#sunshine sissy slaughter
charleslee-valentine · 9 months
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For The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Fan Event Day 2: The Family House
Ship(s): None
Word Count: ~2,800
Warnings: Child abuse, miscarriage mention, spousal abuse, injury, trauma.
5+1 Things- Five times the Sawyer Family wasn’t happy. Plus the one time they were.
Mama’s six months pregnant when she can’t go to work anymore.
It’s not her first baby since Drayton, but this little one will be the first to make it this long. Every night before bed, nine year old Drayton Sawyer kneels at the side of his bed, and prays and prays that his little sibling will be okay. Not that he’d stop getting hit. Not that they’d get more money. Just that that baby will be okay.
The part Drayton really doesn’t like is that they have to move to get mama help. Without working and all, she can’t afford the little place they’ve been staying in, so she decided to take up some space with grandpa.
Once they arrive, any anguish Drayton had, it triples on the spot.
The house is huge. He’s already the one who cleans it all up, Mama’s too busy to do it all. No he’ll be forced to do the impossible task of keeping a giant farm house clean and cared for, all by himself.
He asks her, “Are you sure we hafta stay here?”
But it’s ignored, brushed off. He’s forced to shake hands with his grandpa and run upstairs with all the bags they’d brought.
Might as well do a little exploring.
He hopes he can have the bedroom at the back. It’s empty, save for a desk by the window, but the room is tucked way off in the corner by itself. He’d finally have his own space.
He leaves his bag in there and ventures off to disappointment. The rooms by the bathroom on the other side of the hall are bigger, but he doesn’t want to share a room with Mama no more, she snores too loud when she’s been drinking and passes out.
It doesn’t happen much now that there’s gonna be a baby.
Drayton wonders where baby will go. Maybe downstairs somewhere? But oh how he doesn’t want to go back down there. Drayton wants to curl up and hide somewhere forever. He isn’t ready to be given a work list already, so soon after traveling half the state to get here.
The boy sits on the very top step at the landing, and looks about, noticing cobwebs and dirt just about everywhere, even in the fur of the trophy pelts hanging on the wall. Of course he’ll be the one cleaning that later. He rolls his eyes and sighs as quietly as he can.
From here, looking down at the first floor of the house, he feels like nobody can tell him what to do.
Daddy’s back.
He wants rights to his daughter, little Sissy Sunshine they call her.
Hair the color of angel dust and sunflowers. Not like Drayton’s ugly, dark features according to Mama.
Drayton takes the baby outside when he can, or off to another room to play with blocks or something. So long as he lives, daddy ain’t coming nowhere close to the one and a half year old girl.
He puts a little teeny sunhat on her and carries her with him, in a hand fashioned carrier for the girl. It’s just a burlap sack with a string woven through and an old bag strap sewn on, but it works better than letting her roam while he works outside. She has to stay away when it comes to the heavy duty stuff, she can stay in her little bouncer toy then, but today’s just poking around in the front garden and trying to get the bushes and flowers to cooperate.
A little smudge of dirt on her pretty pale cheek won’t hurt nothing. ‘Sides, she’ll be helping Drayton run this place one day. Not like the adults around are goin’ to do a damn thing.
Baby Sissy stares up at him and smiles with her tiny, gappy teeth. He focuses intently on burying the roots of the gardenias and acts like he doesn’t notice.
Until. The sound of glass shattering in the house. Profane screaming. Anguish and hatred pouring out every gap in the house, under doors and through windows and boiling out of the chimney.
Who coulda guessed that the man that pointed a gun to mama’s head ain’t the right choice to open her legs for again. Drayton hates them both.
Sometimes he wishes they’d just kill each other and get it over with.
The baby starts to sniffle like she can read those thoughts. Like she knows Drayton is every bit the monster the scary grown ups are. He feels guilty.
Grimacing, he wrenches out of the firepoke gloves he was pretending were for gardening, tossing them aside and cradling the back of her fragile blonde head.
“Hush, now. Just.. Just quiet on down.”
He’s just barely a teenager. How the hell is he supposed to know how to calm a crying baby? It doesn’t work and she starts hollering her little head off.
Drayton glares at the front door of the house, waiting for it to open. He knows they can hear the baby crying. He knows they won’t come and help. He holds her a little tighter, feeling every wail and hiccup and sob that tears through the baby’s tiny body.
“Come on, little one. Gotta.. Just calm down.”
The babies keep coming. Different guy this time, different promises. Only consistent is that Drayton’s the one shouldering all the weight.
There’s two of them, tiny and sick little things. Right now, they’re going through a phase of colic, crying and crying and got-damn crying non-stop.
Drayton swears the hairs at his temples are going gray. Might not be all that unrealistic at twenty something.
He’s trying to act his age, meet someone at a bar, settle down, forget babysitting for his low life mother. But that’s never gonna happen.
Sissy’s only about eleven now and not nearly mature enough to deal with giving the twin boys their breathing treatments and shots and changing diapers and blending up the solid foods they should be eating by now.
On the plus side, Drayton’s becomin’ a fine cook, providing for his siblings, but that’s not his place now is it?
Mama and grandpa preach the same story, gotta marry young and provide for the woman, so she’ll provide to the family name. To hell with that.
Got no interest in it. Why should he want brats of his own with three siblings running around now?
The farm work don’t magically disappear either. Mama don’t lift a finger, grandpas halfway to death's door, and sissy’s afraid of the machinery. Same old story.
One baby on his front, the other on his back, both of ‘em crying their eyes out. No sense in wasting the breath on trying to calm them. Might save his hearing, if it worked, but it doesn’t, so he ignores it. Grits his teeth and hauls ass to get the crop planted in time.
Hell it’s not like he’s ‘bout to let these kids starve just ‘cause this ain’t the life he wants. Even he’s not that cruel.
Has he considered running off and letting them deal with it? Of course he damn has.
Has he decided he’ll step up and make sure they’re at least living comfortable, if not well? Regrettably, yes.
Does that patience get tested even more when the baby on his front- little Nubbins he calls him since he’s so tiny and mama can’t be bothered to call them anything- hiccups from all the crying and spits up right on his shirt? Well, that would be another yes.
Mama dies when the fifth baby is born. Grandpa’s been dead for two years by then.
She never knew who this baby’s daddy was, to leave somebody for Drayton to beg for help.
So they’re all alone.
Everyone his age is settled by now, yet here he is. Bottle-feeding the little shit that never even got a proper name. Watching the boys and their almost grown sister playing around. Like a hawk.
It’s not a gentle gaze. He’s angry today. Waiting for one of them to slip up so he can take it out on them.
They know it too. Robert tugs on Sissy’s sleeve and asks her a question, whispered in her ear. He thinks he’d get in trouble if Drayton heard his stutter out loud. The way things are going, he just might.
The baby had a cleft in his lip. It’s stitched up now, but he won’t ever just feed even with the bottle right in front of him. This shit was easier with the twins just eating through tubes in their bellies.
The glass and thus the milk has gone cold by now, not warm like it should be, but he can’t be assed to fix it. If only shouting at a five month old worked half as well as it did on the boys. He’d shake the baby and scream at him, “Just eat what you’re given goddamit! Little brat, suck it up!”
Well then he’d sound like Grandpa.
Maybe he already does.
Drayton closes his eyes and forgets about the conspiring between the two siblings in the yard. Almost, almost gets a goddamn moment of peace while the baby at least tries to get his deformed and scarred little lips around the bottle, but that never lasts.
Sissy interrupts. “Can I see the baby?”
Drayton doesn’t even open his eyes to look at her. “No. He’s eatin’.”
“Mhm. Sure.” How he’d love to slap that attitude off her face. It’s just dripping from her tone. He can just imagine her hands on her hips, a puckered expression on her impatient face.
His fingers twitch. He suppresses that for the sake of not dropping the infant in his arms. Yeah. That’s the reason.
“Go bother the boys.”
“It’s the boys wanna see him.”
He scoffs. Shakes his head. “Hell no. He ain’t their doll.”
Sunshine’s glow seems to be covered by angry clouds today, her tone the exact opposite of her name, “They wanna name ‘im, Drayton. Is it a crime now that they actually love their brother?”
Something funny clutches at his heart. Something like guilt maybe. Sissy’s already storming off but he stops her. Puts the still full bottle down and raises the little baby up.
“Here. I’m tired of this anyway.”
The letter come in November of 1971.
They were drafting Robert. His birthday’d been drawn out of a lottery. He was among the first few groups of the year. Some grand prize.
The boy’d cried harder when they had to shave his head than the day he finally left. The same couldn’t be said for his brothers.
Drayton stayed stiff but the younger two.. Well, not even their sister leaving a few years before could've prepared them for the idea of war. Of their Bobby being shot at.
It’s Draytons fault. None of them should’ve qualified. That damned idiot can’t even spell his own name, can’t reason like the grown adult he’s s’pose’n to be.
Too much pressuring them to act right. To act normal. He’d faked it til he made it, except this wasn’t no academic test they give him. It was a competency test, and now he’d be gone. For a year at least.
The house is quiet.
Bubba hides from the world, the scary world he thinks is gonna eat up his brother. Spends all day in his room with the lights off. Tinkering with what he’s got
Nubbins is the opposite. He wanders outside. Too far past the property line. Gets in random cars. Asks if they could take him straight to his brother and gets mad when they don’t. Can’t.
Drayton would keep him on a tighter leash if he wasn’t working his days away at the station. The checks from the boys’ ailments started running thin. Mama's life insurance run out long ago, never making a dent in the debt she left. He had no choice to but to work.
Everything’s broken. Wrong.
Family come first. It always had. Never got to spend a day of his adult life doing anything other than taking care of those brothers of his.
And yet.
Now that he doesn’t have to-
Now that Robert is gone-
Drayton hurts. Mourns. Regrets. Wishes things might’ve been different.
He wishes the kids didn’t hate him. Taste of his own medicine, maybe. The bastard raised them spiteful. Should’ve known it’d be like this.
They don’t even look at him most days. Just float around the same house. The one of their childhood.
The one that was supposed to keep them safe.
It takes Bobby getting injured.
How pathetic that the only thing that could bond the family is more suffering?
Somehow it works.
Maybe it’s having to clean up the bloody messes of his bandages when his stitches split. Or having to help him navigate the house without being able to see it.
The head wound cut out his vision, like a light switch he described it. He’d thought it was blood in his eyes, but the lights never quite turned back on.
So it’s up to the rest of them to be his eyes.
In some ways, to be his protectors again.
Nubbins is always flying up to help him if he needs so much as a sip of water. But sometimes Nubbins can’t be there. Sometimes he’s out of commission with his own troubles, and god knows Bubba’s too afraid to touch Bobby ever since he got hurt. Scared he might break him.
That leaves one.
When Bobby gets stranded up the stairs one day, he calls for him. “C-Cook. Cooooook. Y-You gonna help me o-or what?”
“Or what.” Drayton grumbles in response.
“A-As if.” Bobby laughs at first, a wheezy, nasally thing, but then a dead serious look crosses on his face, turning into a bitter scowl, a hint of fear, “Y-You’re not really gonna-“
“Hell no.”
Drayton heaves his old ass up there to help Bobby down, guiding him to the railing and giving him one arm to steady. It’s clumsy, two grown men don’t fit side by side on these steps, but they get him to the ground so it works fine enough.
Robert blindly reaches for his brother, patting him across the face appreciatively. It would piss Drayton off if the boy could help it. A wound as bad as he got, there’s not much feeling in them hands anymore either. They say you lose your eyes and get guided by touch, but he don’t got much of that either. Like he’s lost.
Drayton’ll accept the gesture for what it was meant to be.
Nubbins saw. His skinny ass was hiding behind the doorframe of the sitting room
“Come here, get your brother boy. ‘Fore I get tired of him.”
The mystery gets Bobby riled up, “Who-Who’s it gonna be? Is it B-Bubba?”
His head darts back and forth, the little bit of hair he’s got growing back so far flying around like mad.
Grabbing him by the frail shoulders, Drayton turns Bobby towards his twin, “No, you nitwit. Listen.”
The sound of their gait is different. Bubba's favorite boots click on the wood floors for one thing, but he’s also much bigger. Boards creak under every movement of that boy. It’s obvious the one approaching now isn’t him. And well.
“Nubbins!! Hi Nubbins!!” Robert greets excitedly.
Nubbins ushers him away into the next room, glaring daggers at Drayton until he can’t see him anymore, “Was he mean?”
“N-No way! H-He got me down!” Bobby points in the direction he thinks the stairs are and makes a clumsy little walking man with his fingers. But of course he can’t stop there. A devilish giggle, “I-I think big brother’s g-goin’ softie on us.”
The anger melts away from Nubbins’ face like an ice cube, replaced with his own bastard smile, “Y-Yeh, he-he even let.. let Bubba put makeup o-on him.”
It’s true. Drayton couldn’t argue with the kid. He was crying his eyes out and tugging at his hair and throwing a whole fit. This was back when they first got Bobby home from the hospital, and he’d been bleeding all over the place still.
Hell, it only seemed right. You get so old, get so tired of being angry, you can’t hold the same grudges. Let the kid play. Though he did cut him off at the lipstick.
Nubbins won’t share that detail though. The thought is enough.
It certainly shocks Robert, who gasps like it’s his first day breathing air, or even like he hadn’t already heard this before, “No!”
“Y-Yeah!” Nubbins nods his head, even though his brother can’t see it.
The two of them laugh like anything’s even funny. Like they did when they were young. Sometimes it seemed like they were functioning on one brain, having conversations nobody else but the walls of this house would ever hear. Maybe they were.
Drayton doesn’t want to imagine what it was like when Robert’s heart give out twice on the surgery table. What was going on in his twin brother's head. It was hell enough on him and Bubba.
Maybe he is easing the iron fist he’s kept on this house. Who can blame him for that?
Let them have their moment.
Drayton grumbles under his breath, but it’s a comment really quite fond, “Little shits.”
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freakfangz · 2 months
swerve and ah dip 😧😧
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sushibubbies · 8 months
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MY TAKE ON BRIDE SISSY!! plus shirtless johnny because yeah.. anyways super EXCITED FOR THEIR COSMETICS!!
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countlessimagines · 3 months
Something in His Eyes [ Johnny Slaughter x Reader ]
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Summary: You find out the hard way why being close to Johnny was never a good idea.
A/N: I’m obsessed with the game so it was only right to write something for Johnny <3
Warnings: General Texas chainsaw massacre content, blood, mentions of killings and death
You had been laying on the grass, basking in the sun all afternoon when your mother called you into the house. You had lived on a farm and your nearest neighbors were the Sawyers who lived a couple miles down the road.
She had interrupted your sun bathing to send you to the grocery store for a few items that she needed for dinner. She shooed you off with the list and you took your bike with a little basket to carry the groceries.
You had to pass the Sawyer house on the way to the store, so you decided to see if they needed anything. And it was more of an excuse to see Johnny.
You had met him a few months ago during the summer, when he explained to you that there was a family emergency that required him to stay at the family house instead of with his mother Nancy.
You made it a habit to say hello to Sissy every few days. You never cared to say hello to Drayton though, as he always gave you side eyes and would sneer whenever Johnny would jog just a little faster to see you at the fence.
While you had invited Johnny to your house multiple times, he never seemed to invite you into his family’s house. It didn’t bug you as much since he never even took you up on your invites.
It wasn’t long before you made it to their house, honking the small horn on your bike to see if anyone was home to hear.
After a minute of waiting, Johnny appeared from the back of the house. He did a jog to close the distance between the two of you, especially since the driveway was so long.
He gave you a giant grin once he was close enough. “Hey there, pumpkin!”
You blushed at the nickname, but tried to hide it. “Hi, Johnny.”
“What brings you here?” He got close enough and you could see the sweat beading down his temple, and how his breathing was short and scattered. You failed to notice the bleeding knife in his pocket.
“Making a run to the grocery store. Wanted to see if you needed anything?”
“I think we’re good. Drayton is making his famous chili.” Johnny said, almost giving you a look once over but stopping himself.
“Ah, I forgot he cooks. Does he wear a little apron as well?” You joked, poking Johnny on his abs. You tried to refrain another blush from how toned he was.
He chuckled, giving you a wink. “He does, but that’ll be our little secret since he never lets anyone cook with him.”
You nodded, pretending to lock your lips and throw away the key.
“I was meaning to ask you, have you been listening to the radio? They ended up finding the car of Maria Flores! Isn’t it crazy that she just upped and disappeared?”
Johnny tensed but you didn’t seem to notice since he smooth talked his way out of it. “Yeah, real crazy, pumpkin. But they said no foul play so there’s no chance they’ll find her at this rate. She probably ran away.”
You shrugged, not entirely sure yourself. Your mother had gotten worried for your safety, but you promised her you would keep a pocket knife on you at all times and if you could, have Johnny accompany you.
“Most likely. Crazy stuff though.” You said and tried to change the topic. “I’m gonna head to the store now. See you in a bit.”
Johnny smiled and waved you off.
Once you were farther in the distance, he sighed and returned to the back of the house.
He removed his knife from his pocket and wiped it on his thigh. He was only a few feet away from the barn when Sissy exited, covered in blood.
“You know she’s gonna come looking one day, Johnny.” She sneered, leaning against the wood frame and crossing her arms. “She’ll end up just like Maria. Then you’ll really have to up and leave.”
Johnny rolled his eyes at her and stomped into the barn, making sure to shove her shoulder.
He didn’t want to think of a reality where you and his family intertwined. He imagined every scenario and none of them seemed to look good for you. You were his perfect little ray of sunshine, but he feared his heart was too far gone to let any light in.
He was worried the side of him that hurt people would eventually bleed into the side that didn’t want to hurt you. But that instinct would always be there whether he liked it or not. Especially since Nancy instilled it in him so long ago.
He touched the scar on his face, remembering that day so long ago when he finally confronted Nancy for killing his birth mother. He had been scarred by her, permanently damaged inside and out.
He always fantasized about ending Nancy once and for all, for what she did to his true mother.
Bubba was fixing his chainsaw after it had overheated multiple times without him doing anything. He gave Johnny a grunt and that was that.
Johnny looked at the table in front of him, seeing the scattered pieces of meat that they were going to bring into the house for Drayton to cook with.
He liked to think that maybe he could convince you they were actually just butchers, but the skeleton decorations might give it away.
He also feared Nancy finding out about you. Soon enough he would return home and the thought of leaving you behind scared him. What if you followed him like a lost puppy? What if you visited him as a surprise without any warning?
What if Nancy…
Johnny didn’t want to think about it anymore.
He knew what Sissy said was right. You would eventually find your way into the house like they all did.
He just hoped that maybe this time it would be different.
The next day, you drove your bike as usual to the Sawyer’s house. A few rings of your bike bell and Johnny was rushing to the front.
His usual happy demeanor was not present.
“Hey, Johnny.” You still gave him a smile and wave.
He did a grunt and crossed his arms. “I uh, I’m busy right now. What’s the matter?”
“Oh.” You said, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear. “Nothing much. Just wanted to see if you were up for hanging out.” You tried to not show your hurt.
“Not right now, pumpkin. Maybe another time.” He seemed stressed, so you placed a delicate hand on his toned arm.
“Everything alright?” You asked with those innocent eyes that made him feel weak. He hated that he felt that way towards you… so weak and vulnerable, breaking at the seams, his dark demeanor, that monster screaming inside of him to end you… you made those thoughts go away… maybe that’s why Maria’s friends were still in his family’s basement, not yet dead because Johnny hesitated looking into Ana’s eyes… seeing her sister…
Was this the life he wanted to lead?
Johnny didn’t realize you were growing worried, waiting for him to answer. “Fine, pumpkin.”
His eyes didn’t sparkle like they usually did.
In the distance, you spotted something, though.
A girl with bright orange hair was in the far right of property, rummaging through a blue box in the barn. Instant worry and suspicion ran through you as you pointed to her. “Who’s that?”
Johnny whipped around instantly, his shoulders tense.
“Shit,” he muttered. “I gotta go. I’ll talk to you when it’s convenient.”
You were offended and made sure to show it. “Johnny, what’s going on?”
Before he could answer you, the orange girl had stopped her search and noticed you, standing there as innocent as ever. She began to shout much to the dismay of Johnny.
“Help me! Please! This family is torturing us!” She wept and started running towards you.
Johnny let out a low grunt and faced you. “I’m sorry, pumpkin.”
“What?” You blinked, wondering if it was some prank… it had to be.
Johnny lunged for you, grabbing you around your waist and forcefully pulling you off your bike. He tried shushing you. “Stop movin’.”
“Johnny!” You screamed, hitting his arms as he roughly dragged you towards the orange hair woman.
Once you were on the property, you noticed the metal sheet now behind you started buzzing with electricity. You were trapped like a cattle waiting for slaughter.
The orange hair girl started screaming which made you whip your head towards her. She was being brutally murdered by a man with a chainsaw.
You let out a horrific scream, slamming against Johnny with all your force. “Let me go!”
“I’m sorry it had to be this way, pumpkin.” Johnny’s voice was sincere, but as you looked up into his face, it was stone cold.
He started walking towards their house, and out strolled Sissy covered head to toe in blood.
“Oh! (Y/n) is finally joining us? Will she be for dessert tonight?” She cackled which made your eyes widen in fear.
“Not now, sissy, go deal with the rest of ‘em.”
Sissy rolled her eyes and scoffed. “We wouldn’t be in this mess if it wasn’t for you! And now you’re bringing your plaything. Just wait til your mama gets here!” She ran off somewhere in the house, and you finally got a good look inside of it as Johnny brought in your flailing body.
“I said, stop movin’!” Johnny yelled and placed you down firmly. He held your shoulders as you began to shake in fear. “You need to listen to me, right now.”
You shook your head profusely as if it could take away all the bones surrounding you in their house. If the image of the orange haired woman being sawed alive would disappear. “Johnny, let me go!”
He kept you firm in place and stared deeply into your widened eyes. “I knew you’d see this side of me eventually… I just didn’t realize this soon. You… you don’t get a choice when it comes to this family. It’s either be eaten or become one of us.”
Your heart felt like it was going to burst out of your chest. Johnny had to be lying. Your sweet Johnny was playing a prank, surely.
He continued on, “(Y/n), you are not fit for this world. I… I can’t let you become like me…”
You were able to bring your arms up and slam them against his chest. “Johnny please!”
He slowly eased his grip on you, but he didn’t want you to escape… he had you right there… his mind was running rampant at the thoughts that consumed him.
His heart ached at the sight of your tears and how you looked at him with so much confusion and were terrified of his family.
Johnny didn’t realize fully what he was doing until you were screaming, thrown over his shoulder once again.
He began to rush through the house, and it took your all not to throw up at the sight of a woman hooked to a wooden post.
Was this to be your fate, too?
Johnny hurriedly went out a back patio door and through a series of steps before throwing you in the back of a car. He locked it before you could reach the handle.
You screamed and slammed your palms against the windows, praying that someone would answer and rescue you.
Johnny tried not to acknowledge your pleas as he hot-wired the car. He couldn’t think this idea through, or his family would slaughter you and make him watch.
His heartbeat only intensified as he heard his mother’s voice ring out across the yard. He finished what he needed to do and slammed the hood of the car down.
Johnny got into the car quickly, ignoring your whimpering in the back seat.
You were hysterical as he drove off, taking a back exit out of the property.
The only sound in the car was your occasional sniffs as he drove for thirty minutes in the middle of nowhere. He had gone a back road that you had never seen before, but you were able to see the back of your house fly by as he paid it no mind.
He wasn’t taking you home.
You slowly composed yourself enough to speak up. “Where are you taking me?”
Fear made your stomach turn as he sharply looked at you through the mirror. Coldness glazed his eyes, and no longer could you see the man you had grown to love.
Love. What a stupid feeling.
It was the reason you were there at their house. You loved spending time with him. You were growing fonder of him.
It was the reason why Johnny was driving you far away from his family. The side of him that was weak had grown attached to you. It frightened him.
Would it one day switch on you? Would you be another of his countless victims? Was his love for you too grand that he might do something reckless.
He supposed he already had.
His decision was sinking in.
He briefly turned in his seat to look at you.
Your hair was disheveled, your mascara ran down your cheeks in an ever-fading cry, your hands were tucked around yourself, trying to keep yourself together.
You were still the innocent girl he loved.
“We’re going far away, pumpkin. A place where nobody will hurt us.”
You wanted to believe Johnny, you truly did… but there was something in his voice.
Because Johnny didn’t even know if he could promise that he wouldn’t hurt you.
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akuchoi · 8 months
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sink your teeth, you’re in love for one night !
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iorbit · 9 months
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thinking about sissy's 'does THAT hurt?' line and sonny's 'this is what it FEELS LIKE ... hope it HURTS' line tonight
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Only 3 days left until the Texas Chainsaw Fanworks Event!!
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If y’all would like to participate, check out the rules and post your works on the select days! Starting the 16th of December!!
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zigzaz · 6 months
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sissy from tcm because I love that game and the movies and have 100’s of hrs in that game 💯
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lelandmylove · 6 months
I'm not sure if you wanted them as a ship or not so..If it's not as a ship just ignore the last part but if it is as a ship then have this
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Featuring Sissy and Julie's live reaction! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Guys I don't ship jeland I just wanna make that clear.
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charleslee-valentine · 3 months
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If Sissy were a little more like Johnny instead
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freakfangz · 2 months
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getting used to drawing this family
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sushibubbies · 8 months
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NUBBINSSS!! i need to draw him more.. same wif sissy i luv them i swear!!
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fry-house · 9 months
Genuine question: Do people know that Bubba and Sissy are terms of affection for your siblings in Texas and other parts of the south? I see people assuming those are their actual names but I've just assumed those are nicknames. Like, I grew up calling my brother Bubba and my sister Sissy, and a lot of people I know do the same. It's like a more affectionate version of "bro" and "sis" (do people use those in real life?) As such, I read Sissy's line where she called herself "Sunshine" to mean that's her birth name, and everybody's just in the habit of calling her Sissy, same with Bubba.
I'm not saying those can't be their real names, of course, that's just how I personally interpret it.
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mistresslife1 · 7 hours
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I'm looking for a sissy toy to train and control
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Event reminder!
The Texas Chainsaw Fanworks event will be December 16th to the 22nd!
There’s an official list of prompts here!
All types of fanworks will be accepted, from edits to art to writing to moodboards, and so on!! Works can be about victims or the Sawyer family!
Limitations are minimal, but include two things.
For one, I will not accept submissions of proship pairings. This means no family x family, and no adult x minor ships. Family x victim is allowed. I would prefer no explicit non-con either.
For two, please only make content for the first two films and the 2023 game. I don’t know the others or their characters well enough to find everyone’s content if it is not at least focused on The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1974, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre part 2, or TCM Game. This is to give everyone a fair shot at being seen.
The other way to get my attention with pieces is to use the hashtag #tcmfanevent and @ this blog! You can also @ my primary account, @charleslee-valentine
Aus, ooc, fix-its, happy endings, and such are allowed and encouraged! So is dark, bloody content excluding the limitations mentioned above! It’s basically a free for all, y’all!
If anybody has any questions, message this blog or my main, and drop by either inbox! I’ll be checking in a few more times as the event creeps closer!
Thanks all! - Head mod EJ
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hauntedjohnny · 1 year
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sissys razor having a sunshine engraved on it <33
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