#sit and nod lemongrab
castle-lemongrab · 4 years
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[ images: two drawings of the lemonwyrm, a fan-created lemon creature from adventure time. the lemonwyrm is a large yellow dragon, with a large, slug-like body, a smallish, flat head with a nub for a nose and two long horns atop it, two arms, and many, many 'feathered' wings stuck haphazardly along their back. they are wearing a grey-lavender smock that covers most of their body, besides their head, hands, wings, and a small chunk of their tail.
the first drawing is fully colored, with the lemonwyrm laying down, curled up in on itself. finn and jake are sitting with it, sitting up against it, with jake laying on finn's lap and finn laying his amputated arm atop jake. the lemonwyrm is much, much larger than them, holding a large log with leaves on it in one hand, laying with one eye open and trained on the two leaning on them. a stream of lemon juice oozes from the lemonwyrm's nose. the background is a deep blue.
the second drawing is a looseform comic featuring the lemonwyrm, finn the human, and jake the dog. in the first panel, finn and jake are standing beside the lemonwyrm, only the lemonwyrm's head visible. finn asks, 'So, you're a Juice Dragon, huh?', and jake hurriedly says, 'Where's your juice come from?'. the lemonwyrm is nodding in agreement to finn's question. in the second panel, finn admonishes jake, saying 'Dude, you can't just ask that.', jake responding, 'Sorry, man.' the lemonwyrm notices their nose is dripping lemon juice, startling at the sight. in the third panel, the lemonwyrm's nose is gushing lemon juice, and they worriedly pinch at it with their fingers in an attempt to stop the flow. finn and jake go, 'Oh.' at the revelation. ]
some stuff for a thing i’d drawn a long whlie back: the lemonwyrm! a recreation of lemongrab’s very loose memories of neddy, the lemonwyrm is a juice dragon who oozes sour lemon juice from their nose. unfortunately, they have very little control over the flow. they enjoy living in dark, secluded areas, and has a large log that they hold. they don’t speak, but can hiss if threatened.
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imagine-lumpygrab · 5 years
Waiting in a hospital
Lemongrab and Reader meet in the hospital. The Reader is here because of mental issues and this random lemon man offers reassurance. This isn’t shippy or romantic, it’s just me wanting assurance because I’m tired and dealing with a lot of stress right now, so here you go.
You sigh, gripping onto the armrests tightly in an attempt to not freak out any more than you already have. The people passing by in the Candy Kingdom Hospital don’t notice, but you’re shaking.
It’s okay, you try to tell yourself. It’s okay, you need this, you need to be here, you need to sort this mess out.
It doesn’t work in the slightest. Instead, the self-doubt follows the onset of panic, what’s the point, you don’t need this, you’ll be fine on your own, it’s just mild anxiety, everyone cries themselves to sleep once in a while, right?
Shaking your head, you unclench your fists, trying to catch your breath. No, stop. This is exactly why I’m here.
But your inner stupid gremlin voice immediately counters this. Is it? Or am I just an attention seeker? Maybe I don’t really have problems, maybe I’m just desperate for attention. Maybe I faked it so well I convinced myself. Oh Glob, I’m a horrible person–
“Hello,” someone says suddenly and you jump and yelp, abruptly interrupted from your self-loathing.
Turning your head, you find a familiar face with yellow skin and a pointy nose sitting next to you. You try to stand up so you can greet him properly, but your body betrays you, for whatever reason you’re limp, unable to force yourself to stand up. And geez, you’re shaking even more now. Great.
“ᴳᵒᵒᵈ⁻” Your voice is strained and barely a whisper, so you take a few breaths and try again. Wow that’s not good, at this point you’re probably wasting his time. “Good afternoon, Your Highness,” you nod, greeting the Earl of Lemongrab, who, for whatever reason, is sitting right next to you in a hospital. Why would he be here, of all places? If he was injured he’d go to his own hospital, wouldn’t he?
The earl hums in discontent, fantastic, you piece of garbage, you think to yourself, now you’ve become an annoyance to a royal. What a great first step on curing your depression, if that even is your real problem. But the lemon candy man just says: “I mostly call myself Lemongrab nowadays. Actually all days. I was always Lemongrab in the past, and am also Lemongrab in the present. I am him. Mmmmyes.”
“Oh. Well... sorry, Lemongrab,” you apologize, looking anywhere but at him and sliding lower on your chair, like it could swallow you whole if you tried hard enough.
“Are you okay?”
Your eyes widen at the question. It’s full of genuine concern, something you haven’t encountered in... months? Years? Turning to him, you hesitate on what your answer should be. Do you really want to bother someone like him with your troubles? The Princess always seems really dismissive to small issues unless there’s any real danger to anyone, so who’s to say one of her higher-ranked creations is any more interested in your problems than her herself?
“I... I mean I’m here to see the psychologist but I don’t... well, I think I should be– but, no, I... ugh.” You facepalm and curl into yourself, this is really not your day.
For a minute, there’s no response, and you almost think he might’ve left. For what a loud voice he can have, he’s a master at entering and leaving completely unnoticed.
But, no, he’s still there, because after that one minute you hear him speak up: “Sounds like, mmmm... the voices.”
Raising a brow, you slowly uncover your face. “The voices?”
He nods. “One says lots of bad, nnnnmmm... bad things. Says how horrible you are, a failure, a mistake. And another says... mmmmm... says you’re not anything, and it wants you to be nothing, wannnnts you too... cease your existence. And there are sometimes more, saying other things, and sometimes it’s just one of themmm... Do you have these voices?”
You think about it, and yeah, that all sounds sort of familiar, so slowly, you admit to it. “Yup... sounds about right.”
Lemongrab nods again. “Understandable. Psychologist is a good step, they can teach you not to listen, and mmmm when the voices aren’t listened to, they get, mmmmm... bored. They get bored and leave, and you’ll be better off without them.”
Without meaning to, you breath out the air you’ve been subconsciously holding in your lungs. He sounds like he’s speaking from experience, and you realize he probably is. After all, he used to be two people and his creator slash mother isn’t really all that motherly. “Really?” you ask, and there’s a sliver of hope in your voice.
For the third time, the earl nods. You realize you’ve stopped shaking at some point. It feels like you might start crying, and he hadn’t even done all that much. But in your state, you were grateful for the few words meant to comfort you. “Thank you... so much,” you smile a little, and it probably looks pathetic, but it’s a smile and you hadn’t had an earnest smile on your lips for a while now.
There’s a much less strained smile gracing his features and his eyes, too, he seems really happy to have helped at least a little. “How long will you be waiting?”
You shrug, uncertain. “They told me just five minutes, I came in a second before you did.”
“Okay, well, mmmm... I’ll wait with you,” he says determinedly.
“Why?” The word escapes your mouth before you can stop yourself.
He eyes you with a puzzled look. “Why not?”
“Surely there’s a reason you’re here, and I’m nowhere near important, really–“
“Mmmmmmmmm stop.” He raises a hand and you shut up, hoping you didn’t accidentally make him angry. But he doesn’t seem angry. “That’s stupid. Don’t be stupid. Sitting alone in a hospital is stupid, it’s unacceptable. You’re not in a state where you can sit alone, in a hospital of all places.” After a second, he adds: “Also, my, mmmmmm... mmmmy girlfriend broke her arm trying to steal food from a vending machine, and I’m here to take her home. It mmmmmight take a while so I don’t mind waiting.”
Oh, that’s right, Lemongrab and Lumpy Space Princess are dating. In your opinion, them dating is a perfectly chaotic thing to happen, and what‘s even more fascinating is that they actually seem to have a really healthy relationship. At times you couldn’t help but be jealous of such couples. You’d also like to find someone or something that would make you feel... complete. Hopefully the psychologist would offer some help with that.
A nurse calls out your name. Raising your head, you suddenly feel a wave of anxiety washing over you again, paralyzing you, making you want to turn on your heel and sprint right out of the building. Maybe this was a bad idea after all. You really should go do your chores, yeah, those sound really great right about now–
A finger pokes your cheek. “The voices are the most stupid,” the earl of the lemon people stands up and offers you a hand. “What have they done with their lives anyway, hmmmmmmm?“
Giving a light chuckle, you tentatively accept his hand and with surprising ease he pulls you to your feet. How comes he’s this strong but also this lanky? That’s incredibly unfair. Once you’re both sure you can stand and won’t just collapse, he lets go, and the nurse asks you to follow her. Before you do, you turn to Lemongrab one last time and, since you didn’t properly greet him when you first met, you offered a small bow now that you had the chance. “Thank you so much for your words of reassurance, Your Highness. I’m glad at least someone in the royal family has this much empathy.”
He gives a shrug and a sheepish smirk. “My girlfriend helps. Oh, that reminds me,” he adds, “if you don’t feel good talking to the doctor, holding someone’s hand can help. Or something you like, like a doll... mmmmm or something. Yes.”
“Thank you for the advice.” You want to ask about his voices, do they go away for good? Did his go away already? You hope they did, or that they would with time. He really does deserve to be happy.
And, oh, you realize right then and there. Maybe, if he deserves to be happy... then so do you.
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guywithtime2kill · 7 years
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Breakdown/Analysis of Bonnibel Bubblegum Hey I said I'd put it up Friday.Sorry guys I'm pretty busy today and this is a lot. But I've written this across many chunks of time.So... yeah, this episode is pretty fantastic. Let's just get into it.Bonnibel BubblegumI adore how the episode is framed within a day of our main characters hanging out. For all we know, they do this often but we're just never shown it because there was never a reason until now. It's nice to see our four friends hanging out for the day.This place appears to be a private sanctuary of Bubblegum's with waterfalls of sparkling apple juice. Pretty cool place. I love how Finn just resurfaces to give her something to drink - it's a sweet gesture and I love what this sad story is preluded by.Beginning and end, this sad story about Bonnie losing the family she wanted to have quietly shows us that she has it now. When Bonnie tells Neddy she intends to make family "like her," she wanted people she could be close to. And though she loves Neddy and the Candy People with all her heart, Bonnibel never had a real family.For a time, she had what she imagined at a young age to be the ideal family. But deep inside, Bonnie simply wanted someone "not like" Neddy, but more like her. So it's really nice that we get an episode about this sad story, where she loses the family she wanted, which is bookended within a day where she is able to spend quality time being herself and not an overprotective mother pretending to be a princess - and all of this done with the kind of family she always wanted: just people more like her.And that wasn't a demand for people intelligent like her. Because we see in this episode that her family, Gumbald aside, is anything like her in that sense - just on a psychological level.I'm sure she's never lied awake at night and thought about all this - that just isn't her first of all lmao. But it's clearly the story this show is telling us about her character, and really, Adventure Time is about relationships as much as it is about growing up.Just look at Marceline's story, or Lemongrab's, Finn, or Ice King's.I didn't even press play yet lmao. This episode has a lot to talk about. This episode is called 'Bonnibel Bubblegum' for a reason after all, and she's a dense character to break down.I love it when PB asks, "I dunno, families are tricky. You all know what I mean, right?" And Finn and Marceline nods, understandably, while Jake shakes his head. He's the only one who had normal parents.So if it was about 800 years ago when this episode started (clearly many years pass over the course of the episode), Bonnie was 27 years old at the time. Mentally though, she's thirteen. But that's a subtle reminder to the audience that she's really only a child here.We see this when she picks up the magazine of cute boys. Yeah, she cares about that stuff at this age! For those of you who remember Too Young. Later we see her using it as scrap for Science, who's actually made already and in a thick cage on her desk when she returns to Neddy. I think at the time she didn't treat him like an actual pet, but then later she does so in order to imitate it.I find it hilarious that she kept this magazine for years, clearly, before finally shredding it and giving it to Science to, uh, sit on. I'm pretty sure she doesn't actually expel anything. None of the Candy People seem capable of that.The backgrounds in this episode are fantastic, especially the post apocalyptic stuff.The picture frame is interesting because the man in the photo, who is likely a father here, is what Bonnie imagines her uncle looking like (she thought this man was an uncle because of his mug). And because Bonnie literally made her family in her image, from a part of her that transmitted from her mind, Gumbald came out looking like that.Bonnibel walks by a crashed B-22 Bomber. I wonder if that's what dropped the Mushroom Bomb.She doesn't collect food, because she doesn't need to eat. She collects cool things and entertainment.Neddy here embodies the responsibility that Bubblegum doesn't want to live alone with her entire life. Don't get me wrong, she loves Neddy and will always take care of him. But like she said, she needs to also interact with people "like her." Sadly though, fate had other plans.I like how, as years pass, bright color returns to the world.In the back of her lab, Bonnie has built a "goo converter," which is likely what made the gum. She synthesized it, just like how she's able to synthesize every type of candy for Candy People. It's quite telling of her mentality here that she wants this new family to be as close to family as physiologically possible - so she went out of her way to create bubblegum.I love that her device looks like her tiara - it shares similarities in that it's a symbol of her creating life, only each one is different and they serve vastly different mechanical purposes. And, this crown isn't one she puts on ever again.I'm pretty sure that even their clothes are made from gum, and they were all molded into what Bonnie envisioned them as. She had names picked out for them and images, but as a young girl she didn't think about who they would be as people. For Chicle, Bonnie only had his height in mind and Gumbald as having a "favorite mug." Her fatal flaw here, is that they take on the appearance of adults, and doesn't realize they would have the mentality of ones too, as we viewers now. From the getgo, this was only going to end badly.Bonnie, as a little girl, just wanted her family. She wasn't "micromanaging" them, but she had dreams of a family, the ideal image of one that she thought about every night. Being a young girl, she doesn't take their feelings into consideration - how, to them, she is a little girl actually micromanaging them.Things didn't start out so bad though - she was making her first little candy town with her family, and they all seemed happy enough, even though Gumbald was tired. Here is when he begins to think in his own interests, as any fully-autonomous individual would in his position. And he desired to create a more efficient society which ran on money.Bonnie, on the other hand, vies for a world in which one lives off the land without harming it. I remember in Goliad, when she talks about the bee who gently collects pollen without hurting it. This is the ideal leader in her eyes, and it echoes in the kind of city she would live off of - especially considering the horrible wasteland she traveled through for decades. It makes sense she would want to build a community that was gentle and fed off the ecosystem without hurting the gentle rebirth of nature. And at the same time, the parallel to the bee and the flower extends to her relationship with the Candy People: Bonnie is gentle and loving to them, making them happy, and the "pollen" she receives is their love - and emotional gratification.Gumbald was a dick for just chopping down all their trees without running it by his family. But he thought it was best for them. It echoes how Bonnie acts, and really, there's a little bit of her in all her family. Aunt Lolly has her caring nature, and Chicle the confidence and sass.When Bonnibel sees the trees: "What? WHAT!? WHAAAAT?!" - nice to see they brought that back. She's definitely a younger Bonnibel.From 'Susan Strong'So, the taffy trees that were chopped down were very close to the tree. So it's clear that at some point, Bonnibel moved the big tree and Neddy away from that site, if only a further back. I suppose the memory was too painful.That crest Gumbald designed is actually everywhere in the Candy Kingdom, or at least one that looks a lot like it, because that is its crest. His head was simply removed and the G became a swirl that still looks a little bit like one.I like how consistent the orientation of Lake Butterscotch and Gumbald's cabin is to the "kingdom" in this episode's time period with the show proper.Speaking of the cabin, like I said, many years pass between these incidences. So, it's a little sad to think that there was a lot of happy times with her family in between these scenes we're getting.I bring this up because I remember she really zoned out in Hot Diggedy Doom, when she went, "I spent my summers here when I was younger." For one brief moment there, she allowed herself to remember those days. That's a pretty intense reaction she has after all, haha.Just like what Gumbald does, Bonnie created the lake because she thought he'd enjoy it. Even though she does it to prevent him from interfering with her picture-perfect family, it's a sweet gesture, and one Bonnie does often. Remember in Bun Bun, she made CB a companion because she assumed he was lonely? It's her concerned with the well-being of others as always, but like always she doesn't consider what they themselves may want. And clearly, Gumbald wanted to make his city.I don't consider this micromanaging, but that's how Bonnie comes off as. Really, it's just how she cares about people.She kind of missed the point that Gumbald wanted to do his own thing. Of course being a child, she wanted to have it her way. It just so happens that she's smart enough to make this possible.For a time I was confused about where the scene with the fish took place, until I realized it was Gumbald's cabin.When Gumbald shatters the mug, it's him rejecting Bonnie's insistence that he act the way she wants him to. Here is when he realizes the standing in there relationship. As an intelligent being like us, he was created to fulfill a role as a blank slate. But he has the smarts to desire his own freedom, and like I said, this was Bubblegum's fatal flaw. She just didn't take into account that he wouldn't fit into her mold.And this problem permeates Princess Bubblegum her entire life: repeatedly, she fails to take failure into account, or the potential to be wrong. And it's hard not to blame her for never being taught this at a young age - she never had anyone to properly raise her, and so she just never learns not to overestimate herself.You'd think after doing this so many times, it would stick at some point. But it's clear that Bonnibel Bubblegum's ego is just that fragile - she always has to be in the right, because she's the only person in this world smart enough to take care of it (at least, in her eyes).I feel like, and am hoping, that Gumbald's aim is to expose Bonnibel for the cruel person he perceives her as. And just like with Bonnie, I can't blame him for feeling micromanaged. It's just how the situation realistically went down.So, Gumbald having given Bonnie a boyfriend might have actually worked if he was human-like. I'm sure he knew that, so he made this bizarre creature as like a sick joke.When he tells her she has a gift outside, Gumbald calls Bonnie "Prinzessin," which is German for Princess. He calls her this at the end of The Wild Hunt, too. It seems she was called "Princess" as a nickname - so at the end, when she asked her newest subjects to call her that, it was really the best her young, scattered mind could think of at the moment.I don't think she wants to be "Bonnie" to people who aren't exactly her "family." It sweet, then, that Finn and Marceline call her that, because they're like her family now.I don't wanna know what she and Creampuff did on that date. In all seriousness, it seems he just took her on a stereotypical outing where he gets her chocolate and flowers. I think her messy hair and stunned expression represented how fast it went by. Also I really don't want to think she was actually forced by Gumbald to be making out with that thing when she didn't even want the date. It's a little bit of an unsettling thought lol.Poor Bonnie was hurt to hear Chicle say that. She never realized until this scene that this was what her family really felt this whole time.I wonder how the DumDum Juice turned the gum family into different candies. I suppose it was just that strong it scrambled their physiological bodies into something else. So when they turn, they aren't even the synthesized gum Bonnie created them to be, and their old identities are completely erased.This is why, in Elements, many observant fans noticed these three specific, missing Candy People off by themselves. LSP's lumps restored their molecules into their original formations, so the DumDum Juice's effect was reversed and Bonnie's family returned to being their original shape when they were created - unlike the other Candy People, who were then created from the start to be specific candies.I love the extra detail, then, of how Gumbald was drenched in the juice and became quite possibly the most challenged of any Candy Person in the kingdom: the Punch Bowl. Off the top of my head, we see it twice in focus outside of numerous background cameos. One is in The Enchiridion, where he's dancing and being really special, and the other when he's pulling on his tongue in High Strangeness at PB's "firework show"."WHERE AM I!?" Crunchy's first words :')Gumbald turned against his family to make them into his slaves, essentially. And this is the difference between him and Bonnie as leaders: he only wants underlings who do his bidding. On the other hand, she created a society where people were their happy little selves living happy, ignorant lives. Bonnibel doesn't control her people, she let's them do whatever and keeps them happy. Everything she's ever done was in the intention of keeping them safe.The sad thing is, Bonnie never realized the error of her ways here. Even on creatures she, at a young age, didn't perceive as intelligent, that didn't mean they weren't individuals who had their own interests. At the same time, she gives them the freedom to pursue their interests - heck, it's implied she dreams of more cases like Cinnamon Bun. But she never learned to take into account the effect her words and expectations have on those she created.With her intelligent, independent family, they were frustrated with her, and felt smothered. And to her Candy People, they're afraid that if they don't fit into her mold, there's something wrong with them. She doesn't want that of course, she wants them to be free to express themselves - at the end of The Thin Yellow Line, she encourages them to share their hidden talents and hobbies!I cannot condone Bonnie for using the DumDum Juice forever after. At such a young age, going through what she just did, it's no surprise she had zero intention of making "intelligent" life again."This isn't what I made you to be!" Damn Bonnie."No, you wanted us to be your lowly pet fish! Swimming around in your narcissistic pond!" I don't agree with his word choice, but like I said, I can't blame Gumbald for feeling this way. He's obviously going about it the wrong way, but his feelings are understandable. Bonnie isn't a narcissist though - and anyone who thinks so should realize that she doesn't fit its definition. A narcissist is one who is obsessed with themselves and only themselves, when in reality she is the exact opposite. It's to the point where she hardly even lives her own life, and instead has dedicated it to her people foreverafter."I am your equal," Gumbald says. And he is - in more ways than one. Again, no blame for Bonnie not wanting to make lifeforms like her family again, not when this went as badly as it did.Gumbald's word choice is interesting here - he says he's going to "fix" her by making her stupidly happy. In Elements, that's the word Bonnie used to justify turning everyone into stupid-happy candy. It's so cool how they tied this together: because Bonnibel, in her purest form, feels the need to make everyone into safe, stupidly happy candy people. In reality Bonnibel embraces flaws, but her core being vied to make Candy People like that because it was "fixing" the problem of everyone being her equal, which is not something she wanted but felt necessary if she wanted her "family."So fucking cool how well they intertwined these two stories to explain a lot about Bonnie's mentality when creating the Candy People.I love how it's threatening Neddy which makes Bonnie snap out of her fear and fight off Gumbald. She's always been very protective of her loved ones.Bonnie's got serious stress lines when she beholds what's become of her family. I love how, instead of wondering where she went wrong, Bubblegum immediately adapted to the circumstances and realized the good in this: her family is happier like this - they are "unburdened" with what she perceived as unhappiness, and they don't threaten to go nuts again like Gumbald did.She looks unhappy until Crunchy waddles over and asks her to dance, which he calls "the crunchy dance" because that's what he heard her call him, "the crunchy ball," and so the name just stuck. I guess that's why his name isn't Cookie or anything.Her easing into the situation as well as she did, happily joining in the dance, shows how quickly Bonnie warms up to her new family. She still loves them, and she can easily have fun with them.Science the rat wasn't in the basement, so she had no idea what happened to her family, and thinks Bonnie did that herself. Perhaps that's why she is in the Veritas Brigade.Bonnibel never grew up from this experience, kind of like how Marceline didn't for a thousand years until she contended with her past in Stakes. For a thousand years, all she's done is exactly what Gumbald hated her for - and she's still as irresponsible as she was back then. This experience affected her - but not in the ideal way. Not in a way where someone could explain to her why what happened happened, and because of that she just never allowed herself to make this mistake again.This episode was amazing - really, it's in my top five of the series. It did an excellent job of telling a sad story without being so, and characterizing Bonnibel and explaining to us why, realistically, she is the way she is.I cannot wait to see what this arc will do for her character when she finally confronts Gumbald. Fingers crossed all of the final season really is added to Hulu October 21st.But all in all, that's it! The longest post I've ever made - and I enjoyed every second of creating. I hope you enjoyed it just as much!
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letusasklemongrabs · 8 years
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I laughed a little more than I should have x’DDD
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