#since we got that voting thing going on rn for sequel events
akkivee · 1 year
things samatoki has done in arb to juto that i think is charming:
makes coffee for him enough for juto to get a craving for it
on a rare day where juto was allowed to leave work early and had the following day off, samatoki schmoozed his way into a night out drinking with him and going shopping the next day
also sweet talked juto into buying samatoki’s fav style of fashion
juto barely got out a greeting to doppo (and hifumi lol) before samatoki pulled juto away lol
samatoki repeatedly telling juto, on said man’s birthday, if he’s grateful for the gifts he can return the favour with his body :)
got out of jail this one time and wanted to celebrate by drinking with juto
upon juto running away from him after expressing desire of the above point, samatoki hunted juto down, broke into his home, and dragged him out on that night out he wanted lol
on a different occasion where samatoki got out of jail, juto was in osaka and therefore unavailable to celebrate with samatoki and samatoki indignantly responded to this by saying, ‘wtf could be in out there in osaka when i’m here?????’
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