#ill prioritize those who donate so if you have a request enter it in the “words of support”
hopelessrromantix · 1 year
where i've been
TLDR: Life sucks and so does the government. Half my family got hit with some pricey medical bills plus our normal rent, so donating or sharing this would be beyond appreciated.
I know you’re all thinking “Roman! You haven’t written anything in a month, what’s going on?” First, valid question. Second, dear GOD where do I start.
Let’s keep things simple. This past month has been the literal definition of hell for me. Everything started off fairly normal, until my two remaining grandparents started having frequent hospital trips. My father spent most of his time caring for them, living mostly at their house. Given that he works most in our house, he wasn’t having an easy time. He ended up developing what his doctor said was “stress tremors”, to the point that he went on disability.
Well, even after my grandparents were a bit more stable (though still on close watch)... they continued anyway. Eventually it got so bad my mother drove him to the hospital one night and what do you know, brain tumor.
Queue several days of our family wondering what the everloving fuck we’d do without my Dad. It was several days of my dear mother (note the sarcasm) trying to control everything, my brother trying to continue school, and me taking care of the house and our pets.
We got the scans back not long after and, cue sigh of relief, the tumor was benign. It still seemed to be draining the life out of my father, though. The nurses and doctors were absolutely floored because his tumor was absolutely huge but he had no headaches. Imagine a baseball in your head. Yeah, exactly. He did however stare at the wall for hours and had a hard time getting out more than a few words. It’s probably one of my most heartbreaking memories to watch the strongest person I’ve ever known reduced to a husk on a hospital bed.
Brain surgery came soon after. He made it through and is currently in recovery. He’s speaking actual sentences, though he’s still got tremors and needs a lot of help. Still, I’m just happy to have my father.
That same week, we noticed my cat acting off. We have two of them and my cat, Gallifrey, is a talkative sweetheart who’s attached to me at the hip. But he was meowing differently and acting weird and all around not normal. One vet visit later and we find out he has kidney disease and pancreatitis. He’s being treated for it (new food, possible meds, regular fluid injections, etc.), but he’s still not himself yet. Talk about my life falling apart. This on its own my family couldn’t even begin to afford. The government seems to hate disabled people and paying for numerous doctor’s visits wasn’t remotely in our paper thin budget, much less the meds and treatment.
It was a lot all at once, and not even close to what we expected. Gallifrey is only 7 and my father didn’t show the typical signs of a brain tumor. So, I guess the universe thought “Y’know, this is a perfect time to kick Roman in the fucking balls”.
Routine testosterone blood test, just monitoring… until I got a call from the doctor. Turns out I have some untreated issues that none of my previous doctors caught. In fact, the only reason she caught it was because it was so severe. According to her she was shocked I’m still up and kicking and not in the hospital for a blood transfusion. Apparently my red blood cell count and oxygen level is insanely low, and she asked me to take a Covid test (negative), so it turns out it’s a completely different issue. I’m still in the process of diagnosing it, so that was a fun little addition. With my chronic pain and my mother in denial, I sleep most of the day and am in constant pain the entire time.
I’ll be real, I’m not a fan of asking for money. It’s not something I like, but it’s something I have to do. The amount of treatment we need, my dad, Gallifrey, and me, is more than we can hope to afford on our salaries (thank you, American healthcare!). The medical process in this country is a joke.
I’m asking y’all to help me out. Sharing, donating, whatever. Everyone around me has been kind and supportive, and I'm beyond thankful for that. If you can’t donate, please send it, share it, do whatever, I'll take absolutely anything. If I’m honest? The number I’m asking still won’t cover it, but anything is helpful.
Thank you for reading this far, thank you for sharing, for donating, for being kind, for absolutely everything.
I also understand that the internet is a horrible, despicable place, so I can give any breakdowns of what the money would be used for and give any medical info (not releasing family names or locations) to provide proof. The page includes a lovely little x-ray of my father’s head so you get to see the absolute insanity. If this isn’t enough please let me know and I can link anything else needed to confirm that yes, I am actually having the worst time of my life.
All in all? Thank you.
Donate here if you can <3
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haillenarte · 7 years
rescuing raubahn;
By request, here are translations from the main story quests “In Search of Raubahn” and “Keeping the Flame Alive” — or, in more familiar terms, the patch 3.0 Raubahn rescue mission.
I’m sorry this took quite a while! This was requested sometime around Christmas, but between the holidays, Final Fantasy XV, Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and obligations from work and school, I kept putting it off. I feel doubly bad because this particular requester actually donated to my tip jar, but that... didn’t expedite the translation process... because I’m an idiot...
As usual, I’ve provided the Japanese text, my own translation below, and the official English localization in blockquotes. However, I’m missing a lot of the English lines from this particular part of 3.0 — mostly from the rescue instance itself. 
I was not sure what the requester was looking for, or what they expected to see from the Japanese text of this questline, so for this particular translation I have prioritized loyalty to the Japanese above most else. It tends towards being overly literal at times, but I hope not to a distracting degree.
IN SEARCH OF RAUBAHN “in search of raubahn”
ドウワレ : ……そろったようだな。 こうして「暁」のお二方とともに、「士道」に背きし、 裏切り者に立ち向かえること、心の底より喜んでいる次第だ。 ドウワレ : 肝心の「ユユハセ」らの行方だが…… 奴らは、南の「ハラタリ修練所」に向かったようだ。 ドウワレ : かの地は「コロセウム財団」の施設だが、 例の一件以後は、砂蠍衆のロロリト殿が管理していたらしい。 そんな場所に武装兵が向かったとなると、いよいよ怪しい。 ドウワレ : 「ハラタリ修練所」の様子は、 我が同志「ホウザン」が見張っている。 彼の下に急ごう。 DOWARE: ...It seems we have all arrived. I confess, I am delighted by this opportunity to confront the traitors alongside your members of the Scions. It is ever my duty to punish those that have forsaken their codes of honor. DOWARE: Yuyuhase and his men are headed toward Halatali, to the south. DOWARE: Halatali is a training ground for Ul’dahn gladiators, but we believe it has fallen under Lord Lolorito’s management. It is unusual for armed soldiers to be guarding the place. DOWARE: Hozan is presently keeping watch over the entrance. Let us make haste and join him.
LOCALIZATION Doware: I have been expecting you. Time is of the essence, so I shall be direct. Doware: Yuyuhase and his men are bound for Halatali. Doware: We believe that this is where they intend to carry out the execution. Doware: My colleague, Hozan, is presently keeping watch over the entrance. Let us make haste and join him.
ホウザン : 良いところに来てくださいました。 先ほど、クリスタルブレイブ総隊長、イルベルドがやって来て、 修練所に入ったところです。 ホウザン : これはもう「アタリ」ですな。 ラウバーン殿は、「ハラタリ修練所」に収監されていると見て、 まず間違いないでしょう……。 ホウザン : 相手の出方次第ではありますが、 突入するとなれば、荒事になりましょう。 ホウザン : あの御方も来てくださる手はずですが、 戦の備えだけは、ぬかりなくお願いします。 それでは、準備が整いましたら、お声がけください。 HOZAN: You come at a good time. Just now, Crystal Brave Commander Ilberd arrived and entered the training grounds. HOZAN: Now is our time to strike. We are now certain that General Raubahn is being held somewhere within Halatali. HOZAN: Once we have secured the movements of our enemies, we will storm the gates and show them the full force of our fury. HOZAN: We will need your assistance as well, friend. Please prepare for battle, and proceed with caution. Tell me when you are ready.
LOCALIZATION Hozan: You come at a good time, my friends. But moments ago, the traitor Ilberd arrived and entered Halatali. Hozan: From this, we may be certain that General Raubahn is being held within. Hozan: There is no time to lose─General Aldynn may be executed at any moment. You must enter Halatali and free him from his captors. Hozan: Please see to your preparations, and tell me when you are ready to proceed. One of our own will accompany you inside.
アルフィノ : ラウバーン局長の「コロセウム財団」が保有する場所を、 処刑場所に選ぶとは……イルベルドめ、何と趣味が悪い。 ALPHINAUD: The very idea that Ilberd would use one of Raubahn’s own territories as an execution ground... Truly, he is a man of repulsive taste.
LOCALIZATION Alphinaud: Raubahn's ties to Halatali are well known. That Ilberd should choose this of all places to stage his execution is no coincidence. The fiend... Are there no depths to which he will not stoop?
ユウギリ : ……待たせたな。 アルフィノ : ユウギリ殿! ユウギリ : フフッ……。 少し見ぬ間に、アルフィノ殿の眼にも、 武人の輝きが戻ってきた様子……。 アルフィノ : あの時は、情けない姿を見せてしまった。 しかし、いつまでも落ち込んではいられないからね。 ……それに、今の私には仲間がいる。 ユウギリ : 一連の騒動の後、我らドマの忍びは、 行方知れずとなった「暁」の者らを探すため、 クリスタルブレイブの動向を監視していたのだ。 ユウギリ : 未だ、ミンフィリア殿や賢人の皆については、 有力な情報が得られてはおらぬのだが……。 アルフィノ : ラウバーン局長を救出することは、 ウルダハにとっても、「暁」にとっても、大きな収穫さ。 ユウギリ : ホウザン、お主はドウワレやヒギリとともに、 入口の警備を引きつけよ。 ラウバーン殿の救出は、我ら3人で行う! ユウギリ : ……参るぞ! YUGIRI: Forgive me my lateness. ALPHINAUD: Lady Yugiri! YUGIRI: <giggle>... Master Alphinaud, I am pleased to see that the warrior’s spirit shines in your eyes once more.  ALPHINAUD: How pitiful I must have looked when last we met! But I could not wallow in my misery forever. ...Moreover, I now have comrades to stand by my side. YUGIRI: After the events at the Ul’dahn banquet, my fellow shinobi and I have shadowed the Crystal Braves’ every step in hopes of locating the missing Scions. YUGIRI: Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to learn anything about Minfilia or the Sharlayans...  ALPHINAUD: It is enough that we can rescue Raubahn now. Believe me, you have done us all a great service. YUGIRI: Hozan. You, Doware, and Higiri will draw the attention of the guards at the entrance. The three of us will rescue Raubahn. YUGIRI: ...With me!
LOCALIZATION Yugiri: Pray forgive me my lateness. Alphinaud: Lady Yugiri! Yugiri: Master Alphinaud. I am pleased to see that the light of resolve shines in your eyes once more. Alphinaud: Ah, yes... How pathetic I must have seemed to you when we last met. I am ashamed to recall it. For a time I was well and truly lost. But with the aid of my comrades, I have since refound my purpose, and I shall take care not to misplace it again. Yugiri: Since your escape from Ul'dah, my fellow shinobi and I have shadowed the Crystal Braves' every step in hopes of learning the Scions' whereabouts. Yugiri: Regrettably, our investigation has yet to yield any useful information. Pray forgive us. Alphinaud: You need not apologize, my lady─we are grateful for all that you have done on our behalf. Besides, Raubahn is no less a friend, and we cannot well abandon him to his fate. Yugiri: Hozan─the three of us shall attend to the Flame General's rescue. Pray draw away the guards by the entrance. Take Doware and Higiri with you. Yugiri: With me!
アルフィノ : やはり、コロセウム財団の職員の姿はなしか……。 気をつけろ……イルベルド配下の兵が潜んでいるはずだ。 霧隠のユウギリ : <Player>殿、先導を任せる。 ALPHINAUD: The Coliseum staff is conspicuously absent... Be on your guard. Ilberd’s men must be lurking nearby. YUGIRI MISTWALKER: <Player>, the lead is yours. We shall follow.
霧隠のユウギリ : いたぞ、ラウバーン殿だ! しかし妙だな……警備が手薄すぎる……。 アルフィノ : ご無事ですか、ラウバーン局長! ラウバーン : ぐっ……お、お前たち……。 来てくれた……のか……。 YUGIRI MISTWALKER: General Raubahn is here! And yet, how strange... the security here is much too thin... ALPHINAUD: Are you unharmed, General? RAUBAHN: <cough>... Y-You all... You came... for me...?
ユウギリ : 魔導装置で拘束されておられるようだ。 無理矢理に破壊すれば、何が起きるか……。 アルフィノ : 拘束を解くための認証鍵を、 クリスタルブレイブの隊員が持っているはず。 手分けして、奴らを探そう! YUGIRI: He is bound by some manner of magitek device. But if we force it open, who knows what might happen...? ALPHINAUD: The Crystal Braves should have the device’s authentication key. Let us split up and search for them.
LOCALIZATION Yugiri: He is bound by some manner of magitek device. Yet I dare not force it open─it may well be booby-trapped. Alphinaud: I have heard of such devices. The Crystal Braves will possess the key. Let us split up and look for it.
ユユハセ : その必要は、ありませんよ。 ユユハセ : 個人的な怨みはありませんが、これも仕事でしてね。 私たち家族が、貧困から這い上がり生き残るためには、 汚れ仕事であっても、貴重なんです。 ユユハセ : 大丈夫……苦しみはしません。 錬金術師ギルド特製の「毒霧」で、 安らかにザル神の御許に旅立ってください……。 YUYUHASE: That will not be necessary. YUYUHASE: I have no ill will towards any of you, but this, too, is simply work. You see, I was born into a family constrained by the fetters of poverty. I’m afraid I learned from a very early age that even foul jobs have value. YUYUHASE: Fret not — you shall not suffer for long. This poisonous mist was specially made by the Alchemist’s Guild. May it deliver you safely to Thal’s realm.
LOCALIZATION ???: That will not be necessary. Yuyuhase: Pray do not take it personally, my friends. You are the victims of harsh economic conditions. Yuyuhase: Happily, you will not suffer for long. This poison will convey you swiftly unto the bosom of Thal, where I hope to join you, after the passing of many prosperous years.
霧隠のユウギリ : くっ、東方水薬の効果が薄い……! 毒霧の効用だというのか!? 金眼のユユハセ : あまり、見苦しい真似はなさらぬことです……。 それではご機嫌よう……。 YUGIRI MISTWALKER: A poisonous mist?! My Doman antidotes were not made to counteract anything like this... YUYUHASE OF THE GOLDEN EYE: Pray do not struggle in too unsightly a manner. And with that, I wish you all the best...
ラウバーン : ゲホッ……ゲホッ……。 き、貴様らだけでも……逃げるのだ……。 アルフィノ : <Player>! 鉄柵を破壊して、奴を追うぞ! アルフィノ : くそっ、毒素を好む魔物が!? RAUBAHN: <cough><cough>... Run... while you still can... ALPHINAUD: <Player>! Let us destroy this gate and give chase! ALPHINAUD: That fiend! He certainly has a taste for poisons!
アルフィノ : よし、鉄柵を破壊したぞ! 霧隠のユウギリ : だが、まだ毒霧の発生が続いている。 根源を破壊し、止めなければ! 霧隠のユウギリ : 私がラウバーン殿の応急手当をしよう。 毒霧の根源の排除と、認証鍵の入手を頼む! ラウバーン : クリスタルブレイブの隊員が…… この装置を解く鍵を……持っているはずだ……。 ALPHINAUD: We’ve done it! We’ve destroyed the gate! YUGIRI MISTWALKER: But this poisonous air is still being generated. We must needs destroy it at its source! YUGIRI MISTWALKER: I will administer medicines to General Raubahn. You must eliminate the source of this fog, and then acquire the key to this device! RAUBAHN: The Braves... The Braves have the key...
アルフィノ : 毒霧噴霧器は破壊した! いい調子だぞ! 霧隠のユウギリ : よし、毒霧が晴れたぞ! アルフィノ : 次は、ラウバーン局長を捕らえている、 「魔導装置の認証鍵」を探すんだ! ALPHINAUD: Excellent! The generator is destroyed! YUGIRI MISTWALKER: The poisonous mist is clearing up! ALPHINAUD: Now we must free Raubahn. Let us search for this magitek authorization key!
クリスタルブレイブの槍術士 : あの毒霧を切り抜けたというのか! クリスタルブレイブの弓術士 : 仕方あるまい、我らの手で! CRYSTAL BRAVE LANCER: They survived the poison?! CRYSTAL BRAVE ARCHER: Then they die by our hands!
アルフィノ : それが「魔導装置の認証鍵」!? さあ、ラウバーン局長の下へ急ごう! ALPHINAUD: Is that the key? Then let us return to the Flame General's cell!
ラウバーン : すまない……助かった……。 ゴホッ……ゴホッ……。 アルフィノ : ラウバーン局長、無理をなさらずに……。 ユウギリ : よし、脱出するぞ! RAUBAHN: I am sorry... and I thank... <cough> <cough> ALPHINAUD: Do not push yourself, General. YUGIRI: Let us be rid of this place.
LOCALIZATION Raubahn: My...thanks... <cough> Alphinaud: Slowly, General. You are yet weak from your ordeal. Yugiri: Nevertheless, we must quit this place.
イルベルド : さすがは英雄殿……。 小細工では始末できぬか……。 アルフィノ : イルベルド! 貴様ッ……! イルベルド : 我が道を征かんとするなら、やはり自らの手で、 障害を打ち払わねばならんか……。 仕方あるまい……。 イルベルド : 来い、暁の残滓ども! 今、ここで! その灯火を消し去ってくれる! ILBERD: As expected of the Warrior of Light... I suppose one cannot expect to dispose of a hero with clever artifice. ALPHINAUD: Ilberd! ILBERD: Must I remove all things in my path with my own two hands? Very well, if there are no alternatives... ILBERD: Come at me, vestigial Scions! Here and now, I will erase your feeble light!
LOCALIZATION Ilberd: I should have known. What are clever contrivances to the Warrior of Light? ...Well done, hero. Alphinaud: Ilberd... Ilberd: You mean to struggle on, then? Very well. If you would stand in my way, I will cut you down like all the rest. Ilberd: Come, Scions─let's get this over with.
壊剣のイルベルド : 女王暗殺犯を始末する! 総員、かかれ! 金眼のユユハセ : 生き残るため、やられはしませんよ! 左党のローレンティス : はははっ! やっぱり、僕は英雄になんてなれないんだ……だからッ! ラウバーン : ええい……身体が……。 獄中生活で、萎えたとでもいうのか……。 ILBERD THE DULLBLADE: With me, Crystal Braves! We strike down the sultana’s assassin! YUYUHASE OF THE GOLDEN EYE: I will not fail!
I have no idea what Yuyuhase says in English here, but I think “For coin and country!” would be a good alternative. 
LEGLESS LAURENTIUS: Hahaha! I knew, I knew I could be no hero... I...! RAUBAHN: Ugh... my body... isn’t what it used to be...
イルベルド : ここまできて、悪あがきを……! アルフィノ : そこまでだ、イルベルド! 剣を捨て、投降しろ! イルベルド : 投降だと……? 女王陛下暗殺に関与した罪人がよく言う! 投降すべきは、そちらの方ではないか! アルフィノ : さて、そもそもナナモ陛下は「暗殺」されたのか…… そちらも、一枚岩ではなさそうにお見受けするが? イルベルド : ……さかしいガキが。 ILBERD: Tch! Your resistance is futile! ALPHINAUD: It is over, Ilberd! Drop your sword and surrender! ILBERD: Surrender...? Hah! Fitting words from those who assassinated the sultana! Aren’t you the ones who should surrender?! ALPHINAUD: You speak of the sultana’s assassination, but I wonder... did an assassination even take place at all? ILBERD: ...Clever little brat.
LOCALIZATION Ilberd: This changes nothing! Alphinaud: It is over, Ilberd! Lay down your arms and surrender yourself to justice! Ilberd: Justice!? Justice for what exactly? 'Twas not I who assassinated the sultana, boy! Alphinaud: Ere we debate who is responsible for the assassination, I would ask whether an assassination took place at all. Ilberd: Clever little shite...
���ルベルド : 貴様も、気付いているのだろう! 「暁」やエオルゼア各国は、貴様の「特異な力」を利用した! クリスタルブレイブに至っては、知名度までもな! イルベルド : 故郷を奪還したいと願う、俺たちの想いも、貴様の力も、 結局は誰かの思惑に組み込まれ、利用され…… 自由に戦うことすら許されないッ! イルベルド : それでは救えない! 俺たちの祖国を救えんのだッ! 俺は必ずアラミゴを取り戻してみせる…… どんな手を使ってもな! ILBERD: Listen here, adventurer! You’re only being used by the Scions — nay, by all of Eorzea! Think on it! Were not the Crystal Braves built on your name? ILBERD: All I ever wanted was to liberate my homeland. But what I want, and what you have — these things, they’re always being taken advantage of by someone else... to the point where I can’t even fight for my own freedom! ILBERD: That’s why! That’s why I haven’t been able to save my motherland! But I will take back Ala Mhigo with my own hands... no matter the cost!
I think Ilberd’s overall point is that he and the Warrior of Light are the same, in that they are both constantly being used, and that the reason he hasn’t been able to save Ala Mhigo is because he’s always been someone else’s pawn. However, it’s rather difficult to convey that without writing a totally new and original speech, and I’m trying to stick to the Japanese text here. The English sounds fine to me.
LOCALIZATION Ilberd: If you think you fight for justice, lad, you'd best wake up. The truth is, you fight for whoever bloody well tells you to. Can you not see you're being used!? By the Scions, the city-states, even the Crystal Braves. They none of 'em care a whit what you want─only what you can do for them. Ilberd: And how do I know this? Because I'm the same─a pawn to be used as my masters see fit. All I ever wanted was to liberate my homeland, and I ate dirt to make it happen. But what have I achieved after all these years in servitude? Nothing! Not a bloody thing. Ilberd: If we ourselves are not free─free to think and to act─how are we ever to reclaim our homeland? Know this: there is nothing I would not give to take back Ala Mhigo! NOTHING!
アルフィノ : クッ……! 逃がすものか! ユウギリ : アルフィノ殿、深追いは禁物だ。 それより、ラウバーン殿を……。 ラウバーン : 恩に着るぞ……。 アルフィノ : 何をおっしゃいますか。 たとえ地に伏し、泥に濡れようとも、立ち上がればいい。 ……その事を、私も学んだのです。 ラウバーン : 元より、陛下の怨敵を討つまで、屍をさらすつもりはないが…… 貴様にそう言われれば、より一層、奮い立つというものだ。 ALPHINAUD: No! You’ll not escape! YUGIRI: Do not pursue him, Master Alphinaud. We have General Raubahn to consider. RAUBAHN: I owe you all a great debt... ALPHINAUD: No, General. You owe us nothing. And do not despair — though you may have suffered defeat, you, too, shall rise again. ...I learned that but recently. RAUBAHN: Rest assured, I was not planning to die until I’d avenged the sultana. But it is... uplifting to hear you say that.
LOCALIZATION Alphinaud: You'll not get away! Yugiri: No, Master Alphinaud. Now is not the time. Raubahn: I'm but a cripple and a fool, and still you came for me... I'm in your debt. Alphinaud: We are all of us fools of fate, General. But even fools have a part to play. Raubahn: Rest assured, I was not planning to die till I'd avenged the sultana... Still, your words are welcome, lad.
ラウバーン : それにしても、イルベルドめ…… この残った腕を、七獄の魔王に捧げてでも、 奴だけは血祭りにあげてくれる……。 アルフィノ : ラウバーン局長……。 ロロリトは、未だにナナモ陛下の死を公表していません。 この意味がわかりますか? ラウバーン : ……なんだと? 奴ならば、すぐにでも公表し、 王政を廃止しそうなものだが……。 RAUBAHN: Ilberd... even if I must consign it to the seven hells, I swear upon this remaining arm that I will make it rain your blood... ALPHINAUD: But, General... Lord Lolorito has not yet announced the death of the sultana. Do you understand what this means? RAUBAHN: ...What? That can’t be right. Lolorito would have announced her death immediately, and claimed the government for the Monetarists...
アルフィノ : 確証はありませんが、もしや……。 ラウバーン : ……生きておられるというのか? ユウギリ : 積もる話もあろうが、今は脱出が先決…… さあ、参ろう。 ALPHINAUD: I have not yet confirmed my suspicions, but... RAUBAHN: ...You think the sultana yet lives? YUGIRI: We will have time to talk later. For now, let us quit this place. 
ユウギリ : 見てのとおり、救出は成功した。 ……ドウワレ、外の状況を教えてくれ。 ドウワレ : ハッ、警備に立っていたクリスタルブレイブの兵たちは、 我ら3人の手で始末しました……。 ドウワレ : ……ですが、その後となると、 人っ子一人、現れてはおりませぬ。 ユウギリ : ふむ……別の抜け道でも使ったか……。 イルベルドを始め、幹部級の何名かが逃げている。 お主はホウザンらと、修練所内外を捜索せよ。 ドウワレ : ……承知! YUGIRI: As you can see, the rescue was successful. Doware, appraise me of the current situation. DOWARE: Yes, my lady. We three shinobi dealt with the Crystal Braves standing guard without trouble.  DOWARE: However, after that... we saw no one else enter or exit the premises. YUGIRI: Hmm... they must have fled by some other means. Ilberd and several other ranked members of the Braves managed to escape. Take Hozan and search the surrounding area for signs of their passing. DOWARE: Yes, my lady.
謎の使者 : ……「暁の血盟」とドマの方々、 そして、ラウバーン・アルディン局長とお見受けします。 アルフィノ : 何者だ……!? 謎の使者 : どうか武器をお収めください。 私は、さる御方に仕える者……。 我が主は、貴方様方の敵ではございません。 謎の使者 : すでに「暁」のウリエンジェ殿と連絡もとっております。 ラウバーン局長の身の安全のためにも、 まずは「砂の家」へ……。 謎の使者 : 決して罠ではございません故、ご安心を……。 ラウバーン局長はこちらに…… 人目を避けるため、チョコボキャリッジを用意してございます。 アルフィノ : ……ウリエンジェに連絡を取ってみたが、 どうやら信じて良さそうだ。 アルフィノ : ラウバーン局長の移送は彼らに任せ、 我々も「砂の家」に向かうとしよう。 MESSENGER: Scions of the Seventh Dawn, people of Doma, and General Raubahn Aldynn. I come with a message. ALPHINAUD: Who are you? MESSENGER: I beg you, lower your weapons. I am but a humble servant, and my mistress is not your enemy. MESSENGER: I have already spoken with Lord Urianger, of the Scions. For the sake of General Aldynn’s safety, let us reconvene at the Waking Sands. MESSENGER: Be at ease — this is not a trap. General Aldynn — if you will come with me, you may have use of this carriage, that you may travel safe from prying eyes. ALPHINAUD: ...I contacted Urianger. I believe we may trust this messenger’s mistress. ALPHINAUD: Let us leave Raubahn in their capable hands, and head for the Waking Sands.
LOCALIZATION Messenger: General Aldynn, I presume, and the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. Alphinaud: Who are you!? Identify yourself! Messenger: Pray do not be alarmed. My mistress is a friend, and I come bearing a message of goodwill. Messenger: For your own safety, she bade me direct your steps to the Waking Sands. Know that Master Urianger awaits you there, along with others sympathetic to your cause. Messenger: This is no ruse, I assure you. General Aldynn─if you will come with me, I have prepared a carriage, that you may travel in comfort, safe from prying eyes. Alphinaud: I have spoken with Urianger via linkpearl. He confirms the man's story. Alphinaud: Raubahn is in safe hands. Let us make our own way to Vesper Bay.
ウリエンジェ : この再会をどれほど心待ち、神々に願ったことか……。 ピピン : 義父上……! ラウバーン : おぉ、ピピンか! それに、パパシャン殿もよくぞ……。 ピピン : しかし、義父上…… 陛下を……ナナモ様を守りきれず……うぅ……。 URIANGER: Praise be to the Twelve for uniting us at last... PIPIN: Father! RAUBAHN: Pipin! And even Master Papashan... PIPIN: Oh, Father, forgive me... I could not protect the sultana...
LOCALIZATION Urianger: My dearest friends! Praise be unto the Twelve for delivering you from the clutches of treachery. Pipin: Father! Raubahn: Pipin, my son... And Master Papashan besides... Pipin: Forgive me, Father... I should have been at Her Grace's side...
???? : ……ナナモ陛下は生きておいでですわ。 ラウバーン : 貴様は……。 ???? : 皆さまを、ここにお呼びさせていただいたのは、 このワタクシですの……。 デュララ : お初にお目に掛かる方もいらっしゃいますわね。 ワタクシは、ナル・ザル教団の大司教にして、 砂蠍衆のひとり、デュララですわ。 ラウバーン : ナナモ様が生きておられる……誠であろうな? DEWLALA: ...But the sultana yet lives. RAUBAHN: You... DEWLALA: It was I who called all of you here. DEWLALA: And as I believe I am meeting a handful of you for the first time, I am Dewlala — head of the Order of Nald’thal and member of the Syndicate. RAUBAHN: Is it true? Is Her Grace still alive?
LOCALIZATION Dewlala: Save your tears. The sultana yet lives. Raubahn: You... Dewlala: It was I who arranged this gathering. Dewlala: And judging by your perplexed expressions, it would seem introductions are in order. I am Dewlala, head of the Order of Nald'thal, and member of the Syndicate. Raubahn: What you said about the sultana ─ is it true? Is she alive?
デュララ : そちらの冒険者殿。 貴方は陛下が倒れられたとき、現場にいたそうですが…… 死を確かめた訳ではありませんね? ラウバーン : しかし、イルベルドの奴は、確かに殺したと! デュララ : 落ち着きなさいな、ラウバーン殿。 それこそが、巧妙な罠だったのですよ。 ……テレジ・アデレジを排除するためのね。 DEWLALA: Adventurer. I believe you were present when the sultana collapsed. While you were there, did you confirm her death? RAUBAHN: But — but Ilberd would have surely killed her if he had the chance! DEWLALA: Calm yourself, General Raubahn. The sultana’s poisoning was merely a clever ruse... one engineered to eliminate Teledji Adeledji.
LOCALIZATION Dewlala: Young man ─ I understand you were with the sultana when she drank from the poisoned goblet and collapsed. Would I be correct in assuming that you did not personally verify Her Grace's vital signs? Raubahn: Why ask, when 'tis plain you know the answer! Dewlala: Calm yourself, General, and let me finish. The truth is not as you imagine it. You are all victims of a most ingenious ruse ─ a ruse conceived to eliminate the threat posed by Teledji Adeledji.
デュララ : 陛下の暗殺計画自体は、テレジ・アデレジの独断なのでしょう。 ですが、それを察知したロロリト殿は、計画を利用した……。 デュララ : 貴方を激高させ、テレジ・アデレジを処断するよう仕向けると、 その罪を問うて陛下から遠ざける。 つまり、己の手を汚さずに、政敵をふたり同時に排したのです。 ラウバーン : ロロリトめ……。 ……では、それでは……ナナモ様は……。 デュララ : 少々手法に問題はあれど、ロロリト殿は、 政商は政治によって栄えることを、一番理解している方です。 ……おそらくは、侍女を買収し、毒をすり替えた。 DEWLALA: The plan to assassinate the sultana was likely Teledji’s to begin with. But Lolorito caught wind of the plot, and took advantage of it. DEWLALA: He provoked you into killing Teledji for him, and then used your sins as a means of keeping you from the sultana. Essentially, he eliminated both of his political rivals without staining his hands. RAUBAHN: Lolorito, that rat... but then, the sultana... DEWLALA: Lolorito is a simple merchant who prospers from the rise and fall of politics. It is easy enough to guess at his methods. Like as not killing her would have presented too many problems, so he bought her lady-in-waiting and switched the poisons.
LOCALIZATION Dewlala: 'Tis my belief that Teledji plotted the sultana's assassination alone, but that Lolorito caught wind of his plot, and exploited it to his own ends. Dewlala: He sought to manipulate you into eliminating Teledji for him, and you duly obliged. At one fell swoop, he removed his two foremost rivals, all the while remaining above suspicion. Raubahn: Gods strike me down for a fool... But the sultana ─ how can it be that she lives? Dewlala: She lives because Lolorito willed it. Her own lady-in-waiting is but one of his many little birds; by her sleight of hand, the poison was switched for a less deadly draft before it could reach her mistress's lips.
ウリエンジェ : なるほど、致死毒から昏睡毒に……。 デューンフォーク族特有の、 ある種の毒への抗体を利用したのですね……。 デュララ : ナナモ陛下は、いずこかに幽閉されておられるのでしょう。 ……もっとも、未だ昏睡状態ではありましょうが。 ラウバーン : おおお、ナナモ様……。 ラウバーン : ……だからと言って、ロロリトを許すことはできんぞ。 URIANGER: Ah, from a lethal poison to a sedative... and Dunesfolk Lalafell are naturally resistant to certain poisons... DEWLALA: Her Grace is most likely being held in confinement... and probably still asleep. RAUBAHN: Oh, Nanamo... RAUBAHN: ...But even so, I cannot forgive Lolorito for his hand in this.
LOCALIZATION Urianger: Some manner of sedative, perchance...of a potency sufficient to induce a slumber like unto death. Dewlala: Were I to guess, I would say Her Grace is being held somewhere, dreaming dreams of a brighter Ul'dah, even as we speak. Raubahn: Oh, Nanamo... Raubahn: I will never forgive Lolorito for his part in this.
デュララ : ロロリト殿に、まったく罪がないとは言いませんが、 陛下の命を救ったのは、紛れもない事実……。 デュララ : 彼は権力志向の強い男ではありますが、 王政の転覆など狙ってはおりません。 デュララ : ワタクシは、王党派でも共和派でもない中立の立場。 だからこそ、東方からいらした方に情報を流し、 貴方が救出されるのを待っていた……。 デュララ : この混乱を収束させるのが先決、そういうことですわ。 ウルダハの宝は民……。 よもや、陛下のお言葉を忘れたわけではございませんでしょ? デュララ : ロロリト殿には、テレジ・アデレジが遺した権益でも、 くれてやれば良いのです。 デュララ : ラウバーン殿は、ナナモ陛下をお救いし、 再び砂蠍衆として、支えて差し上げる……。 それが、民のため、陛下のためなのですから。 DEWLALA: I do not mean to suggest that Lolorito is in any way innocent, but he did undeniably spare Her Grace. DEWLALA: He desires power, to be sure, but he has no intention to overthrow the crown. DEWLALA: I was always careful to remain neutral between the Royalists and Monetarists. Nevertheless, I offered information to your Far Eastern friends because I wanted to see you rescued from your imprisonment. DEWLALA: Restoring stability should now be our first priority. You have not forgotten Her Grace’s words, have you? “Ul’dah’s most valuable treasure is her people...” DEWLALA: As for what Teledji Adeledji left behind, I think it best to let Lolorito take it. DEWLALA: Do save Her Majesty, Flame General. As a member of the Syndicate, you have my support. For the sake of the people, and for the sake of the sultana...
LOCALIZATION Dewlala: Though Lolorito's hands are far from clean, they did pluck Her Grace from the jaws of death. That must count for something. Dewlala: And though one may call the man's methods into question, it cannot be denied that he knows the value of stability ─ to the very gil, like as not. He craves power, 'tis true, but he has no desire to depose the sultana. Dewlala: I had never taken sides in your feud with the Monetarists, but it was not for want of concern for our nation's welfare. Indeed, 'twas out of the desire to see order restored that I furnished your Far Eastern friends with information, and arranged this gathering. Dewlala: I hope you are ready to work, General, for there is much work to be done. Our first priority must be to bring matters back into balance. Lest you forget Her Grace's words, the true wealth of Ul'dah lies in the health, happiness, and hopes of her people. Dewlala: As for the more worldly kind of wealth, I am content to let Lolorito help himself to whatever Teledji Adeledji left behind. Dewlala: You, meanwhile, must do that which you alone can do: rescue Her Grace and take your place at her side once more. For her sake...and that of our nation.
ユウギリ : ひとまず、ラウバーン殿の救出には成功した。 ウルダハの混乱を収束に向かわせる、 第一歩になるだろう。 YUGIRI: For now, we have succeeded in Raubahn’s rescue. Our next step shall be to see stability restored to Ul’dah.
LOCALIZATION Yugiri: My fellow Domans and I are glad to have been of service in the Flame General's rescue. If there is aught else we can do, know that we are ever at your disposal.
パパシャン : よくぞ、ラウバーン殿を救い出してくださった。 心より感謝しますぞ……。 しかし、局長のあの姿……なんと痛ましい……。 PAPASHAN: Thank you, truly, for rescuing General Raubahn. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. But the way he looks now... it is a tragedy...
LOCALIZATION Papashan: Thank you for rescuing General Raubahn. From the bottom of my heart. To behold him now, gaunt and unkempt... It pains me to think of all the hardship he has endured.
デュララ : ウルダハの混乱を収束に向かわせる…… そのためには、王党派も共和派もありませんわ。 DEWLALA: For the sake of restoring stability to Ul’dah... No more can there be Monetarists or Royalists.
LOCALIZATION Dewlala: If we are to see stability restored to Ul'dah, we must needs set aside our differences. No more can there be Monetarists or Royalists.
ピピン : 義父上の闘志は、まだ燃え尽きてはいない。 それでこそ孤児だったころから、私が憧れ続けてきた、 コロセウムの英雄「アラミゴの猛牛」だ。 PIPIN: I assure you, my father’s spirit has not finished blazing. I admired him even when I was an orphan child, and he was the hero of the Coliseum, the Bull of Ala Mhigo...
LOCALIZATION Pipin: Father's spirit burns as fiercely as it ever has. I was proud of him when he ruled the bloodsands as the Bull of Ala Mhigo, and I am proud of him now.
ラウバーン : 失ったものは、元には戻らない……。 だが、まだ失っていないものがあるのなら、 この命に代えてでも……。 RAUBAHN: What we have lost will not return to us... but for what we have not yet lost, I would give even my life...
LOCALIZATION Raubahn: It avails us naught to dwell upon that which we have lost. Nay, we must focus on protecting that which we yet have.
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