#sirius comes home early from a work trip to find remus floating on a pool bed and taking a nice lil nap.
pancakehouse · 2 years
ARCHAEOLOGIST DREAM FIC my favorite i cannot wait tell the audience about it pls pls pls
but also, for me, i have to know...what is in "literally shut up"
hiii emmy em love of my life em!!
(someone else asked about the archaeologist dream fic HALLELUJAH so i'll give my obnoxious drawn-out dramatic pitch for it there, but think everyone should know it would not exist as an idea without you!!!! it would simply be buried (ha! archaeology pun!) in my subconscious forever. you gave me purpose.)
okay 'literally shut up' is ... hahahaha. god. goodddd.
it is essentially this:
remus is a poolboy. sirius is a wealthy, stressed-out owner of an incredibly filthy pool. is it destiny or...is it maybe just the ripped-off plot of a cliche 90s porn film? who's to say!!!
i feel as if the title of this wip should be obvious by this point, but if not it is Past Me telling (quite rudely) Current/Future/All-Versions-Of Me to literallyyyyy shutttttt UPPPPP.
think i'm prob still gonna write it though :// how embarrassing for me!
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blankdblank · 5 years
Anaticula Pt 19
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Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Pt 8 - Pt 9 - Pt 10 - Pt 11 - Pt 12 - Pt 13 - Pt 14 - Pt 15 - Pt 16 - Pt 17 - Pt 18 -
Passing the shops in the airport you eyed each magazine along the way in a small figurine shop revealed to be a magical one. On display you eyed the front of the Raven’s Writing Desk Paper you eyed the title ‘From the Mouth of a Babe’. Below that was a picture of you in a semi peaceful expression from earlier in the day. Over a four page spread with detailed quotes on all you had said and done before the fifth page prattling on about your appearance comparing you to your mother who was in the few years after graduating a famous Wizarding performer and model for a few choice magazines.
A pen was flashed in your view and your eyes raised to the shop keep with a wide grin asking, “Could you sign this please?”
Awkwardly you nodded forcing a grin as Regulus snapped a picture with your camera of the first autograph you had ever given you passed over to him only to have a copy of each paper and magazine covering your words handed to you by his wife, who offered you a copy of each for free. Along with a picture Regulus freely offered. Curiously Muggles eyed the interaction wondering just who you were, with a few asking for autographs in return on your path to the gate.
One by one once you boarded the flight you read through all that had been printed. Most commenting on the rights topic with the growing number of them wondering just what profession you would have, each alluding to some mystery as to where your father was, a well known supporter of lycans still counted as missing by your Ministry adding more mystery to your initially tragic tale.
By the time your flight had landed word had crossed the pond and you were met with a flurry of papers and magazines being put in your way with more and more silent passers by with subtle grateful expressions for what you had said.
Home again instantly you rushed to your father’s arms in his place lounged across his usual chaise lounge, crashing into his chest feeling his arms ease around your back after hovering his book and mug away. Tightly he folded around you as your hair darkened and your sniffling began, Remus arrived not long after to join in your snuggling pile through the group of men all praising your brave words.
Out of the pile you sat up on your father’s lap between the men asking after drying your cheeks, “Are they going to expel me?”
Sirius couldn’t help but snort as Remus laughed out loud. Waving his hand to draw a copy of the Daily Prophet over to find a quote from Dumbledore himself he read aloud. “This has been quite an act of such admirable quality, that to deny an education to such a bold determined young woman in the defense of the silent masses forced into hiding and subjugation would be a harsher crime than what was committed and punishment dealt for such sobering words spoken.”
Sirius, “Dumbledore is not going to expel you. Fighting Riddle, defending Basilisks, Dragons, Unicorns, Chimeras and Werewolves. Trust me Pumpkin, it is far more terrifying a thought to leave you to your own defenses than to train you your final four years.”
Remus, “Besides, if he trusted a Werewolf on campus before this new potion of yours a Werewolf supporter is no hassle at all.” He said with a chuckle, “New batch, no odd tingling after the seventh dose. Fairly soon, no side effects. I will miss the pineapple though.”
Regulus chuckled, “No rules saying you can’t still have your juice in the morning.”
Sirius chuckled and kissed your forehead, “You should have heard the twins and Percy, burst into a frenzy, scoured for all the cauldrons we had, with all the orders you got they had to send out a weeks doses each and are currently brewing more. With how many papers are going mad over you even Snape wanted to stay the night to help out all he could. Shouldn’t take long.” Locking his eyes on yours his grin doubled proudly, “You are an immovable force, and I will say, I couldn’t be prouder, fully knowing you will continue to astonish and befuddle myself the world. Mum would be proud, so proud.”
Remus, “Not of the babe comments.” You giggled as he said, “She would be up in arms over that.”
Regulus mimicked her voice poorly, “Not my Baby! Nobody dares objectify my Baby!” He chuckled as the men all did at your weak giggle, “She would be livid. You’re only 14.”
Their heads turned hearing a muffled wave of chatter making them chuckle and help you to your feet asking, “Why don’t we see if we can check on the boys, hmm?”
You nodded and giggled, “We can share all about the trip.”
Through the halls you walked until you found your home office where Snape, the twins and Percy were all tending to the latest batch of potions ensuring they were turning the proper shades. All turning to greet you with a tight hug before asking all about your trip, all of them showing you their progress on the well documented orders assigned to charmed numbers to keep the deliveries straight. All that was left to do was wait freeing you to head to the kitchen for a late dinner before going upstairs to collapse onto your bed. Upon which Draco and Neville raced in to greet you as early as they could manage while breakfast was being prepared. On your back you caught Draco’s eyes when you blinked your sleep away as he finished sharing his portion of their latest joint project in the greenhouses. “We left the actual painting to you since Opal said the clay needed to breathe.”
“Hmm.” Sitting up in the bed you looked between them, “What color were you wanting?”
Neville, “Well the Whisptail prefers orange for its burrowing hole. We think she’s laid eggs though, by the noises she’s making, that’s how the vipers sounded making their nests.”
“Ooh, goody. I will have to check that.”
Distantly you heard Molly call out, “Breakfast!”
Furrowing your brows you mumbled, “Guess Molly’s come by early.”
Draco chuckled, “Got here yesterday. Something about Arthur being called into work, all the Aurors have, no doubt Dad has too along with Remus, Sirius and Regulus. Some big talks of how Werewolves are to be treated ‘in house’ I believe they said. Heard that new potion of yours and a copy of your card was put in the papers. So, tons of new publicity.”
You chuckled brushing your covers down exposing your heavily wrinkled flannel pants, crawling to the edge of the bed you followed the boys to the door brushing your baggy shirt down over your middle. The early chill on the marble floors reminded you to add your moccasin slippers for the trot down to the long table packed with all the Weasleys. Neville and Draco plopped around you with Ginny claiming the seat across from you still peering up at her mother through the table being set asking, “When can we go shopping Mummy?”
Molly chuckled, “Not today, soon though. Perhaps the middle of the month nearer to your birthday. Let this commotion calm a bit first so we won’t be trampled in our shopping.”
Ginny sighed resting her chin on her crossed arms on the table making you say, “Sorry Ginny.”
She looked at you raising her head, “It’s not your fault. Just eager to try out my new wand.”
You chuckled and Molly raised a brow, “Now you know no using that wand-,”
Ginny nodded, “Not until I get to school. I know. But I can get tips on proper waving techniques.”
Molly chuckled and rolled her eyes floating the food out to the table, making her way around it to you to claim a hug of her own, “Well done deary. Don’t you go apologizing. You have done nothing wrong. About time something is done.”
Each day the news continued to stir until the latest of the news of the Werewolf dress code was dropped and there was talk of their Auror escorts to the shops were being lessened to one per group until the confidence in the new potion and bracelets were accepted publicly. A small win and step towards a better future but a win none the less.
And every day the crowds seemed to dim a bit while the headlines shifted to more pressing matters than you slowly but subtly freeing you back to your privacy. Two weeks had come to a close and with a sigh at the early hour an odd dream of what you assumed to be the Dursley home you groaned and showered early and went down to start on breakfast. Beating Molly into the cramped kitchen of the Hollow to aid her in prepping everything for the early meal to fuel your day, through which Arthur got a notice to head in early. Today was the day you were going to head to Diagon Alley to shop for all your supplies, this list being far more expensive than any other at the Defense Against the Dark Arts required books.
Furrowing your brows you eyed the list asking, “Why in hell would we need these books?”
Fred chuckled, “Looks like the new teacher is quite the fan of Lockhart.”
George chuckled, “Too bad Charlie can’t see this. He’d be livid.”
Clearing up your plates you heard Molly ask, “Off to the Dursley’s first dear?”
You nodded, “Ya. Though they’re going to have company.”
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Privet drive, nice and orderly where proper people are meant to live. This is what Mr and Mrs Mason were being fooled into believing upon first inspection. Lovely and presentable the Dursleys all filled their allotted roles until a doorbell pursed Petunia’s lips and drew a weak chuckle from her as she stood, “Pardon me. I wonder who that could be.” Gracefully she made her way around the room with a pleased grin that dropped into a scowl at the door parting her and the great disturber of her perfect evening. Easing the door open her lips parted seeing you with a flashing grin in your mother’s blue star coated sleeveless dress over thighs and tall black booties making you her height in her short heels. Under your tipped back fedora your curls pooled out over your chest in a tolerable shade of maroon curls.
Without a word from her you inched closer saying, “I understand you have guests, just two minutes please.” Sighing softly she inched closer as you continued lowly, “Now, there’s been a bit of an outbreak,” her brow inched up, “There’s a creature loose, picture a rhino but larger with tentacles on its face,” parting her lips for a moment, “Well they’re normally very docile and there’s a great deal of people searching for it however, I brought you this.” The small crystal apple rested in your palm.
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“An apple?”
“Well, I’m not sure if you know but when Lily died there was a charm put on your house,” she drew in a sharp breath, “It makes sure other’s like us can’t find your home until Harry is 17, now, about the creature, they are docile but a location undiscoverable would make a lovely nest, hence the apple, it will keep any creatures away as well.”
“We have never had any creatures-,”
At your grin her voice cut off, “Harry told me about that bat of yours few years back, the shimmering green one. Plus, I can leave you to your dinner and fetch my cat.”
“Cat?” your eyes flinched up to Harry’s room and her head turned back to the sitting room where she heard Vernon call out, “My Dear, who is it?”
In your peek upstairs you caught Harry peering around the corner who darted back towards his room quietly at your mouthing to pack before she glanced at you in your whisper, “Right in and out again, no trouble, I swear.”
Exhaling sharply she replied, “Fix your eyes.”
You nodded and blinked them to a solid green making her flinch when she looked back seeing her baby sister in her young teens before her again as she ushered you inside and closed the door quietly. Drawing her grin up again she said, “Jaqi is here Dear.”
Around the corner she led you and you grinned at the guests with a brief wave before looking to Vernon and Dudley saying, “Uncle Vernon, Dudley, Sorry to intrude, won’t be a moment. I just wanted to thank you for looking after my Harry.”
Mr Mason looked to Vernon as Petunia moved back to her seat asking, “Harry?”
You replied for Vernon, “My cat.” Freeing a calming breath from Vernon, “See I had to take a trip to the states and usually my Dad watches him, however there’s been a crazy, crazy few weeks at his job so he couldn’t watch him.” Petunia’s face flinched with curiosity at hearing about what she was missing in your life between your letters.
Dudley eyed the apple in your hands as Mrs Mason did asking, “What took you to the states? You do not seem old enough to work, my Dear.”
You giggled drawing up her brow as you replied, “No, I’m only 14. However, my Uncle, I help him with his snake hunting, mainly rare breeds for anti-venoms and such. Well there was a mishap with this one out in this big zoo. It really is a fascinating breed, spits a sort of acidic venom, huge fiasco since it resembles a certain variation of African Vipers, she was pregnant and nesting so obviously less than friendly so we had to go and help with the transfer.”
Mrs Mason, “You?”
You nodded widening your grin, “I might be young but I have a knack with deadly creatures. Just have to know how to calm them.” You looked to Vernon, “I really didn’t mean to intrude. I did bring you this.” You said passing the apple over he inspected and thanked you for on his way to set it on the mantle as you looked to Mr Mason.
“Does this summer job send you traveling often?”
You nodded and caught Petunia’s hand waving to offer you the empty seat beside Dudley’s you eased down into brushing your skirt against your thighs, crossing your ankles with your knees tilted to the side after you grinned at him moving your satchel to your lap crossing your arms over your legs, “Usually, oh if I had my albums. We went to the Amazon, and it is phenomenal. I doubt I’ve seen so many colors and that was before we even got a mile in.”
Mr Mason grinned asking, “Have you ever been to Paris?”
A weak giggle left you as you caught your aunt and uncle relaxing seeing you were actually easing their night into a better path, “Well, Paris exactly, no. South of France yes. Last summer, there was this rare breed of sea turtle, its shell shines like opals in the sunlight, gorgeous. It got tangled in some nets and had an injured fin and again we got called in because it started biting people that were helping it. It takes special medicines and equipment to help heal its fins, and well it’s never not fun to see my uncle getting bitten by random animals.” You said with a giggle making Mr Mason and his wife chuckle.
For a few more minutes you shared more of your travels until you caught the muffled clatter from upstairs making you giggle and say, “No doubt my cumbersome cat has been bumping around since I was gone. It was a last minute trip so shots weren’t able to be had. I should probably go and fetch him before he starts yowling.” The pair gave you pleasant goodbyes and you gave Petunia a timid hug and Vernon a pat on the shoulder with one for Dudley on your way to the stairs.
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Quietly you trotted up waving your hand at Harry after a press of your finger to your lips shifting him into a silver fluffy long tailed cat with his same green eyes. With a low grumble he settled into your arms after you eased his trunk and Hedgewig’s cage into your bag before you turned and made your way downstairs again saying goodbye on your way out through the door Dudley was holding for you. His eyes looking you both over curiously while Mr Mason was commenting on the size of your cat explaining the noise it had made.
Outside you made your way back to the powder blue enchanted car packed with Weasley teens in their approved usage of the car by Arthur, who alerted you to the loose Graphorn. With a chuckle Ron accepted Harry into the back seat between him and Fred as you sat in the front seat closing the door behind you saying, “Sorry, they had company.”
George chuckled saying with Fred as he started to drive down the street, “Ooh, schmoozing, bet that went well.”
You nodded with a giggle, “Had to try and Muggle proof our travels, changed a few of our creatures to snakes and turtles.”
With a chuckle rippling through the car you turned around to head off to the street of shops with the alley where Molly and Arthur would meet you at to head off to Diagon Alley.
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Tightly cramped you all squeezed into the back of the car unable to keep from giggling all the way to the bumpy landing in a shielded lot taking you through a path to the Leaky Cauldron holding the brick entrance into the shopping center. Easing your palms against your skirt over your thighs you moved to the side to let Percy climb out only to feel Ginny fold into your side stirring a grin onto your face in looping your arm around her shoulders while she fidgeted with the vest over the top of her pale green dress Molly had tailored for her from the wardrobe supply in your attic she had shopped through readying for school. Her nerves growing the nearer you got to the first shop for cauldrons her grin grew and her raised hand folded her fingers between yours dangling in front of her through Draco stealing your other hand spotting his father in the distant crowds.
Stop by stop you all filled in your lists wondering through the crowds milling about you at the larger crowd growing in the book shop. Just barely you made it through the door when a number of Wizards turned hearing your name being whispered. Weaving through the others you wondered at why it was so crowded only to let out a groan seeing Gilderoy Lockhart himself dressed to his finest. A tap on the shoulder brought Ginny to Molly’s side near the equally as swooning Hermione eyed the blue eyed blonde haired buffoon spouting off about himself to a photographer and reporter.
“And to the matter of my place here today. I have taken up the fabled position of Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor in Hogwarts.”
Harry inched closer to your side mumbling, “He can’t be serious, can he?”
Your head tilted for a moment only for you to notice the grin on the buffoon’s face dimming for a moment seeing you and Harry together. “Harry Potter and Jaqi Black.”
The photographer turned as a few others did to peer over at you, his arm extended nudging you closer to Lockhart after tugging Harry sending him in a spin to Lockhart’s chest. Hurrying over you took his free side as he spouted off, “I bet when these two walked into Flourish and Blotts to buy my autobiography, Magical Me, which continues on 27th week best seller list they did not realize they would both be leaving with my collective works, free of charge.” Pulling you both nearer to his sides he mumbled, “Nice big smile, together, you two and I are worth the front page.” Flashes grew blinding you for a few moments until the pictures stopped and as soon as you were both alone holding the tall stacks of books in your arms as you walked back to the Twins.
Curiously you peered down at the range of titles, Magical Me, Gilderoy Lockhart's Guide to Household Pests, Break with a Banshee, Gadding with Ghouls, Holidays with Hags, Travels with Trolls, Voyages with Vampires, Wanderings with Werewolves, Year with the Yeti, The Travel Trilogy (collection of Holiday with Hags, Voyages with Vampires and Wandering with Werewolves), Marauding with Monsters, Who Am I?. The final one based off his latest bout of travels that found him trapped by a pack of Wampus Cat that had used their mental abilities on him and stolen his powers, a group which he could not identify leading to a life of explorations towards a book on the world through the eyes of a powerless Wizard.
Rolling your eyes you watched Harry pass his books over to Ginny, “Here, you can have these.” Molly’s mouth fell open, “I can afford my own.” His face still pink at the uncomfortable situation while you tried to shake off the fear of being exposed as a fraud from the humiliating tug into another headline you certainly didn’t want.
Ron followed after him to go fetch their own supply of bound collections required for the course, only to pause watching you hand yours over to Hermione, who grinned and thanked you getting in line for them to be signed watching as you went to grab a second hand collection of your own. For Molly’s relief the twins had their own galleons to cover the 34 galleon purchased set and Percy had earned money from both helping in your budding my mail shop and a short time summer job in a shop near the Grimmauld Place entrance leading to his living with you all summer. All that a great relief on the mother of 7 needing supplies for 5 of them, partly why you all had decided to start so young on the shop and summer jobs to help the amazing woman out who loved you all so fearlessly.
Ron, “You could have fried an egg on your face.”
Harry, “Shut up. You try having some stranger grab you for a picture in front of a crowd sometime.”
Ron chuckled, “No problem. Can’t wait till my face is in the papers.” Making Harry shake his head before he looked to Draco, now several inches taller from summer break pitifully trying to hide behind you to pay for your books to avoid being noticed by Lucius, who was currently bickering with Arthur near the entrance.
Paid and on your way out you eyed Lucius drawing Ginny’s worn journal from her cauldron insulting Arthur once again, “If you are going to associate with trash, they might as well pay you well for it. But by the looks of this,” he dropped that and a second journal into her cauldron your group had missed, “I would say not.” His eyes traveled to Draco at your side whose hand clutched the strap of your satchel over your back. “Draco.” His eyes rose to the supposed Professor peacocking for his fans, “It is a pity you will be wasting a year listening to that pincushion. Your mother has copies of our course manuals from our second year. We will send it along so you do not lag behind next year when a more suitable replacement is found.”
Leaving it at that he turned and walked through the door making you glance down at him as he said, “Not half as bad as I expected.”
Arthur shook his head, “At least we agree on one thing. Albus must have something planned to have hired him.”
In a low mumble you replied, “I would really like to be able to vote on these plans of his beforehand.” Making them all chuckle.
Arthur glanced at Ginny saying, “Now, our final stop, Ollivanders.” Spreading grins on your faces in Ginny’s eager bounce. Through the streets you passed the bustling shops until you entered the darkly painted building where you took hold of Ginny’s cauldron spreading her grin as Ollivander eyed your group with a grin of his own, “Ah, another Weasley I see. Finally a daughter too.”
Shifting your hand from the handle to the bottom of the cauldron you peered down ensuring it would not tilt only to see a familiar book edge. Glancing up you ensured no one was looking then you shrunk the journal and slid it into your bag and looked up to see the first wand being offered. Curved and black a wave of dust through the back room at her testing swish had her handing it back for him to turn and trot up his rolling ladder to try for another. Surely by now he would have had a supply of testing items so his shop wouldn’t be destroyed with each try to get it right but soon enough a second had blown a door off its hinges and the third turned the back wall into a mural of ponies. An action thoroughly stumping him at the result but the sheer power of  the spell aimed him in the right direction.
Tan and long with a woven handle all out of the testy yew with a smudged note as for the core a bright glow formed around her brightening her smile as he stated, “I see, I see. How fitting, six elder brothers to raise your strength for the future. This wand shall see you through thick and thin should you mind your studies well.”
Bouncing on her feet she replied, “Thank you so much!” Beaming at the wand in her palms and then back up at him again in his wave of his own wand to repair all her browsing had brought about. The wand was paid for and his eyes had traveled to you, remembering your own trials that had taken just shy of half an hour after the twins had taken barely ten minutes combined. Wand after wand obeyed you but none fit right until your eyes by chance had risen to the wiggling and glowing box shimmying itself free of a long since touched rack.
“It is regarded as an unstable, if not the most difficult substance to use in wand making,” the Thestral core of your wand had always been a rough match for any, as those who have witnessed death and are able to see Thestrals are found able to even attempt to wield these. The wood itself posed an altogether more complicated chance to ever match, “for cherry wood often makes a wand that possesses truly lethal power, whatever the core.” For his assumptions of what the match could do he was still eager to see how well you could test it and hearing of your powerful spell to cast Riddle out done alone he could tell that was just a scratch at the surface of what you could do. A well needed force in the brewing wars to come.
Another month was all you had left and when you got back home you focused on trying to read through the assigned books for your new Professor’s class. Each one more unbelievable than the last at the end of each night firing off letters to Charlie sharing just who you had been left under the charge of and how he had said he lost his powers. All earning more than a few howlers in return just filled with his laughter and that of his friends out there at what was claimed.
Bill especially made certain to share his matching reaction and stated if you needed anything just to write to him and he would try to hurry home to your enchanted doorway if the bumbling buffoon got you all into any trouble.
Pt 20
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