tinytveit · 2 years
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shadowbringers -
her eyes had opened to purple leaves softly fluttering to the ground, unbeknownst to them that which plagued their world so. she laments sometimes, for the woman that had awoken to that bright sky, so unaware of what her time in the first would do to her, take from her. but oft she has to remind herself of what it had given her. a friend she had thought lost to eternal slumber, the answers to questions long left unknown - of origins and the time before. ardbert.
and yet when she had overcome the light tearing through her body, threatening to turn her into a monster - there was a moment. after ardbert had lent her his axe, just a moment. a millisecond in between all the noise where there was another, lingering on the edge of their being. her.
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baekwin · 1 year
tonight is the night....that i commit to going through my entire usertag and queuing everything 
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ao3-oner · 2 months
hiiii!! thank u for answering my gumakeria question, i dont know if asking that would be rude or anything since i dont want to put pressure on u so thank u!!! suffice to say i have something to look forward now in the future skdjfhskdjf alsooo, ur new rulhends fic???? im so excited for ittttt!! it seems so promising skjdhfksjd it's been a while since we got a new rulhends fic. so im very exciteddd <33 anwayss can u talk about rulhends?? just about anything HAHAHHA what do u think of them and their dynamics and stuff,, i just love them and the way they interact with each other (also did u see lehends tagging ruler recently on peanut's post??? ruler's reply was so funny dkfjhkjfdg)
Hello there, and great to hear from you again <3
I'm always happy to answer questions about what I have coming up next - it helps me hold myself accountable for finishing my writing and posting it regularly. If I end up needing to shift my schedule around, I can always do that, too - for example, since I'm going to be writing a lot of smut for the M.S.I fic, I honestly think I might post some fluffy GumaKeria in the upcoming week instead of the intended PWP, also because I've been thinking about the 2022 Asian Games roster for Korea because that team was honestly so much fun...
As for RuLehends - I suppose their dynamic in two words would be "tsundere competition," like both of their attitudes are "I'd rather die than admit that I actually care about you, moron," but then they both care so so much. Every ADC-support pairing is founded on a deep trust and mutual understanding, like they fundamentally get each other, but where RuLehends contrasts with a ship like GumaKeria is that they're both more experienced - they aren't each other's "first" anything; they both know how these relationships work, how it'll probably end, and yet they can't resist being drawn in to each other. There's this terrifying vulnerability that comes with falling for the people closest to you, and that's what makes it easier to lash out, or shove it all away. That's my take on the core of their relationship: very bittersweet and pointy and poetic.
I did not see Lehends tagging Ruler on Peanut's post (I don't have a twitter) but I'd love to hear his response!! Last time I saw them interact was last year when Ruler told Lehends "You're ugly, short, and you don't have a girlfriend" lmao XD
Thank you again for commenting and I hope you enjoy my upcoming work! :)
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criston-cole · 4 years
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ourravenboys · 4 years
Neil: *talking to nicky* I will not be lectured on my fashion choices by a fetish-gear enthusiast
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disobligingly · 5 years
"I never thought I'd see the day."
When he speaks, his words are quiet, exhaustion that still hasn't quite left him and emotion alike making the process a difficult one as he thinks aloud
As he stands there in the doorway to the other's bedroom, loosely clutching at the paneling of the entryway, he cannot help but to smile faintly at the sight presented to him.
He wonders briefly if it wouldn't be entirely out of place to call it majestic, one hand lifted to loosely clutch at his chest, above his heart as he finally approaches the other man, and neither says a single thing as he allows himself to rise in the air enough to be at an equal eye level.
Though tired, there's joy in his eyes, even as the beginnings of tears threaten to spill over and run down his face, the hand on his own chest moving to instead settle on Kibito's shoulder as he peers into the mirror the other has been using to adjust (and readjust quite a lot, if his assumptions are correct) the new garb that is being worn.
It would be the perfect opportunity to say something silly or otherwise intentionally-flustering, but he can't, won't ruin the moment in such a stupid way.
Instead, he gently cants his head to one side as he cautiously runs one hand through some of Kibito's hair, brushing aside a stray one as he sees it -- and then straightens up, moving himself so that he stands in mid-air before the mirror,  then forward to bring the other into a sudden, strong embrace.
"It looks very good on you." he whispers, pride and admiration alike in his voice even as it goes so quiet, and after a pause of a few seconds, his hold strengthens just a sliver, almost as if he’s afraid to let go.
”I’m sorry I couldn’t hold this burden off from your shoulders for longer, but.. You’re going to do so well. There is none other to whom I would dare trust this universe’s wellbeing, for they could never hope to be as capable as you are.
I love you, I am proud of you, and for as long as I remain among the living, I will be here to help you, if you shall allow it.”
There is no verbal response, but the returning of the embrace--as strong, warm and reassuring as ever--is all he needs to know that he has made the right choice.
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waller-bridge · 5 years
brie larson date me we can have boxing practice everyday and go have huge burger and ice cream after like.... im free this weekend call me
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hskdjfhksjdf I started an AI only game of Civ 6 (saw some on youtube and it looked fun, also I’m too lazy to play properly right now) and it’s wild already
(first of all how is this fuckboy cleaning his teeth so well in ancient/classical times, I would like to punch him vv)
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Okay so anyways, I both love and hate that the AI knows where all the future strategic resources are because I’m 99% sure Robert only settled this city for the uranium
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or maybe Scottish people are just psychic like that, that works too
also like??? because of the mods I’m using (and also because idk what on earth I’m doing) I just randomly picked Nubia to observe with and it spawned me on the very edge of the map and I haven’t even settled yet but I’m automatically permanently allied with everyone skjdhfksjd
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Muscat is a random city state on the other side of the map and like no one’s even met them yet because I didn’t have enough slots to put in enough civs to make the map crowded (I’m just playing on a big europe map lol) so no one’s near them at all
Oh and “Ous” is a city state again in the middle of nowhere that no one’s met yet ugh I didn’t think this through, should have used a smaller map like pangaea and made it a proper hunger games
Norway is a major civ and hasn’t even met anyone yet??? Harald what is you doing??? get your longships going man
Gorgo took one of Alex’s cities serves him right douchebag but now he’s got walls and she’s just,, plowing her units into them oh my god stop it
Catherine settled a city called “Winterthour” which I think is a very cool name tbh, I just looked it up and apparently it’s in Switzerland (also she already captured both Brussels and Geneva, yikes, maybe I should have put in Germany and the Netherlands to keep her in check)
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^This is the most ominous threatening thing I swear, Robert’s the guy who kicks his chair while yellling at you in scottish twitter so honestly if ee told me tae go jump off a bridge ad just do et
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omg shut up you warmongering, city-grabbing, opportunistic bottle of shampoo, go carry on checking out your reflection in your sword or whatever
(I do find it amusing that even in spectator mode the other civs still have an opinion of me despite me not having done anything whatsoever)
The fact that I didn’t ever settle a city means the background music didn’t start and the silence is so creepy ugh, I keep popping into the leader screens just for a bit of a change
Speaking of which
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I didn’t realize Tamar was this ADORABLE when she’s friends/allies with you??? usually she’s just glaring at you judgmentally but now she’s smiling and it’s really cute??? hhhhh I just love her she’s the BEST and yes I stayed on this screen for like 10 minutes just listening to the music, Georgia has the best music and we all know it TSAIQUANES TAMAR KALI ABKHAZETSHIIIIIIIII DIELODAAAAA
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mattelektras · 7 years
i know this is so random but do you know how to make text a different colour in gifs? im using white text but the people in the gif make it invisible. how to i make the text over them black, and the other white? ive seen gifs where the people are moving, and the black text moves with them, but the white text outside of them stays white as they move? does that make sense? ;A; im sorry i dont know who else to ask im so confused jsnfksjdnf
i get what you mean i never know what to call it either skjdhfksjd but u do it by setting the text colour to white and then setting the blend mode to difference, so it should look like this in the layers tab;
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the clipped vibrance is for if you want it to be black and white. if u dont it’ll be kind of blue ish??? like this 
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which is fine it just depends on the Aesthetique ur goin for
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