#skam joana
danburys · 11 months
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wlwgif's pride month celebration: day 4, dynamic ➻ cris & joana
Minuto a minuto.
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forbescaroline · 9 months
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235 FAVORITE SHIPS OF ALL TIME (ranked by my followers) 133. cris soto and joana bianchi - skam espana
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peachesobviously · 2 years
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All of skam in every universe
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calliettes-posts · 5 months
I love this
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seniordumpling · 7 months
These were sooooo Cris and Joana from Skam España coded
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jackfrostsander · 1 year
Happy 21:21 to parallels!
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Image credit: @annadriesen2121
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nosensedit · 9 months
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⊹ ִ࣪ এ credits on twitter ִ࣪ ⌁ like or reblog if you save! ♡ ¸. • *
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skambigbang · 1 year
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Heading to España today to read about Cris and Joana in the story "A Familiar Stranger" by Ayesha aka @ssshanta_ with art by Argo! So excited for the WLW fics in this year's bang!
Ayesha: What inspired this story?
I've always felt like I really connected with Cris and Joana's story from SKAM Spain. But when I went to look up their Fanfics I saw that there weren't that many. So I decided to write one on my own. As for the story? I had a WLW story planned in my mind for a very long time. I just never got the right encouragement to start writing. So I decided to incorporate the two.
Argo: What inspires you about the story?
The naturalness of how one gets caught up in the story, it seems to put you right inside it. It transfers the emotions of the characters so well, is so fluent to read and very engaging.
The 2023 Skam Big Bang starts posting June 21st!
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ashbashsquashmabosh · 7 months
I love all versions of SKAM so much don't get me wrong each remake has something different to offer and that's awesome... but I am just dipping in and out when I hear that a version is doing a sapphic isak and evan at this point. And what about it
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aannabsn · 2 years
my fav evak seasons even if no one asked:
1. isak+even, because yes. iconic. can’t be beaten
2. martino+niccolò, the aesthetic??? also I’m too attached to them to put them lower. PLUS martino’s my baby he’s my son I’ll protect him forever
3. matteo+david, I mean??? the representation was chef kiss and they were beautiful BEAUTIFUL together. do I need to add anything else
4. cris+joana, finally the wlw evak version I deserved. cried the whole season. literally
5. robbe+sander, yes but no. they sometimes had a weird vibes, I didn’t like a lot of things about the changes of the season, but there are other things that I absolutely loved, so even if it’s not my fav it still has a place on my heart
6. lucas+elliot, it’s not they’re fault they’re last, it’s my fault I admit it I just hate skam france with a passion. loved barty crouch jr. though
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calliettes-posts · 6 months
Would you rank the skam wlw seasons? and could you justify the rankings? I am interested in your opinion. sorry my english :)
Your English is fine! And sorry for the late reply, I just finished s2 of skam españa so that I can answer this properly
1. Fatou (Druck s6)- now this is me being completely biased, but watching Fatous season live honestly was so life changing, I've never seen a black main character be so portrayed in a beautiful and caring way in Germany, and I honestly adore Fatou. I love that her season didn't deal with a coming out, but that she was already an out and proud lesbian, and I honestly LOVE how they portrayed her and Kieu Mys culture. For me, when it comes to black sapphics and sapphics of colour, I feel like they always make their culture a point of conflict, but with Fatou and Kieu My, their sexualities and culture could just coexist without any problem, and that is so special to me. And I absolutely love Kieu My, I love how well fleshed out she is, how we learn more and more about her throughout the season, and how she's more than what she portrays, how she just wants to be seen and not have to be perfect and please everyone all the time, how much pressure she puts upon herself just to make everyone happy, and so much more, I also love how they used her social media to document how and when exactly Kieu My stopped performing and started ro just be herself. Also back to the culture, I loved how they referenced Fatous, Kieu Mys and Avas cultures, it felt like it was made for bipoc watchers, and not to educate the white audience, and that is what made it so authentic imo, because as a black person, I don't need explanation for certain things, like for example when ava explained how mailin behaved at the protest, I immediately understood why she was bothered by it, and so did fatou, and that was realistic, its the small things, but that made me relate to the characters so much more, or when fatou face timed her relatives and relied on her dad to translate to her, these moments are so special to me. I also love the symbolism throughout the season, from Kieu My being the axolotl and Fatou the tortoise to the astrology references to Kieu My being the ice queen and Fatou the warmest person ever, how well they complemented etc etc. Also: " Kieu My, du bist so schön. Ich hab mir ne Liste gemacht an Dingen die so schön an dir sind. Wie du zum beispiel immer deine ohren hinter deinen haaren versteckst, wie du so eng mit deiner Familie bist, und dass du so krass gut mit Horrorfilmen bist. Aber am meisten lieb ich wenn du lachst. Weil dann seh ich dich. Und wie viel liebe in dir ist."Like hello???? Also, the entirety of Sonntag, 13:28, and how they related and bonded with each other through their experiences of being a child in an immigrant family. Generally, I love how much care was put into this season, and that's why Fatous s6 and kieutou will always be on top for me. Also, it's the remake where I don't need any translations for lol
2. Anaïs (Wtfock)- now I know the writing has been disappointing since ep7, but honestly, I am sosososososo grateful to have Anais as a main character in a skam remake. I honestly love her, I love how loyal, caring, and kind she is, and there's nothing that could make me hate her, like that's my nigerian sister, I honestly never thought that we'd get nigerian sapphic rep, and I'm so here for it. As for Anobbie, I love how their development was shown from ep1 to 6, especially ep3, that ep felt like it was straight out of a rom com, from anobbie fleeing together from that Fries place and getting closer to the subtle flirting of Bobbie, to Bobbie looking out for and helping out Anais at the party and with her friends drinking away her dads alcohol, to Bobbie opening up to Anais about her dad and showing her the place where her fathers ashes were sprayed, to Anais and Bobbie getting closer, to Anais arranging a date meeting with bobbie, to Anais playing "I'm gonna make you love me" and making Bobbie dance with her, to Bobbie finally kissing her, like it was so beautiful to watch. Also, I love how anobbie complements eachother and how theyre exactly what the other person needs, Bobbie makes Anais feel free and able to stand up for herself and feel like she's herself, and Anais makes Bobbie feel safe and provide a sense of stabilty, they really adore eachother and would go to great lengths to protect eachother, and I honestly love to see it. Also they reminded me a lot of kieutou, and alone for that they're high on the list. Also, just like Kieu My, I love how fleshed out Bobbie is as a love interest, she's such an interesting character that you want to know more of, and whether you love her or hate her, you pay attention to her, that's how interesting she is and im so here for it. And after druck, they're the remake where I need the least amount of translation for lol
3. Cris- (skam españa s2)- I just finished watching it, and omg, crisana literally invented gay staring, from their first meeting their eye contact was so insane, it got me giggling and kicking my feet lol. I really liked the season, I loved how reassuring and supportive Cris friend group is, how they were there for her every single time she had problems with Joana, and generally they seem like such a sweet friend group, and now i see why they're most peoples fave girl squad. As for crisana, they were so cute, I love how much they adored eachother, and I really love how reassuring cris was with joana at the end, telling her that she won't run away and that she'll be there for her. I also loved howbwe could see just how much cris cared for joana, like she cried in almost every single clip after joana disappears. honestly sometimes forgot that this was an evak remake lol, but I think it did the OG justice
4. Lola (skam france s6)- I don't remember much from lolas seasons except that it was veeeeryy dark, and that she could never catch a break, like why did they make her suffer so much? I feel like her and Maya could've had more development because their relationship felt rushed to me, but they were really cute, and I really love the scene where Maya draws on lola while she's laying there crying, it feels to intimate and special. Also, just like Bobbie, Lola is a polarising character, and I love those types of characters, especially female ones
5. Maya (skam france s9)- this never happened, mayla are still happily together while they work on their issues through proper communication, lola never broke up with Maya, and they still have their tattoo together
But honestly, this was so disappointing, the first time a LI got a season, and then we don't even learn anything about the LI at the end, it feels they just made the season to have an excuse to break up mayla, but we already knew that
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lamey-amy · 1 year
I don't know if it's because I'm a little sick right now or because I'm also a wlw but Cris' season of Skam España has made me cry way more than any other Evak season of Skam.
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Bitches be like I'm emotionally stable and relate to Even or his remakes from Skam:
*Like hun. You either the first or the latter. You can't be both*
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I see no difference
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skambigbang · 8 months
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We had our first Skam España fic this year in the Bang and it was a gorgeous seaside second chance romance between Cris & Joana. And oh the artwork! Stunningly beautiful, gorgeously colored drawings of our girls! Check out the story by Ayesha aka @ssshanta_ featuring the artist Argo aka emilio_the_typhoon!
The Skam Big Bang is a fandom event that pairs writers and artists to create a 10K+ story and artwork inspired by it. Every year we’re graced by an amazing wealth of creativity in the various pieces of art and this year was no exception! Though the bang is officially over, we’re gonna be highlighting the artwork and their stories over the next few weeks as we put out a call for new mods to carry it on! Enjoy the eye candy, check out the stories and show our artists and writers some love!
Check out A Familiar Stranger here!
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ikvgai · 2 years
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