#sk seungmin
seospicybin · 9 months
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Hyunjin x reader x Seungmin. (s,a)
Chapters: Part II
Synopsis: As a part of a research team that works on a memory-erasing machine, you work alongside the professor whom you greatly admire and a computer geek who relentlessly flirts with you. But the one that you want is the one that you can't have. (12,6k words)
Author's note: Sorry for the delay. Enjoy this one!
Memories are recordings of our past experiences and experiences can be good and bad, some are in between. There are also ones that we wish we had never experienced in the first place and whether we like it or not, they stay with us. We can only try to endure them in the hope that time will lessen the pain that memory carries.
The thing is remembering is easy. It's forgetting that's hard.
Here at KS Research Facility, forgetting is as easy as pressing the delete button. The research team has successfully built software called Memory Neurons Erasing Machine, in short, MNE-Machine.
With the existence of this machine, now anyone can erase a certain memory from their brain and live as if that memory never existed at all.
The one to thank for this technology is Professor Kim Seungmin, the youngest yet the brightest scientist of the past decade. He is the one who came up with the idea, spent two years developing that idea, initiated the project, and ultimately, led the team building the machine from scratch.
There's only one MNE-Machine in the world for now and once it has successfully passed five human tests, the board will authorize the production of this machine so eventually, anyone can easily undergo the memory erasing procedure which means there’ll be more people to help.
And what is your part in this? You're an assistant to Seungmin, you directly work with the man who invented it and help him achieve his goal. Despite your minor role, you're proud to be a part of it. Despite restocking the coffee pods in his office is one of your job desks, well… yeah, you're still proud of it.
"How much time do I have before the meeting?"
You scramble when you see Professor Seungmin come into the office. You hurriedly finish restocking the coffee pods into the drawer and crumple the empty box behind your back. You glance at your wristwatch and check the time.
"You have approximately 30 minutes," you answer with a smile.
It's not like he'll your smile, Seungmin barely speaks a full sentence to you so there's no reason he looks at you in the eyes as he speaks. He goes to his drawer, scanning through the files with his fingers flipping one file over another to finally find the one he's looking for. He takes it with him as he sits on his desk, flipping the file open and starts reading.
"Is there anything I can help you with, Professor?" You ask because despite it being your job to assist him, he rarely asks for your help unless it's urgent.
He stays quiet until he flips to another page of his file, "Get me the subject's latest psych eval!"
"Right away, Professor!" You reply, picking up the empty box and carrying it with you out of the office.
Considering that there's not much time left until the meeting, you need to get it fast for Seungmin. But you know when you're in a hurry, there's always something that slows you down in the process. Well, in your case, it's a man who dresses like he's in a rock band in his ripped jeans and oversized t-shirts, his dark hair that he keeps long is usually tied in a low, messy ponytail.
At one point, everyone just kind of gave up telling him to put his lab coat on. As long as he does his job well as a tech scientist, everyone just let him be.
However, Hwang Hyunjin can't let you be, he flirts and teases, even seduces you at any chance possible.
"Can you get off my chair?" You ask, then let out a low sigh.
He swivels the chair to face you and grins, making his eyes forming two crescent moons, "I'm making your chair much more comfortable," he simply says while patting his lap, telling you to sit on it instead.
It's only going to be a waste of time trying to tell him off so you relent, sitting on his lap and when he's about to put his arms around you, you glare at him.
Hyunjin immediately put his hands up in defeat, "Want to grab drinks after work?"
He asked you the same question every other day for a few months now and your answer remains the same.
"No," you answer without a beat, getting on your computer to search for the file Seungmin asked.
"How about dinner?" Hyunjin shoves his hand into the pocket of your lab coat, knowing you like to keep sweets in there.
"My treat," he adds while checking the other pocket.
You're clicking open a few folders as you answer, "No."
Hyunjin excitedly gasps as he pulls out something out of your pocket, a caramel. He wastes no time to unwrap it then pops the cube-shaped caramel into his mouth.
"You know you can't keep saying no to me," he says, resting his chin on your shoulder.
"No," you shortly respond.
He hisses at the way you keep rejecting him, "There'll be a day where you say yes," he confidently says.
You look away from the computer screen to look at him and say, "No."
He softly sighs then rests his chin on your other shoulder, "Let's say you already done your part playing hard to get and get to the first base already," he shamelessly says.
Hyunjin is so bold and confident, you can't deny that he's beautiful, he probably never had any problems getting any girls he wanted. Maybe that’s why he won't stop asking you out, he feels challenged to win you over too. As if you would let him have the satisfaction.
Shaking your head, you pretend that you didn't hear him say that. You click print on the file and get up from his lap, walking to the printer to wait for it to finish printing yet Hyunjin follows you there, leaning against the printer machine with his arms crossed in front of you
"The more you reject me, the more motivated I am," he says with a lopsided grin on his face.
"You sound like a serial killer," you tell him.
He bends down to get the printed file for you and hands it to you with both hands, "I'm just saying."
Without looking, you know Hyunjin is trailing behind you like a puppy with his tail wagging behind him. He then sits on the edge of your desk, grabbing the stapler for you to use.
"Go, do your job or something!" You try to send him off even though you know it's going to be a useless effort.
"I am doing my job by helping you do your job," he says with a half-smirk.
See? It's only going to waste your time trying to tell him off, it's easier to ignore him. You hurriedly tidy the files and bring them to Seungmin's office. You place three gentle knocks on the door before letting yourself in.
"Professor, I have the files you need— Ouch!" You bump into someone and you glance up to see that it's Seungmin.
His office is big, in fact, too big for someone who likes to spend most of his time in the lab yet you feel like there's no space left where you can escape his intense stare.
"Oh, God! I am so sorry," you apologize in sheer panic and quickly take off the hands unknowingly resting against his chest.
You expect him to, you know, dust himself off since your hands were touching him but instead of that, he looks at you and not just look at your face but right into your eyes for the first time in a long time. The eye contact only lasts a second until Seungmin takes the files from you.
"I'll read it on the way to the meeting room," he says.
Having no time, you hurriedly grab your things from your desk, clutching them close to your chest as you follow him from behind.
On the way to the meeting room, Seungmin spotted Hyunjin having a donut in the pantry. He stops on his track to say, "Aren't you coming?"
Hyunjin knows well enough that when Seungmin tells him to go, then he should go. In fact, Seungmin is the only one who can control Hyunjin. A part of the reason is because Seungmin personally hired him and has been taking him under his wing, you can say Hyunjin is his protégé.
He puts the half-eaten donut down and happily joins the two of you as you let him link his arm with you, walking together to the meeting room.
There are three main buildings in the KS Research Facility.
 A building is the main office and a health facility, B building is the biggest and also a research facility, there are several science projects on the works in there but it's mainly focused on Biochemical, led by Professor Hale and C building is where you work along with the team that works with MNE-Machine, it's the smallest building so the team get to have the building for themselves.
But as a smaller community, you have to go to the B building for meetings and such because most of the board members are there. You have to walk from and through the greenhouse, seeing all the rare plants the scientists are collecting in there on the way to get to the B building.
Today's meeting is to seek approval from the members of the board on the test subject Seungmin has carefully selected from a group of volunteers and once it's approved he can proceed with the procedure.
While the important people are busy talking about important stuff, you and Hyunjin are secretly playing tic-tac-toe in your notebook. He's twirling his pen between his fingers when you subtly nudge his elbow, signaling that it's his turn to place his O.
As Hyunjin observes the game with his tongue slightly sticking out the corner of his mouth, you notice that Professor Hale's assistant, Rina, is staring at Hyunjin.
"Your turn," he whispers at you.
You look down at your notebook and lowly mutter through your gritted teeth, "One o'clock."
It takes him a moment to get what you're saying, and then Hyunjin looks in the direction you hinted. You watch them exchange a look before Hyunjin turns his head back at you, looking unbothered. He clicks his pen to place an O and scratches down the line.
"I won," he whispers with his warm breath tickling your ear.
Noticing that the meeting has come to a final decision, you stop talking and fix your sitting position. You watch as the board members take votes on whether Seungmin can continue with the test or not and all hands are raised in favor of Seungmin.
"With all members approving the selected test subject, Professor Seungmin is allowed to continue with the procedure that will be held on the agreed upon time and place," the board leader announces.
Even in his triumphant moment, Seungmin remains calm and still, you can't remember the last time he smiled, even out of courtesy. Ha he always been like this? Honestly, you can’t remember.
"The board members will watch closely the process, before and after the test. We also demand follow-ups and thorough datas on every detail of the test," they warn once again even though it's not the first time Seungmin has run the test.
Everyone scatters around once the meeting has finished, you wait outside of the meeting room knowing that Seungmin will likely stay to chat with the other professors. Rina is still here as well, holding her tablet close to her chest and not-so-subtly staring at Hyunjin
"You should ask her out," you mutter at Hyunjin, subtly hinting the subject of the talk with your eyes.
Hyunjin doesn't even look up from his phone when he flat-out rejects the idea, "No, thank you."
"Why not? She's pretty and she's your age," you point out all of the obvious facts why he should be seducing her, not you who's a couple of years older than him and not having a shiny, healthy hair.
Hyunjin lets out a scoff, then shoves his phone into the pocket of his hoodie, "You're prettier and older," he says with a sly smile plastered on his face.
Whether he tries to compliment you or try to offend you, you feel like you need to check if there's something wrong with him. You poke his side with your pen and he yelps in pain.
"What's wrong with you?" He sharply gasps.
"You are what's wrong," you answer, poking him on the other side this time.
He laughs and leans against the wall facing you, slightly slouching so he can be on the same eye level with you. "Dating older women is hot, you know," he coyly remarks.
You give him a repulsed glare at his words, shaking your head as you look away from him.
"And you're hot so dating you would be ticking two boxes at once," he adds with his sly smile growing wider on his angular face.
Besides your actual job, you have to deal with this 5'10" man bursting with youthful charm and testosterone, you wouldn't complain if you get double paychecks for it. You aim his stomach next and poke him with your pen again, hoping a little violence would put some sense into his small head.
"One more test, huh?" Professor Hale says, patting Seungmin's shoulder as they walk out of the meeting room.
It feels like your body is accustomed to getting on your perfect posture whenever Seungmin walks into your radar, you stop moving altogether and stand up straighter.
"I'll see everyone on Friday!" Professor Hale says one last time, he also smiles at you and Hyunjin before turning to leave.
Now that the team has earned the green light, everyone is going to get busier to prepare everything. Seungmin lists the things he wants you to do as he walks back to C building and you jot down everything on your notebook. He stops by the main lab and gets Hyunjin on the job, ordering him to run a diagnostic test on the MNE-Machine, checking for any issues.
It's one of those times when you can see how passionate Seungmin is about his work.
He's the reason why you applied for the job, not only because you can work directly with him but also because you admire him, his brilliance, his work ethic, and most of all, him as a person.
There are so many things you learned from working for him for the last three years and your admiration toward him only grows bigger with time. And out of that admiration, something else grows, something that makes you excited to go to work, makes you happy at the sight of him and wanting to always be close to him.
Sensing that someone is watching him, Seungmin turns around to find you still standing there, "Don't you have things to do?"
You gulp air before asking, "Uhm.. Professor?"
He starts walking with his hands shoved inside his lab coat pockets, "Yes?"
You half jog to keep up with his wide strides, "Professor Hale said one more test and I thought we're only on our fourth test?"
You wait for his answer while quietly admiring his wide shoulders from the back while struggling to keep up with his fast walks.
All of a sudden, he turns on his feet and then he looks at you, the eye contact doesn't last longer than a second until he looks away, "Notify the test subject first and make sure they make the time for the interview tomorrow!" He orders instead of answering your question.
"Will do, Professor," you respond.
You manage to finish a few things before it's time to go home, the rest on the to-do list are meant to be done tomorrow though. As you're about to get your coat, Seungmin walks out of his office and swings his briefcase on his side.
"I'll see you tomorrow," he says without looking at you.
"Have a great—" You don't even get to finish your sentence as he disappears into the elevator.
Only a dozen people are working in the C building and there are only five people working directly with Seungmin. Professor Lee who worked together on MNE-Machine with Seungmin is being called to give lectures out of the country and taking his assistant with him, so that leaves you and Hyunjin. The rest of the employees are working maintenance on the lower level of the building, you only meet them when you either enter or leave the building.
"Are you sure you don't want to grab drinks with me?" Hyunjin asks, unlocking his car but not getting in yet.
You toss your bag onto the passenger's seat before getting inside your car. It's actually tempting to say yes, you could use it to blow some steam off to prepare you for the busy days ahead.
But you don't want to give Hyunjin the satisfaction. No, not yet.
"No," you answer with a playful smile.
Hyunjin tosses his backpack inside and comes up to your car, he bends down to look at you through your rolled-down window.
"Come on. It'll be fun," he persuades with a smile that is mischievous and seductive at once. You bet this is how he puts anyone under his spell.
You turn your head at him and smile, "You know what would be fun?"
He tips his head to the side and asks, "What?"
"Me running you over with my car," you jokingly say as you turn on the car engine.
“Ooo… feisty,” Hyunjin hisses then slowly, he steps away from your car.
That's how most of your days usually went, dealing with two men who are the opposite of each other. One gives you not enough attention and the other gives you way too much. One is cold and nonchalant, the other one is warm and attentive.
Sadly, the one that you want is the one that you can't have.
What is it that he likes about you? Hyunjin can quite put his finger on it.
Something about you though draws him to you, it's almost magnetic and he happens to like the push and pull of it. However, he liked you even before this dynamic formed between the two of you.
He likes that you're unlike the other girls he had met and known, you have a way of carrying yourself, you're outspoken and bold, and he can see how smart you are from the way you act, the way you talk, and even the way you think.
Under that layer of fine qualities though, you're a simple girl, gentle and a bit silly and Hyunjin likes to play with that latter part of you because he knows that even though you act like you don't like being around him, he knows that it’s actually the opposite.
One thing that Hyunjin likes the most is when you're deeply focusing on something. You look so beautiful yet so unaware of it.
"Why are you working so hard? You only get one paycheck," he whispers from behind you as you observe the interview occurring in the next room.
"Thank you for gracing us with your presence,” You sneer at him.
Hyunjin stands right behind you, his hand is rummaging inside your lab coat pocket to find something sweet in there. He finds your scrunchie instead and he uses it to tie his hair into a messy bun.
"So, what memories are we going to erase?" Hyunjin asks while rummaging through your other lab pocket. He gasps in excitement when he finds a lollipop.
"A bombing incident, he was trapped under the rubble for ten hours in complete darkness and has been dealing with severe PTSD and claustrophobia ever since," you eloquently explain, jotting down a few things in your notebook as you speak.
"That's tragic," Hyunjin comments while struggling to unwrap the lollipop.
Hyunjin takes a moment to look at the interview taking place in the next room conducted by Seungmin himself. He's asking the test subject about his worst memories and as the test subject talks about them, he triggers the brain to show where these memories are located. It's important to have a map of these memories to prevent the MNE-Machine from messing with the other memories.
"Are you ready to spend another night together?" He asks, finally succeeding in unwrapping the lollipop.
"I can tell you're into threesomes," you joke in a plain tone.
It seems like Seungmin hasn't told you about the personal matter he has to attend on Friday night and as his assistant, you’re supposed to know these kind of things before him. Hyunjin crosses his arms in front of him and tries to make what of it.
"He didn't tell you?"
You stop noting down bits from the interview, "What?"
"Professor Seungmin will be having his wedding anniversary dinner on Friday night and obviously, he can't miss it," he tells you.
From the way your eyes waver and widen, you indeed have no idea about it. You look back at your notebook but stop writing.
He leans in and mutters, "We'd likely spend the night just the two of us, isn't that exciting?"
You put your pen into your pocket and flip shut your notebook, then you get up from your chair. You turn to look at him and pull the lollipop he stole out of his mouth.
"Stop stealing my sweet!" You tell him, shoving the lollipop into your mouth next.
You leave the room looking slightly upset about something but he's sure it's not about the lollipop. However, Hyunjin is mostly focused on how you didn't hesitate to take the lollipop.
"Kinky? Checked," he mutters to himself.
There's nothing wrong with the MNE-Machine and Hyunjin understands that Seungmin wants everything to be perfect until the day of the test, but he worries too much. The MNE-Machine can only get activated by his access key so he goes to his office, knocking on his door before popping his head between the doors.
"Professor, I need the access key to uh..." he awkwardly says because it feels like he's asking his dad if he can borrow his car.
"I'll be right there," Seungmin shortly answers.
Now that he only needs to wait for Seungmin, he has time to tease you. He leans on your desk, watching your nimble fingers busy typing something on your computer with your hair draping around your face.
"Hi, the most beautiful and hardworking girl," he sweetly greets you with a bright smile on his face.
"That's half true," you say without taking your eyes away from the computer screen.
"You know I'm always telling the truth," he says once again, feeling tempted to tuck your hair so he can see your face.
"I am the only girl in the building," you point out with a raised eyebrow.
Hyunjin can't help himself anymore, he reaches for your hair, wanting to brush it to the side when Seungmin gets out of his office.
"Let's go," he says to Hyunjin while fixing his lab coat.
Hyunjin reluctantly drops his hand and offers it to you, "Come with me, dear princess?"
You chuckle at him and take his hand, letting him put your hand around his as you both walk to the main lab.
MNE-Machine resembles one big X-ray machine but the technology behind it is way more intricate than that and Hyunjin's job is to operate it. He's sitting behind the large desk with a dozen computer screens showing a lot of things all at once.
It's a quick check-up for tomorrow's test, Hyunjin gets the machine ready and swivels his chair back to let Seungmin insert his access key to run the program. Hyunjin's long fingers are dancing on the keyboard, checking everything and making sure everything is fine.
"I don't see any issues here, working just fine, Professor," Hyunjin informs, showing him the performance log on one of the computer screens.
Seungmin observes it for a while, checking things himself and Hyunjin is already used to his mistrust. After all, Seungmin is a scientist,  he only believes something when it's written in data, not someone's words.
"Everything is great," he mutters, still checking everything.
"Just like I said..." Hyunjin lowly mutters through his teeth while swiveling his chair to see you, flashing a smile at you when you're clearly not looking at him.
Seungmin then turns around to face everyone but only looks at Hyunjin as he speaks.
"The two of you can come late tomorrow but make sure to be here by four. The test will commence at 5," Seungmin says even though everyone is well aware of it because it's the only thing they've been working on for these past few days.
"And we'll take care of the rest," Hyunjin continues his words while swiveling his chair back to face the computer,
Seungmin briefly glances at Hyunjin then takes a pen out of his lab coat, "I'll stay to supervise," he says.
"Then how about your dinner, Professor?" Hyunjin asks.
"I'll take care of my personal matter myself," Seungmin coldly answers.
Those words are enough to put Hyunjin back in his place, he retreats right away and closes his mouth. His intention is not to meddle in his business but it's a wedding anniversary, it only happens once in a year and he has to wait for another year to celebrate. Maybe Seungmin can celebrate it another time but Hyunjin wouldn't be so sure the missus would be pleased to hear her husband rather stay the night up working in the lab.
And also because—
"I think you should go, Professor," you say.
The heads are turned in your direction, and you're fidgeting with the hem of your lab coat as you speak, "I mean, once you authorized the procedure... Hyunjin and I, the two of us can supervise it..." your voice gets smaller the more you talk.
It seems like a good time for Hyunjin to add his say too, he gets up from his chair to make it a formal appeal.
"We just need to wait until the machine finishes the procedure. We surely can do that for you," Hyunjin assures.
It's going to be a hard case to convince him since Seungmin has trust issues, especially with Hyunjin. Again, it's the scientist in him.
"I don't feel good leaving such great responsibility on the two of you," He says without looking at either you or him.
"There's nothing to worry about, Professor. The machine works fine and if anything happens— which I'm sure nothing is going to happen, Professor Hale is a building away and... so are the other dozen of Professors..." Hyunjin failed not to fumble on his words, he was rambling the whole time.
"What Hyunjin is trying to say is we're trained to do this and if you're worried, we'll keep you notified every hour on the progress of the procedure," you immediately add.
Hyunjin secretly gives you a thumbs-up from behind his back, thanking you for backing him up.
Seungmin looks at him, then at you, probably considering whether to finally trust his employees or not. Whatever his decision is, Hyunjin is ready to be disappointed. After a moment, Seungmin clicks his pen and puts it back into his pocket.
"I'll think about it," he concludes, leaving the main lab with the hem of his lab coat flying behind him.
Hyunjin kicks the floor to gain momentum so the chair rolls across the room and hits the other end of the table, stopping not far from you.
"I know you want to spend the night together with me," he teases you.
You scoff and look at him, "Mmh. Yeah, sure."
He takes both of your hands and holds them, "What do you want to do tomorrow night, mmh?"
Your shoulders slump as you sigh, "Should I change my mind about this?"
Hyunjin puts his hands on your shoulders and keeps your gaze on him, "How about this? Tomorrow, you come dressed nicely for me and I'll take care of the essentials," he says, slowly blinking his eyes hoping they're enough to soften you.
The stillness on your face shatters as you break into a smile, "Okay," you reply with a nod.
Hyunjin leans down to kiss your hands but you retrieve them before he can place a kiss, "Don't get too excited!"
This proves that you actually like having him around. You could have drawn boundaries and he would have respected it, but instead of that, you keep letting him in.
And Hyunjin hopes you keep on letting him in until the day you finally say yes to him.
With Seungmin sending you to pick up his suits at the tailor means that he has decided to go to the wedding anniversary dinner tonight.
The drive from the nearest town to the facility takes half an hour and on the way back to your car, you see a flower shop and think of getting a bouquet as a gift. You pick the nicest one knowing that Seungmin married a woman who comes from a wealthy family and their wealth funded Seungmin's project. In fact, the facility is owned by Seungmin's parents in-laws.
What do you have against all that? This is the bitter pill you have to swallow everyday for the last three years.
As you expected, Seungmin is already in his office as you can see through the glass window, reading his journal and probably working on his new project already. You put on your lab coat and then knock on his office door three times before entering his office.
"Good day, Professor," you greet.
You walk to his coat hanger, hang his suits for him, and then put his mails on his desk. You take a step back and look at him, a way to let him know that you’re at his service.
"Anything else I can do for you, Professor?"
Seungmin looks up from his journal and lays his eyes on you, staring at you like there's something wrong with you. You immediately look down, checking your appearance and you're sure that it's not the first time you wear a skirt to work so what is different about you that gets him staring?
"P-professor?" You stammer, wiping your palms down the front of your skirt.
He immediately looks away and clears his throat as he flips the next page of his journal, "Make sure the serum is ready and check in on Professor Hale uh..." he clears his throat before continuing to talk.
"What time he'll be here, " He takes another look at you before turning his chair away from you.
"Sure thing, Professor," you respond, wasting no time to get on the job.
The sight of the flower bouquet reminds you to put it in the fridge for the time being to keep it fresh, you bring it with you to the pantry, and safely tuck it between bottles of water inside the fridge. You're supposed to go to the B building to get the serum but you make a stop at the main lab, seeing Hyunjin is already busy in front of his computer.
"That's new," you say, commenting on the glasses he's wearing.
Hyunjin rolls his chair away from his desk and looks at you with a grin on his face.
"Yeah, it's uh... I can't see clearly without them," he says while sticking his finger inside the frame, showing you that it's just the frame. Hyunjin has a weird sense of humor but in a way that is adorable, not annoying.
You softly laugh and shake your head, "I have to go to the next building."
He nods and effortlessly twirls a pen between his fingers, "I'd like to come with you but he wants me to..." he shows how busy he is to get everything ready for the test.
"That's okay. I'm working faster this way anyway," you playfully say.
After running around the facility getting everything ready for the test, you knock on Seungmin's office to notify him that everything is ready. As usual, you let yourself in after the third knock and walk up to his desk, "Professor, the test subject is already on their way here," you inform.
Seungmin gets up from his chair to put on his lab coat, "Okay then I'll uh..." he looks down at his desk, cluttered with papers.
"Can you look for the—" he points at the mess on his desk.
"Want me to tidy your desk?" You offer but not moving until you get his confirmation.
While he's busy putting on his lab coat, you gather all the papers and put all of them into a stack, along with old files he took out from archives. You organize them into different piles and when you lift his journal, his access key slips out of it. You don't know if he notices, but you quickly squat down to get it from the floor.
Seungmin keeps a Polaroid photo in the back of his access key, you can tell from the back of it but you're curious to see who's in the photo. The safe bet would be of his wife or them together but if that's the case then why did he choose to hide it?
"Here," you hand him his access key knowing that he needs it to authorize the use of MNE-Machine.
Seungmin looks at you, then at the access key in your hand. He quickly reaches for it and as he takes it from you, his fingers brush with yours, you feel a static current, a slight electric shock that makes you retract your hand right away.
You see that he senses it too from the way his eyes widen and grow a little intense, or maybe because you caught him staring into your eyes again.
"I'll check the main lab," you excuse yourself out of his office.
The preparation continues as Professor Seungmin explains the procedure that he'll be going through and after that, he gives him an injection with the serum that will make the test subject's brain responsive to the MNE-Machine. Soon, the test subject will fall into deep sleep and he'll remain in his slumber while the MNE-Machine is working on him.
Everyone gathers in the main lab to start the test and Professor Hale is here as the representation of the board members, watching over Seungmin who works with a team of doctors to check on the test subject one last time to continue with the procedure.
You walk up to stand next to Hyunjin who also watches everything from the operator room, you quietly take his hand and put it inside your lab coat pocket.
He turns his head at you and smiles when he finds the sweet you keep in there for him. He gladly takes it out of your pocket and his eyes shimmer when he finds out what it is, a small bar of chocolate.
"Good luck for today," you mutter to him.
"Thank you," He whispers as he puts it in the back pocket of his jeans.
It's time for the final step. Seungmin takes out his access key and scans it into the computer, sending the screens light up and the system starts loading.
Hyunjin then takes the role of operating the machine, clicking on his keyboard and getting the MNE-Machine ready for Seungmin. When he's done, he backs away to let Seungmin push the authorization button. He glances at Professor Hale, seeking final approval from him.
"Go ahead, Professor," Professor Hale says, allowing him to continue.
Seungmin confidently pushes the button and MNE-Machine begins by following the map Seungmin has recorded days before and from there, it starts erasing the targeted memories from its most recent to the earliest. The procedure could take 8 to 10 hours, depending on the amount of memories programmed to be erased.
Professor Hale applauds as Seungmin successfully launches another test and comes up to him to congratulate him with a proud smile on his face and pats on his shoulder, "Congratulations!"
"Don't congratulate me yet, Professor," Seungmin sheepishly says.
"We all know your machine is a great success," Professor Hale praises, briefly glancing at you before looking back at him.
You don't want to overanalyze something that could mean nothing but a mere glance. You smile at him thinking he's just being courteous with you.
Professor Seungmin leaves to send everyone off or more like, return to B building. Now that the procedure is truly underway, you come up behind Hyunjin to give him a pat on the shoulder.
"Wow. You're working," you poke fun at him.
Hyunjin takes your hand and pulls at it, dropping his head to the back to look at you, "Do I look smart?"
"You are smart," you simply confirm with a gentle pat on his cheek.
There's no other reason why Seungmin hired him in the first place if it's not because he’s qualified for the job which includes adequate intelligence.
"And you like smart guys so what are we waiting for?" He says, pressing your palm to his cheek.
"Professor Seungmin," you tell him, seeing that he's making his way back into the main lab with his hands buried in his lab coat pockets.
You hurriedly take your hands away from Hyunjin and take a step back, you immediately get on your perfect posture as his figure enters the room.
"What's the status?" Seungmin asks.
"Everything is up and running fine," Hyunjin immediately responds.
"Vital signs?"
"Normal and stable," you respond from the other end of the desk, watching over the state of the test subject's essential body functions.
Seungmin stayed for another hour until the MNE-Machine successfully erased the first memory. He checks on everything once again to finally leave the main lab and goes to his office to get ready to leave.
You don't want to walk in on him changing his clothes so you give it a few more minutes and decide to take the flower bouquet out of the fridge before you forget. As usual, you knock three times on his door but this time, you wait until he lets you in. You knock again when he doesn't respond, afraid that he's still changing.
"Come in!" Seungmin says from inside his office.
Seungmin is tying his tie in front of the mirror when you come in, you stop right by his desk and inform him of the latest status of the test.
"Keep watching it closely while I..." his words trail off as he slides the knot up to the base of his shirt collar. He turns around and takes the suit jacket off of its hanger, swiftly putting it on. He's doing a mundane thing yet it's such a mesmerizing sight for you.
You notice the back of his collar is folded and you reach for it, reflexively fixing it for him. Now that you have crossed into his personal space, you may as well continue by helping him flatten the lapels of his suit jacket. You can feel his eyes on you as you fix on his tie and you try so hard to ignore it.
It's better to say sorry than ask for permission.
You quickly take a step back once you're done and mutter your apology, "I'm sorry."
Instead of scolding you, Seungmin takes his briefcase and coat with him, then heads to the door. You scramble to chase him out of his office and give in once you know that he's going to the main lab to check everything before he leaves.
Seungmin returns with Hyunjin and you hurriedly grab the bouquet you bought for him. You doubt he'll accept it but what's the harm in doing something nice?
Hyunjin pushes the button on the elevator and it arrives in a minute. Not giving him a chance to reject your gift, you wait until the last moment to give it to him.
"Congratulations on your wedding anniversary, Professor," you mutter as quickly as possible, handing the bouquet right into his hand.
Seungmin looks at the flowers in his hand, then looks at you, seeming like he wants to say something but refrains.
"Congratulations, Professor!" Hyunjin also congratulates him as he stands next to you.
"Have a great night!" He cheerily adds with a bright smile and enthusiastically waves his hands at him.
As the elevator doors close, you feel like letting go of something that you can't get back. It's funny that it feels like that when he's not yours in the first place.
The hand rests around your shoulder and snaps you out of your head. You turn your head to find Hyunjin slyly smiling at you.
"Ready to party?" 
The parent is finally out of the house and Hyunjin can throw a party in the house.
As promised, he brought a box of things that he deemed as ‘essentials’ that he's been keeping it hidden in the cabinet in the pantry.
"Okay, impress me!" You tell him, standing across the table to see what he bought for tonight.
Hyunjin puts on a cocky smile, he's confident with what he does as he places the box on top of the counter with a low thud. First, he takes out all the bags of chips and cans of soda.
One corner of your mouth curls higher than the other, seeing that he bought all of your favorite snacks. You take a bag of chips and waste no time to tear it open.
"Not the time to be impressed yet," he says to you with the cocky smile still dancing on his face.
You shrug and continue munching on potato chips as he introduces you to the other essentials.
Hyunjin takes a bottle of Tequila next and you respond with a nod of approval. He continues with another one, a tin can, and slides it in front of you.
"Mints?" You ask in utter confusion.
This time, Hyunjin gives you a shrug. He makes you open the tin can to find two rolled joints inside. He sees another smile of approval rise on your pretty face.
Hyunjin suppresses his laugh as he fishes out the last thing, he holds it in his hand and puts it in the middle of the counter.
Your eyebrow raises at the sight of a box of condoms, "This is essential?" 
Hyunjin rests both hands on top of the counter, "If you want to do it raw, I'm more than okay with it," he jokingly says.
You pick it up and observe it like you have never seen it before, reading the back of the box like it’s a foreign object to you.
"Regardless we'll have sex or not, a condom is essential," Hyunjin adds.
You snort when you notice something on the box of condoms, "Are you sure you bought the right size?"
He snatches it from you and puts it back into the box. He stares at you and says, "You have no idea what's coming to you."
You chortle at his words and uncap the bottle of alcohol, "Let's get this party started, shall we?"
He stops from you from getting the bottle of Tequila, "No, wait, wait, now is the time for you to be impressed," he says.
You tip your head to the side, "What?"
"I have Tim from security bring us pizza when he takes his shift tonight," Hyunjin announces with a pride smile.
The facility is in the countryside and ordering food is hard because it takes at least half an hour to get here, even if they are willing to go that far, the food gets cold by the time they get here.
"Now, I am impressed," you remark with a sly smile.
As a start, you both have a few shots of Tequila before mixing it with soda and drinking it from your respective mugs. The party continues in the main lab as Hyunjin has to message Seungmin on the current status. Hyunjin chooses to send a text instead of calling, afraid that he interrupt the romantic dinner.
Hyunjin glances up from his phone to find you leaning against the desk, reading something on the computer. With your lab coat off, he can see the way you are dressed for tonight. Not sure if it's because of what he asked but you indeed dressed nicely tonight. You wear a blouse and a plaid skirt, and you rarely wear a skirt to work, but the one that intrigues him is the black tights you're wearing.
Fuck leaving so little to the imagination, he likes having a lot of imagination when it comes to you. He can imagine a lot of scenarios just from seeing the way you bend against that desk.
You take a small sip of your alcohol then look over your shoulder, "Do you know why I can't open this file?"
Hyunjin immediately comes to your aid, standing behind you until his chest meets your back and maneuvering your hand that is holding the computer mouse instead of doing it himself. His head hanging next to yours to find out the problem of why you can't open the file and he discovered that it's locked.
"You need an access key to open this," he simply answers.
"You're saying Professor Seungmin is the only one who can access the file?"
He quietly gulps air before answering your question, "Yes."
You turn your head to the side to look at him and he can't keep his calm when your lips are only inches away from him.
"Can we have that joint now?" You sweetly ask with your alcohol-tinted breath brushes his lips.
He softly smiles and answers, "Of course."
Hyunjin lights up the end of the rolled joint and takes a drag, passing it to you after while letting out a long curl of white smoke out of his mouth.
"Why do you think he locked it?" You ask as you take the joint from him.
"I don't know," Hyunjin honestly answers with a shrug, "Maybe it's his new project or something."
You take a long, slow drag and pursed your lips as you exhale the smoke, filling the room with the sweet-smelling smoke.
"I found it in among the data files of previous tests," you tell him, passing the joint to him.
You turn around to face the computer again to show him where you find the locked files, "See?"
It's supposed to be a fun night and discovering what's inside that locked files isn't a part of the plan. Hyunjin needs to intervene so when you're about to take your turn to smoke, Hyunjin keeps it tugged between his teeth and rolls his chair away from you.
"Hey!" You shout in complaint.
"Puff and pass!" You remind him of the unwritten rule of smoking pot.
Hyunjin shakes his head and reclines on his chair, "Come and get it," he says, smoke escapes his mouth as he speaks.
Once you come close enough, he pulls you until you topple and have you sitting on his lap. You don't seem to mind, you get comfortable instead, resting your back on his chest and let his arms wrapped around you.
You take the smoke from his mouth and finally take your turn, "You think he'll be back soon?"
Hyunjin's forehead wrinkled at your random and sudden question, "Professor Seungmin?"
"Yeah," you answer, handing the joint back to him.
He takes it from you but keeps it between his fingers, "Uhm... I don't know. Rich people tend to take their dinner seriously, they probably have a full-course dinner, and after that... sex," Hyunjin emphasizes the last word.
He then takes a quick drag and looks the other way to exhale the smoke, "God, I hope he gets laid. Man needs to lighten up!"
He passes the joint to you even though there's not much left of it but you refuse by shaking your head. He finishes it and throws the butt into his empty can of soda.
"Don't worry. We'll have time for a foreplay or two," he jokingly says with his hand rubbing down your arm.
You laugh at that and his body shakes along to your crisp laughter. You turn your head and there it goes again, your lips merely inches away from him.
This palpable sexual tension... Hyunjin can't take it anymore yet he does nothing but keeps staring at your face.
"Are you going to keep staring and not kiss me?" You say but it seems like you're reading his thoughts out loud to him.
You take his glasses off and toss them away, "Or do I have to do it for you?" 
Your hand curves around his neck and you angle his head towards you, not hesitating to lean in first to kiss him.
Hyunjin always thought that when the two of you kiss, he imagined it would be romantic but it's not, it feels way better than that. It feels natural and familiar like he has kissed you a thousand times, like your lips belong to be kissed by his lips.
And you know what? Fuck romantic kisses.
Hyunjin wants kisses that feel right like this, tightening his hold around you and engulfing you in his warm embrace as he deepens the kiss. The more he kisses you, the more he can't stop, and worse is, you keep trying to quench his endless thirst.
The sound of his phone ringing shatters the intense moment, he keeps kissing you and mutters against your lips, "Let's pretend none of us hear it."
You chuckle and slowly pull away, "It could be Professor Seungmin," you say, then console him with a quick peck on the lips.
"Mmh... 'kay," he heavily sighs.
Hyunjin reluctantly reaches for his phone on his desk while his other arm is still wrapped around you, not letting you get off his lap. He accepts the call right away and talks on the phone, it's Tim from security telling him his pizza is here. He ends the call with another sigh.
"I have to go and get our pizza," he pouts at you.
"Then go and get our pizza," you simply resolve.
Hyunjin holds you close and allows himself to plant a kiss on your neck. He stays there for a moment with his head buried in your neck, getting himself drunk in your heavenly scent.
After a moment, he forces himself to let you go, "Guess I have to go," he says in defeat.
You take that as a cue to get up from his lap and immediately smooth down your skirt, "I'll be waiting here."
Hyunjin ties his hair into a messy bun and takes his phone with him, in case Seungmin is going to call him to ask for the current status.
"Don't go anywhere, okay?" He warns you.
You lean your hips against the desk and take a sip of your alcohol, "Okay."
Hyunjin heads to the door and then turns around by the doorway, "We'll continue the kiss when we get back."
You manage to not spit your drink and swallow it before answering, "Okay."
Impulsively, Hyunjin rushes to you and places a long peck on your lips. He then breaks into a run, not giving you time to change your mind about continuing the kiss.
It's going to take at least 20 minutes for Hyunjin to pick up the pizza to and fro.
As you wait for him, you're going to your desk to check on a few things, and then you see Seungmin's office and get intrigued to get in there. You're not going to steal anything, you just want to take a look around and perhaps, get a few hints on what Seungmin is working on.
You've seen the books on his shelf one too many times so you come to his desk because that's where you usually get any hints. It's either something he randomly jot down on his notebook or the journals he's studying.
Seungmin happens to have a stack of them on his desk, you're going through them one by one, only reading the front page to see what it's about and moving on to the next one. However, between those scientific journals, you find a different file. You open it to see that it's a lease statement whether he wants to continue the contract for another year or not.
The first thought that comes to your head is that maybe Seungmin bought a nice beach house as a wedding anniversary gift but why did he rent it? He's more than capable of buying a property, especially a house with only one bedroom that—
Wait, what if they've been living separately? You check the address and find that the conclusion is rather implausible. It's two hours of drive, commuting from there and here would be tiring. 
The faint sound of the elevator chimes open can be heard from his office, it seems like Hyunjin has returned from picking up the pizza. You tidy up the stack and put them back where they belong, then quietly leave his office. You can hear Hyunjin calling for your name.
You jog to meet him in the pantry, "Smells nice!"
"Where were you?" He asks, opening the fridge to get another bottle of soda.
"Bathroom," you lie since it’s easier then refill his mug with more alcohol and Hyunjin pours soda after.
It must be the effect of the recreational drug you smoked earlier that makes the pizza taste exceptionally delicious and the next thing you know, you already ate three slices of them. Hyunjin has been so quiet and it's because his mouth is full of food. He smiles at you as you catch him taking a big bite out of his pizza.
"Hyunjin eats so well!" You coo, addressing him in the third person and poking at his cheek with your index finger, treating him like a little baby to annoy him.
"Do you have any memories you want to erase?"
The question just sort of pops into your head and you are kind of curious to know his answer. You pick up another slice and alternate it with a sip of your spiked soda in between bites.
Hyunjin slows down his chewing, he puts down his pizza slice to grab his drink, and takes an earthly sip, "Maybe that one time I pissed my pants during the school field trip," he answers.
"How old were you?"
"Second grade."
You take a small bite of your pizza and ask, "What happened?"
"I got bitten by a spider," he answers.
"And how did you piss your pants?"
"Because I'm afraid of spiders," he innocently answers.
You burst into laughter and have a hard time swallowing your food after, you wash it down with your Tequila soda to help.
"But I'm not sure I wanted to erase it though," Hyunjin adds, adding more alcohol to his mug.
You give up on finishing your pizza slice and put it back in the box, "Why is that so?"
"That day, I found out I'm allergic to spider venom," he answers.
You scrunch your nose in perplexity because it's bad experiences, one after another and he chooses not to erase it,
"Why not?"
"Then I would forget that I'm allergic to it," he simply answers.
You don't get enough explanation from him so you keep looking at him with a questioning look on your face.
"What if I get bitten by a spider again and I don't have the knowledge that I'm allergic to spider venom?" Hyunjin lays out a scenario for you.
"Well, yeah..." you nod in agreement as the logic in his answer registered into your head.
"I could have died," Hyunjin dramatically adds with a squeeze on your shoulder.
"I get it, I get it," you answer, half chuckling at him.
Hyunjin takes a long sip of his drink and gasps once he swallows it all down. He leans on the counter and leaves not so much space between your faces.
"But think about it..." he says.
You nod, ready to listen to what he's about to say.
"Life would be boring if we only remember the good memories," he says.
That simple notion speaks so much and when you think Hyunjin couldn't be more profound than that, he comes with another remark.
"There wouldn't be good moments in the first place without the bad ones too."
Hyunjin lets a moment pass in silence to let those words sink into your head and you're indeed still processing them. He makes a good point that you can't add anything to that. You can't believe that Hyunjin has left you speechless.
But looking at the test subject, going through the procedure to have their bad memories erased doesn't mean that they're being cowardly. They have must thought these things through before deciding to volunteer as a test subject.
“But when you look at babies, they’re so pure and free because they come into this world with no memories. And adults are… a mess. They’re sad, depressed, and anxious and have phobias, and Professor Seungmin, he makes them all go away,” You deliver your opinion.
Hyunjin nods in agreement and that regardless of everyone’s stand on whether they want to erase their memories or not, the work all of you are doing here helps people.
"They're on their sixth, yes," Hyunjin speaks into the phone as Seungmin calls the office for a status check.
"Vitals?" He glances at you.
You hurriedly hover to the other end of the desk to check and give him a thumbs-up.
"Pulse rate, respiration, BP, all stable," he informs.
The call ends in the next second and Hyunjin places the handle of the phone down, he leans against the desk, panting as if he has just run a mile. It seems like you both have sobered down after munching on pizza together. You exchange a look at each other and break into a smile at the same time.
"Card game?" Hyunjin offers.
You can taste the imbalance of the alcohol and juice ratio you put into your mug but you need it to fuel yourself for the card game.
Hyunjin shuffles the card in his hands and splits the deck into two even stacks, he pushes one at you and draws the other closer to him.
"Whoever draws the smaller card value, loses," he explains the game rules.
You take a gulp of your drink and ask, "And when I lose...?"
He ties his hair into a ponytail and puts his hand on top of his card stack, "Whoever loses has to take a piece of their clothing off," he says with a devilish smirk that makes him more attractive.
It's obvious that Hyunjin has been wanting to play this game, the excitement is drawn on his face and somehow, it makes him more adorable, you can't help but smile.
"Are you sure you split the card evenly?" You jokingly accuse.
"You're welcome to shuffle your cards if you want," Hyunjin calmly responds, then sips his canned soda.
You laugh at how he gives you the side eyes, "When do we start?"
"Eager, are we?" Hyunjin says that it's him who's been anticipating this.
Hyunjin rubs his hands together before placing his hand on top of his deck of cards and pinches a card in between his fingers.
"Ready?" He asks.
You slide the cards down the table and intensely look at each other before turning it over, revealing the cards at the same time. A gasp escapes your mouth as your 7 of Heart card beats his 2 of spades. You prop a hand under your chin and wait for him to do his punishment as he lost this round.
It doesn't faze him, he takes his sweater off and tosses it onto the empty chair next to him. He's wearing a plain white t-shirt underneath and he rolls the short sleeves up to his shoulders, exposing the muscles on his arms.
The next round is won by Hyunjin as his 9 of hearts card beats your 6 of spades. You calmly take your blouse off and hang it on the back of your chair.
Your Jack of Diamonds forces Hyunjin to remove his t-shirt next and you didn't expect him to have a toned body considering that you always find him sitting on his chair and working in front of the computer. You try not to be obvious that you're ogling him but he catches you looking already, so...
"And you've been hiding that under your oversized clothes?" You poke fun at him.
He coyly shrugs in response to you and tidies his deck of cards, "Want to switch decks?"
It seems like a trap because your cards have been doing good and switching decks may switch your luck too.
"No. I like my cards," you refuse his offer with a smile.
He shrugs again and this time, his Jack of Clubs won against your Ace of Diamonds. He triumphantly smiles and crosses his arms watching you getting off your chair to unzip your skirt. You take a step away from the counter to shimmy the skirt down your legs. It feels wrong to be this exposed in the pantry of your workplace.
"You sure you don't want to switch?" He offers again with a lopsided grin.
It's tempting but you trust that your cards will bring you luck, you shake your head and take another card from the top of the stack.
"How about I reveal my card first?" Hyunjin daringly offers.
"Okay, sure," you coyly agree, letting him flip open his card first.
His long fingers are holding the edge of the card and at once, he turns it over, revealing a 9 of hearts. It is supposed to be easy to get a card higher than that. Oddly, you suddenly lost the confidence you had in your cards a minute ago. You put on a calm face and flip the card, not looking at it until you let go of your hand.
"Fuck!" You lowly curse at your 7 of clubs.
You let out a low sigh as you’re about to do your punishment and reach your hand to the back to unclasp your bra. You maintain eye contact with Hyunjin as you let the bra straps slide down your shoulders. In one swift moment, you take the bra off and let it join your pile of clothes on the back of your chair. You lean back and see Hyunjin smiling ear to ear.
"Christmas came early for you, huh, Hwang Hyunjin?"
It doesn't even bother him that you called him by his full name which he dislikes. He's enjoying his triumph, his tongue is slightly sticking out on the corner of his mouth as he smiles.
"I think it is," he says.
Instead of showing him your defeat, you feel motivated to win the next round. You put all of your hair to one side and lean onto the table, slapping the next card on the table.
"Want to raise the bet?" You challenge him.
One of his eyebrows raises in intrigue, "What are you proposing?"
"Whoever loses next has to take two pieces of clothing," you answer with a daring smirk.
It's a fair game since Hyunjin has only his jeans and his underwear on and so are you, with your tights and underwear.
"Let's raise the bet," Hyunjin calls to your bluff.
"I'll reveal my card first," you dare yourself even though you have no idea what card you're keeping under your hand.
"Be my guest," Hyunjin delightfully says.
You hold his gaze and flip the card, surprising yourself with a Queen of hearts. You can almost taste that sweet victory knowing that Hyunjin needs a King to beat your card. However, Hyunjin is looking nowhere near your card and you know well enough where he is looking.
You purposely lean forward on the table, presenting him a clearer view of your chest then tap your fingers on the table, "Ground control to Major Tom!" You summon his consciousness back to reality.
After a while, he finally looks away and immediately takes a sip of his can of soda to gain some sense back into his head.
"It's your turn," you remind him, propping a hand under your chin and waiting for the grand reveal.
Hyunjin clears his throat and puts his focus back on his card, he's fiddling with his card. He realizes that he's in a predicament.
He holds the card in his hand and tosses it upward, showing a Jack of Heart which means you won this round. You take a sip of your drink in celebration and victory indeed tastes so sweet.
Hyunjin reluctantly gets off his chair, he finishes his can of soda first before reaching for the waistband of his jeans. He begins by unbuckling his belt then slowly, he unzips the fly of his jeans and it's instantly loosening around his dainty waist.
"Wait, wait," you abruptly interrupt him from his stripping show.
You get off your chair and lean your side against the counter, "On a second thought... you can keep your pants on," you say.
Hyunjin looks rather flabbergasted by the turn of the event, he stands there with his jeans hanging open, "You can't do that!" He protests.
You calmly sip your drink and reply, "Oh, yes, I can."
Hyunjin rests his hands on the counter and looks at you, "You have to see!" He insists with his eyebrows furrowed.
You shake your head and pretend to not care, "Nah. I'm losing interest."
He takes a step closer at you, "Once you see, you will be interested," he boldly remarks with a cocky smirk.
You scoff and put down your empty mug, "Still not interested," you shake your head again.
Hyunjin inhales air and places his hands on each side of his waist, "You have to see!"
"No!" You refuse while half laughing.
You see Hyunjin about to take another step toward you but before he can do that, you turn to leave the pantry.
"You have to see!" He shouts as he follows you.
"No!" You shout back and immediately break into a run. 
You're squealing as he chases you but you know well enough that you will likely lose against his long legs. That doesn't stop you from running, holding your breasts with your hands as you make a turn in the direction of the staff lounge and Hyunjin catches you right as you're about to enter.
With the absence of lights, you can see the glimmer of the city lights from afar.
Hyunjin pushes you to the wall, he grabs both of your hands and pins them above your head as he presses his nose into your ear.
"I got you now," his breath feels hot in your ear.
When you tilt your head to look at him, his lips immediately capture you in a kiss, a kiss that consumes you whole and makes you feel hot all over.
He drops your hands around his neck and that way, he can freely roam your body, feeling the smoothness of your skin under his fingertips.
He puts his arms around you and draws you impossibly close while his mouth is busy lathering yours, his tongue is prying open your mouth, wanting to taste you more and more.
As much as you want to keep kissing him, you have to let go to catch some air and fill your lungs with oxygen.
Yet Hyunjin uses the opportunity to kiss you somewhere else, dragging his plush lips down the column to your neck, and from there, he starts a trail of kisses down your front.
He kneels in front of you with his fingers tugged at the elastic band of your black tights, he looks up at you and in the dark, you can see his eyes like two gleaming marbles.
Slowly, he pulls the tights down and you hear the faint whimpers escaping his mouth as he keeps pulling it down your legs.
The silence that hangs in the room only intensifies the tension, it's so quiet that you can hear your ragged breath as Hyunjin successfully takes your tights off.
He keeps looking at you with his wide, lustful eyes as his hands climb up your legs. He slowly leans in, landing a soft kiss on your inner thigh to earn a low whimper out of you.
Wanting to hear that soft whimper again, Hyunjin places another kiss on the other one, higher and closer to where you want him the most.
Just like he reads through your mind, Hyunjin drags his mouth higher and kisses your clothed core. You grab a fistful of his hair as he presses another kiss with his nose rubbing against your clothed core and then he softly inhales air.
The breath he lets out between your legs feels hot and it sets your body alight with desire yet you feel more alive in this heat.
Hyunjin opens his mouth wider and takes more of you, his wet mouth dampens the thin fabric of your underwear and all you can do is whimper at how erotic this very scene is.
Then he stuck his tongue out and starts to trace your clit through the fabric, repeatedly running his tongue in circles that it begins to pulsate under his slick tongue.
Your legs are wobbling and you can only hold onto his head and shoulder to keep you steady as he keeps his mouth buried between your legs.
Impatient to taste you, Hyunjin puts your underwear to the side and lifts your leg, putting it over his shoulder so he can dive deep into your wetness.
You keep your back close to the wall with your hands in his dark locks, tugging at it when the pleasure gets too overwhelming.
"Oh!" You gasp as Hyunjin inserts one digit inside you and not long after that, he adds another digit.
His fingers and mouth are moving in sync to give you immense pleasure, making the knot in your stomach tighten and your hands tugging harder at his hair.
Unknowingly, your hips start moving against his mouth, riding his face as you please as your hands keep his head between your legs.
"I'm close, oh, I'm close!" You breathlessly tell him with your eyes barely focused on him.
Hyunjin opens his mouth wider and runs his tongue between your folds before sucking on your clit, taking you to your high so that a loud moan falls out of your open mouth and echoes in the room.
Mischievous, Hyunjin teases you by touching your sensitive bundle of nerves, lightly circling it with only his fingertips.
"You're having fun, huh?" You look down at him and gently twist his ear as a way to get back to him.
In the dim light, you can see he's grinning at you with his face wet around the mouth from your essence. You pat his head and place his hand on the strap of your underwear.
"Help me take this off, mmh?" You seductively ask, turning around on your feet to face the wall.
Hyunjin wastes no time tugging his fingers on the waistband of your underwear and pulls the soaked underwear down, then off your legs.
You shiver as his fingers lightly graze the side of your thighs and the back of your legs. As you press the side of your face on the cold surface of the wall, Hyunjin starts placing kisses on the back of your thighs and he goes upward.
Eventually, his mouth lands on your ass cheek and he playfully bites at it, letting out a laugh knowing that you enjoy it.
"Go ahead. Bite the other one," you encourage him with a laugh.
He's going to do it with or without your permission anyway as he immediately bites the other cheek. From there, he continues his trail of kisses up to the nape of your neck.
His arms around you, touching your body and kneading on your breasts as his mouth busy planting ferocious kisses on your neck and shoulders.
It's rather sensual that he pinned your naked body against the wall when he still has his jeans on yet you can feel his member poking through the fabric and rubbing against your rear.
"Mmh..." you hum as his fingers circle your nipple.
You turn your head to the side only to let him capture your lips in a hungry kiss where his teeth almost collide with yours.
"Ouch!" You yelp as he pinches on your nipple while he smiles in satisfaction.
You turn around to face him and put your arms around him, not worrying that you'll fall when you have his arms tightly wrapped around you.
Without breaking the kiss, you maneuver his body, pushing him in the direction of the sofa until he finds himself plopping down and you let yourself sit on his lap.
You take a moment to catch a breath and look at him, seeing him this up close, in this light, hit differently. With the moonlight shining through the big window and casting a glow on his head, Hyunjin looks so ethereal.
"You're so beautiful," Hyunjin says, taking the word out of your mouth.
You smile at his praise and lean in to deliver your gratitude with a kiss, a kiss that takes things further. As your lips are busy lathering his, your hand makes its way down his body and slides it into his boxer.
You delightfully hum against his lips as you wrap your hand around his swollen member which you take out of its confine, letting his erection sprung free.
With your own eyes, you can see how impressive his size is and glance at him, "Now I know you bought the right size," you mutter with a seductive smile.
"Told you," Hyunjin says with a sexy smirk.
You sit close to his crotch, wanting to feel his cock against your cunt and wetting it with your essence while you keep stroking at it.
"I uh..." Hyunjin's words trail off as you rub his tip with your thumb.
"Yes?" You breathlessly ask.
"I have to get the uh... I have to get the condom," he stammers, almost couldn't finish the sentence as you rub his tip between your folds.
"You said you're okay doing it raw with me," you tease.
He drops his head to the back and you can see him swallow air with the way his Adam's apple bobs in his throat. He then shakes his head, "Don't think that's a good idea."
You tip your head to the side and pout, "Why not? I'm on the pill."
Hyunjin shakes his head again, he stands firm on his principle even in the trying of times. You cup his jaw and then plant a long peck on his lips.
"Go get that condom," you mutter.
He slowly opens his eyes as you pull away from the kiss, "You're not going to change your mind, right?"
You softly laugh at his words and even though you feel bad to tease him more, you can't help yourself.
"Uhm... maybe, I don't know," you jokingly say with a shrug.
He grips at your waist and pouts, his lower lip jutting out more than his upper lip. He's so adorable that you can't stop yourself from pecking his lips again.
You get off his lap and sit on the sofa, "I won't change my mind," you tell him.
Hyunjin can't shoot up from the sofa faster, sending his jeans drops and pools around his ankle, he hurriedly kicks it away, "I'll be back in a minute," he says.
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taglist: @svintsandghosts @abiaswreck @ppiri-bahng @drhsthl @idkluvutellme @biribarabiribbaem @skz-streamer @biancaness @hanjisunginc @elizalabs3 @laylasbunbunny @kpopformylife @caitlyn98s @hann1bee @darkypooo @mamieishere @is2cb97 @marvelous-llama @bluenights1899 @sherryblossom @toplinehyunjin @hanjisbeloved @biancaness @yourmomscuntis2tighy @sunnyseungup @skzhoe4life @stellasays45 @severeanxietyissues @avyskai @imseungminsgf @army-stay-noel @rylea08 @simeonswhore @jebetwo @biancaness @yubinism @devilsmatches @septicrebel
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jisunghannie · 10 months
What should be next?
So I have different ideas for each. I'll give an appetizer of each so you can get a feel for which one.
Bangchan x fem!reader - ⭐️
"Hey lover," He said, hugging you from behind as you did the dishes. You smiled. This was like your everyday routine. However, the more you thought about your normal routine. The more sad Chan looked.
"What's wrong Channie?" You asked as you caressed his cheek. As you felt tears drop on your cheeks.
"Please wake up... don't be stuck in this coma forever..."
Seungmin x fem!reader - ⭐️☁️
"Seungmin. I do not give you permission to marry her. She'll be brought up to royal status. She might be using you."
"But father don't you see?!" He yelled. "I love her and only her. Ever since she saved me..." He said heartbroken.
"Absolutely not. Do not take her as your bride or I swear on my throne I will curse you, your damned so called lover and your future child." His father swore as Seungmin looked at his father.
"I'd like to see you try, Father."
I.N x fem!reader - ☁️
"I'm home Jeongin!" You called out as he kissed you cheek. "Channie said he saw you with another guy." You looked at Jeongin surprised. "Don't tell me that you..." He said horrified.
You looked at him horrified.
Then, you smacked his arm. "It was my cousin! Of course I didn't cheat on you dummy!" You said teasing him as he rubbed his arm. "You hit so hard..." He whined as you smiled, kissing his cheek. "Sorry love."
Changbin x fem!reader - 💋
You couldn't believe it. You were going to sleep with your gym crush.
"Changbin? How come you chose me?" You asked as he stopped the car and parked it as he cupped your cheek.
"It's because you see me for me and not as some kpop idol." Now you were confused. "What do you mean? Kpop idol?" He just laughed at your reaction. "After our night, I'll show you a few clips of who you slept with." He said as you blushed by how close you guys were.
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chaeneuu · 1 year
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❛ you are youtiful ❜
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astraystayyh · 1 year
skz had a Polaroid booth event which means someone has a Polaroid of them and hyunjin that they will put in their phone case AND IT ISN'T ME
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linoyan · 2 months
"2024 would never be crazier.."
Stray kids:
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kyeomssant · 2 years
title: hiraeth
pairing(s): seungmin x reader
tags: comfort, fluff
requested by: @seunievrse
hi!!!! sorry for the long delay, i had a lot of school work to catch up to and lost track of them. This has to be one of my favorite requests ever and i enjoyed writing this so much. Hope you enjoy this!!
one-shot under the cut!
Late nights aren’t unfamilair.
It’s an old habit of yours that hasn’t gone away yet and you know for a fact that it never will. Late nights are familiar, with hours ticking away as if they were seconds while you work away on your latest assignment or something related to your work. Late nights are familiar and so is the silence it brings.
There’s a comfort you find in the silence, in the way the moon shines through the dark sky and the crickets sing their song. There's a comfort in the silence, in the emptiness in your tiny apartment as you type away at your paper, a sort of concentration in your work that only comes at the late hours of the night.
Tonight, however, isn’t completely silent. There are no soft notes of music playing from your home, instead, your partner sleeps on the bed behind you, face buried in the pillow that he’s holding onto like a lifeline. Despite the fact that he had initially arrived here as a form of support for you, he couldn’t fight the exhaustion slowly creeping into him and you had let him fall asleep.
He need it and you needed to finish your paper.
You look down at the word count on the corner of the page for a second before a sigh falls from your lip and you turn your body to look behind you. Seungmin’s sleeping, blanket tangled on his legs as his chest rises and falls at a steady pace. His face is content, a certain sort of softness in them that you don’t usually see, not unless the two of you are cuddled up on your couch and lost in each other’s presence.
He needed this, you can’t help but think to yourself, a long undisturbed rest after a week of pouring every bit of himself over countless assignments and group works. He needed a break away from everything and warmth floods your veins at the realisation that he came here to you because he trusts you, because he believes that your small apartment holds the same comfort and safety as home.
A grin draws on your lips and you 
You bite the inside of your cheek as your eyebrows furrow, you are sure you heard a slight whimper from Seungmin. Your eyes narrow, looking over Seungmin and you can see the way his eyebrows furrow, the previously content expression gone from his face and instead there is something pained in them.
A frown draws on your lips as you slowly stand up from your table and move towards seungmin. You hesitate for a second, not wanting to break the boy away from his well deserved rest but you have to, especially if he is having a bad dream.
“Honey,” your voice is low, just barely above a whisper as you thread your fingers through his hair, trying to get him to relax. It hurts, the thought of him in pain whether it be something physical or in this case, mental. You can’t help but slowly call his name out, trying to get the boy to wake himself up, push himself away from wherever his mind had wandered to.
Your name falls from his lips, thick from sleep but you can hear the hints of fear leaking through and it aches, your heart aches at the fear held in his tone and you can’t help but being yourself closer to him, shifting so that his head is resting on your lap.
“It’s alright Seungminnie,” you breathe out, caressing his cheekbones in a gesture to get him to relax because he is too tense, the lines of his body harsh. “It was just a dream.”
It’s quite for a second, something thick and indescribable filling the silence as Seungmin looks at you, brown eyes holding far too many emotions for you to decipher but you know it’s nothing positive, not from the way there are small tremors in his body.
“Seungminnie…” Your voice trails off, hands softly cradling his jaw.
“You’ll never leave me, right?”
“I wouldn’t,” you answer without a second of hesitation, “Leaving you would be as if I’m leaving a part of myself behind, I couldn’t do that.” You pause for a second, a lump forming in your throat. “I love you too much, Kim Seungmin.”
Your words seem to reassure him as he relaxes a bit but there is still tension present in the lines of his body that you can’t help but worry. You don’t pry into what exactly his mind had come up with, instead, you clear your throat and lean against the headboard.
Your fingers weave its way through his hair, slowly trying to lull him to sleep as soft notes fall from your lips, notes to the song you know Seunmin adores. The room is silent, no other noise except for the notes falling from your lips and Seungmin’s soft breaths. You feel his relax against you, his body curling against yours as he leans into your warmth.
A small smile forms on your lips as you lean your head back, eyes slowly falling shut and all thoughts of your work forgotten. You hand still runs through his hair, 
“I love you,” Seungmin mumbles, voice thick with sleep and slightly muffled by your body.
You can’t help but grin at that, fondness and warmth curling in your chest as you move your hand from his hair and cup his face. You lean down, pressing your lips to his, just the slightest of touches and you can feel the smile that forms on his.
fluff isn’t my strong suit so I hope this was alright and ignore any typos for now.
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felixsmeshglove · 1 year
just a reminder!~
my requests are open!! please just send in an ask (anon or public i don’t mind either way) and i’ll do my best!!
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felixethereal · 2 years
인기가요 미공개 영상 감상평 이벤트 📸✨
네 모습만 떠올라 143! #StrayKids    컴백❤️
📣 짱키즈 데려갈 #스테이 구함❗️
#스트레이키즈    의 친필사인이 포함된🖊
한정판 폴라로이드 GET 하러 가자🙌
지금 참여하기💚
👉🏻 kko.to/straykids_tw
(다음주는 누구?😎)
#멜론 #Melon
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vallkyr · 1 year
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Step Out
When the people you trust most leave you to get caught by the task force hunting you, what else is there to do but finding new allies?
Different account now but the gif has still been made by the lovely @agustdawn
Pairings: Chan x Kwangsun (OC), Chan x Felix, Minho x Jisung, Changbin x Hyunjin, Younghyun x Liam (OC), Siyeon x Jonghyeon, Aaron x Minhyun and other minor pairings
Genres: Angst, Emotional Hurt, Hurt/Comfort, some Romance and bits of Fluff in between
Tags: Dystopia AU, Rebels AU
Chapter Tags: -
Rating: Mature
General Warnings: Violence, Injury, Panic Attacks, Minor Character Death
Chapter Warnings: mention of injury, scars
Word Count: 12,904
< Previous Chapter |
Hey everyone! Step Out is back after two years! To be honest, I had a hard time writing Step Out since the allegations against Woojin started coming up and it didn’t change after the allegations turned out to be fake. I just couldn’t keep the story the way it was so I decided to replace Woojin by an OC. And since I was already changing things I went ahead and made some more changes (like also replacing Jae by an OC), edited everything I had uploaded and so on. I feel way more comfortable writing Step Out now so I hope that the next update won’t take quite as long. Until then, please enjoy the 9th chapter 💕
Chapter 9 - The burden of secrets
Numbers. So many goddamn numbers. A whole damn block of them. As though the mission wasn’t enough already. It’s all so damn overwhelming. Missions require all the concentration and energy Minho can muster and they always leave his brain exhausted, drained and lazy. And now he has to decipher the fucking message in this condition. He’s been fiddling around on his phone and sharpening pencils for ages now. Minho sighs as he peeks over to the sheet of paper on his desk, trying to get himself to get to work.
11111 111111
101 10 010 1110 110 000000 0011 1110 000000 0100 0 000000 0100 0010 00 000000 1110 0011 100 1000 111111
1 0100 0 0 1000 1 101 0011 0100 0 000000 101 0100 000000 101 1101 1000 000000 101 1000 010 001 111111
01 1000 000000 01 0011 0101 0101 000000 1001 1000 101 000000 101 00 010 0011 0 0011 0 1001 000000 101 0100 000000 1001 0100 000000 0100 0 000000 001 0011 1110 1110 0011 0100 0 1110 000000 1110 0100 0100 0 111111
011 1000 0100 011 0101 1000 000000 1110 101 0011 0101 0101 000000 100 0011 1110 0101 0011 0001 1000 000000 0010 1110 111111
1101 0010 1001 000000 0101 0010 111 000000 110 00 0100 001 000000 001 1000 111111
His head hurts just thinking about deciphering all of that. The first message was already a pain in the ass and the prospect of more and more and more messages like this is daunting. Why did he agree to that anyways? Talking is so much easier. Why does this shit have to be so complicated? Minho should probably make a table. So far, he hasn’t had the time for that, and he had hoped to avoid it for safety reasons. But the more he thinks about it, the more he feels like it can’t be avoided. He really underestimated how much work these messages would be. Minho sighs once again while he gets the writing pad from the drawer and places it on the table next to the message. He takes a pencil and a ruler and starts drawing his grid before gradually filling it. Letter by letter, code by code.
After an hour or so the whole thing is finally complete – at least Minho guesses it was an hour. Time runs as fast as a snail when you try to figure out what the letter Q looks like in your secret code. Minho hates that the code has to be this complicated, but it’s safety first and convenience second in this situation. They mustn’t risk the DIT spying into their communication. If anyone was to find the messages, they would surely give them over to that hell hole of an organisation. Just like the government expects of a ‘good citizen’.
Needing a bit of a change for his tortured brain, Minho decides to put everything aside for now and go downstairs into the kitchen. As expected, Spear B, Felix and Jisung have already started preparing dinner. The sweetest smile spreads over Jisung’s face when he spots Minho in the doorway and gestures for him to come over.
“How is it going?” How is it possible for someone to be this beautiful while peeling a carrot? If B and Lux weren’t here, Minho would love to hug Jisung right now. It would be so lovely to be in Jisung’s embrace, feel his warmth and just forget about his code-wrecked brain. But they aren’t alone. The others’ presence feels like a dark shadow looming over Minho.
“It’s exhausting,” Minho admits. “I wish there was an easier way, but meeting Virus regularly would be too dangerous even if he takes turns with Mercury.”
Jisung hums in understanding. “Then you’re here to take a break? I’m sure we’ll find something for you.”
“Yes please. I really need to get my mind off things a little.”
Without hesitation, Felix grabs his cutting board and sets it down in front of Minho. “Have fun.” His voice sounds overly sweet and the wateriness of Felix’s eyes gives Minho a pretty solid idea of what his task is going to be. Minho’s fear is confirmed when he looks down and is met with stinging in his own eyes. Onions. That explains why Felix was so quick to leave and find himself something else to do. Cutting onions definitely isn’t Minho’s favourite task, but at this point every distraction from that damn code is welcome. Even onions.
“Should have known I’d end up with that.” Despite the tears already forming in his eyes, Minho picks up the knife and gets to work. With the four of them all going about their tasks, they’re soon done preparing everything and can get to cooking, which Felix takes upon himself despite Minho’s protests. From then on Minho, Jisung and B are basically… useless. Everything they can do is keep Felix company and occasionally hand him ingredients. Jisung and Spear B soon start chatting with Felix occasionally chipping in when he isn’t too busy. Minho doesn’t have much to contribute except for a few sentences here and there. His mind is running a mile a minute and is completely empty at the same time. There’s so much to do, so much to think about, but Minho can’t seem to focus on anything. So many 0s and 1s are still circling through his brain.
“Dinner should be done soon,” Felix says before turning towards them. “Can one of you set the table?”
“On my way,” Minho says without hesitation. He is already getting plates from the cupboard when Jisung, who has been sitting on the kitchen counter since he finished peeling carrots, scoots over to him.
“Can I give you a hand?” When he sees Jisung like this, Minho almost forgets they had a mission today. Jisung looks calm and cosy in his oversized sweater that Minho is pretty sure is actually his own. He has been stealing more and more clothes from Minho lately, which should be annoying. But Minho finds it weirdly endearing. He could probably get his clothes back if he really wanted to, though he really prefers seeing them on Jisung over having them wait for him in the closet.
Jisung slides down from the counter, helps Minho gather everything they need and carry it over to the dining room. Minho is about to go back to the kitchen and get glasses for them when Jisung stops him with a hand on his wrist. The little touch has Minho’s body shift down from forcing himself to function into just existing. He can finally let himself feel his tiredness and exhaustion without pushing it away. When Jisung tugs at his arm, Minho lets his heavy body be pulled away from the archway leading to the kitchen, into the privacy of the little dining room. “Are you okay?” Jisung’s pretty eyes are full of worry as he takes a closer look at Minho. “You seem so quiet.”
“Yeah it’s okay. I’m just exhausted and that message is eating my last brain cells.”
Jisung hums like he’s trying to come up with a way to make it better. Minho simply steps closer and lets his head drop onto Jisung’s shoulder. After a moment Jisung slings his arms around Minho and holds him close. Having Jisung hug him lets Minho forget about the code, about the table, about Felix and B in the kitchen, about everything. It feels like Jisung knocked over the glass of his mind and let all the stuff keeping him busy pour out before setting it down again. After a while Jisung starts humming a low tune and lightly swaying them back and forth. Minho can’t help but giggle as he closes his eyes and allows himself to sink deeper into Jisung’s embrace.
“You guys are taking ages. Do you need help with setting the table?” Hearing Spear B’s voice makes Minho tense up. He gives Jisung a quick slap on the butt that has Jisung smile to himself before stepping away from him. When Minho heads back into the kitchen, Jisung follows close behind him and helps him finish setting the table just in time for lunch to be ready.
Minho feels a lot more at ease when they’re eating. The weight of the day feels a little lighter now that he gets to have a break for once. Since Felix did most of the actual cooking, B and Jisung volunteer to do the dishes after dinner. Though hesitant, Minho goes back to decoding after clearing the table for them. He still isn’t enthusiastic about having to work again, but Minho’s brain definitely feels fresher after a bit of distraction and a tad of Jisung. Hopefully working with the code will be easier now that he has a table. He’ll just have to be a bit more careful now so nobody else gets their hands on it.
“Don’t stop.” Younghyun cracks an eye open to look up at Liam. Thankfully his request works and makes his boyfriend go right back to patting Younghyun’s hair.
“I should have gotten a dog instead.” Despite his words, Liam doesn’t stop or makes a move to get Younghyun’s head off his lap. “A dog would just fall asleep after five minutes and I could watch TV in peace.”
“A dog can’t cook dinner for you.” Noticing Liam directing a critical look at the empty pizza boxes, Younghyun quickly adds. “Not even on a good day.” As much as he loves cooking with Liam, after hearing that Jungkook is injured and having to deliver the news to Bambam Younghyun had been happy to just drop onto the couch and eat. He still feels exhausted, but it doesn’t matter anymore. Younghyun’s home.
“You underestimate my ability to teach a dog tricks.”
“My bad, I forgot your secret career as a dog trainer.” Younghyun fully opens his eyes and grins up at his boyfriend, who shakes his head and focuses on the TV again. “Speaking of dinner, Chan accepted the invitation. Is tomorrow alright?”
“Sure, I can go grocery shopping after work if we still need anything.” It takes a while before the question Younghyun was already expecting follows. “Any idea what we’ll cook?”
The same old problem. It’s been years and yet the struggle of ‘What can we cook?’ never gets any easier. “No, you?”
“Fuck.” He and Liam start giggling. Younghyun really should have expected this when he invited Chan over. Deciding what they want to have for dinner is already hard enough when it’s just the two of them, but guests always make it even more difficult because they can’t bullshit their way through it and hope the result is edible. “I could ask Chan if he has any preferences.”
Liam gasps in fake surprise. “You’re a genius.”
“Bet a dog wouldn’t have been able to come up with that.” Younghyun chuckles.
“That’s it. Get off my lap.” It’s obvious Liam isn’t serious, but Younghyun sits up nonetheless and shifts to sit next to Liam. As soon as that’s done, he leans closer to kiss Liam’s cheek. Liam seems almost surprised. A little smile fills his face before morphing into a slightly suspicious frown. “What did you do?”
Younghyun rolls his eyes. Obviously, he cannot possible show affection if he didn’t screw up and accidentally wash a red sock with the white laundry. “Nothing. Just trying to thank you for your helping with delivering the news to my unit. I couldn’t have done it without you.”
Liam’s gaze softens. “It was still you doing all the work,” he insists. “I just did my part to calm you down for that.”
Younghyun only hums in agreement. They don’t need any more words. Just locking eyes is enough for Younghyun to know Liam understands how important his support was even if he’s playing it down.
It’s Liam who eventually breaks the warm silence between them. “We should go to sleep. If we can’t manage to have a healthy sleeping schedule, you should at least get some rest after missions.”
Sadly he does have a point with that. Younghyun feels utterly exhausted after the mission and the situation surrounding Jungkook. It takes a bit of effort to get up from the couch, but they eventually make their way to the bathroom to get ready for bed. While they brush their teeth Younghyun watches Liam, who is already stripped down to his briefs and one of Younghyun’s shirts, run his hand through his hair, probably deciding that the dye needs to be freshened up in the near future. To anyone else the situation would look so mundane. But seeing Liam in all his half-dressed glory with toothpaste on his lips has Younghyun feel warm and fuzzy inside. The earlier ‘I’ll see you at home.’ is still present in his mind, because nothing describes what Liam is to him like the word home. Being with Liam makes Younghyun feel safe and at peace. No matter what happens, what might shake up their lives, they handle it side by side. Just like they have been doing for the past seven years already.
Younghyun is snapped out of his thoughts when Liam slaps him on the ass. “Did you fall asleep with your eyes wide open? You know you’re supposed to lie down and close your eyes first, right?”
“So that’s what I’ve been doing wrong,” Younghyun mutters while following Liam into their bed. He straddles Liam’s waist and bends down to kiss him while carding his hand through Liam’s chestnut coloured hair. When he pulls back, Liam has the softest smile on his face. They stay like this for a while, looking at each other, Younghyun twirling a strand of Liam’s hair around his finger. If it was an option for them, Younghyun would have asked Liam to marry him then and there. It’s not like either of them needs a ring or certificate whatever – the thought is kind of ridiculous to be honest – but the thought of making it official that they want to spend the rest of their lives together is kind of nice regardless. Though as things stand, they wouldn’t be able to get married no matter if they wanted to or not. At least not here.
“You know that I love you, right?”
“I do.” Liam chuckles. “Love you too, you sap.” Younghyun kisses Liam again and wishes him a good night before sliding out of Liam’s lap and into bed next to him. He falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow knowing that he’s home.
Jisung stops in the door frame to their room when he sees Minho still bent over the desk. Minho looks fully concentrated and totally exhausted at the same time, which is a shame considering how relaxed he had seemed after dinner. Did the little break change anything at all? How Jisung wishes he could do more for Minho. He already puts his all into supporting Minho, cheering him up and making sure he relaxes after a hard day. But it never feels like enough, especially not when Minho looks this worn out. “What are you up to?”
Minho jumps up like a scared deer and immediately scrambles to cover his notes with his arms and upper body. It’s a strange sight, like he’d defend those notes with his life. “Sungie. I thought you and Spear B were doing the dishes.”
Jisung carefully steps into the room and closes the door after himself. “We’re done?” This is odd. Jisung understands if he scared Minho because Minho was focused and didn’t hear him come in. But this? It’s almost as if he’s trying to hide something from Jisung. What can be so drastic about those papers that Jisung isn’t allowed to catch as much as a glimpse of them? “Is something the matter? You seem weird…”
“No, it’s nothing. It’s just that I made myself a table for deciphering the code.” Minho leans back in his chair, giving up his defence over the stack of paper. Though he turns them around nonetheless. He still refuses to let Jisung see a thing of what he’s written down. “I mean you know the drill. If you end up getting questioned about this-”
“The less I know the better.” Jisung scoffs as he walks over to the bed and lets himself fall down onto it. This is so frustrating. Even though he’s kind of relieved Minho isn’t keeping any actual secrets from him, it sucks that Jisung isn’t allowed to learn the code. He wishes he could help Minho with deciphering or writing messages or do anything else useful aside from assisting Minho in planning.
“Jisung…” Worry sounds through Minho’s voice as he gets up, follows Jisung to the bed and crouches down on the floor in front of him. Just hearing Minho say his name pushes the negative feelings back a bit. No matter how chaotic and awful things around them might get, at the very least they’ll always have each other. Things between them have been going so well. They used to spend basically every free minute together anyways, but they’ve become even closer since they’ve been living here together.
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll just read a bit while you work on the messages.”
“You sure?” Minho’s gaze is so gentle that just looking into his eyes releases a swarm of butterflies in Jisung’s stomach. Jisung wonders if he’ll ever fully get used to the way he melts into a puddle around Minho.
“Yeah. Now hurry up and get everything done. The sooner you’re back the sooner can I start cuddling you.”
“True.” Minho is smiling when he rises from the floor again. He stops midway to place a little kiss on Jisung’s lips. “Can’t wait.” Jisung can’t wait either. The thought of burying his face in Minho’s chest and breathing in Minho’s scent while they snuggle as close as they can already feels so wonderful. It will be like heaven to fall asleep in Minho’s arms after the mission. Damnit, Minho really needs to hurry and finish those messages.
“I’m rooting for you!” Jisung calls. The chuckle sends a little tremble through Minho’s shoulders, which is the most endearing thing ever. Jisung takes a moment to look at Minho’s back, basks in the warm feeling that spreads through his chest from being around his boyfriend. It never ceases to amaze Jisung how strong Minho is. Everyone feels exhausted after their missions yet here Minho is, still fulfilling his duties even though he probably wants to just fall into bed and sleep more than anyone. It’s so much work to plan their missions and it must be even more tiring to keep track of everyone and everything during the mission itself. How Minho can stay on top of it all is beyond Jisung’s comprehension.
Deciding to stay true to his words, Jisung gets up from the bed, walks over to the book shelve by the windows and starts looking through everything. Since this is – or rather used to be – the bedroom of Changbin’s parents, most of the books are… not really to Jisung’s liking. There’s stuff about business tactics, handling human resources, and ways to relax at work as well as literary classics that bore Jisung just from looking at them. The depressing choice of books makes Jisung glad he decided keep some books he stole from Changbin’s sister on the nearby side board. Jisung picks one that looks interesting, lies down on the bed again and starts reading.
The book isn’t quite as good as Jisung had hoped –well, it’s only the beginning anyways – but it keeps him busy. After a while, there’s shuffling at the desk, which immediately makes Jisung peeks over the pages of his books. Minho rips a piece from a blank sheet of paper and starts noting down his reply. Even from across the room, Jisung can tell Minho is hurrying. As soon as it’s done, he jumps up, turns around and proudly presents the note to Jisung.
00011 111111
0100 1011 1110 0101 111111
0100 1011 0000 000000 0100 1001 001 100 11 000000 1011 01 000000 0101 1011 010 110 1 000000 0101 1011 1110 0101 111111
1 010 0001 0001 01 0001 000000 111 10 1001 1000 000000 100 001 011 111111
Jisung doesn’t know what it says, the only meaning that matters to him is that Minho comes towards him with big steps. Jisung barely has time to put the book in his hands aside before Minho is already tackling him in a hug. They nestle together, Minho lying on top of Jisung like a blanket. Jisung wraps his arms around Minho and starts rubbing his back in slow, soothing motions. “Are you going to bring that note to your mailbox today?”
“No, it can wait until tomorrow morning. I just have to make it before Virus’ shift,” Minho mumbles into the crook of Jisung’s neck. “I just want to sleep now.”
“You can’t sleep fully clothed though.” Jisung emphasises his point by pulling at the elastic of Minho’s sweatpants before letting it snap against his skin.
“Sure I can.” Minho already sounds half asleep. “Just watch me.”
Seeing no other way to motivate his boyfriend, Jisung pushes Minho off of him, earning himself a frustrated whine. Giggling, Jisung rolls Minho onto his back, gets onto his knees and pulls Minho up by the arms. “Come on.” Minho still pretends to be annoyed by Jisung’s attempts to get him out of bed, making himself deadweight in Jisung’s arms. But the smile on his lips says otherwise.
“You could just undress me here.”
“Tempting,” Jisung admits. “But I can’t brush your teeth here.” Minho groans in annoyance when Jisung finally succeeds in hoisting Minho off the bed and into a standing position. Thinking that this will be enough, Jisung turns to walk away, but is stopped by arms circling his waist. With Minho basically glued to his back, Jisung drags both of them to the bathroom.
Jungkook’s mind feels fuzzy when he wakes up to a dark room. He can’t even remember going to bed last night. Except this isn’t his bed. Or his bedroom. Where is he? Where else would he be? Is he staying over at someone else’s place? Once Jungkook’s eyes are used to the darkness he takes a look around himself. This is a hospital room. And he’s the patient. He vaguely remembers waking up in the recovery room and that he was transferred, but he must have passed out again right after. What happened?
And what’s that sound? Water? Why would water be running in the middle of the night? Jungkook tries to sit up, but the pain in his leg stops him. He remains propped up on his elbows to take another look around the room. He got a single bed room, so there’s no roommate who could be showering at absurd hours. It could be from next door though? That’s probably it, right? What else would it be? Jungkook lets himself fall back onto the bed and closes his eyes. He’s so damn tired. No matter he much he must have slept already if it became night in the meantime, he doesn’t feel the least bit refreshed.
Suddenly the water stops followed by the sound of the shower door opening and the rustling of a towel. It’s too loud to be from a different room. But who would be here? The walls are probably just thinner than Jungkook would have thought. He should be sleeping instead of worrying his head over weird noises. Jungkook is about to doze off when the bathroom door creaks, making Jungkook snap his eyes open and – for lack of a better memory – try to sit up again. Fucking shit.
“Hey, careful.” Jimin rushes closer to his bed. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes…” Jimin? Why is Jimin here? He was on the ambulance with Jungkook, right? Yes, if nothing else Jungkook definitely remembers Jimin holding his hand in the ambulance. But what is he doing in Jungkook’s room? Jungkook looks up at Jimin, only now noticing the towel hanging over Jimin’s shoulders. His gaze wanders farther up to Jimin’s hair that is dripping water onto his shirt. Jimin showered in his hospital room? “What are you doing here?”
“You don’t remember?” Jimin chuckles while pulling a chair over to the bed and sitting down beside Jungkook. “We talked after you woke up. I asked you if I could shower here and you said it was fine.”
“Uhm.” Jungkook’s mind is completely blank. He can’t remember waking up before or talking to Jimin, but he can’t imagine that Jimin would lie about something like that. Why would he, anyways? “I don’t know. I guess I fell asleep right after.”
“Looks like it. Sorry if I startled you.” A warm smile takes over Jimin’s face. How come he looks so gorgeous without even doing anything? There’s something so gentle and cosy about seeing Jimin freshly out of the shower wearing a plain, white shirt. Immediately, Jungkook’s thoughts start wandering again. He remembers the way Jimin held his hand in the ambulance, how much strength Jimin’s presence was giving him. If he focuses, he can still feel Jimin’s warmth. As much as Jungkook would love to stay right here, look at Jimin and wallow in memories, he really needs to get to the bathroom. Now. But he doesn’t even manage to get out of bed before pain jolts through his leg once again.
“Wait.” Jimin jumps up, fetches a pair of crutches from the end of the bed and hands them to Jungkook. “Do you need any help?” Even now that Jungkook’s injury has been taken care of, Jimin is still worrying about Jungkook.  Jungkook would find it sweet if he wasn’t so busy feeling guilty about it.
“I don’t know.” Jungkook is still wobbly when he gets up, but he somehow manages to get himself standing on his intact leg. Despite this, Jimin doesn’t seem totally convinced that he’s fine. He follows every single one of Jungkook’s slow steps as though he fears Jungkook might collapse any second. Jimin even pushes the bathroom door open for Jungkook, which is when Jungkook stops for a moment. “I think I can do the rest by myself.”
“You sure?” Jimin’s voice is smug as he tilts his head to the side and looks at Jungkook in a way that has Jungkook weak in his knees. And that’s even though he can barely see Jimin in the darkness of the hospital room. This is really the wrong moment to be whipped, Jungkook needs every bit of his strength his legs have in stock.
“Yes.” Jungkook definitely is sure. He’s never been surer in his life. A mere second later, Jimin breaks into giggles and goes to sit down in his chair again. Jungkook almost sighs in relief. He doubts his pride would survive Jimin helping him on the toilet. When Jungkook returns Jimin is still sitting in the chair, which almost surprises Jungkook. Part of him thought he might be having hallucinations from the anaesthesia. It’s only now that Jungkook realises Jimin is still in his uniform pants. The jacket that goes with it hangs from the back of the chair Jimin is sitting on.
“Is something wrong?” Jimin asks after Jungkook has apparently looked at him for a bit too long. His voice goes back to sounding worried so quickly it really bothers Jungkook. He doesn’t want to worry Jimin, especially not with something as simple as spacing out for a moment.
“You’ve been here the entire time?”
Jimin briefly looks down on himself before nodding. “Yeah. I didn’t want you to be alone.” He runs his hand through his still damp hair. “Besides I still need to interrogate you and report to the Corporal. That can wait until tomorrow though. You need to rest now.”
“So do you.” Jungkook finally makes his way back to the bed. In an instant, Jimin is back by his side, helps him lift his injured leg onto the mattress and get comfortable again. Jimin pulls his chair even closer, right next to the bed, and takes Jungkook’s hand into his just like he had done in the ambulance. Immediately, Jungkook’s cheeks starts heating up. Hopefully Jimin can’t see him blush in the dark. Gosh, why does Jungkook have to be so nervous because of something so simple? Jimin always makes him feel like some stupid teenager having his very first crush.
“I’m really glad you’re fine, Jungkook-ah.”
“Thank you.” What else could he say to that? Jungkook has no idea how he even manages to keep his voice in check, but he’s grateful for himself. At least that part of talking still works. Jimin holding his hand is still so foreign and it makes Jungkook’s heart race like crazy. How come this is actually happening for the second time in one day? “What did the doctors tell you?” Great. Change the topic when he’s getting emotional. Perfect. Exactly what Jungkook really wants.
“Not much,” Jimin admits. “Just that surgery went well and that you should be back on track in a few weeks. I’m sure they’ll tell you everything in more detail tomorrow.”
“Yeah.” Jungkook still has no idea what to say. Usually conversations with Jimin are so easy, but now there’s this strange tension. It’s not a bad one per se, but one that’s way more emotional than anything they’ve shared before. This is probably just because of the shock, Jungkook tells himself, Jimin must have been worried about losing a member of his unit. Jungkook tries his best to ignore the part of him that just wants to pull Jimin close and kiss him when Jimin absentmindedly rubs his thumb over the back of Jungkook’s hand. The little, maybe meaningless, gesture feels so damn intimate. Jungkook really needs to get a hold of himself, just because Jimin is holding his hand doesn’t mean he wants anything beyond that. But obviously, Jimin isn’t going to let getting a grip be easy.
“We should go to sleep now.” Seeing Jimin’s gentle smile in the dark, alongside his low voice and the words he’s saying make Jungkook’s mind run crazy. Even though he highly doubts Jimin is going to lie down next to him, Jungkook immediately wonders what it would be like. He’d give everything to experience going to bed with Jimin, seeing him in one of Jungkook’s shirts, hugging him from behind and making him smile by whispering ‘Good night.’ into his ear. Fuck, Jungkook should not be having these kinds of thoughts about his Lance Corporal.
“You’re right. Good night, Jimin-ah.” Jungkook kind of expected Jimin to complain about the lack of honorifics the way he usually does. But today he just shakes his head and smiles. What’s with him today? Jungkook isn’t sure whether he should be relieved or sad when Jimin eventually lets go of his hand. Though Jungkook is sure he doesn’t like it when Jimin retreats to his chair, despite expecting it. Even with the way Jimin leans back, it doesn’t seem comfortable in the least. He can’t really lie down, he doesn’t have any kind of blanket and without any kind of armrests, chances are Jimin might just tip over to the side. Jungkook feels kind of bad for making Jimin sleep like that. It doesn’t matter that none of this was Jungkook’s idea, Jimin decided it all on his own. “The bed is big enough, you know? You could lie down with me.” Oh dear lord, did Jungkook really just suggest they share a hospital bed?
The beat of silence that passes afterwards makes Jungkook’s nervousness so much worse. Was that offer too much? Did he make things weird? He went too far, didn’t it? Maybe Jungkook should have just kept quiet. But then again, there’s no harm asking right? It’s the least he can do when Jimin takes care of him like that. “That’s nice,” Jimin eventually replies. “But I think it would be safer if I stayed in the chair. I don’t want to hurt you while we sleep.”
“Ah right…” The answer makes Jungkook feel a little stupid. Of course Jimin wouldn’t lie down in bed with him. He shouldn’t have suggested that.
“It still hasn’t set in that you’re injured, huh?” When Jimin smiles all the negative thoughts come to a halt. Jungkook just really likes Jimin’s eye smile, when his eyes nearly disappear and his full lips curl up.
“Not really,” Jungkook admits. “Everything happened so fast.” One moment Jungkook was still going after I.N, the next Bora is dragging him out of the building. Something that happened in a matter of second will take him weeks to recover. It seems so ridiculous.
“I’m sure you’ll come to terms with everything once you have a bit of time to yourself.”
“Yeah maybe.” Even when Jimin wishes him a good night once again, leans back in his chair and closes his eyes, Jungkook has trouble looking away from him. Despite all the complicated feelings that come with it, Jungkook is really glad Jimin is here. He wouldn’t have wanted to be alone after this mess. Wasn’t that exactly want Jimin was going for? That Jungkook wouldn’t feel like he’s all by himself after everything that has happened? “Thank you for being here, it means a lot,” Jungkook mutters, a smile tugs at Jimin’s lips but he doesn’t say anything. Jungkook doesn’t know for how long he continues looking at Jimin until he finally falls asleep.
“Good morning you two. I’m Lance Corporal Kang Dongho of battle team unit C.” Despite the cheerful smile and friendly tone, Chan feels kind of intimidated by the man standing in front of them. Lance Corporal Kang is only a little taller than Chan, but with a noticeably broader built. And he’s definitely way more muscular than both Chan and Kwangsun. Aside from his physical appearances, just the words “battle team” leave an uneasy feeling in Chan’s gut. He still hasn’t forgotten the looks they got on their first day. Though at the very least, he can’t remember Lance Corporal Kang being among the people who death glared at them. So Chan has hope that the Lance Corporal wasn’t completely forced to work with them and may have even volunteered to work with them. One is allowed to dream after all. “The Corporals and Sergeant Park decided that it would be good for you to come along when our division marches out. It’s my task to make sure you are prepared for that.”
“We will go on missions with you guys?” Sitting in the office and being asked questions is one thing, but going out and actively fighting Stray Kids is different. Would they have to carry guns like the real DIT members? Would they have to shoot if they came across one of the members? The thought makes Chan’s blood freeze. He can’t do that. He can’t point a gun at them. He can’t go that far.
But he has to. Chan was resolved to do everything it takes, he mustn’t back down now.
“Exactly. Sergeant Park thinks it will be good to have you there since you know the way Stray Kids operate better than anyone else.”
Kwangsun seems to notice his discomfort if the way he steps closer is anything to go by. Chan turns around to look at him, feeling a bit reassured by the hint of a smile on Kwangsun’s face. No matter what happens, he’s not alone. They’re going to do all of this together.
“What exactly is the plan?” Kwangsun asks after turning back to Lance Corporal Kang. Chan is pretty glad he’s taking over talking; he really doesn’t feel like doing it right now.
“Well first of all we’ll have to figure out your current skill level and which areas still need work in. Then we’ll have to make sure you meet the requirements of the DIT. After all we don’t want to put you at risk when marching out with us.”
“When are we going to start?”
“Right now.” Lance Corporal Kang beams at them. “There are some workout clothes for you on the table over there. We’ll practice every day after lunch break until 4pm. The people of my unit will be in the common room or with unit A so we have this room to ourselves for practice.”
Oh. Chan had hoped for a little more time to stomach the news. The thought of going after the rest of Stay Kids is still so foreign he doesn’t feel ready to start training for it. Contrary to him, Kwangsun doesn’t seem to have much of a problem with the situation. Without any bit of hesitation, he walks over to the table and grabs himself a set from one pile of the aforementioned clothes. They’re supposed to change here? In the practice room? In front of Lance Corporal Kang?
Chan takes a deep breath to steady himself. He may be a bit out of practice by now, but it can’t be that hard. Nobody is paying attention to him anyways, right? Then why is there still this fear bubbling up inside of him? He glances over at Kwangsun and the Lance Corporal, finding them still chatting. Good. At least there’s that. If he hurries they won’t see. Chan grabs the shirt from his pile of clothes, backs himself against the wall, quickly slips out of the shirt and into the new one. As soon as the fabric slides over his skin he starts to feel more at ease again. When he looks up, Kwangsun and Lance Corporal Kang are still talking about some workout. Neither of them seems to have noticed anything. Feeling a bit more relaxed now that the worst part is done, Chan takes the pair of grey sweatpants from the table and changes the rest of the way. He’ll really have to find a different way to do this if they’re going to continue training with Lance Corporal Kang.
“Good morning!” Jungkook frowns when a cheerful voice rips him out of his sleep. Why is hospital staff at war with sleep? Wouldn’t sleeping in be beneficial for his recovery or something? When Jungkook tries to sit up a bit, his gaze immediately lands on Jimin who’s still sleeping slumped on the chair. He actually stayed here all night? The nurse currently chattering about the beautiful weather today doesn’t seem to have noticed Jimin’s presence yet. Jungkook waits for her to look at him before lifting his finger to his lips and nodding over to the chair. The nurse freezes in her movements and breathes a silent “Oh.” as soon as she spots Jimin. Luckily, Jimin seems to still be sound asleep despite her loud voice. He must be a heavy sleeper. “Should I come back later?” the nurse mouths.
Jungkook nods, smiling when she gives him a thumbs up and leaves his room again. Still feeling incredibly tired, Jungkook lies down and tries to get comfortable again. But of course, he can’t seem to close his eyes when Jimin is right next to him. In his sleep, Jimin slid down on the chair a bit. His legs are spread far apart, his arms are crossed in front of his chest and his head is hanging low. The sunlight streaming in through the stark white curtains is playing with Jimin’s jet black hair. Jungkook is glad Jimin didn’t wake up when the nurse came in, not just because it gives him the opportunity to stare a little bit. (Yes, Jungkook is aware that’s kind of creepy.) Mainly, Jungkook is glad Jimin gets to sleep a bit more. Jimin really stayed here over night just so Jungkook wouldn’t be alone. He must have been so exhausted after the mission. Despite all the difficulties, Jimin chose being there for Jungkook over his well-deserved rest. Knowing that Jimin would do anything for their unit is one thing, experiencing it a totally different one. And having Jimin do it for him specifically has Jungkook’s heart race a little.
No matter how nice it may be to have Jimin care for him like that, Jungkook is worried about him. It’s probably ridiculous. Jimin knows his limits; he doesn’t need anyone to fuss over him. Even before Jimin became their Lance Corporal, Jungkook has always been impressed by his strength, both physical and mental. Jimin may have a handsome face and a rather slim build, especially compared to a lot of guys on the battle team, but that doesn’t mean he can’t kick ass. On top of that, Jimin knows how to lead a team. He has no trouble joking around with everyone but is well aware of when enough is enough and how to keep them on track when needed. It’s not surprising he was picked to become Lance Corporal after Jongdae left. Jimin is amazing as a person and as a leader. He gives so much when he doesn’t have to. And here Jungkook goes again, getting carried away when he allows his thoughts about Jimin to flow.
It’s crazy how tired operations – and thinking about your crush - can make you. Before Jungkook knows it, he’s dozing off again. Whether it’s for ten minutes or two hours, Jungkook doesn’t know, only that he wakes up when Jimin stirs awake on his chair. “Good morning,” Jungkook mumbles while pushing himself up into a sitting position.
Jimin rubs the sleep out of his eyes while sitting up. “Mornin’.” He rolls his shoulders before pushing his arms up to stretch, whining softly while he does so. Oh dear lord, Jimin looks so soft. So huggable. And just like that Jungkook is back to the fantasy of last night: sharing a bed with Jimin, seeing him in one of Jungkook’s shirts with dishevelled hair and a slow tired smile on his face. For fuck’s sake Jungkook has been having these kind of thoughts under control while they’re at work, why are his feelings acting up now? Is it because of everything that happened yesterday? Or is it just because they’re alone? When they do meet outside of work it’s usually with the other members of the unit. Jungkook is totally not used to getting to put his full attention on Jimin without worrying about anyone else getting suspicious.
“How are you feeling today?” Jimin mumbles. His voice is still a little rough, but Jimin seems to slowly be coming alive.
“Alright, I guess. But I haven’t tried to move yet so who knows?”
“Good, keep it up.” Jimin wags his finger at Jungkook and chuckles before getting up from his spot and starting to stretch his limbs. It takes all of Jungkook’s self-restraint, but Jungkook manages not to stare at the stretch of skin that is exposed when Jimin’s shirt rides up from the little exercises. “I still have to interview you on the whole incident.” Jimin doesn’t sound happy about having to conduct this interview in the least, but Jungkook guesses there’s no way around it. Since Jimin can’t seem to find anything to write on, he starts a recording on his phone and begins with the interview.
Even after having had more time to process everything, there isn’t much Jungkook can tell Jimin about yesterday’s events. The incident with I.N just happened too fast. Jimin asks him question after question, coaxing more details out of Jungkook than he thought would be possible. But in the end, it still doesn’t feel like much. After they reach the limits of Jungkook’s memory, Jimin thanks him and starts packing up his stuff. “I should probably get going. What time is it?” Truth be told, Jungkook is feeling a little disappointed that their time is over already. Well, it’s probably obvious that he doesn’t want Jimin to leave. It would be too good to be true if Jimin was able to stay with him.
“I have no idea,” Jungkook admits. He hasn’t even considered checking the clock until now. As he found out today, when he’s alone with Jimin time doesn’t matter. But sadly, it matters to Jimin. He checks his phone, groaning as soon as the screen lights up.
“Fuck, I should be at work already.” Jimin quickly puts on his jacket. “Sorry, I wish I could stay longer. Are you going to be okay?” No. Definitely not. Jimin needs to stay here and personally nurse Jungkook back to health.
“Yeah, don’t worry about me.”
Jimin smiles. He finally smiles again. Words can’t express how much Jungkook loves Jimin’s smile. “Great. I’ll make sure to drop by again after work. Behave until then.” Already about to leave, Jimin stops in the doorframe and turns around again. “Oh and Jungkook-ah?”
“The way I know you you’re going to try and hurry to get back with us. Please don’t do that. I know it’s hard to sit around and wait, but you need time to recover. Promise me you’ll take things slow for now.”
Jungkook swallows around the lump in his throat. There it is again, Jimin’s worry. But combined with the little smile on his face, it doesn’t feel quite as heavy, makes Jungkook’s heart flutter rather than weighing him down. “I promise.”
“Happy Birthday!!!”
The cheers are followed by the sound of a party horn right before Yeji is yanked forward. Hyunjin laughs as Yeji stumbles over the threshold and right into Yuna’s hug. “Thank you,” Yeji says in between giggles. “I’m glad you’re here.”
“Sorry we’re late.” As soon as she’s inside the apartment, Yuna rushes to the couch to hug Jisu and Chaeryoung too.
“Yeah, someone took ages in the bathroom,” Ryujin explains with a pointed look at her sister while closing the door behind herself and Yeji. Ooh, there’s definitely some tension there.
“You’re one to talk. Your hair is easy to fix, Unnie!”
It obviously takes Ryujin a lot of self-control to limit her reaction to an eyeroll before finally hugging Yeji. “Happy Birthday, Jiji-ah. Be grateful you have a brother.”
Yeji just barely stops herself from bursting out laughing. “Brothers aren’t any better, trust me.”
“At least I don’t lose half a rabbit in hair every day,” Hyunjin eventually joins into the conversation. He had planned to go unnoticed for a bit longer, as he usually does. Since the couch is facing away from the kitchen his chances would have been pretty good if he had stayed quiet. But one has to defend themselves against defamation like that. Yeji scoffs at him, but Hyunjin ignores it in favour of bringing two more glasses to the couch table for Ryujin and Yuna before taking a seat on the bar stool by their little kitchen island.
“Anyways-” Jisu claps her hands together, effectively ending the almost fight- “now that everyone is here, we can finally get to the gifts!”
“Right!” Chaeryoung hurries to get the large bag she had set down in front of the hall stand and takes out two pastel-coloured boxes with ribbons wrapped around them. She smiles sweetly while coming back to the couch. “This is for you.” She hands one the boxes to Yeji before approaching Hyunjin, her smile turning a little more subtle. “And a little something for you.”
What? “For me?” Hyunjin asks while looking at the little mint green box now in his hands. It feels almost weird to accept the gift from Chaeryoung. He isn’t particular close with any of the girls, even less so after Yeji’s injury. Hyunjin can hardly endure being in a room with them for longer than a few minutes, which is why he’s been avoiding that as much as possible. Why would Yeji’s friends get a gift for him?
“Yeah. It’s your birthday too after all. I mean it’s really nothing big, but we wanted to give you a present too.” The tips of Chaeryoung’s ears turn pink as she talks.
“Thank you…” The last time Hyunjin got a gift from someone other than Yeji was ages ago. Aunt Minyoung had never really bothered with gifts; she had taken Hyunjin and Yeji out to eat on their birthday and that had been it. So getting gifts from Yeji’s friends – people who barely even know him – it feels strange. In a good way but still… weird.
Hyunjin unties the sky blue ribbon, lifts the lid of the box and is met with baby pink fluffiness. He reaches inside and pulls out the soft little thing, examining it from up close. “A hairband?” Hyunjin tries not to sound too confused, he really does, but he has no idea how Yeji’s friends got the idea of giving him a hairband.
“Yeji said your hair is getting way too long and keeps bothering you. She joked that she’d have to either buy you a hairband or cut your hair in your sleep,” Ryujin seems downright proud at having exposed Yeji’s slander of Hyunjin’s hair.
“We thought we should intervene before things get out of hand,” Yuna adds to it. Yeji and Ryujin are both giggling behind their hands. With the bit of context, Hyunjin can’t help but laugh as well. It also makes him want to hide all scissors in their apartment and start locking his door before going to bed, but that will have to wait. For now, he sets the box down on the table and starts putting the hairband on, though judging by the new increase in giggles he’s not doing a very good job. Luckily Chaeryoung is quick to come closer and fix the hairband for him.
“There you go,” she chimes, smiling when she takes a step back to observe her work. Somehow Chaeryoung can’t seem to look away. Hyunjin must be a sight with a pink hairband on his head.
“Looking good.” Thankfully, her words turn the room’s attention back to Yeji. Having everyone’s eyes on him was getting weird. Hyunjin and Chaeryoung eventually go to join the others. They push the coffee table against the wall and take a seat on the floor since it’s already a tight squeeze on the couch with Yeji, Ryujin, and Jisu there. As soon as Yeji opens her present, she starts laughing. “That’s a lot of chocolate.”
“Not just chocolate,” Yuna points out with an amused sparkling in her eyes. “There’s something else, but you need to find it first.” All of the girls look incredibly amused when Yeji laughs and starts unloading various chocolate bars, small boxes of filled chocolates and the like one by one. Basically, all her favourite chocolate snacks are featured in this present. Soon the already cramped couch is overflowing with little boxes and packages and Hyunjin starts to wonder how all of that was ever fit into the box.
“I think I found it!” Proudly, Yeji presents the small box she discovered at the bottom of the box. Her eyes grow wide when she opens it and peeks inside. “Oh my god,” she whispers while lifting a necklace out of the box and taking a closer look at it. The necklace consists of a rather plain, thin, golden chain with a flat heart shaped pendant dangling from it. “You really got that engraved?”
As the only one not involved in the gift, Hyunjin is absolutely clueless. He leans closer to Chaeryoung, whispering loud enough for only her to hear. “What does it say?”
Chaeryoung moves even closer before whispering into Hyunjin’s ear. “I believe in myself.” That’s such a sweet gift, considering the special place those words hold in Yeji’s heart. ‘I believe in myself’ has been her preferred motivational phrase since forever, but even more so after her injury.
“That’s a nice idea,” he replies as quietly as possible. Chaeryoung beams proudly and thanks Hyunjin. By now, Ryujin is helping Yeji put on the necklace while Yeji is checking her image with the front camera of Jisu’s phone.
“Thank you all so much. I love the necklace,” Yeji says with a bright smile. “And the chocolate of course.”
“You’re welcome,” the girls reply all at once before breaking into laughter at their unintentional synchronization. Hyunjin can’t help but smile at the whole scene. Yeji’s friends are such a cheerful lot and it always catches onto Yeji as well. She’s more carefree, more joyful around them. No matter how much Hyunjin avoids spending time with Yeji’s friends, he will always be grateful for everything they do for her.
“So now that the most important item on the agenda is done, how about we watch a movie?” Ryujin suggests when the laughter quiets down.
“Why do I feel like you already have something specific in mind?” Hyunjin scoots closer to the TV console filled with their CDs, DVDs and so on. It’s mostly old, but nonetheless valued, stuff: movies they already watched as kids, their first CDs and music their parents used to listen too.
“Howl’s moving castle,” Yuna suggests. Her face lights up when Yeji squeals in excitement. It’s Yeji’s favourite movie. Or rather their favourite movie, but Hyunjin doubts he really played a role in that choice. While Hyunjin turns to search for the right DVD, Ryujin switches on the TV. Whitin a second, the light atmosphere sours. Hyunjin grows tense when he looks up at the TV and realises why: the news channel that’s currently on is showing a report about yesterday’s Stray Kids attack. Hearing the words of the news lady makes Hyunjin’s blood freeze solid, even though he already checked the reports. Usually seeing the newscast after their missions isn’t this much of a problem – which is not to say it isn’t difficult – but now, with all of Yeji’s friends here, Hyunjin desperately wants to get away from here as soon as possible. How the hell is he supposed to not expose himself in front of everyone when the newsreader is talking about the injured Private?
“That reminds me.” Yuna’s voice sounds like it’s miles away. “I wanted to ask you how things are going with work. Were you at the attack yesterday?”
“No, sadly not. My unit said I need to really prepare myself first. I don’t want to rush things and end up being a burden to them. I want to make sure I’m actually ready before stepping out with everyone else,” Jisu explains.
“Then where were you during the attack?” Chaeryoung chimes in. Hyunjin can feel himself grow more and more and more nervous every time one of them speaks up. His heartbeat is hammering in his ears. He turns his head directs a pleading look at Yeji, hoping that she will be able to help somehow. But judging by her expression, she doesn’t know how to stop the conversation without being suspicious either. The DIT is an important topic for Yeji’s friends and trying to stop them whenever they talk about it or Stray Kids would soon catch the girl’s attention.
“I stayed in the rooms of the investigation team together with a lot of the other new members. Bang Chan and Park Kwangsun were there too. It was so weird to be around them.” Rather than just weirded out, Jisu sounds outright disgusted though. “I mean I know they were questioned by Lieutenant Yoon and all and officially help us now, but it just feels wrong to trust them. They’ve caused so much damage and harm and yet they were sitting there like regular members of the investigation team.”
The words cut through Hyunjin like knives. It’s so easy to forget what the average citizen thinks of Stray Kids when he’s living his regular life. This is like a hit in the face. If that’s Jisu’s opinion on Nine and Kkul – or rather Bang Chan and Park Kwangsun – what would she think of him who’s still out there going on missions? What would all of them think? Hyunjin takes a look at the girls and feels more and more stings in his heart realising that none of them would let him anywhere near Yeji anymore if they had any idea he’s a member of Stray Kids. When he meets Yeji’s gaze, she seems to know exactly what’s going on in Hyunjin’s head. There’s so much sadness in her eyes. A silent “I’m sorry.” hangs between them, which only makes Hyunjin feel worse. Yeji is the last person who should feel sorry for this situation. She’s the one suffering the most knowing that the most important people in her life are pitted against each other.
“I need to go,” Hyunjin blurts out before his brain can even think about it. “Totally forgot. My boss asked me to come in earlier today and help with stocktaking.”
A frown flickers across Yeji’s face but she’s quick to get it under control again. “Do you really have to go? Can’t someone else do it?”
“I’m afraid not. Sorry, ladies.” It’s hard to endure the pitying looks Ryujin, Yuna, Chaeryoung and Jisu give him. Poor birthday boy can’t even enjoy the party because he has to work. They have no idea. They don’t know anything. Hopefully they never will. “I wish you lots of fun, everyone. Don’t do anything stupid. And leave a piece of cake for me.”
Hyunjin quickly goes to his room and throws his door shut, feeling a bit of relief from just being out of the girls’ view. He releases a shaky breath and tries to collect himself. Hyunjin needs to get out of here as quickly as possible, he can’t bear this any longer. The looks, the talking about Stray Kids, everything. Hyunjin grabs his bag, drapes it over his shoulder, strides towards the door.
“Be careful!” Yeji calls when he’s already halfway through the door.
“Will do!” Bam. Silence. Peace. Loneliness. Now that Hyunjin’s alone in the hallway, he can barely hold back the tears any longer. He tries to stay as quiet as possible while hurrying into the elevator. Only when the doors close does he allow himself to really let go. Hyunjin quickly presses as many buttons as possible before letting himself sink to the ground. More and more sobs shake through his body as he hugs his legs to his chest. He has no idea how Yeji was able to handle this situation. All her friends developed a hatred for Stray Kids, or any sort of resistance really, after what happened to her. Hyunjin can’t even imagine how much pain he would be in if all of his friends hated his sister to death.
On his way home, Seungmin feels nothing but exhausted. Usually meeting up with I.N is fun, even though they have to be careful not to draw any attention towards them. But after yesterday’s events, I.N was still upset and their meeting became draining. Seungmin had hoped hanging out together would lift his spirits a bit, but it hadn’t done much good. Maybe it had been stupid of Seungmin to think cheering I.N up would be that easy. He shot at somebody else just yesterday. It must have been very traumatic for him. Thankfully, by now news has gotten out that the soldier in question is only mildly injured. Seungmin doesn’t want to know what it would do to I.N if he had caused serious or even lethal harm to someone. He can’t imagine what that would have been like for I.N, knowing he risked or much worse took someone’s life.
Despite the meeting with I.N having been rougher than expected, Seungmin doesn’t feel relieved when he’s standing in front of his home. As much as he loves his family, he doesn’t like being around any of them after missions. Every look, every word riles him up, makes him feel like they’re seeing right through him. It’s ridiculous and Seungmin knows it, but that doesn’t stop this horrible feeling from clawing its way into his chest. He doesn’t bother saying anything when he enters the house. Excellent ears run in the family;  everyone knows he’s home. Though rather than a voice, the noise of the TV greets Seungmin. It sounds like a newscast. Damnit. Of course, they’re watching the news. They’re always watching the news. Seungmin walks closer to the living room and peaks through the door, feeling a bit relieved when he realizes the report is about some sports team.
“Where were you?” Seungmin’s mother turns around as soon as she notices him. “You said you were going to be home for dinner.” Right, he did say that. Somehow he had completely forgotten about that while he was with I.N.
“I’m sorry. One of my friends is kind of going through a rough time and needed help.” It’s the closest to the truth Seungmin can be. He hates lying, especially to his family, but saying he helped a friend isn’t actually a lie. In a way he and I.N are friends after all. Though a regular person probably wouldn’t consider someone whose name they don’t know their friend. That doesn’t change anything for Seungmin though. The members mean a lot to him, real names or not.
“During the attack, a member of the DIT was injured. According to the officials, the injury is only minor.”
The words make Seungmin freeze up. He hadn’t noticed when the news had moved on to the recent Stray Kids attack. “Uhm,” he stammers, trying to regain his composure. Damnit, he had managed to avoid seeing news about their missions in the presence of his family for so long. Why did exactly this mission have to break the streak? “Leftovers are in the fridge?” Finally, an idea.
“Yes,” Minseo confirms. “We made sure to leave enough for you.” Her smile is so sweet it hurts Seungmin that it doesn’t feel genuine to him right now. It just stresses him out even more. Thinking that his sister knows what’s going on, where he was or with whom is ridiculous. Minseo has no way of knowing he’s part of Stray Kids and if she did she wouldn’t be sitting here so calmly. But Seungmin can’t help it. When it gets to hiding his identity, he sees the worst everywhere.
“Thanks.” Seungmin turns on his heel and heads into the kitchen. He quickly grabs himself some food for himself and runs upstairs. When he reaches his room, he puts everything down on his desk and lets himself plop down on his chair. Seungmin closes his eyes and gathers himself. He’s alone. He’s safe. Nobody knows he’s DaN. Everything is fine. There’s nothing to worry about.
If only it was really that easy.
“Damn, I thought I was early,” Yeonjun notes while dropping his bag in front of the lockers. He isn’t entirely wrong. Despite going grocery shopping for lack of a better alternative, Hyunjin ended up coming in a lot earlier than needed. The emptiness of the bar was just too appealing to pass up on. This must be the first time he’s been here before Yeonjun; of course that wouldn’t go unnoticed.
“Ah yeah, my plans for the evening got cancelled so I thought I’d come in a little earlier, clean the counter and all.” Hyunjin is aware of how ridiculous his explanation sounds. Who the hell goes to work when they have free time? As expected, Yeonjun doesn’t seem convinced. Not one bit.
“Sure, because what else would you do when you have some time to spare?” Despite his words, Yeonjun doesn’t push it, instead starting to change into his uniform. Hyunjin turns his head away to give Yeonjun some privacy. Well, as much privacy as one can have while changing in a cramped room with another person in it. “Did you already refill the straws and napkins?”
“Yup.” Hyunjin nods even though Yeonjun probably isn’t looking at him. “Everything done.”
“Great, thanks.” Yeonjun walks over to the mirror, fixes a few strands of his auburn dyed hair before turning towards Hyunjin. “Since we have some time left before costumers come and we have no other job to kill time with, are you going to tell me what you’re running away from?” That much on not pushing it. Of course Yeonjun wouldn’t just let it slide.
“I had a fight with my sister,” Hyunjin lies, despite feeling horrible about telling more lies. The fact that he has gotten so used to this makes it even worse. He just comes up with stuff like this on the spot and is able to keep a straight face like it’s nothing. Admittedly, he isn’t always convincing. That’s only a matter of time though. Hyunjin knows he should be grateful for that ability, but he hates it. “I forgot to do the laundry and things kind of… escalated.” At this point, getting to be honest about things that aren’t related to Stray Kids in any way has become a relief. Something as simple as being allowed to mention Yeji already makes things feel a little easier. More normal. It’s so trivial, but Hyunjin enjoys still getting to speak some truth about himself.
Yeonjun nods despite the fact that he doesn’t really seem to buy it yet again. “And you’re hoping that will solve itself if you go to work?”
“Not exactly, but I needed to get out of our apartment,” Hyunjin explains. At the very least, that part is true. He couldn’t have stayed with the girls a single second longer. “Also, by the time I come home she’s going to be asleep. So we’ll have lots of time to calm down and talk about everything again tomorrow.”
Yeonjun shakes his head at Hyunjin’s reasoning. “If you ask me, you should do that laundry before your sister gets up.”
“Yeah, I’ll try.”
Yeonjun changes the rest of the way in silence. When he’s done, they walk over into the main room. It’s still too early for costumers and since Hyunjin already prepared everything there’s not really anything to do. Thankfully the topic of his alleged fight with Yeji stayed in the locker room. Hyunjin really would not have wanted to try and justify this stupid laundry story any longer. Their chatter now is kind of boring, but Hyunjin definitely prefers that over lies and excuses. For lack of a better way to pass their time, he and Yeonjun start examining the bottles on their work surface, checking which of them are close to empty and will have to be replaced soon. The downside of being busy with the bottles is that their conversation dies down, which leaves Hyunjin way too alone with the negative thoughts and memories of the party.
“Hyunjin-oppa! Finally!” Chaeryoung’s voice has never sounded this troubled, at least Hyunjin has never heard her like this. Of course three missed calls and urgent sounding messages weren’t going to be a good sign, but the panic in her voice seems more extreme than Hyunjin expected.
“What’s going on? What happened?” Every rapid heartbeat made Hyunjin even more nervous. Chaeryoung wouldn’t call him like this if it wasn’t serious. She never calls him. She barely even messages him. And since she apparently insisted on calling him specifically, there was only one possible reason. “Is something wrong with Yeji?”
“Yes she-” Chaeryoung gulped as though it was hard for her to speak. Hyunjin couldn’t take the wait, the moment felt like an eternity. “We’re in the hospital. The Red Cross Hospital. Please come here as soon as you can.” Hospital. Yeji was in hospital. Fuck. Hyunjin couldn’t stop the memories from crashing down on him: following the nurse through the hallways, knocking at the big dark door, walking into the sterile room. The images felt like dozens of bricks pressing down on Hyunjin’s chest. He could barely breathe.
“I’m on my way.” His voice sounded choked up, but Hyunjin couldn’t care less. He needed to see Yeji, see if she was fine. Even if it meant going to a hospital. What could have possibly happened? Part of Hyunjin wished that he had asked more questions, but Chaeryoung hadn’t sounded like she was in the right condition for lengthy explanations. Maybe there wasn’t time either. Fuck, Hyunjin needed to hurry.
The ride was hell to say the least. Hyunjin couldn’t stop himself from being nervous and fidgety. It didn’t help one bit that he had just come home from a mission that was now flickering across the screens in the subway. A weird feeling started spreading through Hyunjin when the news lady started talking about civilians getting hurt. That simply wasn’t possible. There were hardly any people around when they attacked, and the DIT was supposed to keep civilians away, so how would any of them get close enough to get injured? It was probably a lie, propaganda against them. That had to be it.
Getting out of the subway and that damned news report made Hyunjin feel a bit better, but only momentarily. Every step towards his destination made his heart race even faster and chest feel even tighter. Hyunjin hated hospitals. A hospital was the last place he wanted to be at, but there was no way around it. He would have to get his act together. For Yeji.
Hyunjin let himself be led into the waiting room by one of the nurses at the front desk, freezing when he saw Yeji’s friends. The girls looked like they had rolled around on the ground of a construction side. Their hair and clothing were covered in dust. Taking a closer look, Hyunjin noticed their reddened eyes, as though they had been crying. He also spotted several band aids on them and other, smaller cuts that weren’t covered. Ryujin had a bandage around her head. Hyunjin guessed all the adults around the girls were their respective parents. He scanned every face in the room, but Yeji wasn’t here. Oh god.
“Oppa!” Chaeryoung got up and jogged towards him. She talked louder than usual; normally her voice was rather quiet. Hyunjin only now realised it wasn’t just panicked, it was almost like she had headphones on and was trying to talk over music.
“What happened?” Sobbing caught Hyunjin’s attention, making him look up to find Yuna crying into her mother’s shoulder. “Where’s Yeji?”
“Stray Kids, they- they attacked the department of education.” No. No that couldn’t be the reason. They were careful. They were always careful. Yeji and her friends weren’t even inside the building; there’s no way they were hit by the explosion. It just couldn’t be. But the evidence was all around Hyunjin. “We were on our way to run some errands when everything blew up behind us-”
“What about Yeji? Is she okay?” Hyunjin could hear the panic in his own voice by now. He just had to know Yeji was okay already.
“I have no idea,” Chaeryoung admitted. Tears started to flood her eyes once again. She couldn’t seem to look up at Hyunjin any longer. “They’re still operating on her.”
“What?” Hyunjin’s head snapped up. Gone are the white walls and blindingly bright lights. The room is dark grey, the light subdued. This isn’t a hospital. Thank god. It takes a while until Hyunjin is able to focus on Yeonjun in front of him. “What did you say?”
Yeonjun doesn’t get to answer since he’s already taking some guy’s order. Still feeling a bit fuzzy, Hyunjin checks his watch. 8.03. They’re actually open by now. He must have zoned out for quite a while. As soon as the costumer is sent off with his drinks, Yeonjun turns towards Hyunjin again. “Had a nice time in dreamland?”
“Not really,” Hyunjin admits. The memory is still heavy like chains around his heart. He really tries his best not to remember that day, but sometimes it all just comes crashing onto him. Tonight is going to be anything but pleasant, Hyunjin already knows that. He never sleeps well on days like this, no matter how tired he is after his shift.
Yeonjun steps closer, speaking in a low voice. “Is this still about your sister?”
“Yeah.” Hyunjin takes a look around, making sure the two only costumers they have are far enough away. “I feel so bad for what happened. I should have just done the laundry and not started a fight about it.” Yes, very convincing. He got overwhelmed by the traumatic experience of fighting over household chores.
“Agreed.” Yeonjun smiles and pats Hyunjin’s back. “Hey, I’m sure if you apologise and do the laundry everything will be fine.”
“I guess you’re right…”
“Of course I am,” Yeonjun sounds almost offended Hyunjin would ever assume anything else. “That’s why you listen to your elders.”
Hyunjin rolls his eyes. “You say it as though you’re some 106 year old wise guy of the town. You’re one year older than me.”
“One year can make a lot of difference.” Yeonjun wags his finger in Hyunjin’s face. “Talk to me again in one year and see how much has changed.” Hyunjin tries to think of a comeback, but before his brain can provide him with anything another group of costumers walks in. Yeonjun winks at Hyunjin before going back to the counter and accepting the first order. Sighing, Hyunjin straightens his back, puts his costumer service smile on and starts helping Yeonjun prepare the drinks.
They’re really getting training now. Somehow just the thought lets a smile bloom on Kwangsun’s face. After all, none of the higher-ups would have agreed on sending them off to missions if they didn’t trust him and Chan, right? Okay, maybe trust is too strong of a word for that, but it’s definitely a good sign. In their situation every little step forward should be celebrated. Especially steps like this.
Kwangsun has a slight skip in his step as he walks into the kitchen, starting to look for stuff he can use to cook dinner for them. Though since they haven’t been grocery shopping in a while, there’s not really a lot to work with. They only have rice and noodles to be precise. Yup, plain rice would make a great celebration meal. Maybe Kwangsun should go grocery shopping? It’s not that late yet, he could go buy more ingredients to cook some proper meal for them. Kimchi jjigae would be awesome. If he’s already out and about, he should buy more than just the ingredients though. Some snacks wouldn’t hurt either. And they’re short on tissues and apple juice. Is there anything else? Kwangsun feels like he’s forgetting something. Don’t they need more shampoo too? Or is it soap? The answer feels within his reach but Kwangsun can’t quite grasp it.
“Chan-ah?” he calls, already leaving the kitchen. There’s no way both of them forgot, right? Plus, Chan might have wishes of his own, which Kwangsun would be happy to fulfil if Chan just replied. Still starved for a reply, Kwangsun walks down the hallway and opens the door to Chan’s room. “I’m going gro-”
Kwangsun freezes in the door frame, completely still. He forgot to knock, which was a mistake. Chan specifically requested it when they moved in. How did he not remember something that simple? Just having come out of the shower, Chan is still shirtless. That by itself really wouldn’t be a big deal if it wasn’t for the long, faint pink lines raking over Chan’s back. Most of them crisscross over his spine at the height of his ribcage, but some extend to his shoulders as well as lower back.
Chan’s entire back is covered in scars.
It only now dawns upon Kwangsun that he’s never seen Chan without a shirt, not even when in the practice room today. How did Chan even manage to change that quickly? And how come Kwangsun hadn’t realized how much Chan must have hurried to hide this? Or questioned how urgently Chan had insisted that Kwangsun knocks whenever he enters his room?
“What the fucking hell are you doing here?!” The aggression in Chan’s voice is so foreign. He’s never sounded like this, not during missions or while discussing plans or anything. Kwangsun’s heart drops to his knees. Chan is scary right now. His jaw is set and his face pulled into a scowl. His gaze has an intensity that has Kwangsun’s throat go dry. This is bad, this is really bad. Chan stumbles backwards and presses himself against his closet while trying to cover himself with the shirt in his hands. The mixture of anger and horror on Chan’s face makes Kwangsun feel like a monster, as though he murdered Chan’s family right in front of his very eyes.
“I’m sorry, I-” Kwangsun can’t seem to form proper words. He honestly has no idea what he would even say except apologising for barging into Chan’s room like that. Though he feels like an apology won’t cut it.
“Get out!” Chan screams, losing his patience. Kwangsun has never heard Chan yell before. “Get the hell out! Leave me alone!” He comes closer as though he’s planning to personally drag Kwangsun out of the room. Kwangsun nods hastily and rushes outside as quickly as possible. His heart is racing like crazy when the door slams shut behind him. The abstract painting on the wall next to Kwangsun trembles with the force of it.
“And fucking knock next time!”
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daydreaming-juna · 2 years
Stray Kids <MAXIDENT> UNVEIL : TRACK 4 "Give Me Your TMI"
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minspochaccoworld · 3 months
240703 - Seungmin's Instagram stories
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Sneaking Around With SKZ ✧ Part II
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Rating: Explicit/18+
WC: 4.7k
Comments: This a continuation of this anon requested fic. This time around, the reader plays a few games with our favorite hyungs. While Seungmin and Hyunjin make a brief appearance, MinChan are the focus of this part. I know it's been a while since the first installment. I've been struggling a bit with blocks/motivation, but hopefully part 3 won't be too far behind this one.
As you near the house your family is staying at during your time in Korea, you pull Seungmin to a stop. “I don’t want my parents to see you.” 
He shoots you a cocky smile. “Don’t want them to see you with an idol? Think they’d try to keep you away from us?”
“Worse,” you roll your eyes. “They’d be too excited and try to make you come in to talk to them, try to make sure you’ll wanna take me out again.”
His laugh is cute. A couple staccato ha’s that might seem fake if he weren’t so clearly amused. “Well, we can’t have them thinking I might be interested in you. Better to sneak around and make things difficult.”
You giggle and push at his shoulder. He’s so easy to be around. After making plans to meet up back at the dorm in the morning, he drops a kiss on your cheek and heads back the way he came. It’s late, but luck is not on your side when you make your way inside. You mom catches you just as you hit the top of the stairs. She asks if you made a good connection, and you have a moment of panic before you realize you’d told her you were meeting with a potential new friend. After letting her know you made plans for the next day as well, you head to your bedroom.
Once you look in the mirror, you realize you were luckier than you thought. You have two hickeys - one on the side of your neck, the other just barely sticking out from beneath the collar of your shirt. If you’d run into mom downstairs, she definitely would’ve noticed. You make a mental note to ask the guys to keep any hickeys below your neckline. 
When 10:30 rolls around the next morning, you’re almost ready. Before your shower, you counted at least four other hickeys on your thighs, chest, and shoulder. You’re a little surprised at how happy you are to see proof of your night with not just one, but two extremely hot guys. Idols. Idols who are actually super nice and chill? You definitely never would’ve guessed that this is how your summer in SK was going to go. 
Once you’re sure all incriminating marks are hidden with makeup, you head downstairs. After fielding a few more questions about getting set up with a member of Stray Kids from your dad - so weird - you’re off to meet up with your “new friend.”
You expect to find Seungmin waiting for you again, but as you turn onto their block, you see Minho waiting out on the sidewalk. You don’t hesitate to approach him, but you’d be lying if you said he didn’t make you more nervous than the others. He’s so hot, but also a little intense. With this new arrangement in mind, and considering your first encounter was a threesome, you can’t help but wonder what he might have in mind for you. 
After a quick greeting, he takes your hand. “I thought you might like to see the other dorm.” 
He doesn’t give you much of a choice, leading you into the building. “Oh, are you all hanging out over there today?”
He shoots you a mischievous smirk, but doesn’t answer. Once you get inside, your question is answered. Hyunjin seems to be passed out, sprawled across the couch, with his head in Seungmin’s lap. The latter is absently running one hand through his hair while scrolling through his phone. Seungmin glances up and meets your eyes, one corner of his mouth curling up. You wonder again at the nature of their relationship - friends that have fun together or something more? Seungmin’s grip tightens in Hyunjin’s hair, wiggling his head back and forth a little bit. He leans down a little and whisper-sings, “Jinnie, it’s time to get up.” 
Hyunjin lets out a little groan and stretches a bit before rolling to face you with a sleepy grin. “Morning. How are you feeling after last night?”
“Good, thanks,” you blush a little at the thought of their hands and mouths on you again. You walk over as he sits up, and when you reach them, he pulls you into his lap, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. “So what are our plans for today?”
“Oh, Jinnie and I need to head out soon, actually. It’s just you and Minho for a bit.” You get a chill as Seungmin runs a knuckle down your arm. “Hope you won’t miss us too much.”
You glance over at Minho in the kitchen, wondering again what plans he has for you today. Would it feel more or less awkward if he wants to jump right to sex? And why bother even bringing you over here if they’re going to leave? “Can’t say I won’t miss you, but I’m sure I’ll have my hands full with your hyung over there.”
Hyunjin gives you a slight squeeze and a soft kiss on the back of your shoulder. “Minnie, do we have to leave right away? It’s gonna be way more fun here.”
“Hmm, I mean we could hang out for a while longer.” Seungmin’s arm slides behind you, his hand landing on the nape of Hyunjin’s neck. “When you’re late to your schedule, would you rather tell JYP that it’s because you were fucking his niece or me?”
It’s like you can feel Hyunjin’s entire body pout at that. Minho plops on the couch just in time to hear the question, and all three of you are laughing as Hyunjin lets out a whine. Minho pats Hyunjin’s arm and tries to stop smiling. “Don’t worry Flour Boy, I’m sure you’ll have another opportunity to take your time with our girl, right?”
He winks at you with that, and you feel a blush rising on your cheeks at the ‘our girl.’ When you stop to think about it, this is all moving super fast, but you also only have a couple weeks with them. After agreeing to this friends-with-benefits situation, it only makes sense to take advantage as quickly and often as possible. Before you can respond, you’re tipping off of Hyunjin, face first into Minho as Hyunjin starts to stand and drops you in his lap. 
“I know, I know.” Hyunjin is still pouting as he leans down to press a kiss to your cheek. “Let’s go before I decide I don’t care about being late.”
Seungmin stands and whispers something in Hyunjin’s ear that puts a smile back on his face. He drops a kiss on your head and pats Minho’s, who immediately snaps his teeth at him. “You guys have a good time. Maybe if you’re still around later, we’ll hang out.”
With that, they’re out the door and you’re left straddling Minho, unsure of if you should climb off, start talking, or try kissing him. He makes the decision for you, though, perhaps sensing your uncertainty. He shifts you off his lap and onto the couch next to him. Still close, but less intimate for sure. “You seem very comfortable with them. So you had a good time?”
“Yeah,” you nod a bit shyly, wishing your boldness from last night would return. “They were great. Very attentive. They’re very in tune with each other.”
Minho chuckles at that. “We’re all pretty in tune, but those two can be on another level sometime. Are you still feeling alright with this arrangement? If you don’t want to, you don’t have to be with anyone besides them. We don’t want you to feel pressured.”
Despite your uneasiness, you’re very quick, and maybe a touch too loud, in your response, simultaneously placing a hand on his very muscular thigh. “No! I mean. I want to hook up with them again, but I want to be with you, too. All of you. If you all still want me.” 
He gives you a cat-like grin, grabbing your hand and pulling you up off the couch. “Wanna see the rest of their dorm?”
He leads you to Hyunjin’s room first, you’re surprised to see he has an easel set up with a half painted flowery scene. You’re again struck by the thought that these men are much different than you would’ve thought. Minho lightly grips the back of your neck as he leads you to Han then Changbin’s rooms next, though you don’t do more than peek inside. When you get to Chan’s room, he stands back and urges you to go in all the way like you did for Hyunjin’s. It’s neat, a little plain. 
You hear Minho close the door, and when you turn to face him, his lips crash onto yours; one hand tangles into your hair as he wraps his other arm around your waist to pull your body flush against his. You can’t help but gasp at the sudden contact, and he takes the opportunity to lick into your mouth. Before you can get your bearings, he’s pulling away, hands shifting to your hips and backing you up toward the bed. With that grin, you’re pretty sure he’s trying to keep you off balance on purpose. When the back of your knees hit the bed, he gives your shoulders a light shove.
“Minho!” You laugh as you land, trying and failing to grab and pull him down with you. He cackles. You sit up on your elbows and shoot him a pout. “Why do I feel like you’re a cat playing with its prey?”
His eyes narrow a bit. “Think of yourself as prey, huh?”
You hadn’t really meant it when you said it, but with how predatory he’s looking, you just might be. “What happens if I say yes?”
That cat-like grin is back as he lowers himself down, bringing his lips right up to your ear. You hear him take a breath, but rather than answering your question, you feel the pinch of his teeth on your earlobe. It sends a shiver down your spine as a soft ‘oh’ escapes your lips. Minho’s mouth trails little nips down your neck, ending with a bigger bite on the spot where your neck ends and shoulder begins. Your hands caress over his toned arms before you draw his face back up to yours. The kiss is less intense this time, but almost more overwhelming in the passion you feel. One of his arms sneaks under your back; you work with him to move your bodies back on the bed without breaking the kiss. 
Minho’s weight settles over you, one of his legs pressed between yours, and his hand comes around to pull your dress up over your hip. He drags his fingers up the inside of your thigh before tugging on the little bow on the waistband of your panties. He sucks your lower lip between his teeth before drawing back to look into your eyes. 
“Everything still okay?” His dark eyes bore into yours, so intoxicating you nearly forget that he asked you a question. 
Since he likes to answer questions with actions, you decide you can play that game as well. You roll to the side, easily pushing him off of you. He blinks up at you as you stand, just looking down at him for a moment. You take pleasure in knowing you’re confusing him for once. You take a step toward the door, glancing at him over your shoulder before pulling your dress over your head. You reach behind you for your bra next, unclasping it and letting it drop to the ground. You step to the door, grasp the door handle, and say, “cats like a chase, right?”
You hear him jump off the bed before you’ve fully gotten the door open. You scramble down the hallway, but Minho is on your heels almost immediately. You barely make it out of the hallway to the rooms when his arms wrap around your waist. You turn as the momentum takes you both to the ground, one of his hands coming up to cradle your head to ensure you don’t hit it as he slows your fall. You barely have time to laugh before his mouth is back on yours, hands roaming your body. He kneads at your breasts then tweaks one of your nipples. You moan into his mouth and feel the smile through his kiss. He kisses his way down to suck the other nipple into his mouth, allowing his hand to continue its journey down your body. When it slides into your panties and he plunges a finger into your core, you let out a low moan. 
What neither of you realize is that just before the start of your game of cat and mouse, Chan had arrived home. He stands at the entryway to the kitchen, watching as Minho licks and nips at you. You startle when he speaks, but Minho just laughs. “I know I told you the guys would be gone, but I figured you’d stay in my room.”
You’re torn between the urge to cover yourself and to reposition so that he can have a better view. Minho makes that decision for you as well, sitting back on his feet with a smile and a shrug, effectively putting your near naked body on display. “It’s not my fault. She ran.”
Chan tilts his head to the side, gaze drifting from Minho to you and back. “Fair enough. Still, let’s move this party out of the common area.” 
Minho takes a hand up before Chan offers one to you as well. The second you’re on your feet, he leans down, continuing to pull you towards him, so that he can wrap his arm around your thighs and tip you over his shoulder. When he stands, you barely have time to admire the great ass in front of your face before a hand comes down hard and fast on your own. You let out a surprised squeak causing both men to laugh. Being manhandled like this turns you on all the more. Chan carries you back to his room and rather unceremoniously dumps you onto his bed. 
“So you like to play games then, huh?” Chan is generally extremely kind and, for lack of a better word, soft with you. That’s all gone now. He’s looking down at you with an intense hunger, like he’s ready to eat you whole. 
“What happens if I say yes?” You’re a little nervous and a lot excited to find out.
Chan cocks his head at you again in contemplation, his mouth hanging open a bit as he tongues at the teeth on the right side of his smile. Minho chimes in before he speaks, though. “She likes to do that, it seems - answer a question with a question.”
“Well, we can’t have that, now can we?” Chan makes eye contact with Minho across the bed as he takes a half step back from the bed. 
“Nope.” The look on Minho’s face screams mischief. “I think I know her answer, but it’s important to hear her scream, I mean say, yes.” 
Despite the faux Freudian slip and teasing tone, you realize that they do really want to get your clear consent before things go further. You wet your bottom lip before pulling it between your teeth, two pairs of eyes tracking the movement and Chan mimicking it. You have a sudden desire to bite his lip as well. You sit up and spread your legs invitingly. “Games can be fun, but I’d rather skip them if it means I’ll have your cocks in me sooner.”
Chan’s eyes widen just a touch, but Minho just laughs. Still, neither of them move toward you. Minho seems to be eyeing Chan, maybe waiting for him to make the first move, so you focus on him, too. You bat your eyes up at him while lazily running your fingers over your now soaked panties. “Unless that’s too much to ask of the big, bad wolf?”
You’re pretty sure the sound Chan makes in response is a literal growl. He’s on you in the next second, hands roughly pushing your legs wider before taking hold of your panties and ripping them off. He presses his body to yours as he captures your lips in a messy kiss; you whimper a little at the feeling of his hardness grinding against you. He pins your wrists up by your head and moves to bite and suck at your neck. 
“W-wait.” You manage between pants. If possible, Chan is out of your space faster than he’d gotten into it. The fire in his eyes is all but gone as he looks you over in concern. Minho is picking up your hand to inspect your wrist. “Sorry–”
“No, I’m sorry,” Chan interrupts. “Did I hurt you or–” 
“No, no!” It’s your turn to interrupt. You sit up and lightly touch at the spot you covered with makeup before leaving the house. “It’s nothing like that! You’re fine, perfect even. But yesterday I ended up with a couple visible hickies, and I wanna make sure that doesn’t happen again.”
Both men let out a sigh and a chuckle. Chan slumps a bit to the side, and Minho presses a kiss to your temple, muttering, “damn Seungjin.”
“Sorry I worried you.” You’re biting your lip again, though in embarrassment this time, eyes cast down. You feel the bed dip as Chan’s hand lands next to your hip. His thumb gently pulls down on your lower lip, and you meet his gaze. 
He presses a soft kiss to your lips and smiles. “You don’t need to apologize. We probably should’ve established some limits before I jumped in. Is there anything else we should be careful of?”
“No, I think we covered everything else yesterday. So…” You wrap your arms around Chan’s neck, pulling him in for another kiss. Before you can deepen it, you feel Minho’s hands on your shoulders, drawing you back. His fingers lock around your chin as he tilts your face up to his. You let your eyes close in anticipation, but blink them back open when all he does is laugh. 
Minho squints down at you. “Are you ready to get back to our game then?” At your nod, his hand slides down, giving your neck a light squeeze before resting against your chest and pushing you flat on your back. He turns back to Chan. “Do you still think you can win?”
“Win?” You scrutinize both of them. “How do you win this game?”
“Again with the questions.” Minho rolls his eyes at you before moving to slap Chan on the ass. “Let’s go old man, show me how it’s done.”
It’s Chan’s turn to roll his eyes now. Before you can say anything else, Chan is back on you. One hand is tangled in your hair as his tongue slips into your mouth. His other finds its way between your legs. He’s clearly pleased to find that despite the brief pause, you’re still ready for him. He drags his fingers through your folds, using your wetness to help the glide as he circles your clit. You sigh into his mouth as he pumps two fingers in while his thumb continues to work your clit. Soon he’s working his way from your lips to your collarbones, then down until he can take your nipple into his mouth. He sucks, flicking his tongue while he pulls and twists at the other. He nibbles lightly, eliciting an extended moan. He nips at your other breast before kissing his way down your body.
You whine when he removes his hand so he can resituate himself between your legs. The second his tongue touches you, you thread your fingers through his hair. On your first squeeze, he pulls his head back. His lips are glistening, his pupils so dilated that his eyes look black. His voice is like a growl again. “Minho. Help me out?”
You’re not sure what exactly to expect, but Minho seems to know what he meant. Suddenly he’s is sitting just behind you, pulling your hands up above your head. Once you’re restrained, Chan resumes licking and sucking, drawing more and more desperate sounds from you. You strain against Minho’s hold, but it only makes you hotter. With each lick, you find yourself winding tighter and tighter. When his fingers plunge back in and start curling against your sweet spot. You can’t help but grind your hips up against his mouth, chasing your high. You come with a soft cry, and Chan slows but doesn’t stop, helping you ride it out. 
Soon Chan pulls back, and Minho… laughs? You look up at him, confused. He’s grinning down at Chan, who glares back at him. He crawls up to kiss you. “How you feeling, love?”
You blush at the pet name. “I’m good but what–”
Before you can ask, Minho’s mouth is on you, his hand resting on your throat. He gives it another light squeeze then pulls back with a devilish grin. “My turn.”
“Give her a second to breathe,” Chan laughs. He runs his hands up your sides before Minho more or less shoves him out of his way. Seeing him between your legs, you realize he’d taken the opportunity to disrobe while you were distracted with Chan. You lick your lips when you see the bead of precum leaking from his pretty cock. You can’t wait for him to fill you up. He runs his hands over your thighs before gripping your hips tightly. 
“Channie,” Minho turns his eyes back to his friend as his hands continue their slow exploration of your body. “Don’t you think you’re overdressed?”
Chan narrows his eyes at him, but starts to strip. As the tank top reveals inch by inch of tanned, muscular body, Minho’s hands find your breasts. Your mouth drops open at the sight and sensation. A gasp escapes when his shorts drop to the ground in tandem with Minho’s tongue spearing into you. Chan is impressive enough that you nearly reach out and grab him, but Minho’s keeping his eyes on you. He tweaks your nipples again and licks up to suck your clit between his lips, drawing all your attention back to him. 
Minho expertly works you with his tongue; you lose track of Chan and time, getting lost in the sensations. You moan and reach for his head before remembering how that went over with Chan and reach up to hold onto the pillow over your head.
Chan laughs. “She’s learning.” He climbs in above you and takes your hands into his. Minho hums in agreement, sending a shiver up your spine. 
With the next flick of his tongue, your impulse to tug on Minho’s hair returns. Chan isn’t really restraining you the way Minho did, so you decide to test his limits. You grind up while pulling him closer, nearing your second orgasm of the day. You’re so close, and Minho must be able to tell. “Don’t st- ah... Don’t stop.”
He shocks you by shifting over and biting down softly, abruptly cutting off your impending climax. He lifts his head, pulling your hand away. He hits you with another sly smile. “Maybe she hasn’t learned well enough.”
“Minho.. Please?” You pout at him. “I was so close.”
Behind you, Chan sighs heavily. Your eyes drift up to him, but snap back to Minho when he cackles. “Told you I’d win.”
“You won?” You try to think about what was different between what had been happening with him compared to what you did with Chan. You’re still not even sure what the game was. “How?”
“You said his name.” Chan rolls his eyes. “Though I feel like that was winning by the letter and not the spirit of the game.”
“A win’s a win, Channie.” Minho’s smile is dazzling. His hands are back on your hips, squeezing rhythmically; the big cat’s kneading you. You giggle a little and his gaze turns predatory again. “Are you ready to be my prize?”
He doesn’t wait for a reply, utilizing his grip to start flipping you onto your stomach. You follow his movements easily, relishing the roughness as he tugs your hips up to bring you up on your knees. You expect him to thrust in immediately, but he just slaps your ass, hard. 
“As much as I like seeing you head down, ass up, you can’t forget about Channie.” Chan positions himself so that he’s kneeling in front of you. “Second place still gets a reward, too. Up on your hands.”
You can feel a blush rising as you scramble to obey him. When he spanks your other cheek, you can’t help but let out a small moan. Seeing that you enjoy the rougher treatment, Chan grips your chin a bit tighter than before. “Time to open up, baby.”
You give his cock an experimental lick and smile at his sharp intake of breath. You take his head into your mouth, but before you can decide how much of him to take in on your first pass, Minho slams into you from behind. The force of it makes you gasp and knocks you forward. Chan’s cock hits the back of your throat and you can’t help but gag. You do your best to recover as Minho pulls you back by your hips, still buried to the hilt and laughing. 
Chan pulls back and tips your head up so you can look at him, tears in your eyes. “Will this work for you?”
Instead of answering, you wiggle your hips and take as much of Chan into your mouth as you can reach, swirling your tongue along the underside of his dick. Like that, Minho is moving again, thrusting in an erratic pattern. Each time you think you can take control of the blowjob, he pulls you back or shoves you forward. You don’t remember the last time you gagged and coughed so much, but luckily Chan doesn’t seem bothered as he fists your hair in his hand, the other gripping the back of your neck. And Minho clearly enjoys causing and watching your struggle. 
You enjoy it more than you thought you would as well. You assumed it would be hard to focus on yourself with all the choking, but you love the way Minho has taken complete control of Chan’s pleasure as well as your own. He’s pounding into you and you feel yourself winding toward another orgasm. When he reaches around to rub your clit, Chan reaches to wrap his hands around your throat. 
He doesn’t squeeze much, but you know he can feel the bulge caused by deepthroating his impressive length. All the stimulation has you moaning as much as you can with your mouth full. The vibrations of it have Chan losing control a little bit, thrusting shallowly with a drawn out groan. Minho doesn’t let up and soon you’re overtaken, breaking apart under his touch. Chan pulls out, allowing you to drop your head and arch your back as the orgasm wracks you. The squeeze is too much for Minho; with a punishing grip on your hips, he’s back to thrusting with abandon before his hips stutter to a stop with a series of groans and ‘fuck’s. 
You nearly collapse onto the bed when he pulls out, but another strong pair of hands are there to keep you in position as Chan slides in with a sigh. You belatedly realize that he’s no longer in front of you and resolve to participate as much as you can despite feeling like you may be turning into jelly. You push back against him and he releases you with one hand long enough to slap your ass one more time. Rather than returning to your hip, his hand skates up your back to grab your shoulder. You let go and let him use you, pulling you back in time with his thrusts. 
You’re not sure you can come again when Minho slips his arm beneath you, once again working your clit. Your body tenses in record time, soaring toward your third climax of the night. You come with a cry, and Chan is growling along with you as he finishes. You fall to the mattress with him on top of you. You look up with tears in your eyes again, seeing the warm smile on Minho’s face as he caresses your cheek before wiping them away.
You’re struck with the thought that this is one of the best decisions you’ve ever made.
To be continued...
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hanadulsetaad · 5 months
Y/N Seo's life gets turned upside down when her crush, Hyunjin, starts dating her old friend turned enemy, Yeji. Suddenly, Yeji is part of their rich kid's group, even though y/n and Yeji can't stand each other. They pretend to be friends, but it's all fake.
Things get super messy when old secrets spill out, and new faces join the gang. Rumors fly, and trust crumbles as people in the group start leaking secrets, trying to wreck everyone's reputations. With newbies entering the scene, will the schemers in the group get busted for their sneaky plots?
Y/N's in the middle of it all, trying to figure out who's real and who's fake. Will she stick around with the rich kids, or will she find her own way? And what about Hyunjin? Will Y/N win his heart, or will she find love in an unexpected place?
Y/N Seo: Y/N is the brainy YouTuber daughter of a business tycoon, alongside her dropout-turned-millionaire brother, Changbin. Together, they're the dynamic duo of South Korea, known for brains and business smarts. Plus, she's also a college student, balancing academics with her online presence.
Changbin Seo: College dropout turned startup sensation, Changbin is the brother of Y/N and the mastermind behind his own wealth. In a secret relationship with Lee Felix.
Hwang Hyunjin: Hyunjin is the prince of South Korea's elite circle. Son of the third richest man, he's not just a pretty face but a model and dancer extraordinaire.
Yeji Hwang: Yeji is the princess beside Hyunjin's prince. A rising star in modeling and dancing, she's the perfect match for her wealthy beau, Hyunjin.
Lee Felix: Son of a fashion mogul, Felix struts his stuff on runways and social media alike.
I.N: Son of a top doctor and lawyer. Despite his privileged background, he's all about hard work and making his own mark.
Wooyoung: Changbin's business partner in their gym startup, Wooyoung is a college buddy and y/n's roommate.
Bang Chan: Born in Australia but moved to Korea at 13 due to his parents' separation, Bang Chan is anything but ordinary. Despite not being from a wealthy family, he's a genius who aced the Korean college exams. On top of that, he's a part-time composer for big idol companies, showcasing his incredible talent.
Kim Seungmin: From a regular middle-class family, Seungmin is Bang Chan's buddy, and he's a riot! He never thought he'd crack the college exams, but guess what? He did, landing at the 200th spot. Even he is surprised.
(more characters will be introduced)
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Stray Kids Reaction || Their Shy S/O Gets Drunk
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⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - April 2023
I did switch it up for a couple of the boys where the reader WAS shy but isn’t when she’s been drinking! I hope that’s okay!!!
To Chan, you were always adorable but somehow you being drunk and shy all at the same time was even more so. The way you'd retreat into yourself after saying something to him, or getting shy and hiding your face in your hands whenever he would look at you made his heart pound rapidly against his chest. He could hardly believe how cute you were when you would flirt with him only to shyly hide your face in your hands and pretend as though you hadn't been the one to say anything to him.
"You think I'm pretty?" He questioned, chuckling a little to himself as he tucked you into bed, smoothing the sheets out around you before you turned and hid your face in the pillows.
"No." You stuttered out refusing to meet your boyfriend's gaze as he let out a small chuckle at the sight of you, he shook his head a little and ran his hand down your back. Of course, you found Chan pretty but for some reason, you were shyer than usual, for other people it was the opposite when they would drink. The alcohol would give them that added confidence but for you, it seemed to take it away and leave you a stuttering and shy mess.
"Get some sleep cutie, I'll be here in the morning." He whispered, kissing the top of your head as he felt your entire body heat up from the small action and he headed out to sleep on the sofa for the night letting you have some space for yourself.
“Goodnight, I love you,” He said as he headed to the door, glancing back at you as you giggled into the pillow beside you,
“Love you too.” You smiled, relaxing into the sheets and cuddling into them.
As soon as Minho saw how shy you got around him while you were drunk it was over. He was going to tease you relentlessly for the rest of the night, putting his arm around you and dragging you closer to him whenever he had the chance.
"You look adorable tonight, did I tell you that already?" He whispered in your ear as you stared at the boys in front of you, your eyes widened a little as you tried to focus on the food you were supposed to be eating.
"I can't get over how shy you are, you're my girlfriend. You know you don't have to be this shy around me when you're drunk." He ran his hand down your back as he let out a small laugh, you shivered a little and whined out at him.
"Stooopppp," You whined out, moving away from him and bumping into Seungmin who was right next to you in the booth beside you and as soon as you locked eyes you were shuffling back to Minho and cuddling into him.
"There's my girl," He laughed, kissing the top of your head and smirking to himself as you held onto him tighter, shoving your head into the crook of his neck to hide from the boys who began to tease you.
Changbin could hardly believe his ears when he walked into the dorms to hear you singing to yourself whilst giggling at something that Felix was saying to you. Changbin knew you were here tonight but he'd have no idea what he was going to walk in on.
"Cause I, know what you like boy! You're my chemical hype boy" You sang out to the karaoke machine that was in the living room, he leaned against the doorway and smirked to himself. Felix caught a glance of him but said nothing, choosing to let you finish the song off,
"Take him to the sk-y-y-y-y-y! You know, I hype you, boy!" You did a fairy ending and giggling as you jumped up and down on the spot, screaming when you felt someone hold you from behind.
"Who are you and what have you done with my shy little girlfriend?" Changbin chuckled, kissing your cheek as you let out a loud giggle, cuddling into his embrace.
"She ran away for the night, sing with me." You giggled, handing him the microphone you were using before downing some more of your drink both of you joining in to do some singing tog.
"You weren't this shy earlier." Hyunjin chuckled looking as you hid your head in his arm and whined at him about making fun of you. The boys had thrown you a surprise birthday party and after a few drinks, it seemed you'd gotten shyer about everything.
"I'm not making fun of you, it's cute." He teased, squeezing you close to him and moving you away from everyone, the last thing he wanted was for you to be uncomfortable around the boys and him.
"You're cute," You giggled looking up at him before meeting his gaze and hiding in his arm once again while he let out a deep laugh at the sight of you. You were quite shy without alcohol and he'd assumed with a couple of drinks that you would open up more but it appeared he was wrong.
"Shall we go and get some water and sit outside?" He quizzed, running his hand down your back as you shook your head at him you wanted to stay here and enjoy the party that they'd put together for you.
"I'll be okay, just need a second." You whispered, leaning up and quickly kissing him before a smirk grew on his lips.
Gone was the girl who wouldn't say boo to a goose and standing in front of Jisung was a girl who could talk faster than Changbin could rap and it was a little intimidating at first.
"So I told Seungmin that if he could drink the whole glass in under ten seconds then I would drink whatever drink he could make up and he claims it's really strong but I don't think it's even that strong. It honestly just tastes like juice and it's going down rather well, did you have a good day today?" You took Jisung over to the coffee table where you and Seungmin were playing Uno, you were staying over with them while your landlord worked on your kitchen and Jisung thought it was going to be a nice chill time but he was wrong.
"I did, I was-"
"Oh, and did you remember to eat lunch? Did you finish the song you were struggling with?" Your questions were coming out in rapid fire and Jisung barely had time to answer the first one you'd asked him and he was trying to process the others.
"What did you do to my shy girlfriend?" Jisung whined as you got up and continued to ramble on about something while going into the kitchen to get Jisung something to eat while Seungmin smirked at him.
The whole thing made Felix soft for you, the whole idea of you being shy when you were drunk even though you weren't when you were sober was bewildering to him.
"You look like my boyfriend." You said as Felix got you into the back of Chan's car, laughing a little as he nodded his head at you.
"Yeah?" Felix did your seatbelt up before doing his own and arching an eyebrow at you. It was cute how you didn't notice that he was in fact your boyfriend but he went along with it.
"He's more handsome though, he's got these cute freckles." You giggled shyly before looking at him and squinting your eyes a little as if you were trying to find the difference between Felix in front of you and Felix your boyfriend.
"I count his freckles when he's sleeping because it's cute." You stated proudly before laying your head back on the seat and letting out a small whine.
"I just admitted that to the real Felix...Didn't I?" You closed your eyes as Felix laughed from beside you, leaning down and kissing your cheek softly.
"It's cute baby, don't worry," He chuckled before cuddling you close to him.
Seungmin absolutely loved making you shyer when you were drunk and it wasn't something that was hard to do either he found it endearing whenever you'd sink into his arms and try and hard from his compliments.
"Cutie, do you want to sleep in my room tonight or I can get you an uber home." He suggested smirking to himself as he watched your feet stomp on the floor a little as you giggled at the nickname he gave to you. It seemed it was his mission tonight to give you every cute nickname he could think of and not to mention giving you more skinship in front of the boys than he usually would.
"Here," You whispered as though you were scared of someone hearing and he nodded pulling you to sit almost on his lap, laying your legs over his lap and smirking as you squealed a little.
"Seungmin," You whined hiding in his neck as he chuckled going back to casual conversation with the guys all the while stroking your back and whispering compliments into your ear.
"You really don't want me to come in?" Jeongin laughed as you screamed at him for trying to open the bedroom door. He'd taken you home tonight after you'd called him for a ride home and then you'd asked him to stay with you, only now you were refusing to let him into your bedroom.
"You can't," You sounded so cute when you said it Jeongin could have sworn his heart had lept into his throat and he chuckled to himself laying his head on the door.
"Why?" He questioned, already knowing the answer to it. He'd been in your bedroom before, he knew all about your little FoxI. Ny you had on your bed, as well as the posters of him all over your walls.
"My room is not ready," You pouted, opening the door by just a crack and looking at Jeongin who was smirking at you,
"I've seen it lots of times baby, remember?" You thought about it for a couple of seconds before letting him into the room and whining when the smirk on his lips grew wider. The collection he knew you had, has grown since the last time he came and he loved every part of it.
"You're positively adorable," He chuckled before helping you climb into bed.
tagline: @chiisaiblog @hanasonmi @sw33tnight @taestannie @illicee​ @army24--7​ @acciocriativity​ @scarletemeterio​ @halesandy​ @aerastus​ @lost-leopard-beanie​ @laylasbunbunny​ @critssq​ @lenfilms​ @pearlygraysky​ @btsiguess-kpop​ @meowmeowisdaname​ @imafivestarkpopstan​
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daengtokki · 5 days
hi!!! i love the way you write about reader and seungmins intimacy in the deity series. i was wondering for the requests leading up to minnie’s birthday, you could do a little oneshot or blurb about a first kiss between seungmin and reader??? doesn’t have to be related to the deity series at all hehe i just love your writing :)
Thank you anon! Here's a previous first kiss oneshot I did a while back, but I'm happy to write another one! We already know sk!Seungmin/reader's first actual kiss, so I was originally going to do something completely different. Instead, I decided to elaborate on their real first kiss, because it's actually quite important. I can't quite fluff it up, but...
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serial killer!Kim Seungmin/afab reader
wc: ~860
rating: um....fluff? dark fluff? angsty fluff... (contains: DEITY themes; sex, death, murder, language, etc)
the difference between these two headers is something
Day 4 of Seungmin's birthday oneshot countdown!
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“Hey, sweetheart…look at me,” he runs a soft thumb across your brow, and wipes away a stray tear running down your temple. Seungmin freezes, and the air catches in his throat. “Open your eyes,” he whispers.
It's been a long time since a lifeless body made him feel anything except relief and calm. Right now, his head is exploding with thoughts—it feels like a storm rolling in, slow and terrifying. The low rumble of thunder, and the flashes of light revealing the nighttime things you're not supposed to see...there here are so many parts of Seungmin's mind that he doesn't want to see.
He pulls at your chin until your lips part to listen for the movement of air. Still nothing. “Fuck.” The shakiness of his voice surprises him.
Who the hell are you, and why are you doing this to him? Dying in his bed without his permission. Seungmin doesn't have the time for this, nor the knowledge on how to fix it, but he has no choice. He has to either fix this or face the idea of gathering you up and finding somewhere to dispose of you. For a moment he imagines himself finding his phone and dialing 112, talking to a dispatcher... "I think I accidentally killed the person I was just fucking."
Shut up, he says to himself, but allows a nervous laugh to escape.
He climbs off of you and collapses onto his pillows, but his eyes don’t leave your still body
Why can't he just do that? Disposing of the body is the most important part of his job, so he's gotten very good at it. Looking at you, though...your soft, innocent face, your naked body, the scratch he left on your cheek. Something about rolling you up in his blanket and never seeing any of it ever again makes him want to scream. In some hidden part of his misfiring brain, a little connection is made without him realizing. He looks around at the dark room and sees a few pieces of the clothing he and you both ripped from your body.
Why can't he take it back?
He’s up again and walking on unsteady legs, still weak from the exertion
Is he shaky from the sex, or from fear? Both? The condom is ripped off and tossed to the side as he hunts for his sweatpants and pulls them up each leg.
Seungmin climbs onto the bed again and straddles your waist. Your cheeks are still flushed, and your lips, also still very alive looking, stay ever so slightly parted.
He listens carefully, and watches for the slightest movement in your chest.
he prides himself on his control, but sometimes he does lose himself in the moment
Your neck is still perfect and beautiful—not a single scratch or mark from his savage hands. He runs a soft finger from your jaw to the hollow of your throat, hoping to feel a slow pulse. Nothing. He looks at your lips...“Hey,” he moves a piece of hair away from your damp forehead, places his lips against yours for the very first time, and he fills your lungs with air.
Still so warm, and even softer in your impossibly relaxed state. Once...twice. He pulls away ever so slightly and looks at your closed eyes, not completely closed. He can see the whites of them just beneath your eyelashes from this angle. One more deep breath into you, and then he decides it's probably hopeless; why would any of what's inside of him help you come back? He wipes his thumb over your lips and closes them, but returns one more time for a selfish kiss. Seungmin take your lower lip between his and licks, tastes, and drags his teeth over the skin as he releases you and falls back onto the pillows.
“you see that, Daengmo?” he says, and points its face toward you, “I still can’t do anything right.”
He licks his lips and tries to get more of what he just took from you, but there's nothing left, and he can't make himself return to you for another taste. He's not very good at owning up to his mistakes, especially the big ones.
The bed moves, and Seungmin feels his heart beat against his ribs. He watches, frozen, as your fingers curl around the sheets...and you grip them, so fiercely your knuckles turn white. You don't make a sound, but the steady rise of your chest finally makes him move. He does it as slowly and softly as possible. Hands hover above your face, and he doesn't dare lay a finger on you. Not yet. Before he can think again, your eyes open, and you gasp and cough like you're ridding yourself of something poisonous. He doesn't have to touch you, because you come to him. Seungmin grabs you as you sit up and holds you steady as you gasp for air, but you don't want him. You push back.
Seungmin’s grip tightens on your shoulder, and he lets you fall back on the bed
He's seen plenty of terrified faces, but nothing like yours, because it goes right through him. There is no pleasure in the fear he's created in you.
“No…no, stop”
“I’m not going to hurt you…I promise”
His runs his palm down the cold, clammy skin on your chest, and then back up in a hopeful attempt to soothe something in you.
"I'm sorry"
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myseungsunglove · 1 year
Hiiii I have a favor to ask! I'm on a bit of a drought of finding stuff to read. I've read all of your fics and I absolutely loved them btw! So do you have any recommendations it could be fluff, angst, smut, and comfort! You could recommend regular fics of blogs of people with good fics! I read about all of Stray Kids!! You totally don't have to! Its 110% okay if you don't! Thank you anyways!
-👀 anonnie
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Okay, so I did a thing. I spent some time going through my blog and labeling everything I've personally reblogged. If you search the tags "Mia Recommends" & "Mia's Favorites" you'll find a host of fics.
I mostly only read Han, Seungmin, Chan, and Lee Know so that will mostly be my recs.
I also hedge into some Poly Ot8! & other pairings with a reader, and I understand that isn't for everyone. So if it isn't for you, just skip over those.
I will also just straight up give you a list of my absolute favorites. Like changed the way I look at writing, favorites. *smiles* This took me about an hour and a half, so I hope you find something from it!
There are 12 personal recommendations below the cut.
Mia's Favorite Fics
Ditto by @hwajin - Seungmin x Reader, smut, agnst - This one utterly broke my heart. I don't often read angst, but this one just stuck with me even though it hurt my feelings so bad.
No Words by @jl-micasea-fics - Seungmin x Reader, smut, established fwb, fwb to lovers au This one is just beautiful and raw. Mica is probably one of my favorite authors on this platform. So much talent. You'll see a few of their fics here.
Rain by @jl-micasea-fics - Seungmin x Reader, angst, smut - Mica is kind of the queen of angst and hurting your feelings. Just understand that going into this one.
2min x Reader Fic by @rachalixie - Seungmin x Reader x Lee Know, fluff - One of my favorite friendships is 2min, so the idea of being absolutely adored and loved by both of them just melts my heart. I understand a poly fic may not be for everyone so please skip it if its not for you.
In My Dreams by @astraystayyh - Seungmin x Reader, enemies to loves, angst wrapped in fluff - Sahar is another writer that I love almost everything I read by them. This one is really relatable and just wonderful.
Connected by @sky-yuna - Poly ot8! Series - lots and lots of smut, angst, fluff you name it, this series has it. I absolutely adore this series and it's probably one of my favorite ones out there. Each relationship with the boys is so special, and they do a good job of spreading the love, literally and figuratively, between all of the boys and the reader in this series. I understand a poly fic may not be for everyone so please skip it if its not for you.
Back Burner by @astraystayyh - Han x Reader - angst - this one will just hurt your heart and it's so relatable, honestly. I claim to not read a lot of angst, but you can tell by this list that I clearly do. This one will hurt your feelings, I assure you.
ZIP - by @cb97percent -Chan x Reader - smut, fluff, fwb - This one is absolutely beautifully written. I'm a sucker for friends with benefits trope as evident in several of my recs so far. The writing in this one is just, *chefs kiss*
Catfish? - by @seungminheart - Han x Reader - smut, crack, fluff - this one is absolutely fucking hilarious. It's a rockstar! Han fic and it's just, you'll love it. This author recently stole my heart with this fic and a Seungmin one. They are so so so talented. They have a Lee Know one they just put out today that I can't wait to read! They have other pairings as well and I would recommend any and everything they write.
Go ahead and cry - by @hyunsvngs - Seungmin x Reader, smut - this one is part of a series called "Hot Bitch Summer" and the way I was absolutely so weak for this part in particular. It's just all smut all the time in this series. It's only "Poly-esque" fic series. You'd have to read it to really understand what I mean by the esque. - I understand a poly fic may not be for everyone so please skip it if its not for you.
August is a Fever - by @seungminheart - Seungmin x Reader, smut, fluff - This may well be one of my favorite reads I've read in the skz fanfiction world. The friendship between Hyunjin and the reader in this one is fucking hilarious. The dynamic with Seungmin, kind of enemies to lovers esque but isn't. You'll just have to read it to understand. The writing is absolutely immaculate. This writer really has something special.
Photobooth - by @astraystayyh - Seungmin x Reader, fluff - this one is just so precious. It's so sweet you'll melt.
As I wrap this up, I realize how much I absolutely love reading Seungmin x Reader fics. They have a special place in my heart. I was kind of surprised there was more of him on this list than Han. They are both my ults, but I feel like Seungmin has been trying to declare himself the top ult recently.
Hope you find something here you can fall in love with. Be sure to check out my mia recommends tag for more stories that I really enjoyed. There were just too many to put all of them here! Please also respect each writer's rules and regulations when it comes to reading their work and interacting with their blog!
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