#skelesquad: binary
copper-skulls · 8 months
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evil artstyle challenge!! heavily referenced off this photo by @adorkastock , bless u and your poses
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my lines!! my circles!!
(this was very fun)
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please look at them again
that's all, thanks <3
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copper-skulls · 4 months
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@findmeabowlofundertale 's whiteboard doodles, OC edition :) am having fun
First three are code & alphys friendship, the rest are skelesquad (who are not UT/DR ocs but. figured I could group them, for once, to not have a million posts lmao)
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copper-skulls · 18 days
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Tiniest possible Binary
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copper-skulls · 4 months
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more @findmeabowlofundertale 's whiteboard stuff!!
and some snippets from a series of events where somehow, Binary managed to scare seeker's Gaster half to death
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copper-skulls · 1 year
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put that skeleton. in a dress. #3
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copper-skulls · 7 months
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A skeletom and their emotional support giant dinosaur that didn't fit the sketchbook page
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copper-skulls · 10 months
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also found: hatless henry??? i think this was supposed to be the point before he gets it. a little different looking sketch of binary in a dress than what i ended up lining. and a whale dragon bcs I wanted to dip out of my defaults for a second
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copper-skulls · 2 months
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they're so good. you're not good enough.
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copper-skulls · 1 year
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i am very easily amused, actually
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copper-skulls · 9 months
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hands you my traumatized skeleton oc and walks away again
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copper-skulls · 10 months
skeletons of christmas past (late 2015)
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just kinda dragging these old, old things out and putting them somewhere else than dA, since they're history of two of my beloved OCs and if I decided to delete my dA I'd like to not lose them u_u even if they're old. I am trying not to cringe at them I swear fadshkjjk
Binary inherited a lot of their personality and design (JUST LMAO. specifically the socket shape that always makes them look a little anxious and THEY STOLE BIT'S WARDROBE WHOLESALE HAKJDS)
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current Courier (Code) inherited more of their background and skills and Lore(tm) (the whole locking themselves into atbash when stressed is originally Bit's thing). but they've gotten a lot more bitter about it hafkjdhs old courier was, honestly, an old shy awkward nerd and a bit boring fhkajhs
i do know there was also a set of expression sprites I made for them and few little drawings as well, but I think those are gone for good.
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copper-skulls · 1 year
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congratulation on the communication barrier you two
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copper-skulls · 1 year
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Shame to thee with hardened hearts, feel for nothing, cry for none. Your own flesh and blood, ripped of life before your eyes.
detail bcs it gets rather lost unless in fullsize:
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copper-skulls · 2 years
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ahaha hey there?
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copper-skulls · 9 months
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Get extremely affectionately hatted, nerd
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