#since there are certain unpleasant people who are also into old myths and legends
scarefox · 1 year
Me getting lowkey paranoid and start to check every of my fav people / bands if they are allies or at least not anti. But so far I stan the right people 😌
It’s a 2 year old post but still nice to see such open support. They were even active in the comment section.
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bonerp · 4 years
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coupled with the species lore, we have some abilities lore as well! some are standard to the hp-verse, while there are some new additions that we wanted to toss in to make things interesting. let us know if you have any questions!
Becoming an Animagi is a very complicated process, as it gives us the opportunity to take on an animal figure. According to the law of the Ministry of Magic, all animagus must register in the List of Animagus, and anyone who fails to comply with this statement and is found to be exercising this ability will be imprisoned in Azkaban with immediate effect. Hogwarts students learn about the Animagus for the first time in their third year as part of the Transformation curriculum, but the practice of the ability can only be started from the fifth year forward due to the difficult nature of the process.
The process of becoming an Animagus is not easy at all. For example, one step is to keep a mandrake leaf in your mouth for a month. Unfortunately, we are unable to choose what kind of animal we will become at the end of the process but we do know that it will be closely related to our personality. If we master the Patronus spell sooner than we become an Animagus, we could deduce it from that, since these two are oftentime the same (though not always). Animagi may seem like a perfect disguise to us, yet, it may happen that we will carry some of our hallmarks in our animal form as well. It is important to note that the animagus animal cannot be a magical creature such as a dragon or thestral!
In North America, animagus are sometimes known as "Skinwalkers." Indigenous animagus are very closely related to the legend of skinwalkers. The myth is about evil witches and wizards who could turn into animals and acquired this ability by sacrificing a family member. These, of course, were just rumors they used to terrify those without magic.
The exact process is extremely difficult and can lead to disaster (e.g., a semi-animal, semi-human mutation) if done incorrectly. First of all, anyone who wants to be an animagus must keep a mandrake leaf in their mouth for about a month (from a full moon to a full moon). If this leaf is removed somehow, the process must start all over again. At the next clear full moon (if the moon is not clearly visible, it should be postponed), one must spit the leaf into a vial at the clear rays of the moon. They will also need to put their own hair, a silver teaspoon of dew (from a place that has not been affected by sunlight or human feet for seven days) - and a cocoon of a death-head butterfly. The mixture should be placed in a quiet, dark place and should not be touched or disturbed in any way.
The next step is to just wait for an electrical storm. During this waiting period, at every sunrise and sunset, the spell of the Amato Animo Animato Animagus must be chanted while placing the tip of one's wand over their heart. Finally, when the storm arrives, the user needs to secure a big, safe place, say the spell one last time, and drink the potion.
Apparition is a magical method of transportation and is essentially the magical action of travelling by having the user focus on a desired location in their mind, then disappear from their current location and instantly reappear. In short, it is a form of teleportation. It is by far the fastest way to get to one's destination, but is tricky to pull off correctly and disastrous if botched.
Apparition is a very popular method of travel in the wizarding world, though brooms, Floo Powder or portkeys may be preferred as the feeling of Apparition can be unpleasant to some. According to Wilkie Twycross, a prior Ministry of Magic official and Apparition Instructor, one has but to recall The Three D's: Destination, Determination and Deliberation. Users must be completely determined to reach one's destination, and move without haste, but with deliberation.
Apparition can cause an audible noise ranging from a small faint pop to a loud crack that may sound to Muggles like a car backfiring. House-elves may also Apparate but without some of the restrictions that wizards have. When they apparate, the sound is mostly a loud crack.
A variant of Apparition used to transport two or more individuals at once is called Side-Along Apparition. This method may be used by adults seeking to transport underage wizards or in some cases a licensed individual may use this method to transport an injured party. To perform this version of Apparition, the more able party Apparates with the other party holding onto their arm. This method is recommended by the Ministry of Magic for parents with underage children to escape from danger quickly. House-elves can also do Side-Along Apparition. Side-Along Apparition can also be forced against the other person's will, though this does require great concentration of the perpetrator.
A Licence to Apparate is required to practise Apparition legally. Users must be at least seventeen years old to obtain such a licence. While it is physically possible to Apparate without a licence it is not advisable, because injury could result. Splinching can occur when one has insufficient determination to reach one's goal, causing certain body parts to fail to arrive at the destination with the wizard. Apparition may have a certain range and becomes increasingly difficult with the distance to be travelled. Inter-continental Apparition should only be attempted by the most highly skilled of wizards.
Muggles often refer to the ability of legilimency as ”mind-reading”. The mind is a complex and multifaceted thing and those who develop this ability to perfection can say that they will also be able to read thoughts in some sense. The person who practices this art is known as a Legilimens in the wizarding world, and its counterpart is Occlumency. There are also beings in nature who are capable of a similar process, but it is precisely because of their racial differences that these methods differ from those of man. A good example of this is one of the symbols of Ilvermorny’s four houses, the Wampus, which is thought to apply its ability through its eyes.
It is not known which witch or wizard 'invented' Legilimency or exactly when. There are witches and wizards who can easily master the ability - born talents, although in several cases it later turns out that someone passed on their knowledge to them - and there are those who can take a lot of time, even years, to develop it. The most talented can use it without a wand or nonverbally. In all other cases the spell of Legilimens is needed.
If the target is not trained in Occlumency, the caster is able to see into their thoughts, emotions, memories. There are highly educated individuals who can influence those as well - from a simple emotional shock to a false vision. This trait is usually attributed to dark magic practitioners.Hogwarts does not teach Legilimency or Occlumency, as the use violates people’s privacy; it is also legally restricted and regulated.
An experienced Occlumens is able to completely close their mind to the legilimens. Occlumency can completely prevent the Legilimens from accessing and influencing thoughts, emotions, and memories. The most basic form of Occlumency is when the caster completely empties their mind. More advanced Occlumens have the ability to suppress feelings within them, hide their memories, completely contradict, and show only what they want to the Legilimens to see. They are able to create a false layer that the Legilimens may believe is real while they are hiding in a deeper point in their minds. This requires a great deal of effort as well as mental and emotional discipline.
The Metamorphmagus trait is a rare ability that endows the possessor with voluntary body modification. This quality can only be acquired through birth (inheritance). The difference between Animagi and Metamorphmagi is that while a Metamorphmagus can take many forms, change their gender, age, or even just part of their appearance (such as the color of their hair), an Animagi can only change into a single animal shape. The characteristic details on which the existence of Metamorphmagus abilities can appear early on for the owner, even as a newborn.
Due to the rarity of witches and wizard with Metamorphmagi skills, there is no training available on which they can develop their skill; they learn largely from their own mistakes and attempts. They don’t need a wand to transform and are able to eventually get to the point where they can focus on their specific transformations. Often, however, a Metamorphmagus is influenced by their emotions, which is reflected in their appearance. Severe traumas and persistent emotional states such as grief and shock can prevent or even limit entirely the use of the ability.
Nonverbal spells are those typically performed with a wand but without needing to say the incantation out loud. The advantage is that those who progress to using magic without shouting incantations gain an element of surprise in their spell-casting, but it’s a feat that requires enormous concentration and mind power with the spell-caster having to summon the spell in their mind, rather than out loud. Some simpler spells are easier to perform nonverbally than others. Most spells, however, seemed to be less effective than normal when the incantation was not said.
Different wand woods and cores might also affect the performance of casting non-verbal magic. Many wands made from Dogwood are rather noisy and refuse to perform nonverbal magic, whereas wands of Pine are some of the most sensitive to nonverbal magic. Willow wands possess a well-founded reputation for enabling advanced, non-verbal magic, but of all woods, Alder is known as being the best suited for non-verbal magic.
Omnilingualism is a lesser-known trait and special ability. The origin of which is unclear, but those who have the ability are extremely receptive to language learning which extends to the languages of magical beings and their seemingly unlearnable dialects. One of the main theories is that it appears in bloodlines where there was a magic creature among the ancestors, but there is no clear evidence for this.
Although those with the ability also go through the process of language learning, unlike others, it almost “sticks” on them. They immediately understand the logic and patterns in the language as well as excel in pronunciation. If they recognize their talent in time, they may become a great interpreter and translator and in the most extreme cases, be able to learn more than a hundred languages.
Throughout history, a small amount of witches and wizards with have been thought to possess this quality and showcased certain talents in speaking to other species (such as merfolk), but none of them have been about to access languages that are unique abilities in their own right — for example, not a single Omnilingual could replicate the innate senses Parseltongues are born with.
It is a truly rare, genetically based ability that was indeed recorded before Salazar Slytherin, though most modern day Parselmouths are direct descendants of the Hogwarts founder in some fashion. Possessors of the ability may be able to do more than simply communicating with snakes depending on systematic, supervised practice. Such practices and the ability itself should be treated with the utmost discretion, possibly cultivated in secret because of the general negative judgments on the ability. Snakes symbolize danger in many cultures, and accordingly, in the world of witches and wizards, the ability can cause fear towards the user.
The speech of snakes is not like the foreign languages spoken by humans and is in no way similar to the languages of magical beings. Those can be mastered with more or less practice by anyone, but the Parseltongue cannot be learned. There have been cases where a few words work with repetitio and if a snake were nearby they could understand, but full mastery is impossible for those without the ability. However, with the immediate proximity of a snake, or the idea of face-to-face, even the weaker members of the ability are able to communicate easily and instinctively with the slithering animals.
Of course, whoever is more receptive to a close-to-nature lifestyle and likes the world of reptiles will find it easier to master the basics of Parseltongue. Communication with each other is not a problem for such people either. A very small proportion of parselmouths are not only able to talk to snakes but can easily influence and manipulate them. While typically viewed as a dark ability, the Ministry has struggled to regulate it and strive to learn about the ability through research. As one might imagine, finding volunteers for this research is not an easy task.
Psychometry is a branch of magic which allows the caster to detect the magical and emotional residue present in objects and, if the practitioner is skilled enough, people. This allows the user to gain knowledge and insight into the past, present and future of the object or persons they come into contact with.
An ability more commonly possessed by ghosts, as a bloodhound can sniff trail withs amazing accuracy, spirits can access any objects that have been associated with us and playback any scenes that are trapped in the article. One could use the thoughts attached to an object to find the spirits who left their vibrations since each spirit has a unique vibrator identification.
A perceptive trait that is typically innate (although in some rare circumstances can be learned), it starts off with small objects like rings or necklaces. It can then expand to cars, to trees, then to whole places. One does not need physical contact after a while; simply directing your attention to the thing, person, or area is sufficient if someone has truly honed their skill.
Thoughts can pop into your head that aren't yours: visions, memories, feelings, places, sensations. It's a useful form of spiritual perception and a basic practice for beginners before they interact with spirits or other non-physical entities, because it builds on the skills of perception gained from practicing psychometry.
An important note about psychometry is that it works differently for different people. With enough practice, two people can feel the same sensations off a particular object, but at first they'll often see different things. One person might see places where the thing was used or worn, another might get the emotions or memories that the object absorbed, yet another might get a particular force that the object itself is associated with.
True seers are very rare in our world, there are many misconceptions about their abilities in the wizarding world - which a talented seer would probably know in advance. Seeing the future, even if it occurs in different ways and at different stages of life, has intensity changes that can be very debilitating for the user.
There are seers who predict and write prophecies that are stored in the Ministry of Magic; their identities are unknown to keep them safe. Still, there are many wizards and witches who try to make a living from their supposed or real abilities in schemes that are similar to a con-artist. The Daily Prophet reports each week more and more cases of someone being swindled by a supposed Seer.
Divination, or the art of psychic arts, is taught at Hogwarts and almost miraculously avoids being removed from the curriculum every year. Visions are often just assumptions, because to the best of our knowledge, the mind interprets what it sees based on its own conclusions — however, in history, many have been able to make accurate revelations, so the only thing that is certain about seers is that they are diverse and interpret everything diverse.
There are those among them who experience the future only through their dreams rather by intuition, while others look almost constantly at their third/inner eye: some go insane, while some profit off of their knowledge in everyday life.
Wandless magic is the performance of magic without the use of a wand. Such magic is often difficult to perform and can have unexpected results if not done properly. Usually witches and wizards accustomed to using wands can only reliably perform wandless magic if they possess extreme skill (and this requires years of practice). However, within regions of the wizarding world that historically did not use wands, wandless magic is considered the norm and using a wand is optional. What's true, however, is that the wand not only provides a focus, it's actually a magical artifact itself, aiding in the casting.
Wands are predominantly a European invention that helped wizards channel their magic, focus it, and make it easier to control. Other wizarding communities do not necessarily use wands. Native American and African wizards residing on rural areas of their respective countries are particularly good at wandless magic. The African school of Uagadou teaches actively its students wandless magic.
Wandless magic can undermine the International Statute of Secrecy however. When wizards exclusively use wands, it is much easier to detect and wandless magic has been a long debated subject within the walls of the Ministry. Elves and goblins are able to perform magic without wands. Goblins sometimes refer to wizards and witches as "wand bearers" and humans' failure to share wand knowledge with goblins is a source of ill-feeling between the two species.
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pocketseizure · 7 years
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Hyrule Encyclopedia, Page 40
(translation under the cut)
The Tribes of Hyrule
There are many tribes in Hyrule, not just the Hylians. Besides humans like the Hylians, there are also various nonhuman tribes. Some tribes have close relationships with each other, but other tribes are spoken of only in legends, while very little is known about certain tribes. In addition, some tribes exist in entirely different worlds. We will examine their characteristics, culture, connections, and history.
[Caption under Hylia]
It is said that the nonhuman tribes once fought demons alongside the goddess Hylia, but that era has faded into myth, and the tribes themselves do not remember it.
The Shadows of Hyrule: The Sheikah
This tribe has served the goddess Hylia since the creation of Hyrule, and they have continuously been employed in the service of those with the blood of the goddess, the royal family of Hyrule. It is their sacred obligation to guide people in each successive era by passing down the legends of Hyrule and its royal family. The Sheikah are not physically distinct from the Hylians, but they excel at dexterity and agility. They use magic and are skilled at fighting with martial arts. They have heightened their technological prowess through various studies, thereby developing tools unique to the Sheikah tribe.
The existence of the Sheikah is not divulged to anyone except members of the royal family, and thus they have maneuvered secretly as the "shadow of the royal family." In times of conflict, they carry out assassinations and deliver secret information on the orders of the king, bearing the burden of the kingdom's darkness while eliminating its enemies. When the fighting ends and the kingdom is at peace, however, they no longer serve in this capacity. The history of darkness is wiped away, and Sheikah once again retreat to the shadows.
[Captions under Sheikah Items]
Crest of the Sheikah Lens of Truth Mask of Truth Sheikah Stone Wooden Statue
The crest of the Sheikah can be seen on various items. It represents an eye open wide to see the truth. As the shadows of the royal family, the Sheikah cannot choose the means to carry out their duty... The eye sheds a single tear, as if it perceives the pain of this tribal law.
Those Who Pass on the Legends of the Royal Family from the Shadows
In many eras, there is a woman named Impa. The Impa in Ocarina of Time was born and raised in Kakariko, the Sheikah tribe's hidden village, and served as Princess Zelda's nursemaid. When Ganondorf attacked Hyrule Castle Town, Impa took Zelda and fled the city, later guiding the hero as the Sage of Darkness. The King of Hyrule charged the Sheikah with protecting the Triforce and entrusted them with the secrets and mysteries of the royal family.
Because they abide by the dictate that they operate from the shadows, the Sheikah have the absolute trust of the royal family.
[Captions under Screenshots]
(1) The Temple of Darkness in the graveyard of Kakariko Village. As a place where the Sheikah, under the orders of the King of Hyrule, tortured and assassinated dissidents and the enemies of the royal family, it is a symbol of the dark and blood-drenched history of Hyrule. It is forbidden to speak of this temple, which is an unpleasant memory for the royal family.
(2) The Forgotten Village in Twilight Princess. Once a hidden village built by the Sheikah, it is now a ghost town. Impaz, the last woman with Sheikah blood, has inherited the role of guiding the servants sent by the royal family with legends of the sky people.
(3) Impa, an elderly woman who was employed as the nursemaid of Princess Zelda. In The Legend of Zelda and The Adventure of Link, she finds the young man who becomes the hero and imparts knowledge of the Triforce, guiding the hero with the legends of the past.
(4)(5) Impa, a servant of the goddess who was sent through time in Skyward Sword. Even as an old woman she continues to guard the Sealed Grounds.
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meet-girl-777 · 6 years
How and where to find your soul mate?
How to find a soul mate? This question is becoming more and more relevant every year, and it is asked by both women and men of different ages. Special difficulties with the choice of a couple are increasingly experiencing residents of large cities, as well as people with higher education. In the cycle of events, in constant employment, we notice that time goes on, and find a soul mate for some reason does not work. And a person, even with a good job and great friends, remains joyless - because without personal happiness to be fully satisfied with life is impossible. Why is it difficult to find a soul mate and how to cope with the task of choosing the right partner? This and much more will be discussed in this article.
how to find your soul mate
• Who is she and what does the other half look like?
• Is it true that there is a unique and inimitable second half of each person? And to be happy it is necessary to find it?
• Where to find your soul mate? How to meet a good person?
• Why can't you create a long-term relationship? What if all the search for his soul mate end in failure and disappointment?
Approaching any problem, it is necessary to immediately understand the causes of its occurrence, to outline the range of possible solutions and take action that is necessary. And since the problem of choosing and finding the second half is very important and almost the most important for any adult, then it should be approached with special attention. So, let's try to understand all the nuances, so to speak, the two halves exactly and definitely able to find each other.
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The myth of the other half: looking for something that is not in nature?
In order to find something, you first need to determine what we are looking for. And, as a rule, very often at this stage we have a wrong idea of who we are looking for. And how can you find something that is not in nature?
So, usually the phrase "my significant other" means a certain individual of the opposite sex, which is ideal for creating a pair. At the same time, often a person, "planning" a soul mate, sets her criteria, which she must meet. By the way, often, very similar. Girls, when they describe their soul mate, fantasize about him being rich, beautiful, cheerful, caring, gentle, joyful, strong, without bad habits. Men, looking for their soul mate, want the chosen one to be liberated in bed, cook deliciously, be sensual, always beautiful, so as not to whine and not swear because of beer or football, so as not to be a spender and not look at him like a purse with ears. That is, we put to its potential "second half" requirements, a certain bar. And if you look at it carefully, it becomes obvious to any outside observer that this bar does not take any living person, it is too high. And what result can be achieved if you look for something that is not in nature? Correctly: no.
Draw yourself the image of the second half - a thankless task. Ideal people do not exist in nature and every person, even the real second half, which is ideal in all respects, will always have its drawbacks.
Therefore, we must learn to see not the external characteristics of the type of "fun" or "rich", and the internal desires and preferences of a potential partner in life, to understand it from the inside. 
The second pitfall in the question of how and where to find your soul mate, is the myth that they say somewhere in the world there is a special person, "the second half of the Apple", nature and God intended for you personally and no one else - only he and no one else (!) perfect for you, because it is your significant other. So we're looking for him. This is a beautiful legend, but how it confuses us: looking at another person, we constantly doubt the soul: "Oh my God, and suddenly it's not the same, not my soul mate? What happens if we get married, have kids, get on a mortgage together, and then I find my real soul mate?"And during this occupation we often forget that with such doubts we kill any possibility of love.
I want to find my soul mate
In fact, there are no unique second halves, which were originally created for each other, and then separated. Around each of us there are many potential partners with whom we can through love, mutual respect and understanding, to lay down a unique relationship and get used to each other as two halves.
Two halves are formed from two separate people by mutual efforts and desires. And only in this case, and creates the perfect pair, seeing that we have a feeling that they are "two halves of the Apple."
It is necessary to create a couple on the basis of physical attraction, because in this way nature tells us which person is most suitable for creating a pair.
Read more about it in the article "Natural marriages against rational marriages. Scientific method of building relationships".
Where to find a soul mate: wait - do not wait or search and find?
So, when you are looking for your soul mate, you need to abandon any stereotypes and go at the behest of the heart, or rather - by attraction. Let's say we did it, but the question arises: where to find your soul mate? Here's exactly where to look for her, a soul mate, if the world is so alienated and remote from us? At work all married or have guy/girl, among neighbors, too, there is no challengers. Is it really worth it to lower your hands and not hope to find your soul mate, especially if you are already over 30?
Some lonely people even give in to sad thoughts about this: "how good it would be to revive old customs, such as matchmaking, when single people were introduced to each other by their parents or even chose a couple" - we sigh slowly. "That's why in the past there was no such total loneliness as today," some of us say. In fact, this is a total misconception - before there were other realities, a different number of people and other tasks. Therefore, they were solved this way, today everything is different and the solution to the problem, where to find your soul mate is also different.
For those who look back with nostalgia, let's take a look at history and see how it really was. Yes, to find a soul mate was possible to almost everyone, and singles were except that quite outcasts or unsociable. But were they really the real two halves, as we understand today?
where to find a soul mate
Man has always, in all past times, been limited to a certain circle of people. This was due to the place of residence and the laws of ethics that existed at a certain time. When a girl or a guy grew up, they were surrounded by not very many potential candidates for the second half. We will not take the 300-year-old past, when the serfs married only among their at the behest of the sir and no talk about it. Even 20-50 years ago there were not so many people around a young girl or a single man who could be paid attention to to create a family. Former classmates and Institute comrades, neighbors in the high-rise building, friends from the yard, colleagues at work, well, you can still get acquainted at the dance, too, with a limited set of applicants.
Of those who came by age and did not have a pair, at the best scenario was 70 people, and this is the maximum. And if you look closely, it turned out that half of them just did not like, a third was unpleasant, even against someone categorically opposed by parents. And there were only 5-7 candidates. At the same time, three or four of them did not like us. In the end it was only one, by the way, not my favorite, but rather one that was agreed. If you're lucky, formed a good relationship. And if not? If a couple got drunk or lazy, a traitor or a sadist? Had to endure and pull the strap of married life - nothing else.
Today everything is different: we are looking for a soul mate in the first place for happiness, joy, community, pleasant sex, support to become good parents and ask the child a great future. Therefore, other tools are already needed, and not the old-fashioned Dating. And today they already are! How and where search is incredibly expanded. Literally every one of us has the opportunity to go to places where there are a lot of lonely people: exhibitions, cafes, sports grounds, in special clubs Dating interests - around us there is anything for every taste and every desire.
To meet a man, Tamara does not go to a restaurant, theater or Museum, she just comes to the supermarket and chooses one of those who choose dumplings for a long time.
No one will judge a woman if she herself starts a conversation with a guy at the bus stop. No one will mind if a new acquaintance starts in a shop or a bowling club - we have incredibly expanded the scope of our capabilities and removed the boundaries between people.
The greatest potential for us is revealed on the Internet: it is here that we get such a huge choice that no one has ever had.
On the Internet, everyone can search and find a soul mate, and 16-year-old girls and 70-year-old grandmothers. Moreover, on first acquaintance, you can spend 10-15 minutes to lay down an impression about the person, not Dating a month or two, then to detect the opposite of the views and desires. We can choose a partner in another country pr.my1.ru, we can find a soul mate somewhere in Vladivostok or Toronto. The Internet is an incredible breakthrough of mankind in pair relations.
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