#since s8 was abt him trying to figure who he was. so he starts with clara. and then uses that to find himself
yesokayiknow · 7 months
hey do you ever think about how the start of a good man? (~40s in) sounds a little like clara's melody. almost like he has literally built his whole self around her. isn't that neat and by neat i mean i can't think about it too hard or else i will scream 👍
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single-malt-scotch · 2 years
accepting i like blogging a typing a lot so, perhaps ill loosely 'live blog' my thoughts on various mcyt things im trying to watch. im basically just jumping on a lot of random guys i have never seen before bc i dont really know what i like at this point lol
hermitcraft s9 & s8 - after watching the Life series i thought ya know, ill watch the new HC to see whats up. etho wasnt playing s9 yet so i watched bdubs s9 and kinda liked it (tho i find myself to be less into his style of commentating now). i decided to try watching Grian s9 as well since i didnt mind what i saw of him either. his buildings are cool and s9 being new, its made me realize they hadnt really had a chance to do all the... rping stuff ive seen implied about season 8 (but again idk how much is exaggerated by fandom there so).
but having caught up on s9 i wanted to watch, i decided to go backwards. im kinda jumping around perspectives aaand it made me realize. while i really dont care about the rping they apparently often fall into during the newer seasons... i loooove the beginning. like, the start of s9 throwing everyone in blind, starting from scratch, scrambling to figure out what to do. thats fun. idk, i just loved the energy of the start of s9! and s8 too. and i think thats also where i love the proxy mod, i like the proxy when its there but not like... always constant, and having it for the first episode/beginning is a nice reminder of everyone's energy and vibes. like youre meeting everyone for the first time again. and i think the reset of a server and needing to start over is the most pure form of fun all of them have with each other.
so while i may keep up w s9 for a bit i feel i may fall off it unless etho continues and is consistent... and i may just slowly work my way backwards until i hit a season that isnt as full of rp as these more recent ones. s8 is also one i bet ill fall out of too tbh but i will keep jumping around episodes too.
hermitcraft s6 - since i didnt mind grian all too much, i wanted to see what he was like when he first joined. also because, etho and bdubs have been around SO much longer, i felt intimidated trying to start from their beginnings... and with s6 being grian's first, i felt maybe itd be less abt the rp stuff because hes newer and all. im about 20 eps in and i like it. theres a little bit of that 'i dont know everyone super well' awkwardness to some extent lol but i find him amusing at times. i wouldnt say grian is a fave of mine, but surprisingly i dont mind him even if he has more energy than who i typically prefer lol. idk how much i will keep up with his series though but its been good seeing what hes like.
Additionally with his interactions with others- i have certainly enjoyed scar and impulse but i dont think i have the energy to watch them fully. in any other case i thought id find scar 'annoying' with his um. well, constant dying and lack of awareness. but hes got such a good personality, and is legitimately funny alongside it and others. seeing him in small doses with grian is nice and i like him quite a bit tbh!
other things - while i watched the Life series i enjoyed some others' povs a bit. i like scott and joel, and wanted to see if i would enjoy their other stuff. i do like scott, but i have yet to watch a series of his i was super into... admittedly the first thing i jumped into with both of them was After Life, and while i think the mods are neat, i just couldnt stay hooked. i already kinda said why in the tags of my last post so i wont really repeat. i know they have a few other series but Empires didnt intrigue me either so! idk. may just have to be the Life series for these two.
i want to give some others a try, so if anyone Old School out there kinda leans on 'less rp more casual fun' and has some people theyd reccomend watching... lemme know!
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