aftersfm · 3 years
location: the crowbar status: open to all
A neon sign overhead washed all the colour from the near empty parking lot, bugs buzzing in his ears and wind drifting- still the heat clings to everything. The hour was late enough for the streets to be silent, and the idle sounds of machines clanking inside The Crowbar. Usually he’s closed up business by this hour, at least on those nights there weren’t any fights going on. But he had a few- those late night workers, or with poor time management asking for just a little while longer. 
Nolan watched the stars stretch into the dark cavern of night, twinkling as predictably as each night before where he stood with his back against the wall on his break. A set of headlights illuminating him for a brief moment as a new car pulled in. Shoes crunching gravel disturbing the peace of night,
“Whatever you’re after, we’re about closed for the night.”
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medixinal · 3 years
Where: hospital emergency room Who: anyone
Fluorescent white lights and the incessant beeping of machines was her constant companion whilst working through the long hours of double shifts in the hospital. It gave her some semblance of peace, knowing what she did was practically second nature to her now. With a pen holding her perfectly curled hair fixed to the back of her head she brushed open the curtain surrounding the bed of her latest patient for the night. This was standard, things got weird in the emergency room on the nights leading up to a full moon, it drew out all the crazy in people. 
Looking up from the chart in her hands she stopped mid-stride as she saw who was sat on the bed, “Well you are the last person I expected to see in here.”
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inadaptadocris · 3 years
location: outside the Crowbar who: open to everyone.
   Cris knew the black eye he was currently sporting when faded sooner rather than later-- but he still didn’t like the feel of the puffy skin. Or maybe it was just the fact that the person he was training with shouldn’t have gotten a shot like that in. He’d gotten too comfortable; too cocky. It made his mind spin as he reminded himself over and over that you always had to be on your toes.
    The man was fishing around in his pockets for a lighter, grumbling in irritation as he realized the lighter wasn’t anywhere to be found. He tapped his pack of Camel Turkish Royals on his hand before turning to a person that seemed to be walking by. “You don’t happen to have a light on ya, do you? I can’t find mine.”
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taefromthehills · 3 years
location: the waterhole
open to: ~anyone & everyone~
The sun was finally starting to make its slow journey down to the horizon, and Tae had situated themself on the steps of their porch, legs stretching out to the concrete at the bottom. It was a nice way to end the day, a cold beer or two and stretching sore muscles.
They took a short sip from the amber glass as they looked out to the neighborhood as everyone began to finish their day, though some seemed to be starting it. Today there were no shifts at the station and no training at the bar. A rare moment where no time was called for.
So that meant while doing some last minute sunbathing, they would find something. It wasn’t exactly the most exciting of things, but as Tae’s eyes fell on someone not too far away they couldn’t help but call out, “You know that if you keep watering dirt, all you’re going to grow is more dirt?” The direction made them have to squint in slight before they raised the second beer up adding, “it’s better to water yourself.”
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scnshncs · 3 years
location: the drunken cactus
time: night
status: open
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it took all of two seconds for a reply to form when some random man walked up to the girl and offered possibly the grossest pick up line she’d ever heard. “does that line always work for you?” popped off the red head, apparently choosing violence today. she couldn’t help it, the shitty pick up line had rubbed her wrong. plus, tequila lux tended to be feistier that normal, and she was on her third drink of the night in honor of the shitty news blast all over the place.
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enxmys · 2 years
where: the drunken cactus when: middle of the afternoon
The crisp fizz off the top of his beer settled against edge of his fingers as they sat wrapped around the neck of the chilled glass, the ghost of a bruise dusting his knuckles beneath the many well worn scars that told a thousand stories. Despite the noise in the bar, even in the middle of the day, he was still struggling with how quiet he found it. Prisons were noisy places, and with their penchant for timetables and activities, Connor found himself with far too much time on his hands. 
After a punishing workout and finally unpacking the last of his things he’d ambled down to the bar, only to hesitate at the door, although it wasn’t hesitation. He’d grown used to waiting for doors to be opened with the electronic buzz that released the lock. It took him a moment to remember that he was out, clear, free! This lapse had left him in a sour mood so when he felt someone disturb the space beside him he sighed, and not all that quietly. “What? No other seats?”
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feralsfm · 2 years
location: the gas station status: open to all
The days had been slow recently, and the nights even slower. Moth beating against shop front windows, fluttering towards the glowing light. Coyotes cross the long stretch of road where no other life seems to stir. She watches them, eye lights catching off the reflection of the giant illuminating light that just says ‘GAS’.
Bored, resting chin against her hand on the counter just waiting, she’s thankful to see a customer pull into bays outside. Gum popped between her glossed lips, she makes her way outside, grabbing the pump to start filling the other’s vehicle. “Where are you off to this time of night?”
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thejadcd · 3 years
      location: the laundromat.       who: open to everyone.
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      ------“ THE THIRD WASHER and the fifth and seventh driers are currently broken. ” what a greeting. from behind the cash counter, leaned over and reading the paper, he stood. and how out of place he appeared: a well-tailored suit that was far more expensive than the broken machinery, a haircut that cost more than anyone should rightfully pay. even esmé’s skin care routine was expensive ... his tone suggested he had no interest in fixing those broken machines, however. it even took him a moment to flick his eyes away from the paper to acknowledge the customer ( or whomever came through the threshold of the chiming door ).
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joaquinjara · 3 years
Location: Dirty Bean & Coffee Co Who: Anyone
It was after shift and Joaquin should honestly just go home. But it was one of those days where the idea of sleep wasn’t something he felt like doing that day. It didn’t matter that he’d just worked eighteen hours (after a call out)-- his mind was working at a rate he knew would bring unpleasant dreams. So instead he sat at the table, nursing a cup of black coffee that would probably grow cold before he managed to finish it.
When a shadow cast over him, Joaquin realized that someone was speaking to him. He looked up, eyes moving over their face, “I’m sorry... Did you say something?”
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hydraouus · 2 years
Location: Bishop’s Bike Shop @skullhqsreblogs​
Status: Open to all 
Sweat stuck to Earl’s brow as the sun finally dipped down, turning the sky a sandy pink. Her body was still struggling to adjust to the aridity. Every task she encountered at the shop today seemed punishing, endless. 
She rolled herself out from underneath a rust mottled engine as the footsteps demanded her attention. She crunched a plastic water bottle over her face, welcoming the coolness that ran down her back, eyes flickering over to the customer approaching. God she’d hoped to have seen the last one, but she offered them a gap toothed smile nonetheless.
Earl sucked the air through her teeth and scratched the back of her head doubtfully once she saw the task presented. “Christ, I’m not sure we can fix that here,” 
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theliquorbitesback · 2 years
location: eve’s place
for: ~ anyone ~
It was for upkeep, having a job at the bar. After a while, Jayce supposed he’d end up somewhere else in town with a different job, but the easiest place to start was always with the Reapers and it was enough for now. He was good at making drinks and the low light atmosphere was nice even if the music felt too loud. It was easier to work as a guy he was certain so Jayce was happy for that.
Even then, there were some things that weren’t exactly in his wheel house and that he didn’t enjoy. Namely the social aspect. “Can I get you something or are you just going to sit there and stare?” he said, looking to get the attention of the person nearby. No drink in front of them but their attention seemed locked.
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harleythatcher · 3 years
“Please tell me you’re not going to be fucking lame and take a shot with me?” Harley raised one of her thick brows. Tonight was supposed to be fun and dammit, she was going to have a good time. Usually beer was more her fashion, but any type of alcohol seemed perfectly fine to down right now. Hell, maybe even tequila, and she hadn’t really drank any of that since she was in high school; where she got drunk on it every weekend. “I’m trying to feel like a teenager again, so don’t let me down.”
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scnshncs · 3 years
location: mel’s eggs n’ waffles
time: late at night
status: open
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closing duties were second nature to the blonde at this point, given most of her nights were dedicated to the diner. trash was her least favorite part, always saved for last on her way out for the night. she knew it probably wasn’t the best practice to go out back this late, but nothing had happened yet and the un-triggered wolf had deemed it safe. but a rustling of noise drew her mind to other places when she walked outside, a chill settling in the easily frightened greaves girl. “whatever you’re doin’ back there, you better go.” was she a girl in a horror film now? she should have just tossed the trash and gone to her bike, but a rare streak of bravery had pulled her voice from her throat.
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andiewalkcr · 2 years
LOCATION: TBH, any sidewalk will do. STATUS: open to all 
Why, why did she decide to do this? Running was never strong suit of hers and somehow, this was pure torture in her mind and she wasn’t even sure why she was still doing it at this point. Each thud of her foot pounding the pavement sent waves of pain up her legs, her body burned and she felt her lungs restrict in her chest. “Oh, fuck this.” she came to a shuddering halt, leaning against a nearby streetlight. “Why do people do this, why do people enjoy this? It’s psychotic.” she gulped, eyes briefly flickering closed as she tried to gasp for air. 
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