#singular is Kintson
tiredbluejay · 5 years
Tell me about the 20 pronouns of Kitsone?
*Kintsone, accidentally hit ask instead of backspace somehow bc I blanked out
This is gonna be long and semi-complicated. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
So to understand the pronouns, you need at least a brief overview of the class system. This society is supposed to be screwed up, for the record.
m’Kintson (the native species) are the highest class, holding all offices in the government and representing the smallest portion of the population
Augments (cyborgs, by a certain definition of cyborg) make up the second highest class, and while they are technically Kintson, they aren’t legally
Servants (purpose-made biomechanical androids unique within their own series) make up the second largest portion of the population and the second lowest class*
Slaves (purpose-made biomechanical androids identical to all others of their series) make up the largest portion of the population and the lowest class*
*Servant and Slave Classes have their own sub-classes based on the purpose they were built for (i.e. a personal attendant is higher than a navigator but both are still Servant Class) but that’s not really important right now.
It’ll probably help to explain the idea of “ranked vowels” too. The traditional order for vowels in Kintsone is I, E, A, O, U, Y. Dropping a vowel refers not to omitting it but to changing it to the vowel below it (or in the case of pronouns, two below it).
The pronouns are as follows:
ril/rilr — I/me
relu/relur — we/our
sil/silr — they/them [singular] (or he/him // she/her)
selu/selur— they/them [plural]
val/valr — it/its [singular]
volu/volur — it/its [plural]
jil/jilr — you/your [singular]
jelu/jelur — you/your [plural]
This set is for m’Kintson and m’Kintson only, with the exception of val/valr and volu/volur. All other classes use and are referred to by variations on these pronouns, which are made by dropping the vowels.
For Augments:
ral/ralr — I/me
rolu/rolur — we/our
sal/salr — they/them [singular] (or he/him // she/her)
solu/solur— they/them [plural]
val/valr — it/its [singular]
volu/volur — it/its [plural]
jal/jalr — you/your [singular]
jolu/jolur — you/your [plural]
For Servants and Slaves:*
rul/rulr — I/me
rylu/rylur — we/our
sul/sulr — they/them [singular] (or he/him // she/her)
sylu/sylur— they/them [plural]
val/valr — it/its [singular]
volu/volur — it/its [plural]
jul/julr — you/your [singular]
jylu/jylur — you/your [plural]
*while servants and slaves are legally separate classes and indeed a servant can own slaves, most Kintson consider them functionally the same and lump them together when it comes to things like pronouns.
These pronoun distinctions often lead species with separate genders indicated by pronouns to believe that m’Kintson have three genders, when the truth is that m’Kintson are just bigoted fucks who don’t want to share pronouns with the lower classes. (Guess what pronouns they use for alien species. No, really, guess.)
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