#situation is because she is being Manipulated like. u do fucking understand that ruka
aq2003 · 1 year
commenters on utena episode 29 defending/feeling bad for ruka you all are burning down the kitchen put your phones down
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queen-of-hearts92 · 7 years
Have you ever seen Utena fans make outright false claims about characters? Like, objectively wrong? Because I've seen people say all sorts of weird and untrue shit, like that Anthy raped Akio when they hid from the angry mob and later they were "raping and abusing each other", or that Shiori wanted to out Juri in front of the school and later got Ruka hurt Juri when her plan failed. Where do these ideas come from?
Ohhhhh yeah I’ve seen many of those (including the ones you mentioned)! I recall one time I had to patrol the t.v tro.pes utena character page cause someone kept dropping fake info like that. It stopped after a month but man that was annoying (I still check the page sometimes, luckily there hasn’t been an issue for awhile so thats good). -.-;
I think the simple answer to where these ideas come from is two fold. One, confirmation bias. If someone wants to see a character/thing a certain way they’ll justify it however they can. Even if it’s nonsensical and untrue.
Two, people take advantage of the show’s ambiguous nature to create untrue narratives that suit their own bizarre theories. Defenses like “well THERE ISN’T A WRONG ANSWER CAUSE ITS UP TO INTERPERATATION!” end up being used. Which is a lame and awful excuse, there is wrong answers. There always is, Utena has a fucking narrative you guys. An odd and surreal narrative but it has one. Utena has objectively true and not true things about it. It’s like saying “Utena doesn’t play sports”, thats 100% untrue because we see her play sports several times on screen and its not like. Hidden or anything (besides it being made to look fancy cause this is a shoujo anime EVERYTHING MUST BE FANCY) it’s something Utena does. On screen. It’s mentioned by other characters, it’s talked about a few times and Utena herself has talked about it. Saying that she doesn’t play sports is straight up untrue and no amount of bullshitting can change that. I know this is a mild example but I’m thinkin you get the point. It’s just people being narrow minded in the end.
Whoops I rambled about the particular “theories” you mentioned a lot. My bad. 8`D
Side note: Gdi anyone saying that Anthy raped Akio at ANY point in time is one dense motherfucker. And just another attempt at demonizing Anthy. Like. Y’all did u miss it when the show is like “HEY YOU SHOULDN’T DEMONIZE ANTHY.” and then these people proceed to demonize Anthy. 
Also yeah I’ve heard the ones about Shiori too (I’ve heard legit everything dumb people say about her at this point, fuck). Shiori outing Juri can’t be true or correct in the slightest cause a. everyone lost all their memories of the Black Rose Circle stuff and this includes Shiori so therefore it can’t be something she plans to do cause she doesn’t fucking really know whats in the locket anymore. b. her elevator scene clearly indicates that she’s pleased she discovered that Juri is keeping a secret and thinks to let Juri know that she knows that she has a secret (it doesn’t matter what the secret is, “perfect” Juri has one and thats all that matters to her. It could’ve been that Juri was secretly a furry and she would have been just as pleased) and gives no indication that she’ll tell anyone besides keeping it between the two of them just to continue their petty gay teen drama bullshit. And c. even if that thought DID cross her mind Shiori straight up doesn’t have the guts/drive to do such a thing (unless u thinking movie! Shiori but thats a DIFFERENT thing all together) cause judging from her dialoge and how Juri talks about her and how others talk about her gives every indication that she’s pretty shy/timid around social situations and isn’t one for large groups of people or a lot of people having attention on her. And recall that proof that Juri is gay is literally her in a locket so any outting of any sort would drop a fuck ton of attention to her as well and I can imagine thats not something she’d really want at all. She wants like validation in the form of some1 close to her, not a bunch of people she doesn’t know that ain’t what she seeks like ya can at least understand that much.
Lastly Shiori is actually really terrible at coming up with “schemes” at all like, unlike say Touga or even Nanami all her attempts at doing everything and anything like that have been done entirely on impulse and terrible guesswork and with very little actual thought and planning involved. Like look how the shit with Ruka turned out and all that shit with the boy when they were in middle school was done on a wrong assumption and only worked on even hurting Juri because she’s too gay to function and is a bit on the salty side. Like imagine that if Juri wasn’t bothered by Shiori dating some1 else? She’s like “ok congrats im happy for ya” like good job Shiori you entered a random ass relationship for absolutely nothing (granted she’s like fuck I fucked up later down the line either way but yeah)! Like even in the elevator scene she can’t even commit to her terrible idea cause she’s like “fuck everything leads to disaster. Why can’t shit go back to normal ffff?!” Lol why does everyone assume she’s an evil mastermind, she’s a salty 15 year old with zero actual power she’s not charismatic like Touga or a 3,000(?) year old god who’ve been at this damn school too long like Anthy and Akio like, you guys.
“later got Ruka hurt Juri when her plan failed.“ Fuck people who blame RUKA’S actions on her! Like what the fuck, fuck you. All of Ruka’s actions are his choice and his choice alone, it’s painfully obvious like where did any indication come that Shiori could even manipulate him like bruh other way around. Fuck, I hate people who say such vile shit like that. God. Fuck. It makes me tired lol.
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