ghostierants · 11 months
This one did take me in shock. I didn’t expect this one fully even though I try and keep YouTubers at arms length after half my childhood YouTubers turned out to be abusers in several different ways. The amount of manipulation that was at play here is absurd.
I used to consume a lot of her content, I wouldn’t be posting this if I hadn’t. I mainly had said content on in the background while I was doing housework or just in general as background noise. I thought she seemed like she did her research or at least had a team of people doing research, and that was fine.
What happened here was a classic case of having an ego bigger than yourself. Ignoring the obvious cases (SadMilk) we take a look at LegalEagle. She obviously jumped to Twitter the first chance she got and just immediately blew her shit because she thought she owned a very popular style of editing. And then her apology was lackluster. That is certainly not new for the commentary space, it happens quite often. But not quite often is when people take that opportunity to bring up the fact that she is indeed, not a great person.
When The Click’s video came out, I watched it in its entirety. Granted I was also playing Minecraft, but I was listening and would tab back in to see the evidence. To see YouTubers such as Click, OT, and Wonder, three very goofy dudes take such a serious tone in a video is astounding to see. Especially considering Wonder does not like to show his face. The venerability they showed in front of the camera knowing that this was their chance to come out with this while Blaire was under fire already shows that they had been afraid to speak up beforehand. Disputes in the CC are very very frequent, but this is the first time I’ve seen something go from 0 to 100 so quickly. It even had Critikal talking about it, and Critikal doesn’t typically cover this type of stuff often.
If you take in to example Click’s heavy breathing, Wonder’s fidgeting, and OT’s googly eyes, you can still see the kind of fear they were under. Wonder was manipulated quite harshly by Blaire and she aimed to destroy their friendship’s quite harshly. I have seen a few takes regarding Click calling him not a good source due to his use of slurs in the past. Click did not speak English as a first language and learned English around the time YouTube was in a certain phase where shockvalue ran rampant across the platform. I do see how Click’s words could have been very different to the societal norms now because socially, things were indeed different then. Obviously, Click has grown as a person as we all have and apologized for his offensive content.
Blaire hiring people to dig up dirt on all three of them shows that she herself couldn’t find anything wrong with what was going on by herself. She was looking for ANY REASON to call them not credible sources. She was looking for any reason to deflect anger back at them. She obviously failed. Her views took a huge hit as she chose to ignore the drama instead of address it or do us all a favor and just leave YouTube.
Let’s look at her views. Her video titled “Noom is Lying” has 271k views right now. This video is the one directly before “iiluminaughtii exposed” which currently stands at 1.1 M views. Her views slowly decrease until her most recent video, “Hershey’s Dark Secrets” currently stands at only 17k views. She used to average a couple hundred thousand views per video, and now she is only receiving maybe a handful of thousands of views. She is fading into obscurity. She clearly, as stated by her before, has enough to retire happily at such a young age. She should just do that before she gets butthurt about fading into obscurity.
Also the fact that she subbotted a YouTube channel to accuse RSlash of subbotting is hilarious considering he still racks in more views than she does and he doesn’t have a whole team of people he has to hire to complete his videos.
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ghostierants · 11 months
Creepshow Art
I watched quite a few of Shannon’s videos over the years and I was what I would consider to be a fan of hers. I admit to being late to the drama and exposés about her, I had shit going on, you know? And this drama has long been said and done, but I still am going to try and aim to write a post from that, a Viewer’s Perspective.
Watching her content for a couple years was fine and dandy, However similar with Chaos55t, I always found it weird that she was always in some sort of drama. But I mean I didn’t care if the stories were exaggerated or made up because I mean come on, it’s the CC (Commentary Community). Many of the DA or Tumblr based CC are very dramatic to say the least.
I have to admit I was never an avid watched of Emily Artful, I watched a few of her videos here and there but not to an extent that I know everything about her, and that is still the case. There isn’t anything I particularly find wrong with her, I just tend to jump around with the content I consume quite frequently and tend to stick to a few channels in each genre of the plethora of content there is to consume on the internet. When it came out that Creepshow, Shannon, was Emily’s stalker, I was shocked a bit. But I was hardly surprised.
If you take a look at her videos now, the ones that are still up or were reposted, that is, her personality does come off a bit as arrogant or confrontational. There is nothing wrong with that in itself, in fact I think it was part of the reason people kept watching. However when you take a step back and rewatch them after this was all said and done, it is more glaringly obvious that something was up. I mean, in almost every video there was someone that wronged her in some new way.
I am one to admit to looking at my partner’s exes Facebook accounts just because I’m nosey, but I usually only do it once or twice and then I’m done. But Shannon took Facebook stalking exes to an extreme and delusional level. It’s almost like she was scared that Emily would one day come back and be like “This is my man now, begone Shannon!!!” Which may point to some mental health issues.
I firmly believe trauma or mental health issues were the root of all this on Shannon’s part. At the end of the day as Shannon is an adult, the fault of letting herself dive into her delusions is probably what caused all this. This is an important lesson for those out there who struggle with personality issues (such as myself) to really work on themselves.
I myself have a personality disorder and I have done some toxic things in the past out of me not taking care of my mental health and I fully acknowledge the fact that I was wrong. The issue begins when those who commit wrong deeds do not take accountability for the deeds done. Even if you completely black out and do something horrible, you still did it and you should still take accountability for it. This is where Shannon and several others before and after her failed.
She clearly failed to take accountability for herself before it got to the stalking point and ended up doing these horrible things to not only Emily, but her own friends. Those who were supporting her. But I do not put fault directly on Shannon as her partner also plays a role here. It has been established and I certainly don’t need to tell you that her partner is an abuser. I see so many commentary blogs and channels use was as if it was past tense. And yeah technically it was past tense but if it remains and it is still affecting others to this day, it’s present tense. Shannon’s partner likely fed these delusions until Shannon became what we know her for now.
I won’t speak on the behalf of her using art that wasn’t her’s because I myself haven’t viewed proof of it yet and I don’t want to make a long rant about how that’s not right because as we know in situations similar, some people aren’t afraid to take others to court. I don’t have time for that frankly.
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