#sjin rp
spacemanxephos · 9 months
“Fireworks” [Xephna]
Title: “Fireworks”
Pairing: Xephos and Lalna [Xephna]
Rating: General
Genre: Fluff and a tiny bit of hurt/comfort
Words: 1,292
Warnings: A tiny bit of sensory overload and vague PTSD mentions. Alcohol mentions as well.
A/N: This is what happens when you take out your sensory issues on your favorite characters. I wrote this in like an hour and didn’t beta read so don’t judge too hard. *Please don’t reblog to kin/rp/introject blogs!* This takes place pre-relationship during Jaffa Factory :]
Xephos hated these Sips Co. parties, he had decided.
It was New Years Eve, apparently a day meant to celebrate the ringing in of the new year.
And to do that effectively they had to go and get drunk and socialize at a Sips Co. holiday party.
“Didn’t we just go to one of these?” Xephos had griped as they walked towards the building. He had his shoulders hunched up to his ears as the biting cold seeped through his coat. A few flakes of snow were falling and settled in his and his friend’s hair.
Honeydew grinned at him. “That was Wintertide, this is New Years! Whole different deal,” he explained joyfully. Xephos did not share in that joy.
Both his companions had abandoned him rather quickly to go visit with their friends and get drinks after they arrived. Xephos had lingered by the walls, waving to Sips and Sjin when he saw them. Sjin had chatted with him for a few moments before disappearing into the crowd of what he could only assume were Sips Co. conglomerate associates.
He’d shuffled off to Sjin’s office when he saw Honeydew challenge Sips to a drink-off.
The fireworks had started not soon after he’d tucked himself away in the small office. It was decorated sparsely, except for a wooden desk and chair labelled in stark dark letters ‘MAHOGANY.’ He settled himself against the far wall and let his thoughts drift. The moment the fireworks had started he tucked his legs up into his chest and clamped his hands over his ears.
He’d had a complete fit the first party they’d gone to when the fireworks had begun. A panic had sprung in his chest as he tried to convince his friends they needed to evacuate or escape, because clearly they were under attack. Honeydew and Lalna had patiently explained to him the actual reason behind the explosions, which had left him utterly embarrassed. Now the panic still rested tightly under his skin, but at least he was able to save face and hide from the abhorrently loud noises in the privacy of Sjin’s office.
He sat there in his tight balled up position for a while, he wasn’t sure how long. He jolted at a knock on the door. It opened, and while he had expected Sjin, to his delight, or perhaps to his distaste, Lalna poked his head through the doorway instead.
The blonde seemed to have sobered up considerably in the time since he’d last seen him, which allowed Xephos to relax slightly. At least he wouldn’t be dragging home two completely drunken men now.
“Hey Xeph,’” Lalna greeted him happily. His cheeks were a bit flushed. Xephos wasn’t sure if it was from the alcohol or simply being stuck in a stuffy room full of fifty people downstairs.
He managed a smile at him. “Hello, friend.” He said. That was an easy phrase, it rolled off his tongue smoothly without him having to think about it. Lalna grinned back at him.
“Sjin told me I might find you here,” Lalna replied with his typical easygoing lilt.
Ah, Sjin. He had been the one to show Xephos his hiding spot the last time they’d had a party, it would make sense he’d tell their friends where he was if they asked. He couldn’t help but be a tad frustrated at the man, however. He didn’t want his friends to see him like this, hiding from parties and noise like a frightened dog. He didn’t want them to think he was… well, weak.
Lalna walked over and sat down next to him on his spot on the floor. His blue-green eyes were lively and reflected underneath the florescent lights.
“How long have you been up here?” Lalna asked.
Xephos raised an eyebrow. “I left when Honeydew started that drinking contest with Sips, so however long ago that was,” he said, a hint of disdain seeping into his voice. “Are they still going, by the way?”
Lalna grinned lopsidedly. “Oh, you know it. We’ll probably be dragging home a dead dwarf at the rate they’re going,” he snickered.
Xephos groaned and Lalna laughed a bit more at his expression.
They sat quietly for a moment before Lalna gestured to the door. “C’mon, I think I saw Lomadia down there, I’m sure she’d love to talk to you-“
Xephos visibly flinched at a sudden boom above them. He cursed himself for letting himself relax enough to be surprised by the noise again.
“Oh, the fireworks?” Lalna realized at his reaction.
Xephos screwed up his face with frustration. “It’s such a stupid activity- what a waste of resources! We could be mining with that dynamite, instead someone’s decided to make bombs and shoot them into the sky for no good reason.”
“I mean, they are pretty,” Lalna offered thoughtfully. “Colorful. Bright.”
Xephos scowled and hunched further into himself. “Loud,” he added scathingly.
Lalna snorted at his tone, but softened a bit when he saw the distress plain on the other’s face. Xephos instinctually stiffened as Lalna wrapped an arm around him.
“You know they can’t hurt you,” Lalna offered gently.
“They can hurt my ears,” Xephos snapped back. Lalna’s eyes flickered to Xephos’ ears which were flattened tightly against his head.
“Oh. I guess I didn’t really think about that.”Lalna mumbled. “Probably a lot louder to you, huh?” He said lightheartedly, his joking tone wavering slightly.
Xephos huffed. He was mad, mad enough he could feel it in his skin. Not at Lalna, necessarily, but at the situation he was currently in. It felt like everything was enough to make him feel irritated right now, simply for existing. He looked at Lalna, the human clearly feeling slightly sorry now. A twinge of guilt settled in his stomach. Xephos sighed and slumped his shoulders. He rubbed at his face tiredly.
“I’m sorry, friend. I’m not mad at you. I just don’t like them. It’s just almost like they remind me…”
He trailed off. The memories and words were at the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t reach them. It felt like for a moment he had almost had it but then it fluttered away again, leaving him only with an unshakable feeling of discomfort. Lalna looked at him curiously, imploring him to continue, but Xephos didn’t have an explanation for him.
Xephos waved his hand dismissively. “I don’t know. Never mind.”
Lalna looked like he wanted to ask him more, biting his lip. Suddenly, what sounded like dozens of fireworks began going off at once, and they didn’t stop. Xephos flinched again and instinctively hunched his shoulders into his ears. His face contorted with pain and discomfort. He almost jumped when he felt a pair of hands cover his ears.
Lalna’s hands were larger than his, very warm and slightly sweaty. They closed over his ears and muffled the noise. He could feel the man’s breath ever so slightly move his hair.
After several minutes, Lalna unclasped his hands.
“Finale’s over. Might have a few more over the course of the night, but that’s probably it,” he said. Xephos nodded, forcing his shoulders to relax.
Xephos shifted slightly, feeling an unexpected heat bloom in his face. “Erm, thank you,” he finally managed, not exactly sure what the right response was.
Lalna’s face was flushed as well. Xephos wondered if it was still that way from earlier. The human cleared his throat. “Y-yeah. Um, well, I’m sure we can head out now. Probably want to before Honeydew gets anymore mead in his system.”
Xephos tilted his head back and groaned again. He’d almost forgotten. Lalna was giggling at his expression again. Everything was back to normal.
He nodded and stood up. “Yeah. Let’s do it.”
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rrodgers · 3 years
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You know what? reject irl sjin. embrace char/fanon sjin. fuck the irl sjin. me and my homies hate the irl sjin. 
So here’s my headcanon character sjin from all the rps because I refuse to believe the real sjin exists and I hate that bitch. i stole sjin from him because he doesn’t deserve to have this character. character sjin is far too good for him.
My Sjin is a he/they crazed alien who likes clowns and dirt. like lots of dirt. the alien who has no idea wtf dirt is becomes the biggest farmer fanatic Of All Time. thank you. good day.
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radioactive-mouse · 4 years
how much i trust you based on your favorite yogscast character
xephos: you’re either a very tired mlm who feels a lot of things about the tekkit era or you’ve only watched yoglabs but somehow construct incredibly elaborate red string conspiracies. 6/10.
honeydew: okay we all love honeydew but if he’s your FAVORITE? i would take a bullet for you. you’re either very wholesome or you’re a little goblin. also you’re probably not cis. you really like shadow of israphel and will always be just a little bit bitter it never got a proper ending. 10/10.
lalna: you could probably write a thesis about why he is the way that he is and have an incredibly specific and elaborate timeline for how and when you think the lalna clones happened. you’re either very beholden to canon or you throw canon out the window to do whatever you want. you either write him as an incredibly complex and flawed but redeemable character, a sweet innocent cinnamon roll, or evil and fucked up with no remorse. either -5/10 or 15/10 with absolutely no inbetween.
sjin: you’ve (hopefully) completely reclaimed him from the irl man and taken him as your own. you either binged all of sipsco and think about it a lot or you watched the red matter incident and immediately decided that he was your favorite. 4/10 but don’t take it personally.
sips: your feelings on him are some mix of “sips is an asshole but for very specific reasons that you can read about in my 10k words character study” and “sips is such a bitch and i like him so much” but either way you probably really like sjips or if you’re real deep into the character analysis side you like sipsphos. 7/10 i think you’re hilarious.
rythian: i do not blame you. you really like his voice and every time he speaks swedish you lose your goddamn mind. you SOBBED over blackrock. you either like rythna or you’re not big on shipping and crave platonic content with him and zoey. you like Lore and Story and miss the rp days more than anyone else here. also you probably watch a lot of ttt now. 9/10.
zoey: i fucking love you. 1000/10.
nano: the flux buddies ending made you cry and you’re also probably not super big on shipping. you think lalna’s really fucking stupid and like him anyway. you remember too many dumb gags from flux buddies to the point where someone says something even slightly adjacent and the entire series flashes before your eyes. 11/10
strife: this is just the same thing as sips except you check the blood and chaos tag a thousand times a day because you’re so starved for content. you probably have college xephos and strife lore that you can never explain to anyone else and the brief bits of blood and chaos where strife is being silly or planting sunflowers make you emotional or incredibly happy. 8/10 please talk to me.
parvis: you’re gay and chaotic and probably some kind of alt. you’re either here for laughs and fluffy parvill or you’re kind of an edgelord and need to calm down. 6.5/10 i am afraid of you.
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List of Sign-offs for our #thoughts (plus individual blogs)
Most Common Fronters:
😇 - Floyd (main: @waywardangelcore // suggestion/rp/ask: @floydlesuggestions)
🚀 - Xephos (main: @x3ph0s // suggestion/rp/ask: @xephossuggestions)
🧪 - Lalna (@lalna-core)
🍃 - Reid (@reidreed)
😡 - Reese (@r33se)
🍉 - Tommy/Theseus (@innit-core)
🐝 - Tubbo (@ram-tubbo)
🧼 - Adrien
⚔️ - Aegeus
💕 - Aiden
🤙 - Alex
☀️ - Augustus
🧁 - BadBoyHalo
🌿 - Basil
🫐 - Bdubs
💙 - Blue
🔵 - Blue2
😨 - Bo
🪴 - Casper
👓 - Clem
🍀 - Clover
🧒 - Connor
🦋 - Coraline
😕 - Depression
😬 - Devin
⚪️ - Dream (Blob) (@dreams-core)
🟢 - Dream (Human) (@dreams-core)
🦖 - Eli
🌸 - Ella
💊 - Eric/SQUIP (@eric-the-squip)
📺 - Err0r
🚊 - Ethan
🐟 - Evan
N/A - Ezra
☁️ - Felix
N/A - Finn
👼- Floyd (Hermit)
🦊 - Fundy
👻 - Ghost
🦜 - Grian (main: @griancore // suggestion/rp/ask: @grian-suggestions)
🪄 - Harry
🧡 - Honeydew (@honeydewyeayea)
🧚 - Iris
💣 - J.D. (@jd-core)
🐬 - Jeremy (@jeremy-h33re)
🧢 - Jonathan/Schlatt
🎀 - Laila
💉 - Lalnable (@lalnable-core)
💚 - Liam (@lima-bean-liam)
👹 - Lilith (main: @lilith-of-the-nether // suggestion/ask/rp: @lilith-suggestions)
🌺 - Lily
⭐️ - Linus
🍎 - Lucas
💫 - Luke (@lukeskywalker-core)
🪶 - Lumin/Cyprus
🌙 - Luna
🌪 - Mania
👗 - Maria
❗️ - Mark
🌱 - Martyn
👛 - Mary
📜 - Mnemoria (main: @mnemoria // suggestion/ask/rp: @mnemoriasuggestions)
🌚 - Moon
🕌 - Moses (@mosesofegypt)
🔴 - Mumbo Jumbo
📻 - MusicBox
🦎 - Newt
⚫️ - Nightmare
N/A - Noah
🌊 - Pearl (@iridescent-pearls)
💦 - Percy
🐢 - Philza (@philza-core)
🦆 - Quackity
💧 - Rain
📓 - Ranboo (@enderdays)
🧊 - Rhode
🌻 - Rory
🌹 - Rose
🔎 - Ryan
🐏 - Schlatt (@sinfulschlatt)
😍 - Selene
🧜🏻‍♀️ - Serena
🌤 - Shane
👟 - Shiloh
📦 - Sips
🥕 - Sjin (@sjinterella)
💎 - Skeppy (@skeppy-core)
🍏 - Slimecicle
🎧 - Taurtis
N/A - Traumacore (@tr4umacore)
🐷 - Technoblade (@technothegod)
⬛️ - The Darkness
🌟 - The Doctor (Ten) (@timelordsinatardis)
🌌 - The Doctor (Eleven) (@timelordsinatardis)
⚡️ - The Flash
🐺 - The Magician
📕 - The Narrator
N/A - Venice
🔷 - Veronica/Ronnie/V
🌀 - Vertigo
💜 - Violet
💀 - Wednesday
🖋 - Wilbur
🦕 - Will
🖤 - Winona
N/A - Worker
❎ - X/Xisuma
🎩 - Yakko
🥼 - Yoglabs!Xephos
Below is a list of possible alters and their sign offs, although we are unsure they are real or just figments of our imagination/ocs/rp characters we are very in-tune with:
⛈ - Kirin (@kirinsuggestions)
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yogpetshame · 5 years
Can you now see that they are guilty in their faces when watching past episodes? I was watching over yogsquests vids and cant help but look closer
Another interesting topic. I think believing you can read guilt in their faces just by looking is a little far-fetched… but rather, you’re picking up on the acting. Turps is a character played by Mark Turpin. Sjin is a character played by Paul Sykes. Every time they turned the camera on, they were doing a lot of “emotional labor” to appear to be full of energy and having a fuckton of fun. It’s not as high stakes as “Paul you gotta smile or else everyone will know you’re a predator,” but rather that he’s tired or he doesn’t think his friends are as funny as the video requires so he has to lay it on a little. Anytime you wince when Lewis thumps out a sponsored video on a game he clearly hates, or Paul giggles vaguely at something during Yogsquest that isn’t especially funny… or when Duncan makes a horrible goblin face in a photo with a fan because he’s only smiling for the camera… you can see it. I don’t think you can sense guilt just by looking but you can sense insincerity.
The RP element the Yogscast clung to for a long time did a lot of work to disguise this. Any observations about their behavior weren’t destined to stick, because they’re just “doing a character.” Simon wasn’t manic just before his hiatus, Honeydew is just manic by nature, right? And Sips blurting out low-level bigotry wasn’t truly meant, “Sips” was a weird gray guy who acts like a psycho capitalist, so therefore all the jokes are fiiiine.
I’m not sure if this is true, but apparently YouTube overall is beginning to actively discourage “character” content. Down with exaggerated personalities, up with “reality.” It might just be a trend that viewers are shifting towards. And after this month, you can see why.
A big part of moving on from this for a lot of people is going to be finding a smaller YouTube channel where the stakes are lower. Someplace where the content creator doesn’t have to put on a Pee Wee Herman act and just relaxes while a camera happens to be on. The content might not be a moment-to-moment sugar rush, but at least it isn’t uncanny. Obviously even a mellow stream by a hobbyist is going to be a stage act in a way, but the less of that, the better.
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autisticlalna · 5 years
it just!! really gets to me when the way people characterize lalna is only because of that one episode of blackrock!! and like yea im guilty of that too but thats bc when i started my rp blog i was just going off what LITERALLY EVERY OTHER PERSON WAS WRITING LALNA AS
but he’s not evil!! he’s just some guy who cant really process consequences of his actions or that things cant always be patched over, like him dismissing the tekkit war + thinking nano would feel better if he got them a new penguin, but hes a nice guy! and like yeah sure he resorts to extreme measures pretty quickly buT?? SO DOES NANO?? AND XEPHOS??? AND LIKE LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE???? in fact im pretty sure NANO has jumped to “let’s kill them” faster than lalna has on several occasions
even ignoring flux buddies, where he undergoes character development thanks to nano? he’s STILL not evil in moonquest! at most he’s kind of self-centered or doesnt prioritize things properly, but the same goes for both xephos and honeydew! especially in hole diggers!
he’s never been directly cruel to anybody with the intention of “making them hurt”! like yeah he trapped rythian but iirc he was basically just trying to put him in time out bc rythian was literally planning an entire series to take revenge on him and sjin, and the nuke was just a preventative measure he didnt expect to actually go off, which doesnt really make it Okay but the point is he wasnt doing it to be Evil he just thought it would work to stop rythian from trying to murder him 24/7
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arvoze · 6 years
sjin replied to your post “i been so out of touch with yogs y'all got silly rp blogs now huh”
real tumblr fandom remembers hero_
you are SO correct
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pivilio · 8 years
i wrote a very long piece complaining about sjin’s terraria series and then realised that nothing i do will change the fact that the yogs, known for the slowest progression known to humanity and the spinners of some of the best wrong facts i have ever heard leave someone’s mouth, are playing terraria, a game with some of the deepest crafting recipes and hidden secrets, the need to be well researched on most things in order to progress, and an absolute focus on minmaxing everything you have in order to stand a chance in a boss battle and yet they are somehow still alive. truly astounding.
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isaacathom · 5 years
yall fuckers remember shadow of israphel. or bashurverse. 
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rrodgers · 3 years
Updated June 1st, 2024
Proship more like proshit. go fuck yourselves. Stay away if you're:
Transphobic, homophobic or otherwise.
Racist, xenophobic, sexist
A rapist (or you enjoy that shit), a pedophile (go away)
An idiot who calls themself a 'proshipper'. stfu. go outside idiot.
If you’re a fetish account or something like that man, Please don’t 😭 it makes me really uncomfortable /srs
This is a safe space for lgbtqia+, all genders, all sexual orientations, every1, you name it man. I love you come hang out we’ll eat spaghetti 👍 About me section:
My name is Rodgers, they/them. I'm neurodivergent and I have a strong passion for niche small little fandoms they're so lovely.
I like spaghetti, business, and evil old men whose redemption arcs revolve around adopting a child.
Where else you can find me:
@dragoncontentconsumer - insta account
Specific Fandom Notes to Fans:
Presentable Liberty: I do have AUs revolving around a MUCH healthier (and I cannot stress that enough. There is no abuse dear lord shit makes me sick) smiley/money relationship. If you do not like the idea of them as a romantic relationship, I would advise you unfollow/block, or steer clear of this tag which I am setting up exclusively for content with that relationship: #rrodgersSM that’s all! Thank you for reading.
Yogscast: about yogscast sjin, i have stolen rp/fanon sjin from the irl sjin the character is mine now and the real sjin can perish. all sjin art i draw is of my own version of sjin. i do not condone or like irl sjin hell no he’s not allowed on this page. goodbye.
Spotify playlists!
Menagerie (presentable liberty, exoptable money, menagerie archive) -https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5E2MhvIzrznXcjgaLPEeay?si=X951O60oQuiBCkyIR9mbbg
Mandela catalogue - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2yAIT0VBRM9IcY3F8I248r?si=KAWh2lAHRZKMdPnvk3ZBeA
Tales of Arcadia - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5T7to5cDqZ11GsfZtkrN54?si=Hr7V08zSRe6GPTsOCJa4Hw
9 (2009 film) - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3roQiifxg9H23tAr6ykGly?si=JHVT54OIQZi0vrIhyUiHGg
Sigma (Overwatch) -https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3ali0YQXHJVn65zWi8CP2A?si=WrkeqVDjT2yHf-qlOikuaQ
The Stanley Parable - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5z7kHdOsy3Sa0PWeZDu06b?si=OH4TPH4GSYCXVv-Qi92g9w
Red Vs Blue (Mercs) - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1kIbb3Ltp4V99oXs84okTT?si=q1LmPencT_OK4f3qeJF2Wg
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arvoze · 7 years
an updated version of ths weird chart thing where instead of an arrow between xephos + sjin theres at least 3 different instances of xephos (xephos, x, z) and each indivudual one has 5 paragraphs between them + sjin (friends, shoved inside an underground lab ai, completely indescribable)
thers also now an arrow that goes from xephos 2 strife implying xephos is a fucking murderer
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arvoze · 8 years
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Lovely Boys!!! Love Those Boys!!!! Lov My Boys ... @sjin @lalnae
dont rb to rp blogs or tag as me/kin/id etc 
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arvoze · 8 years
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the boiz
dont rb to rp blogs or tag as me/kin
unless ur one of th boiz @lalnae @sjin
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