#since theyre People living Human Lives and not. puppets. artificially created characters
How does Barnaby meet Howdy in your modern human au? :0
oh, the entire "neighborhood" became friends in either middle or high school (except Eddie oopsies). Howdy ran a little 'underground market' (aka he sold stuff out of his locker or at his house, the goods varied) and Barnaby would often buy school supplies or, every so often, a cheat sheet from him. once or twice weed as well. but yeah they were also classmates a few times.
Howdy found Barnaby hilarious, Barnaby found Howdy to be excellent company, boom friends for life. Howdy didn't have many actual friends - just acquaintances and regulars, so Barnaby was his first real pal, and the "neighborhood" his first friend group! and only, technically
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sheosmithism · 5 months
serial experiments Iain first impression+ review[?]
mild spoilers warning
show has: suicide, drugs-like substance mention, shooting, very light and brief sexual themes, not light and brief stalking[?] during masturbation, blood and possible misophonia triggers
[this isnt a professional overview of the thing at all, i watchd it oncr and just wanna have some record of my thoughts on it el o el]
i loved lain. it was certainly a very odd and reminiscent experience, bare bones plot and very unclear direction of the episodes was something i didnt expect at ALL from something i was holding off for a long while. simplest way to say this is that sel is an exploration and very active pov of experiencing stuff like did, schizophrenia, autism, social anxiety, hallucinations, short/long-term amnesia, suicide, derealization and dissociation as a whole, mixed with oversight of nihilistic, omnicidal technological influx on society.
i dont think lain tries to represent something clearly. its natural and off-putting in blood, giving an unusual perspective of a person who is actually going through all the shit forementioned. it doesnt have an outer opinion or commentary, nor self-awareness enough to lay it out flat for the viewer, which is sick ! it might be borderline uncomfortable to watch sometimes, but i really resonate with what lain and people surrounding her say and do, how they act and go forward from point a to point b. i understand and relate to their experiences, and its not very often that it feels so first hand, not just through dialogue and noise but the whole picture. its not easy to analyze lain because its themes are blurry and undefined, but highlighted and somewhat brought into focus.
i mentally compared sel to yume 2kki/nikki in my head since the first episode cuz i prefer interpreting overhead noise and buzzing on the streets as sensory regularity for lain, who isnt exacrly human i think ?? she is said to be software near the end of the show, but i dont know how i perosnally feel about it. lain can be both a metaphor and a very direct showcase of mechanical abomination, which is — lain.
everything, all art in lain is weird as fuck. it is what makes me think of 2kki and what drives close to home, but still staying so weird and unwanted. non-metaphorically at the end of sel, she erased herself from all memory, yet she still keeps popping back in, as a vague figure and hologram in text boxes, and at the very finish, she seems to just ,, appear in a timeline as herself, with time has passed but her just the same. curiously, arisu recognizes lain still, and it really seems like lain is not real, with how she cant be forgotten.
really loved the ending itself because it reminded me strongly of ddlc, plus the evil lain is there i guess. i actually have barely to no thoughts on that character[?] because i have no idea what theyre supposed to represent. literal malicious lain like a virus who fucks shit up in the wired?? alter ???? artificial puppet that god created to fuck lain up ? bug ???? maybe all at once and maybe none. i stick to my headcanon of lain having did and schizophrenia [and more] so it just makes a bit more sense if they were a split of lain consciousness, but i dont have a specific reasoning as to why they would be so mean-spirited
the omnipresent ruler of wired and all he is in the show. i think his character was meant to be a manic god complex engineer who wrote himself into his work of wired to live forever and be a god. i guess ? show doesnt explain it any better ok
he created lain, told her shes software and essentially broke her just because she asked for that stupid fucking navi which is dumb lain has cardboard standees of parents and much fleshed out but still neglectful sister who has some backstory which is always nice. she lives in a weird world with very odd activities and excessive wires and a cute girl arisu. i think lain is lesbian so they two should totally kiiitthhh
gorefest overview: 0/10. there is no viscera or excessive blood in lain, and i mean . like at all. there is some sweet body horror in two or three final episodes, but thats as close as it comes
blood meter: 0.5/10. faint blood splatters and drops. in sel i think it focuses more on death itself than flesh, which i can sliiightly tip my hat to
will be updated l8r cuz i got sore throat and a fever rn(⁠个⁠_⁠个⁠) live love lain
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