masterwcrk · 3 years
‘ I want to tell you it gets better, but sometimes it doesn’t. And that’s… it’s okay to miss him. Don’t let anyone tell you there’s a time limit. ’ 
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vuueloarchive · 4 years
@sithroyal liked for a dark!poe !!
          anger floods him. there’s no other way to describe it, only sheer anger that boils through his veins, reaching through every inch of his being as he sees the other. as he sees the jedi before him. 
          once upon a time, they wouldn’t have been like this. the jedi code was no attachments, yet neither of them could do that. but it seems . . . ben had changed his mind. the day ben had left the temple, he had abandoned poe, left him behind. the anger bubbles and pops in his abdomen, and he breathes harder. 
          “ you. how dare you show up here. ” golden red eyes flash, and he stands, drawing his weapon before lunging forward with a powerful leap, bringing the blade downward. “ how dare you show your face! ”
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kylo-wrecked · 4 years
@sithroyal //: ‘why didn’t you fight back?’ from this meme! 
The plight of the somnambulist. How to answer oneself?
When he woke up, the voice was still there. It had been distant in the dream, but somehow now, the voice grew nearer, its utterances rapidly developed, primed in his waking state. What began as a jumble of garbled baying, grunts, and nonsense words arranged themselves into a cohesive verbal unit. Acute and suddenly, startlingly loud.
'Why didn't you fight back?'
Kylo Ren opened his eyes onto a titanium alloy ceiling. He took a shaking breath, held it. Held it as long as it took to regain silence and balance. His body in relation to space.
He'd dreamed, as he often did, that he was arriving at the forest of Endor. The dense thicket of trees... the muddy quality of the air, the forgotten hollow. The pyre.
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Kylo Ren threw off his standard-issue blanket, and shakily rose to his feet. He was fully dressed, socks and all, otherwise, he knew he'd been deep asleep. He stopped only to pull on his boots; then, Kylo padded out into the hall, where a single viewport projected a square of pale light onto the floor.
He was there. The speaker. Kylo saw the figure waiting in the corridor. Recognized him by silhouette. Didn't need to see his face to know who it was. Rather not. But the stars. Ah, the stars.
“Why didn't you fight back?” the figure asked.
Kylo Ren forced himself to meet his gaze.
"There was no need to fight. You'd already made up your mind."
The speaker only repeated his query. Kylo Ren lifted his head. Now, he glared.
"You left," Kylo hissed. His voice broke just above a whisper. "You don't know what it was like. You wouldn't have made it. You're weak. You were taking up space.  So I took matters into my own hands, traded a false life for a purpose. Something worthy."
Kylo Ren started down the corridor, waved for the figure to follow, led him toward a pitch room. The blast doors wheezed open... the same pale light cut across them like a knife's blade. Drowning them in sheer white gauze.
Kylo Ren, and himself.
"I built you a shrine," he said. "Would you like to see it? The skull of Darth Vader. His helmet rests on a column of ashes; this here. Think of it as an emblem of all you could never become."
Kylo motioned to a dark spire in the far left corner of the chamber, only just visible from where they stood. Why didn’t he fight back? He did not look at the figure as he addressed him. Silence and starlight passed between them.
"Why didn't you?" he whispered.
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reyjustrey · 4 years
SO. Since my dash decided to EAT a small number of my recent posts - all of which were responding to very kindly messages I’d got from dear friends - I’ve decided to SPITE THE B@$T@RD THING and write a little thingy here about some of my most treasured people. This is NOT AN EXCLUSIVE LIST by any shape, manner or form. I do however suggest that, if you don’t follow any of these most excellent people, you take this post as a DO IT NOW and...well. Do it now x3
So begins Pumpkin-mun’s lovin’s list.
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@sithroyal​ - This here is some PRIME REAL ESTATE  in terms of a Kylo/Ben blog. Mun is just a glorious human being - very much a world-builder; a story teller through intricacies and detail - and I just can’t speak highly enough of ‘em. I’ve missed you Rips. Very glad to see you pottering about again <3
@brooklynislandgirl​ - HALT AND TURN. I’ve known the proprietress of this exceptional OC blog for a number of years now, and count myself lucky to write with her. The depth she’s put into her character Beth is just STUNNING - from her diction to the intricacies of how her mind works; how she sees the world - and for these and many other reasons I find myself absolutely hooked to her writing even after those aforementioned years. Always is there something new to discover and explore. If you’re not already a follower, what’re you doing with your time?
@kylo-wrecked​ - NOW. Now. I need a minute here. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m free with compliments - not that I give them when they’re not due, but when I give them I GIVE THEM - but this wonderful human and their equally wonderful muse have just LIT UP my past couple of months. What with the world being on FIRE give or take flames, I think everyone’s been struggling to keep up -- even with their hobbies. I know I certainly have. But this person here...Friend, you’ve helped keep me engaged here and distracted from the dung-heap that is the present situation re:That Which Shall Not Be Named. THANK YOU. 
Really. Thank you.
Caps, I find, kinda steal meaning in their loudness <3
@goldcnblood​ - Yet another exceptional talent - as multifaceted as their blog! - mun Winter is just a darling who, I must say, I have all the time in the world for. Writing with you, friend, brought my small-to-medium sized Desert Gremlin (tm) into an entirely new verse and for that, and all the opportunities for adventures and character development that has brought, I’m so very grateful. 
@glitchexmachina​ - Ah, my wonderful darling human with whom I adore writing, let me extend sincere thanks for all the time you’ve given me over our acquaintance; all the opportunities to craft a world with you, to develop Rey’s character and story and all the smiles you’ve caused besides. You’re an ENTIRE TALENT who deserves much adulation for the work you put into your characters.
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afaroffadventure-aa · 5 years
@sithroyal​ liked for rey !!
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         “I bribed one of the pilots to bring me here.”  Rey could still be persuasive without the force when she wanted, perhaps it was her upbringing on Jakku or down right  stubborn  nature.  But at she had found her way here eventually.
Rey wanted to know Ben without the threat of a war and hoped like kriffing hell she wouldn’t be turned away now.  “I like the place you’ve chosen.”  She gives him a soft smile.
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lastxdragon · 5 years
CS: Hidden with a kiss RP
Continued from X.
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╣❦╠ ƈօռզʊɛʀɨռɢ ֆȶօʀʍ ❧
Dany was there for the same reason as the man, to get parts, but she had paid up for a different reason - her Fury was very old and original, pristine parts for it were extremely hard to get. Often she settled for the best reconstructions available, but when she'd heard that this dealer had an entire, clean engine from a Fury buried under the sand, Dany had made the jump to this system. She'd felt the other Force sensitive the moment she'd stepped into the building, but she hadn't become interested until she 'heard' the Troopers approaching. Since she was the only other Force sensitive in the area, it wasn't hard to know who they sought. If there hadn't been so many others in the area, she might have simply 'dissuaded' them, but options had been limited.
When they passed and detection would be limited, Dany let go of the man's collar. He hadn't exactly returned the kiss, but neither had it been anything but chaste on her part. She'd felt his surprise, but he hadn't exactly struggled to get away, either, which intrigued her. He was difficult to read, at least on the surface, for she dared nothing more, but he was tall, dark hair and eyes almost exactly opposite herself. Petite, with silver-white hair, amethyst eyes and pixie-fine features, Daenerys stood out. As he straightened, she could feel his Presence in the Force so much more, making one of her eyebrows twitch higher.  "They weren't that quiet about it," she answered, one slender hand lifting to her temple where she gestured with a shake of it.  "And since I know they don't know I exist, it was a simple enough deduction."
"Daenerys. Daenerys Stormborn," she answered, holding out her hand in a greeting which seemed silly after what had just transpired. If he reached out in the Force, he'd have a good idea of how she had sensed him. For whatever reasons, he hadn't been aware of her before. Perhaps he had closed himself off from the Force to better disguise his Presence, but she rarely did so, certainly not in the Outer Rim. "Though somehow I doubt you are going by... what was it they were... 'Kylo'. If you're done here, perhaps you'd like a drink? There's a cantina around the corner and I doubt they'll be coming back this way."
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affcgato-archived · 4 years
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      that’s entirely up to @sithroyal​.
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hopedyad · 4 years
semi-plotted modern starter for @sithroyal! Let me know if you want me to change anything! <3
Cars had been a part of Rey’s life as long as she could remember. From the junkyard she’d lived in, to today, they’d been a constant. Admitedly her life before coming to the US had been about chopping up cars, but that was neither here nor there. New York City was vibrant and hid her quite well from her former business associates. She’d known, even at nineteen, that she really couldn’t keep working with them and only a few months ago had come to the US in a bid to change her life.
So here she was in a vehicle repair shop, dressed in their jumpsuits, hair tied back in three buns while she lounges in the back room, waiting for her client to arrive. She was particularly good with Jeeps and that was apparently what was coming in. Ben Solo. The name was interesting, and boring, all at once. Better than Rey Johnson, so she really couldn’t poke fun at it. She heard the doorbell ring and the beautiful, charming reseptionist chirp out the “Welcome to Rick’s Auto Repair, Mr. Solo!” Rey sighed and stood up. Time to get to work.
The reseptionist had been just telling him that his technitian would be right with him as she walked out into the room. She did not expect to find the man standing there that was... well there. Built more like a giant fridge with dark hair and brooding dark eyes, she had no problem understanding why the reseptionist had been so pleased and chirpy. Handsome, was Ben Solo. She smiled up at him, though there was something wary in her eyes.
“I’m Rey Johnson, I’ll be workin’ on your Jeep. I’d shake your hand but motor oil takes forever to get off.” She held up her hand to prove the motor oil issue. She expected him to scoff at her. She wasn’t one of the large guys who worked her, and most men did not care for a female tech. Though the women liked it, so she was kept on so far. That and she was very very good at fixing other people’s problems. “What’s her problem?”
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rey-of--light · 5 years
Continued from here
 “Will it? The brighter the light, the darker the shadow. Are you so certain that’s a good idea?” As if the galaxy weren’t dark enough. Kylo couldn’t imagine how much worse it could get but that was part of his goal. He’d make it happen.
He reached for her, not the first time but one of many, and stepped closer. “There must be something you want, something I can provide you. Tell me, Rey, what is your deepest desire? The real one, not this bullshit about bringing light to the galaxy.”
Rey narrowed her eyes as she looked at him when he mentioned the shadows getting darker because of the exposure to the light. “It’s a good idea,” she said quietly. “Shadows eventually go away if the light is in the right spot at the right time,” she murmured. Her eyes flick down to his hand, confused when he reached out for her. The scavenger’s heart flipped when Ben asked her what she wanted. Something he could provide. Her deepest desire. As shallow as it sounded, and as much as the Jedi way seemed stead fast on making Jedi be alone, she wanted to be wanted. She wanted someone who needed her. Someone who could show her and teach her everything. She needed someone to show her her place in all of this. She wanted somewhere she could just be. But she also wanted the ‘bullshit’ about the light.
She shook her head a little, “I don’t know what I want,” was her answer instead. Her eyes flicked to his hand again and her heart ached behind her ribs. “What do you want?” she asked, looking up at him. “What do you really want?” He couldn’t want disorder and chaos, could he? “What does all that power actually bring you? What do you think it’ll bring you? Peace? Purpose?”
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realprojectalice · 4 years
@sithroyal​ ||  Project Alice Activated
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Alice had hoped she was dreaming when she awakened in that sterile, bright hospital room. Staring into the glass, her body feeling like it was no longer her own, she wondered how much time had passed. The last thing she remembered was being dragged away by scientists, screaming Matt’s name.
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Oh, God. Matt...did he make it?
While she screamed for help, she thought about Matt, about Rain, Kaplan...all the others that died on her watch. Died when she was to lost to help them. Because of that fuckwad, Spencer. It always came back down to greed. Greed and power. Alice hated both. 
Deciding she wasn’t going to be let out, she decided to escape her own way. After jamming the lock with one of the needles at her disposal, the ex-agent wander into the hallway, disgust filling her at the sight of Umbrella’s logo everywhere. 
A constant reminder that they were in control of everything around her.
As she began her way down the narrow corridors, she sensed something was very off. A hospital should have noise. But everything was silent. Empty. 
Alice needed to find clothing and a weapon. Immediately.
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astracrowncd · 5 years
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          “ is there a reason you’re storming in here? ” he can practically taste the agitation rolling off of the force user in waves. it permeates the air, suffocates him, but he feels a twinge of something deep down that wants to rise to the challenge of this man. the side of himself that’s a little reckless is dying to prod at the other, but he tampers it down, instead keeping a smooth expression with only the slightest pinch of his brows. “ i take it something went wrong somewhere, or you wouldn’t be coming to my personal quarters. ”
@sithroyal​ !
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runesanddeath-a · 5 years
                  the   G O L D E N   W A R R I O R    shook his head as he stared at the transmission that the   CLAVE  had sent him for his private mission. it had taken him weeks to get approved to hunt on his own, without the aid of his family -- - without even given the knowledge of his departure to his PARABATAI. he knew that they would not approve, especially so close to after the war had ENDED the way it ᗪIᗪ. 
【  it’s for the best..  】 he thought to himself, as his amber gaze tried to focused in on the words glowing on the screen before him, 【  he would have tried to stop me OR worse, try to join me...  】
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                ❝      focus.    ❞  he growled to himself, taking in a deep breath as he pushed away any thoughts of his past, instead taking in the rush of the H̶U̶N̶T̶. this is what he used to live for. SEARCHING for his target, HUNTING the creature to any corner of the GALAXY in order to take pleasure in the  FINAL  kill. this is what he would need in order to reclaim what he had lost in the war -- -     this is what he needed to do in order to find himself again.
【  now what sort of naughty creature have you been to attract the attention of the CLAVE as such?  】 a predatory smirk formed upon his angelic lips as he finally focused on the orders given to him, 【  Or should i say, the FIRST ORDER.... interesting. normally they would know nothing about shadowhunters, let alone the  SHADOW WORLD, i wonder how they could have been informed about demonic creatures...  】
                                                                    ❝      interesting... very interesting...      ❞
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vuueloarchive · 5 years
          iron. silver. it never works well with the deity and it’s why he avoids it but it’s hard to avoid it if you’re thrown into a cage of it.
          immortal only means to live forever, to never grow old, but he is very much able to be harmed. which is why the deity is bleeding bright red, a rush of the color seeping over the floor. nothing grows inside the cage but on the outside  . . . in a perfect ring, is where the flowers and grasses have bloomed from his blood, reaching the cage. where they touch, they wither to normal size and don’t move. 
          he’s dying. he only makes a soft noise as he curls tighter on the floor, seeing a stray feather and laughing softly. it hurts to laugh, creating a small sputter of blood before he’s looking up at the other. “ . . . i guess you never thought this would happen. ”
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origamiblades · 4 years
@sithroyal liked for some lyrics!;
“Does it get your blood boiling, does it make you see red? Do you wanna destroy it, does it get in your head?” 
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reyjustrey · 4 years
Stories - The Sunrise
Something was…off, with the Resistance’s resident not-quite-a-Jedi. Everyone knew it to varying degrees; from the pilots to the ground troops to the High Command. Something was different; changed; off with her of late and they couldn’t pin down what it was. She did her duties still, and to the same standard she always had. She participated in missions, took lunch in the mess, laughed with her friends and yet– And yet. Something was different; guarded; kept so close to her chest that even its mention made her hackles rise and earned the curious quick and absolute denials. But no matter how she tried to play it off, how she tried to minimise, it was there - this hidden thing. And Finn could feel it.
Finn, with his new awareness of the Force, could sense a change - intermittent at first and then growing - in his friend. He got the same denials, even when he confronted her with his sensitivity to her energies and how they’d become something else, but he knew for kriffing certain that she was up to something and was determined to figure out what.
So. One early morning, he followed Rey on her morning walk beyond the walls of the Ajan Kloss camp. She’d disappeared through the trees by the time he’d made much ground, but he could feel her still and caught then the firmest hint of what that off-ness about her might be. She didn’t feel like she was alone. Concerned, Finn doubled his pace and focused hard; ducking and weaving and finding himself led towards an overlook he hadn’t even realised was in the camp’s near vicinity. Had he not been so fixed on Rey, the view over the jungle from her vantage point would’ve stunned him. As it was though, Finn ducked down behind a rocky outcrop and did his best to both keep well out sight, sound and presence, and to puzzle out why Rey felt like two people in the Force.
Had he asked her she’d have denied it flat. But Rey knew.
For what must’ve been three months now she and Ben had been putting real work into not only understanding their Force bond, but into testing its boundaries as well; seeing how far, how deep it reached; how much they could do through it; how long they could maintain it once they’d managed to learn how to control its comings and goings. This morning marked day five of what had been a constant, low-level sharing of presence between them. It wasn’t always visual or audible presence, but they each were with the other, always; close in the Force; aligned in how their energies resonated. And now–
Now they grew closer still, for at Rey’s mental call Ben came to her; his presence so palpable that she straightened where she stood – gazing out over the jungle as the dawn’s orange-gold light bathed it; made its greens doubly vibrant; turned the sky azure and scarlet. As if she could capture some of that light in her fingers, she raised a hand and reached forth; like she had on Ahch-To when Master Skywalker had told her to Reach Out. There was no chiding swipe of leaf to palm now though. There was only the view, and the sky, and the realisation that Ben was now so close to her that she couldn’t only feel his heart beat in her chest. She could feel his body pressed against her back; his hand aligned to hers where it reached.
The Force sang around her; rippling back like a strong breeze that wisped by Finn in his hiding place. He peered out, looked close, but couldn’t perceive what Rey did.
Can you see this? she whispered, the words a caress from her mind to Ben’s.
A roll of shock, of glee, of adulation for her and for this moment they’d stumbled into answered her before words did. The feeling of a hand upon her stomach, of Ben drawing her closer against his body, did as well – coming first as frisson through the Force and then settling; as if he was there with her in person.
His - Yes - held more wonder in one syllable than Rey had felt her whole life.
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afaroffadventure-aa · 5 years
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            “we have to stop meeting like this.”  poe held up coffee as he stood in ben’s door way, thinking that he was adorable of course, and finally offered one of the coffee’s out to ben.  he’d help rescue a lot of people, but seeing ben again the other day had made him feel better, thinking that people did okay after they were brought home.  there were too many tragedies after all.
but he had told his mother off not trying to introduce them earlier of course.  “you can tell me fuck off, it’s okay.”  he teased.
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