#sjdhskjhgkdjhg holy shit thats some good soundtrack
iguessitsjustme · 2 years
About Youth - Mini Music Analysis
***Disclaimer! I’m just a tiny internet person. I’m not a musician. Please form your own opinion and feel free to disagree with me! I’m not always right. Also this was written before episode 7 and 8 aired and I did not have have the mental energy to update it.
@heretherebedork asked for an analysis of the music in About Youth and this one was honestly the hardest one. I feel like I don’t have a lot to say about this soundtrack, but to be fair, I only went back and rewatched part of episode 6 so I’m basing this off of that. The soundtrack is good, and it fits the show, BUT the show utilizes silence a lot. The soundtrack really does become something more akin to background music. Something you don’t even notice is playing, but it’s there. It reminds me of when I lived close to my older brother, and we would go to a hotel bar to listen to his musician friends play music in the lobby. The music was there, but ultimately, we were more focused on our conversation and our food than anything else.
Overall, the soundtrack pretty calming and it matches the characters and the scenes well. It kind of feels like a less deliberate version of the OFC soundtrack (which as we all know I am quite literally in love with). Which is not to say it’s not deliberate! Just...less. Whoever was in charge of the soundtrack for About Youth knew what they were doing. It’s extraordinarily subtle. For the most part, it’s quiet and it’s calm. So when we have the scenes of Qizhang singing with his band, it stands out even more. The music in those scenes have an impact because they are a direct contrast to the rest of the show. The songs are upbeat, peppy, they make you want to bop your head along to the beat. I also cannot stress enough how much I enjoy the opening song. I pretty much only listened to this song on repeat last week (I only stopped because of a recent album release from one of my favorite artists), and I do actually listen to music quite a lot.
What can I say about the opening song other than I love it. I feel like this song works for the opening really well when you watch the scenes that were paired with certain parts of the opening. This is an opening song that I didn’t skip. Not once. And I typically skip opening songs. It is upbeat, it’s hopeful, it’s beautiful. It tells the story of Qizhang and Ye Guang and it lets us know that they are going to be okay.
This wasn’t much of an actual musical analysis, but I guess I’ll at least give the soundtrack a grade. It gets an A+. Any soundtrack that successfully sets the tone and doesn’t distract from what’s happening in the show is a good soundtrack. Now, I need to go listen to the opening song on repeat some more.
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