#siren from hell vn
cptsadist · 2 years
I just had the urge to draw this, Wraith would make Rire's life hell if they ever crossed paths
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Rire belongs to @darqx ! Wraith belongs to me
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charged-wanderlust · 3 years
Lovestruck asks! 🎂If you could design you own MCs personality, what would they be like? 🍑If you could design you own LIs personality, what would they be like? and 🎸What’s you favourite trope for a romance? :D
🎂If you could design you own MCs personality, what would they be like?
GLAD YOU ASKED! im not sure if everyone who follows me is already aware, but i'm currently working on a project called No Honour Among Thieves, @nohonourvn here on tumblr and on twitter. part of my wanting to even create such a game as NHAT was the fact that i struggled so hard to see myself in most vn mcs - ones that were visibly pictured could never do it, since im genderfluid and poc with alt fashion, so asking for an mc that looked like me was a reach so far i had to stretch first, and ones that didn't show an mc visually would usually be extremely plain - since if they dont show the mc they usually do it so everyone can project onto the mc, and they try to give them no personality either for the same reason.
personally, though, i find a personality-less mc extremely boring and would rather an mc i cant project onto visually than one with the personality of a wet sock. so, with my mc for NHAT, i decided to leave them faceless so people can design them any way they want, but im working on giving them a pretty distinct personality so they fit into the world i've created better.
nhat mc, or as i like to call them, The Villain, is confident, witty, takes no shit from no one unless they have something to gain from it, a bit materialistic, a bit of a glory whore, definitely a bit of an overthinker/overanalyser, kind of a flirt sometimes, competitive, perceptive, just a liiiittle bit of a tsundere, and very, very good at acting. (i mean, they're a professional con artist, they kind of have to be.)
the good thing about the villain is that because the entire plotline is based around a con, keeping secrets, n having your own agenda, even if you can't really relate to the mc much, you can always write it off as it being part of the act, the persona the mc wears for the job and for self preservation. obviously that only goes so far, but i think it gives a bit more freedom to players on what they want their villain to be like in actuality.
🍑If you could design you own LIs personality, what would they be like?
i already have B) i basically took all my favourite things about all my favourite LI's and split them into two characters: Xanthe Wilde and Mercury Jackson. Navin and Siren, the two major side characters who may or may not become love interests depending on the success of the eventual kickstarter relaunch, came later - long after i'd developed xancury and basically came into fruition while i started writing. they were originally just random names picked (navin was from a random name generator and siren was the first name that came to my head at the time) to be the contractor/xanthe's bitter ex, and the informant. hell, originally there wasn't even an informant at first, siren was just a name navin drops so the mc can recognise him as a power player, but i went back to it to flesh her out later. navin's character just kind of created itself when i started writing the prologue.
xanthe was the first one i created - when i went "what do i want my visual novel to be about?" the first thing i came up with was "i want to do a twist on seducing the hot mafia boss." the first twist was making them nonbinary, that was a must for me, then i decided to make them the type of flirty, shameless and highkey kinda evil character i enjoy knocking down a peg. naturally, i had to layer him with enough trust issues to fill an ocean, for the sake of the ✨slow burn✨ that i love so much, and make him slutty enough so it can feel like a whirlwind at the same time. they're so fun.
mercury came up when i was trying to figure out what this mafia boss story was going to be like. ive always been a slut for enemies to lovers, and figured that even if xanthe and the villain were TECHNICALLY enemies, bc the villain has to act like they like xanthe for most of the story, it wouldnt come with the same tension as straight-up hating each other. hence, the idea of a ferocious bodyguard came in - along with all the other traits i like in LI's that i didn't put into xanthe, like being brash, aggressive, blunt and rowdy. just a tad bit apeshit.
i could describe them more, or you can read about them on the kickstarter page or even just play the demo yourself.
🎸What’s you favourite trope for a romance?
*violently bangs pots and pans together* ENEMIES TO LOVERS!!! maybe its the sexual tension. maybe its knowing that someones seen you at your utter worst and still decides to love you anyway is both romantic and something i desperately crave bc of the trauma and deeply ridden insecurity. maybe its maybelline. but god theres so many flavours of enemies/rivals to lovers and theyre all my favourite.
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eljackinton · 4 years
Jack's End of Year Video Game Round-up.
There were many things I couldn't do this year, being in lockdown and all, which in turn meant I played a hell of a lot more video games than I normally do. Here's a quick rundown of what I thought of them.
Hitman 2
IO have sort of perfected the Hitman formula now, so future entries in the series simply have to ask the question of what new directions you can take that formula. In that regard Hitman 2 is a resounding success, setting sneaking and assassination in scenarios around the world from race tracks to holiday resorts, and thus making it the best entry yet. It's possible one day the Hitman conceit will wear thin, but today is not that day.
Most people will go into Thronebreaker just wanting a stand-alone version of the Gwent we played during Witcher 3. Thronebreaker is not that. Indeed, even beyond the changes to the mechanics brought in by the online version, Thronebreaker is more of a puzzle game which uses the mechanics of Gwent to concoct unique scenarios. Still, the story is pretty good and it is fun overall, even if it didn't end up scratching the itch left by Gwent.
Black Mesa (Xen)
I returned to Black Mesa after Xen was finally added, eager to see what the team had come up with. My feelings are complicated. The Xen portions of the game are really well designed, great to play and visually beautiful. However the levels hew so far from the Half-Life originals that it kind of stops feeling like Half-Life. I would have like to have seen a more faithful recreation to be honest.
Neon Struct
If you've been wanting a spiritual sequel to Thief that actually used the mechanics of Thief, here you go. Though low budget, and therefore having somewhat uninspiring visuals based on reused assets, it's still a really impressive game from what the team had to work with, and it's short enough that it doesn't outstay it's welcome.
Acid Spy
I'm generally usually okay at stealth games but this one was well beyond my skill level. Got through the tutorial but just got frustrated and quit on the first mission.
Salting the Earth
A wonderfully put together visual novel about the legacy of war and the nature of national identities. Also you date buff orc women. One of the best VNs I've played, but it does have some pretty bleak potential endings that clash somewhat with the rest of the story's tone.
Speaking of buff orc women, Hedon is a vivid, perfectly designed retro-shooter that really uses the most of it's engine to bring it's world to life, with shades of Thief and Strife thrown in there. Wears its hornieness on it's sleeve, but if you can roll with that you'll have nothing but a good time.
The Painscreek Killings
I really really loved this immersive narrative game, where you explore an abandoned town to piece together a series of suspicious deaths. My only gripes are the town looks very British despite being set in the US, and the final confrontation adding a chase scene felt a little over dramatic.
Deus Ex Mankind Divided
There are many problems with Mankind Divided. Trying to find another story to do with Adam Jensen. Making the game more of an open world by taking away the usual Deus Ex globe-trotting. The clumsy use of racial metaphor being applied to cyborgs. All in all the game just didn't really come together, which is a shame, because the DLC showed such promise, and hinted at the real Deus Ex game we could have had.
Warhammer Armageddon DLC
I managed to complete the Salamanders DLC and got stuck near the end of the Blood Angels one. All in all it's simply 'more' of what the base game offered, and I'm not sure it really needed it.
Easily one of the most interesting games I played this year. So good It inspired me to write a cheesy fanfic. Sure the mechanics of applying squad mechanics to a point and click are interesting, but it's the world, the art and the characters themselves that really make this game. Highly recommended.
Devil Daggers
The ultimate distillation of classic shooter mechanics. One platform, one weapon, endless enemies. I didn't get all that far into it and I think most people won't, but I'm not going to complain for the price. Overdue a revisit.
Dream Daddy
A fun and fluffy dating game that actually does a good job of putting you into the mindset of a recently bereaved bisexual dad. Come for the hunks, stay for the really affecting story of a strained relationship between father and daughter.
Greedfall falls short of the mark in most aspects, but I have to give it credit for being one of the few games to give us a Bioware companion-centric adventure during this drought of Bioware games. It lacks the zing of something like Dragon Age, and handles the subject of colonialism really problematically, but if you can get past those issues, it's a fun ride, and a world I'd like to revisit.
Endless Legend
I've been wanting a game to scratch the Alpha Centauri itch for decades now and Endless Legend finally did it. There is a risk of being overwhelmed by the sheer number of unique factions to play, and I know I still haven't really scratched the surface even after 4 full campaigns. Is that a criticism? I suppose it depends if you think you can have too much of a good thing.
Space Hulk Deathwing Enhanced Edition
A valiant effort was put in to make a faithful FPS of the Space Hulk experience, but ultimately it falls far too short. The visuals look great and the game-feel of stomping around as a Space Marine really works, but the game lacks charm and character. Up against Vermintide, there's no comparison.
Sunless Sea
This is a game that feels like a bottomless abyss of secrets and mysteries tied up in a very brutal one-life-only system. I really enjoyed my time with Sunless Seas, with the music calling me like a wailing siren every now and again, yet in many ways I did find it a bit too unforgiving, and it could have benefited from having a bit more of a progression between lives than the almost solid reset it leaves you with.
Age of Empires / 2 / 3 Definitive Editions
The first Age of Empires has an important place in history, but is borderline unplayable by today's standards. Almost every aspect was improved in 2 and going back now feels like trading a car for a horse and cart. It's clear that the game was intending your slow crawl out of the stone age through hunting and gathering to be part of the game in its own right, but today it's just tedious, and the rest of the game is just so slow.
There isn't much to say about Age of Empire 2 that I haven't already said, but I will point out that multiplayer AOE2 has kept me sane over the course of the lockdown, and I'm glad the Definitive Edition enhanced that experience.
Age of Empire 3 tried too hard to reinvent the wheel. Instead of taking 2 and building on it, it instead contorted it around a colonisation theme, and it didn't really work. On top of that, the mechanics really felt they were built more for single-player story missions. The maps are too small, and the expansion factions clash with the rules badly. Still, there is fun to be had, and I'll be checking out the campaigns next year.
Hand of Fate 2
This game takes the original Hand of Fate and adds way, way too much into it. While I appreciate the addition of companions, a longer story mode, and optional side missions, the game is far too experimental with it's formula, and leaves me struggling with complex missions around being lost in a desert or evading barbarian hordes, when all I wanted was a straight forward dungeon crawl. I tapped out two thirds of the way through the campaign.
Wild Guns Reloaded
I love the style and aesthetic, but I just don't have the reflexes (or the gamepad) for these fast paced arcade games.
Vermintide 2 Drakenfels
Fatshark gave us an entire Vermintide campaign for free this year, at the cost of having to be subjected to obnoxious cosmetic micro-tranactions. Hard to say it was worth the price, but Fatshark really do continue to improve, bringing new scope and ideas to every new mission. As good as it gets.
Pendula Swing
A fun little game that apes the visuals of a Baldur's Gate style RPG but the mechanics of a point and click adventure game set in a fantasy version of the roaring twenties. A strong introduction to it's setting but definitely needs building on if we're to see a continuation. A lot of the world-building feels too simple and half-baked at times, and the gameplay feels like too much is going on too fast. Still, a charming story though.
The Shiva / The Blackwell Series
At first I had no idea that Unavowed was connected to a host of other Wadget Eye adventure games, so naturally I had to check them out. I'd known about The Shiva and the Blackwell games for years, but never actually thought about picking them up. Playing them all back to back was a great experience, and almost felt like a prototype to the episodic storytelling many games do today.
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light/Temple of Osiris
Guardian of Light is a fun, inventive co-op game for killing some time with a friend. The puzzles are often unique and interesting and get you thinking, and the story, while nothing fantastic, is fun enough to keep you interested and have a laugh about with your co-op partner in a B-Movie kind of way. Temple of Osiris adds way too much to the formula, with more characters, mechanics and more open exploration and it absolutely loses the charm of the first game, and even then it's buggy as hell. Skip the second one.
Command and Conquer Remastered
Big chunks of my childhood are taken up with memories of playing Command and Conquer and Red Alert, so it's difficult to really gauge my thoughts on the remaster. On the one hand the art direction looks great and preserves the feel of the original, and the quality of life improvements to the gameplay help make it more playable. The nostalgia hit is also palpable. That being said, the mechanics have not aged all that well, with much of the game being far, far too hard. Probably the best way to experience the genesis of the RTS genre but just know what you're getting in for.
Superhot Mind Control Delete
I wrote a lot at length about how unsure I was about Mind Control Delete at the time, and that's because it does feel a little unsure about itself. Is it a continuation of the first game? A fun bonus mode? A mediation on the nature of addiction? A critique of video game content? A joke on the player? I don't know, but I do know one thing, and that is that Superhot is still as addictive as hell.
Opus Magnum
Zachtronic's steampunk alchemy game requires far too much maths brain than I am capable of , and so I had to rely on guides a lot of the time, but that being said, it's still amazingly put together and vividly presented. Really feels like a game that could be used in schools.
Necromunda Underhive Wars (Story Mode)
I'll be checking out Underhive's Campaign mode in the new year, but for now I just want to talk about the story mode. Much like Mordheim, this is a game that's not going to work for everyone, but I really dug it and like it's unique take on a squad based TBS. However, in many respects the game does feel like a missed opportunity. The storyline is fun enough, and the arsenal robust, but much of the character of the tabletop game, the weird, chaotic, and sometimes comical things that can happen over the course of a battle seems to have been lost in translation, as has the quirky character to a lot of the gangs.  
Outer Wilds
There is little I can say about Outer Wilds that hasn't already been said by others, particularly that one should go into the game as blind as possible. A beautiful piece of interactive art, words would fail me in describing it anyway.
Life is Strange 2
Fantastically written, amazingly animated, wonderfully acted, and grim and depressing as all hell. I really love Life is Strange 2, but it it a tough game to bare witness to, especially in 2020. It treats it's subject matter with great maturity, but is so dark it's hard to motivate yourself to continue each gruelling episode. Also, I really think it would have fared better if it had not named itself Life is Strange 2, as not following Max and Chloe turned a lot of people away from a game I think they'd have otherwise enjoyed if they'd named it Wolf Brothers or something.
Half Life 2 / Episodes / Portal / 2/ Mel
After playing Black Mesa earlier this year I decided to revisit the entire Half Life 2 and Portal series. What I concluded is that Half Life 2 is not really all that good. A well told story wrapped around weak combat and average encounter design. This much improves across the episodes of course, but in the end I rather feel Half Life 2 is pretty overrated.
Portal, on the other hand, still feels fresh, though I was surprised I'd forgotten just how much was added in Portal 2, to the point Portal feels more like a game demo. That being said, I think the slowly growing mystery and menace of Portal has aged a lot better than the gagfest the series became with 2. Mel, a stand-alone mod that feels like could be a Portal 3 in it's own right, returns to a more serious tone, and feels all the stronger because of it.
Control has gone from a game I didn't really care about all that much to one of my favourites of the year, if not the decade. Sure there are criticisms I could make, but the world has so much depth, the characters so much potential, and the gameplay such perfectly designed chaos, that it wouldn't really matter. A great time was had.
Icewind Dale 2
Finishing Icewind Dale 2 was the final banishing of the old ghosts of Infinity Engine games I never finished as a kid. Sure there was the nostalgia, but Icewind Dale 2 also feels prefect for the Baldurs Gate era's swan song. Beautiful environments, a well written story and great interface and design, only pulled down due to some overly long busywork at various points and the plot being dragged on a little too long. Still, sad to know I have no further Infinity Engine games left to conquer.
The first half of Elsinore is an absolutely great time-loop mystery, which seems to be an interesting interrogation of Shakespearian tropes and asks the question of how much of a Shakespearian tragedy remains the more you change it. The second half, however, quickly devolves into a cosmic horror story that feels a poor fit for the genre and far too grim for the art style, and that's even before it basically devolves into trying to do the same thing Undertale did but worse. A well put together game whose ending did not sit well with me.
Gwent: The Witcher Card Game
Since Thronebreaker didn't sate my appetite I started playing competitive Gwent. It is a wholly different game than the one that appears in The Wither 3, but is certainly fascinating in it's own right. After 200 hours I am officially addicted, somebody please send help.
And that's that. Not doing a top 5 games of the year because I played too many this year and I've spent too much time thinking about them already. Here's hoping I play less in 2021 and can get back to a more normal life.
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Wings of Fire Music Inspiration
Hey everyone! Thought I’d pop back on for a quick little post. My process of writing head cannons and doing artwork are heavily inspired by music. I’m going to go ahead and list my playlists for each tribe and some others for plot-lines. Probably will reference them further on down the line. I’m sure many of you will not share my taste in music and that’s cool. But, in case any of you were curious or will be curious, here is all the music I use as inspiration for my works. And this is a quick post that I had a little time to do between my projects. I’m halfway done with two and soon will be able to get back to my regular artwork and writings. I will probably keep this up to date as more tracks are added.
I will link as many of these as I can to the actual songs on Youtube. If they are not linked, then there isn’t a video for it. You’ll have to find them on your own. :-(
If you are interested in my other projects (Steven Universe related, CGI and animation) follow me on my Stream of Distracted Thought blog.
Anyway, here is my playlists!
(Hope you like instrumental music!)
Wing of Fire Main Themes:
Wings of Fire by Dirk Elhert
Dragonland by Thomas Bergersen
Welcome to Your Fantasy by Future World Music
 First Arc Main Theme:
We Are by Epic Music VN
Other First Arc Music:
Escape from the Summer Palace: Battle for Skyrim by Boris Mihajlovic
Clay: A Hero Will Rise by Future World Music
Starflight: Brave (Cover) By Peter Hollens
Sunny: I Won’t Give Up (Cover) By Peter Hollens
Sunny Also: The Hero in Your Heart by Thomas Bergersen
Glory: Heart of Fire by Valentin Wiest
The SandWing Queens: Rex Imperium by Immediate Music
The Abandoned Battlefield: Tears of War by Sub Pub Music
Second Arc Main Theme:
Dangerous by Two Steps from Hell
Other Second Arc Music:
Moonwatcher: Remember me Forever by Claudie Mackula
Peril: See the World Burn by Goran Dragas
Kinkajou: Ants vs. Bugs by Sub Pub Music
 Due to their advanced nature in science and engineering, I wanted something that sounded big and sweeping for Ancient NightWings. I like a synthetic feel to the music to reflect this.
Ancient NightWings Theme:
Child of the Machine by Anitti Martkainen
Darkstalker and Clearsight:
Under Your Spell by The Birthday Massacre
Counterpane by The Birthday Massacre
Hear Me by Sons of Pythagoras
Tales of Moonlight by Valentin Wiest
Legend of the Night by Valentin Wiest
Buy the Stars by Marina and the Diamonds
I Remember by Les Friction
Prince Arctic and Foeslayer:
Rewrite the Stars by Zac Efron
Father the Lord by Max Music
Immanuel by Tony Anderson
 My current NighWing head cannon is that they take after Roman/Greek culture. However, due to their widely perceived intelligence in science and engineering, I choose music that has metal instruments in them or what sounds like that. Even Moonwatcher’s and Deathbringer’s themes possess these sorts of sounds.
NightWing Theme (Current):
Styx Theater by Valentin Wiest
NightWing Assorted Music:
Escape the Volcano: Temen Oblak (Dark Clouds) by Christopher Tin
I See Fire by Ed Sheeran (But I prefer the cover by Peter Hollens)
Queen Battlewinner’s Theme: The Frail by Two Steps from Hell
Deathbringer’s Theme: Emperor’s Assassin by Two Steps from Hell
 Due to their very rigid and inflexible culture, I associate IceWings with male chanting, giving the illusion of militaristic unity.
IceWing Theme:
Full Sail by Demented Sound Mafia
IceWing Assorted Music:
We are Lions by Chasing Mirrors
Land of Ice Creatures by Gothic Storm Music
 I head cannon that SeaWings take after Polynesian culture. However, most of their music has a single singer or has a fantasy feel. And A Tale of Sea Dragons just fits magnificently well.
SeaWing Theme:
A Tale of Sea Dragons by Marcus Warner
SeaWing Assorted music:
Dharma by Chasing Mirrors
Ocean Palace by Anitti Martkainen
We Bring the Tides by Mitchell Broom
Lullaby of the Siren by Audiomachine
 I head cannon that SandWings take after Aboriginal culture. Their music is both the hardest to find and the most interesting. Finding instrumental music with Digeridoos in it is rare.
SandWing Theme:
The Wild Tribe by Tartalo Music
SandWing Assorted Music:
Outback by Sub Pub Music
Tribal by Trevor Crookston
Middle East Rave by Freeplay Music
Tonestep by Adele & Zalem
 I picture RainWings taking after the jungle tribes and people of the Congo in Africa. Because of this I have chosen music distinctly African. And theirs by far is some of my favorites.
RainWing Theme:
Iza Ngomso (Come Tomorrow) by Christopher Tin
Assorted RainWing Music:
Waloyo Yamoni (We Overcome the Wind) by Christopher Tin
Inspirational Africa by Matthew L. Fisher
 As I’ve stated previously, I picture SkyWings taking after Celtic culture. So, the music I pick for them tends to be Celtic as well. I also associate them with a single, female voice. (Reflected in their mother goddess.)
SkyWing Theme:
A Warrior’s Fate by Anitti Martkainen
SkyWing Assorted Music:
Steel for Humans by Percival And Marcin Przybylowicz
Fierce Deity by Valentin Wiest
Rise of a Kingdom by BrunuhVille
Symphony of the Forest by Anitti Martkainen
Celtic Warrior by Damiano Baldoni
 I head cannon that MudWings take after Native American Culture. (Though which tribal nation I’m not sure of yet.) Wooden flutes are the unifying feature that I look for in their music.
MudWing Theme:
Vale of a Thousand Rivers by Anitti Martkainen
MudWing Assorted Music:
Dear You by David Chappell
Awakening the Forest by Anitti Martkainen
Colors by J.T. Peterson
  Arc Three:
Generalized Pantala Music:
Due to the wild nature of Pantala, I decided to go with unified chanting for all of the tribes.
General Arc Themes
Oracle by Kari Sigurdsson
One Million Voices by Thomas Bergersen
Pamtseo by Blakus (Breath of Evil’s Theme)
For the SilkWings, I wanted something that was sad, reflecting the enslavement of their tribe.
SilkWing Main Theme
Black Opium by Select Tracks (Likely to be the SilkWing main theme.)
The HiveWings are honestly the hardest tribe of the new arc to decide on music for. They are rather generic compared to the LeafWings and SilkWings when it comes to their tribe history and culture. So I chose a sweeping chanting song for their theme, reflecting their pride as the victorious tribe as well as keeping with the over all theme of the other tribes.
HiveWing Main Theme
Exile of the Mountain Queen by Matthijs Kieboom
LeafWing Main Theme
Undone by Tommee Profitt (Sundew’s Theme)
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cptsadist · 2 years
Don't make a sound~
Jet just playing hide and seek with his homie Egon!
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cptsadist · 2 years
Decided to do some outfits from @alizera62quartz outfit meme! My partner picked out the outfits, so here's the first one, Trance for G9!!
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cptsadist · 2 years
I wanted to draw Jet like this because he's mine and I can. Also yes, he is a Monster Energy guy.
Looking kinda,,,,submissive and,,,,b-bree-
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cptsadist · 1 year
draw jet getting wrecked by egon, in whatever way you want to take that :)
Dude just rip Jet, we all wanna see him helpless I guess 👀
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cptsadist · 2 years
Shirtless Egon with his hair down that I doodled last night
God he's so grumpy
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cptsadist · 2 years
"Your spectral tease is killing me..."
Idk the context for this, I've just been obsessed with "Spectral Tease" by Mareux and this drawing is what came out of that. I think it looks cool
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cptsadist · 2 years
Obviously gonna be NSFW so read with caution, and tell me who you wanna see next for this!
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A = Aftercare: If it's just a one night stand, Trance isn't gonna care about aftercare and he isn't gonna expect to receive any. He'll worry about himself, then probably want to go to bed or part ways. If he's drunk, he'll probably worry about clean up in the morning.
B = Body part: Trance's favorite part on his partner is their legs; thighs, ass, all of it. He'll pay extra attention to these areas, smacking, squeezing, digging his nails into them, etc.
C = Cum: Trance isn't afraid to swallow, he doesn't mind the taste of cum. Just try not to get any in his hair.
D = Dirty Secret: He occasionally wears panties and lingerie, they make him feel sexy.
E = Experience: Trance is VERY experienced and he doesn't mind taking the lead, especially if his partner isn't experienced.
F = Favourite Position: If he's on top, he likes to be on his knees while his partner is on their back and he likes to push their knees towards their chest so he can go deeper. If he's on bottom, he likes to be bent over and pinned down by his neck.
G = Goofy: If something funny happens, he'll definitely giggle. He prefers when things aren't so tense or serious.
H = Hair: He keeps his hair down there pretty trimmed and neat. It's black and thick.
I = Intimacy: If it's just a quick fuck, he'll have no emotional connection with it and that's fine. But he'll be extra attentive if there are feelings involved and make sure his partner feels amazing.
J = Jack Off: Trance has a very high sex drive and doesn't always like going out, so he masturbates very often. He also has many toys he likes to use on himself.
K = Kink: Degradation, rough, biting, choking, scratching, praise, being pegged, overstimulation, etc
L = Location: Anywhere the mood hits him, though if in public he'll want to be somewhere out of the public eye like a bathroom. Usually he likes to do it in his bedroom, his bed is massive.
M = Motivation: Trance usually just gets horny out of nowhere. He also uses sex as a distraction when he's down, so there's that.
N = NO: HEAVILY against ageplay, being restrained, and religious type of roleplay. All of these are due to his personal trauma
O = Oral: Trance absolutely loves oral. He'll give you the best head because he really knows how to work his tongue, and you better please him too and swallow it all.
P = Pace: He can go at any pace and can switch between paces in one session.
Q = Quickie: He really doesn't mind quickies, but he would rather go all night if he can.
R = Risk: It really depends on what his partner wants to experiment with.
S = Stamina: He can go all night, baby.
T = Toy: Trance has an extensive collection and he would gladly use them on his partner and himself.
U = Unfair: He is a total brat, so he'll tease and push your buttons, but it's all in good fun.
V = Volume: Trance is a very loud moan, and he can practically start screaming sometimes. Rest in peace Egon because Trance's sounds can be heard throughout the whole house.
W = Wild Card: Trance is actually very careful with his partners and will check to make sure they dont seem to have anything since he sleeps with so many people.
X = X-Ray: Trance is pretty average in size, circumcised, and is a bit thick in width.
Y = Yearning: VERY high. He's pretty much ready to go at any given time.
Z = ZZZ: If he's drunk, pretty much immediately. If not, he'll probably give himself time to calm down then go to bed.
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cptsadist · 2 years
Showing a lil Trance sprites, these aren't all the ones for the demo, this is just for one part 💙
There are some differences in the poses , very small details that bug me, but these are used in such a small part that I'm gonna try not to fixate on it
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cptsadist · 2 years
I would like to sit at egon’s feet while he works with my head in his lap. Seems like something we’d both enjoy, I get to be needy without causing much trouble and he gets a weird little power trip
Omg honestly, Egon would love this. You're not being too disruptive, and he would occasionally reach down and tousle your hair as he works. It really is a win-win!
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cptsadist · 2 years
Yo I shouldn't be able to draw cursed shit on my phone with my finger in my noted app
Drew a funny little Jet and a Seiren (where'd his clothes go)
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cptsadist · 2 years
Jet with short hair 🖤
Kinda loving how this looks on him
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cptsadist · 2 years
Egon is kinda....looking a bit fine...
I'm making some actual progress on SFH so I'm getting excited, hence the sprites
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