#darth decimus
tempestswing · 6 months
Ranking the Dark Council:
hi! I was writing some notes for a piece of SWTOR fiction I am working on, and decided to create this list as a fun way to share that information.
Dark Council Pre-Shadow of Revan:
12. Darth Aruk - we know nothing about this character, other than that they were head of the Sphere of Sith Philosophy. According to the Wiki, rooting out Revanites was supposed to be their job. What a failure, hopefully they still have a job after Shadow of Revan?
11. Darth Rictus - Also kind of a mystery, which is ironic since he was head of the Sphere of Mysteries. Rictus does appear in a novel called 'Annihilation', but that book is mostly about Theron Shan. All we really know about Rictus is that he's (A) old, (B) dislikes aliens, unless they're murderous enough, and (C) founded the Dread Executioners to take down the Dread Masters. Not enough information to rank any higher.
10. Darth Acharon - at least this guy appears in the game. He's kind of a nothing character though. He defended the imperial occupation of Corellia unsuccessfully. He was head of the Sphere of Biotics. Since he died on Corellia, he would presumably have been replaced by Shadow of Revan, but we don't know who by.
9. Darth Arkous - hate this guy, but he's still technically head of the Sphere of Military Offense after the Hutt Cartel plotline. God, what a bag of dicks he is though. The one good thing about this character is that he's technically Lana Beniko's master? Although she's an advisor rather than an apprentice, so he gets no credit for the existence of awesome Sith wife.
8. Darth Decimus - Also found in game on Corellia! Decimus is actually present in the imperial quests, so you get a lot more interaction with him than Acharon. Canonically, he also trained Krovos! Krovos is really cool, so decimus should get a few points by association. Not enough to bump him up the list though. For the head of Military Strategy, he's not a very good commander.
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7. Darth Ravage - You can meet Ravage at the end of the Inquisitor and Warrior storylines, and for all imperials he is present during the cutscenes preceding the Emperor Malgus flashpoints (although does nothing to help?). The main reason I'm putting Ravage so low is that he's a little bit inconsistently written. He'll gladly say "good riddance" to Darth Thanaton's death in the inquisitor plotline, but if you kill Baras in the Warrior plotline, he'll show up at Nathema and be all offended that you claimed power by murdering your master... does he know what a Sith is?
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6. Darth Mortis - I have a bit of a soft spot for Mortis. He's got a no-nonsense demeanour which is rare amongst Sith, and he's clearly serious enough about their philosophy to join a secret conspiracy against the alliance if you "squander" the power of the Eternal Throne - a petty move, this man is a bitch after my own heart. He also is the one who snaps Darth Thanaton's silly little neck, which definitely earns him a few points in my eyes. As a point, he's involved in the Macrobinocular missions, which I did not enjoy, but he was a highlight of the questline.
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5. Darth Acina - WOMEN IN POWER!!! Empress Acina is better than Emperor Vitiate. Unfortunately Acina is kind of bland, I really don't feel strongly about her either way. I've killed her on Iokath in most of my playthroughs, even if I don't intend to defect to the republic later. I might be lesbian but I just don't like her that much. Her reforms to the Empire are interesting though, I do have to give her credit for making the Empire slightly less racist and Sith dominated.
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4. Darth Vowrawn - Silly guy!! This man is genuinely quite funny. He's a blast to spend time with at the end of the Warrior story, after dealing with Baras' grumpy ass for close to fifty levels. His choice to help the Wrath with the Hand on Rishi says... something. He's genuinely an interesting character to me, especially since he maintains that joviality when he becomes Emperor. It's tempered, to be sure, but I think it does show it wasn't entirely an act. Vowrawn could be a genuine friend to the Wrath.
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3. Darth Jadus - Sue me, I like unapologetically evil characters. Jadus is not just an evil clown, he's an evil circus. Schemer to the core and melodramatic as fuck. I chose to serve him without a second thought in my agent playthrough. I appreciated the name drop on Iokath and I have 1% chance 99% cope that he will return at some point in the story.
2. Darth Occlus/Nox/Imperius - OCs are fun. No further notes. I should probably drop the lore for my verison of this character, huh... maybe in another post.
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Darth Marr - Everyone's favourite tired Dad just trying to keep his society from collapsing as his colleagues bicker about inane bullshit. I reckon he drinks coffee straight outta the pot in the Dark Council's break room. I really wish he hadn't died, but his force ghost shenanigans were neat and I liked seeing him find a measure of redemption. Again, I am on a high dose of copium but if Malgus can return after being killed and abandonded on an exploding space station why can't someone scrape Marr off the floor of Zakuul and rebuild him. I do also low-key ship Marr with Satele Shan?
anyway, that's my totally subjective ranking of Dark Council members.
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raven-of-domain-kwaad · 8 months
"Historically speaking, The Emperor always said the Green Jedi were nothing more than a glorified crew"
-Darth Decimus during the Battle of Corellia
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shabre-legacy · 1 year
Fifteen's very first memory
"See? A perfect example. Completely functional." The words reach Fifteen before the unending darkness lifts and she finds herself in a dimly lit room. She sits on a bed of some kind staring straight ahead. Her body aches, but she doesn't know if it's supposed to do that or not. She registers the pain only slightly before it vanishes into the background of her mind. If she hurts then that must just be how she exists. What is she? What are these strange hands in front of her? She knows they are hands, and they are hers, but not how she knows that.
In front of her stands a team of men. Two wear white coats and hold things she doesn't know. They stand to her sides, near a group of machines and IV's of things she couldn't begin to recall. Most of the others wear dark robes and are surrounded by a cold chill in the air. There are five men in front of her. The others seem to show deference to them. The one in the middle staring at her with crossed arms is taller and broader than the rest. His shoulders covered by something with spikes and his face entirely covered. On one side of him stand two men with helmets, one shows his face, one only his eyes. They seem human though. The other side had one who looked human and one of a species she didn't know, red skin and odd bits to his face. She didn't know what human was but she knew when she saw them. How did she know that? Who was she even? What is the place she was in? There is a pit of terror in her stomach that only grows larger as she stares.
One of the men in robes steps forward. "My lords, while she is a success of these experiments. The processes involved tend to leave not only no memory of previous life, but no memory at all. The subject will need to be taught things as basic survival memory returns.
The man turns to her. "These are doctors." He gestures to the men wearing robes. "We are Sith. The empire is ours and following orders of the Sith is required." He turns to gesture to the five men. "These are Darths of the Dark Council." He gestures at each in turn. "Darth Decimus, Darth Acharon, Darth Marr, Darth Vowrawn and Darth Ravage. They are your masters, your everything. You exist only to serve their will and worship at their feet in complete loyalty and obedience. When you greet them, you kneel. When you address them, you speak only when necessary or when spoken to. You keep things short and only address them as my Lord." She nods only to have him gesture at her. She remains still, she doesn't know what he wants. He grabs her and shoves her to the floor. Oh, she's supposed to kneel. He wanted her to kneel to these Darths, these beings of power who she existed for. If she knew why she existed.
She catches herself and kneels quickly. Her voice cracks with pain and confusion and disuse. "My lords." There's a sense of satisfaction in the air.
The deep voice seems to come from the man in the middle, Darth Marr if she remembers correctly. "You are Agent Fifteen, you are the Eye of the Sith and will be our eyes and ears inside Imperial Intelligence." The next words do not seem directed at her. "She is acceptable. See to it that she is trained and prepared thoroughly but quickly. Start immediately." The men behind and beside her bow deeply as the five men sweep out of the room, already discussing things amongst themselves.
There is a pinch on her neck and the unending blackness begins to creep in again. No. She cannot go back. She just left it. She only just discovered who she is. She is a servant of the Sith. Agent Fifteen. She cannot go back now. But she cannot outrun it and the darkness closes in.
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anchanted-one · 1 year
Legend of Lightning Chapter 83. The Foundry
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Akahte entered the innermost sanctum after her bodyguard, the brutal Khem Vaal. Or was it Zash, right now? They switched at just the wrong moment, sometimes!
She cast out her Senses, and called out sweetly. “Revan? Revy-poo? Up for a little chat? We loved your little welcome party. Revan? Babe?” She frowned. The madman had harangued her every step of the way, so why was he silent now? She cast her Senses around to look for him, but this kind of tracking wasn’t her forte yet. If someone wanted to hide, she’d never find them.
“What a headache,” she sighed, massaging her temples. “Listen, Revan. If you don’t come out now, I’m going to send Khem in after you. You won’t like it.”
<Give me the order, little Sith,> the Dashade assassin growled. He always looked so angry! <I wish to feast on this deranged Jedi.>
“He’ll probably cause some irritation in your system,” Akahte smiled. “You heard how he rambles, didn’t you?”
She was followed into the room by Andronikos Revol, Ashaara Zavros, Lieutenant Talos Drellik, Lord Vemrin, and Darth Decimus.
“We have seized control of the whole facility,” Lord Vemrin grinned evilly. “The Foundry is ours. All that’s left is taking Revan.”
“Right,” Decimus grunted. “Alive, if possible. I’m sure the Emperor misses his favorite plaything.”
“Such an arrogant lot.” A hooded man materialized out of the shadows. “Congratulations on taking the Foundry. But it comes with a self-destruct, you know. When you overran my last line of defense, I sat to work activating it. You may have saved your foul civilization from oblivion, but you will not use the fruits of my labor to harm the Republic. Never again!”
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parjiljehavey · 11 days
Judgement Day
A retelling of Sith Inquisitor Act III from the point of view of Darth Ravage. It's basically me following a little plot bunny that came from this line of Thanaton's during the Voss missions: "I love you like my own child. But you are a blight upon the Sith Order and must be purged." Content warnings: Canon typical violence, Torture, Implied dysfunctional family dynamics ------------ Pick up your rope, Lord, sling it to me If we are to battle, I must not be weak
“Thanaton will likely plead for our aid, and Kallig is pursuing Thanaton,” Decimus concluded in his recounting of the duel on Corellia as they all gathered inside the council chambers on Korriban. 
Darth Baras had called for a special session, and Darth Decimus saw fit to inform the rest of the council on what they had missed of the Kaggath between Darth Thanaton and Lord Kallig while they waited for Darth Vowrawn, Darth Thanaton, and Darth Baras to arrive. Darth Zhorrid had not dared show her face since they had disciplined her for her insolence three years ago and more are the better for it; Zhorrid was an insipid child who had demanded their respect when she had not earned it. Darth Marr in particular had been harsh.
Darth Decimus was open in his support of Lord Kallig, at first purely out of spite to Thanaton who had he had always held in little regard, and then out of recognition for Kallig’s service during the Battle of Corellia, calling her the Conqueror of Corellia and the first among a new generation of Imperial heroes. From what Ravage had seen, she had the support of the Imperial military, allying herself with Moffs like Pyron. Darth Mekhis had designed the Silencer, but Kallig had seen the project to completion and it had proven to be a devastating weapon against the Republic. 
“I met Kallig as my forces were landing. She is quite powerful for one so young,” Darth Hadra chimed in.
Decimus grinned viciously, “She is like an akk dog with a bone. She keeps her brutality on a tight leash, but it is there. She’ll carve a path of destruction through all of us to get to Thanaton.”
Ravage scoffed, dismissing the idea that a lord could take on the entire Dark Council outright. In Ravage's eyes, Kallig may be able to defeat Thanaton, but that was because Thanaton had always been weak. It was not as if Thanaton was someone like Darth Baras, with deep connections and webs even into the Republic, or like Vowrawn, who had been the orchestrator of many a downfall, or Marr, whose martial prowess was unmatched. 
He held that opinion until Kallig entered the council chambers during Thanaton’s petition after Baras’s corpse had been removed. 
“My lords, her master was corrupt! She is corrupt! Without Sith tradition, we are nothing!” Thanaton’s pleas were passionate but reeked of desperation. 
Ravage heard the chamber door open and saw from the corner of his eye Darth Vowrawn turn to look, as the one sitting closest. He could feel Vowrawn’s amusement increase. 
“And what are you suggesting that we do about it?” Darth Marr demanded. He had received the news of the Kaggath with the same disdain and contempt as he did with all Sith infighting and he likely viewed this as Thanaton trying to use the council in his scheme to crush a rival.
Thanaton continued, believing he was making headway. They all knew that if Thanaton could convince Darth Marr to aid him, Vowrawn and Rictus would follow. “We all know what the situation requires. Order must be preserved and punishment meted out. If we are to conquer our enemies, Zash’s former apprentice must die!”
“Well, well. I am truly flattered that you talk about me to all your friends, Darth Thanaton. You shouldn’t have.” Lord Kallig cooed words honey-sweet and laced with poison. Kallig cocked her head, stance changing ever so slightly as she stalked her prey. An akk dog with a bone indeed. The mask gave a skeletal impression, and the black armor scoured by battle lent a fearsome appearance to one so small.
Thanaton spun on his and was spitting mad when he saw her. “Our talk concerns the future of the Sith Order! A future, without you!”
“Yes, yes. I am a plague upon the Sith. Blah, blah, blah, blah.” She clicked her tongue, the sound sharp through the vocoder, “Your crony outside said the same thing. My sympathies, by the by, he is dead now.”
Thanaton was furious, stumbling over his words. Ravage rolled his eyes. “Then why haven’t you killed her yet?” 
Lord Kallig did not bother to mask her emotions or hide them. She was amused, like a nexu playing with its food. Thanaton turned to Ravage with the same fury he had Kallig. “You know as well as I do that these matters require proper rites.” 
Ravage growled at Thanaton’s righteous tone. Lord Kallig interrupted them, “You have had your chance to plead your case, Thanaton, now it is mine.” She addressed the council directly. “Darth Thanaton abandoned the arena for the Kaggath when he abandoned Corellia. By his own rules and rites, his life is forfeit. It was forfeited long before he left Corellia. It was forfeit when he stalled the Imperial offensive to cripple me, which is also against the rules of Kaggath.” 
Decimus nodded, “Kallig speaks true.” 
“We are well aware of the rules of Kaggath,” Mortis said.
That did not, however, change Ravage’s own opinion regarding Kaggath. “The Kaggath is a playground game. Murder has no rules.” 
“The Kaggath is an honored Sith tradition!” Thanaton was outraged, as he was with all things that went against the traditions he so loved. “Tulak Hord competed! Marka Ragnos! Ludo Kressh!” 
Ignoring Thanaton, Kallig plowed ahead. “His charges against me are false. Zash was corrupt, I shall not deny that. When she tried to kill me, I defended myself, as Thanaton himself encouraged me to do, and as is my right per both the law and tradition .” She hissed the last word, looking at Thanaton as she did. “When I tried to serve Thanaton, he attempted to kill me and has continued to do so since. Once more, I am well within my rights to defend myself.”
Ravage looked to Mortis, who was impressed if his smile was anything to go by. Darth Gravus was Mortis’s ally, and he supported Lord Kallig. By Kallig showing she knew the laws, she had just won Darth Mortis over. With Darth Decimus already supporting her, she now had two councilors on her side of the matter. Darth Mortis would uphold all Sith and Imperial laws. Thanaton had signed his death warrant no matter how this session concluded. Ravage looked around the room to gauge them. 
Darth Vowrawn would side with whomever he deemed the most interesting, as was his way. Darth Hadra would likely choose Kallig. Darth Marr would only go the way of what was best for the Empire, as he did in all matters. Acharon would choose who he deemed the most competent. Darth Aruk and Darth Rictus were the only true mysteries. Ravage would most likely choose Kallig if he were to be completely honest, if only to thumb his nose at Thanaton.
Darth Marr looked to Thanaton, “The question remains: why has this apprentice, this child, proven impossible for you to kill?” 
“Quite simple, really,” Kallig said. “I beat him at his own game.”
“Do not mock me!” Thanaton hissed.
Ravage had had enough, turning to Mortis. “I swear, if you don’t silence Thanaton, I will!” 
Kallig harrumphed. She removed her helm, revealing blonde hair bound in braids wrapped around her head. The angle of her nose and jaw tickled Ravage’s brain as familiar. Her accent was Low Ziostian without the obscurity of a vocoder. “It is not considered mockery if it is true.” 
Thanaton seethed at the council, “I will not be betrayed. I will not die. Once I have killed this slave, you will all answer for it.” Thanaton ignited his lightsaber, turning to face his rival. 
Lord Kallig was pacing as ice-cold power and rage seethed from her, twirling her dualsaber around. It was an older make, with a dark purple crystal at the center and two sharp metal blades at each end. 
“I have long forgiven your childish behavior and your shortcomings,” Kallig’s words were bitter and piqued Ravage’s interest. There was a history there, beyond what was happening now. Kallig continued, “You may very well kill me, Thanaton.” She spat out his name like it was poison. “But should you survive, you won’t forget me and I will haunt you for the rest of your days.”
Kallig disappeared in a dark cloud, reappearing moments later with a burst of black energy and purple lightning crackling across her violet blade as she struck, releasing a ball of lightning into Thanaton’s face before dipping low and using the Force to spin rapidly, lightning coming down and striking Thanaton, hitting his barrier. 
Thanaton released a wave, throwing Kallig away from him only for her to disappear and reappear again behind him. He turned and unleashed a blast of lightning at her, leaving Kallig no other option but to roll away from him. She landed on a knee, reigniting her dual saber behind her. Thanaton did not give her a moment to breathe, unleashing a storm and forcing her to move. Kallig twisted and turned, weaving in and out of the strikes Thanaton called down onto her. Her left hand moved as she summoned something, speaking in a low tone. She used the Force to run past Ravage and Mortis, and Ravage heard the Old Sith tongue. She was casting a spell. 
A spell that she unleashed, coming to a halt and casting it at Thanaton when he tried to heal himself. Thanaton shouted, grasping his head and Ravage could hear something being crushed as he was forced to stop casting. Kallig disappeared again in a shroud of energy. Ravage reached out to sense her, only grasping a trace before it disappeared again. She was hiding herself, waiting for a moment to strike. He glanced over to Rictus, who commanded numerous assassin-trained Sith and he was grinning. 
Thanaton dispelled whatever Kallig had cast on him, raising his head to reveal bloodshot eyes and a bleeding nose. He looked around rapidly, turning as he searched for his rival. A shimmer of purple to his right caught the attention of the room and Thanaton as well. Thanaton prepared to meet her, only for Kallig to appear at his left and Thanaton barely had time to ignite his blade to block her attack. Rictus cackled as she struck, violet locking against red. They stood in a standoff of might, pushing back against the other physically and when neither would move, they both resorted to trying to push the other with the Force turning it into a battle of wills. The chamber creaked, metal scraping together harshly. They would bring the room down upon them all, Ravage thought, looking up as the ceiling shuddered. 
They both ended up pushing the other away, Thanaton falling to the ground and Kallig managing to catch herself, spinning in a rapid movement to do so. Kallig stared down her opponent, teeth bared. She was whispering in the Old Tongue again, her left-hand contorting. Ravage was close enough to see her skin turn corpse-pale and her eyes burn red. 
 Thanaton was gasping, struggling for air as he floundered on the floor. Thanaton struggled to stand, pulling himself to his feet only to be met by Kallig casting another spell on him. A death field tore away his strength, dropping him back to a knee and Kallig rose to her feet, reinvigorated by what she had taken from Thanaton. He had lost. Ravage sat back, waiting for the killing blow to be struck. Kallig seemed to have some honor, allowing Thanaton to get to his feet. 
“No, I won’t be defeated. I can’t be.” Thanaton was in denial. Kallig stood, awaiting his surrender which Thanaton would not give. The fool did not know when he was beaten. 
Thanaton tried to attack her with force lightning, only for Kallig to redirect it above their heads as she advanced on him. The ceiling groaned, a corner popping loose. Thanaton then summoned a storm, unleashing it upon Kallig forcing her to stop as she was engulfed in a maelstrom of dark energy and lightning that Thanaton continued to throw at her. It generated a violent current of air in the chamber, swirling around Kallig in blinding light. Thanaton stopped his assault, shifting as he waited with hope in his heart. 
Only for that hope to be vanquished when with a thunderous rumble that shook the Academy itself, the maelstrom was absorbed by Kallig, who emerged with flashing purple eyes and cloaked in dark side energy. Behind her, four pale forms appeared, stunning the council who all leaned forward as if their eyes deceived them. Lightning still jumped across her and with a shake of her hand, it was gone entirely as were the ghosts.
Kallig was a Force Walker, Ravage thought, having believed it to only be a myth up until the proof of the ability was right in front of him. A feeling of elation came from Darth Rictus. Thanaton oozed desperation and no small amount of fear. Rightfully so, Ravage felt, thinking about the spectral forms that had appeared behind Kallig when she survived Thanaton’s last attack. Force Walking was rare, and for her to have learned it and bound multiple ghosts, Thanaton had been right to beg for aid. Only the entirety of the Dark Council could truly stop her with that kind of power at her fingertips. Unfortunately for Thanaton, he had chosen a Kaggath and rendered any outside aid expressly forbidden. Even if he should somehow kill Kallig, he would be slain for breaking the rules of the rite, and Darth Mortis would insist upon it as a matter of Sith law.
Thanaton began to summon another storm only for Kallig, eyes still glowing, to throw him across the chamber and into a wall. A boom resounded, shaking the Academy’s foundations. Ravage could feel the fear seeping up from the lower levels. She dropped him after a moment. Thanaton staggered to his feet, breathing heavily as panic took him.
Disappointment roiled from Marr as Thanaton in a desperate ploy, ignited his lightsaber and charged Kallig who stood with crossed arms at the center of the chamber. The blade was a breath away from removing her head when she stopped him, the chamber shaking as she held him still. Ravage leaned forward when Thanaton’s hand burst with a spray of blood and bone as she forced him down to a knee, his lightsaber falling to the floor as Thanaton was forced into supplication. 
Lord Kallig spoke to Thanaton in a tone so low that it could not be heard except for perhaps Marr’s audio sensors but her palpable fury could be felt. The last of her words were loud enough to be heard and she burned with vengeance. 
“You will not die until you say our names.” 
Vowrawn looked intrigued, sitting up and watching. Ravage himself was curious. Thanaton made the mistake of gathering the Force to himself and was met by a storm focused entirely on him as Kallig unleashed the full extent of her fury and her brutality. The power that radiated from Kallig was oppressive as she attacked Thanaton, drawing on dark healing when he neared death only to strike again in a thunderous blast, casting afflictions that made Thanaton’s skin bubble with pestilence and breaking his bones, only for the breaks to heal and break again. Thanaton was helpless to do anything with the hold Kallig had over him. 
Again and again and again she attacked, until at last, Thanaton broke screaming. “Elenei! Alysanne! ELENEI! ALYSANNE!” 
Those names were important to Kallig, Ravage realized at the triumphant and vicious feeling of satisfied vindication that swept over Kallig. He filed the information away for later. 
She relented and released her hold upon him, allowing him to drag himself away from her, coughing and whimpering. She slowly followed him as they all rose from their seats. The victor of the duel was clear. Kallig stopped as they approached, maintaining a respectful distance while her eyes never left Thanaton’s broken body. Thanaton grasped Marr’s boot with his left hand and tried to reach for Mortis in a final plea for aid with the gruesome remainder of his right. 
“I am sorry, Thanaton,” Mortis said before he snapped Thanaton’s neck, a mercy no doubt, for Ravage was sure Kallig would have let him suffer a slower death. 
“Good riddance.” Ravage spat, sneering at the corpse. 
Darth Marr rebuked him immediately, “He was a better Sith than you give him credit for, Ravage.”
“Let us hope that his successor is as worthy.” Mortis declared, approaching Kallig and ushering her to Thanaton’s former seat beside Darth Marr. “My lord, your seat.” 
Kallig was stunned, completely bewildered. “I-I. My lords, I do not know what to say.” Her shock was sincere. 
Vowrawn spoke, amusement laced into his tone. “You have killed a Dark Councilor in fair combat, what else were you expecting?”
“I openly defied Thanaton and challenged him, amassing power far too quickly for any sane Sith to be comfortable with. The Dark Council is well within its rights to execute me for it.” She was smart, Ravage would give her credit but it did not change the fact that she was merely a lord and a lord could not hold a seat on the Dark Council. Vowrawn was impressed by her honesty, his eyes gleaming. 
Rictus grinned, speaking for the first time since the session had convened. “Ordinarily, yes. We would. However, with the circumstances, you have proven yourself.” 
Kallig paused, thinking on her answer, and then she nodded. “Very well.”
“She is only a lord!” Ravage protested vehemently. He was not one for tradition, but this was one he would adhere to. “You cannot place a lord on the Dark Council!” 
Darth Marr rounded on him immediately, snarling viciously. “Quiet, Ravage! She has earned her place!” 
Ravage reluctantly stood beside Marr with the others as he beckoned Lord Kallig to approach. She took a knee and bowed her head. “By order of the Dark Council, and in light of your reputation in serving the Empire, you are now Darth Imperius. Rise.”
The newly christened Darth Imperius rose smoothly. “You are head of the pyramid of ancient knowledge. You are charged with keeping the mystical knowledge of the Sith and guarding the secrets of our order. With us, you are the ruler of all Sith, answerable only to the Emperor himself.” 
Imperius nodded solemnly. “I will do my best to live up to my new position.” 
Ravage scoffed, not trusting her words or sincerity. “Never trust the humble ones.” Darth Imperius looked at him with a raised brow but said nothing. 
“What shall be done with Darth Thanaton?” Vowrawn questioned. 
“As the winner of the Kaggath, it is Darth Imperius’s decision,” Mortis said. Ever the upholder of laws, Ravage snorted. 
“Destroying Thanaton’s properties and executing his forces will only serve to weaken the Empire. As such, I shall absorb them.” Imperius paused, thinking for a moment. “Thanaton shall be given the proper funerary rites as befits his position as my predecessor to this council, and his name and records shall remain intact.” 
A brief flickering of grief and then it was as a candle snuffed out in the wind. Ravage narrowed his eyes in suspicion. She was hiding something. While Ravage pondered what she could be hiding, the council concluded the session. 
Darth Mortis and Darth Vowrawn were walking with Imperius out of the chamber. Mortis was speaking to her. “We will summon you the next time the Dark Council congregates. I suggest going to Dromund Kaas and consolidating your power base.” 
Imperius nodded, and Vowrawn clapped his hands together in a delighted manner. “Ah, wonderful! While you are on Dromund Kaas, Imperius, I must invite you to tea! Oh, and do not be overly worried about logistics and accounting. It is quite common during a power transition-” 
Ravage rolled his eyes. Darth Vowrawn was gauging whether or not Imperius would be a potential rival, a potential ally, someone entertaining, or someone entirely boring. Vowrawn had done the same when Ravage had obtained his seat before the Treaty. Ravage elected to remain behind until Thanaton’s corpse was collected. His suspicions of Imperius circled through his mind and when the corpse was collected for burial, Ravage made a trip down to the Archives.
Every Sith that had survived the Academy had a genealogy test done, it was mandatory; whether their line was New or Old. The genealogy testing made it easier to arrange marriages and alliances; old blood marrying old blood, new to new, and new to old. At times, a Sith would marry a force-blind. Cousins marrying cousins was common. When a line diminished down to only one or two surviving members, there were examples of aunts and uncles marrying nieces and nephews to preserve it.
Ravage had been the product of one such union; his mother and father had been uncle and niece, the last of their bloodline. Of their five children, only Ravage had survived the last war. His brothers and sisters had all been idiots, either killing each other as the eldest two had done to be the heir or dying in battle as the rest had. Ravage was the last of his line and while he had sired three children, one had been force-blind, one did not survive the trials, and another who he had made his apprentice had been killed because the fool had been caught by another lord seeking revenge for his murdered apprentice. A pity, the boy, Essor, had shown promise, only for his arrogance to make him disregard the ‘No Unsanctioned Murders’ rule of the Academy, the only rule Ravage himself would follow, and to leave a terrified and weak-willed acolyte as a witness. 
He poured over the archives, searching for anything noteworthy of Kallig. He found several. Some were entries written by Tulak Hord himself, describing Aloysious Kallig as one of his greatest generals and the greatest amongst his rivals. Another was the genealogy of Aloysious Kallig, detailing his descendents. He had had four children; three daughters and a son. Two of the three daughters were killed and of the son, there was no further record. 
The third daughter, Alysanne, was where the line continued. All daughters, interestingly enough. It continued down until a century and a half ago when Lord Andrasa’s downfall resulted in her children being sold into slavery. All records after that listed were slave records, leading down to Elenei, recently deceased, and her daughter, Alysanne. The newly christened Darth Imperius was a descendant of the Old Blood. He was shocked to learn that she was only twenty-one. The last Sith to rise so high and obtain a seat on the Dark Council so young had been Darth Marr forty years prior. 
Her father drew Ravage’s interest. That had been censored and censored recently. Ravage used his authority to override the censor and was stunned by what was revealed. 
It was tradition for a Sith parent to take an interest in their force-sensitive child’s upbringing, no matter if the child was born from wedlock or was illegitimate. It was tradition for a child’s first lessons in the Force and the Sith Order to come from their Sith parent. Darth Ravage laughed. No wonder Darth Thanaton was so desperate to kill her; for a man who prided himself on traditions and upholding them, she was living proof of Thanaton’s hypocrisy. And no wonder, Darth Imperius had chosen to keep his name intact. Striking it from history would mean removing part of her lineage.
Alysanne Kallig, Darth Imperius, was Darth Thanaton’s natural daughter.
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AW – Amelia Watson NR – Nerissa Ravencroft MC – Mori Calliope FC – Fuyo Cloverfield RP – Rin Penrose BW – Bao the Whale
Rejected Lines From Movies FC: E.T phone premium rate sex line! MC: Milk, bread, Oreos… are you sure this is this the right list, Mr. Schindler? NR: There are 50,000 Zulu outside, now tell Jade to get back inside and keep her bloody mouth shut! AW: (Austrian accent) This T-1000 cybernetic organism has encountered a problem and needs to close. Do you wish to send an error report? FC: My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius. But on weekends, Majorie. MC: A census-taker tried to test me once. I ate his liver with some garlic bread and a bottle of Jim Beam. RP: Goooood morning, Cheltenham! AW: Well there's one thing I should tell you Mr. Darcy… I have chlamydia. NR: What, Rambo? You want to wait for a U.N resolution? BW: (bad Southern English accent) You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off, Ibrahim! MC: Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. But thank you for phoning the BT helpline. AW: (impersonating Darth Vader) Luke Skywalker… I am your mother!
Unlikely Excerpts From a Nature Documentary NR: D'ya see this little fella here? (points to hand, then smacks it) BW: PULL! AW: I'm having to whisper, because this woman's husband is in the room next door. MC: This beautifiul hummingbird… is no match for my squash racket. BW: And I'm having to whisper, because the bear has got me in a headlock. MC: Penguin, with his head trapped in a beer can. Tragic, and yet somehow hilarious. NR: I'm stood here in the jungle, in my bath robe… because my luggage is still at Heathrow. FC: Welcome back to "Pimp My Hippo"! NR: And here we have two insects… going at it like rabbits… phwoaaar! MC: Out of the water climbs a majestic otter, who turns-- oh no, it's a dog. NR: And yes, the lion's after the impala, and the lion's got the impala! TUCK IN MY SON! LION 1, IMPALA NIL! MC: (Australian accent) I'm the ghost of Steve Irwin, and welcome to "Animals Kill the Daftest Bastards!"
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Confession: The speech of Darth Decimus after the Corelia storyline would have been more impressive if he wasn't framed by two statues with Shiny Thique Bubble Butts. Huh? You want me to make a speech now too? Sorry, Big D, I'm too distracted by that huge metal ass
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miss-spooky-eyes · 5 years
Wow, do the Sith suck in the Imperial Agent storyline.
You get plucked out of relative obscurity and handed missions that (should be) way out of your league by Darth Jadus, who then fakes his own death, leaving you to the incredibly unstable ministrations of his daughter.
You put yourself in constant danger tracking down the Empire’s greatest enemy, who turns out to be ... Darth Jadus, who killed thousands, imprisoned more and is planning a mammoth genocide.
And when you manage to stop Darth Jadus, at incredible potential cost to yourself, the Dark Council’s response is not ‘Oh dear, one of our own turned out to be an genocidal maniac, we should probably review our selection criteria’, but to put controls in your brain to circumvent your free will. Because nobody can be allowed to defy a member of the Dark Council, even if that member of the Dark Council was actively in the process of murdering everybody. 
I mean, sure, the Republic brainwash you too, but (a) that’s kind of fair enough given that you are currently bringing them down from within and (b) they wouldn’t have been able to if the Sith hadn’t forced Keeper to do the initial brainwashing which made you vulnerable.
And when you get yourself out of that, what do the Sith do? They dissolve Imperial Intelligence. 
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I know they’re being controlled by the Star Cabal, but there’s also the fact that Lord Razer is just straight-up evil, albeit hilariously bad at motivational speeches.
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And it isn’t just Lord Razer, either.
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I’m not sure what my point is, except that the Sith have basically enabled every bad thing that’s happened to you and at this stage, so many bad things have happened to you. 
It’s hard to imagine how you could feel anything but mistrust, rage, contempt towards the Sith in general and the Dark Council in particular.
All of which would make for SUCH an interesting dynamic with Lana Beniko, especially in a romance. Don’t you think?
(Not that Devinahl is going to romance Lana. She was created specifically not to romance Lana. I can’t have ALL my OCs romance Lana. Haha, unless ....?)
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darthravage · 5 years
Theorie about the battle of Corellia
When I joined Tumblr I red a text from @snootysith​ about the battle of Corellia. I found this very interesting but disagreed in a few points so I decided to write an own theorie. (If somebody is distured that I use his idees please inform my I will delete the text immedetialy)
The battle of Corellia was an very importand battle when you think thats it about one of the planets where the Republic was founded. Darth Decimus, the leader of the battle used 10% of the imperial troops for it and turned over Corellia for a short time until he was killed by the Republic hero. But as anyone knows there were more Sith on the planet and this text will consider what influence they had on the battle. I think that the battle had two primary aims: Taking over Corellia and destroi big parts of it to encourage the Republic.
Darth Vowran:
Darth Vowaran wanted the imperial army to be as strong as the Republic one. This would create chaos and he is more likely to hide from Darth Baras sucessfully until he gained his power against him. Maybe he worked together with Hunter and his organisation (sorry don’t know the English name for that, Star Complott or something like that). This assumptioon has a few reasons:
1. As Darth Vowaran the Star Complott had the aim to create balance between     the imperial troops and those of the Republic. 2. Darth Baras fought against Hunter and being rid of him would have been a relief for them. 3. It would explain why the Sith haven’t done anything against even though they were informed
And it would explain how the Star Complott was able to get rid of Imperial Inteligence and how Darth Vowaran came into the Republic commando station.
Darth Baras:
Due to his ghost Baras knew that Dath Vowaran is on Corellia and tried to destroi his aims. Since he wasn’t loyal to the Empire he maybe was willing to lose the battle what would have two advantages for him: He would be able to kill Darth Vowaran and thwart his aims and he would weaken Darth Deciumus who is against Darth Baras plans either.
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Darth Thanaton;
As Darth Baras Darth Thanaton might have the aim to lower Darth Decimus’ influence since he is against Thanaton either. But since Thanaton is loyal to the empire I don’t believe that he was willing to lose the battle but to make it longer leasting. But he compensated it through the collateral damage which was caused by the Kaagath. More over he supported Vowarans plans to creat chaos without even knowing it. But I think Vowaran somehow is responsibile for the fact that Thanaton chose Corellia for the Kaagath.
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Darth Decimus:
Darth Decimus probably knew about the other Sith who were abusing his army (I mean how couldn’t you realize when you can’t use big parts of your troops). That he did’t do anything against it could have two reasons. Maybe he hasn’t had enough influence but since he was chosen to lead such an important battle this is rather unlikely. More likely is that he didn’t do anything against it was that he saw no reason for that. The collateral damage was there regardless of the fact that others used the army and his influence may increase more when he uses an army which is exact as big as the Republic one instead of one that is much bigger.
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roguescarlett · 5 years
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You were saying, oh mighty Darth Decimus? XD
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Artuur and Torian attend the Empires victory celebrations on Corellia, held by Darth Decimus.
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snootysith · 6 years
Dark Council Alignment
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chivalin · 6 years
Dark Council Members & The McDonalds Chart Meme (465 words)
Taking Requests (temporarily closed) ¤ Ko-fi
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Notes: I apologize for taking ages with this, anon, but I’m really not the memeing type lol. So, rather than just slap pictures on a blank canvas, have some text instead as this feels much more natural to me. Enjoy! (and one final note, this is obviously purely comical, so treat it as such, alright yall?)
A: “We have food at home”
B: *Pulls into the drive through as children cheer* *Orders a single black coffee and leaves*
Darth Thanaton is definitely mostly the ‘single black coffee’ guy. However, a part of him really likes McDonalds, so he would inwardly tell himself to go get it later when he’s alone.
Darth Acharon is of course in the ‘MCDONALDS!’ category but not for the food. He would just be excited as all hell to have a chance to find new torture subjects (hence him gleefully shouting ‘TORTURE! TORTURE! TORTURE!’ while going there), especially after listening to all the whining.
Darth Marr drives straight home and lets out a single, relieved sigh once the trip is over as he can go do something that actually has some importance to it.
Darth Ravage, well… as much as he would like to be in the bitchy category, he just can’t resist the allure of McDonalds. So, he’s loudly declaring that he wants it and won’t listen to any objections, essentially making it sound like it was his idea all along to go there.
Darth Jadus is beyond the scale. He’ll pull to the drive-through, order a meal but he’s not going to eat it, as he’s going to give it to one of his favorite pet agents later on.
Darth Mortis can’t believe he’s in the car with a bunch of whining children and would either get the black coffee or just ride home, depending on his mood.
Darth Baras would… as much as I’d like to say shout ‘MCDONALDS!’, let’s face it, he’s much more into Burger King. So, even though everyone’s screaming for McDonalds, he’s calmly driving to Burger King and getting himself something while others grumpily agree.
Darth Decimus doesn’t have time for this, especially as eating McDonalds is so unhealthy. He drives home and makes everyone eat a meal full of protein and other healthy stuff.
Darth Rictus is already in the McDonalds ordering his happy meal. No one is driving the car, so it crashes but everyone survives, albeit barely. Strangely, the same thing happens every time someone wants to get fast food.
Darth Vowrawn is a healthy dose of bitchiness and excitement. So, it would largely depend on his current mood what he would do, though if Marr is in the car too, he’s definitely going to McDonalds and spend the whole goddamn day there just to piss him off.
Darth Aruk is rather fond of the stuff Decimus cooks, so he’s shouting ‘DECIMUS! DECIMUS! DECIMUS!’ while driving to his place. Everyone else kind of cringes but Decimus is happy and that is all that matters.
Darth Hadra likes to indulge herself in occasional simple pleasures every once in a while. So, she drives to McDonalds to get a black coffee and then goes to get pizza from her favorite place while ditching the others as they would ruin the mood.
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meatbag-status · 7 years
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intervalart · 2 years
Geez, Cube's father was Japanese. But they were recently born. I don't know if it's funnier that Cube understood Akira's cuss word or not.
Ahh, I believe anon is referring to this comic!
Seikai (正解) isn't a swear word though, it means "Correct", as in correct answer. Like someone would say on a game show! (My JP isn't good enough for complex swear words)
Akira's just a sarcastic son of a bitch (at least he strikes me as one anyway), so it sounds like he's cussing out Masaru.
(The real question is if Cube knows what a middle finger means... cover his eyes.)
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ardevaas88 · 7 years
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Eddarkx Vs. The Dark Council
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