#16 candles sentence starters
mimis-memes · 2 years
🍎  。:*• ─ FUNNY BIRTHDAY SENTENCE STARTERS.    ›    ( a compilation of funny quotes taken from various birthday cards.  feel free to adjust them to better fit your muses !  )
it’s my muse’s birthday !  what would yours say to them ?
1.     ❝ Congrats on not being dead yet ! ❞ 2.     ❝ One year closer to granny panties ! ❞ 3.     ❝ Free cake !  I mean, happy birthday ! ❞ 4.     ❝ I’ll always be younger than you. Ha ha ! ❞ 5.     ❝ In whiskey years, you just got more delicious ! ❞ 6.     ❝ For the record, you’re not old. You’re a classic ! ❞ 7.     ❝ A late birthday card is better than a late period ! ❞ 8.     ❝ Candles aren’t the only thing getting blown tonight ! ❞ 9.     ❝ Happy anniversary of your umbilical cord separation ! ❞ 10.   ❝ Another 365 days since you fell out of a vagina. Hooray ! ❞ 11.   ❝ This is an annual reminder that I’m super glad you were born ! ❞ 12.   ❝ The older you get, the better you get !  Unless you’re a banana... ❞ 13.   ❝ I’m really glad your parents had unprotected sex !  Happy birthday ! ❞ 14.   ❝ Today we celebrate the only time you won a race. Happy birthday ! ❞ 15.   ❝ I’m glad you were born, my life would be pretty boring without you ! ❞ 16.   ❝ Age is merely the number of years the world has been enjoying you. ❞ 17.   ❝ Happy birthday to the love of my life, and the biggest pain in my ass. ❞ 18.   ❝ I wanted to give you something amazing, but I didn’t fit in the gift bag. ❞ 19.   ❝ Thanks for being born !  It’s a great excuse for us to get drunk and eat cake ! ❞ 20.   ❝ I wish you happy birthday with all my butt !  I’d say heart, but my butt is bigger. ❞ 21.   ❝ You suck... at aging !  Can you at least try to look older ? Happy birthday, anyway ! ❞ 22.   ❝ Happy birthday !  We’ve been through a lot together, and most of it was your fault ! ❞ 23.   ❝ Let’s celebrate your birthday the way you came into this world — naked and screaming ! ❞ 24.   ❝ Birthdays are good for your health. Studies show that people who have more birthdays live the longest ! ❞ 25.   ❝ Happy birthday to the funniest, prettiest, classiest bitch I know... other than myself, of course ! ❞ 26.   ❝ Happy birthday !  Always remember that if you fall, I’ll be there to pick you up... after I finish laughing, of course ! ❞ 27.   ❝ Happy birthday to the smartest, funniest and most beautiful person in the world !  Wait, did I say “to” ?  I meant “from” ! ❞ 28.   ❝ This is not a birthday card !  Because if it was, then it would be late. But it’s not a birthday card, so it’s not late ! ❞ 29.   ❝ I think me being your [friend/girlfriend/boyfriend/etc...] is enough of a birthday gift. You’re welcome ! ❞ 30.   ❝ Good things take time, just like me remembering your birthday. Happy belated birthday ! ❞ 31.   ❝ I didn’t get you anything, but I thought about it. They say it’s the thought that counts ! Happy birthday ! ❞ 32.   ❝ I wanted to send you something sexy, but the postman told me to get out of the mailbox... anyway, happy birthday ! ❞ 33.   ❝ Happy birthday to a [brother/boyfriend/husband/etc...] that has the world’s greatest [sister/girlfriend/wife/etc...] !  You are so lucky ! ❞ 34.   ❝ There’s two things to remember on your birthday. First, forget the past, because you can’t change it ;  second, forget the present — I didn’t buy you one. ❞ 35.   ❝ For your birthday I wanted to give you something that was both funny and charming, but then I remembered you already have me in your life. ❞
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plutosdumps · 1 year
"she's such an ugly crier"
"she'll never be taylor swift"
"she can't get a grip"
"even at her best, she's a constant mess"
"i'm so mediocre"
"i'm not perfect, i'm a screw up"
"who could love me like this?"
"she's mature for her age, but too young for __"
"i'm such an ugly crier"
"somehow we still got lost"
"wait, where are we?"
"it was pretty cute"
"it's not far from la to houston"
"you never told me you were visiting"
"it's so far from la to houston"
"say you miss me but i don't believe it"
"i don't want to hear it, i don't want to see it"
"a low blow even for you"
"my stupid heart was in your hands"
"you used me like your cigarettes"
"i should've known better"
"your words are made of daggers"
"you even ruined air for me"
"damn what the hell happened?"
"i swear you exist just to spite me"
"are you happy now that i'm so miserable?"
"isn't that what you wanted from me?"
"you liked to pick me apart like daisies"
"wish i never even met you in the first place"
"you're such a buzzkill"
"it's almost impressive how much you still stress me out"
"you cut the deepest kind of wounds"
"almost had me with your shallow flattery"
"left me crying in the bathroom on my birthday"
"i cried like a funeral"
"i watched you pick me apart like daisies"
"what if you never parked your car in that parking lot?"
"what if i had just thought twice?"
"what if i walked away would you still have my heart today?"
"do i think of you now and then?"
"do i defend you to my friends?"
"would i do it all again?"
"i hate you and i never want to see your face again"
"what if you treated me with the kindness and respect i deserve?"
"maybe i'd have stayed with you"
"i deleted all our photos"
"i love it 'cause it's like we never met"
"i must look so dumb"
"i don't know why i try to be honest"
"i just can't do parties"
"i deserve to be alone"
"now my cover's blown"
"i should just go home"
"how can i be myself?"
"i don't know who i am"
"words shoot out of their mouths like vomit"
"drinking lies like gin and tonic"
"my phone is dying"
"save me"
"i just need someone to take me home"
"need to go outside 'cause i'm nauseous"
"everybody here is so flawless"
"please stop talking shit"
"i'm so sick of high school drama"
"not really sure if you're human or just a heart killing machine"
"i'm trying to see if you ever did care about me"
"i really am trying so hard not to be mad"
"i'm lashing out 'cause i'm so sad"
"i say i don't but i really do miss what we almost could've had"
"it was close but no cigar"
"almost kissed in your car"
"now we're just collasping stars"
"i say i don't but i really do"
"i don't even know what's become of me"
"i thought that i'd checked off some boxes"
"keep kicking my bucket list right down the street"
"they say i'm too young to think about love"
"they say i'm too young to think about love but without it i feel incomplete"
"i'll lie here, right here"
"less melodramatic, more anticlimactic"
"i'm all out of tears"
"when i was younger i used to wonder if i'd have a boyfriend"
"he'd tell me i'm pretty and make me feel nice"
"but i just feel shitty"
"my childhood's wasted and i'm scared to fix it"
"maybe i should get this life thing figured out"
"is it downhill from here?"
"i refuse to believe they're the best of my years"
"my mind makes up stories but they sure don't help"
"like a candle burning out"
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katesmemes · 6 years
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feel free to change any pronouns, etc. || may contain some nsfw!
“I didn’t hit her. I’d like to very much, and I probably will later, but give me a break!”
“Pick on someone your own size!”
“I happen to have a serious problem!”
“I look exactly the same as I have since summer... Utterly forgettable.”
“You need four inches of bod, and a great birthday.”
“Now don’t give me that pouty look of yours.”
“They fucking forgot my birthday.”
“Everything’s just getting shittier.”
“Maybe I’m interested in more than a party.”
“Come on, [Name], you talk like you’re hard up.”
“There has to be a more dignified mode of transportation.”
“Will you quit feeling sorry for yourself? It’s bad for your complexion!”
“You know, I’m getting input here that I’m reading as relatively hostile.”
“You know, a girl with a hat is just so... Vogue.”
“My goodness are you a sight for sore eyes!”
“I swear to God, this has got to be a joke.”
“What’s happening hot stuff?”
“This is the single worst day of my entire life.”
“What the hell are you bitching about?”
“Don’t be cute.”
“You’re really acting like... An asshole.”
“Well, if you don’t have anything, you don’t have anything to lose, right?”
“Way to go, dick face.”
“C’mon, you know you’re the one I wanna bug.”
“It is physically impossible for me to get happy.”
“This information cannot this room, okay? It would devastate my reputation as a guy.”
“Look, I’d appreciate you not laughing, okay?”
“He doesn’t even know I exist.”
“If you’re lying, I’ll beat the crap out of you!”
“I can name twenty guys who would kill to love me.”
“This may sound incredibly dumb, but I love you and I’ll do anything to make you love me.”
“I can’t believe I’m such a jerk.”
“He’s really bitchin’.”
“Listen, I know you’re there, I can hear you breathing.”
“He’s beautiful and perfect and I like him a real lot and he doesn’t like me, okay?”
“Well, if it’s any consolation, I love you.”
“That’s why they call them crushes. If they were easy, they’d call them something else.”
“You know, when you’re given things kind of easily, you don’t always appreciate them.”
“When you do find the right guy, don’t let him boss you around.”
“Make sure he knows you wear the pants in the family.”
“She thinks you’re the cat’s meow.”
“They don’t have the balls to admit it, you know what I mean?”
“Such assholes, I can’t believe it.”
“Bitch, bitch, bitch- bitch is a female dog.”
“I told you dudes I was hot.”
“That, my friend, is what the pictures are for.”
“You’re pissing me off.”
“Deep down, he’s really sorry.”
“Nothing could shock me anymore.”
“Oh, watch your language, Mr. Dirty Mouth!”
“Why you little scuzzbag!”
“She’s uh, she’s a little out of it.”
“What’re you doing here?”
“I heard you were here.”
“You came here for me?”
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sdktrs12 · 3 years
Fall/Halloween prompt list 🍁🎃
- Scene starters -
1. Carving pumpkins
2. Visiting a haunted house
3. Picking out/wearing costumes
4. Watching a scary movie/telling a scary story
5. Walking through a graveyard
6. Autumn baking
7. Trick or Treating
8. Exploring a corn maze/maze of mirrors
9. Kiss of death/life
10. An urban legend
11. Mythical beings
12. The full moon
13. A fairy tale
14. Blood
15. Obsession/possession
16. Sin
17. Enchanted
18. Stealing a sweater/scarf
19. Soulbound
20. Talisman
21. Antique
22. Handing out candy
23. Trapped
24. Scream
25. Magic
26. Sitting around a bonfire
27. Making s'mores
28. Apple picking
29. A Halloween party
- Sentence starters -
1. “Your hands are cold.”
2. “That’s how you chose to carve your pumpkin?”
3. “Do you want tea or hot chocolate?”
4. “If I hear pumpkin spice one more time, I’m going to scream.”
5. “What do you think about couples costumes?”
6. “I’m not wearing that.”
7. “Look, I dressed up as you.”
8. “Here, take my sweater.”
9. “Are you scared?”
10. “Did you hear that?”
11. “I can’t sleep.”
12. “I think there’s someone in the house.”
13. “There’s a leaf in your hair.”
14. “We’re definitely lost.”
15. “Do you want to hear something scary?”
16. “Nightmare Before Christmas or Hocus Pocus?”
17. “No way. I am not going in there.”
18. “We are definitely the coolest people here.”
19. “Did someone say ‘party?’”
20. “You look dead.”
21. “Why do you have so many eggs and toilet paper—you know what? I don't want to know.”
22. “They’re not allowed to have knives.”
23. “Please tell me that’s fake blood.”
24. “Light some candles.”
25. “Wait, no! Don’t go in there!”
26. “Why is there so much fog?”
27. “It’s getting late, I should go.”
28. “Mmm...you’re so warm.”
29. “You should run while you still can.”
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Repost Don't Reblog
First Line Tag Game:
@enigma-the-mysterious tagged me - thank you!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line, then tag some of your favourite authors!
1. Penance: Swords clash around Athos, and he thinks that he is too hungover for this kind of noise, but it’s not like he has a choice.
2. Time Will Tell: “What happened?”
3. Aftershock: Shocked voices erupt, a tumult, and, frozen, Anne stares at Aramis who has dropped beside the carriage, motionless, the side of his head glistening with blood.
4. Whumptober 2020: Stop staring at me.
5. Busted: With a sigh of relief, Robin pulls the dark wig from her head and plucks the hairpins out of her own hair, releasing it to fall open over her shoulders.
6. Reasons Not To Fall: Wearily, d’Artagnan kicked a smoldering log back into the fire with the tip of his boot.
7. Sacrilege: Aramis is a man of faith.
8. Trial By Fire: It’s like a bad déjà vu, with roles reversed.
9. Echo: Turning to the mirror, Aramis reaches up to adjust the crimson cardinal’s cap on his head.
10. The Sounds Of A New Page Turning: A scream echoed through the candle-lit corridors of the convent, ferocious, inhuman, and Athos flinched.
11. Practice Makes Perfect: February sunlight drifted timidly through the blinds and lit up a flurry of dust motes as Robin leafed through an old client folder.
12. The Cold Of Winter, The Warmth Of Brothers: Cold wetness seeps through the leather at Aramis’ knee, and he shifts position where he’s kneeling in the snow.
13. Warmth Is A Place In Cornwall: Hearing the doorbell chime softly inside, Cormoran shuffled his feet on the doormat that had “Welcome home” printed on it in large, inviting swirls.
14. Of Weight, Lost And Carried: Clang.
15. Leap: “We talked about this!"
16. In Blood And Silence You Speak The Truth: The ice-covered forest would be beautiful, were it not so bitterly cold.
17. Bound To You: “Cormoran?”
18. Things You Find Without Looking: Musketeers are men of honor.
19. Happy New Year or The Truth Hiding At the Bottom Of A Bottle: “Morons,” Strike muttered as firecrackers fizzed off into the night a little further down the street, followed by a loud bang probably tearing a dustbin apart.
20. Surrender: She was surprised the first time Athos, face buried in the crook of her neck, nibbling at her skin, softly whispered: “Tie my hands.”
Hm. 🤔 I thought I'd started every other story with a line of direct speech, but it actually appears I have quite a bit of variety in my first lines and no actual pattern. There's anything from overloaded, paragraph-length starters to one-word sentences. Some of them are clunky, but mostly I have to say I'm quite happy with this overview. 🙂
It's hard to pick a favourite, but if I have to, I think it's Number 12. I think it captures the reader's attention with atmosphere and something dangerous going down, but it’s not clear what.
Tagging, with no obligation at all: @lulacat3 @vgriffindor @hobbeshalftail3469 @notmanthelessbutnaturemore @cavanaughpark09 @thegreendress @ficklescribbler @bluerobinwrites @fallingfaintlydown and anyone who wants to!
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nativestarwrites · 3 years
First Lines of Last 20….
Guidelines: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20,  just list them all.)
Choose your favorite opening line, tag some friends!
Thanks for the tag @impossiblepluto and @nade2308!
1. Out of It
Russ rolled the car to a stop on Mac’s drive, cutting the engine before turning to check on his passenger. Mac’s eyes were shut, his head tipped back into the space between the seat and the door at an angle that was sure to leave him with a sore neck if he stayed there.
2. Crash Out
Jack doesn’t mean to fall asleep. Actually, Jack doesn’t even remember falling asleep, but he wakes up in the middle of the night on Mac’s sofa so logically, he did fall asleep.
3. Sea Anchor
“Hey, Jack.” Mac lowered himself carefully down to the ground, taking a moment to try and find a position that wouldn’t hurt his hip, before realising that there simply wasn’t one.
4. Before and After    
When Mac went to bed, exhausted, he was hoping to sleep off the mild headache he had forming.
5. Failure Point    
Mac went straight from medical to the gym.
6. Wild Horses
No one had expected Mac to wake from his coma. Not really.
7. In the Quiet Moments
Mac doesn’t remember getting home.  He remembers the op going bad but he doesn’t remember the journey to medical at all
8. In Sorrow and In Joy
No doubt about it, the kid looked exhausted. Mac was stretched out on his side on the sofa and Jack knew the shadows under his eyes were not caused by the pre-dawn light seeping into the room.
9. Nightmare before Christmas
Jack paced.  Back and forth, he walked past fallen Christmas trees and scattered baubles. Broken glass and shattered lights. Torn wrapping paper and crushed train sets.
10. All the Lights and Decorations Put Up in Anticipation    
“Okay, we’ve got the outdoor lights up, Russ will be here in half an hour with a Christmas tree and Bozer’s getting the decorations out of storage.
11. Break the Ice
Jack knew it was something magical, even before Riley confirmed it via Phoenix medical, it had happened too quick. Mac had been fine, just fine, the night before.
12. By Candle Light
The hunting cabin was the proverbial oasis in the middle of a very cold, very stormy, dark winter forest.
13. Baby It's Cold Outside
You’d think, that when you were rescued the hard bit would be over, that things would start getting better, but for Mac it got worse.
14. Fissures of Gold
Jack wakes up in full on fight mode, his arm swinging up in a confused attempt to both punch and deflect.
15. Sentence Starters & Tumblr Tales
Wise words.  Jack has heard them many times, in various versions over the years.
16. Power Surge
There was no way Mac should have won.
17. Burn Out
The light was unbelievably bright. Jack shielded his face with his arm and scrunched his eyes shut.
18. The Dreams In Which I'm Dying
This was a bad idea.  In fact it was probably up there for one of the worst ideas Mac had ever had, but once it had crossed his mind he just hadn’t been able to shake it.
19. The Unknown Variable
Jack Dalton is not like any other overwatch.  And despite being the most junior EOD tech Mac has had quite a few of them.
20. If you've got troubles, I've got 'em too
Bozer stomped up the stairs to his room and flung his backpack on the floor where it skidded to a stop at the foot of his bed. It wasn’t fair.
I think my favourite is 18.The Dreams in Which I’m Dying.  Because I think anything that starts with ‘this is a bad idea’ and implies they’re going to do it anyway is a good start!  (I hope!)
I’d love to know what ones caught your interest!
ETA: I forgot to do the tagging thing!  @kerkerian @improvidus @appalachianapologies @erinsworld @commanderbunnbunn @altschmerzes @teamimprov @starryhc and anyone else who wants to do it!  (Sorry if anyone gets multiple tags)
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pitaparka · 5 years
fall sentence starters
hey y’all! i’ve been in the writing mood so here are some autumnal writing prompts, both tricks and treats!
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1. “I don’t really like candy corn.”
2. “I have no one to go apple picking with...”
3. “Do you... maybe wanna have a scary movie night?”
4. “Did you bring an umbrella?”
5. “My hands are so cold.”
6. “Can I borrow your hoodie?”
7. “Look at all the leaves!”
8. “Can you light a candle or something?”
9. “I know a way to warm you up.”
10. “What kind of candy should i get.”
11. “My nephew wants us to take him trick or treating this year.”
12. “Haven’t you ever seen the leaves change colors before?”
13. “Oh no, it looks like it’s gonna rain.”
14. “Your sweater is so big!”
15. “Lay with me?”
16. “Why is it so hot? It’s October!”
17. “Why did you get such a tiny pumpkin? We have to carve this!”
18. “You didn’t tell me we had to carve this!”
19. “Be careful with the decorations! That ladder won’t hold your— weight.”
20. “Are you seriously going all black this month?”
21. “What is the point of pumpkin spice pringle’s.”
22. “Summer is over. Stop wearing sunscreen.”
23. “The sun doesn’t go away just because it’s fall.”
24. “It’s raining so much.”
25. “But you’re so tall! Can you pleaaase come apple picking with me?”
26. “We are NOT dressing up my animal in a halloween costume.”
27. “You make a pretty cute ghost, babe.”
28. “I don’t want to go either but it’s a company party and there’s free food and we might as well have fun with it, right?”
29. “When was the last time you went to a Halloween party?”
30. “What are you going to dress up as?”
31. “You’ve never been to a corn maze?!”
32. “If you want to go to the haunted house I’ll go with you, just so you don’t get scared, y’know?”
33. “They have the best plain donuts here i’ve ever had in my life.”
34. “Cider is the best drink. Period.”
35. “But I’ve never made an apple pie before.”
36. “Come on, aren’t you excited to see the little kids trick or treating?”
37. “I don’t have to have to hand out candy alone, just put on the costume!”
38. “I picked it out especially with you in mind! You’re hurting my feelings!”
39. “They have good stuff down at the farmers market.”
40. “Why are your eyes so... red?”
41. “I haven’t been sleeping well lately.”
42. “Did you hear that?”
43. “Is that an... actual skeleton?”
44. “It’s just your imagination.”
45. “Maybe it’s just a scary prank.”
46. “Is that your blood!?”
47. “Is this what being poisoned feels like?”
48. “Help them! They can’t breathe!”
49. “It’s just a scrape...”
50. “How did you break your leg? And so close to Halloween, too?”
51. “Do you know what death smells like?”
52. “Is that a real knife?”
53. “Your nose is bleeding, like, really bad.”
54. “Just sit down, I’m gonna take the nail out.”
55. “It’s Halloween, they’re probably just in a costume.”
56. “You’re scary good at that. For a beginner.”
57. “I love that sound.”
58. “There’s nothing better than fresh meat.”
59. “When I said trick or treat, I meant just treat.”
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raleighcarrera · 4 years
holiday writing requests
wow feels weird to use the post title feature sdkjfdglfkgjfkjg
ANYWAY i’m opening up winter/holiday themed writing requests for choices & twc !! my goal is to do as many of these as i can before the end of the year but i’m going to try to space them out so please be patient and i’m sorry if i don’t get to yours or if it takes awhile
and thank you all for making my time here so far in 2020 so much fun and for being so nice to me since i made this blog in may ❤️ 
if you have a specific scenario or request in mind, just send me an ask, but otherwise a list of assorted prompts i’m accepting is under the cut !!
from here - winter/cold weather prompts:
1. first snowfall 2. hot chocolate 3. ice skating 4. blankets 5. fireplace 6. fuzzy socks 7. scarf 8. snowball 9. sweater 10. snuggling 11. snowed - in 12. mistletoe 13. candles 14. winter sunrise 15. eggnog
from here - winter/holiday writing prompts:
1. mistletoe kissing booth 2. makeout sesh in front of the fire, but someone is being a tad too respectful 3. snowball fight turns flirting, turns serious, then flirty again 4. snowed in and huddling for warmth 5. home for the holidays, but my parents won’t let us share a room so we sneak out to see each other
from here - winter/holiday sentence starters:
1. “it’s cold out here, can i borrow your jacket?” 2. “warm my hands up?” 3. “look! it’s snowing!” 4. “the car won’t start...” 5. “it’s supposed to snow tonight, you should just stay here...” 6. “i haven’t felt warmth in approximately twenty-three days.” 7. “that blanket looks big enough for two!” 8. “you’re cute when you’re cold.” 9. “it smells like i just walked into cinnamon hell.” 10. “can’t we stay in bed? it’s cold outside...” 11. “you’re not getting sick again, are you?” 12. “i’ll take care of you.” 13. “don’t slip!” 14. “i may or may not have gotten tangled up in the tinsel.” 15. “so... the tree is too big to fit through the door.” 16. “last minute gift shopping is an art, and you’re not ready for it.” 17. “all i want for christmas is you.” 18. “can i open just one? pleasseeee?” 19. “don’t be such a downer, mr scrooge.” 20. “i have michael bublé’s entire discography and an unopened bottle of wine.” 21. “i couldn’t find any gelt, but we do have raisins!” 22. “please don’t burn the house down.” 23. “normal people don’t own this many candles.” 24. “that’s the ugliest sweater i’ve ever seen.”
from here - winter/holiday prompts
1. “it’s almost midnight!” 2. “yeah, uh, alcohol doesn’t go in hot chocolate.” 3. “why does the house smell like a cinnamon roll threw up?” 4. “if you throw a snowball at my face so help me.” 5. “open your present!” 6. “wanna get shit faced instead?” 7. “why is there mistletoe everywhere?” 8. “i’m still sad you won’t be home for christmas.” 9. “aren’t you afraid of setting the house on fire with all the lights?” 10. “i hope you break your ass on that ice.” 11. “wait, no one got you anything?” 12. “so... we’re kind of snowed in.” 13. “it looks like the north pole threw up.” 14. “are you sure it’s illegal to kill carolers?” 15. “you didn’t think i’d let you spend christmas alone, did you?” 16. “i told you you were going to get sick if you stayed in the snow all day.” 17. “does that stocking have my name on it?” 18. “and now the power’s out.” 19. “you’ve never had a new year’s kiss?” 20. “you’re kind of cute when you look like rudolph.”-“the reindeer?”-“no, my dentist. yes, the reindeer.”
from here - december fanfic prompts
1. a snowball fight 2. overly bundled up for the weather 3, decorating the tree 4. ruining the holiday dinner 5. secret santa gift exchange 6. unwrapping presents 7. making cookies 8. new holiday traditions 9. work holiday party 10. eating candy canes 11. traveling for the holiday 12. a holiday proposal 13. drunk at new year’s party 14. a new year’s kiss
from here - christmas/winter starters
“sorry, it’s not me, it’s the eggnog.” “just so you know, i’m kind of stuck in the christmas lights.” “looks like you’re getting coal this year.” “i just took an online quiz and it said i was on the naughty list! if it was you i could see it, but not me!” “are you seriously crying over rudolph...?”   “i just called to tell you merry christmas.” “please stop singing christmas songs.” “if you ring those dumb jingle bells one more time, i will wring your neck.” “oh my god, is that  mistletoe...?” “what kind of christmas would it be if we didn’t play in the snow?”  
from here - holiday au prompts
1. we don’t like each other, but we’re at a mutual friend’s christmas party and we keep getting caught under the mistletoe together 2. we both work at the mall’s pictures with santa event. you shouldn’t be able to look that attractive in an elf’s costume and we should not be hooking up in santa’s cottage on our break 3. why can’t you turn your christmas lights off at a reasonable hour? they’re way too bright and some of us are trying to sleep. if you won’t turn them off, i’ll turn them off myself 4. my parents keep pestering me about a boy/girlfriend, so i lied and now i need you to be my fake boy/girlfriend for the holidays 5. if you sing one more christmas song, I’m breaking the radio and kicking you out of the car. i don’t care how cute you are, i can’t take one more rendition of santa baby or all i want for christmas is you 6. you didn’t have anywhere to go for the holidays, so i invited you to come home with me as friends but my parents now think we’re dating
from here - more christmas aus
1. “i know we hate each other but it’s christmas eve and your flight was cancelled, please come inside.” 2. “i got you for secret santa so i got you this really expensive but sentimental gift that you’ve always wanted, hoping you’ll never find out it’s from me - and that i’ve been in love with you 1234567 years.” 3. person a seducing person b into taking a few steps back/backing them against the wall (”oh look, how did that mistletoe get right there?”) 4. i knitted you a jumper/mittens/scarf 5. “we were playing in the snow and you suddenly tackled me to the ground and now... we’re just... staring... at each other...” 6. "our christmas party turned into a tropical theme because the radiator is broken and it’s hotter than hell in here - damn you look good without a shirt, i never noticed before asgdhfjgkhl” 7. “we’re co workers who hate each other but you had too much to drink at the staff christmas party and admitted your love for me i don’t know how to act around you now.” 8. TEACH ME HOW TO SKI (lol jk i know how you’re just so fucking cute) 9. PULLING YOU IN FOR A KISS WITH A SCARF 10. “i did that annoying thing where i put loads of smaller boxes inside one big box and you’re getting really mad but you don’t know that the ring is in the smallest box and i can’t wait to see your face”
from here - christmas/holiday starters
1. “woah, someone drank too much egg nog.” 2. “i can’t believe i’m all alone during the holidays.” 3. “i hate snow. and smiling children.” 4. “if i hear one more christmas song, someone is getting strangled with tinsel.” 5. “the limit was $20, people. why do I see an iPhone?” 6. “i know who got me this. there’s only one person who knows me this well. it’s you.” 7. “this is really corny... but you’re already a gift to me.” 8. “have i been naughty this year?” 9. “oh, i’d ride in your sleigh.” 10. “your eyes twinkle like tree lights.” 11. “great, now my flight is delayed…” 12. “how am i supposed to get home in this weather?” 13. "do these dreidel cake pops look pinterest-y enough?” 14. “it’s not a ‘made-up’ holiday. all holidays are made up.”
from here - new year’s starters
1. “will you kiss me at midnight?” 2. “here's hoping the new year is better than the last.” 3. “this is the perfect way to ring in the new year.” 4. “i don't feel well...” 5. “did you just kiss me?” 6. “the stars are prettier than the fireworks.” 7. “let's ring in the new year right.” 8. “are you drunk?” 9. “can we go home?” 10. “hold my hand.” 11. “i think i drank too much.” 12. “let's get a cab.” 13. “you look silly.”
from here - cold weather starters
1. “it’s hand holding season.” 2. “i got the biggest blanket for us to share.” 3. “your cheeks are so red; it’s so cute!”  4. “this scarf isn’t big enough for two people.” 5. “maybe if i kiss you, you’ll feel warmer.”  6. “hug me; i’m cold and love you.” 7. “are you cold? let’s cuddle, it’ll make you warmer.” 8. “what time is it? don’t answer, it’s christmas.” 9. “if it snows, wake me up.” 10. “christmas songs this early?” 11. “please stay warm; i don’t want you to get sick.” 12. “i refuse to let you go – i’m cold.” 13. “it’s icy outside – also, can you help me limp to the couch?” 14. “i don’t need mistletoe to kiss you.” 15. “i’m glad I get to spend this season with you.” 16. “are you shivering?” 17. “i ran you a bath since it’s freezing outside.” 18. “stay in bed with me, it’s warmer here.” 19. “i don’t understand how you love this kind of weather so much.” 20. “are you blushing or cold?” 21. “oh, darn, i seem to have forgotten my mittens – please warm my hands?” 22. “i don’t think cold weather is an excuse to drink ten times more coffee.” 23. “well, you can never have too much hot chocolate.” 24. “i’m gonna stay up and wait for it to snow.” 25. “being with you makes the season even better.” 26. “since it’s cold should i start calling you ‘snow angel’?” 27. “are you going to share this coat with me all night?”
15 notes · View notes
rp-meme-central · 5 years
Buzzfeed Unsolved Supernatural - The Demonic Goatman’s Bridge - sentence starters
1. “How can you be nervous with a beautiful sunset like that?” 
2. “I’m fucking nervous, _____. I feel like I’m gonna vomit.” 
3. “Welcome to ______. We’re all assholes here. None of us believe in ghosts. Population: me.” 
4. “You know what, ______, I’m not trying to scare you, but I’ve got a bad feeling about this one.” 
5. “Oh, _____. You’ve outdumbed yourself.” 
6. “Do you ever think _____ watches these videos and is disappointed in you?” 
7. “If you don’t believe, then there’s nothing for you to be afraid of, right? You can be as big a prick as you want. I’ll stand over here.” 
8. “You want me off this bridge, you’re gonna have to kill me!” 
9. “Talking to the ______. Opening up a line of communication. ______ would be very disappointed.” 
10. “Shut the fuck up. I’m gonna murder you.” 
11. “I don’t even have my hand ready on my pistol.” 
12. “You know, if you want me off your bridge, you’re gonna have to throw me off.” 
13. “We’ll be back, ______. This is, after all, our bridge now.” 
14. “No, it’s not an effective technique. It’s a way to get killed.” 
15. “When was the last time you walked into a dark wood?” 
16. “This is so much scarier than hunting fuckin’ Sasquatch.” 
17. “Give me a heads up if you start to feel murderous. I would appreciate that.” 
18. “You’re like one of those carwash blowy things that’s out front just wigglin’ around.” 
19. “Anyone doing up to no good out here?” 
20. “There’s something over there. I don’t know what it is, but the bushes are moving.”
21. “We’re here for the cult stuff? We saw the ad on Craigslist.” 
22. “They wouldn’t be hiding in the bushes, would they?” 
23. “This looks fun. This odd collection of branches. It looks like a witch lair or something.” 
24. “You can’t be doing occult stuff like this. It’s a week night.” 
25. “I’m just picturing being surrounded by cultists right now, and it’s freaking me the fuck out.” 
26. “Ouija? I’ve done it before. It’s a blast.”    
27. “I’m scared to use a Ouija board in the comfort of my own home. I never thought the first time I would ever use a Ouija board would be here.” 
28. “I’m about to die for the internet.” 
29. “You put salt around us. Doesn’t that mean ______ can’t get to the Ouija board?” 
30. “If you can’t spell your name then this bridge is officially mine.” 
31. “You’re not going to say mean things to it on your way out?” 
32. “Just gloat a little bit. This is a win for you.” 
33. “As we snuff these candles, so too do we snuff you from this mortal world... you fucking wimp.” 
34. “There’s a small fraction of my mind that is definitely disappointed we never saw him/her/them/it, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t relieved.”  
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hotniatheron · 5 years
If you're still taking the sentence starter prompts, 6 or 16 (from angst) with Silverflint please? x
send me a prompt
16) “Are you hurt?” “No.” “Then why are there bruises all over your face?”
It’s late and quiet when Flint wakes. 
Too quiet.
At first he can’t figure out why it’s too quiet or what it is that has him so disturbed. Then he turns and see the bed is empty.
He sits up with a sigh and lights a candle, though he dreads getting out of bed in the chilly winter air. He steels himself before he throws back the covers to get out of bed and go look for Silver.
He expects to find him downstairs, sitting beside the fire and smoking as he’s made a habit of these past years. The dark of the tavern sends a chill up his spine, the silence foreboding. The fireplace is cold, with no recent evidence of fire.
“Silver?” he calls out into the dark and he gets no answer. 
He creeps forward into the room, trying his best not to jump when there’s a shifting of shadows and then Silver seems to take shape from the darkness itself in front of him. His face is half shadowed with the dark shine of blood turned black in the moonlight.
“What happened?” Flint says, rushing forward to cup his face. “Are you hurt?”
“No,” Silver whispers, even as he flinches away from Flint’s touch.
“Then why are there bruises all over your face?” Flint asks, holding the candle up to look at him. The empty look in Silver’s eyes when he glances up at him is enough to raise the hair on the back of his neck.
“This isn’t real,” Silver says, looking around him. “You’re not real, you’re dead.”
“I think I’d know if I was dead,” Flint says, pushing Silver’s hair out of his face. He grimaces at the mess of red and blue it is, skin already purple in some places. “What the fuck happened to you?”
“I was on the island,” Silver murmurs not looking at him. “That fucking island, looking for you.”
“I’m right here,” Flint says.
“When was the last time you left the house?”
Silver grabs him by the front of his shirt and gives him a shake.
“When’s the last time you left the house?!”
Flint opens his mouth to answer, then pauses. He’s sure he went to the market three days ago. He went outside to water the garden yesterday. Didn’t he?
“You can’t answer because you haven’t,” Silver says, voice rising on the edge of hysteria. “You can’t, because you’re dead! None of this is real!”
“If it’s not real then why can I touch you?” Flint asks, placing a hand on Silver’s chest.
With horror, Flint watches blood bloom beneath his hand until it soaks the front of Silver’s shirt.
“I can’t feel it,” Silver says, voice hitching, eyes wild as he pushes away from Flint. “I can’t feel it. I haven’t eaten. I haven’t slept. I don’t know what day it is. It’s always night in this house. You’re always asleep in bed, waiting for me to return.”
Dread fills Flint until it’s wrapping around his throat, making him gag at the scent of blood that fills the room. The scent of loam and rot. The scent of a grave.
“Then what happened to you?” he asks. “Why are you covered in blood? Who hurt you?”
“You’re dead,” Silver says, staring down at his hands. There’s a knife in one, slick with blood, and Flint closes his hand over it. Blood starts to pour from Silver’s sleeves, coating the floor.
“What did you do?” he demands. 
“You’re dead,” Silver says, trembling. “Have been for years. There was a boy.....a map....”
Pain, sudden and hot like iron, strikes Flint in the head and he rears back, feet slipping in the blood spreading across the floor. He barely managing to catch himself against the wall. Silver looks monstrous, blood pouring from the crown of his head as Flint watches.
“What happened to you?” Flint whispers, sliding down to sit on the floor with a gasp, struggling to breathe. He turns and retches, trying not to scream when dirt splatters on the floor.
“You died,” Silver says, hand curling around the knife. “And everyone wanted Captain Flint’s treasure. So I killed them.”
“This isn’t real,” Flint gasp, even as the room around them starts to fade, the scent of damp earth filling his nose.
“No, it isn’t,” Silver says, even as he begins to fade back into the shadows. 
“Then what am I?” Flint asks. “What is this?”
“Just a dream.”
Flint opens his eyes to darkness, cool and quiet. 
It’s late.
He turns and finds the bed empty. With a sigh he throws the covers back and lights a candle to go looking for Silver.
There’s no answer in the dark when he calls out his name.
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rp-meme-central · 5 years
Markiplier plays “Five Nights at Freddy’s” - 6th and 7th Nights - sentence starters
1. “We’re going to have a lot tougher time trying to get through this game, with everyone being a giant douche.” 
2. “There’s that lovely music that I love. That lovingly loving music that loves me so much.” 
3. “I’m not doin’ nothin’. I ain’t doin�� nothin’. This is how I normally sit. Perfectly normal!” 
4. “What if you were visited by the Grim Reaper, but it wasn’t actually a skeleton underneath, it was just ______?” 
5. “How are you already out?! How?! That’s un-possible!” 
6. “You know what, screw you! I don’t even care! I don’t care that you’re the biggest douche on Douche Alley. I’ve got other problems.” 
7. “You need to take some relaxation therapy classes. Get some scented candles, take a nice herbal bath, smoke some weed - I don’t care. Do something. RELAX!”
8. “That’s not a good sound!” 
9.  “You do you, and I’ll do me, and we won’t do each other... probably. That was a good poem right there.” 
10. “What a bunch of bull! What a bull-load of bull! Everyone was lying to me!” 
11. “Someone’s got bad breath.” 
12. “Expect some serious concentration going on here, because I am not going to lose this!” 
13. “Don’t screw me up like that, you ______. I will kill... uh... a bug. I’ll squish it. Squish, squish it. Squish, squish, squish.” 
14. “I’m not just scared now. I’m super-stressed about doing this.” 
15. “Beat the clock, beat the clock, beat the clock, beat the clock!” 
16. “Yes! Mother of God! I am the KING/QUEEN of FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S!”
17. “Oh, that is just insulting, you ______! Fifty cents?” 
18. “You can’t say that I didn’t give it a try. So let’s give it an old honest try here.”
19. “That’s not love, you want me to die!” 
20. “What was that? That’s not something you can get away with. I’m not okay with that.” 
21. “If this is how I die, then I’m gonna go out blazing!” 
22. “I think I scared ‘em off, using my fists of fury!” 
76 notes · View notes
rp-meme-central · 5 years
Good Omens - Episode 4: Saturday Morning Funtime - sentence starters
1. “I don’t think this stuff is... you know... real.” 
2. “Things on the internet can be made up. This is magazines. Of course it’s real.” 
3. “Of course it’s true. What I say is true.” 
4. “What’s in ______ prophecies that matter to us?” 
5. “Armageddon is coming, and I’m fairly certain it starts today. Just after teatime.” 
6. “I’m soft.” 
7. “I almost forgot. According to our records, you were issued with a flaming sword. You didn’t lose that?” 
8. “Ours is not to reason why. Ours is to deliver packages.” 
9. “I’m sure there’s a perfectly innocent explanation.” 
10. “Where should I go?” 
11. “Beautiful nebula. Look at that. I helped build that one.”
12. “I only ever asked questions. That’s all it took to be a demon in the old days.” 
13. “Okay, I know, you’re testing them. You said you were going to be testing them. You shouldn’t test them to destruction. Not to the end of the world.” 
14. “I’ve got a message for you, ______. It’s not a package, it’s a message.” 
15. “Don’t think of it as dying. Think of it as leaving early to avoid the rush.” 
16. “Shouldn’t there be a few more of us, if we’re protecting the entire country from ______?” 
17. “I’m not actually prepared to burn anyone.” 
18. “If they’re so clever, then what are they doing in the sea all day? Just swimming, and eating things, and singing, and oh my god I want to be a whale.” 
19. “A million sushi dinners cry out for vengeance!” 
20. “I don’t like jokes. I don’t do jokes. When people do jokes in my presence, they end up finding themselves swallowing their tongues.” 
21. “I didn’t say you could go.” 
22. “Can I say something stupid without you thinking it’s stupid? I was scared he/she/they wouldn’t let us go just then.” 
23. “You smell like poo.” 
24. “You hear voices. What are they saying? What are they telling you?” 
25. “The voices in my head all say that you smell like poo.” 
26. “I’m not actually a real _____-finder. There aren’t really any ______. I’m actually a ______. I just needed something to get me out of the house.” 
27. “I’m _______. I really am a witch.” 
28. “Your family obviously has a tendency to burn mine, so I took your matches.” 
29. “Oh come on. The world isn’t really going to end today?” 
30. “______, this is all wrong. I’m not going with you.” 
31. “Work with me, I’m apologizing here. Yes? Good? Get in the car.” 
32. “Look, I’m quite sure that if I can just reach the right people, then I can get all this sorted out.” 
33. “You’re so clever! How can somebody as clever as you be so stupid?” 
34. “I forgive you.” 
35. “I’m getting my stuff and I’m leaving. And when I’m up in the stars, I won’t even think about you!” 
36. “Don’t move. There’s something very important you need to know before you disgrace yourself.” 
37. “Well, you’ve definitely passed the test. You’re ready to start playing with the big boys.” 
38. “Don’t think your boyfriend/girlfriend/partner in the _______ is going to get you special treatment in _______. He’s/she’s/they’re in trouble too.” 
39. “You mustn’t! Why would you do this? We’re the good guys!” 
40. “Seems to be it would serve everyone right if all the nuclear bombs went off and it started again. Only properly this time. Then we could sort it all out.” 
41. “It would be wicked to have the whole world to ourselves, wouldn’t it? We could have amazing games. We could have war with real armies.” 
42. “Please, let us go home! I want my _______ and my ______!” 
43. “I’ve got friends coming soon. You’ll like them. They’re a lot like you. They’re going to help me make it all stop.” 
44. “This is insane! We don’t get tornadoes here!” 
45. “I’ve sent him/her/them into the jaws of doom. _______. He’s/she’s/they’re just a _______. I let him/her/them go alone. I should have gone with him/her/them.” 
46. “This really is frightfully important. I’m prepared to take this all the way to the top.” 
47. “There needn’t be a war! We can save everyone!” 
48. “The point is not to avoid the war. The point is to win it.” 
49. “You are possessed by a demon, and I will exorcise you with bell, book, and candle.” 
50. “Please, you must stay away from the circle!” 
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rp-meme-central · 7 years
Jacksepticeye plays “The Last Guardian” - sentence starters - Part 1
1. “____, you’re real!” 
2. “I am going to absolutely fall in love with this creature, by the way.” 
3. “He/she/it has a thing in his/her/its leg. I’ll remove it!” 
4. “He/she/it’s kind of scary. He/she/it’s big and huggable and lovable, but at the same time he/she/it’s a giant creature that could crush you in two seconds.” 
5. “It’s like having your very own pet giant cat.” 
6. “Sorry! Sorry! I didn’t mean to!” 
7. “You are kind of scary.” 
8. “Don’t bite me.” 
9. “You have a giant hole in your leg, so I don’t know how capable you are to move.”
10. “Don’t you trust me yet?” 
11. “Okay, okay. Fine. I won’t watch you eat.” 
12. “Are you sniffing me? Do I smell good? What do I smell like?” 
13. “That would be terrifying.” 
14. “I’m gonna pull the lever and it’s gonna take this off your neck. You ready?”
15. “____, you’re free!” 
16. “You gonna take the helmet off?” 
17. “S/he’s got a soft little belly! I wanna pet the belly.” 
18. “Okay, we have to figure out how the hell we’ll get out of here.” 
19. “I’m gonna climb you. Is that okay?” 
20. “Oh my god, you’re literally just a giant cat.” 
21. “S/he’s so cute. I want one. I want my own giant cat-bird.” 
22. “Does he/she/it not know I’m here?” 
23. “Wait, is this like a giant laser-pointer to you?” 
24. “____, you knocked me over!” 
25. “Are you going to knock down all these pots? Oh god, I knocked down all these pots.” 
26. “Wanna go for a swim? Wash the blood of your leg?”
27. “Come on in, the water’s great!” 
28. “Come on, you big baby! It’s just water.” 
29. “I’ll see if I can find another way for you.” 
30. “I’m gonna stand clear before I do anything with lightning around water.” 
31. “Maybe the enticement of food will get him/her/them/it to come down.”
32. “Don’t climb back out.” 
33. “I wanna wash him/her/it. I wanna wash my pet.” 
34. “We did it! We got out!” 
35. “How much can you do your lightning, by the way? Do I have to worry about that running out or anything?” 
36. “He/she/it is so going to break down that wall.” 
37. “You’re probably gonna have to follow me across these rocks if you can, but they do not look safe and steady.” 
38. “You good? You comfy right there?” 
39. “This creature’s gonna be the death of me and itself.” 
40. “You’re making me nervous. Don’t do that.” 
41. “Oh god. I thought there was ground down there.” 
42. “I’m not walking across that.” 
43. “You can’t get through. You’re too big.”
44. “How do we get you through?” 
45. “Don’t get stuck, though. I don’t have butter large enough to slip your head out through.” 
46. “I’ll figure it out, ____. Don’t you worry about that.” 
47. “What happens if I just call you?” 
48. “_____, I’m just gonna say it right now, I don’t really know what I do with you.” 
49. “Can you jump up? I think you can. Flap your little tiny wings.” 
50. “What a fucking hero!” 
51. “Don’t get burned by candles. It’s a very real scenario that could happen.”  
52. “That is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.” 
53. “Awww, that’s adorable.” 
54. “I highly doubt you can make that jump.” 
55. “Can I get off? I want off ______’s Wild Ride.” 
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rp-meme-central · 7 years
Gravity Falls sentence starters - Part 6
1. “Zombie attack? Never works, they don’t take orders.” 
2. “My one and only dream, which is to possess money, has come true!” 
3. “That’s a pawn, that’s not your color, and stop stealing the tiny horses.” 
4. “Don’t you see what’s happening, ____? This millimeter is just the beginning. I’m evolving into the superior sibling. Bigger. Stronger!” 
5. “I was awoken by the sound of mockery. Where is it? Show me the object of ridicule.” 
6. “I high-five hard.” 
7. “Is that mountain lion tiny, or just far away in perspective?” 
8. “What can I say, ____? Growth spurt.” 
9. “Maybe s/he didn’t see us use it, and doesn’t know that it’s a magic flashlight that can grow and shrink things.” 
10. “Okay, how are we going to do this? ____’s got magic, and like a zillian inches on us.” 
12. “S/he’s heading to shrink ____!” 
13. “Why are you acting so weird? Why can’t you just accept that I’m a little bit taller than you?” 
14. “I daresay you would have defeated me, if it weren’t for your sibling bickering.” 
15. “Whoa. His/her hair is so shiny.” 
16. “I don’t even know how to respond to this.” 
17. “Hey now, calm down. You’ll get me one of these days. Just run your evil plan by some friends next time, huh? Workshop it.” 
18. “I guess we should destroy this thing. So that it doesn’t ‘fall into the wrong hands’ and junk.” 
19. “Cross this town off our list.” 
20. “The people of this town love Halloween so much, they celebrate it twice a year.” 
21. “When the children come to my door tonight, they’re going to run away screaming from ____: Master of Fright!” 
22. “You paid for this stuff, right?” 
23. “Trick-or-treating is for babies... I guess.” 
24. “You got a cold, ____? Something wrong with your voice there?” 
25. “That is a very good _____ costume.” 
26. “Listen, I can’t go trick-or-treating. I’m... uh... really sick.”
27. “I’m not trick-or-treating.” 
28. “Silence! You have insulted me, and for this you must pay with your lives.” 
29. “It’s the legend ____ told us about. It’s true!” 
30. “A monster is making us trick-or-treat, or else he’s gonna eat us!” 
31. “We’ll get 500 pieces of candy and have fun doing it too, even if it takes all night!” 
32. “Can we have candy now?”
33. “What’s the matter with you kids? That was the scariest thing you’ve ever seen, right?”
34. “We’ve got to up our game, ____! You’ve got to put on your costume.” 
35. “You’re going to a party?” 
36. “If it weren’t for this crazy monster, you were going to ditch me. On our favorite holiday!” 
37. “Don’t blow out that candle!” 
38. “That wasn’t, like, a regular pedestrian, was it?” 
39. “We have to hide!” 
40. “If only there were something we could use to cover our bodies and faces. You know, like a disguise of some kind.” 
41. “Don’t you recognize me? Look at my face. Look closely.” 
42. “At the end of the day, Halloween isn’t about candy, or costumes, or even scaring people. It’s a day when the whole family can get together in one place and celebrate what really matters: pure evil! Mwahahahahaha!” 
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rp-meme-central · 7 years
tiredness/sleep related sentence starters
1. “You look tired.” 
2. “I’m so tired.” 
3. “I haven’t slept in days.” 
4. “I’m so exhausted, but I can’t sleep.” 
5. “Maybe you should go take a nap?” 
6. “What does a person have to do to get a little sleep around here?” 
7. “You need to sleep.” 
8. “Why am I so tired? I get plenty of sleep.” 
9. “I can’t sleep until I finish this project.” 
10. “Maybe you wouldn’t be so tired if you didn’t burn the candle at both ends.” 
11. “You can’t fool me. I see the rings under your eyes, and the way you yawn. You’re exhausted.” 
12. “I want to take a nap, but I just can’t sleep during the day.” 
13. “Here, try this. Maybe it’ll help you sleep.”   
14. “It’s late. Why aren’t you asleep?” 
15. “Don’t fall asleep.” 
16. “Are you tired? I’m tired.” 
17. “I told you, I’m not tired.” 
18. “Did I fall asleep?” 
19. “Why are you sleeping in/out/up/down here, instead of in your bed?” 
20. “You passed out from exhaustion.”  
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