sitting-on-me-bum · 5 months
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“Crowd Control,” Skjervøy, Norway
Every winter, enormous schools of herring migrate from the open ocean into the fjords of Northern Norway and attract large numbers of big predators, such as orcas and humpback whales.
By Andy Schmid
Nature TTL Photographer of the Year Contest
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lichtschimmer · 1 year
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Europe, Norway, Troms og Finnmark, Skjervoy - webcam 
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wiirocku · 3 years
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Haukøya Island, East of Skjervøy in Troms and Finnmark county, Norway
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respectanimalrights · 4 years
Credit 🎬 @julsvgui @valhallaorcaexpedition ✏ Put the sound on ;-) special encounter underwater with orcas and humpback whale last November 2018. Special thank to @laurentouillet Join us on our next expedition in Norway from November 2019 to end January 2020 onboard our zodiac hurricane! A unique experience to see or snorkel with these majestic animals.
.Orca’s, landscapes, artic light and Aurora borealis! More than enough reasons to book with us for an unforgettable experience! Find us on Facebook: Valhallaorcaexpedition, send a email to [email protected] or send us a text! . Photograph by @julsvgui #orca #orcas #killerwhale #killerwhales #whalewatching #skjervoy#ocean #sea #whale #whales #ecotourism #naturelover#traveller #travelguide #marinelife #arctic #adventure #norway #northernnorway #nature #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #wildlifeonearth#photographer#nikon #conservationphotography #protectouroceans #emptythetanks #wildlifeplanet https://www.instagram.com/p/CELqkvMB_yy/?igshid=17wa2vhm0ios1
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lelaurax · 4 years
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hownottoseethings · 7 years
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surrenderyourego-v2 · 5 years
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Whalewatching pics from my Norwegian adventure in November 🇳🇴 (finally had time to get them off the DSLR) #humpbackwhales #Skjervoy #bestholidayever (at Skjervøy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6DdQKbg8LqeOlP8mD7cTCqIfb0grVBifqnuhY0/?igshid=1jx6vrqyrs49g
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pxpx500-gif · 5 years
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Sunset at Skjervoy
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atlanticinfocus · 3 years
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From Swimming With Orcas During Polar Nights, one of 14 photos. An orca is pictured in the fjords of Skjervoy, northern Norway, on November 26, 2021. (Olivier Morin / AFP / Getty)
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sallyannthearts · 3 years
Into the Unknown Norwegian Adventure Day 1
  Having lived 18+ years of my life in South East Asia before moving to Europe, I guess I had never thought I’d get to see the auroras. The first time I’d heard of them was when I was working as a flight stewardess (yes I did that to earn money for my Bachelors in Performing Arts' cause’ studying the arts isn’t affordable in the least. P.s: Thank you mom and dad!) and the pilots would tell me that they’d seen it from the cockpit. I’d wonder what they looked like in real life but never gave it much of a thought after. Was it to preserve myself from the possibility of never seeing them? Maybe. 
  But last year as I celebrated my 30th birthday and Covid prevented us from this trip to Norway that we finally managed to do a year later, I put it in my mind that I wanted to see them. And God, if you’re real, then thank you so much because see them I have for the last few nights throughout my entire stay here. Before leaving for this trip, people told us that seeing them was a high probability in the north but also based on chance as some people spent days here chasing them without ever seeing a sight. 
  I know that this is all just me being dramatic but though I kept my expectations low, I had a feeling… and this feeling was right. The auroras wanted and still want to dance and with them, I will continue to dance till the day my body breaks down into dust. For dancing is my body’s way of expressing life, just as the auroras do it only too well. 
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5th November 2021 
Location: Tromso Fjellheisen and then Skulsfjord 
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The day was spent chilling -literally- on the cold mountains on Fjellheisen where beauty first showed itself. And as if we weren’t cold enough, this was our first night ‘chasing’ auroras where we ended up staying hours outside. I say ‘chasing’ because she came right at us, electricity charged, dancing like a prima ballerina. 
  Beforehand, we really had no expectations as the applications said that it’d be very cloudy. You need a clear sky to be able to see them. Andro chanced upon a blogger who mentioned a few spots and we picked Skulsfjord because it was close to Tromso about 20-25 minutes drive away. We really didn’t know which way to look. Turns out, it was the right place as it remains (for now, as we still have 2 more nights here in Skjervoy) the most colourful show we had. 
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  On our way there, Andro was well concentrated on the road while I looked out the windows, wondering where they’d be. I saw these bright lights, some like long tunnels of the milkyway and suddenly a gurgling happiness started to bubble inside of me. I couldn’t understand why I was feeling this warm fuzzy feeling. I said to Andro,“I don’t know what those are but they are so beautiful.” Andro retells this moment as a joke now as he kept asking if he should stop but apparently I kept saying to drive on. The scene was a bit like this: 
Sally: (Stares out in amazement) WOW what is that! It’s so beautiful. Keep your eyes on the road! 
Andro: My eyes are glued! 
Sally: Oh My God, I’ve never seen something this beautiful. 
Andro: Should I pullover? 
Sally: No, just keep going. Let’s get to skulsfjord first. OH MY GOD I think this is it! 
Sally: OH MY GOD, ANDRO! If ever a higher power exists, a God… This is its way of expressing itself. Don’t look! Keep driving! OHHH it’s in front of us! Do you see it? What, you didn’t see it?! OH MY GOD IT’S BEAUTIFUL! 
  Luckily for him, we pulled over at our final destination for the night and saw the full light show. And because it was in front of a lake, the waters reflected the green, purple and red so expressively that our jaws were dropping incessantly between Oohs and Aahs. 
  At one point, it looked like giants taking huge steps in the sky as the lights danced from one end to the other. I remember seeing them again that night when I closed my eyes, wondering if it had all been a dream. Because the first time you see them really does look like they aren’t real. It feels out of this world, as appropriate that sounds, it is really that.
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jimabernethy · 4 years
#Repost @beyer_photo @download.ins --- So satisfying. . Nature is Truly Beautiful! Get outside and enjoy it! @jim_abernethy @wildlifevoiceinc . #orcas #skjervøy #wildlife #natgeowild #phototour #swimwithorca #orca #earthcapture #norway #nature #winter #discoverocean #ocean #marinemammals #animals #naturalhabitat #dji #drone #dronephotography #aerialphotography #dorsal #mynorwaystories #skjervoy https://www.instagram.com/p/CDusExuJS86/?igshid=1d7hg00to9qvb
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voyagedametnoe · 5 years
[22,23,24 AOUT 2019 ~ Rotsund, Fjordgård et Finnsness, Norvège]
On galère un peu à partir de Skjervoy. Pas facile le stop par ici. On prend notre temps, on est fatigués et on n'a pas la force d'aller loin, de faire beaucoup de distance comme au début du voyage. Avant de rentrer on veut juste faire un tour sur l'île de Senja, donc on va vers Finnsnes, la porte d'entrée de l'île. On met deux jours pour faire les 250km. On longe des fjords avec des hautes montagnes et des glaciers. Un mec qui bosse à la croix rouge comme bénévole nous explique qu'il y a 30 ans certains glaciers descendaient jusqu'à la mer. Maintenant ils en sont loin. Il nous montre une montagne et nous explique qu'une étude géologique a découvert une énorme fissure à l'intérieur. La moitié de la montagne va s'écrouler dans le fjord d'ici 60 ans et provoquer un tsunami. Pourtant pleins de gens habitent le long du fjord. Du coup les services de secours s'entrainent à cette éventualité. Mais on se dit que quand ça arrivera on pourra pas y faire grand chose. Le soir on dort encore dans une waiting room de ferry, chauffée. Le moral retombe alors on lance un jeu où faut juste danser sur des musiques que je choisis au pif dans le tel de Dam et on a le droit de danser n'importe comment. On met le réveil à 9h. Le lendemain matin à 7h45 on est reveillés par des lycéens qui nous engueulent parce qu'on dort dans leur salle d'attente et ils nous font un doigt d'honneur. Relou. C'est la 1ère fois du voyage qu'on a ce problème. C'est pas grave parce que la vue depuis la fenêtre de la waiting room est juste à couper le souffle.
On se dirige doucement vers l'île de Senja, dernière étape du voyage. Pour passer d'un fjord à l'autre parfois on passe de longs tunnels de plusieurs kilomètres sous la montagne. Les parois ne sont pas bétonnées et il n'y a qu'une seule voie avec des trous dans la roche pour se croiser. C'est presque oppressant. Pour aller sur l'île on est pris par une norvégienne très attachante, avec laquelle on discute du système social norvégien. Selon elle, c'est un peu comme un système communiste, très égalitaire, avec une sécu sociale d'enfer, un logement pour toustes. Mais on lui précise que comme nous disait une autre chauffeuse, les gens ont tendance à devenir assez individualistes puisque personne ne semble manquer de rien ici. Elle nous explique que les norvegiens ont au contraire une culture d'accueil et sont assez chaleureux, mais que ça change petit à petit. Le gouvernement attaque progressivement le système social sous pretexte qu'il y aurait des abus. Amusant de constater que partout les discours justifiant la destruction des systèmes sociaux se ressemblent. Elle nous explique que la traque des sans-papiers existe aussi en Norvège et on lui parle des centres de rétentions français.
On rejoint les autres à Fjordgård. On dort sur la piste d'atterrissage de l'hélicoptère qui se situe dans l'école (wtf). Matis arrive à pêcher 5 poissons qu'on fait cuire dans de l'alu dans un barbuc qu'on a trouvé, avec les patates elles aussi au barbuc et l'aïoli raté c'est trop bon. Le lendemain on rencontre un couple de Suédois supers cools qui voyagent en camion. Ils nous montrent leurs aménagements. Je parle un peu avec eux et on les recroise plus tard sur l'île, ils nous avancent un peu plus loin.
Le stop ne fonctionne pas super bien et on est plus souvent pris par des touristes ou des étrangers que par des norvégiens. Sur l'île il fait étrangement plus froid que nulle part ailleurs de ce qu'on a vu. Les nuages rendent les montagnes très sombres et masquent les sommets. Mais ça reste assez magnifique, avec des pics rocheux qui s'alignent et plongent directement dans la mer. On a tellement froid qu'on préfère rejoindre Finnsnes pour aviser de la route qu'on prendra pour rejoindre notre avion à Tromso.  En plus on a oublié que demain c'est dimanche et faut refaire un plein de bouffe. Je pense que je reviendrai par ici, mais avec un camion.
Le 25 on reprend un ferry pour Tromso. C'est pas le même que la dernière fois, celui-là est plus récent, on se croirait sur le Titanic. On découvre un jacuzzi extérieur. Le temps est dégueulasse, il pleut y'a du vent, les montagnes sont complètement dans le brouillard, mais nous on est au chaud dans notre jacuzzi c'est génial. Juste après on trouve la porte du sauna pour les femmes ouvertes, alors que normalement l'accès est restreint alors Noé en profite. Au final il est que à 50° et comparé au bagna russe c'est vraiment rien mais ça fait quand même du bien.
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arcticcruisenorway · 3 years
Private Whale safari from Tromso to SKjervøy - Best Private Whale Safari Skjervoy
Private Whale safari cruise ship fromn Tromso to Skjervoy: A Journey that is worth it
The stunning Norwegian fjords just north of Tromso towards Skjervoy are probably a few of the best locations to take place a Personal Whale safari from Tromso to Skjervoy as well as actually see killer whales, humpbacks, and various other marine life in the wild right before your eyes. Whale watching or Whale safari is a preferred destination of any type of journey to Norway. At the correct time of year, there is most likely a 95 % possibility of seeing magnificent marine animals if you sign up with a whale watching cruise ship or Personal Whale Safari from Tromso to Skjervoy in Norway. The experience of standing up near the whales and seeing the sacred Northern lights is an experience that is definitely worth your time, initiative, as well as cash. The main whale watching safari period begins with completion of October as well as lasts till mid of January. Is pretty much assured that you will make the most out of your journey and also enjoy a terrific discovery when you intend your journeys throughout these months. You will definitely locate many led trips during this period, like the ones provided by Arctic Cruise in Norway. Throughout the cold weather, Arctic Cruise In Norway operates a exciting and distinct wild animals experience in Northern Norway. The whale watching cruise ship in Norway will certainly take you through the wonderful fjords as well as majestic winter months views to locate humpback, awesome whales or Whale. Top expert overviews will be by your side to go along with as well as assist you on this remarkable whale watching experience around the lovely Norwegian fjords. Personal Whale watching cruise in Norway is an one-of-a-kind opportunity for any person curious about humpback whales, whales, white-tailed eagles, Northern Lights, Arctic winter season, and spectacular landscapes. It is a fantastic possibility to find out about aquatic life as well as do some terrific photography. As you trip via the long winter season nights if you are lucky you can capture a gleam of the marvelous Northern Lights. The enjoyable continues. It's the experience that you will keep in mind always, and that's certainly worth it. To start your winter experience in Norway, do not fail to remember to call our guide at Arctic Cruise In Norway.
/ K.
The main whale watching safari season starts from the end of October as well as lasts till mid of January. You will absolutely find lots of guided journeys throughout this period, like the ones given by Arctic Cruise in Norway. Personal Whale watching cruise in Norway is a distinct chance for anybody interested in humpback whales, whales, white-tailed eagles, Northern Lights, Arctic winter, and sensational landscapes.
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respectanimalrights · 5 years
This is magical, join them next season in Norway read below /Kimberly Join © ✅ @valhallaorcaexpedition © 🎞 🖋 ✅ @julsvgui Next season in Norway, read caption for info./Kimberly Today we were lucky with hunting orcas and humpbacks joining after. We were the only ones on site and then enjoyed the beautiful cruise of orcas in the arctic light. Join us on our next expedition in Norway from November 2019 to end January 2020 onboard our milpro reverine and zodiac hurricane! A unique experience to see or snorkel with these majestic animals.
.Orca’s, landscapes, artic light and Aurora borealis! More than enough reasons to book with us for an unforgettable experience! Find us on Facebook: Valhallaorcaexpedition, send a email to [email protected] or send us a text! . Photograph by © 🎞 ✅ @julsvgui #orca #orcas #whalewatching #skjervoy#ocean #sea #whale #whales #scubadiving #naturelover#traveller #travelguide #marinelife #arctic #adventure #norway #northernnorway #nature #snorkel #diving #snorkeling #wildlifeonearth#photographer#conservationphotography #protectouroceans #Marinlife #sealovers #destinationphotographer #photooftheday #dailydoseofcolor https://www.instagram.com/p/B8MnTmOBeS0/?igshid=1sdwoh4jgr0rm
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lelaurax · 4 years
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pietrovallome · 5 years
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Skjervoy (Norway) 2018
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