huariqueje · 1 year
O Que Será
Chico Buarque → O Que Será
that they are longing for in the alcoves
that they are whispering in verses and ballads
that they are dealing in the dark of the burrows
that is in the heads, run on the mouths
that they are lightning candles in the alleys
that they are speaking aloud in the bars
that they scream in the markets,
that for sureis in the nature, may it be
what have not sure, and never will havewhat have no repair and will never have
what have no size
what may it be
that lives in the minds of those lovers
that the most delirant poets singthat the drunk prophets swear
that is in the romarias of the mutilated*romarias it's like a
religious cerimony*
that is in the unhappy'spersons fantasy
that is in the prostitute's everyday
in the outlaws, in the helpless
in all the ways, what may it be
what have no honesty, and will never have
what have no judgement and will never have
what makes no sense
what may it be
that all the warnings will not avoid
because all the smiles will challenge
because all the bells will sound
because all the anthems will devote
and all the little boys will run away
and all the faiths will meet
and the same Eternal Father, that has never been there
looking at that hell, will bless
what have no government and will never have
what have no shame and will never have
what have no healty mind
what it is that happens to me
that rottens me inside
that comes from underneath my skin
and ascend my face
and makes me blush
and jump into my eyes betraying me
and push my chest and makes me confess
what there is no way of hide anymore
and what is not right for someone to refuse
and what makes me a begger, makes me beg
what have no size, and will never have
what have no heal, and never will have
what have no recipe and never will have
what may it be
that happens inside of us and it shouldn't
that disobey us, that is a default
that is like an aguardente that not satiate us *aguardente is
a drink
that is like to be sick in a party
that not even 10 god laws will conciliate
not all the potions will reliefnot all the spells, all the alchemy
that not even all the saints, may it be
what have no rest and will never have
what don't get tired and will never be
what have no limit
what it is that happens to me
that burns me inside, may that happen to me
that disturbs my sleep,may it happen to me
that all the shivers come agitate
that all the burnings come stir up
that all the sweats comes wet me
that all my nervous feelings are praying
what all my organs are claimingand a terrible fear makes me implore
what have no shame and will never have
what have no government and will never have
what have not healthy mind
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blackicedknight · 3 years
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