#sjkjwkdwef welp here you go <33
freedthedark · 10 months
@levinmancer approached: “ It’s my fault. “ He lay there upon the ground, his body riddled with wounds and his chest heaving as he coughed up bits of blood. “ It’s my fault this happened. ” He reached out, his hand weakly grabbing hold of Freed’s wrist. “ I’m sorry… I failed you all… ”
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     "Stop talking!" The order was assertive though spoken with a strain in his deep voice as his eyes darted across Deiru's body. No mind was paid to the grip on his wrist, one that would bear no strength to restrain his movement would he opt to pull away. But this strength was going to be restored. It had to be. "Save your breath, you are going to need it." And these won't be your last.
     Freed felt as panic desired to claw on him, rising further in his chest with every second that passed by, every single so valuable second. There was no way he would allow the panic to get to him and influence him; he needed a clear mind and accurate actions more than any other time.
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     His gaze snapped back to the fleeing opponents with a blaze of diabolic ire storming in his eyes, abundantly clear. As much as he longed to unleash hell on these bastards and lay the deserved punishment on them, there was no time for him to do so. Not right now. The very scene before him was far too drastic for such measures. The faces of his targets had already been burnt into his mind not to be forgotten until they would have paid their debts. They could only hope that they would run into one of the Jutsu Shiki traps he had written around the area prior to the battle. It would be the more merciful end of their career to be knocked out and picked up by the Rune Knights because every single idea of penalty that was manifesting in Freed's mind at this very moment would exceed all of their expectations of what kind of face the devil truly had.
     And he'd turn his head back to Deiru with a hiss. He was where all his focus had to be.
     "Follow my instructions, I know you can do so." He didn't. It was difficult to say how many of his words Deiru was truly able to process in his condition and Freed had to rip his thoughts away from the worst outcome. He had seen many people die right before his eyes, he had been the very cause for death so often, but there was no way in heaven and hell that he was going to permit his dear friend to give up. He was determined to drag him back to safety, his wounds could be tended to. The Raijinshuu's captain had dedicated his life to protecting the guild, protecting every single person he cared about and he was not going to fail here.
     Failure was no option. Failure had never been an option. Not for Deiru, not for himself.
                Oh Freed was so fearful of failure. So fearful of losing people that he truly cared about because all they had ever shown towards him was acceptance and warmth.
     He wouldn't be able to bear it; to bear the very thought of losing Deiru to his injuries because there had been an error in calculations. How could he have allowed himself to make such a mistake? Had he not been thorough enough? If that was the case, Freed couldn't possibly forgive himself. His friend wasn't at fault; the turn of events had caught them both off guard.
     His eyes ran over the several injuries as his fingers began to undo the cravat around his neck in a swift motion before he pressed it to the gaping wound on his friend's torso which was by far the biggest from all. So many… He fought to keep his hands steady which proved itself difficult due to the swirl of emotion but he wasn't going to allow them control.
     Cautiously he guided Deiru's hands to the piece of fabric. "Keep this pressed to your body. I am aware that it is difficult." With how little strength there was left in Deiru's grip. Quick patterns were drawn above his friend's shaking body; runes that would provide warmth to keep his body from succumbing to the cold too quickly, before he affected his own body and shimmering runic wings were called into existence.
     With all the caution he thought was necessary, Freed lifted Deiru up into his arms and raised back to his knees, making sure that his hold was safe and as convenient as humanly possible. I know you are in pain. I know you are fighting. Keep on, I know you have fight left in you.
     "Take slow breaths. I am going to take you home. You did very well," he spoke looking down at Deiru's distorted face. The sight of his wounds, the sight of crimson spilled everywhere and his distorted features had Freed grit his teeth in distress he'd attempt to conceal for Deiru's sake as he began to soar up into the air with his friend in his arms, chasing the winds.
     "You haven't failed anybody."
                            And you are going to be fine, do you hear me?
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