#sith emporor
darthravage · 3 years
The Emporors Voice on Voss
Hi, I think it's about time for a new theorie (actually I should have posted longer ago but I haven't had any ideas and still a lot to do IRL so I hope you like it.
As I saied in the caption I thought about the reasons for the Emporors Voice to be on Voss (where you get to free him as the Sith Warrior)
First I thaugt it all was a trap to distract the Empire from Zakuul. Like the Emporor had been gone for a long time and the Sith may become suspicoust and searching for him. So if he is there but just trapped there aren't that much questions left. Except that the Discusion if Darth Baras is the Voice of the Emporor weakens the Empire from the inside and his son(s) have a easy part by attacking it (for no obvious reason. Either it is supposed to be training for a real war or the Emporor wants the Eternal Empire, Zakuul, and the old galaxy in one).
But I don't think like that anymore. I think it has to do with the Scions which prophetical powers are close to Voss ones. This might be helpful for the Emporor when it comes to difficutlt questions. On the other hand it's a thread since you can't decive the Scions as easy as the other people of Zakuul. You don't tell them, they don't know. But the Scions could have visions of the old world and find out about his secred. So I suspect the Emporor had the aim to find out exactly how SelMakor works. On Voss we find out the dark power, SelMakor, is responsible for the Visions of the Voss yet they don't know about their own history since SelMakor determins exactly what they see. If the Emporor could learn how that works he could determin that the Scions don't see any of his secrets. That also could explain why he used the body of a Voss for this time. For an outsider it is very difficult to learn the Voss rituals and get accepted in the Voss society. However he needs the rituals to actually get to SelMakor. So he just uses the body of a Voss. Now we also can see why it was so important for him to get rid of the body. If he was still in the galactic Empire he just could have explained that he uses that body to get the Voss' secrets. The Dark Council and the Hand of the Emporor would have acceped that (noboy would have dared questioning him anyway). But he wasn't able to use that body on Zakuul since they've had never heared anything about Voss (or the species Voss since they only exist on this particular planet).
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Another posibile reason could be that the Emporor actually wanted to create the Scions. On Voss it's SelMakor which gives the Visons to the species. However why the Scions have their visions isn't explained yet. But it is explained that the Scions are the religious leadership on Zakuul whil the Emporor is the political one. Religions always have had a big part in the live of the Emporor. (Without religion there wouldn't be war between Sith and Jedi. Actually there wouldn't be any Sith or Jedi). But both the codex of the Sith (which ignores rationality and only focuses on feelings) and the one of the Jedi (which totally ignores feelings and only focus on rationality) have their weaknesses. So a new codex for Zakuul wouldn't be the solution. So a different solution for a religion was needed. A bunch of visionairs would be something interesting. And as I've mentioned bevore it is SelMakor to give the Voss their visions. So if the Emporor could learn how to give people visions and determin what they see would be great for the Emporor to create the Scions. (This also would explain why the Scions don't have any Visions of the Emporor just as the Voss don't have any visions of SelMakor). However that dosn't explain exactly who becomes a Scion. In the theorie bevore it actually just were some random force sensitive people. In the new vision the Emporor has to decide who recives the visions. Either he gives it to people he trusted bevore to make the religious and political leadership work together closely or it were some random force sensitive people. Since the game dosn't tell us anything here I just leave both options as they are.
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Now we get to the question how and why Darth Baras has trapped the Emporor (excluding that he wanted to be the Voice of the Emporor)
As we already get to know in the begin of the story line Darth Baras talks to the Emporor (yet he is pretty much a nobody what means he is neither in the Dark Council nor is he especially influencial despide the fact he is a Darth). So why would the Emporor even bother talking to him. One reason could be that Darth Baras knew about the Voss and he was specialised in infiltrate things or people and did exactly that for the Emporor on Voss. It also could have given him the oportunity to trap the Emporor if he kept parts of the information for himself. However I don't really believe in that since the Emporor wouldn't blindly trust Darth Baras or anyone else without checking the information himself.
I rahter believe that it actually wasn't Darth Baras to trap him and rather an accident. When the Emporor got the SelMakor to find out about it's powers he just got overwelmed by them. The Emporor can't die or something due to rituals but he hasn't anything against a thing like SelMakor which isn't at least a natural being but a power which is created and strenghened by over 1000 years of war. So when the Emporor tries to find out all its secrets he gets overwelmed and captured by it. But why don't tell the Warrior? First of all it would mean to admit a weaknes and second the Sith Warrior is already hunting down Darth Baras which means he wouldn't request the Emporor at all and his secred is kept one more time while the anger in the Warrior is strengened.
However my second explanation dosn't explain why Darth Baras is talking to the Emporor at the begin of the story line. In this part it's questionable if he even saies the truth or only want to show his new aprentice that requesting him wouldn't be good. If it actually is the truth this meeting could be about anything. Maybe the Emporor really is decieving Baras by telling him he becomes the Voice of the Emporor. Therefore is the question why. The reason could be Darth Baras infiltration skills which I've mentioned bevore. If someone would find out about Zakuul it might be Baras. However if Darth Baras would be killed for decieving the Dark Council there would be nobody left who is as good infiltrating as him. That also explains why the Sith Warrior becomes the Wrath of the Emporor. He actually only is allowed to fight when the Emporor saies so. That means if the original char what it is suposed to do he won't be there when Ziost is attacked which means it would be more easy for the Emporor to consume it. And the char wouldn't be there when Zakuul eventually attacks the old world.
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m0n0phony · 4 years
So I’m having computer issues so I may have typed up my storyline setup for my SS toons. It’s long, sorry.
So the “Commander” is Divarne, a smartass smuggler with a hero complex, who happens to be a bit Force sensitive but refuses to realize it, thinking anything to do with the Force is a bunch of hokey bullshit. Nevermind his uncannily good shot with a blaster and his ability to just ‘sense’ danger coming, that’s just a natural habit he picked up in his line of work, right? That’s all he’ll ever believe anyway. He’ll never believe his ability to defeat Arcann wasn’t just luck with a happy side of excellent shooting. He’s romancing Theron, and while he’s normally polygamous in a lot of his relationships, he’s settled for just being with Theron for the foreseeable future (which is a big step for him – he was with Risha initially, and wasn’t terribly faithful to her – he did love her, completely, he just happens to love more than one person at once).
Rikima is part of the Alliance with the Mandalorians. Her basegame story still ‘happened’ - she still won the Great Hunt, she just didn’t go on to become the Outlander. Instead, she fully committed to her Mandalorian role, and came into the fold of the Clans. She’s in a romance with Torian, which is a little weird given how much older she is than him. Besides Shae, Rikima is Divarne’s main contact in the Mandalorians, being called on mission with the Commander on a regular basis (my headcanon is that she came with Divarne alongside Torian on the Darvannis mission).
Lishara is the barsen'thor of the Jedi Order, as per basegame story, but after the Jedi refused to help against the Eternal Empire, she became disillusioned, and defected to join the Alliance. She would have been one of the FIRST recruit missions after Yuun, having been incredibly eager to join up with people DOING things. And thanks to having recruited Lishara, Qyzen Nadia, Felix, and Tharan would join the Alliance later on as well thanks to her being there.
Narahia is the ‘canon Inquisitor’, and is also the one that did Impside RotHC, but her story split off around SoR, when she started to remain away from the council due to paranoia. She was away when the council was destroyed, and thus survived. When she returned it was to find the Sith subjugated, and found it reprehensible. She helped Acina build her rebellion in secret, being a key member to critical stealth missions. She retained her position when the dark council was reformed (she would have been there instead of Darth Anathel). She also would have been the reason Paxton Rall joined the Alliance – her well-known lover Andronikos Revel was friendly rivals with Paxton and she convinced him to convince Paxton to commit his fleet, as one of the signs of good gesture to the Alliance from the Empire.
Vaidynn, while not an ‘official’ part of the Alliance, is a huge asset to them. Vaidynn still remains leery of joining ANY official cause after his brainwashing, and chooses to remain a neutral information source that helps solve problems. He’s the ‘canon Cipher Nine’, and chose to keep the Black Codex for himself. He provides intel to any cause he deems worth it, be refuses to pick any sides. Divarne has never spoken to him directly, only Theron has. Vaidynn also helped Theron discover the information about the Order of Zildrog initially and is who set him on his path of ‘deception’.
Aramei is the ‘canon Knight’, and her final fight with the Emporor would have drained her considerably, to the point where she couldn’t do anything for a long time and had to go into recovery. She was only healthy by the time the Eternal Empire came, and fought them alongside all the other Jedi. She remained with the order and went with them to Ossus, where Divarne met her briefly on a mission there with Tau. Aramei is not thrilled with the fact that some gunslinger beat the Emperor once and for all when she couldn’t, and treats Divarne with disdain. Nevertheless, when Kira reunites with her at some point before contacting Divarne, she joins up in the party to defeat the Emperor's original body, and grows to like him. She joins the Alliance after the Emperor is dead, as one of it’s Jedi Order liaisons. Also I don’t care what canon says, Aramei romanced Kira way back from the beginning thanks and the two are wives when Divarne encounters them.
Johiia is the ‘canon Warrior’, and would have been one of the first Sith to join the Alliance after word spread about it. She would have done her best to stem the tide of the Eternal Empire when it hit as the Empire’s Wrath, but in one final battle everyone assumed was her last, she disappeared from the galaxy. She did almost die, but with the help of Jaesa (darkside Jaesa FYI), managed to escape, but in her shame of her failure, she refused to go home. When the Alliance gave her the chance to make up for what she failed at, she joined immediately. Jaesa would have joined with her. She would have been one of the ‘staples’ of scenes with Valkorian, insisting on coming even when she wasn’t wanted (so, barging in with Senya and Arcann when they came up for the final fight). She also would have gone along to destroy Tenebrae’s original body.
Xhaline is the ‘canon Trooper’ and he would have been assumed dead for a LONG TIME. He was thought killed in the initial volley from the Eternal Empire, he was planetside somewhere that got bombed and was never heard from after that. Until Iokath, where he showed up with Dorn and Jace Malcom. Apparently he’d been in long-term recovery from his injuries, and only woke from a coma a year before, and had kept his ‘death’ story up so no one would realize the Republic had a secret weapon. He would have accompanied Divarne throughout his mission on Iokath after Divarne sided with the Republic. Besides that though, that’s all the contact he’s had with the Commander.
Iradine and Lethre would retain their ‘RP stories’ as Divarne’s underworld contacts, and would have assisted Hylo’s missions occasionally to show they sill wanted to work with him.
Vuziaa would have been a contact to the Alliance of Teranda, selling information to Hylo in his behalf – no one would have actually met Terenda though.
Ayozre would have been in Sith Intelligence for a while then when the war kicked back up should would have made a disasterous exit to go back home to the Republic finally. Sith Intelligence isn’t thrilled.
Nih’las has probably been on the frontlines of the war effort the whole time – he’s always just used as a battering ram. He’ll probably have contact with Divarne in the future given that the Alliance, while seperate from the Republic, is still allied with them.
Cidelax is probably still in the Empire simply because his family is there, and is still working to make it a better place (I expect he has some influence with Acina, seeing a lot of good has been done so far).
Turhas would retain his mercenary status, and will be called in by Rikima occasionally to help with jobs that require descretion (I expect he’s going to be called in to help with the Mandalorian situation, given that he’s ex-Mando himself and his loyalty to her would override any attempts to buy him off).
Loasia has taken her sister’s place as the family’s favorite ever since Johiia failed the Empire, and Loasia stepped up to help defend in her place for a long time.
Nerhat and Ayladin are wildcards, though usually lean Empire (in Nerhat’s case, because they pay more and in Ayladin’s case, because she’s an ex-agent who fell through the cracks when Intelligence was disbanded). They don’t have any involvement with the Alliance, but Ayladin knows Divarne through some underworld contacts.
Livarya, as always, is actually ‘dead’ (I never ran her story at all because she’s meant to be dead), since she’s Divarne’s very unstable mom.
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chasestars · 4 years
this is a valkorion hate blog
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darthravage · 4 years
“Kneel bevore the dragon of Zakuul”
Anyone who has played KoET so far will know this quote which is a way of conditioning Vailyn. As you all know she is somehow mad and I will try to explain her madness as far as possibile in this text. Of course it is very well explained in the game but I’ve grown mad and wanted to write something again. When I’ve finished KoET (what won’t take that long anymore I guess) I’ll try to explain Valkorion’s behaviour. How ever let’s do this one. (Ok this text became longer than I originaly planned it. The last heel will contain the whole text in short form without the argumentative part of course.)
Let’s start with reasons in her family: I think we can agree in the fact that Vailyn’s father is rather mad what you can see in the fate of Ziost and Nathema as well as in the fate of his father. SInce she is his offspring it’s rather natural that she inherits some of his madness. The argument between Vitiate and Senya about how to raise the children won’t have improven that at all as well as the fact that the Senya left Valkorion and the children had to decide with who to go wasn’t really helpful. Maybe things would have been different if Vaylin had chosen to stay with her mother but her brothers stayed with her father and so she would have lost at least one other person she had a bound to (Texan) who brought her gifts from the worlds he conquered and visited her in her prison. Another thing which you can see is that the game just mentions that Texan visited her and not Senya. So when Vaylin needed her most her mother wasn’t there in person for some reason. Sure it may have reasons which could be that Senya just was too weak to visit a world like Nathema and see her doughter suffering or Valkorion was just able to prevent Senya from visiting her daughter. But I think Vaylin was too young and too tortured to think about posibilties. When Texan died Vaylin lost the only person who ever seemed to care about her and to understand her. She mentions often enough that neither Valkorion nor Senya ever understood the three of them. Of course Arcan was still left as one of her siblings and she stayed loyal to him as long as he was the emporor but in the begin of KotFE you see that they don’t trust each other. Vaylin is too emotional and psychological instable but she isn’t stupid and of course noticed that Arcan didn’t trust her.  All together: Except her dead brother no one ever seemed to understand or trust Vaylin while she was still discovering her own potential and therefore she didn’t even know herself right.
When she got empress of the Eternal Empire and SCORPIO’s behaviour: Basically Vaylin wasn’t sure about herself when she got empress so though physically being a young adult she was psychologically basically in puberty when she had to care about a whole planet and the conquered worlds. That in combination with the fact that she never learned to trust people bevore isn’t a good combination at all. SCORPIO wasn’t really helpfull in that case either since she abused Vaylin either. Of course SCORPIO may not have had a better past herself as you learn on Iokath but Vaylin dosn’t know that and even if she had known she wouldn’t have been able to understand based on facts which I will explain later. All together you can say a girl at her puberty which never learned to trust another person and has to lead an empire gets betraied again. That also explains why she reprogrammed the GEMINI units after SCORPIO was gone. Things which have to obey her can’t betray her and she is at least sure about their loyalty (the only thing she can be shure about at this time). More over, the GEMINI units were related to SCORPIO what make it more likely for them to betray her. Another thing is that I don’t believe she is concious about her own motives and it’s imposibile for you to control your subcontiousness. Since it is some kind of displacment we get to psychologicall ilness. I’m not a psyologist and I won’t try to make a diagnose what exactly she has but I try to determin which kind of displacemet (Freud) she uses:  I think there are more but most like is projection: She tries to project her own mistakes and incertenty to others. So she isn’t responsibile for things which go wrong but her knights or who ever is there are in her opinion. That again is not concious to her and so she feels right at this point and thinks she is in the right position to punish who ever is there.
Now let’s get to the most important point her conditioning on Nathema: First of all the world itself is torture. It is completely empty of the force and even non force users can feel that so it must be an awfull pain for some one who is strong in the force like Vaylin was (I mean she is even stronger than the Outlander even when her power is restricted). Then the conditioning itself: When you have a dog you probbably know the basics: When the dog does something wrong you are angry whith him and you show him that by punishment, when he does something right he gets a reward for it. According to Vaylings reaction when the conditioning is used against her it seems to be the situation with the punishment. Meaning a child who is insecure about herself which is on a planet which is torture itself for some reason she dosn’t understand is punised when she does something wrong and dosn’t even understand what she did wrong. This can’t end good. Another point is that she wasn’t even aware of the conditioning when it was first used against her in the game. That leads to the fact with undercontiousness which I’ve explained bevore again. Another point is that she wasn’t only punished for things she did wrong but this Jarek (I hope I’ve spelled him right) did crusual experiments with her. That’s something entirely else agian. When somebody gets conditioned you have a punishment which comes right after the deed: when a child touches something hot it feels imeditiadely pain and knows it is unhealthy to touch this thing for some reason so it stops touching it. (In some cases more tries are requiered but the relationship will be build some times). But in those experiments there a relationsip can’t be build since it isn’t imediatly after she did something wrong but to a random point in her live. Also some of the experiments were ment to take her empathie for some reasons as you can see in Jareks recordings of the experiments. One sayes she watched somebody die in a very crual way and showed no intentions of acting. The assesment of this experiment was positive. That showes that she was conditioned in more ways. One was "kneel bevore the dragon of Zakuul” another one was directly aimed to take any empathie away from her. There are two possibile reasons for that:  The first one is that Valkorion who feared the strengh of his daughter was afraid that she some day might find out what he did to Nathema and she could turn against him for that if she felt empathie to the Sith and all the other people who died there. The other one gives more credid to Valkorion. Vaylin isn’t really thinking bevore she acts so if she feels sorry for people she might cause chaos on a large scale trying to seek justice for them. (Maybe I will mention that when I write the text about Valkorion but for now I won’t check what is more likely). The fact that implants and chemicals which damage her are used isn’t good either. And she knows what they can do to her (prbabbly it isn’t coucious to her again but it all exists in her subconcousness).
Short: We’re talking about a young woman who dosn’t really know herself and feels misunderstood by anyone else who get’s a task most people with a “normal” past aren’t up to. In addition to that the one person she trusted is dead and when she still was a child she has seen things which are worse than that what most people (including some soldiesrs) have seen in their aduldhood. She gets betrayed multible times and the times when she rules are bad since Zakuul is in war by then. To conclude it all she was trained to have no empathie on a world which is torture itself. And her genetic material is rather suboptimal.
I don’t know what Valkorion thought when he send her to Nathema and trained her that way but from a person which is at least 1 century old and has raised two empires I would expect more and better thinking than that.
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darthravage · 5 years
What if Darh Baras succeeded in becoming the Voice of the Emporor?
Even though I think Darth Baras betrayal was wanted by the Emporor and therfore doomed to fail I will try to tell you the possible impacts of his succes from a neutral sight since we all wished him to fail, at least for our the attempt to kill the Sith Warrior. (The thing that it was planned by the Emporor would make an own text so if you want it please comment.)
First of all, I want to consider the question how tried to be considered as the Voice of the Emporor (of course not only regarding the things you get to know when you play the game). But let’s start with an thing which is obvious, the fact that Baras didn’t try to kill the true Emporor but caused that he was “imprisoned” on Voss. This part already leads to two questions. Why didn’t Baras try to kill the Emporor and how did he manage to decieve him? (The secont part dosn’t regard that it may be planned by Vitate.) But let’s answer the questions in order. The first one is easy to answer. It was difficult and dangerous to defeat the true Emporor. Darth Baras didn’t kill people single handed. That means he needed agents who are strong enough to kill such an individual and even if he had managed this his methodes were significant and it wouldn’t have taken that long until somebody associates Darth Baras with the murder. In addition to that Darth Baras was informed of the Voice of the Emporor what also means that he is informed Vitiates’ ability of tranfering his ghost into another body what caused that it was useless to kill the current body. The second question is more difficult to answer and I think Darth Baras sister, Darth Ekkage, may have played an important role. She was head of the Sphere of Mystery what means she was able to see the Emporor. He could have abused her to gain Vitates trust and trap him when he had it. But now there is the problem that his sister knew it (and maybe even lots more since much of Baras knowledge could only come from her) what caused that Darth Baras had to get rid of her what he did by beraying his sister to the Republic and causing her imprisonment by that. But if this theorie is correct there is the question why he wanted to get her freed later on. There are two possibilities again. The first is that Darth Baras already had gained enough influence to force her to support him if wants to increase her own influence. Or it was a trap and Darth Baras wanted the mission to fail since either his sister or his aprentice get killed and there was one thred less for him no matter how the fight ends.
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Now let’s consider the main question which I already told in the headline: What were the effects if Darth Baras was successfull.
The positive effects were that the Empire would gain a quite progressive and intelligent leader who dosn’t care about the origins of other but what they reached as a Sith. More over Baras behaved illoyal by manipulating the war but he is loyal to the code of the Sith and therefor loyal to the Empire. You also have to mention that he manipulated the war but also caused the death of some important Republic leaders what shows that he dosn’t want the Empire to lose the war. More over, Darth Baras was a Sith who had lots of agents within the Republic what causes that the actions of the Republic are immediately known to the leadership of the Empire which can react on point and stop the plans of the Republic.  In addition to that, Darth Baras had the skills to unite big parts of the Sith only by his skills in manipulating others. Finally we all know (or get to know) what the real Emporor did and I think compared to that Darth Baras wasn’t that bad.
But of course there were negative effects either. In this case you can say that he was only that powerfull since he betrayed the Empire what takes any right of him to rule. And he wouldn’t have reached this much witout the effort of other people like the Wrath. Even though it’s usual for Sith to use others for theyr aims, Darth Baras did it significant often what was already criticised by Darth Vengean. Finally you can say that Darth Baras plans are long lasting what causes that the Empire has no chance to win the war fast which could cause trouble with resources.
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In the following part, I want to consider how other Sith reacted and why. Darth Vowrawn was against Darth Baras plans what is obvious but he never mentioned why so we have to guess. Between Darth Baras and Darh Vowrawn where already tensions in the begin of the game what you get to know on Dromund Kaas where Baras supported the slaves revolt to weaken Darth Vowrawn. That shows that the tensions between this characters aren’t a thing which developed when Darth Baras claimed himself the Voice of the Emporor and Darth Vowaran will lose a lot of influence if Darth Baras is accepted. Also Darth Vowrawn gains power by showing opposition to Darth Baras since he is considered to be the person who unites the people who are against Darth Baras. An other point may be that he knows that Darth Baras manipulates the war for his own aims since he is the minister for Production and Logistics what causes that he sees what Darth Baras does. Finally, you can say the same thing as I did bevore. With Darth Baras as the leader of the Emporor there is almost no chance to win the war fast and since the Empire has a leck of money and resources compared to the Republic the Empire will lose what Darth Vowrawn who is in charge of all this of course knows. As Darth Vowrawn, Darth Decimus is against Darth Baras. Darth Decimus may be informed about Darth Baras betrayal either since he is in charge of the strategy and his apprentice, Darth Charnus, is responsibile for finding and elemenating traitors. More over, Darth Decimus may lose a lot of power when Darth Baras becomes the Voice of the Emporor. Since the Sphere of Military Strategy (head Darth Decimus) and the Sphere of Millitary Offence (Darth Baras) overlap each other there is strugle within power when both Sith have same influence. Another one who might be against Darth Baras (speculating) is Darth Jadus he is against the fact that Sith are supposed to take part in secular affairs. When Darth Baras becomes the Voice of the Emporor that will increase. More over Darth Jadus wants that the Dark Council is more open regarding theyr ambitions under a person with a character like Baras this definitely wouldn’t be the case. Also Darth Thanaton could be against Darth Baras since he want changes and Darth Thanaton is an individual which wants the Empire to stagnate in old values and attitudes.
Darth Marr wants Darth Baras to get the Voice of the Emporor. The reason might be that the Empire gets a leadership which is able to unite big parts of the Sith, as I already saied. In addition to that, he really could believe that Darth Baras is the Voice of the Emporor regarding the knowledge he has about it. As Darth Marr, Darth Ravage believes that Darth Baras is the Voice of the Emporor. Maybe he really believes it or it is because both of them have similar attitudes regarding a lot of topics. Both aren’t against other species and former slaves within the Empire are for the war against the Repulic and wan’t to subject the whole galaxy no matter what methodes are used to do that. Darth Malgus could support Darth Baras plans either since he is for more tolerance within the Empire, more over he starts his revolt short after Darth Baras is defeated what could show that his hopes were destroied when Darth Baras was defeated (this part includes Darth Serevin either).
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Finally we have to say what causes Darth Baras’ downfall First of all it is the fact, that Darth Baras tried to kill the wrath who probably would have suported his master and underestimated his power what caused that the Wrath wanted revenge. In addition to that he let the Emporor survive what maybe was a good plan but failed when the Emporor was set free. And another problem is the fact that Darth Baras dind’t do anything on his own what allowed some of his enemies, the Wrath, Darth Vowrawn and maybe Lord Rathari to survive and in the end defeat him.
Short you can say that Darth Baras would have made a good Emporor compared to Vitate but almost anybody would make that. He was an intelligent person with long lasting planes who acted more like a Sith than lots of other people did but withot help he wouldn’t have reached anything what causes that there are people who are more fitting to become the Emporor
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darthravage · 5 years
Star Wars as clickbait titles
Well I found the idea to put Star Wars films in to clickbait titles on Facebook and found it quite funny so I try to create some on my own (I spend the whole night awake for some reason so please don’t bother about the sh** I post...)
“Youngest winner of podrace ever! Click here to learn more” “Who is he? Misterious man appears on Tatooine you wont’t belive what happenes next.” “The messias returns? Everthing about this boy in one video” “Just or not? Who is Chancellor Palpatine.” “Will he ever become part of the Jedi council? The sad story about a unshure boy” “Friend turns out to be children murderer. You won’t believe that story.” “Young man left to die by his best friend” “Friend or not? Old man lies to boy about the fate of his father” “Kissed sister? The truth about Luke Skywalker” “New superweapon? The truth about Alderaan” “Young man finds father who was believed to be death. Click here to see what happens next” “Young man causes father to kill his boss and leave job” “Found grandfather after decades. Will the meeting go well?” “Out of the shaft. You won’t believe who returns” “Will they be together or not. Rebell meets love again”
And since this blog is (supposed to be) primary about Swtor here are some titles for it too.
“Will he make it? Young slave comes to Sith Academie” “You won’t believe how unfair the overseers are” (Goes for Warrior and Inquisitor) “Voice of the Emporor or traitor? Anything to know about Darth Baras” “Next James Bond? The Imperial Agent” “He survived! Jadus is back! Learn here how this is possibile” “Crazy or genious? Who is Watcher X” “Imortality! Will Zash recieve a new body” “Unbelievable! Young Sith openes Holochron whitch can’t be opened. You won’t believe how” “Is he just a slave? Meeting with ancester. You won’t believe what happened!” “Whiny little bitch or important Sith Lord? Who is Darth Ravage?” “Alive after millenials! You won’t believe that story” (Darth Revan) “Huts in war! The story of Makeb” “Traitor or reformist? Anything to know about Darth Malgus” “Too many drugs or real visions? The Voss” “Jedi or not? The story of Ki Sazeen” (Or how ever you spell her. You know the Jedi you get to know on Taris as Agent) “Former criminal joins Imperial Inteligence. Who is Kalijo D’jannis?”
Well I think that shows off very well why I didn’t became youtuber :’D
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darthravage · 5 years
Class Story Review (Sith Warrior, Inquisitor, Agent)
Sorry for not writing for a longer time but my computer was broken and I hate writing long texts with my mobile phone. I hope you’ve had nice holidays and wish anyone of you a good new year (I know it’s a little late for that, sorry)
I think the title already says what I like to do so I need no long introduction. 
Let’s start with the Inquisitor. I basically loved the prologue since overseer Harkun hates you and you can provoce him by surviving. That either sunms up the story which is about becoming stronger for survive. But that is only after the betrayal of Darth Zash who wanted you to collect artefacts of Tulak Hord in the aim of “getting his power for you” but as you find out it was only a lie and she wanted to have your body since she is older than she seems and would’t survive much longer. But that dosn’t mean that her statement that you will recieve the strengh of Tulak Hord is a lie since it is known that his artifacts makes people megalomanic and maybe she thinks really that she optains the strengh of the ancient Sith. After you forced her into the body of the Dashade Darth Thanaton becomes your new master and he tries to get you killed by a trap when you first meet. But of course you survive and learn the rituale of the Force Walk. In this time I think the class story becomes a little since you only travel to several planets and try to bind ghosts there. That changes when the ghosts become too strong for you and try to take over your body. I liked the parts on Belsavis on Voss especially the Dream Walk (or how it is called in the English version) is a interesting ritual which is done very interesting.  I also liked the part where you get to know Moff Pyron he seams to  be a sneeky person at first but he stays loyal to you what I liked and he was a great help in the Kaagath on Corellia. This battle shows Thanatons character very well since he claims anything he does is for the benefit of the empire but he also abuses the war for his own purpuses (and that not even in a rather unimportant battle like on Hoth). What I also found interesting is that expecially Darth Thanatons betrayal in you is a suprise and that even though you are warned by Zash (ok, you can’t trust her either) and Andronikos Revel who distrusted Darth Thanaton even in the first meeting. More over Thanaton says it him self when he says that he isn’t against the fact that you are a former slave but you will always be remembered that fact untlil all your enemies are defeated (after calling you a slave). Regarding the companions of the Inquisitor I was satisfied with anyone except Ashara. But let’s do it in order. Khem Val is a companion which is very fitting for you since it was the former Assassin of Tulak Hord and especially the first part of the story is about the ancient Sith. More over he is very Dark Side and causes that you don’t do too much light side choices acording to your history. But I think you recieve him a little too early since he is one of the most feared creatures in the galaxy and you defeat him even though you haven’t actualle become a Sith yet. Andronikos Revel is a companion with a very interesting and sad background who preveres more light side choices than Khem would. Even though he is a litle too loyal and frindly for a former pirate who has been betrayed by one of the persons he trusted the most I like him really much. As I’ve already mentioned I didn’t like Ashara Zavros that much as a companion since she will always kind of a Jedi what dosn’t fit at all. More over I didn’t like the story how you recieved her. It’s like “Oh, you betrayed me by using a Sith Holochron and afterwards you killed my masters, the people I loved much in my live, of course I join you”. Talos Drellik is a very interesting companion with a special character. First I thought he is strange and annoying but when I got used to him I really began to like him and I think it’s an interesting fact that you become the overseer of the Imperial Reclamation Service later on where he worked. Xalek is your real apprentice and he totally joined the Dark Side he would like to destroy anything if he could. He makes a good contrast to Ashara. More over I like that you can kill Harkun when you recieve him (also I’ve heard that not anyone gets the joice to do this for what reason ever). I Always had the possibility to do that and I always did it. Also Zalek showed you the real character of Harkun what was funny. When you remember how he traded you when you were trained by him how frindly he was when you met him the second time and how that changed when you were against his opinion.
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Regarding the Sith Warrior it’s the opposide of the Sith Inquisitor. You came from a Sith family and got to the accademy when Tremel tried to prevent that a former slave became the aprentice of Darth Baras. Unlike Harkung with Ffon Tremel was successfull even though he wasn’t able to enjoy his success since he was already death by that time. You learn about Darth Baras’ character very eary at least when you have to kill his former agents who became a thread to him. That shows you that he basically get rid of people he dosn’t need anymore. But bevore you have to do that you already have to kill overseer Tremel who explains how what consequences the whole action has. But anyway after all you did for Darth Baras (killing his former agents and his master and get Jaesa Willsaam out of the way) it’s a suprise that he tries to kill you and Maybe underestimating you and betraying you that way was his only mistake in his aim to become the Voice of the Emporor). After that you get in contact with the Hand of the Emporor (I think it’s called like that in English, isn’t it?) Who helps you to free the Emporor from Voss and get in contact with Darth Vowrawn who either has the aim to defeat Darth Baras and dosn’t believe he is the Voice of the Emporor. I think the Sith Warrior has deseverd a place in the Dark Council more than the Sith Inquisitor since he really helped the Empire with his actions but that isn’t possibile since he would inheir the Sphere of War Offence and this Sphere is extremly important in war of course so the game had to be a strategy game. Regarding the Companions you can say that Vette isn’t actually that Fitting for a Sith since she is a former slave who preveres light side choices but she prevents you for getting too dark. She can be a little anoying but I think it’s funny with her. Malavi Quin is more apropriate for a Sith and I like his way of thinking even though he sometimes thinks too much and believes that any problem can be solved with mathematics and a good strategie. That he betrays you for Darth Baras is sad and suprising since he knows the aim of the things you do. Of course Darth Baras helped him bevore he became your companion but he could have done more. When I played I even killed Moff Broyce for him so the help he recieved from Baras isn’t an excuse. Jaesa Willsaam is a good Apprentice and I like that you can deciede if you want her Light - or Dark Side. I also liked the idea that the person you were hunting a whole chapter becomes your companion. But I don’t understand why she likes you that much. Of course you showed her the strengh of the Dark Side but you also killed basically anybody she loved so why dosn’t she want revenge? As Quinn Lieutenant Pierce was in the militar for his desteny but not out of Duty but out of fun. The different aims and the fact that Pirce prevered a fast and ruckless approach instead of tactics caused a fiew arguments between both of them. I think they should have worked together what would cause a good mixture of tactics and action. Regarding Broonmark I can’t say much since I never used him. He has had a hard childhood what caused a demand for tevenge and made him ruckless. I think he is an apropriate companion for a Sith.
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The Agent made a good contrast to the Sith since his Job were to obey. He also needed years of training to accomplish all the things he did. Moreover he wasn’t that important and therefore he had to fullfill missions which would save kill or hurt him. I liked the prologue on Hutta where you had to serve Nemro in the aim of making him an aliant for the Empire (but wtf? What exactly did the diplomatic Service or how ever it is called isn’t it teyr job to make allies?) What ever in this time you get to know Darth Jadus and see how strange Sith behaviour seems to people who aren’t Sith.  When you go to Dromund Kaas you become Darth Jadus’ personal Agent until he “dies”. Then you have to find out who killed him (in this time you get to know his daughter and succesor in the Dark Council, Darth Zhorrid, first I thought she has killed him because it basically would fit. Killing the former master and grow in strengh not unusual for a Sith). Even when the Eagel claimed it was his deed I thought Zhorrid had helped him. You have to stop the reaserch who killed Darth Jadus for fighting against the Eagle and his allies, other terror organisations, First I thought it would become as boring as the second part of the Inquisitor but regarding all the technique and personal mifortunes you got to knew it was really interesting. Darh Jadus’ Survival and the fact that he helped all the Terror organisations was really suprising. But only because he didn’t like the fact that a member of the Dark Council had to do with secular politcs (please what?). I also liked the fact that you could really decide how you wanted to act in this fight. After Jadus was (officially) defeated or managed to fly you had to spy the republic secret service where it became clear that you had be betrayed by the former overseer and the Sith who gave you the XI Serum to take control over your body when it’s needed. How Ever with the help of Watcher X (I would have loved to have him as a companion) you managed to free yourself. Hunter and the star cabal came a little out of nothing and even though I really tried it I can’t find any hints that he was a former member of the terror group of the old man on Tatooine but I liked this round ending anyway. In contrast to the class stories of the Sith the ending of that class story isn’t only positve since you gain power but the Organisation you working for is abolished and all the People who worked together with you may suffer. But that is again a good contrast to the Sith class stories and Shows that nobody except the Sith is really veluable (In the sight of the Sith). Regarding the Companions I can say that Kaliyo D’jannis isn’t a fitting companion for an Agent but she helps that you create a character who has an own will an a society where a own will isn’t apriciated. Vector Hyllus is “not normal” either but he is a good contrast to Kaliyo since he is more for diplomacy and talking than for only use violence. I think you have to manage both as an Agent. Doctor Eckard Lokin and you were basically forced to work together since both of you knew too much of each other. In the begin it’s difficult to trust him therefore but that changes when he is on your ship for a longer time. I like how they created a connection between Lokin and the fate of Vector. When you recieve Raina Temple as a companion you basically betray the Empire since she can use the force and had to go to Korriban therefore (but be honest she would never survive there). In the end she is a good companion who hasn’t deserved to die on Korriban. Even though Scorpio shows a similar behaviour like Kaliyo in some Points I never trusted her as much as Kaliyo (and I also never trusted Kaliyo for 100%). But she is an interesting Technologie and can be very usefull.  Summed up you can say that not one of the companions of an Agent is really fitting but any single one of them is really interesting.
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