have called for an expert." Your father frowned sadly.
You never felt so helpless in your entire life. If only there was a way to help them.
"How can I help..?"
This time, your parents froze and they coughed loudly, looking away.
Another bout of the twisted gut, you looked at them with worry in your eyes. "What is it?"
"I-it's nothing, dear." Your mother whispered, avoiding eye contact. "We will find a solution ourself."
"No! If I can help then I will!" You stepped up to them. Your body moving in order to meet their evasive eyes. "Please! Look at me! What is it?"
"Ah..." Your father looked at your mother before whispering something to your ear.
Goosebumps riddled your body as you froze from the sudden shock going through your form. "Marriage?! What is this?! The 17th century?!"
Your parents looked at each other before shrugging. "It's really weird, dear. There's so many other chaebols out there who's more rich than us. But why you? We're not rich at all."
The whole situation was so fishy.
And a flash of that lovesick look Amor slips through sometimes came up on your mind.
You're too smart for your own good.
You knew it was due to him.
You had enough.
You can't just let your parents suffer like this.
So, with a heavy heart and a defeated look, you held their hands and hugged them both. "Thank you for taking care of me for my whole life, mom and dad."
A loving whisper, and a touch affectionate, your parents knew of your plan. And they paled.
"No! Dear, this is not your burden to carry!" Your father shakily let out. "You... You have so much to live for!"
"Look at the bright side, dad! I will be... Uh, rich! We will be!" You reasoned, trying, scouring for the bright side to this situation. "It's okay dad. Rather than being homeless trying to find money to pay for such a huge debt. I would take this road for the both of you."
Your mother started to weep, and you inwardly died.
You can't believe Amor would stoop this low.
You don't even know him that well.
And as you, in an elaborate and extravagant wedding garment, reach your hand towards the extended ones of Amor, with that triumphant and obsessive look that you abhor, you cursed him inwardly.
You never stood a chance.
The gods are on his side after all.
You are now his, fully.
Now it's up to you if you want to make his life miserable, or melt into his arms.
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mcmomomeal · 9 months
Your Good Boy
mingyu!smut. afab reader
not proofread, wc: 1919
cw: service sub!mingyu, (sort of)dom reader, cunnilingus, penetrative sex, mentions of masochist!mingyu, rich and spoilt reader, mentions of mommy reader(LIKE ONCE), pussy drunk gyu, mingyu just being soooo in love
bringing out mingyu’s submissive side didn’t take much work. he made sure you knew that you were superior in every aspect of your life. he thanked the stars everyday to even live in the same existence as you, let alone being able to belong to you. he worked so you didn’t have to. wanted something? he’d have it for you before you even asked. not a day in his life went by where he wasn’t thinking of ways to make you happier. he paid the all the rent in your luxurious penthouse, refused to let you even chip in. he made sure that you NEVER had to break a sweat for anything as he truly believed that you deserved every little thing presented to you on a silver plate despite working tirelessly. which is why when you came back home from a shopping trip with your girls and said your feet hurt from the louboutins you sported all day, he was eager to tend to you.
he already had dinner cooking for you by the time you walked in the door. the scent of garlic and tomatoes welcomed you through the door. as usual, he rushed to the hallway to take your bags while you plopped down on the velvet couch.
“how was your day, love” he asked while putting your shopping bags in your shared room.
“it was fun, they had the bag i wanted at the chanel store so obviously i had to be the first to buy it” you giggled.
he smiled at how you were excitedly admiring the leather bag. he’d go into debt to make you happy, he existed for your pleasure.
you pulled him by his collar in for a thank-you kiss. “you’re so good to me, i love you” looking him in his puppy eyes. you’d been dating for so long, yet your words still made him nervous. everyday still felt like the first date.
“i love you too” he grinned
you could hear the sound of running water in the jacuzzi bath tub. the moment you texted him, he ran the bath knowing you needed unwind from such a ‘stressful’ day of shopping. “gyu, my feet ache so bad” and just like that, he’s at your feet, massaging each area of pain. he had a thing for tending to your feet. at first you thought it was a little weird but then began to understand it was just another way of him wanting to be beneath you. he ran his large hands up and down your legs, leaving kisses on the soft skin. your moans of relief just further motivated him to put you in a state of pure relaxation. you were both in a trance of lust until the piercing ringing of the smoke alarm broke you apart. after an hour of cooking, he got so lost in you that he burnt the chicken he was preparing.
he shot up and ran to the kitchen. “well that’s dinner gone then” you chuckled. he looked stressed. mingyu cooked for you everyday but on the odd occasion that it goes wrong, he’d beat himself up about it. you went to calm him down before he started catastrophising.
you placed his hand in yours and said in your soft voice, “it’s okay, we can order in. you can cook it again for me tomorrow”. at your hypnotic words, his face relaxed into a smile and he nodded half-heartedly, still upset at the fact that he ‘ruined’ your dinner. you tiptoed to give him a kiss on the cheek, making him instantly forget and melt into your warmth.
“i’m not that hungry anyways. let’s get in the bath, we’ll order after” tugging his arm in the direction of the bathroom.
“but i ran it for you, so you can relax in peace”
“okay but i want to relax with you too, so come on” you nodded with another flashing smile.
he had no choice but to follow you now. you loved having baths with mingyu, it’s the one time you got to take care of him instead of the other way round. no talking, no music, just pure intimacy. and the city view from out the large window just made it feel that extra bit more romantic.
you lit some candles and place them around the large jacuzzi tub. you began to unzip the tight bodycon dress you were wearing and watched mingyu’s face flush red. everytime he saw you naked, he felt as if he was staring at a renaissance painting. your beauty never failed to make him nervous. each curve, each freckle, each scar - he knew it better than the back of his hand.
you caught him in the act but chose to ignore it and let him take it in as the dress slid down your legs. you the turned to undress him, caressing his abs as you lifted his shirt and then leaning in for a kiss. mingyu was so passionate when he kissed, so desperate to savour each movement of your tongue. his hands landed on your bare waist as his growing dick print pressed against your stomach through his boxers. he couldn’t help it, he was just a man after all. a man standing in front of pure perfection. you chuckled into his mouth as you pulled away, allowing him to take off his boxers as you climbed into the tub.
he followed after you and sat opposite you. you leaned over to him and began to wash his hair, massaging the shampoo into his scalp as your tits hung in his face. he was truly in heaven. he leaned back onto the edge of the tub and sunk into the bliss. you began to straddle him to get a better grip. you could feel his dick pressing against your heat. at the sudden contact, his breathe hitched and you could feel him growing underneath you. you were about to say something but held your words. the silence paired with your piercing gaze into his clouded brown eyes made him nervous, and that’s exactly how you wanted him; vulnerable. mingyu shivered despite the heat of the water that surrounded you both. the thoughts in his head were so fast yet he still couldn’t budge his focus from you.
you began to slowly caress his face, admiring each feature as his hands found their way back to your waist. while one hand was occupied in stroking his cheek, you used the other to crawl down and pump his painful cock. he whined at the unexpected touch yet still kept unwavering eye contact with you. you started slow but began to pick up the pace as he started thrusting himself into your palm.
“slow down, let me take care of you” you whispered with a smile
the sight of him slowly loosing control made you drip with pleasure. if it wasn’t for the water beneath you, his thighs would be covered in your excitement. his eyes began to close at the stimulation, to which you halted your movements. he moaned at the sudden stop, his face begging you to continue.
“keep your eyes on me, your attention should still be on me”
“i-i’m sorry” he whimpered
“don’t be sorry, i only want the best experience for you baby” you smiled while giving him a peck on the cheek. the way you could still be so adorable and composed while speaking such lewdness was what always got mingyu. no matter what you were doing - whether it be scolding him, slapping him or tying him up - you managed to look so innocent while still holding the overall power. a day didn’t go by where he wasn’t grateful to belong to you.
you leaned in for another kiss. this time it was intense, a lot rougher, more eager. you bit down on his lip, forcing a tear to his eye which you kissed as you pulled away. he looked so pretty when he cried, you couldn’t hold back anymore. you held his cock underneath you, guiding it towards your pussy. you teased him by rubbing yourself against his already throbbing dick to which he begged “please, y/n, i’ll do anything for you”. at his adorable pleas, you sunk down on him, feeling him twitch inside you. your mouth dropped open in pleasure as he threw his head back against the wall.
“fuck, you’re so tight” mingyu grunted.
you took a moment to adjust to his size before you began slowly bounce on his length. mingyu continued to whine louder until reduced the volume to indulge in your own moans of pleasure. each pump hit the right spot and that pleasure was further intensified when he caught one of your nipples in his mouth. the sounds of wet skin slapping, skin sucking and arousal clouded the room. you continued in this position, his hands gently kneading your hips as you to carried on tracing circles around his cock with them.
you were so close but your legs began to get tired and gyu could tell.
“can i eat your pussy, please” he begged, not wanting to see you struggle for his pleasure any longer. you tiredly flashed your adorable smile and he lifted you onto the ledge of the tub as he eagerly placed his head in between your thighs.
“can i start, please” even in times of desperation, he never forgot his manners when addressing you. you nodded lightly to signal him to start. immediately he dug his tongue into your heat as if he was starved, not even taking a second to breathe yet hitting every spot you needed him to. “gyu…your such a good boy for me” you whimpered, which in turn made him get messier with his strokes, losing all control at your praise. your body twitched and involuntarily thrusted yourself into his face, squeezing you thighs around his head. he wrapped his hands around your thighs to get a better grip, only stopping to admire the faces you made as he led you to your climax. “am i doing a good job? should i go slower or faster”
“ngh it’s perfect, your perfect” you slurred. at your praise he moaned against your clit, sending vibrations through your entire body.
“god i’m gonna cum… are you gonna make mommy cum in your mouth” you knew your words only motivated him and you couldn’t help yourself. but your words continued to slur as you reached your high.
knowing you were close, he slipped a finger into your entrance and starting thrusting as he sucked your clit. he himself was reaching how own high and as you leaked into his mouth, he couldn’t help but release. even through his own overstimulation, he still continued to latch on to your pussy like his life depended on it.
after what felt like an eternity of bliss, you finally released all over his face. you gripped onto his thick hair as your back arched and sweet moans left your mouth. mingyu reached in and licked the arousal leaking from your entrance, he felt completed seeing his goddess reach her satisfaction. he leaned back and began to slowly draw kisses up from your torso as you came down from your climax.
“thank you, thank you so much y/n” he panted
he kneeled in front of you as you wrapped your legs around his chest and brought him in for a kiss.
“you’ll always be my good boy, and that’s why i love you”
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breanime · 2 years
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for the gif drabbles, my love!
"So," Rio's voice, smooth as silk, invaded your ears as he invaded your space, sliding into the now empty bar stool next to you, a drink in his hand, "he seems nice."
You paused, surprised to see him there, before you registered his words. You couldn't hep but laugh, "What are you doing here?"
He looked at you, those dark eyes staring into your soul. "What do you think?"
You took in a breath; you had thought your tryst with Rio had taken its course. You had paid your debt off by working for him, had a few long, steamy nights together, and then he disappeared--which left you disappointed, but not surprised. And so, a week after your last encounter with your former crime boss slash lover, you found yourself at a bar, drinking. Some guy had come over to you and started chatting you up; you weren't interested, but you talked with him anyway, just to waste time. But now Rio was here.
Rio was here.
"So," Rio was staring straight ahead now, "who's your friend?"
The guy had told you his name, but you hadn't registered it. You had no intention of going home with him or even really continuing the conversation. He had gone to the bathroom, and you were debating whether you wanted to stay and finish your drink or close your tab and leave before he got out.
But now Rio was here, and you weren't going anywhere.
"Some guy," you answered honestly, "How'd you know I was here?"
"Didn't," he took another sip of his drink, "I was just cruising, thinking, and I saw your car parked out front, thought I'd come in and see how you were doin'," his eyes were hard, "and I find you with... 'some guy'."
"Talking to some guy," you corrected him, "I'm not with him," you angled your body towards him, assessing him. He looked tense, his body was rigid, and his eyes were darker than usual. "How long have you been here?" How long have you been watching me?
He chuckled humorlessly, "Bout half an hour," he answered, he turned to you, "Almost as long as you've been chatting it up with Some Guy."
"And that...bothers you?" You asked, interest piqued.
He hummed, which you took as an affirmative.
He took another swig before looking at you, a hint of annoyance on his handsome face. But then he saw the look on your face, the open curiosity, and he knew your question was genuine. Rio placed his glass on the bar and turned towards you until your knees were touching. "Because I don't like to share," he admitted, "and I don't like to lose."
"You left," you said, trying not to make it sound like an accusation, "I thought you got tired of me."
"Nah," he shook his head, "Never. I had to fall back for a bit, had some heat on me, and I didn't want you getting into it," he smirked, "I mean, I had just gotten you out of your last situation..."
You couldn't help but laugh, "Yeah, thanks again for that."
His face grew serious again, "Anytime."
You felt your cheeks warm up, "So... You're back now."
He nodded, "I'm back now." He licked his lips. "I'm not... I don't usually have people to answer to," he admitted, "I'm my own boss now, even my son's mom don't try to check me no more, I forget sometimes... Life don't just stop cause I left," he stared into your eyes, both your drinks long forgotten, "I should have called you, told you where I was."
You bit your lip, wanting nothing more than to feel him against you now. "I should have told you that I wanted to know," you looked over at him, "Because I did. I do."
He smirked at your wording, nodding to himself. "Well, how's about you and me get outta here and discuss what we both...want," he suggested, "Or, if you want, I can leave you alone, let you do your thing with Some Guy--"
"Nah," you stood up, grinning, "I'd rather go home with you."
He grinned back, "Then let's go."
As Some Guy walked back into the bar, he saw you and a tall, slim man leave together. He watched as Rio put a hand on the small of your back, and he heard your laugh as the door closed behind you.
You had no regrets.
Thank you for reading! Lemme know what you think! I hope you like this, babe!
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writing-wh0re · 1 year
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A/N: Hey Hey!Soo I'm kinda back?
I'm thinking of reopening my requests, starting my inbox fresh and letting new ideas come into play. Might restart my tag list as well, what do we think?
I've recently gotten into Anime and wow, it's an amazing world. I'm thinking of creating a post full of the characters I write for. Plus some of the original characters I write for.
I would love feedback on this Au idea! Would love to explore some Au ideas with other chatacters as well.
Any and all feedback is appriciated, likes are great but reblogs are golden.
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Champagne Kissed Lips
Adult Film Star AU Smut - Minors DNI.
Namani Kento x Fem!Reader x Satoru Gojo
Words: 3,301
Warnings: Smut 18+, Daddy Kink, Oral (Male and Female giving and receiving), Unprotected Sex, Vaginal Intercourse, Threesome, Slight Choking, Explicit Language, Alcohol and mention of smoking.
I hope you enjoy it!!
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University was a drag, class after class, stress after stress, bill after bill. It wasn’t like the movies and it wasn’t something I wouldn’t consider doing again.
I walk through the campus towards my dorm room, hoping my roommate Nova isn’t home as I know her energy will increase my oncoming headache.
“Your home! I have a quick question and want zero judgment from you.” Nova beams, bouncing over to me as I sling my bag onto the chair beside my desk.
“Shoot” I weakly smile, hoping to have silence shortly.
“So as we both know, life is expensive and let's be real, we’re both struggling.”
I giggle slightly, nodding along with Nova, slightly intrigued by where this conversation is going.
“Anyway, I saw Tilly, you know Tilly right? The bright red hair, covered in tattoos with the tongue piercing?”
“Didn’t know she had a tongue piercing but yes I know Tilly, go on.”
“Well, she came into class with a new bag and phone and I’m talking about designer bags.”
I nod along with Nova, slipping off my shoes and looking through my wardrobe for my lounge wear.
“Anyway, I asked how she got these because only last week was she complaining about having to work three jobs to afford to live and oh my god you’re going to flip.”
“Nov, just tell me.”
“Porn, Tilly is getting paid to cum.”
I laugh covering my mouth as I lock eyes with Nova, seeing her seriousness.
“Wait really? Shit, good for her I guess.”
Nova nods as I sit across from her on my bed.
“Which brings me to my no judgment question.”
“Oh no.”
“Oh yes, we should look into it!”
“Nova, I can’t do porn.”
“Yes you can! You’re so hot, literally all the frat guys want you, you would literally be rolling in it.”
“But you know I don’t want frat guys. I wan-”
“I know, I know, you want a man that knows what he’s doing, someone with experience.” Nova mimics. “There’s a kink for that you know, it’s called a daddy kink.”
I roll my eyes at Nova, laying back on my bed and sighing.
“C’mon, it's good money.”
“Nova, I’m not recording myself for other people’s pleasure.”
“Don’t you need a car? Wouldn’t you like to be debt free? You could move to New York and own a penthouse!”
“Nova, enough.”
“Just know it's an option, I’m going to talk to Tilly about it.”
I nod in response as Nova grabs her stuff and leaves the dorm.
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It had been roughly four months since Nova mentioned the porn industry and never in my life did I consider that I would walk into this world from beyond my phone screen.
Within four months I had worked with numerous adult film stars, many of them satisfying, others only just worth the paycheck.
“Ready?” Nova smiles, her skin tight velvet dress hugging her curves perfectly.
I quickly swipe the red lipstick across my lips, pouting before looking myself up and down. A black see through lace dress, a leg slit high up to my panty line, lace barely covering my boobs, not leaving much to the imagination. Not that the imagination is needed when half if not all of these people at the party have seen me naked.
“Ready.” I smile. “You know, I hate these parties, why do we need monthly parties?” Nova groans, quickly lighting a cigarette as we leave my penthouse, walking through the crisp air of New York.
“Networking, how do you think I became so big so quickly? You’ve gotta promote yourself to the big wigs, make them want you.”
Nova shakes her head, taking a long drag from her cigarette as we round the corner to the hotel, joining the line of other actors.
“I dont want to whore myself out.”
I smirk, looking at Nova as we both laugh.
We’re quickly ushered into the glamorous hotel following behind people into the marvelous ballroom. Floor to ceiling windows of the New York skyline, dimly lit corners with velvet booths. Champagne towers in various spaces, topless wait staff and music blasting through the air. The thump of bass slightly vibrates the windows and glasses.
“Ooo” Nova’s face lights up as the waiter passes us, grabbing two glasses of champagne.
“Cheers to making it out of struggleville.” Nova states, gently tapping her glass against mine.
I quickly tip the lightly bubbling liquid into my mouth, finishing the drink quickly, Nova following suit. Both of us replaced our empty glasses with a refill.
“Holy fuck.” Nova chokes on her drink as I follow her eye line, my mouth becoming dry.
Nanami Kento and Satoru Gojo walk through the crowd, talking with three men both looking fucking mouthwatering.
“They never come to these things, I have never seen these two in person, fuck they’re tall, god fucking damnit, who do I sweet talk to get with them.” Nova rambles beside me as my eyes trail over the pair.
Both men are dressed in full black suits, Nanami has yellow tinted glasses resting on the bridge of his nose and Gojo with black shades tucked into his suit pocket. Both taller in person than expected. Nanami pushes his glasses higher on his nose, my eyes fixated on his hands, god his hands.
“Sorry, uh, I was daydreaming.” Blush slightly creeps up my neck as Nova chuckles.
“I haven’t seen you blush in a while.” “Haven’t been nervous in a while.”
Nova chuckles as she goes wide eyed slightly. Quickly composing herself.
“They’re coming over.”
I look over my shoulder and see the duo walking towards us as I quickly finish my drink, hoping the liquid courage rushes through me.
“Ladies.” Gojo smiles
“Gojo, Nanami.” I smile, feeling Nova nudge my shoulder handing me a fresh glass of champagne. I thank her with my eyes, feeling my skin cover with goosebumps under the eyes of the two men, both of them drinking in my appearance, sharing a look as Nanami pushes his glasses up again.
“I didn’t expect to see you both.” Nova breaks the moments of silence between all of us as Gojo chuckles, grabbing a glass of wine from the various waiters walking around.
“Didn’t think our absence was that noticeable.” Nanami mutters as Nova giggles.
Before Nova can say anything Geto walks up behind her.
“Gentlemen.��� Geto nods at them, looking at me “Y/n.” He winks, whispering into Nova’s ear as she quickly nods and gets whisked away.
It feels like the room gets smaller and time slows as the duo in front of me share a look, both of them with a slight smirk on their lips.
“So, what changed your mind in attending?”
“When someone knocks you out of first place, you’ve got to scout the competition.” Gojo smiles, both him and Nanami stepping slightly closer to me, towering over me.
“Oh, can’t handle losing?” I smirk, Gojo licks his lips and Nanami chuckles.
“We don’t like to lose darling.” Nanami whispers, his warm breath fanning my neck, a tingle running down my spine.
“We’d like to offer you something honey.” Gojo whispers, his hand holding my hip. “A night with us, no crew, just us three.”
“Don’t break our hearts baby.” Nanami whispers, pressing a soft kiss to my cheek. Gojo’s hand caresses my hip, his warmth seeping through the sheer lace of my dress.
I open my mouth, zero words forming as I nod. Gojo tuts shaking his head.
“We need to hear you agree.”
“Tell us what you think darling.”
Both men seek my approval as I smirk.
“Yes.” I whisper, my eyes flicking between the two of them as both men smirk.
“Gojo.” Nanami states as the white haired man nods, grabbing my hand and pulling me through the crowd, Nanami with his hand on the small of my back helping to guide me.
We make it to the elevator, the three of us standing in silence, a light chatter within the lobby and the distant thump of the bass from the party filling the air.
The elevator tings as the doors open, the three of us piling as the doors slowly close. The second the doors are closed both men push me against the glass window.
“Fuck.” I whisper, Gojo’s lips on my neck as Nanami kisses along my jaw.
Nanami grabs my chin between his thumb and index finger. His eyes lingering on my lips.
“Baby, you won’t be the same after us.”
“I’m counting on it.” I whisper as Nanami smiles, his tongue dragging along his bottom lip before our lips crash against each other. I moan into the kiss, Gojo sucking on my neck, his hand grabbing a handful of my ass.
Nanami pulls away from me as Gojo cups my cheek, bringing our lips together. His tongue fighting against mine, his kiss rougher than Nanami’s.
The elevator dings, both men pulling away from me as my chest rises and falls quickly. My brain is trying to fathom what’s about to happen.
Halfway down the hall, Nanami unzips my dress, his fingers lightly tracing my back as wetness continues to pool between my thighs, my pussy aching.
Gojo unlocks the door as Nanami slips my dress down my arms. The door clicking shut as my dress pools at my heels.
Both men stand and look at me, the only light coming from the city below. My skin feels hot, blush creeping up my neck as their eyes foam up and down my body. My thin G-string barely covered me from their gaze.
“God.” Nanami groans, loosening his tie as Gojo undoes his belt.
I bend down to undo my heels causing Gojo to stop me.
“We want them left on baby girl.”
“We’re sure you paid enough for them.” Nanami states, his jacket being folded neatly and draped over the couch, his body beside me as he trails his fingers up my side. My breath hitches as Gojo walks out of the room.
Before I can question his absence, he walks back into the room, a camera in his hand. Butterflies erupt inside of me as Gojo flicks on a soft warm light, getting the camera at the right angle of the couch right by the city scape.
“We don’t want a crew to be watching us, everyone hearing the sounds you make for us.”
“We want you to forget the camera exists, the bright lights and the sound crew.”
“We want you on our platform, our girl.”
Their words are like honey, smooth and sweet. The butterflies and goosebumps swarming all over me.
“Let me be yours.”
“Music to our ears princess.” Gojo smirks, quickly ridding himself of his clothes, Nanami following suit.
Gojo wraps his hand around my neck, pulling me closer to him as our lips crash together. His hands roam my body, his finger hooks into my G-string and flicks it against my skin. I moan into his mouth, a gasp falls from my lips as Nanami’s hand cups my pussy. A low groan filling the air.
“You’re soaked, fuck Gojo she’s dripping.”
My moans fill the air as Gojo pulls away from me, his piercing blue eyes focusing on Nanami’s hand, watching his fingers rub my swollen clit through my panties.
“Good girl.” Gojo praises, kissing the side of my head. I run my hand down Gojo’s toned chest, softly digging my nails into his skin, causing a low sigh to fall from his lips. I trace his clothed cock, watching him bite his lip before I slip my hand into his boxer briefs. “Fuck Nanami.” I gasp, his fingers slipping past my panties and pinching my clit.
“Lay down baby, let us take care of you.”
I lay on the soft couch, my head on the arm rest as Gojo comes to stand above me, Nanami moves my legs, hooking one over the back of the couch, spreading my pussy for his eyes.
“Perfect, more perfect than the camera could ever capture.”
I blush at Nanami’s words, looking up at Gojo, his cock springing free.
My lips part, shocked by his size.
“You can take it darling.” I open my mouth at Gojo’s words, a smirk on his lips as my tongue traces the tip of his cock.
“Fuck daddy” I moan, looking down at Nanami, his tongue slowly dragging up and down my slit, sucking my clit between licks. Nanami moans against my pussy.
“Keep calling me that.” He whispers before continuing to trace my clit with his tongue.
“Darling.” Gojo whispers, his hand holding under my chin, tilting my head back. “I know Kento is good, but daddy needs attention.”
I nod, using my hand to guide Gojo’s cock into my mouth, pumping whatever I can’t fit. Circling my tongue around his dick, hollowing out my cheeks, his cock falling past my lips with a ‘pop’.
“You’re good at that darling, don’t stop.”
I moan around Gojo’s cock his hand caressing my cheek, soft moans filling the air.
My free hand grips Nanami’s hair, tugging at the strands causing a groan to vibrate against me.
“We should have fucked you sooner.” Nanami whispers, blowing against my warm pussy, my legs shaking with a tingle. My back arches, his fingers slipping inside of me, slowly pumping in and out, curling up inside of me.
“Y/n, god baby you’re tight.”
I smirk at Nanami’s words, popping Gojo’s cock past my lips and pumping him faster.
“All yours, only for you.”
Nanami and Gojo chuckle.
“You’re eager to please us honey.”
I blush at Gojo’s words, watching as he pulls away from me, him and Nanami swapping places.
Nanami leans over me, his lips connecting with mine as I taste myself on his tongue. Both of us moaning into the kiss, his fingers dancing across my collar bone, his hands cupping my boobs.
“God Yes!” I scream, Gojo slipping inside of me, his cock stretching my pussy as Nanami rolls my nipples between his thumb and index finger.
“Fuck honey, no wonder your number one.”
I giggle at Gojo’s words, swiping my tongue around Nanami’s cock, his hand moving from my breast to my throat, softly applying pressure as he thrusts in and out of my throat. My eyes roll backwards, the sounds of our moans filling the air, the scent of sex flowing through the room.
“Good girl, you’re taking us so well.”
“Uh huh” I moan in agreement, Gojo’s thumb brushes against my clit, rubbing in fast circles.
“C’mon baby, daddy wants you to cover his cock.”
“Go on darling, cum for Gojo.”
I drag my nails up Nanami’s chest, his cock thrusting in and out of my mouth, my tongue swirling around him. Gojo rubs my clit faster, his thrusts dragging out of me slowly and thrusting into me harshly.
I dig my nails into Nanami’s abs, his groan filling the air as I hollow out my cheeks around his cock. My back arching and legs slightly shake.
“Just like that baby, that’s a good girl, cum for me.”
Nanami slips past my lips, my scream of pleasure filling the air.
My body jolts, my pussy tightening around Gojo causing him to hiss.
“Just like that baby.” Gojo gently rubs my clit, his thrusts slowing.
“You’re such a good girl for us princess.” Nanami whispers.
I hum in response, blissed out as I feel the couch dip, Gojo and Nanami switching places.
Nanami grabs me by my hips, pulling me up to straddle his waist, his lips connecting with mine. Our tongues swirl against each other, his hands grabbing my ass, spanking each cheek.
I feel Gojo’s hand caress my cheek, my lips pulling away from Nanami’s. I smile up at Gojo, his thumb brushing against my bottom lip dragging it down as my mouth falls open slightly. I take Gojo’s thumb into my mouth, sucking and swirling my tongue as Nanami runs his cock up and down my slit.
My head tilts back, a moan falling from my lips as I gasp at Nanami’s size, his cock stretching my walls, slightly thicker than Gojo.
“God Nanami.”
“Mm, fuck you’re so wet and tight.” Nanami whispers, his teeth pulling on my ear lobe as Gojo holds my chin, his eyes locking with mine as his friend thrusts in and out of me, his hands holding my ass guiding my hips back and forth.
“You take cock so well baby.”
I smirk at Gojo’s words, leaning to the side of Nanami and tracing my tongue along Gojo’s cock.
Gojo’s fingers run through my hair, pulling it into a makeshift ponytail. Our eyes lock together as I use the rhythm from Nanami to bop my mouth up and down on Gojo.
Nanami wraps his hand around my throat, applying slight pressure causing my eyes to water and a gag to fall around Gojo’s cock.
“Huh, are you cryin’?” Gojo taunts a cocky smirk on his lips.
“Struggling to take both of us?” Nanami grunts.
I moan in protest, feeling completely full and blissed out.
“By the way her pussy is gripping me, I think she likes it.”
“Oh she fucking loves it.” Gojo states, thrusting his cock deeper down my throat as tears prick my eyes.
I pull off Gojo, my chest rising and falling as my nails dig into Nanami’s shoulders.
“God, I’m close.”
Nanami moan’s against my ear, his hand slipping between us as he rubs my clit in fast circles.
My moans fill the air, my hand pumping Gojo’s cock fast, my thumb brushing over the tip of his cock with every second stroke. Gojo runs a hand through his hair, tilting his head back, his loud moans complimenting mine.
“Just like that baby.”
“You feel so good.” Nanami moans, his head resting on the back of the couch, his fingers digging into my hips, his thrusts speeding up.
“I’m cumming!” I moan, my pussy clenching around Nanami, my hand speeding up on Gojo’s cock. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, don’t stop.”
Gojo’s fingers slip into my hair, his hand pulls my head back causing my mouth to fall open as I stick my tongue out.
“Such a good girl.” Gojo smiles, pumping his cock against my tongue, hot bursts of cum covering my taste buds.
My eyes roll back, feeling Nanami’s cum shoot inside of me, coating my walls as I swallow Gojo’s release.
Gojo leans against the couch, resting on his hands, all of us taking a moment.
Savoring our time together.
I slowly lift myself off Nanami’s cock, both of us wincing at the loss of contact. I sit beside Nanami on the couch, Gojo leaning down and pressing a kiss to the top of my head before walking over to the camera and stopping the video.
“I hope you know we’re making this a monthly thing.”
“Oh really?” I ask, raising an eyebrow at Gojo’s comment.
Nanami’s hand falls to my thigh, running his finger tips up and down, a soft smile on his lips.
“But we won’t film everytime.”
“Mm, I’d love that.”
“Wait.” I quickly stand up, my legs shaky as I search through our clothing, finding my phone and sitting on the couch with Nanami. Gojo smiles, walking over to the two of us standing behind the couch. I aim the camera at the three of us, Gojo’s lips on my neck, Nanami’s hand around my throat as his lips whisper against my ear.
“Show off.”
I smirk, taking a quick picture and showing the two of them. I quickly uploaded the photo to my instagram and twitter with the caption.
‘Champagne never tasted so good.’
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stateswscarlet · 1 year
Hi Scarlet! I saw your twt bio said no dms so I thought I would share my successes here that I got from your threads and content!
Bit of a background: I hovered over from the a+p girlies after affirming for 9-10 months for all my desires, using everything they taught and even putting full faith into thoughts and science manifesting. I would affirm almost nonstop (during work, school, even as I was eating/talking to others) for the entire time and I eventually got super frustrated! Not a single manifestation came in or even the slightest movement, maybe a butterfly and a car here and there (looking back at it its because I accepted seeing them internally and didn’t contradict that state, it wasn’t even the affirming). In March-ish I found your account on my timeline and previously I would ignore any states related information because I thought states were the same as dominant thoughts, but something about your thread at the time caught my attention which led me down a rabbit hole (positively!) of consuming your threads. I realized a lot of it actually made sense and explained why I didn’t see success so far.
Anyways so after a few weeks of learning about states I decided to stop overconsuming and stick to your account and edward art ONLY for all my manifestation needs. It was a little hard breaking free from the affirming mindset but I decided to focus on embodying how it would feel if I no longer had to worry about my thoughts and allowed that to wash over me. I used your “embody being the solution” thread SO SO much and I realized I was able to quickly solve all my internal issues using that because anytime I felt stuck, I just had to assume the feeling of being unstuck and what the ideal situation would be! I also fell in love with fulfilling my imagination and although I did care about experiencing it in the 3D, it was more like me not even thinking of it reflecting because its a LAW. I remember you saying you don’t even have to think about stuff reflecting because it does so anyways and my only role is to naturally give it to myself. So here is a list of some of my *bigger* manifestations that came in within a month-ish of me APPLYING states of being after I learned about it:
SP and I got back together after 8 months no contact and 11 months separation
My top choice graduate school which rejected me months ago actually reaching out to me offering me a spot saying the rejection was a “system error”
Free coachella tickets all expense paid in a luxury hotel that sponsored not only me but my boyfriend and 3 friends
My favorite makeup brand randomly sending me a HUGE package of makeup that I never ordered or asked for (I wanted more makeup from this brand)
My dad receiving a random check to clear his entire credit card debt of around a decade
A better job for my boyfriend that pays him double of his last one and has flexible hours that he didn’t need to apply for or interview and hes been loving it!
Free first class plane tickets to Bali this summer! I had already booked normal ones months before but last week I got an email saying my party had randomly been selected for a free upgrade. This happened like a day or so after I for fun assumed the state of someone who has a live of luxury.
I have other smaller successes but these are some of my main ones!I really want to thank you scarlet you have honestly changed my life and I can’t believe it truly was that easy all along! Thank you for your amazing threads, please continue dropping more (I literally have your notifs on haha)
AWW YAYYYYYAYAYS IM SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT!! You’re absolutely amazing🫶🏼
I dont even use this platform but just thought I would share this ❤️
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