#sixteen candles sentence starters
katesmemes · 6 years
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feel free to change any pronouns, etc. || may contain some nsfw!
“I didn’t hit her. I’d like to very much, and I probably will later, but give me a break!”
“Pick on someone your own size!”
“I happen to have a serious problem!”
“I look exactly the same as I have since summer... Utterly forgettable.”
“You need four inches of bod, and a great birthday.”
“Now don’t give me that pouty look of yours.”
“They fucking forgot my birthday.”
“Everything’s just getting shittier.”
“Maybe I’m interested in more than a party.”
“Come on, [Name], you talk like you’re hard up.”
“There has to be a more dignified mode of transportation.”
“Will you quit feeling sorry for yourself? It’s bad for your complexion!”
“You know, I’m getting input here that I’m reading as relatively hostile.”
“You know, a girl with a hat is just so... Vogue.”
“My goodness are you a sight for sore eyes!”
“I swear to God, this has got to be a joke.”
“What’s happening hot stuff?”
“This is the single worst day of my entire life.”
“What the hell are you bitching about?”
“Don’t be cute.”
“You’re really acting like... An asshole.”
“Well, if you don’t have anything, you don’t have anything to lose, right?”
“Way to go, dick face.”
“C’mon, you know you’re the one I wanna bug.”
“It is physically impossible for me to get happy.”
“This information cannot this room, okay? It would devastate my reputation as a guy.”
“Look, I’d appreciate you not laughing, okay?”
“He doesn’t even know I exist.”
“If you’re lying, I’ll beat the crap out of you!”
“I can name twenty guys who would kill to love me.”
“This may sound incredibly dumb, but I love you and I’ll do anything to make you love me.”
“I can’t believe I’m such a jerk.”
“He’s really bitchin’.”
“Listen, I know you’re there, I can hear you breathing.”
“He’s beautiful and perfect and I like him a real lot and he doesn’t like me, okay?”
“Well, if it’s any consolation, I love you.”
“That’s why they call them crushes. If they were easy, they’d call them something else.”
“You know, when you’re given things kind of easily, you don’t always appreciate them.”
“When you do find the right guy, don’t let him boss you around.”
“Make sure he knows you wear the pants in the family.”
“She thinks you’re the cat’s meow.”
“They don’t have the balls to admit it, you know what I mean?”
“Such assholes, I can’t believe it.”
“Bitch, bitch, bitch- bitch is a female dog.”
“I told you dudes I was hot.”
“That, my friend, is what the pictures are for.”
“You’re pissing me off.”
“Deep down, he’s really sorry.”
“Nothing could shock me anymore.”
“Oh, watch your language, Mr. Dirty Mouth!”
“Why you little scuzzbag!”
“She’s uh, she’s a little out of it.”
“What’re you doing here?”
“I heard you were here.”
“You came here for me?”
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rp-grannies · 5 years
[Sentence Starters] Sleeping Beauty (1959)
Feel free to add context, change pronouns, names, jobs, and anything else you need to change to make these work for you! Have fun! ^-^
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❝ Now, come have a nice cup of tea, dear. I'm sure it'll work out somehow. ❞
❝ I'd like to turn her into a fat, old hop toad! ❞
❝ Even walls have ears. ❞
❝ ____ doesn't know anything about love, or kindness, or the joy of helping others. ❞
❝ We've never done anything without magic! ❞
❝ She couldn't have vanished into thin air! ❞
❝ We're acting like a lot of ninnies! ❞
❝ I wonder why each little bird has a 'someone'... ❞
❝ Why do they still treat me like a child? ❞
❝ They say if you dream a thing more than once, it's sure to come true! ❞
❝ You know, I'm really not supposed to speak to strangers. ❞
❝ I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem. ❞
❝ Who are you? What's your name? ❞
❝ It's a very unusual cake, isn't it? ❞ 
❝ No. Carrots. ❞ 
❝ Why, it's my dream prince! ❞
❝ The gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam. ❞
❝ Come on, bucket, mop, broom! ____ says 'clean up the room'! ❞
❝ Just do it like it says here in the book. I'll put on the candles! ❞
❝ I walked with you once upon a dream. ❞
❝ Now, let me fill up your glass! That last was all foam. ❞
❝ The plans! Well, what do you think? Nothing elaborate of course. Forty bedrooms, dining hall. Honeymoon cottage, really. ❞
❝ Why you-- you unreasonable, pompous, blustering old windbag! ❞
❝ Now what's all this ‘dream’ nonsense?! ❞
❝ I'll never forgive myself. ❞
❝ There's something important I have to tell you. ❞
❝ Oh, come now, ____. Why so melancholy? A wondrous future lies before you. ❞
❝ A hundred years to a steadfast heart are but a day. ❞
❝ For the first time in sixteen years, I shall sleep well. ❞
❝ The road to true love may be barred by still many more dangers that you alone will have to face. ❞
❝ Now shall you deal with me, ____, and all the powers of hell! ❞
❝ Oh, I just love happy endings. ❞
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@zombiers asked: “You came here for me?”  sixteen candles sentence starters
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          he should expect it, but the PANG will’s question sends through his chest catches him off-guard. it’s just another reminder of how SHITTY of a friend he’s been lately-- if he can even still call himself that. he wouldn’t blame will for not wanting to be friends anymore either after how mike had been acting.
          he shifts slightly in his spot, hand rising up to the back of his neck, and head ducking in a show of CHAGRIN, and guilt. he clears his throat before he finally says, “ well... i mean... yeah. i know i was being an ASSHOLE before, and i know you probably don’t wanna hear me apologizing again, but-- i AM sorry, okay? you’re my BEST FRIEND, will. and - i’m sorry that it had to take you calling me out for me to realize how bad of a ‘friend’ i’ve actually been to you. ” if will were to look close enough, he might be able to see the budding pinkness of mike’s cheeks. “ i just -- your friendship is SUPER important to me, alright? ” ‘YOU are super important to me,’ mike wants to say, “ and i don’t - i don’t wanna do anything else to mess that up. ”
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alwaysbabysitter · 5 years
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"Oh, I'm acting like an asshole?"   seconds passed "I'm acting like an asshole."   Steve's hands immediately jutted outwards towards Mike still in shock that he could be so upset at a kid that he had seen grow up right before his eyes. "Your brother's being a real shit head and talking so much I couldn't even hear the game, but you're gonna blame this one on me." Hands now on his hip as he paced the small area around them in the arcade he took a few calming breaths.   "Okay, fine, I'm an asshole, but that doesn't mean this is over."   Already putting another quarter in and after giving nancy a quick kiss on the cheek he reached for the joystick, ready to at least try to win a game against Nancy's little brother.
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@suburbanprincesstm || "Sixteen candles sentence starters" || accepting
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robinsredhood · 8 years
Jake & Amir Sentence Starters
“God I can’t believe I’m about to do this.”
“I’m sorry I have to lock you in this room for the next five days.”
“I don’t want to owe you any favors either.”
“I wish one thing led to another because what happened next was all at once.”
“So we’re clear she’s sixteen- nineteen!”
“Sometimes truth hurts, you gotta embrace it.”
“Loser, you have a Tinder coach?”
“That makes me real nervous man.”
“Easy! Don’t point that thing at me!”
“Look at me, I’m telling you, there’s no bullets, pull the trigger.”
“There was one bullet in it okay, sue me.”
“Trust me, if I were in an internet video nobody would think I was a jerk.”
“You just rick-rolled an email thread of people planning a funeral dude!”
“You’re not gonna make me feel bad about this.”
“Wow, who threw the scissors? Not cool!”
“You monster! You trash man!”
“I hope you die next.”
“You have a very inconsistent style.”
“Let me level with you man cause you’re obviously not gettin’ it I can’t afford to eat $500 every time I go out, I can’t have that on my conscience I can’t have that on my card.”
“Please, one insane thing at a time.”
“Why do you hate yourself?”
“At the end of the day you’re still you, and you suck.”
“I truly believe that the world revolves around me, not metaphorically either.”
“Yes, god does forbid this!”
“Just thinking about it literally all the time makes me sick to my stomach!”
"This photo of you planking at a candle light vigil, I mean I don't even know what the vigils for but I think no matter what it's pretty depraved!"
“You’re so hated, buddy.”
“Okay? I’m better than okay! I’m gay!”
“What’s psychotic is you trying to embarrass me for caring about you too much!”
“This is not how I wanted to start my day!”
“You locked yourself in a closet for two hours yelling ‘shoot her, shoot the bitch for all I care!’”
“WHATEVER I said.”
“I mean what is wrong with you? This is so bizarre, why is this our interaction?”
“I’m too busy for ____’s bullshit right now.”
“So they are get rich quick schemes?”
“Kick me while I’m down why don’t ya?”
“Every student was supposed to send a letter to your future self, turns out, every single student sent a letter to me. Yeah, twenty-eight different letters that all start out with the same sentence, ‘I hope you’re not alive to read this.’”
“Your dad is an evil man and he’s raising you to be the spawn of Satan.”
“How was that inadvertent? It was precise, it was methodical, it was illegal.”
“Oh my god. You called us friends.”
“All I know is I can’t afford first and last month or any of the ones in between.”
“Call me a dumbass again and I will smack you, I swear I don’t take kindly to that shit.”
“Will you stop calling my family?!”
“Wow, these are a lot of reckless driving tickets.”
“Okay can you go like five minutes without editorializing.”
“I got arrested for doing ninety in a zero, there’s no like sign or anything  but it was a fricken kindergarten so yeah I think you’re supposed to go zero!”
“You sound like the fricken cop that I punched!”
“I don’t know where you get this false sense of entitlement, but you also can’t afford shit.”
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@zombiers asked: “He doesn’t even know I exist.” sixteen candles sentence starters
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          his eyes follow will’s gaze to the guy in question before flickering back over to will. that’s usually how it goes, doesn’t it? the person you wish would notice you, never does. a story for the ages.
          finally, mike offers a shrug and fixes will with what he HOPES is an uplifting smile. “ well, i mean-- why would you want anything to do with someone like that, anyway? ” his shoulders heave in a shrug. “ his loss, right? ”
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