starsmuserainbow · 7 months
[[ @siriseen | Continued from here bc new editor & new cutting]]
“Huh,” she answered — just a surprised noise, a huff of voice. Quiet, but enough that she didn’t need to sign. For a few minutes, she stood like that, hands over the warmth until they stopped searing painfully. She wiggled them, experimentally… then leaned her face towards his warm hands. “Can you make food, too?” She’s mostly joking, but her face is deadpan.
It was both good and sad that she appreciated his warmth as much. Good because it felt nice to be able to do something for her even if they only just met, and sad because Galfore couldn't help but think about how someone chooses to leave a living being suffering under too cold temperatures and, by the sounds of it, without free access to food too.
"No," he signed back truthfully to her question, though then took away his hands briefly to check his pockets. Getting out what looked like a stone, Galfore grabbed the Ronel with both hands. He doubted that she could bite through the hard shell of it, so he quickly broke the 'rock' into two to reveal the blue dough-like mass on the inside. Unsure how to sign back while holding the pieces, he whispered instead. "But I have this - it is food of my home. The outside is very sturdy, but if you want, you can try the mass on the inside." He was already emanating a little bit of light and warmth from his hands again, though in order to not make the Ronel heat up too much, not as much as he was offering her before.
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doctordonovan · 1 year
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☝️ Tap my muse on the shoulder
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apparent vulcan knows own reputation:   knows the whispers that come regardless of what starship she's on this time.   it's odd - for one person to swap so often - never seeming to stay anywhere beyond the bare minimum possible time.  too emotional for a vulcan,   nowhere near emotional enough to be truly human...  yet,  for all her flaws,  she is never lacking in true warmth.  ( so what if she's a little too quiet?  if her eyes clearly see much more than they should,  adept at slicing through the layers that they must.  ) 
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she'll only be here a little while,  but there's surely little harm in trying to busy for the majority of that time.  still though she can't help slight jump at contact   -   too caught up in reading to be as keenly aware of surroundings as usual.  or,  maybe,  she's just more tired than scientist wants to admit.  ❝ sorry,  sorry @siriseen.  too caught up in reading again. ❞   apology comes genuinely,  pushing any curls from where they'd slipped onto features with too quick turning.  ❝ is everything okay? ❞
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quantumstarpaths · 1 year
Everyone you write is so distinct and beautiful and well-crafted and I love you and everything you do, MWAH MWAH MWAH
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startrekroleplay · 2 years
Directory Updated - January 5, 2023
View the full directory here. To be added to the directory, view the post linked here.
This directory is large and likely to contain errors. Please notify us of any mistakes, either in this update post or in the directory itself, and we will do our best to correct them.
* denotes a multimuse blog ^ denotes a canon divergent muse ~ denotes a genderbent muse
Jean-Luc Picard - @gnosticpriesthood
cptnpike & wcrlds have moved to @starstcff * (adjusted muse list)
@abysstared - inactivity
@captainkxrk - inactivity
facetedspades - deactivated
@mysericordia - inactivity
@qhsnap - inactivity
@siriseen - inactivity
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captnjtkirka · 2 years
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❝    I’m used to seeing Bones   ------    Doctor McCoy here.   I forgot he was currently on shore leave   ...    got anything for a headache?   ❞    @siriseen​   ->   starter call
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cristobalrios · 2 years
the silent sufferer
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You love your friends, but the truth is, you go through most of the real things alone. it's better that no one sees you like this. you'll be fine, really, because you're used to feeling this way. it'll pass. it always does. that's what you believe, anyway. you're more likely to give someone advice on a lesson you've learned without telling them how you learned it. you've come to realize that, if they're coming to you for advice, they'll be too preoccupied to ask. it stings, but it's... that's just the way feelings work sometimes. when you're around others, most of these problems seem to vanish, and you're better able to love the person you are. only on the worst days do you continue to hear that insistent whisper that it's, "all a lie because they don't know what's *really* going on." it's not a lie. you are loved. those moments together are real. there are times when you can afford not to be so strong.
Tagged by: @siriseen
Tagging: @ You!
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royalcaretaker · 4 years
[[Starter for @siriseen !]]
Sometimes, it was just fun to tease someone until they gave in to their anger, even while visiting another planet. It had all been fun and games, until said someone had decided to actually embrace their anger, enough so to make Galfore, still laughing loudly, leave the place in a rush and have them (not a tamaranean, hence they were unable to follow immediately) curse after him.
There was the possibility that the guy was enraged enough to actually take a ship and pick up chase of him, though, so after a little flight through the nothingness, Galfore chose a nearby ship to head onto. Getting onto it was easy enough - and he actually managed so without breaking anything! - and so next up was navigating around the ship well-enough. Maybe find a hiding place for a little bit of time, or just keep wandering through it; he just would probably be better off not being noticed all too much. And just as he thought this, he hit his head against a... shelf or something, above, which shook it enough that all the stuff stacked onto it rained down. Now, as trained warrior, he did manage to catch a few things, but most of it still rattled to the ground with a whole lot of noise. With the things he caught still in his hands and arms (and one thing even caught with a foot), he froze for a few moments, listening intently to the silence that seemed to now fill the room even stronger than it had been before, listening if there was any alarm or maybe rushed footsteps or anything else of similar urgency to be heard.
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queenofthegalaxxy · 4 years
[[Starter for @siriseen​ !]]
It was one of those clubs that Blackfire enjoyed going to. And, for once, actually not one of Earth, but instead this one was more or less a space station all on its own. Which made it a perfect refuge for a little time of fun, without all the hassle of rules or even law enforcements trying to find someone. However this place managed to avoid it all so well, it was one of the reasons she enjoyed it so much here. Just a really good place to have some fun in, and perhaps even meet some potential new business-partners.
Or just someone interesting, like right now.
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“Hii~!” She put up a grin, and with a gesture ordered two drinks, for her and her current point of interest, before hovering closer to take a seat next to her. “I’ve heard of you! Your recent stunt was really impressive, I gotta admit.” Okay, to be honest, Blackfire made compliments like these surprisingly often, never really completely meaning it though. It was mostly just a means for a good start. “You played these fools like it was nothing, from what I’ve heard. Must’ve been a lot of fun.”
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ltbroccoli · 4 years
@siriseen​ ( continued )
❝ It seems like everyone everywhere is super mad about everything all the time. ❞
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  Her right hand sweeps in towards herself; her hands follow an invisible globe. Welcome to the world. But – no. Where is her mind? She sees the way his figure is bent. The way his frame draws in on itself and his eyes dart endlessly around. The unevenness of his breathing; the pallidness of his skin. Sarcasm is not what he’s looking for. It’s not what he needs. “Oh…” Her lips pouts out – her eyebrows draw together, and her fist follows an oval before her chest. I’m sorry. Her hands hold nothing – she touches fingers curled to a y to her chin. What’s wrong?
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Reg takes a deep breath, attempting to steady himself. “It’s... it’s nothing. I just go through life thinking everyone hates me. And wants me gone. I don’t think you can d-do anything about that.” The past few months have been the toughest of Reg’s life, bringing back fears he’d thought he’d conquered a while ago.”
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iteradastra · 4 years
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[ 3 little words starters - accepting ]
@siriseen​ said: “Are you lying?” ( for Hugh!!! )
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“I’m not, but I don’t have time to convince you right now. I know what he looks like, but he’s not connected to the Collective anymore. He’s not dangerous. He’s just a patient now, and he needs help. Are you willing to help or not?”
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alljvststars · 4 years
@siriseen​​​​ from here
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   “Uh?” It’s the closest she can verbally come to an oh?, but the tone and raised eyebrows, hopefully, helps convey her meaning. It’s not long before she breaks into a crocodile-wide smile, taps on her own chest; taps her temple; brushes something away from her; points a single index finger from her lips. A holoscreen beside her glows to life. I’m not sure what you mean.
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Pale eyes don’t flicker from Sirise’s face, although her eyebrows jump for her hairline at the same time as the doctor raises hers, quick as a reflection — at least, if the mirror in question also shifted all expressions into flat, unimpressed vacancy.
Avril wouldn’t recognize a single phrase of FSSL, but she watches Sirise’s hands move with the same intensity she watches anyone else speak, blinking reptilianly-slowly before her eyes flicker over to the text translation.
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scurriles · 4 years
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SIRISE + GREEN for @siriseen
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startrekroleplay · 4 years
ik you’re probably the one fielding these but i’ll follow the format.... empathicstars/sirisee/skymade etc is an amazing RPer and creates wonderful OCs and is all around so lovely to write with :)
@empathicstars / @siriseen / @skymade 
Star Trek Positivity Party! Send something nice about your favorite roleplayers and we’ll @ them for you. (Guidelines.)
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rainbowoftamaran · 4 years
Send “ssh” for a starter where both our muses are trying to avoid making any sound. 
[[Thanks for sending one!]]
Being silent was very much not something that Starlight enjoyed. Sneaking up on someone was one thing, but having to do it to avoid facing... well, something bad? That was just very unfun and way too much pressure.
Still, that didn’t mean she wouldn’t do it where it was needed, like here. Flight enabled her to at least not make sounds by walking, but it was still a hassle to be careful to not hit or bump into anything at all. Not to mention boring. When she noticed that she wasn’t alone, Starlight opened her mouth with the intention to say something - at least greet her, maybe ask if she was here for the same reason - but was shushed before she brought out a tone, and closed her mouth again and nodded. Right. Making no sound. She mouthed a ‘sorry’ without speaking, though unsure if that would be understood, before looking around and pointing into a direction for a moment. It would make sense to continue moving together if they weren’t alone here, right?
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               ❝ So I follow every single rule and suddenly I’m being busted for wanting to keep this tribble? How is that fair? ❞  Anna knows exactly how it’s not fair and why she can’t have one on board, but it’s still annoying.
@siriseen​ ♥’d for a starter !
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aehallh · 4 years
Can I help?
I literally didn’t reblog any memes yet but Serena is unstoppable and I love her ( @siriseen )
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Dhanna grunted, flopping backwards against the wall. “Areinnye,” came out in a sharp hiss. A Klingon d’k tahg protruded from near her hip -- not near enough to anything to be fatal, but enough to hurt like hell. Noticing the Orion signing to her from nearby, her eyes quickly darted over the words on the readout. “Of course you can help. Are you a doctor?”
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