hansensgirl · 4 years
Oooo what is skinxskin going to be about???
it’s a pornstar au!
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dulcissimosagna · 11 years
skinxskin replied to your post:
lmao u kno i am
that's just because oliver wants to torture mary without any possible reprecussions
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mymslanabanana · 11 years
mymslanabanana&skinxskin rp, Part 1
Lana looked around very carefully as she crept out of the kitchen and into the hall. It had been far more difficult, that she’d expected, to steal a knife from the kitchen and she couldn’t risk being caught now. She couldn’t help but feel excited as she made her way to the secluded storage room where she was hiding her tormenter. After all the things he’d done to her and to Wendy, tonight would be the night to exact revenge, the night that justice would prevail. 
But still, Lana’s heart pounded with each careful step as she neared the storage room. Somehow, something in the back of her mind reminded her that while she sought justice, an eye for an eye even, she was not Oliver. Now that she’d gotten into the mind of a killer, just to see what it was like, she’d found that it was no place for her…not that she was having second thoughts! This was Bloodyface after all, the tormenter of women….But part of her had to ask herself what kind of woman kills the man who Fathered the baby she was carrying…even if it was a baby conceived in hate.
Lana smiled to herself, remembering her full detailed plan for tonight. There wasn’t just the murder its self, that was actually going to be the merciful act she’d be committing tonight. Lana had a secret about precious baby. One that would crush Oliver much more than what she’d said to him on the tape…and before killing him, she was going to tell it to him in intricate, painful detail….Lana felt her slight smile turn up into a near obnoxious grin as she twisted the doorknob to the storage closet. She let herself in and shut the door, her eyes falling to view her former captor still tied on the floor and gagged.
“Good evening Oliver.” She greeted.  
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oh, it's you. (mommy i miss uu)
4. It’s the middle of the night and my muse is woken by yours knocking on the door wanting attention
Aeon stirs and rolls off her bed to answer her door to find Oliver there in standing sheepishly. She rubs the back of her head, squints and looks at him as if she’s never seen him before but remembers last minute.
"Oh, Oliver. Are you okay?" she stifles a yawn so he doesn’t feel bad for waking her.
"I can’t sleep," he tells her and lowers those murderously sweet brown eyes.
She doesn’t have the heart to turn away the grown man with an oedipus complex. Instead she lets him in and hold her close under the down comforter. When he falls asleep his lips are resting against her carotid, no doubt to ensure she’ll still be there when he wakes up.
Poor, Precious little Oliver.
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holysadist · 11 years
"Doctor Thredson-"
Tumblr media
                     "A delight as always."
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I like my odds
Lick- Lips
Lana’s words were whispered, her lids growing heavy as she watched the male. There wasn’t anything that the doctor could say that wouldn’t make her fall any heavier in lust. He had been the only person to show her kindness in this godforsaken place and she needed to show her respect for that. She needed to allow herself to do what she desired. 
She decided that words wouldn’t cut it and slowly, she came to grab the male’s cheeks, palms caressing the soft flesh over his cheekbones before lowering her lips against his. Her tongue came to trail over his lower lip, coming to enjoy the taste of his moist flesh. 
No more than a mere minute went by before the brunette pulled away, cheeks flushed, an expression of anxiety across her features.
                    “Thank you.”
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bitterxdisappointment · 11 years
      Jude hastened down the spiral stair case in the lobby of Briarcliff. She needs to talk to Oliver. He completely disregarded what she had to say. She gave him instructions on how to watch one particular patient, and he ignored everything that she had to say. 
      "Doctor Thredson!" she called to get his attention. She could see that he was getting ready to leave for the day. She did find it odd though, that she was physically able to bring herself to call this man a doctor. To her, all he was was a man who validated everyone's misbehavior. 
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vulturiius · 11 years
♡, for 17 year old Lana; what is it that you desire the most?
‘♡’ and my character(s) will cuddle yours!
It’s impossibly hard to draw breath for the panic that draws her chest tight, tight, tight. He looms over her—listlessly drawing a finger across the skin of her arm, eyes trained on her face as he does. With the quirk of a brow, he silently questions—she’s not sure what he’s asking, but she knows she’ll oblige with little fuss. If only as an act of self-preservation. Still silent, he dips his head to her shoulder, presses his forehead to the exposed flesh and sighs heavily. Lana stiffens beneath the pressure, still working at forcing out breath. 
                                    ❝   It’s okay, Baby.  ❞It’s forced out, through tears and gritted teeth; broken glass. Shakily she extends her arms to him, slides sideways. Folding trembling limbs around his larger frame, her eyes well with tears. He presses his head to her chest. She reminds herself to breathe. 
"age and a question and my character(s) will answer as that age."
A laugh—surprisingly loud and unabashed for a girl her age—and she offers a small shrug, smiling broadly. 
       ❝ Right now? Lunch.                                               In the long run—Oh, I don’t know. ❞
Another laugh. A thousand confessions poised precariously on the tip of her tongue, only just contained by the force of her tight-lipped smile. All of Lana’s myriad, secret desires are beginning to burn little holes through her soul; like a lit cigarette pushed up against fabric. 
 ❝ Same as everyone else in the world, I guess.                                                                         I just wanna be happy. ❞
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dulcissimosagna · 11 years
Sister Mary. Though I am confused by this myself, it appears that you may be pregnant. I've noticed many of the signs. Perhaps it's immaculate conception.
      ❝ ——- ❞                     For several beat she stares at the other in stunned silence. She shifts her weight, crosses her arms, and almost imperceptibly juts her chin out in silent, subconscious rebellion to the other’s constant harassment. It’s taken her a long time to realize that he’s been toying with her but she’s beginning to see clearly now. 
                                                                           ❝ That’s not funny, Doctor Thredson. ❞
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16. A dinner made by my muse.
And it will of course be his favorite dinner, and she’ll even feed him a few morsels to him herself with either fork or her fingers, he decides.
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Eight: Your muse owns my muse bound and gagged for one night
[Well if that isn’t ironic, Idk what is.]
        Lana’s eyes closed momentarily as she felt her body being tightly bound to the wooden chair that was situated in the middle of the room. Her body was bare, each and every part of her flesh on display. 
        She swallowed in anticipation, the feeling of the gag in her mouth caused her to smirk, though the expression was barely visible. This was…exciting. In fact, it was more than exciting. Never had she been so…forward and especially not with a man. 
                        This was going to be one hell of an experiment. 
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lostinthecarnival · 11 years
Send me a ☣ and my muse will say something about yours they’d never usually say out loud.
"You gave me hope that heroes existed and this world wasn’t royally fucked over…and then you took it away. Nothing you could do to me now will ever come close to how that felt."
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mswinterslana · 11 years
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dulcissimosagna · 11 years
skinxskin replied to your post
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marry me. (babysit me!!)
              “Am I suddenly Jocasta? What would father think?”
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