#sissy sunshine
cootiekitten · 2 months
More jahnney appreciation as if there isn't enough
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+ threatening Julie to take cute pics with us
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If Sissy were a little more like Johnny instead
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sushibubbies · 5 months
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MY TAKE ON BRIDE SISSY!! plus shirtless johnny because yeah.. anyways super EXCITED FOR THEIR COSMETICS!!
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akuchoi · 5 months
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sink your teeth, you’re in love for one night !
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alittlebitofeverthang · 2 months
So I notice something, when you play as Leland you will notice that he has a bruise around his neck. I imagine maybe to get him into the basement he had to be knocked out. There is no one in the family who could strangle someone like Leland and be successful. Johnny is the likely answer. This is how I imagine it went. (This isn’t canon but it somewhat makes sense)
Warning: violence
Everything had gone south so fast it would have made Leland’s head spin if he had time to really think. How did it come to this? Everything was fine, they were going to find Maria and bring her home. That’s what everyone hoped for. Now everyone was scared fighting battles and trying to survive this sudden nightmare in this little property they found in Texas. All they did was ask questions that clearly weren’t meant to have answers. Not from anyone.
Julie was running from a man dressed in gas station attire who was no doubt in his late 40’s. The sound of a chainsaw ripped through the air, whoever that chainsaw wielding sucker was chasing Ana. Connie was busy outrunning a strawberry blonde woman, and Sonny was being hunted down by a man who was twice Sonny’s size. Leland himself was running from a scrappy man who looked like he hadn’t showered in weeks. Leland ran and ran hearing panicked screams from his friends echoing in his mind. What was he doing? He was Leland McKinney! A fighter not a runner. He could take this scrappy sucker with ease. Leland came to a shocking fast halt, surprising the greasy rat with which Leland happily bashed his fist into the man’s jaw, knocking him on his back. The man whined and groaned “you hit me! You’ll pay for that!”
A nearby scream took his attention away from the man he just took out. Sonny. The larger man was on top of Sonny and gave Sonny a good lick to the head with his fist. Adrenaline kicked in, Leland’s legs moved before he even thought to. The distance between them grew shorter and shorter by the second. The man’s yellow gloves started to choke Sonny out. “GET THE HELL OFF HIM!” He cried charging at the larger man who had no time to react. Their bodies slammed together with a painfully loud thud. The yellow gloved man groaned and coughed a little when he hit the dirt ground winded. Getting up Leland quickly approached Sony extending his hand “GET UP WILLIAMS!” Leland’s voice was more forceful than he meant to but there was an urgency, a panic. Sonny went to take his hand but stopped short. “Look out!” He yelled. Just as Leland turned his head a shocking hard blow to the jaw knocked him to the ground right on top of Sonny who yelped at the sudden weight.
The man laughed, “It’s play time!” He exclaimed a manic look in his eyes. Thinking quickly Leland kicked the man right in the shin making him double forward adding to the pile. Shoving him off Leland got off sunny and snatched him up so fast it would have made him dizzy. A strong grip yanked on Lena’s pulling him down, taking Sonny with him to the dirt again. Letting go of Sonny's hand he shouted “SONNY RUN! I'll Take care of this son of a-“ a hard hit or the back of his head interrupted his plea to get Sonny to run. A split moment Sonny and Leland made eye contact. Sonny was a smart man, he knew if he could slip away he could get help. So that’s what he did, he ran like there was no tomorrow. The man had now sat on the small of Leland’s back making him wheeze as he gripped Leland’s hair pulling his head up and back painfully. Leaning down the man's hot beer breath tickled Leland’s ear uncomfortably. “Tryin’ to be the hero huh boy? Too bad, good try though.”
Jerking his elbow up, Leland hit the guy right in the side of the head. While the man was in pain Lena’s bucked him off his back and went to get up. His hair was snagged again as he yanked back and slammed back onto the dirt, the yellow gloved man sat on his lower abdomen. He tried to buck him off but the man tightened the grip his legs had on him. Leland began to swing at him but that was quickly stopped when his head lifted and slammed back down on the ground. His head was reeling and dizzy. He groaned in pain as the world spun around him. The rough gloved hand slid around Leland’s throat beginning to squeeze tight. “Come on, where did the fight n’ ya go huh boy? Come on, fight back! Hit me!” The man taunted. Leland reached for his face, an eye, his nose anything but he was smart and stayed just out of reach. Gasping and wheezing Leland tried to pry the gloves away from his throat but to no avail. His lungs burned, eyes watered starting to lull back as blackness started to creep in. At least Sonny is alright, he thought before blacking out unaware that the nightmare wasn’t even close to being over. For any of them.
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mariaflores-snaps · 25 days
Got a photo of these stinky little flowers. The Callery Pears start to sprout this time of year in Denver.
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tahkannibal · 3 months
Drawingms...and stuff...
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boybasher · 2 months
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fry-house · 2 months
They're either cousins or Bubba is Sissy's uncle, but given how close in age they are they likely grew up together to me it's cute to imagine the two of them playing together. He's big and gives her boosts so she can get the candy jar off the top shelf, she defends him if some.passing kids are being mean, and so on. When she leaves home and goes on the road she still sends postcards specifically addressed to Bubba to let him know she's okay. They're not technically siblings but they're as good as
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iorbit · 6 months
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thinking about sissy's 'does THAT hurt?' line and sonny's 'this is what it FEELS LIKE ... hope it HURTS' line tonight
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cootiekitten · 3 months
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A mirmir...
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charleslee-valentine · 6 months
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For The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Fan Event Day 2: The Family House
Ship(s): None
Word Count: ~2,800
Warnings: Child abuse, miscarriage mention, spousal abuse, injury, trauma.
5+1 Things- Five times the Sawyer Family wasn’t happy. Plus the one time they were.
Mama’s six months pregnant when she can’t go to work anymore.
It’s not her first baby since Drayton, but this little one will be the first to make it this long. Every night before bed, nine year old Drayton Sawyer kneels at the side of his bed, and prays and prays that his little sibling will be okay. Not that he’d stop getting hit. Not that they’d get more money. Just that that baby will be okay.
The part Drayton really doesn’t like is that they have to move to get mama help. Without working and all, she can’t afford the little place they’ve been staying in, so she decided to take up some space with grandpa.
Once they arrive, any anguish Drayton had, it triples on the spot.
The house is huge. He’s already the one who cleans it all up, Mama’s too busy to do it all. No he’ll be forced to do the impossible task of keeping a giant farm house clean and cared for, all by himself.
He asks her, “Are you sure we hafta stay here?”
But it’s ignored, brushed off. He’s forced to shake hands with his grandpa and run upstairs with all the bags they’d brought.
Might as well do a little exploring.
He hopes he can have the bedroom at the back. It’s empty, save for a desk by the window, but the room is tucked way off in the corner by itself. He’d finally have his own space.
He leaves his bag in there and ventures off to disappointment. The rooms by the bathroom on the other side of the hall are bigger, but he doesn’t want to share a room with Mama no more, she snores too loud when she’s been drinking and passes out.
It doesn’t happen much now that there’s gonna be a baby.
Drayton wonders where baby will go. Maybe downstairs somewhere? But oh how he doesn’t want to go back down there. Drayton wants to curl up and hide somewhere forever. He isn’t ready to be given a work list already, so soon after traveling half the state to get here.
The boy sits on the very top step at the landing, and looks about, noticing cobwebs and dirt just about everywhere, even in the fur of the trophy pelts hanging on the wall. Of course he’ll be the one cleaning that later. He rolls his eyes and sighs as quietly as he can.
From here, looking down at the first floor of the house, he feels like nobody can tell him what to do.
Daddy’s back.
He wants rights to his daughter, little Sissy Sunshine they call her.
Hair the color of angel dust and sunflowers. Not like Drayton’s ugly, dark features according to Mama.
Drayton takes the baby outside when he can, or off to another room to play with blocks or something. So long as he lives, daddy ain’t coming nowhere close to the one and a half year old girl.
He puts a little teeny sunhat on her and carries her with him, in a hand fashioned carrier for the girl. It’s just a burlap sack with a string woven through and an old bag strap sewn on, but it works better than letting her roam while he works outside. She has to stay away when it comes to the heavy duty stuff, she can stay in her little bouncer toy then, but today’s just poking around in the front garden and trying to get the bushes and flowers to cooperate.
A little smudge of dirt on her pretty pale cheek won’t hurt nothing. ‘Sides, she’ll be helping Drayton run this place one day. Not like the adults around are goin’ to do a damn thing.
Baby Sissy stares up at him and smiles with her tiny, gappy teeth. He focuses intently on burying the roots of the gardenias and acts like he doesn’t notice.
Until. The sound of glass shattering in the house. Profane screaming. Anguish and hatred pouring out every gap in the house, under doors and through windows and boiling out of the chimney.
Who coulda guessed that the man that pointed a gun to mama’s head ain’t the right choice to open her legs for again. Drayton hates them both.
Sometimes he wishes they’d just kill each other and get it over with.
The baby starts to sniffle like she can read those thoughts. Like she knows Drayton is every bit the monster the scary grown ups are. He feels guilty.
Grimacing, he wrenches out of the firepoke gloves he was pretending were for gardening, tossing them aside and cradling the back of her fragile blonde head.
“Hush, now. Just.. Just quiet on down.”
He’s just barely a teenager. How the hell is he supposed to know how to calm a crying baby? It doesn’t work and she starts hollering her little head off.
Drayton glares at the front door of the house, waiting for it to open. He knows they can hear the baby crying. He knows they won’t come and help. He holds her a little tighter, feeling every wail and hiccup and sob that tears through the baby’s tiny body.
“Come on, little one. Gotta.. Just calm down.”
The babies keep coming. Different guy this time, different promises. Only consistent is that Drayton’s the one shouldering all the weight.
There’s two of them, tiny and sick little things. Right now, they’re going through a phase of colic, crying and crying and got-damn crying non-stop.
Drayton swears the hairs at his temples are going gray. Might not be all that unrealistic at twenty something.
He’s trying to act his age, meet someone at a bar, settle down, forget babysitting for his low life mother. But that’s never gonna happen.
Sissy’s only about eleven now and not nearly mature enough to deal with giving the twin boys their breathing treatments and shots and changing diapers and blending up the solid foods they should be eating by now.
On the plus side, Drayton’s becomin’ a fine cook, providing for his siblings, but that’s not his place now is it?
Mama and grandpa preach the same story, gotta marry young and provide for the woman, so she’ll provide to the family name. To hell with that.
Got no interest in it. Why should he want brats of his own with three siblings running around now?
The farm work don’t magically disappear either. Mama don’t lift a finger, grandpas halfway to death's door, and sissy’s afraid of the machinery. Same old story.
One baby on his front, the other on his back, both of ‘em crying their eyes out. No sense in wasting the breath on trying to calm them. Might save his hearing, if it worked, but it doesn’t, so he ignores it. Grits his teeth and hauls ass to get the crop planted in time.
Hell it’s not like he’s ‘bout to let these kids starve just ‘cause this ain’t the life he wants. Even he’s not that cruel.
Has he considered running off and letting them deal with it? Of course he damn has.
Has he decided he’ll step up and make sure they’re at least living comfortable, if not well? Regrettably, yes.
Does that patience get tested even more when the baby on his front- little Nubbins he calls him since he’s so tiny and mama can’t be bothered to call them anything- hiccups from all the crying and spits up right on his shirt? Well, that would be another yes.
Mama dies when the fifth baby is born. Grandpa’s been dead for two years by then.
She never knew who this baby’s daddy was, to leave somebody for Drayton to beg for help.
So they’re all alone.
Everyone his age is settled by now, yet here he is. Bottle-feeding the little shit that never even got a proper name. Watching the boys and their almost grown sister playing around. Like a hawk.
It’s not a gentle gaze. He’s angry today. Waiting for one of them to slip up so he can take it out on them.
They know it too. Robert tugs on Sissy’s sleeve and asks her a question, whispered in her ear. He thinks he’d get in trouble if Drayton heard his stutter out loud. The way things are going, he just might.
The baby had a cleft in his lip. It’s stitched up now, but he won’t ever just feed even with the bottle right in front of him. This shit was easier with the twins just eating through tubes in their bellies.
The glass and thus the milk has gone cold by now, not warm like it should be, but he can’t be assed to fix it. If only shouting at a five month old worked half as well as it did on the boys. He’d shake the baby and scream at him, “Just eat what you’re given goddamit! Little brat, suck it up!”
Well then he’d sound like Grandpa.
Maybe he already does.
Drayton closes his eyes and forgets about the conspiring between the two siblings in the yard. Almost, almost gets a goddamn moment of peace while the baby at least tries to get his deformed and scarred little lips around the bottle, but that never lasts.
Sissy interrupts. “Can I see the baby?”
Drayton doesn’t even open his eyes to look at her. “No. He’s eatin’.”
“Mhm. Sure.” How he’d love to slap that attitude off her face. It’s just dripping from her tone. He can just imagine her hands on her hips, a puckered expression on her impatient face.
His fingers twitch. He suppresses that for the sake of not dropping the infant in his arms. Yeah. That’s the reason.
“Go bother the boys.”
“It’s the boys wanna see him.”
He scoffs. Shakes his head. “Hell no. He ain’t their doll.”
Sunshine’s glow seems to be covered by angry clouds today, her tone the exact opposite of her name, “They wanna name ‘im, Drayton. Is it a crime now that they actually love their brother?”
Something funny clutches at his heart. Something like guilt maybe. Sissy’s already storming off but he stops her. Puts the still full bottle down and raises the little baby up.
“Here. I’m tired of this anyway.”
The letter come in November of 1971.
They were drafting Robert. His birthday’d been drawn out of a lottery. He was among the first few groups of the year. Some grand prize.
The boy’d cried harder when they had to shave his head than the day he finally left. The same couldn’t be said for his brothers.
Drayton stayed stiff but the younger two.. Well, not even their sister leaving a few years before could've prepared them for the idea of war. Of their Bobby being shot at.
It’s Draytons fault. None of them should’ve qualified. That damned idiot can’t even spell his own name, can’t reason like the grown adult he’s s’pose’n to be.
Too much pressuring them to act right. To act normal. He’d faked it til he made it, except this wasn’t no academic test they give him. It was a competency test, and now he’d be gone. For a year at least.
The house is quiet.
Bubba hides from the world, the scary world he thinks is gonna eat up his brother. Spends all day in his room with the lights off. Tinkering with what he’s got
Nubbins is the opposite. He wanders outside. Too far past the property line. Gets in random cars. Asks if they could take him straight to his brother and gets mad when they don’t. Can’t.
Drayton would keep him on a tighter leash if he wasn’t working his days away at the station. The checks from the boys’ ailments started running thin. Mama's life insurance run out long ago, never making a dent in the debt she left. He had no choice to but to work.
Everything’s broken. Wrong.
Family come first. It always had. Never got to spend a day of his adult life doing anything other than taking care of those brothers of his.
And yet.
Now that he doesn’t have to-
Now that Robert is gone-
Drayton hurts. Mourns. Regrets. Wishes things might’ve been different.
He wishes the kids didn’t hate him. Taste of his own medicine, maybe. The bastard raised them spiteful. Should’ve known it’d be like this.
They don’t even look at him most days. Just float around the same house. The one of their childhood.
The one that was supposed to keep them safe.
It takes Bobby getting injured.
How pathetic that the only thing that could bond the family is more suffering?
Somehow it works.
Maybe it’s having to clean up the bloody messes of his bandages when his stitches split. Or having to help him navigate the house without being able to see it.
The head wound cut out his vision, like a light switch he described it. He’d thought it was blood in his eyes, but the lights never quite turned back on.
So it’s up to the rest of them to be his eyes.
In some ways, to be his protectors again.
Nubbins is always flying up to help him if he needs so much as a sip of water. But sometimes Nubbins can’t be there. Sometimes he’s out of commission with his own troubles, and god knows Bubba’s too afraid to touch Bobby ever since he got hurt. Scared he might break him.
That leaves one.
When Bobby gets stranded up the stairs one day, he calls for him. “C-Cook. Cooooook. Y-You gonna help me o-or what?”
“Or what.” Drayton grumbles in response.
“A-As if.” Bobby laughs at first, a wheezy, nasally thing, but then a dead serious look crosses on his face, turning into a bitter scowl, a hint of fear, “Y-You’re not really gonna-“
“Hell no.”
Drayton heaves his old ass up there to help Bobby down, guiding him to the railing and giving him one arm to steady. It’s clumsy, two grown men don’t fit side by side on these steps, but they get him to the ground so it works fine enough.
Robert blindly reaches for his brother, patting him across the face appreciatively. It would piss Drayton off if the boy could help it. A wound as bad as he got, there’s not much feeling in them hands anymore either. They say you lose your eyes and get guided by touch, but he don’t got much of that either. Like he’s lost.
Drayton’ll accept the gesture for what it was meant to be.
Nubbins saw. His skinny ass was hiding behind the doorframe of the sitting room
“Come here, get your brother boy. ‘Fore I get tired of him.”
The mystery gets Bobby riled up, “Who-Who’s it gonna be? Is it B-Bubba?”
His head darts back and forth, the little bit of hair he’s got growing back so far flying around like mad.
Grabbing him by the frail shoulders, Drayton turns Bobby towards his twin, “No, you nitwit. Listen.”
The sound of their gait is different. Bubba's favorite boots click on the wood floors for one thing, but he’s also much bigger. Boards creak under every movement of that boy. It’s obvious the one approaching now isn’t him. And well.
“Nubbins!! Hi Nubbins!!” Robert greets excitedly.
Nubbins ushers him away into the next room, glaring daggers at Drayton until he can’t see him anymore, “Was he mean?”
“N-No way! H-He got me down!” Bobby points in the direction he thinks the stairs are and makes a clumsy little walking man with his fingers. But of course he can’t stop there. A devilish giggle, “I-I think big brother’s g-goin’ softie on us.”
The anger melts away from Nubbins’ face like an ice cube, replaced with his own bastard smile, “Y-Yeh, he-he even let.. let Bubba put makeup o-on him.”
It’s true. Drayton couldn’t argue with the kid. He was crying his eyes out and tugging at his hair and throwing a whole fit. This was back when they first got Bobby home from the hospital, and he’d been bleeding all over the place still.
Hell, it only seemed right. You get so old, get so tired of being angry, you can’t hold the same grudges. Let the kid play. Though he did cut him off at the lipstick.
Nubbins won’t share that detail though. The thought is enough.
It certainly shocks Robert, who gasps like it’s his first day breathing air, or even like he hadn’t already heard this before, “No!”
“Y-Yeah!” Nubbins nods his head, even though his brother can’t see it.
The two of them laugh like anything’s even funny. Like they did when they were young. Sometimes it seemed like they were functioning on one brain, having conversations nobody else but the walls of this house would ever hear. Maybe they were.
Drayton doesn’t want to imagine what it was like when Robert’s heart give out twice on the surgery table. What was going on in his twin brother's head. It was hell enough on him and Bubba.
Maybe he is easing the iron fist he’s kept on this house. Who can blame him for that?
Let them have their moment.
Drayton grumbles under his breath, but it’s a comment really quite fond, “Little shits.”
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sushibubbies · 5 months
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NUBBINSSS!! i need to draw him more.. same wif sissy i luv them i swear!!
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Only 3 days left until the Texas Chainsaw Fanworks Event!!
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If y’all would like to participate, check out the rules and post your works on the select days! Starting the 16th of December!!
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zigzaz · 3 months
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sissy from tcm because I love that game and the movies and have 100’s of hrs in that game 💯
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Okay, a little weird but…got done with a match and Johnny and I were vibing. Like he wasn’t not going to kill me but he was also trying not to. Like, I knew he was planing on killing me but he was waiting an chilling out with me. This man follows me to the battery exit on mill. I didn’t know there was a window that you could jump from in the tiny house. So I wanted to show him, he was scared I was gonna door slam him and so he didn’t follow me inside. Instead sissy came and I decided to jump out the window anyway. Hitch was there and killed me. Sissy started dancing on my dead body and he swiped at her and she ran off and then hitch started dancing on me and he swiped at him too. He was protecting my dead body 😭😂. I didn’t get to say thank you. I wish Johnny could have watched me jump from the window. Thank you for being chill.
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