In a warehouse somewhere in Oklahoma.
Wintergreen chained to a chair: “I suggest you let me go”
Thug 1: “hah very funny boss said you aint leavin this place a’live”
Wintergreen: *sigh* “well i warned you”
5 minutes later
*screams and gunfire in the distance*
Thug 2: “holy shit what do we do we lost 23 men already”
Thug 1: “ehh dont worry too much it’s probably some justice leaguer. They dont kill.”
Thug 2: “whatever you say ma-“
*thug 2 drops to the floor dead*
Thug 3: “holy shit JERRYS DEAD”
Thug 1: “alright everyone calm down whoever is here must be after this idiot. Put a gun to his head and make sure he doesn’t move. We got a point to prove”
*thugs line up with guns pointing at the entrance as it blasts open and smoke fills the room”
*slade appears behind the thug*: “BOO” *slade pulls his sword out”
*thug 3’s head rolls away*
Thug 1: “listen here buddy you do anything else your little friend here meets god tonight. We have orders from our boss to kill em”
*slade chuckled darkly*: “you you mean this boss?” *slade throws a head at the thug*
Thug 1: “jesus christ. Fine fine take him leave us alone please”
Slade: “mmm you should have thought about that before you kidnapped my friend” *gunshots echo thru the warehouse*
After all the thugs are killed
Wintergreen: “not to be a damsel in distress over here but could you please untie me so we can get out of here”
*Slade taking off his mask and smirking*: “aww do i have too i like seeing you tied up like this.”
Wintergreen: “you bastard this isnt time for your horny fantasies. Get me out so we can leave.”
Slade: “mmm no i dont feel like it”
Wintergreen: “you petty piece of shit. Fine we’ll do something later now can we please leave before reinforcements arrive please”
*Slade untying wintergreen*: “fineeeeee but first lets get starbucks on the way home i promised rose i would get her something.”
Wintergreen: “ok i am a bit thirsty”
Slade: “your not hurt are you?”
Wintergreen: “no im ok just ruffed up”
Slade: “ok good” *grabs wintergreen and kisses him*
Wintergreen: “later slade come on please”
Slade: “sry just missed you and was worried”
Wintergreen: “don’t worry I’m fine darling”
4 hours later at a hotel
Wintergreen: “thanks for saving me”
Slade: “of course. Im just glad your okay”
Wintergreen: “i love you.”
Slade: “i love you too” *cuddles*
Wintergreen: “goodnight.”
Slade: “aww just one more round old man”
Wintergreen: “fuck off im tired and going to bed.”
Slade: “okay goodnight billy”
Wintergreen: “goodnight slade”
8 hours later at 9 in the morning
*door slams open to the hotel bedroom”
Slade: “SHIT”
Wintergreen: *chuckles*
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My first SladeBilly fanart!
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I got bored. Too bored. Since I can't draw yet y'all are gettin edits. If u want to reblog this with photos you might want edits of and themes with them and I'll try to make them. We gotta keep this content rolling
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