#kinda like hippies just in medieval
scarefox · 1 year
Me getting lowkey paranoid and start to check every of my fav people / bands if they are allies or at least not anti. But so far I stan the right people 😌
It’s a 2 year old post but still nice to see such open support. They were even active in the comment section.
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brightbertalt · 1 year
Hi, I don’t usually read or requests these things, but I liked your hobie/punk!reader so would you be up for that same kinda thing but with hippie!reader, perhaps who is also another spider-person?
thank uuu! as someone who is not very familiar with hippie culture n stuff, I try my best!!!!!!
warnings - arguing/playfighting
hobie brown x hippie!reader
of course you two met at the spider society hq
you both were in a sort of mutual friend group with miles, pav and gwen
and OF COURSE you two argued the first day you met
“i jus’ don’t see the whole point in wearin’ that. dontcha wanna look intimidatin’ when you’re protesting and fightin’ against the man?”
“well i just don’t see the point in wearing spikes whenever I’m outside like I’m some sorta medieval castle.”
“well I don’t see the point in tryna look like a pussy alla’ time.”
this first initial argument eventually evolved into more playful banter
“hey you spiky douchebag!”
“hey you colorful bitch!”
you guys r friends <333
one thing you both could always agree on is going against the government
one day, you both were discussing politics and whatnot
“yeah, I just don’t get why we always need to be getting into war after war after war, it doesn’t make any sense! we could be using so much of that money to-“
“you look cute when you’re all rowled up.”
“hobie, what?”
“im saying you look cute, dickhead.”
completely dead silent
“what were you talkin, bout?”
“hobie what the fuck did you just say-“
“c’mon, we already fight like a couple.”
“yeah, but why’d you call me cute?”
“cuz i fuckin’ like you.”
“okay me too, but seriously we could TOTALLY be spending that money-“
it didn’t hit you later that you both confessed your feelings to each other
it didn’t hit you in fact until pav came up to you later
“hey y/n, how’s your relationship going?”
“my relationship?”
“yeah, you and hobie.”
“oh my fucking god.”
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Hello, how do you think the relationship between Naerys and Baelor was? Many people that their relationship was good because they were both fanatics of the faith of the seven, but Naerys, although what she wanted most was to be a septa, there is no evidence that she was a crazy religious fundamentalist like Baelor who, apart from imprisoning her sisters because they did not unable to control his penis, he eliminated the master of whispers and the master of law based solely on his own interpretations of the faith, weakening his kingdom. I think Naerys could realize that Baelor's behavior of forcing Daena, Rhaena and Elaena to live in confinement, unable to date, get married and have children, because he simply didn't want to fuck them but he also didn't want to let the girls find someone with whom wanting to have sex was not dissimilar to her husband refusing to stop raping her.
To be honest, I think I share the same sentiment as the latter group of people: I don’t think Naerys was all too fond of Baelor like, at all lol. After all, Baelor might’ve definitely meant well and did, well… A couple of good things during his reign? He was still an absolute idiot who caused more than a bit of harm and probably a religious fanatic who reads as a man that uses his faith as a shield to justify/excuse his own shortcomings as a person.
Honestly though, I don’t think Naerys hated him from day one- if anything I think she definitely liked Baelor when he was just her little cousin who was just as fascinated with the faith as she was (side note- I do imagine them and Rhaena having a little Seven Pointed Star bible study sometimes lol). But, people just kinda change, and I think when Baelor changed from being just really interested in their faith to becoming the worst kind of fanatic, Naerys’ dislike just kept increasing with every shit decision he made.
I’m not sure how Baelor feels about her though. Aside from sending Aegon to Braavos for a good bit (a decision that we aren’t even sure is his to begin with), he doesn’t seem to do much regarding keeping Naerys safe from her godawful brother-husband. That just leads me to believe he applauded and idealized her as some type of martyr, and didn’t lift a finger to help because… Why would he? Her righteous suffering means she’s closer to the gods! /s
I’m sorry if this kinda became a Baelor hate post, that wasn’t at all my intention! To put it simply, I think if Naerys had to choose between the two Baelors who existed in her lifetime, she would for sure pick her respectful little grandson over her medieval hippie cousin lol.
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lost-dreamers-system · 5 months
Oh god help me, I'm practically writing a thesis on Our style...
The general idea of the style:
A depiction of the tension between the two halves of a soul, darkness and whimsy, horror and fairytales, 1960s psychedelia and 1980s goth to y2k's imitation of 1960s psychedelia. A retrospective and a flashback to a generation where everything feels like it was overshadowed by nostalgia for a previous decade ... Between the changeling child and the bloodthirsty vampire...
It's not refined at all. But the idea is to find the place where urban fantasy, fairytales, horror and whatever genre you wanna call BTVS, can blend together and where the various different stylistic loves of this collective of people can meet and synergize.
Fuck that feels like a total pretentious ad read, I sound like a douche. Anyway...
It's just trying to get everyone's shit to gel together.
Planning to do it by creating a set of style words and what those style words mean, then assign those keywords to specific alters - and then come up with key clothing items and say which alter they fit...
Those would be
Fun(ky): Hawaiian print shirts, kitchsy prints, 1960s psychedelia and 1970s Technicolor disco rainbow and 80s jewel toned paisely patchwork suede. Basically, shirts that are fun (kitsch) or funky (psychedelia, paisley, early 90s aesthetic patterns (Memphis something).
Dramatique: Excessive, 80s glamrock, 19th century romantic dandy, 18th century aristocratic hedonist, medieval court jester or fairytale prince (Jareth from Labyrinth is a perfect example of "dramatique")
Gothic: this includes the morbid and macabre as well as the ~romantic Victorian vampire goth~ style brocades has overlap with dramatique but is much darker and tends towards more violence. In essence, Francis Ford Coppola's Bram Stokers Dracula and 90s vampires covered in blood and dripping in bondage gear (Blade's aesthetic).
Academia: look, we're on Tumblr. We know what this means. Things Giles would wear on Buffy but also with a hint of 80s prep drenched in black rit dye.
Flower Child: How Roz's memories think hippie should look. Harem pants and crochet and all of that. Hard to tell if this is his brain's interpretation of 1960s aesthetic or his brief exposure to early 00s hippies through the libertarian party in Colorado... But it's not quite the same as fun(ky). Crunchier and earthier and a little more adjacent to a softer, earthier sort of modern fae perception.
Whimsigoth: Where Dramatique and Flower Child intersect with Gothic... There's some good examples of this in Buffy.
Y2K Nostalgia: mall goth and the stuff Roz liked as a six year old.
Pansy: oh boy Roz why this word okay anyway, this is just "does it tell the world I am a dirty rotten queer and a degenerate bondage pervert?" Thing kind of comes out.
Femme/Queen: OVERTLY "femme" stuff. This is all vibes that we can't 100% explain . (Could honestly call this category "Morgan" and "Florian")
I think that's a pretty approximation of the words we're working with....
Next part: who is what category...
Fun(ky): Laurent, Louis, Daffodil
Dramatique: Louis, Adam, Daffodil, Florian, Morgan
Gothic: Adam, Louis, Laurent, Daffodil
Academia: Adam, Laurent
Flower Child: Morgan, Daffodil
Whimsigoth: Morgan, Daffodil, Louis
Y2K Nostalgia: Florian, Morgan
Pansy: Florian, Daffodil, Louis
Femme/Queen: Morgan and Florian
Some key fashion items:
- fun(ky) or dramatique button downs
-gothic, dramatique, pansy and flower Child dress shirts
- turtlenecks
- fun(ky), academic and flower Child sweaters and cardigans
-fun blazers
-pointed or clunky heeled boots
-interesting pants
-slutty mesh
- too many vests with so many patterns
We've gotten....kinda sidetracked and lost sight of what we were doing. Posting this so we can check it later.
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ratsoh-writes · 4 years
Halloween costume hcs!
Sans: he goes as a cereal killer. His costume consists of his usual clothes plus a ski mask and a box of fruity pebbles that he speared with a kitchen knife
Papyrus: he’s going as captain America. Undyne wanted to be captain America first, but papyrus is more of a dorito shape then she is so she got demoted to winter soldier.
Star: he’s gonna be a ninja! He has a grand time shortcutting behind people and spooking them. Gotta stay in character
Honey: he goes as a medieval monk. He already has the costume leftover from coaplaying one of his favorite dramas
Red: he’s a classic bedsheet ghost. The bedsheet belongs to edge. Edge is gonna kill him
Edge: he’s going as a race car driver! He already has the car, might as well get the outfit to match!
Mal: he’ll be an Egyptian pharaoh. He made the bling himself, plus he gets to be decked out in gold
Cash: hotdog costume. He got it at a thrift store . Mal refuses to associate with him
Oak: he’s going as a formal apology. He whips out some nice dress shoes, pants, and his tuxedo tshirt. Then he tapes a paper to his chest with sorry scribbled on in red sharpie
Willow: he’s gonna go as a chef! It’s a bit of a cop out but willow isn’t a big fan of Halloween anyways
Lord: he’ll be a classic vampire. He knows he looks good and already has fangs anyways
Mutt: he’ll be a pimp. He kinda already has the clothes anyways lol
Wine: he’s going as phantom from phantom of the opera. He loves the mysterious feel of the character
Coffee: he’ll be a hippie! He just likes tye dye. The colors are fun
Charm: he’s going as a nun. He thinks the irony is hilarious. Of course he hits on any other nuns he sees on Halloween
Sugar: he’s gonna be a knight in armor. He even has a real sword.
Pop: he’s not a big fan of Halloween, but he is a big fan of embarrassing rythm. Pop goes as a hobo
Rythm: he’ll go as a surfer dude. He doesn’t mind carrying around the surfboard and it’s not like he’ll get cold. Skeleton monsters don’t really feel the cold like humans do
Pluto: he goes as a safari explorer. It gives him an excuse to include some of his favorite rocks in the costume
Jupiter: he’s going as us military soldier. He thinks he looks super cool decked out in all the camouflage
Snipe: he goes as a sociopath. Nothing changes, and when someone asks about his costume, he says “I’m a sociopath, they look just like everyone else”
Bruiser: he’ll be Robin Hood! He has a great time visiting all his friends dressed up as that
Peaches: he’s going as a Dairy Queen. He wears a cow patterned tshirt, a tiara, and carries around a jug of milk and a fancy wine glass to drink it with. The milk is spiked
Rancher: he’s going as Sherlock Holmes! The outfit is complete with a bubble pipe.
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ricedoesart · 4 years
Does joey live in a medieval realm or is it like more of an Onward type of deal and he is a hiker/hippie?
joey exists in a fantasy world, i guess ‘medieval’ or even ‘renaissance’. he lives by himself in dense forest. he fishes and gathers for supplies; hes not much of a hunter. he likes to consider himself kinda like a preserver of the forested area he lives in. kinda in a way to repay the land he lives on. joey’s friends with alot of the forest animals and helps them out most days. he’s very antisocial, he doesnt really like any other creatures, especially humans or other centaurs. he doesnt like talking, for many reasons, and since he doesnt hang around creatures that have a shared tongue he just remains mute.
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survey by pandaphant
What was your first kiss like, and who was it with? It was with a guy in band my freshman year of college, and it was kinda meh tbh
Do you have to be in love with someone to sleep with them? No
What’s your favorite kind of bear? Polar bear
Would you rather see a movie at a theater or at home on DVD? I gotta say I miss the theater
Have you ever sent a FWD because you were afraid? Idk what that is
Are you still madly in love with that *someone*? Yeah a bit...
Have you ever waited for someone? Yes, didn't work though
You’ve been given access to a time machine. Where and when do you go? The future to see what it's like, and also medieval times
Would you ever date more than one person at a time? Not seriously, only at the beginning when I'm just dating around to see who I like
Would you rather have pancakes or waffles? Waffles
Do you hate any of your friend’s S.O.s? Yes, one of my friends has a wife that is just an irresponsible bully
What do you eat on your waffles? Butter and syrup, sometimes fruit
Have you ever had a major crush on someone that never found out? Probably, but I think most of the major ones found out
What is one thing that has changed your life, either good or bad? The pandemic
What is a juggalo? A male escort?
Do you like to cuddle? Yes!
Have you ever drank alcohol? Yes
Which is your favorite punctation mark? !
What is one trait you could not put up with in another person? Loud chewing, sorry but it just pisses me off so much
If you could have any super power, what would it be? Shapeshifting
Have you ever worn leg warmers? No
What’s your favorite way to wear your hair? Down or ponytail
If someone made a movie about your life, what would you want it to be named? No idea. Maybe something about my love life
What makes you really mad? My parents treating me like a teenager
What do you like to do for fun? Make stuff, shop, and hang out with my friends
What eye color do you prefer in a significant other? Blue or green
American Eagle, Hollister, or Abercrombie? I don’t shop at any of those stores
What’s your favorite ice cream topping? Depends on the flavor
Have you ever rebounded…or been someone’s rebound? Kinda have rebounded, but only with like a hookup. One of my friends tried to rebound with me but I wasn't really into it
Why is your best friend your best friend? We just get each other and get along
If there was one thing you could do differently, what would it be? Buy the moonstone necklace, go to the toga party, think about careers when I was picking a major, be more social in college (although I don't know how to do that)
Do you have commitment issues? Not with relationships but I do with careers
What do you do when the lights go out in a thunderstorm? Get excited
If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today? Be sad and blow it all just trying to figure out what to do
Where do you live? Colorado
Are you scared of spiders? YES
What’s your favorite band? Taylor Swift (even though she's more of an artist than a band)
If you had to do one which would it be, skydiving or bungee jumping? Skydiving I guess
Do you answer your phone when it’s your mother? When I feel like talking for an hour
Do you own anything with peace signs on it? Yes
Do you every buy anything at Bath & Body Works? Yes
Do you like candles? Sure
What’d all you wear this week? My usual comfy clothes
Do you know any hippies? My dad kinda was one
Do you refuse to use public bathrooms? No, my bladder is too small
Do you know anyone that had Swine Flu? I might have had it?
How’d you get your last booboo? Scratched my knee on my bike pedal
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quetzalcoatly-blog · 6 years
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Here are some notes for the Subversion AU event:
Family (since uh i got excited)
She was born and raised in Archimedes, Her family is a wild story uh...
Her birth father was an underground uh street fighter/bare-fist boxer... who ended up being killed due to a traumatic brain injury in the ring during a pretty brutal match when Quetzalcoatl was a small child
When she was a teenager, her mother went to school to be a gynecologist and she now practices as a doctor on the island! she’s very sweet and always has advice... wanted or not
Her step father is a really awesome man who works at a canning factory where they make canned corn. His pozole and is her ultimate comfort food.... she loves her step father a ton<3
She has four brothers!
Tezcatlipoca “Tez”
Installs air conditioning units and industrial fans. wears faux jaguar jackets like an icon JERK. quetz no likey texcatlipoca mucho... used to kick down all her lego creations. likes to play pranks a lot, fun if he wasn’t so mean to quetz. is super fast and runs a lot! 
Huizilopochtli “Zilo”
Restores old blades. Everyone thinks he’s got his life together... but really he just plays fortnite and his username is GodOwARR88. talks about how he’s tough but really he’s just got a strong sense of justice and drinks too much energy drinks. oof he’s confrontational and kinda vain, but also hella beautiful so its sort of okay.
Xipe Totec “Tote”
Owns a company that promotes and installs rooftop gardens and hydroponics. kind of a free-spirit hippie who goes to medieval festivals and acts like a old blacksmith. big believer in natural remedies and has a solution for every illness it seems. a real chill dude, m’dude.
When she was a kid, she was really into folk dance and would dance in competitions! she’s still pretty darn good and still will perform for people when she’s drunk
Actual important stuff:
Quetzalcoatl is now a 32 year old human!
She works as a child and family social worker, who works to ensure that struggling families have access to government assistance and focuses her work on helping non-human citizens
Total gym rat. everyone knows her at the gym, she doesnt skip a session and is known to encourage others to push themselves to perform their peak.
Is a personal weight trainer who focuses on practical lifting rather than show
tends to hurt her gains by going to bars often oops
No romantic partner but says she wants one even tho she’s terrified of commitment. she’s bold and will flirt into the void. but chickens out a lot just goes home and eats three chicken breasts while binge watches espn
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murfeelee · 6 years
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SimGuruGrant Asks: Pick a "Wacky" Expansion Theme! (TS4)
SimGuruGrant has just published a new poll on Twitter, giving players a chance to select a favorite “wacky” theme for a future expansion pack. If given the choice, which would you pick? If you’re on Twitter, be sure to vote on his poll!
I don’t have Twitter, or TS4, but if I had to pick I’d choose to Travel Back in Time. Where’s that Medieval expansion at, y’all!? >_<
No, but seriously, that’s the only one that hasn’t been done in the sims yet (TSM/P&N does NOT count; that’s an RPG). Or better yet: do a Dr. Who adventure and let sims go to multiple worlds, a la World Adventures, and travel to ancient Greco-Rome and Norway and Mesopotamia! O_O
Sims aren’t in space yet, per se, but TS3 did have Lunar Lakes and Into the Future. Plus TS4 has whatever’s going on with Sixam. If they expand on it in Sims in Space, and add more types of aliens and technology and such, then awesome. Go full Star Wars/Trek with it and make a high tech sci-fi city like Blade Runner! Less Avatar; more Metropolis!
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Similarly, the End of the World was kinda alluded to in the Dystopian version of Oasis Landing in ITF. True, it needed to be way more post-apocalyptic, gritty, Mad Max-y, and such, but still. I’d love to play in an actual wasteland. Possibly with radioactive zombies or sims with mutant powers from X-Men or the Matrix or something; living in underground bunkers being sheltered from sandstorms, acid rain or nuclear winter (y’all brought up Seasons), or hell, even giant sand worms, alien invasions, or -- I DON’T KNOW; dazzle me.
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What does Hunger Games even mean? First off: will we be allowed to kill sims with bows and arrows and swords and axes and guerilla warfare? O_O If so, YAAAS...but that could go perfectly in a Medieval/Viking EP instead. ;) Second: Isn’t this dystopian/post-apocalyptic, too? At least make it Steampunk Victorian London! :( If they have sims dressed up like the city elite though....
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God no. Kill it. Kill it with fire. It sure is t/wacky, that’s for sure.... >_>
See, this is EA’s problem. I understand that The Sims has always had a strong element of the ridiculous about it. But I find a lot of the time that EA uses wackiness as an excuse to cover up laziness or lack of serious inspiration. Like with ITF’s Utopia version of Oasis Landing, for instance. WTF was that? That’s not a future I want to live in, with frikkin Oompa Loompa lookin hippies high on pollen-nectar or whatever opioids were in those giant flowers.
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It’s a great idea for wonderland/candyland or whatever, but not a sci-fi expansion, that could have had the default Oasis Landing as the utopia, and started us off in Victorian London, to tine travel to the good or bad future of Oasis Landing instead. The giant flowers (and the crystal flower plants) could have been part of a new career/profession, like a Xenobotanist finding the herbal-based cures for diseases that would run rampant in the dirty plague-ridden dystopian future! Walking around like the frikkin Lotus Eaters from the Odyssey is EA’s best idea for a sci-fi utopian future? Omg.
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stillwooozy · 4 years
im tired of people being elitist about covid shit and just ... judgemental. Im talking about you, paul. imagine if he found this blog. he’d be like “oh yea thats my bestie” in a heartbeat tbh. Doesnt know about ‘kin shit but... its really not far off. altho he doesnt give a shit about anime. i should make him watch aot but he would probably hate it. Also idk if even watches tv shows. I rarely do either but i think i can force him. I forced my sister & it took.... since 2013? to be fair, she was 12, & i showed her the first episode were my mom was eaten.... and she like “NOPE TRAUMA” and avoided it until 2 months ago. so yea next time i see paul for a while i’ll get him to watch aot. For the sole reason....... he will see Eren and go “thats you bro” in the worst way possible. i have a shirt - basically cosplay old fashioned ya know the one eren wears but in the current off-white color. And he was kinda joking, but not really, we were at some boho shop in southern FL and he was like “this looks like something you’d wear”. Which I was like 🥺🥺🥺 thank u for the validation uwu and then bought the shirt & made fun of him for pointing it out funny part is i dont wear... medieval shit? like that? i dont rly wear boho hippy shit. i wear the same hoodie i’ve worn since middle school.... honestly shameful. but washers exist & i had an old roommate (damn it feels forever ago i lived in boystown) and she was good at sewing. also i had no money then. i still have none now but i reconciled stuff w/ my family to an extent so my grandparents buy me clothes so to be clear i dont look like a hobo at all. when i choose not too.
I tried to dress nice around paul for a bit to ~seduce~ him but now im like. im wearing my crusty hiking pants that are actually my moms old clothes & a hoodie & that one carhart beanie i bought w/ you in Michigan 3 yrs ago. #fashion.
And now hes fucking bisexual & nonbinary????????????? .... after going to LA for 2 months & meeting a not gay twink 😔 Altho that was after i lost total interest in him as i got to know his personality better
Bro my cousin came out, yea the one named Zeke not a fake name like Paul is cuz Paul has a weird name so... wont share, anyways Zeke is now trans mtf but also he’s fucked on meth atm so like :/ no judgement. Ill see him in the summer & i’ll be there for her but... idk.
I mean im recently “out” on this blog that i’m not “not actually cis” but intersex. but i dealt w/ that shit long ago & hate thinking about & it doesnt impact my life at all so i’m lucky - i know. i just.. im not really cis, i’m not really trans, my parents hate me for it cuz im burden. Sorry i got all their worst traits combined. I want to say one of em is not actually my bio parent but i look so much alike both of them. But also all jewish people look alike. Everyone thinks paul is my brother, we’re not related... at all.
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categorized and generalized all the types of tumblr aesthetics i have come across.
I have been going through archives for the last five years on tumblr now, and i can’t help but notice that a lot of blogs are the same. There seems to be a pattern in the sorts of aesthetics i run up against. So, in my exhaustion, i tried coming up with all the different aesthetics, and i tried to put them into certain categories. Obviously, some of these categories are mixed with others.
-general porn
-lesbian/gay general
-kinky stuff
-daddy dom stuff - tied up boobies
-just unrealistic nudes
-just realistic nudes
-vintage porn, and occasionally porn that is so old that it was drawn by someone in the 1800′s
- hentai and erotic animal people cartoon characters going at it
-person who took about five pictures of themselves naked five years ago who has not come back
-super modelesque kids in their super rich cool kid clothes and fashion in Starbucks taking pictures of their food and their trips to Europe in 1st class
- incredibly expensive looking sunglasses
-rich kid travel blogs with hundreds of thousands of notes of pictures from rich people buildings
-quotes that say 'be happy' or stuff about saying anyone can just travel anywhere at any time, just the general advice you might get from someone who doesn't know how the other half lives
- cats
-the greatest generation stuff, forgotten early hollywood actors/actresses, very old movie gifs, Theda Bara, Clara Bow, Carol Lombard, early Joan Crawford, Gone with the Wind ect..
-50's, 60's and 70's, Nancy Sinatra, Brigitte Bardot, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn – generally a lot of Audrey Hepburn
-Posts old advertisements and old cars, sometimes old toys, a few pinups, vintage comics, kinda weird
- vintage toy blogs - just toys, named and dated
-sometimes retrospace stuff
-sometimes just old comic book stuff
-intersectional feminists who post mostly text and back and forth writings, sometimes they fight 
-radfems and turfs, unpopular minority of angry at the intersectional feminists
- Fat Acceptance movement, chubby bunnies
-other girl's selfies, lots of girl power related drawings of gender symbols and the like, Grimes, being a witch, Courtney Love, sailor moon, and so forth, sometimes bleeds into soft grunge
-topics on transgender, gender fluid and others that have informative 
- asexual community
-black lives matter awareness, police brutality, pointing out flaws in legal system
-lovely stylish selfies
-call outs of racism, lots of dialogue, and the extension of twitter
80's + 90's GIF TUMBLR
-like gifs of scratched up VCR obscure film openings, and repetitious obscure 80's gifs in general, everything is fuzzy and looks like it came from an 80' infomercial, kinda makes you feel scared
-90's gifs of Pee Wee Herman, Catdog, Clarissa Explains it All, Chucky Cheese, Fruit by the Foot, Beavus and Butthead, Bart Simpson, and so on
-just like the rich kidz, only they have white kid dreads and post a lot of vanlife stuff, lots of festivals
-mostly psychedelic gifs, with occasional trippy art, Foster the People is their favorite band
-real hippies, who post pictures of communes and people making tyed dye things, nonsexual nudes with hairy women, Grateful Dead stuff
-Buddhist and Hindu quotes, sometimes lilies
purple and pink skies, water, windows with lace
girls with pale skin and perfect make up, and chokers, bruises, sparkly skin
mermaid texture, mermaid hair colors
Lana Del Rey
kind of like 90's only more melty and pink
quotes about good vibes
Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless mind reference
moon print
dream pop bands from the early 90's
picture of Uma Thurman overdosing in Pulp Fiction
lots and lots of flowers
lots of sensual pictures of pale skin under certain lighting
albino people
albino animals
pictures of sunrises
kind of like the Soft Grunge, but just a little bit more subtle and film tumblry
old roman art
chinese, japanese and korean art from long ago
renaissance and medieval art with religious context
just like medieval art of specifically torture
18th and 19th century portrait paintings
Scenic paintings of hills, Van Gogh, Toulouse-Lautrec, Monet
Dada, Pablo Picasso, Jackson Pollock, Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, Adolph Wolfie
Modern art that is squiggly, slimy, and bizzare, breaks art rules but looks good, David Shrigley
Modern Surrealists
posts really great homemade gifs that nobody knows about infrequently
blogs that only have the artwork of the blog owner – generally post infrequently and not given enough credit ever, except maybe one of there works has a whole bunch of notes
person who keeps painting the same thing over and over again and does it a lot for years at a time, 0 notes usually – who are you??
collage artists that mix 50's scenes with hyperspace backdrops
-Stanley Kubrick, Jean Cocteau, lots of black and white french films
-that movie where the two people are sitting on the ledge of a building and the other one jumps off
Clockwork Orange
-Paris, Texas
David Lynch
Blue Velvet, Twin Peaks (gets stolen by other kinds of blogs frequently)
Wim Wenders,
Rare film art from Poland in the 70's
Jans Svankmajer
Man Ray, Max Ernst,
cool quotes by philosopher, artist, psychologist, or film director
sometimes Wes Anderson
abandoned places, gas stations, archaic cafes, falling apart amusement parks
uses too much dark fade out in the background pictures of fields and stuff, overused filtering – posted a ton three years ago and then left
just photostock
girl who takes pictures of herself in costume
Nature pictures, animal pictures ect..
person who just takes pictures of textures and minimalist buildings – usually colorful
person who's personal Instagram picture just automatically post to tumblr also, probably never checks up, usually pictures of them with friends as a pub
Indigenous pictures from around the world, some of them from books, some from National Geographic, some from other places
Super old pictures from old newspapers, the great depression, WW2 – generally black and white
Really likes Led Zeppelin, The Doors and The Who, sometimes mixed with other vintage, often posts the same pictures and songs for years – you feel bad because no new music will be coming out from these artists
super cheesy Van Halen, Kiss, Styx, Ozzy person, Big Hair, likes 80's pin ups and skulls, sometimes into martial arts
super cheesy death metal fan, lots of pinups, corny black and white pictures of skulls and such
REALLY likes British Invasion, The Zombies, The Kinks, The Hollies, The Animals, will occasionally post Detroit girl groups from the 60's, some Velvet Underground, pictures of the Beatles girlfriends
Just David Bowie, Lou Reed, Patti Smith and Iggy Pop. Maybe some New York Dolls
Old Blues and Jazz, Etta James, Son House, Nina Simone, pictures of Leadbelly and Howlin' Wolf and especially Miles Davis
really into post punk, Nick Cave, Siouxsie, Bauhaus, The Cure, Einsturzende Neubauten, Lydia Lunch, PJ Harvey and Rowland S. Howard, sometimes Morrissey. also generally mixes film and art blog stuff in with occasional feminist things
Just Morrissey, they call him Moz.
Fan clubs for specific bands that are newer and popular like Arctic Monkeys or Fallout Boy, but also ones blogs that really like emo lyrics from early 2000's and such – scene kids that are still scenin' it up
loves Jens Lekman, Belle and Sebastian, The Magnetic Fields and The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, Cigarettes After Sex. Usually posts really cute modern art, and uses tumblr mostly for writing, has the cutest hair cut and can pull off overalls, never posts too little or too much, extremely twee
ancient mesopotamia, greek and Egyptian history and relics
Blogs that are specifically about one place in one era - Ancient Russia, Ireland before it was taken over, precolonial India and so on
Samurai, Geisha, and scrolls
Swords, knights, castles, kings of Europe in general
Specific Wars, examples: 7 Years War, Revolutionary War, WW1 + 2
France from before the revolution – pictures of wigged men, Napoleon, Marie Antoinette
Jane Austen time era anything 18th and 19th century, slight excuse to post lots of Pride and Prejudice gifs with Keira Knightly and that Mr. Darcy in the rain
Outfits – just outfits that are really old
person who is obsessed with the Nazis and seems to like Hitler
Flappers and earlier 20th – often an excuse to post gifs of Downton Abbey
Vintage books, often children books, but sometimes others
really fucked up pictures of the Simpsons melting and stuff
gradient graphic art with symbols or words meant to convey a product that I don't understand for an obscure magazine subscription
graphic squiggles without form, minimalist graphic pictures of beach balls, tennis bats, and sneakers
bizarre smiley faces made from smaller smiley faces
80's inspired design
odd looking models with undercuts and no eyebrows
cartoon dogs and cats
just static and glitches. Nothing more, nothing less
either they make their own graphic designs and they rarely post, or they compile reblogs of everyone else's and they post all the time
insane family pictures of family who all has mullet dressed as bumble bees
Lots of Robert Crumb, some vintage stuff, but nothing remotely main stream
Some of the modern art, but only the weirdest of it
claymation masks
art from early Power Point
100 piece sculptures with melted toys
paintings of monsters
Steve Brule
children's fan art of Smokey the Bear – looks disturbing
Items that are too kitschy to be accepted by your average vintage indie blog
sometimes a specific blog centered around some kind of crazy event where everyone dresses completely insane
the communists and Marxists
a mixture of BLM and LGBTQ stuff
the libertarians, anarchocapitalists, Ayn rand folk
the left wing anarchists, freegans, graffiti punks, garden punks, possums
informative left wing news that explains to us everyday how the GOP is fucking us
alt. right creeps who are simply here to be trolls and upset everyone else – anti SJW, that stupid frog, nationalists, trump supporters and such – irrelevant poorly thought memes
I miss Obama memes
Bernie Sanders forever and always folk
pictures of rainbow candies, toys, designs, clothing and so forth all of it rainbow
people who post one color at a time, so when you go through their archive it's all gradient and neat looking – usually the pictures are a little stock photoish though
Betty Page
The Cramps. Reverend Horton Heat
Psychobilly pin ups, old cars, burning skulls, vintage B horror movies, The Swamp Thing
Legitimately obsessed with the activities of Halloween – posts witches, devils, trick or treat candy, Bella Lugosi, The Monster Mash, Halloween decoration - and doesn't ever forget how many days away Halloween is
Jack the Skeleton
Freddy Krueger
American Horror Story
K Pop and J Pop + Korean Drama
boy bands in general
My Little Ponies
Ghibli Studios
Various anime shows
fat Disney princesses
Super heroes
Big Bang Theory
Mighty Boosh
Monty Python
Phantom of the Opera
Vampire Chronicles
Orange is the New Black
Breaking Bad
Alice in Wonderland
Harry Potter
Star Wars
Steven Universe
Adventure Time
Game of Thrones and Walking Dead
any television show really
Furry cartoons
lots of spacy quick anime chibi versions of characters who are hooking up and wouldn't normally in the show
scenes from movies with subtext that comes from a different movie or show
probably countless others i am not thinking of.
serial killer blogs
unexplained mysteries, ghosts, ufo's
pictures of galaxies with information (not sparkly silly ones with no context)
sewing and yarn
precious stones
just gardening
just cats
religious blogs, either Islam, Christian, Jewish, Hindu or Buddhist
specific animal blogs, snake, spiders, wild cats and such
science blogs about technology and stuff
stock photoish pictures of camp grounds and misty mountains – often taken by the hippies
angelic looking deer, and occasional animal burials with flowers'
person who takes pictures of flowers all the time
granola type fellow who loves juicing and backpacking – doesn't get on tumblr much
slenderman fan art, actually just about anything creepypasta related
you have to turn off the music when you visit their page because it's just too much
fan art of black eyed children
slit wrists
pictures that were turned into Gifs because they shake
screamo lyrics
Alice in wonderland with X's for eyes
gothic models
occasional serial killer
skulls and references to Edgar Allan Poe
just a sea of Gifs and memes relating to anything about life ever – almost shitposting but not quite
eventually one of the gifs got 100,000 notes for it's relatability so they get a lot of traffic
lots of pictures and circumstances from The Office, Parks and Rec, and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Nihilist memes
kind of a little girl dom thing going on
Kawai and lots of Japanese girls
cute colorful make up
plushies and toys
references to fantasy cartoons from the 80's, the last unicorn, or that one with the girls in that band
Polly Pockets, Furbies, trolls
gifs of stars and hearts
Sailor Moon
pink bedroom
baby animals
occasionally more on the vintage kitschy side
ravens, bats, candles
pentacles and other symbols
sometimes there is dreads
occasionally, it is a serious practicing Wicca who posts spells and gives witch advice
lots of personal reflections
Tim and Eric, Steve Brule centered blog that are mostly in the act to make you feel queezy
like, people eating cheerios with ketchup and people wearing shoes with the soles cut out, people putting their feet in spagetti, bad tattoos on foreheads
snails, beetles, bird doing mean things to people
mostly moldy things, moss, strange dolls
things that look like they came from the dark crystal,
delapitating bedrooms that once belonged to a little girl, torn wall paper, old porcelain dolls that are slightly upsetting
occasionally a blog so gross you will be ruined for having seen it – Two Girls one Cup sort of thing
old video game start up pages
Super Mario Bros.
Other video game characters
chibis of video game characters interacting with one another
Final Fantasy references
randomly doesn't post for a year
blog that gives dumb advice that only works if you were already happy anyway
either semi fake or oversimplified 'psyche facts'
blogs from people who suffer from addiction or mental illness and want help and use their blog to vent
blogs ran by people who enjoy crystal meth and don’t give a fuck.
worthy of mentioning, blogs that nobody ever posted a single thing or just one thing, like, really cryptic blogs that nobody could ever understand, blogs that were taken over by some kind of virus and they are trying to sell you male pattern baldness remedies, or they are now call absurdly pornographic things because the virus took over and now they are like blonde cumfuck creampie or something of that nature, and blogs were the person was basically saying they have found a girlfriend/boyfriend now and don’t need tumblr anymore so goodbye
and in my experience ...
anybody can post pictures of jiggly boobs
anybody can post Grace Jones
anybody can post a Bjork song
these seem to be universal truths that defy limitations
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ladyloveandjustice · 7 years
replied to your post:
One thing I will say about DD is that it also shows the seams the most when it comes to Japanifornia and was a major reason I couldn't be happy with it. From Simon's -dono's, to the udon, to the yokai villiage... It was not very cohesive. I think that was a big thing in making SOJ's story tighter is just starting from scratch someplace that is recognizable to both Japan and the US, keeping the same characters, and giving them new opportunities.
Fun fact, Simon apparently doesn’t -dono in the original (he does some really weird thing with their names that would be hard to translate) so they actually added that. wait lemme find it. 
From here.
He calls the lawyers he goes up against “[Kanji from last name]-no-ji” for some reason. It literally just means “Written Symbol X”. After writing this post, a few of helpful users informed me that [Kanji]-no-ji is medieval slang, usually used in Samurai movies when they are speaking informally or teasing somebody, and though it’s actually nonsensical language, it *does* make Blackquill’s speech sound like he escaped from a movie set in the Sengoku era. Honestly, I think the translators were just as confused as I was, hence why they made him act like a stereotypical Samurai instead. In Japanese, he was instead supposed to be a “Ronin”, a wandering warrior who has lost his ideals and master.
yeah, the Japanifornia stuff is espacially unbelievable in DD, though honestly i feel like that ship pretty much sailed on that in the game series as soon as Maya’s village was introduced. We also just had an entire Yakuza family hanging around in AJ too...and a ramen stand...that stuff is more hilarious to me at this point than annoying though and the fact the translators pretty much give up by the time DD has arrived is funny and kinda good in its own way- it at least allows a lot of the Japanese stuff to be actually referenced and explained instead of obfuscated (calling Maya’s outfit a “hippie costume” in AA1 was uncomfortable honestly, i’m glad at least the games are calling it a kimono and acknowledging she’s Japanese now).
I just honestly headcanon the AA localization as being in some bizarre alternate Japan where everyone has English names and ignore it whenever the game references the US. Like I get that the English names are necessary for the puns, and think the localization did a good job tweaking and translating the humor, but I just think of everyone as Japanese regardless cuz I’m not here for whitewashing. So yeah,DD doesn’t feel that jarring to me from that perspective.
I did really like the setting change in SoJ and thought that was really cool. 
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braden-ffxiv · 7 years
i saw a post a while back accusing ppl who weren’t into japanese stuff of being ‘racist’. i know some people definitely probably take it that far, but for some people we’re just not into japanese stuff. personally i wasn’t super-psyched about stormblood for one main reason - ‘fantasy east asia’ has been done to DEATH. every game, world, setting, etc. seems to have ‘fantasy east asia’ expansions or areas now. i’m almost as sick of ‘fantasy east asia’ as i am of ‘fantasy western europe’.
in stormblood’s defense square is a japanese company, so it makes a little more sense. and, their zones feel more varied, as if they incorporate different flavors of east asian countries and cultures (again, not surprising because they’re a japanese company). also huge props for having a whole zone, race and section of the story quest dedicated to ‘fantasy mongolia’, something which was really unique and cool.
honestly i’ve kinda stopped putting a whole lotta effort into fantasy in the last few years of my life in general because it’s so stagnant. so many writers and designers build their games, shows, books, etc. around that ‘western/central european medieval fantasy’ core that it’s exhausting. some settings, time periods and cultures i’d MUCH RATHER see portrayed, because they rarely/never are -
-middle eastern. kind of like east asian, most fantasy settings/shows/etc. will have a token ‘arabian nights’ middle eastern area, but it’s rarely expanded on and often incredibly stereotypical in its portrayal. could use some freshening up. similarly, ‘middle eastern’ is also lumped up with ottoman turkey, pre-islamic persia, etc. they’re all VERY distinct and could each be tackled interestingly but writers never do it -central asia. nobody EVER does central asia. i took a class on this area of the world when i was in college and my professor, who specialized in the region, called it ‘the most forgotten part of the world’. i bet i could count the number of people who know anything about kazakhstan or uzbekistan other than ‘the countries in that borat movie’ on one hand. they’re really diverse, cool places, too. lots of potential. -any part of african that’s not egypt, particularly sub-saharan africa. the indomitable kingdom of ethiopia, the mali empire. cool stuff to take inspiration from. -pre-roman british isles, outside of every game/story having ‘druids’ in it somewhere as nature-obsessed hippies -mesoamerica. i will admit this is a bias of mine, because i find mesoamerican history, culture and mythology absolutely fascinating. there are bits and pieces of this in some settings (warcraft has trolls who are i guess kinda mesoamerican, though playing up the more stereotypical parts like human sacrifice and cannibalism and stuff, and ffxiv ixali have NAMES that are at least evocative of nahuatl). mesoamerica is awesome, with its own unique language, culture, weapons, foods, religions, magic, society.. they even had CLASSES like JAGUAR WARRIORS and EAGLE WARRIORS and shit in the aztec empire. seems ready-built for a cool fantasy interpretation but not many actually try to build a whole world around it. -eastern europe, the balkans, medieval russia. outside of people knowing ‘dracula’ is vaguely eastern european, and ivan the terrible, most folks don’t even think about russia/slavic people before the russian revolution. slavic mythology and history is kind of awesome, with river-sirens drowning men and evil witches in swamps and three-headed dragons and evil gods and shit. -the indian subcontinent. neeeever see this outside of maybe some clothes and things that are vaguely indian. india is incredibly diverse and HUGE, ripe for inspiration. -southeast asia, with temples devoured by the jungle and monsters lurking in the trees. sometimes setting will have a singapore-esque city but i’m thinkin like thailand, vietnam. you never see these places portrayed.
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rainvazquez-blog · 8 years
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hey guys! my name’s lele, i’m 18, and my timezone is gmt -3. this is my first rp, so i’m still getting the hang of things, but i’m super excited to rp w you all !! here’s a little bit about rain:
so rain was born into a ‘hippie’ kinda family, her mom being like a tree pacifist and her dad working in environmental activism. when she was around 6, though, her parents used to fight all the time bc her dad started getting good promotions and job offers and turning into a pretty formal businessman kinda guy.
rain was 9 when her mom went off with one of her boyfriends to tour around the country for a medieval fair, and was raised by her dad since then.
when she was 11, she started getting a kick out of annoying her dad, who wanted her to become a big shot lawyer or something. so she started singing and writing songs, as well as fooling around w a lot of noisy instruments, like guitar and the drums, but found out her true passion was bass. 
when she turned 15, rain decided to audition to be in castle channel just to get her dad mad. she passed, and since her dad considered her a lost cause, he just sent her to do her own thing, claiming he didn’t want somebody with no academic future inside his household. at this point, her mom called on christmas, and occasionally on rain’s birthday. 
she’s really into the classics, whether it’s movies, songs, or books, but she appreciates some good recommendations of current works every once in a while.
she’s a very nice and warm person, but if you mess w her, she will literally bite your head off. 
she’s very spontaneous. she’ll decide to do random things out of the blue and drag her friends along with her. although this is really fun, she can be reckless sometimes because of it. 
because of the emotional detachment from her parents, rain has deep rejection issues and won’t let somebody in unless she knows they won’t just drop her for anything. for her to get really close to somebody, she has to trust them completely. when she does, though, she can be one of the truest, most loyal friend to have. because of all this, rain also has a slight problem w commitment because she’s scared people will get bored of her after a while. 
and that’s it, guys! message me if you want to plot, or like this and i’ll come to you!!
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