#since im not capable of offering much ill be finishing requests
hopelessrromantix · 1 year
where i've been
TLDR: Life sucks and so does the government. Half my family got hit with some pricey medical bills plus our normal rent, so donating or sharing this would be beyond appreciated.
I know you’re all thinking “Roman! You haven’t written anything in a month, what’s going on?” First, valid question. Second, dear GOD where do I start.
Let’s keep things simple. This past month has been the literal definition of hell for me. Everything started off fairly normal, until my two remaining grandparents started having frequent hospital trips. My father spent most of his time caring for them, living mostly at their house. Given that he works most in our house, he wasn’t having an easy time. He ended up developing what his doctor said was “stress tremors”, to the point that he went on disability.
Well, even after my grandparents were a bit more stable (though still on close watch)... they continued anyway. Eventually it got so bad my mother drove him to the hospital one night and what do you know, brain tumor.
Queue several days of our family wondering what the everloving fuck we’d do without my Dad. It was several days of my dear mother (note the sarcasm) trying to control everything, my brother trying to continue school, and me taking care of the house and our pets.
We got the scans back not long after and, cue sigh of relief, the tumor was benign. It still seemed to be draining the life out of my father, though. The nurses and doctors were absolutely floored because his tumor was absolutely huge but he had no headaches. Imagine a baseball in your head. Yeah, exactly. He did however stare at the wall for hours and had a hard time getting out more than a few words. It’s probably one of my most heartbreaking memories to watch the strongest person I’ve ever known reduced to a husk on a hospital bed.
Brain surgery came soon after. He made it through and is currently in recovery. He’s speaking actual sentences, though he’s still got tremors and needs a lot of help. Still, I’m just happy to have my father.
That same week, we noticed my cat acting off. We have two of them and my cat, Gallifrey, is a talkative sweetheart who’s attached to me at the hip. But he was meowing differently and acting weird and all around not normal. One vet visit later and we find out he has kidney disease and pancreatitis. He’s being treated for it (new food, possible meds, regular fluid injections, etc.), but he’s still not himself yet. Talk about my life falling apart. This on its own my family couldn’t even begin to afford. The government seems to hate disabled people and paying for numerous doctor’s visits wasn’t remotely in our paper thin budget, much less the meds and treatment.
It was a lot all at once, and not even close to what we expected. Gallifrey is only 7 and my father didn’t show the typical signs of a brain tumor. So, I guess the universe thought “Y’know, this is a perfect time to kick Roman in the fucking balls”.
Routine testosterone blood test, just monitoring… until I got a call from the doctor. Turns out I have some untreated issues that none of my previous doctors caught. In fact, the only reason she caught it was because it was so severe. According to her she was shocked I’m still up and kicking and not in the hospital for a blood transfusion. Apparently my red blood cell count and oxygen level is insanely low, and she asked me to take a Covid test (negative), so it turns out it’s a completely different issue. I’m still in the process of diagnosing it, so that was a fun little addition. With my chronic pain and my mother in denial, I sleep most of the day and am in constant pain the entire time.
I’ll be real, I’m not a fan of asking for money. It’s not something I like, but it’s something I have to do. The amount of treatment we need, my dad, Gallifrey, and me, is more than we can hope to afford on our salaries (thank you, American healthcare!). The medical process in this country is a joke.
I’m asking y’all to help me out. Sharing, donating, whatever. Everyone around me has been kind and supportive, and I'm beyond thankful for that. If you can’t donate, please send it, share it, do whatever, I'll take absolutely anything. If I’m honest? The number I’m asking still won’t cover it, but anything is helpful.
Thank you for reading this far, thank you for sharing, for donating, for being kind, for absolutely everything.
I also understand that the internet is a horrible, despicable place, so I can give any breakdowns of what the money would be used for and give any medical info (not releasing family names or locations) to provide proof. The page includes a lovely little x-ray of my father’s head so you get to see the absolute insanity. If this isn’t enough please let me know and I can link anything else needed to confirm that yes, I am actually having the worst time of my life.
All in all? Thank you.
Donate here if you can <3
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thecryptoconsortium · 5 years
Here you go folks. My first official plan of action. It looks a little crazy, but it's a coalition of three different conversations. I am NOT retyping and I leave it like this for a very good reason. If any journalism STUDENT provides me with an acceptable, AND PROFESSIONALLY, written coalition of this brain fart...good enough to be used in the virgin edition of The Crypto Consortium's new digital magazine...they will win a 25$-50$ Deposit into a trust fund. Use THAT as a home agent or in an open account and see what it is in 6 months, a year....etc.
If anyone shows me the winning entry posted as an ad to any kind of advertising forum (medium, craigslist, reddit, shared here, any social sites...etc) you will get something credited for helping too. Due to limited funding This offer is limited to single mothers, college students, and anyone that can orove theyre going to lose a service this month(tv dont count). Ill figure it out later. Probably around $2-$10 according to friend count and such Wont be much.
I will be am going homeless in 1or 2 days now, but I am going to use it as a time to do a little crusade of my own. For the next 8 months I am going to travel all through South Texas and down into Mexico on my own little version of a quest.
By the time the applications clear next year I will not only be offering cryptocoin proposals, but I will be adding Auto sales, debt consolidation options, credit repair assistance, credit protection insurance, and anything else that I currently know enough about(but cant remember) or someone volunteers and proves capability.
Anything we can flip a fast profit on or hold for proportionate residual income....and every where I go I will be looking for the homeless wanting a way out...not a hand out...anyone on hard times and needing financial relief....anyone needing year round fundraising...orphanages etc...etc
Pretty much anything that WE can make YOU money with and see if it can be wrapped into TCCs Profit capability so we can push another drain on society up to fruitful and productive.
I went homeless because I gave away too much money to try and help others that turned out to be TOO FUCKING LAZY AND STUPID TO HELP THEMSELVES and the inconsiderate fucking pricks just walk away and leave ANOTHER $7000 of MY money floating around the internet...On top of losing over $15,000 in the crash of 2018, and another $1800 or so since January 30....
NOT ANY MORE...watch what happens first quarter of 2020 when I can pay that attorney to get my international LLC non profit license. ON TOP OF THAT, using TCC to get corporate AND non profit discounts from phone providers....I will be JOHNNY FUCKING CRYPTO SEED planting hope in the homeless and deserted all over the fucking world!!!....😂😂😂
I am doing something new too. What I call blind investments during my little brain diarrhea seasion. My financial source will insure PRINCIPAL(not profit) from $25 to $500. now thats faith😁😁😁
Deposits will be credited at 1% per day and Principal will be locked for 4-6 months, but returns can be withdrawn or reinvested on the first of the month automatically, or anytime by submitting an email request. Ill be living on the street...wifi wont always be available so when I get to a way point I will check my email.
2020 will start my outreach visit in The Phillipines. I may stay there the entire 6-9 month tour, depending on email during the first quarter... if all goes as it is currentlyand tentatively planned.
The goal by 2021 is No less than 25 new outreaches started BY ME AND IN PERSON until my legs finally quit working for good and I am in a wheelchair, or I am dead. Also, hopefully, the ling term goal is 500,000 new families reached every fiscal year by 2025...which can happen through Churches, schools, internet cafes, orphanages etc etc)
I need an expert to build and donate a TCC investment/coin exchange/chat room website to my specs, a crypto exchange/donation TG bot and 2 adjustable Investment TG bots...with TCC admin having complete and total control of the finished product. This will be YOUR investment and I will PERSONALLY guarantee you 1% daily for 365 days from the first day of bot/web activity until Dec 31, 2021....but for trusting TCC(me) I will also add quarterly bonuses if bonuses are available for that quarter. YOU WANT TO DO SOMETHING GOOD WITH YOUR LIFE? HERES YOUR CHANCE. GET PAID TO FIGHT POVERTY AND ADD A FEW TREASURES OF YOUR OWN TO HEAVENS CASK!!!
Want to donate, offer assistance, or need assistance? I take 1600 different coins now for donations and deposits so thats easy. Just ask me for an address, paypal or go fund me. The rest just shoot me an email with a little info. Ill look into it
Also looking for real estate agents to be on call from anywhere in the world. I might get an offer any time and have aome work for you😁
One thing I need members to start working on when they can in their free time. A list of orphanages, shelters, food banks, anywhere homeless people hang out(especially kids) churches(not Catholic or Lutheran) and anything else you feel may be worth me looking into. My annual trips will be laid out according to the research I do from the information dropped by the public in the 90 day tax break...These are all what I call "source points"...places where a single visit can plant the greatest seed.and do the most good for the underprivileged ...
also do some research to see if there are potential advertising points....or if we would be better off hiring homeless kids or the orphans to pass out flyers.
If I can work this journalist thing out to get people writing and I can release a weekly page like I want, that will give a clearer picture. Right now I am still brain storming so it looks all crazy and stupid...lol
IN EVERYTHING WE DO...always look for where the money will do the most LONG TERM good. Whether I have 2 years or 20...I want to leave something behind that your great great grandkids can COUNT ON!!!!!
along with the homeless I will also offer free start up services to any orphanage, homeless shelter, food bank, womens shelters, and any other type of public improvement facility.
Own a business? I can show you how to increase your profit margin by up to 6000% annually....NO JOKE.
Need a year round 24/7 fundraiser for your organization? Im Accepting all requests and inquiries for anything. It gives me an excuse to take a break and do some surfing. If I cant help you now...Im sure I will find a way soon.
Want to start a self supporting Outreach Program in your neighborhood? No begging for donations or any more bullshit....Let me know.
COMMISSION WORK IS AVAILABLE for ANYONE starting at age 12. No special skills or qualifications necessary. Under the age of 16 please get parental permission before contacting.
Here you go folks. My first official plan of action. It looks a little crazy, but it's a coalition of three different brainstorms. I am NOT retyping and I leave it like this for a very good reason. If any journalism STUDENT provides me with an acceptable, AND PROFESSIONALLY, written coalition of this brain fart...good enough to be used in the virgin edition of The Crypto Consortium's new digital magazine...they will win a 25$-50$ Deposit into a trust fund. Use THAT as a home agent or in an open account and see what it is in 6 months, a year....etc.
I will be am going homeless in 1or 2 days now, but I am going to use it as a time to do a little crusade of my own. For the next 8 months I am going to travel all through South Texas and down into Mexico on my own little version of a quest.
By the time the applications clear next year I will not only be offering cryptocoin proposals, but I will be adding Auto sales, debt consolidation options, credit repair assistance, credit protection insurance, and anything else that I currently know enough about(but cant remember) or someone volunteers and proves capability.
Anything we can flip a fast profit on or hold for proportionate residual income....and every where I go I will be looking for the homeless wanting a way out...not a hand out...anyone on hard times and needing financial relief....anyone needing year round fundraising...orphanages etc...etc
Pretty much anything that WE can make YOU money with and see if it can be wrapped into TCCs Profit capability so we can push another drain on society up to fruitful and productive.
I went homeless because I gave away too much money to try and help others that turned out to be TOO FUCKING LAZY AND STUPID TO HELP THEMSELVES and the inconsiderate fucking pricks just walk away and leave ANOTHER $7000 of MY money floating around the internet...On top of losing over $15,000 in the crash of 2018, and another $1800 or so since January 30....
NOT ANY MORE...watch what happens first quarter of 2020 when I can pay that attorney to get my international LLC non profit license. ON TOP OF THAT, using TCC to get corporate AND non profit discounts from phone providers....I will be JOHNNY FUCKING CRYPTO SEED planting hope in the homeless and deserted all over the fucking world!!!....😂😂😂
I am doing something new too. What I call blind investments during my little brain diarrhea seasion. My financial source will insure PRINCIPAL(not profit) from $25 to $500. now thats faith😁😁😁
Deposits will be credited at 1% per day and Principal will be locked for 4-6 months, but returns can be withdrawn or reinvested on the first of the month automatically, or anytime by submitting an email request. Ill be living on the street...wifi wont always be available so when I get to a way point I will check my email.
2020 will start my outreach visit in The Phillipines. I may stay there the entire 6-9 month tour, depending on email during the first quarter... if all goes as it is currentlyand tentatively planned.
The goal by 2021 is No less than 25 new outreaches started BY ME AND IN PERSON until my legs finally quit working for good and I am in a wheelchair, or I am dead. Also, hopefully, the ling term goal is 500,000 new families reached every fiscal year by 2025...which can happen through Churches, schools, internet cafes, orphanages etc etc)
I need an expert to build and donate a TCC investment/coin exchange/chat room website to my specs, a crypto exchange/donation TG bot and 2 adjustable Investment TG bots...with TCC admin having complete and total control of the finished product. This will be YOUR investment and I will PERSONALLY guarantee you 1% daily for 365 days from the first day of bot/web activity until Dec 31, 2021....but for trusting TCC(me) I will also add quarterly bonuses if bonuses are available for that quarter. YOU WANT TO DO SOMETHING GOOD WITH YOUR LIFE? HERES YOUR CHANCE. GET PAID TO FIGHT POVERTY AND ADD A FEW TREASURES OF YOUR OWN TO HEAVENS CASK!!!
Want to donate, offer assistance, or need assistance? I take 1600 different coins now for donations and deposits so thats easy. Just ask me for an address, paypal or go fund me. The rest just shoot me an email with a little info. Ill look into it
Also looking for real estate agents to be on call from anywhere in the world. I might get an offer any time and have aome work for you😁
One thing I need members to start working on when they can in their free time. A list of orphanages, shelters, food banks, anywhere homeless people hang out(especially kids) churches(not Catholic or Lutheran) and anything else you feel may be worth me looking into. My annual trips will be laid out according to the research I do from the information dropped by the public in the 90 day tax break...These are all what I call "source points"...places where a single visit can plant the greatest seed.and do the most good for the underprivileged ...
also do some research to see if there are potential advertising points....or if we would be better off hiring homeless kids or the orphans to pass out flyers.
If I can work this journalist thing out to get people writing and I can release a weekly page like I want, that will give a clearer picture. Right now I am still brain storming so it looks all crazy and stupid...lol
IN EVERYTHING WE DO...always look for where the money will do the most LONG TERM good. Whether I have 2 years or 20...I want to leave something behind that your great great grandkids can COUNT ON!!!!!
along with the homeless I will also offer free start up services to any orphanage, homeless shelter, food bank, womens shelters, and any other type of public improvement facility.
Own a business? I can show you how to increase your profit margin by up to 6000% annually....NO JOKE.
Need a year round 24/7 fundraiser for your organization? Im Accepting all requests and inquiries for anything. It gives me an excuse to take a break and do some surfing. If I cant help you now...Im sure I will find a way soon.
Want to start a self supporting Outreach Program in your neighborhood? No begging for donations or any more bullshit....Let me know.
COMMISSION WORK IS AVAILABLE for ANYONE starting at age 12. No special skills or qualifications necessary. Under the age of 16 please get parental permission before contacting.
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