#sismh: tainting purity character asks
How would the incubus react if y/n was nearly raped when she was out getting some errands ( or something ) and was attacked by three horny teenagers? The incubus will of course be super angry, but will they go as far as maybe killing??
Warning A/N: This contains triggering content, including rape, violence, and very serious discussions about murder. Do NOT read if you are sensitive to these topics. 
A/N: I know someone very close to me who has experienced rape, and it is a disgusting vile action that no woman or man should ever have to go through. Therefore, I put a lot of thought into this ask and it’s quite lengthy. It’s more a fic than a typical character ask. 
Sorry if the reactions are jumbled a bit! When there’s a line. that’s a time skip, so you may need to jump around!
Thank you for asking this anon, it was a fascinating topic to look at from the eyes of my characters, and I’m honored you trusted me to write such a serious topic.
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Seokjin had told you not to go out late at night without one of them. He’d been terrified something like this would happen to you. And now it had. He’d overheard you fighting with Taehyung earlier so he let you go alone, knowing you needed some time to yourself.
That was a mistake.
The bowl he’d been planning to use to bake cookies crashed to the floor with a loud bang as it no doubt dented. That didn’t concern Seokjin at the moment. What concerned him was the way you were absolutely petrified and in physical pain.
His typically kind eyes narrowed to slits and he dialed an old friends number.
He had to find you. Now. By any means necessary.
When Hoseok came in with you in his arms and he first took in your trembling, shock-ridden form the first thing Jin wanted to do was murder the degenerates that dared to put you in this state…but he knew the other boys had that covered, and right now, you needed him more.
Hoseok gently set you down on your feet and Jin takes over, guiding you through the process of getting you into a shower and leaving once he saw you could stand and move properly. He kept one ear on the bathroom as he retreated to the kitchen to make you soup, knowing your stomach probably couldn’t handle anything else.
He makes quiet conversation with Hoseok about what the others are planning to do and they both wince whenever you let out a particularly pained cry.
Jin’s hand tightens on the wooden spoon he’s stirring with, but he forces himself to calm with difficulty, knowing that in the end, the 3 boys would pay.
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Namjoon hated humanity. He hated it. Hated the way they turned on the closest of friends for sex, money, or power. When he went out to feed, he relished in finding Mortals who hated his kind and tried to hurt them without reason and giving them a reason to hate them.
It made him feel happy, to get revenge for his unjustly tortured brethren, and he’d always found fear particularly appetizing to his palate.
That’s all he wanted to do tonight, and since he refused to do it to you and didn’t want you to see that side of him fully, he ducked out, and began following the immense disgusting desires of a trio of men, intent on making them his meal for tonight, whether they wanted it or not.
The last thing he expected was to find you there, shivering and shaking as you begged the boys to let you go and not to do what they were about to as they bent your arm painfully behind your back.
Namjoon saw red.
He only came back to himself when he registered you screaming his name and tugging on his arm, voice desperate.
“Namjoon! Namjoon please you’re scaring me!!!”
He blinked a few times, and looked down at you, realizing he’d slammed the 3 mongrels against the alley walls with a mere flick of his wrist.
He ignored you, pushing you behind him wordlessly before he approached one of the men pinned, now looking down at Namjoon in terror.
“…You wanna tell me what the fuck you were thinking about doing to this innocent girl?”
The ringleader spoke up from behind him. “Innocent? She’s a filthy monster fucker, she’s anything but innocent. She’s a who-” He cut himself off with a strangled scream before his voice was taken from him as his finger suddenly bent at an unnatural angle causing you to whimper before you were pulled into a warm chest.
“Don’t look.”
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Hoseok was proud as Hell about his marks on you but the sudden sharp pain in his wrist made him remember they also had a very important purpose. When Jin dialed him and Yoongi seconds later, telling him your location, he didn’t even question how he knew. Being the eldest out of all of them Jin has more connections with others of their kind then they do, after all. Plus, he was too worried about you to care currently.
When he found you in the alley, along with Namjoon and 3 men he presumed to be your attackers he pulled you into his arms, and he held you tighter to him as Yoongi arrived seconds after, not wanting you to see the unnatural angle the man’s broken finger was now at. 
“Don’t look.”
Even as the others showed up, you kept drifting back to him and his comfort. He was nothing but kind to you, and he seemed the calmest out of all of them but that was only because he was bottling his emotions so well for you. 
He made sure to not leave your side, even when you left his arms to confront Jimin and Jungkook. He could’ve killed the maknae when he frightened you even more. What was that idiot thinking using his voice when you were already on the edge of breaking down as it was!? He glared him down but sighed and relaxed when he apologized, still miffed, but he understood the youngest’s anger. 
Hoseok carried you home and for once you didn’t even protest too spent mentally, emotionally and physically. He noticed the wind was getting colder but before he could do anything Taehyung took his hoodie off and laid it over you like a blanket. 
Once you were safe in the shower, he and Seokjin made quiet conversation over what they planned to do. 
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Yoongi chuckled as he came out of the darkness, eyes black and draining whatever light remained in the dingy alley.
“Shut your fucking mouth.” He ordered the teen coldy. Taking the choice from him as he instead did it for him. He smirked as he took in the boys silent mouthing for mercy, to not hurt him anymore though he didn’t bother to respond, instead turning to Namjoon when the younger glared at him.
“Oh c'mon Namjoon, no need to hold back. It’s not like they deserve mercy after what they just tried to do.”
Namjoon’s gaze darkened with all he wanted to do but he still shook his head. “…I agree with you. But I don’t want her to be scarred more than she already is.”
Yoongi turned to where you were cradled in Hoseok’s arms, eyes softening as they returned to their normal state momentarily before flickering back to black.
“…I want you to take her home Hoseok. She doesn’t need to see this.”
This caught your attention and you struggled against Hoseok even as he held you back with ease. “No! What are you gonna do?! You can’t hurt them!” You flinched back into Hoseok as Jimin seemed to appear in front of you out of nowhere, eyes also an inky black, but his anger seemed to be directed at you as well, unlike the others.
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Jimin was just hanging out at home, playing video games with Jungkook and Taehyung when he felt such an intense rush of fear and panic all at once that it made him gasp and clutch his chest as he dropped his controller. Jungkook and Taehyung looked over at him in worry before they both winced as well.
They shared a look, and one second they were all in the living room, the next they were gone.
Jimin was furious, whoever had made you this frightened would soon be feeling the exact same way if he had anything to say about it.
When he heard you all but beg Yoongi and Namjoon not to hurt them as he arrived with Jungkook and Taehhyung, he immediately lashed out.
“Can’t hurt them? They were going to hurt you are you fucking kidding me?! I’m gonna do a lot worse than hurt them!”
He shouted, his voice booming in the silent alley.
Your eyes teared up at the reminder but you stood up for yourself nonetheless, leaving Hoseok’s embrace as you stepped forward to poke at Jimin’s chest in anger.
“It’s not them I’m fucking worried about you idiot! Did you ever stop to think about what’ll happen to you guys if this ever got out!? I would never forgive myself if any of you were hurt, or arrested because you were protecting me.”
Jimin softened at that, black fading from his eyes as reached out to caress your cheek, and it was only then that he fully took in your form, your messy hair and destroyed clothes clearly showed the men behind him weren’t just planning to hurt you as he’d assumed…they were planning to rape you. His eyes were black again in milliseconds.
He reached this conclusion at the same time as Jungkook and none of the others were fast enough to stop them both from reacting.
Jimin lunged for the other lackey opposite Jungkook but he went in to kill, and would’ve, if Yoongi didn’t manage to grab him and force him to meet his gaze.
“No, you don’t. I’m pissed too..but death would be too quick for these animals. Don’t show them such a kindness.” 
Jimin’s eyes widened in surprise but he mulled it over before nodding. He could tell Yoongi meant what he’d said. He had a plan, and Jimin trusted him, so he reluctantly backed down.
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It was a stupid fight, really. In hindsight, he never should’ve let it escalate to the point it did but he couldn’t help teasing you. You just looked so cute when you were angry, he never thought you’d be genuinely upset at him for not taking you seriously. Still, he played the part and got angry himself since he really didn’t mean anything bad by it.
When you stormed out, he promised himself he’d give you 5 minutes before taking off after you. If you shooed him away, then he’d comply but just follow at a distance, so he could make sure nothing happened.
But then Jungkook and Jimin needed a third player for their video game tournament and he thought you’d be fine…only to realize just how wrong he was when he felt his heart stop. He’d fucked up and when he saw you in that disheveled state, scraps of clothing barely clinging to your body, his eyes widened in horror.
He seemed oddly calm despite the situation but that was only because he was so shocked and guilt was eating him alive. When Jungkook’s true voice came out and you hid your face in his chest in fear Taehyung instinctively circles his arms around you and began to mumble consoling words, feeling you quickly breaking down. 
You were going to start hyperventilating at this rate and that wouldn’t be good for any of them but he somehow managed to calm you down enough to just quietly cry into him. 
You left shortly after and he let Hoseok carry you back, too absorbed in his own thoughts as he tried to fully process all that had occurred. 
He ran a hand through his messy hair and sighed through his nose in frustration. This was all his fault. If he’d just went after you like he intended this never would’ve happened.
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Jungkook would be absolutely livid. He has had to hear these disgusting thoughts from much of the Mortal species, but especially the male populace. It makes him sick, and he’s saved many a woman from being assaulted by picking them up himself.
He doesn’t consider himself a knight in shining armor by any means. He does still have sex with them and feeds, but it’s all he can do. And you can bet the male who dared to have such thoughts about his companion gets threatened if he can find them afterward.
But this time? This time it was personal. They targeted you and he couldn’t have that.
Once he put it together, he dragged the remaining of the two lackeys towards him before the others could react and had his hands wrapped around his neck, sharp teeth bared dangerously as he grinned down at his captive as he tried futilely to fight against his supernatural strength.
Jungkook cooed at the male as he begged him to stop with the little breath he had remaining as Jungkook restored his voice just to hear him beg.
“Aww am I doing something to your body that you don’t want?”
His voice went from sweet to so twisted and genuinely demonic you took a step back in genuine fear. You didn’t even know their voices could become so demented and altogether inhuman.
“Maybe you should’ve thought about that before you attacked an innocent woman just to fulfill your sick perversions. Oh, the fun I am going to have with the three of you…”
Jungkook’s head whipped around and he bared his teeth without thinking at Namjoon who merely hardened his glare.
“I said enough Jungkook. Or do you want to scare her more than you already have?” His voice was cold and stoic and he merely sighed as the man tried to run once Jungkook let him go to look at you, letting Yoongi pin him with his own hand movement.
You were hidden in Taehyung’s chest, trembling violently as Hoseok stood protectively in front of you, staring at Jungkook with clear disapproval in his gaze. 
Jungkook’s eyes didn’t lose their black appearance but he did force his voice to return to normal, knowing Namjoon was right. He shouldn’t do this with you here.
 The last thing he wanted was for you to be scared of him. 
“I’m sorry angel, I just got angry. I won’t do it again.” He apologized, voice gentle even as his fists were clenched. You needed to leave so he could fully take out his quickly rising hatred without fear of scaring you any further. 
“Take her Hoseok. You too, Taehyung. We’ve got these 3.”
Yoongi spoke up then as you peeked out from Taehyung’s grip, clearly about to protest. 
“You have our word we won’t kill them. No matter how badly we want to.”
You relaxed a bit at that, and looked up in surprise as Namjoon walked over and kissed your forehead, a surprisingly gentle action you never would’ve expected from him.
He merely smiled at your bewildered expression. 
“…We’ll be home soon babygirl. I promise.”
With that, you were off.
You don’t know how long you scrubbed at your body for, but when you stopped the skin was red and raw and your eyes burned from how hard you’d cried. If Namjoon hadn’t found you…
You shook your head as you felt the shakes starting up again, clenching your fists as you exited the shower after turning off the water. It didn’t take you long to slip into the big shirt Jin had left for you, and he’d left you a pair of new underwear as well, somehow knowing that you’d never even be able to look at the ones from earlier ever again. 
In fact, your entire outfit was gone, or what was left of it anyway. 
You’d never been more thankful for your close bond thanks to the mark than in that moment. 
You exited the bathroom slowly, sitting numbly at the kitchen table as Jin, Hoseok and Taehyung’s heads all snapped up to watch your movements. 
Jin placed a bowl in front of you and you looked down at it with hesitance shining in your eyes. You’d already thrown up in the shower during your breakdown you really didn’t want to eat anything. 
“Sweetheart, please.” Jin’s voice was gentle and pleading and once you met his gaze you knew he’d got you. 
You sighed, but reluctantly picked up the spoon and began to eat. The boys continued to stare, but you had a feeling that would become something you’d grow used to after what had happened. You made it halfway through the soup before pushing it away and Jin smiled at you gratefully. 
“Thank you. Now then, I think it’s important for you to know that we’re not gonna touch you like we usually do unless you ask for it.”
Hoseok nodded and slid into the seat besides Jin’s, Taehyung doing the same on his other side. 
“You’ve just gone through something horrible, and the last thing we want is for you to think we’re ever going to violate you like those…” His teeth clenched, fists clenching hard enough to draw blood underneath the table where you couldn’t see. “Heathens who tried to defile you.”
Taehyung picked up where he left off after a moment of hesitance. 
“We…We care about you, you’re not just food to us anymore. You’re so important to us, and we’re never going to let anything even have a chance of that happening again okay? I’m so sorry that I didn’t follow you, I never should’ve let you leave alone.”
Taehyung’s voice cracked and you panicked, shaking your head. “No, don’t you dare fucking blame yourself Taehyung! We had a spat and I was the one who chose to leave. I could’ve just as easily gone to my room but I chose to leave. This isn’t on you.”
“And it’s not on you either.”
You flinched violently at the words that came from the gentle voice, glaring before you could stop yourself at Jimin in the doorway, leaning casually as he observed you with knowing eyes, 
Your heart lurched in pain and you forced a scoff even as your eyes burned again. 
“Shut the Hell up, don’t you fucking patronize me.”
Your voice was filled with defensive venom now, too scared of being weak and vulnerable in front of them. 
“Who’s patronizing? We’re just telling the truth. It was those monsters that assaulted you out of nowhere.” 
Yoongi’s voice cut through the tense silence that followed, walking in and casually sitting beside you.
“Do you actually believe it’s your fault for leaving the house? Don’t be stupid, you know better than that.”
You scoffed at that, turning your glare to him, though it died a little as he merely watched you quietly, clearly ready to take any anger you had without complaint. 
“That’s not why. It’s my fault because I left looking the way I did.”
There was a sudden rush and you jumped at the feeling of being pulled out of your seat none too gently, forced to meet Jungkook’s intense gaze as he snarled at you. 
“Don’t you ever believe a word those mongrels said. I don’t care if you go out in your bra and panties it doesn’t give anyone the right to lay a hand on you unless you give explicit consent.”
You swallowed and looked over his shoulder as Namjoon spoke up next, the sardonic smirk on his face unnerving you, despite knowing it wasn’t really directed at you.
“Even we know that much. And we’re fucking demons, and demons that specialize on feeding off sexual encounters no less.” 
He scoffed. 
“This only reaffirmed for me how downright deplorable humanity is. I would’ve ripped them limb from limb if it hadn’t been for my promise to you.”
That made you abruptly remember. Your face was neutral but you couldn’t help but ask. 
“What…Do I want to know what you 4 did?”
Jimin approached you then and patted your head with a soft smile. 
“No. No, you don’t. Just know that you will never see them again, and we didn’t kill them, just as you asked.”
You hesitated but you could feel from your bond that he was being truthful. You nodded and stifled a yawn making the boys immediately perk up. 
“Bedtime. Do you want to cuddle, or would that make it worse?” Jimin went to move away but you shook your head quickly. “No! I want to, Please. I…I’ll feel safer if you guys are with me.”
They nodded then, and smiled and though you couldn’t manage a smile of your own just yet, you knew they’d be there to support you until you could.
A/N: If you ask anonnie, I’ll elaborate on what the boys did later(you can ask them specifically and I’ll answer in character), but this got entirely too long and I feel bad keeping the other character asks waiting lol. It ended up being 3.3k. Oops. This was a very important topic to me personally and I sincerely hope I did it justice. Please, do let me know your thoughts.
Thank you all for reading!
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Tainting purity: What would they do if the OC brings a boy home? Just a friend, but he(the friend) likes her and she doesn't know. You can pick which boys you want.
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Seokjin would be nothing but accommodating, especially since the other boys would have the anger down. He’d be the sweet one, making the food, and giving you both tea after dessert. It’s only once the other boys distract you and pull you away from the table that Seokjin’s demeanor changes entirely, and he lets his eyes go black. 
“Hurt her and you’ll pay. Don’t think it’ll just be us. I have other demonic connections too who would love to play with a guy like you.”
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Ha. That’s cute. Namjoon isn’t fond of humanity to begin with, so the thought of another guy lusting after you, even if it’s entirely innocent would make his blood positively boil, especially because your naive innocence didn’t let you see it. But that was alright, he and the rest of the boys would do as they had when you all first met. 
Protect you. 
He’d appear completely genuine, friendly and joyful and that’s what he’d still see the entire time he was there. It was only when your friend woke up, gasping for breath, unable to move a muscle or even open his mouth to scream that Namjoon emerged from the shadows, that same kind smile on his lips as he cocked his head to the side like a dog, curiously taking in his prey’s reactions. 
“Oh sorry, did I wake you? I was taking a deep dive into your desires, making sure your intentions are pure. You’re lucky they are. Just know that if that ever changes, I’ll be waiting. We all will.”
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Hobi would be happy for you, and he’d want to be supportive so he wouldn’t outwardly threaten your friend, much as he may want to. In fact, he’d be the one holding the others back, mainly Jungkook, Jimin and even Namjoon to an extent, though for him it was just a warning to not take it too far. 
He’d let you make the decision, but you bet your ass since you’d brought him over already, if you chose to date him, suddenly the rule they were so keen on about you not bringing guys you liked home would change and they’d want you around all the time.  Hoseok would want to keep a close eye on your new companion.
“Oh your about to go out on your first date? Why not have it here? You know Jin could use the cooking practice!”
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Yoongi would be pissed, and you’d know it the second he laid eyes on your companion. He’d tongue the inside of his cheek, and be dead silent as he glared the poor boy down. Eventually, you’d pull him aside and he’d tell you flat out that the guy liked you and you’d completely brush him off, not believing him which would only make him more irritated.
You even walked away from him when he opened his mouth to keep talking! You never would’ve pulled that shit if this guy hadn’t been there as your Human shield. 
So, he made it his personal mission to get under your skin using him just like you had against him, becoming unusually chummy with him while you were distracted with the others. 
“Yeah, she’s actually really easy to fluster. She’s even easier to get we-” 
You clearing your throat as you glared at him made Yoongi’s night as smirked back at you, only leaning further back into the couch, eyes narrowing in a challenge. “Oh, there she is! The pose I’m in right now is actually one of her fave-” You intervene then, tugging up your friend with a huff and telling him dinner is ready as you leave Yoongi with a warning glare and a mouthed ‘We’ll talk about this later.’
You did meet up afterward, but there wasn’t much talking involved except for your pleading.
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Jimin would be angry as well but you wouldn’t know it until he absolutely fucking wrecked you in the bedroom the second the guy left. You were angry yourself after Jungkook’s stunt, and you hadn’t noticed Jimin’s mounting anger throughout the night so you couldn’t help squealing in surprise as he picked you up and carried you to his bedroom despite any protests you made. Unless you said “stop” he would continue, and since you didn’t this was more for show than you actually not wanting him and both of you knew it. 
That just pissed him off more. 
He’d be particularly cruel as his own revenge, using your favorite kinks…only to not let you orgasm and stop before you could get your release. He’d merely smirk as you whined for him. 
“Oh? So now I’m enough for you? You didn’t seem to notice me earlier while your little friend was eye-fucking you across the table.”
His eyes turned black and you cut off your voice before you could finish your sentence in surprise. 
“Finish saying that it wasn’t like that and you won’t walk for a fucking week babygirl, I’ll make damn sure of that.”
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Taehyung would be kind of like Jungkook in that he’d treat it as something fun, but really he was out to prove to you, and himself that this boy was only temporary, even if you didn’t yet know his feelings. He’d intentionally rile you up at dinner, playing with you underneath the kitchen table and restraining your hand when you tried to fight him. He leaned forward to mumble to you, deep voice somehow even lower and more seductive. 
“I’d use your free hand to eat if you know what’s good for you. Unless you want your boytoy to notice your little predicament anyway.” 
A quick glance at your friend as he observed you worriedly made you shoot him a shaky smile and comply, hiding a moan behind a cough as the other incubi shared knowing smiles as you tried to hold it together. 
Needless to say, it was the longest dinner of your life. 
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Jungkook would love this are you kidding? A man he can flex over how much more he knows about your desires? Sign him up. Oh, he’d be merciless about it too. During dinner, he’d just blurt out. 
“Yeah, so I once made her come for me after only using my words.” 
You’d turn bright red obviously, and he’d snicker as you shouted his name in outrage. 
“Good imitation babe, but it was more like “Ah, Jungkook please I want more~” 
Jin would intervene then and since you were getting genuinely upset, he’d back down for a while after making direct eye contact with the guy who liked you. 
He’d voice his challenge out-loud once he caught him coming out of the bathroom, holding him against the wall by his chest with inhuman strength. 
“We’re better for her in every possible way. A scrawny runt like you could never keep her safe like we can and of course, you’ll never make her feel half as good as we can either.” He’d walk away after that, but he’d still get in the last word as he was about to leave. 
“Did you tell him about all the kinks you-” You’d been planning to walk him out but instead, just as Jungkook planned, you shoved him out and slammed the door with a rushed. “This was so nice and I’m so sorry about them, we’ll talk later, have an amazing night!” 
You’d be annoyed with him for a few days after, but he considered it worth it.
A/N: I went with all of them because like I said, I’m living for this so I really hope you enjoy it! :)
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You said asks for any of the boys? I have one for all the boys (if u dont do all of them then ur choice ❤) so I'm super bratty, like a mega-brat sometimes bordering on just being straight up dominant. What do the boys think and how would they handle it if it was me? (Love u ❤)
A/N: Love you too anonnie! I wasn’t gonna do all of them but then I got inspired, so enjoy! I hope you like the format of it!
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Seokjin is typically romantic and gentle. However, poke the bear enough and you’ll see there’s a whole side to him you haven’t seen. Being hungry is also a big trigger for this part of him. He knows exactly how to put brats in their proper place.
“Ahh, that’s adorable jagiya. You actually think you can last if you keep acting like that? Don’t make me be mean, you know I can be if you push me too hard. You’re lucky I’m not too hungry tonight. Unluckily for you, now? You’re not cumming for a week, and I’ll be sure to tell the other boys. Ah ah ah. No whining. I warned you, didn’t I? Now knock it off or I’ll make it a month.”
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Namjoon, contrary to Seokjin, goes for the ones he knows are scared of his kind, or even better, those that despise him. He’s used to being aggressive and manipulative to a fault so expect that in the bedroom. If he cares about you he’s not as manipulative, but he’ll still play mind games for fun.
“You want me to play rough babygirl? Fine, I can play rough. but just remember that you asked for this. No crying to me tomorrow when you can’t stand.” 
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Yoongi is interesting. He’s definitely a teaser, especially if you piss him off by acting bratty. He could keep you on the edge for hours if you anger him enough. He doesn’t typically have to try to catch his prey, they come to him. Still, he’d love to have the chance to put you in your place.
“Dominant? Heh. That’s cute. Why don’t you let me show you what real dominance looks like? Oh no, that wasn’t a question kitten. That was an order. On all fours. Now.” 
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Hoseok is all easygoing fun and playfulness until you challenge his control over you. He values that, so don’t try to take it from him by turning dominant, or trying to goad him. He’ll make you regret it real fast. 
“Ahahaha!! …Oh, you’re being serious? Come now, you should know better by now princess. I don’t have a lot of patience today and since I couldn’t take it out on her thanks to our agreement, I’m going to take it out on you. Too late to backpedal now, here I come.” 
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I’d say Jimin is honestly the scariest member in this situation, at least for me personally. Jimin is not someone you want to piss off as shown in Chapter 2. He’s easy to set off despite his cute facade and you often won’t even know he’s angry since he’ll say it all with a sincere grin. He enjoys tormenting his prey after all. Why shouldn’t he smile?
“Good job jagiya. Now, I’m angry. Come here and take your punishment like a good girl. Don’t you dare make me chase you. …On second thought, maybe I will. It’s always more fun when you’re scared. I’m It, angel. Better start running. Maybe I’ll be merciful if you make it fun for me.”
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Taehyung’s got stamina for days(they all do) and he really uses it here. Taehyung is huge on sexual tension. In fact, it’s his favorite way to feed so expect lots of relentless teasing if you challenge him. 
“You wanna be a brat? Fine. Throw a tantrum for as long as you like.”
“…Oh, are you finally tuckered out? Good. Where are we going? Oh, I’m taking you to the bedroom. You didn’t really think I’d let you off the hook that easily did you babe? I timed your tantrum…that’s how long you’re getting edged tonight. And if I hear one more whine that isn’t my name, you won’t come at all.”
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Listen, Jungkook can play the innocent, baby boy sub but if he senses the slightest hint that you actually want to be dominated, he’ll flip like that. Jungkook has the meticulousness and manipulativeness of Namjoon, the cruelness of Jimin and the unpredictability of Yoongi. Golden maknae indeed.
“Oh, you’re that desperate for me huh? Someone’s a horny little slut tonight. Here, I’ll call in the other boys, I’m sure we can help you. No? But you’re so desperate that you’re acting out. Clearly, we haven’t put you in your place well enough. You can’t take it back now, I’ve already texted the others. You’re in for a very long night little girl.”
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Hello! Omg it was really good. I’m the one who asked about the rape scenario. And could you do a scenario about what the boys did to the “ rapists “ I would really appreciate it. ☺️ And sorry if I triggered anything by asking about the rape a scenario.
A/N: No worries hun you didn't trigger me at all! If you did I wouldn't have answered it in character honestly. I'm glad your enjoyed it and I hope this is to your liking!
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The second you were out of sight, Jungkook’s voice instantly reverted back to its demonic true nature, somehow even more sinister as he snarled at the frightened teens, baring his now sharper teeth at them.
“So, you wanted to rape an innocent girl hm? Why don’t we do something you don’t want to your bodies? It’s only fair, right?”
Yoongi scoffed, rolling his eyes at Jungkook.
“Cool it. You know we can’t kill them. She’ll be devastated if we do.”
“...Who said we had to tell her?”
Jimin’s voice was quiet but the seriousness in it was enough to make the other 3 boys look at him.
Namjoon stepped up then, knowing damn well Jimin could and would make good on the threat if he was giving permission.
“No. She has a point. If this gets traced back to us we’re fucked. I’m not risking it, no matter how badly I want to.”
Yoongi’s gaze darkened as he checked on the teens, observing their absolutely terrified expressions with faint amusement.
“...Well, then what’s the plan? I’m not letting them get away unscathed if that’s what you're suggesting Namjoon.”
Jungkook snorted at the notion.
“As if. I say we send their desires to every contact in their phone, as well as what they just tried to do, break a few bones and call it a night.”
Jimin growled at that.
“That’s too nice. We’d do that if someone hurt her, these guys tried to rape her. To take something so sacred even we haven’t acted on our primal urges and we’re fucking demons.”
Namjoon remained quiet for a moment before a smirk grew on his face and he spoke.
“...Why don’t we claim their souls, and make them work in servitude until their time comes?”
That caught everyone’s attention.
The teens actively began trying to break free in fear despite their tiredness and the remaining 3 boys all had wicked grins on their faces at the thought, Yoongi licking his lips as he eyed the younger.
“You haven’t mentioned anything that drastic in quite a while Joon.”
Said male shrugged.
“We haven't had anything drastic happen that called for it. You can't tell me Jenny wouldn't absolutely freak over having 3 new toys.”
“How about this? We claim their souls now, and if they rehabilitate, one of them gets away scot free.”
Jimin's voice was gleeful at the idea and they all understood why. He was always more of a mind game person and this was a common game he liked to play with his victims.
Humans were selfish creatures by nature and would tear even their closest friend and family apart if it meant getting away from an eternity of torture. He'd seen it happen time and time again. Of course, there were always the rare ones. There was a select few with a soul pure and strong enough to resist the influence but those were rare as it was and most if not all weren't in their neck of the woods to begin with.
“...Fine. But I'm breaking a few bones first.” Jungkook grumbled, cracking his knuckles just to instill further fear in the shaking teens.
Yoongi smirked, and waved his hand, sighing in ecstasy as he allowed a brief scream to fill the air before he cut his voice off again, letting one of the leaders lackeys drop a bit so he could press his arm against his windpipe and watch the lack of oxygen make him futility try to escape, or plead with his eyes.
Jimin and Jungkook meanwhile took their pick of the other follower and abruptly let him drop to the asphalt. “...Run.” Their demonic voices both blended together as they let their prey get a head start before sharing a grin with one another and pursuing.
Namjoon, throughout all of this was quietly analyzing the leader, face set in a serious expression as he took in all he could. When he'd finished, his lips quirked upwards and he gently led the male down the wall he'd been pinned to and brushed him off once he was in front of him.
Once he met his eyes, the black faded away leaving only gentle brown in their wake. His voice was just as soft.
“...Go, get out of here.”
The leader did just that, bolting away with the sure thought that Namjoon would pursue but no sound save his own pounding footsteps graced his ears.
That's what happened for all of them actually. The first follower was so delirious and desperate from lack of oxygen that when he was given air he doubled over coughing and sucking in the much needed air without thought. It was only when he looked up again, rubbing his neck that he realized his assaulter was nowhere to be seen.
The other lackey was frantic, having been taunted by the two boys in a kind of twisted cat and mouse game. Anytime he stopped running to rest he'd catch a glimpse of one of them, or one of them would try to grab him. He was so exhausted and frightened by the end of it he just suddenly collapsed and began sobbing, his fragile psyche unable to deal with so much trauma.
The 4 met up outside of their shared residence, all feeling very satisfied, even though Jungkook was pouting something fierce. “Did we really have to let them go so easily? I wanted to play with him more…”He whined.
Namjoon snickered, leaning against the door with his leg propped up. “You'll get to play with him plenty in his dreams Jungkook don't worry. We'll wait 2 weeks or so, and then strike when they've finally convinced themselves it was all a fever dream or drug trip.  I'm sure not being able to get it up for a good 5 years unless we're playing with them will give them some well needed time to reflect on their actions too.
Yoongi's gaze was dark as ever but the curiosity in his eyes made them sparkle. “What made your decide to be lenient?”
Namjoon shrugged, all careless nonchalance.
“...They're kids. I realized that while looking at the leader, combing through his desires. They can change. But if they don't, they belong to us. This night will haunt them the rest or their lives, as will the nightmares we make them have, and the threats they'll receive in them.”
He sighed deeply, looking up at the stars and murmuring.
“...For once, I truly hope humanity will prove me wrong.”
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How would the tainting purity boys react if y/n was religious and wanted to go to her place of worship? Would they let her or would she have to try to sneak out of the house to go? Would they even let her keep any religious books or symbols in the house?
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Seokjin noticed it the second you walked in from doing errands and was on you in the next moment, pinning you against the wall with his eyes pitch black. His voice was cold as he spoke next.
“Errands hm? That included going to church and dedicating yourself to that bastard?”
His laugh was bitter, and his grip tightened. “No. Now I’m going to make you scream who you really belong to. I hope your time with him was worth it princess because, by the time I’m done with you, you won’t be able to walk anywhere.”
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Namjoon would freak. Genuinely. He doesn’t play around. If he found you praying, he’d take away your voice and would only give it back if you swore to him, potentially even with a blood oath, that you would never ever speak of Him again.
“You belong to us. I won’t let him have you, even if it means shredding every last bit of innocence and light you have left. If I ever find you on your knees for him again, I’ll make it so you can’t use your voice for a whole different reason. You got me?”
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Hoseok would be another one to lose it if he found anything remotely religious around.
He once looked up while having some fun with you only to see a cross hanging above your bed and growled so low you shivered from both arousal and fear before it was flung away by him with just a thought.
“You’re letting him watch over you? That’s our job. You don’t need a damn thing to worship besides us, and I’ll fucking prove it to you. Now scream my name loud enough for him to hear.”
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Yoongi would pretend it didn’t bother him when it really did if you left to go to church. He’d be the type to be passive aggressive and make snide comments while you’re getting ready, might even offer a half-hearted threat of “If you’re gonna leave maybe I should call the others…” just to fuck with you a bit and revel in your fear at the notion.
As long as you ultimately know you belong to them though, then he won’t really make an effort to stop you. It’s only if he can sense you’re starting to second-guess your relations with them because of your faith that he’ll intervene.
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Well, we all saw his reaction when you even so much as thought Jesus so yeah, he’s not gonna be a happy camper. Another possessive type if he finds you talking to Him but he’ll want to make you completely forget about anything holy.  
In fact, he’ll challenge you to try and say His name while he’s having his way with you. You won’t be able to, trust me on that. Jimin is merciless where this is concerned.
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Taehyung wouldn’t care so much as long as you kept everything out of sight and far away from him. He once asked what you were reading and when he went to peek over your shoulder he all but catapulted himself away as his eyes burned, unable to read the words. He growled at you angrily, voice a venomous hiss.
“Are you really that fucking dense?! You live with 7 demons and you think it’s okay to read a Bible in the living room? You’re lucky it was me and not Namjoon or Hoseok that found you like this. Get rid of it. Now.” 
His voice on the last word possessed a genuinely demonic edge you’d never heard from him before and it frightened you enough to comply as quickly as you could manage as you scampered off to hide it once again.
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Jungkook is the type to get pouty over this, and he’ll whine too. “What? You’re going to church again? Can’t you take a Sunday off? You know all of us hate it. We can take care of you so much better anyway.”
When you offered for him to come with he stared at you before he let his eyes flicker to their natural black.
“Did you forget we’re demons dummy? Not a shot in Hell will I ever step foot in a church.”
The disgust in his voice was clear.
“You Humans are something else. There’s no reason to turn to a supposedly holy being you don’t even know for sure exists for comfort or strength. You should be able to find it in yourself, or in those around you.”
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How would jungkook react towards mc if he noticed she was a masochist? :0
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Jungkook hummed in amusement, a coy smile playing at his pink lips as he watched you pant, blushing in embarrassment as you’d accidentally moaned when he’d spanked you. 
It was meant to be a punishment, but clearly, he’d overlooked this little quirk of yours. You had so many kinks, sometimes it wasn't easy to keep them all in line. 
But that was alright. He could use this to his advantage. 
“…Oh? What’s this? You’re dripping for me little girl, don’t tell me you actually like me punishing you? Tsk. Well, since you decided to hide it like the horny little slut you are, now I’m going to make you beg. I expect you to be loud enough that all of the other boys know who you belong to. I’d start now if I were you angel, we’ve got all night.”
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How would jungkook react to mc moaning in her sleep, but she's dreaming of another man? 👀
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Jungkook smiled down at your sleeping form on the couch, chuckling as you had overworked yourself yet again and fell asleep while taking a 30-minute break to watch your favorite show. He shook his head with a sigh, lifting you up with ease and carrying you to your bedroom.
As he went to put you down however you clung tighter to him and moaned, causing him to smirk as he felt something stir deep inside of him. Seems you couldn’t even escape them in your dreams now. Poor girl.
He smirked wider and was about to whisper something further to egg you on when you moaned an unfamiliar name and squirmed a bit in his grip. His eyes abruptly darkened and he abruptly dropped you on the bed making you jolt awake seconds later as your body panicked at the thought of falling.
Your breathing was heavy, thighs slick, your cheeks pink as you looked around, your eyes finally landing on Jungkook. You forced a smile but it quickly dropped at the sight of his dark glare.
“You wanna tell me who he is or should I just make you forget about him?”
You flushed redder at his blunt question, opening your mouth to explain but he was on top of you before you could.
His smirk only widened as a shot of arousal went right to your core.
“Looks like it’s option number 2 for both of us.”
His eyes narrowed into possessive slits. “I’ll make you forget his name like that princess.”
He grinned cheekily, boyish innocence that didn’t match his filthy words at all.
“Ready to scream my name and beg me not to tell the others till your voice goes hoarse?”
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Hi for the tainting purity au taetae do u have any other demon parts apart from your eyes?? 💖
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Taehyung smirked, tilting his head to the side.
“Oh? Like horns you mean?”
He snickered, rolling his eyes.
“You Humans and your curiosity. I suppose I should’ve expected this at some point. May as well get this out of the way now.”
He shook his head.
“No, no additional body parts or claws or horns. Just our eyes, though our teeth can sharpen as well if we wish. Not sure if that counts as parts to you.”
He shrugged, carelessly, mouth curving into a gentle smile as he let his eyes flicker to their true inky hue.
“But don’t you think my eyes are enough? Certainly seems to frighten you Mortals plenty.”
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How would our incubus bois react if y/n was bi and wanted to try girls or was just missing the feeling of being with a woman? ❤❤❤
While I’m not personally bi myself and therefore don’t really feel comfortable writing full-on smut as I typically would in this situation, I can say without a doubt the boys would accept her being bi. 
They’re incubi, after all, this is something that’s very common for them. Although, don’t think that just because it’s another woman they won’t be possessive as Hell, just like in my prior reaction with the guy friend. 
If she really wanted to and her intentions were pure, I think they’d let her honestly. 
This hasn’t come up much yet, but the boys see the ugly desires just as much as typical kinks, including potential rape, fighting against gay and lesbian urges right in front of their eyes just because they’re repressed from society, abuse…they see all of that. Innately, even the evil stuff is a desire in the eyes of the person doing it, no matter how vile and deplorable some of them may be. 
I personally headcanon that the boys like to help those that are repressed, especially Jin, as he’s typically a more romantic and passionate incubus who enjoys helping innocent Humans come to terms with their feelings, male or female.
I’m sorry it wasn’t really a character ask anon, but I felt this was very important to address as the writer of this series and a fellow human being here. 
I love you, thank you for sending in this ask!
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Honestly I really liked this one line a lot! It put something that I’ve been thinking for years into words and I completely agree, “There’s no reason to turn to a supposedly holy being you don’t even know for sure exists for comfort or strength. You should be able to find it in yourself, or in those around you.”
Thank you so much, I was quite proud of that line myself haha. I do pray occasionally and believe in a higher power and such but I think it's just as important to not use it as an excuse.
You need to create the change you want in your life, a higher power isn't going to just drop it on your lap unless you genuinely work for it.
That's what I believe anyway. Thank you so much for reading and sending this ask hun, it really made me smile!
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Just wanted to make it official!
Character asks are open, for both Tainting Purity and Black Ties, White Lies boys! Also Safe Haven’s Jimin and Namjoon! Please specify who you’d like to ask and I’ll answer you in character! 
Please send these in they’re actually so fun to write!
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How are you feeling, bb? If you aren't too busy I was wondering how the TP would react if reader was bisexual/had been with girls in the past?
I’m feeling okay! I’m gonna watch a movie with my mom and then start doing character asks! I’m glad I finally have a day off lol. 
I answered an ask like this ooc and here’s the link!
Feel free to send in another one if you’d like…love you bby!!!
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What would the tainting purity boys think if the reader had a pegging and mommy kink? (No pressure if this makes u uncomfy ❤❤)
Ah forgive me anonnie! I’m kind of a hardcore sub, and even if not, pegging would be really hard for me to write! Truthfully I had to look it up haha. I’m sorry about that! Feel free to send in other kinks though, I do know quite a few now!
I blame this godforsaken fandom. 
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I was scrolling through your page and seen that you had a request you said you were excited to do with a gif of Veronica from Heathers. It is Heathers related? (If so I would die of excitement)
It is indeed dear anon! It's a character ask for the Tainting Purity Boys.
I'm glad your excited! Heathers is personal favorite of mine, both the movie and the musical, though I personally like the movie more since I think it's darker and also Christian Slater. I've been singing I Say No on repeat for a while now lol.
Feel free to send in your own Heathers request if you'd like! The one I got was more musical releated.
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Dear author, I totally understand your POV and you do not have to apologise, i was just expressing my opinion. I am 19 as well, but this topic you raised is a major issue in my country. There are news reports everyday of such horrific crimes commited to and by people of our age group...i just feel strongly abt it and could not help myself. I really enjoyed your portrayal of the reader and her shock, it felt geunine. -Tempus
Of course Tempus, no worries at all! I'm glad we could have a civil discussion about it lol, may others on here could not. I'm so truly sorry to hear this is something you and your peers are forced to be subjected to and your feelings are of course, 100% valid. Someone close to me experienced it, but I can't even imagine having to have such a constant fear of it on my mind. You must be very strong.
Have a great day hun!
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Something for anon Tempest to also factor in, the boys were only ATTEMPTED, and let's look at the justice system for the fuck up it is. Attempted isn't as bad by a mile, as an actual assault. Had those vile things actually raped reader, no amount of her begging the incubi would have stopped them from killing her offenders. Besides if they are dead, the incubi cannot revisit with new horrors, well they probably could but it may require a trip down to hell and who's got that time?
This is very true Tri, thank you! ❤ If they had followed through, you're correct there wouldn't be a place they could hide to save them from what our incubi would do. I appreciate your support as always bby! 😘
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