m2moon94 · 1 year
Lo logre!!!! Lo terminé!!!! Me hubiera gustado dedicarle más tiempo pero como les comente ya casi no tengo tiempo para dibujar... Pero trataré de hacer sketchs o pequeños tiktok más seguido!!!
I choose the 7 day of the Sesskag week, the keyword JOY!!!
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sesskag-week · 1 year
Day 7 - Joy | SessKag Week 2023
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Word Prompt: Laughter
Scenario 1: Sharing good news
Scenario 2: Character A goes overboard to make character B happy
You can use either each day’s Emotion theme or word prompt, or choose between the two scenario prompts given!
Please remember to tag your works for Day 7 with #skw2023 and #skw2023d7!
Also as a reminder, we have an AO3 collection!
And so we've reached the end. 😊 Thank you so much to every creator who participated! 💕Hope to see you again next year!
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sesskag-week · 1 year
An Oni’s Curse by Flamethemightydragon, Chapter 7
Summary: Rin sat by Kagome’s bedside, brows furrowed in worry as the older Miko tossed and turned, mumbling in her sleep. Kaede’s wrinkled hand replaced the cool cloth across her head, fighting against the fever taking hold. “Fret not, child. She will destroy the curse.” #sesskagweek2023.
Rated T
Also on Dokuga.
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