#okay leave me alone i wrote this at 3:03 am in the morning
In a warehouse somewhere in Oklahoma.
Wintergreen chained to a chair: “I suggest you let me go”
Thug 1: “hah very funny boss said you aint leavin this place a’live”
Wintergreen: *sigh* “well i warned you”
5 minutes later
*screams and gunfire in the distance*
Thug 2: “holy shit what do we do we lost 23 men already”
Thug 1: “ehh dont worry too much it’s probably some justice leaguer. They dont kill.”
Thug 2: “whatever you say ma-“
*thug 2 drops to the floor dead*
Thug 3: “holy shit JERRYS DEAD”
Thug 1: “alright everyone calm down whoever is here must be after this idiot. Put a gun to his head and make sure he doesn’t move. We got a point to prove”
*thugs line up with guns pointing at the entrance as it blasts open and smoke fills the room”
*slade appears behind the thug*: “BOO” *slade pulls his sword out”
*thug 3’s head rolls away*
Thug 1: “listen here buddy you do anything else your little friend here meets god tonight. We have orders from our boss to kill em”
*slade chuckled darkly*: “you you mean this boss?” *slade throws a head at the thug*
Thug 1: “jesus christ. Fine fine take him leave us alone please”
Slade: “mmm you should have thought about that before you kidnapped my friend” *gunshots echo thru the warehouse*
After all the thugs are killed
Wintergreen: “not to be a damsel in distress over here but could you please untie me so we can get out of here”
*Slade taking off his mask and smirking*: “aww do i have too i like seeing you tied up like this.”
Wintergreen: “you bastard this isnt time for your horny fantasies. Get me out so we can leave.”
Slade: “mmm no i dont feel like it”
Wintergreen: “you petty piece of shit. Fine we’ll do something later now can we please leave before reinforcements arrive please”
*Slade untying wintergreen*: “fineeeeee but first lets get starbucks on the way home i promised rose i would get her something.”
Wintergreen: “ok i am a bit thirsty”
Slade: “your not hurt are you?”
Wintergreen: “no im ok just ruffed up”
Slade: “ok good” *grabs wintergreen and kisses him*
Wintergreen: “later slade come on please”
Slade: “sry just missed you and was worried”
Wintergreen: “don’t worry I’m fine darling”
4 hours later at a hotel
Wintergreen: “thanks for saving me”
Slade: “of course. Im just glad your okay”
Wintergreen: “i love you.”
Slade: “i love you too” *cuddles*
Wintergreen: “goodnight.”
Slade: “aww just one more round old man”
Wintergreen: “fuck off im tired and going to bed.”
Slade: “okay goodnight billy”
Wintergreen: “goodnight slade”
8 hours later at 9 in the morning
*door slams open to the hotel bedroom”
Slade: “SHIT”
Wintergreen: *chuckles*
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featheredomen · 3 years
I’ve decided this is going to be the week I actually get my shit together (never mind that it’s already Tuesday, leave me alone), so I’m just gonna leave this post here and update it whenever I do something that I needed to do/was overdue/is just good for my general well-being, and I’ll see where it’s at on Friday. You know, might use this blog as an actual blog :P - 7:10am, 30/03
30/03 - Tuesday
- Went to my first lecture of the week, Sex, Death and Ritual (the only lecture that takes attendance, and it’s only 50 minutes long, and it’s the only thing I have to leave the house for, and it’s at 9am, so you can imagine how difficult it is for me to convince myself to do it lmao)
(A lovely nursing student said she loved my hair when we were getting on the loop bus <3)
- Tidied up my room a little, but more importantly I put away all my washing that’s just been hanging out in piles for the last couple of weeks
- Watched this week’s Philosophy lecture. I don’t think my Philosophy Professor is okay (”and that’s why our world is basically so screwed” - smiling with absolutely no feeling)
- Did one of my readings for SDaR: Revitalization movements: Some theoretical considerations for their comparative study. American Anthropologist 58(2): 264–281 (and was personally attacked by one paragraph in particular but no biggie)
- Actually called the uni counsellor and got an appointment for two weeks time <-- I’m actually real proud of this one, I’ve been putting it off for three weeks, and I hate phone calls almost as much as I hate genuinely admitting that i need help
- Finally finished the second reading for SDaR: Roth, C. F. 2002. goods, names, and selves: rethinking the Tsimshian potlatch. American Ethnologist 29(1): 123–150. (this one fucking killed me, none of the words properly registered and I don’t think I took away what I was meant to but god damn I’’ve been awake since 5am and it’s nearly 8 now, my brain is mush :P)
- Checked my uni email two days in a row (this is terrifying don’t judge)
- Wrote 419 words for TDA (one of three novels I’m cycling through atm)
I think I might call this a day.
31/03 - Wednesday
Me, trying to talk myself out of going to uni: I can’t go to uni *cough* I’m sick Me, to me: Boo, you whore
- Went to my 9am Discovering Archaeology lecture
- Went to my 10am Philosophy tutorial
- Watched my SDaR lecture from week 3 because apparently I missed it lolwhoops
- Went to my 12pm Sex, Death, and Ritual tutorial for two hours. It was fun. India, Dallas and I ~bonded~, mostly over Buffy
- Actually talked to my SDaR Professor and organised to get an extension on the assignment that’s one and a half weeks overdue and she’s not even gonna take points away for being late omg she’s so nice I feel guilty ;-;
There is no internet in this house what the fuck
01/04 - Thursday
Had a lovely sleep-in until 9:30 :3
- Put on a load of washing
- Paid rent (I am so very very broke omg)
- Went on a long and near-pointless journey for Easter eggs, wasting my entire afternoon, while trying to coordinate with my brother and father who are so uninterested in the entire thing. Barely successful. Working with those two is like pulling teeth. Have acquired a couple of eggs from the Good Chocolate place. Will have to go on a quest to get the last two I need probably Saturday.
- Can you tell I have lost momentum lmao
02/04 - Friday
Well and truly lost momentum at this point. Dicked around doing basically nothing all day. Did boot up the Evil Within in the arvo and played for a bit because I felt like giving myself a Laura-induced heart attack. It was fun :3
- Made a new gifset for The Evil Within which I haven’t done in a few weeks, so I’m considering it a win
- Made a couple of gifs for the continuation of my Evil Within chapter series, will complete that at a later date
Ordered KFC with the housemates because it’s free delivery all Easter weekend - why is this significant? Because for once, I was the devil on Ryan’s shoulder whispering at him to make bad Friday-night food choices >:3
03/04 - Saturday (it’s still part of this week, pipe down)
- Got all my washing in off the line
- Went on an early morning last-minute Easter egg run to the local shops. Way too painless. I therefore assume that I have done something horribly wrong. But for now, Easter shopping is complete, and it’s a beautiful sunny day out there, 28 degrees and it’s not even 10:30 :D
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threadbond · 3 years
Mun as Operator Isekai Style!:
(Going to put this under keep reading since it’s super long. I did this once before, but now that I know a bit more about the game I can finally write it the way I am more comfortable with. Also I added some more answers, since I have no self control of my actions.)
Repost don’t Reblog!
You get sent to the Arknights Universe Isekai style! So how well do you think things would go for you in this Post-Apocalyptic  Quirky Fun World?
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01. Basics
What Race are you?: Perro since I am a doggo. (Would be a Chow Chow)
Where do start from?: Probs Bolívar
Do you have Oripathy?: Maybe not due to dumb luck alone.
What Abilities, Skills, Powers, etc do you have? (Sorry will update this part later. Just want to post it already.)
weapon(s): My fist to punch/take things. type of arts:  S1L1: [Auto]  S2L1: [Manual]  S3L1: [Manual]   trait 2:  base talent:   base talent 2:   class: Defender tags:  strength:     mobility:   phys resistance:  tactical acumen:  combat skill:  arts assimilation: 
How do you survive?
Gambling. With what ever money I could get my hands on I would use it to try to get more all while limiting myself. Might also get some people who might want my lady luck, when I would ask for my time to be payed with some of what ever they win after all.
Do you seek out a Faction, or try to join Reunion or Rhodes Island?
I’d join Rhode Island since it would help me out in the long run. Aka giving me a place to stay, and able to have a bed of my own.
02. Interpersonal
Who you do (HOPEFULLY) run into first?:
Nightingale, Specter, Shining, or Pramanix (It’s not a Isekai if the male character from a different world is not meeting a mysterious looking woman. Then it leading it to them fighting and hoping they do not die.)
Who do you think you’d be best friends with?: All the robot starters, and I will act like those sweet a little kid looking up something on goggle and thanking it for the answer I was looking for. Man I love these robots they are great. Manticore since she is a very sweet person, and man she needs a friend. I wouldn’t be able to feel right not saying hi to her or spending time with her as a whole. Sure she would be invisible, but I would still chill with her. Next would be Ethan. I would bug the hell out of this man, and be that clingy friend just so he could get it that I will make him food, listen to him talk for days, and do crimes with him. And no one will stop me. The last on the list will be Matterhorn and Hung. I can see us bonding over cooking, and us teaching each other new things to cook when we have time or need a quick meal to make for people or ourselves.
Who would you most likely get into conflict with?:
-groans- I don’t like to think of this since it’s a sad topic to think about. But if I have to pick, then I can see two I would more then likely get into conflict with, with out meaning to. First is Orchid. I can see us meeting with me giving her a bad introduction of me as a person, and would avoid me because of it. I try to fix it, but she doesn’t have no time for me, when she is a busy woman who has her hands full looking after her own group.  The second is Flamebringer. He would hear my record of sparring with lot of operators, and would want me to pick him for that day. But every time that happens something will be destroyed. So we will have to pay with it using our own credit. Doesn’t even matter if I or he broke something we fought with no limits and didn’t think about it until it was too late. And it will get so bad I would have to avoid him, since I would need my credit to gamble with after all...
Who would be a (HOPEFUL) love -interest for you?:
my thoughts changed from my original list so this one will be different. Also gonna limit myself to answering only 3 operators I can see me getting with or trying to get with in one way or another. But my 4-6 is Matterhorn, Sesa, and Chiave. I like these three so much that even if it doesn’t work out I would like to be there friends. Now on the real ones. 1.) Ethan. Okay listen I tried very hard not to like him, but the more I knew about him, and played him in game was making me fall for the lizard by the day. It was like being smacked by his tail be knocking out from one swat of it. I like his fashion. I mean have you seen his second anniversary outfit? HOT DAMN! I would be low key jelly around him because of it. Plus I think it would be cute if he asks me to make him something at 3 in the morning, and I will do it no matter how tired I might be. Not only that he has a feel that he would be easy to talk to, and be around as a person, ya know? I love this lizard too much. I am not sorry. 2.) Going to be shallow for the last two, but number two would be Jaye. I like cute guy’s with fluffy hair, and scars on there body. Dated a guy with scars on his legs. They where sexy what can I say. Now back on topic I would hang out with him to tell him about the dishes I know how to make while helping him out with his cooking hobby, would be down to help him fish no matter how cold it is or how early I have to wake up. Not only that I would feed him my dad’s skillet flounder dish and see him melt from the flavor alone. So yeah, I like the cute panda man who makes sushi. So sue me. 3.) The third one was a hard one to pick but I would go with Arene. Idk why I like guys who are fashionable, twinks, with great hair, but with those two being easy to talk to or hang out with, Arene would be so hard to really figure out. I like a challenge so I would go for it! Plus his voice reminds me of a gentle summer breeze, and i would be attracted to that. Anyways, I can see us finally talking is when he kicks my ass with us sparring, and I say something with out thinking about it form my world being a well known tactic, and he would want to know more, since he likes to learn things like that. So I would teach him everything I know, and even some weapon facts I know. I can see when I run out of facts I will just use things I use from media to fight, him not wanting to hear none of it will leave, and me fighting him until he dose listen. He is gonna learn something, and i will be damned if he doesn’t. Not only that he is a bit of a trickster, and damn I like guys like that too. I have a type what can I say. To end this I looked up there birthdays and I like a Aquarius, and two Virgos. As a Gemini wtf is wrong with me? It will never work out. Man if that isn’t prove I am not ready to date, then idk what is. XD
Who would you be rivals with?:
To be honest I have no idea. I guess who ever says I am there rival? So first comes first served.
What is your dream (un)wanted harem?:
To be a baker and to be the best man I can be. I could go into detail, but I already wrote lots as it is.
03. Direction What do you do?: Try not to die and rely on my luck like the dumbass that I am! As well as make as many friendships and bonds as I can to help me later down the road. 04.Extra
What Food would you more the likely eat the most of in this new world?: (Here is a link of some of the foods from the game.) Potato and bread. I know I can eat something similar to meat, but nah. Give me bread! What would you do late at night at the base?: I would do two things. Read the lore of the new world if it comes in English. If not I am screwed let’s be honest. Unless I have Isekai  powers to read there language, then that’s good. No problem there. And two I would make late night snacks for people. If I get caught i will just run away. Can’t get in trouble if they can’t catch you after all. Not even gonna rat out who was hungry that night. My lips are sealed.  Do you talk about being from another world with people or would you be secretive about it? I would spill all the jam of being from another world. Not even going to hide it. And if people see me as crazy oh well. I’ll live. Who would ask about your world in the Rhodes Island? What would happen because of it?: I can see the doctor asking a lot of questions about it, since it’s the doctor, and that bound would be them understanding me a bit more, and forgiving me for not knowing certain things about there world. As well as me asking questions to them before hand to be sure I don’t do anything stupid. But if we are talking about a operator, then it would more then likely be who ever my main friend is, and me telling them stories of my life, and it resulting in them wanting to know how something looks or asking me some questions I might not be able to answer fully. Who do you think would not believe you are from a different world? What would there reaction or actions be from this? I know the one who would not believe me would be Kal'tsit. I can just picture me saying, “In my world we didn’t have anthropomorphic animal people. We where connected to Homo sapiens.” And her thinking I am in the same situation as the doctor and lost my memories. She would say I was crazy but oddly enough I can see her not going to that conclusion, since it would be too simple of a answer.  So she would check up on me to see how I am doing because of me answering her question of my world. If you could be able to bring one thing from your world, then what would it be? Also it has to be something you own so pick wisely: My laptop with my music on it. I will die with out it, and I can just earn credit to get headphones so no problem with operator’s not knowing my trash taste in music.  Examples:  What horrible thing would you do by mistake with out knowing the effects, until it’s too late at the base? It wouldn’t be a mistake. Everyone will know the powers of memes....But real answer is me making sweets for the kid operators every Friday. Nothing bad so far, but I can see some operators wanting some of the desserts as well, and it getting so bad the doctor has to be involved. No one ate sweets that day... Would you have a Codename or would you just use your normal name?: I wouldn’t use my name, and would like to be named jawbreaker after the 1999 movie, cause I like movies, and will still reference them, since I am a dork. What would your dialog lines be in game?: “Let’s us be in the eternal twilight...“ “I don’t count cards I’m too dumb to know how! It’s luck! LUCK!“ “Doctor you seem to have woken up early today. Want me to cook you some breakfast?“ How would the other operators describe you? In the limit of 5 traits: Serious, gambler, sleepy, reliable, and hard to read. Lastly how do you want to end this? Any final words?: I will end it with just a gif of the FC I am using.
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Tagged By: Took it. Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this.
0 notes
Never Again (part 3)
 Pairings: Dean x sister!winchester, Sam x sister!winchester
 Warnings: arguing, being drunk, ANGST
 Summary~ With Sam having just left the family business to go to college, the Winchester family is a bit shaken. Dean, Y/N, and John deal with this difficult situation the best they can, but can the family business really go on without one of the esteemed members, Sam Winchester?
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You couldn’t believe it. Sam Winchester, your big brother, was standing in front of you; he was right there! You almost started laughing.
“Y/N?” Sam asked in disbelief.
You sunk further into the couch. “Sam! I didn’t know you liked bars,” you were noticeably slurring your words, and Sam started to worry. Why were you in California, and why were you absolutely wasted?
“Hey Sam,” joy glinted in your Y/E/C eyes, “Did you know that cucumbers are fruit?”
“Uh, no, I didn’t- Y/N, What are you doing here?” he asked, a tinge of annoyance entering his stance.
Your bubbly drunk persona melted away. “No offence, Sam, but it’s not really your problem. I came here to get away from family, not to find another branch of it. Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to my car,” you stumbled away from Sam and almost immediately fell flat on your face. “Urgh...”
“Y/N, you can’t drive in this state!” Sam instantly ran to your side, helping you up.
“Supposedly, I can’t do anything at all, because I’m too young and weak!” you cried.
Sam helped you to your feet. “What? Y/N, what are you talking about?”
You snorted. “Nothing bad.” The argument you’d had with Dean suddenly dropped all it’s weight onto your shoulders, and your features twisted in sadness immediately. “Well, nothing life-threatening.”
And of course Sam, being your ex-best friend/brother, understood instantly. “Oh. You had another fight with Dean, huh?”
“Yeah,” you mumbled, averting your gaze.
“Alright,” Sam announced, standing to his full, intimidating height, “Come on, bug. I’ll take you to my apartment, and I’ll call De-”
“No!” you stood suddenly, panic rushing through your veins. “You can’t- Don’t call Dean.”
Sam raised his eyebrows and folded his arms. “So, you still shy away from any conflict like it’s a disease, huh?”
“That’s not true,” you murmured and fell back into your seat on the comfy couch, “I just... I don’t want to talk to Dean.”
“Uh, huh.” Sam clicked his tongue. “Well, I was gonna let you come crash at my apartment until morning anyway, how does that sound?”
“Yeah, alright.” you stared at Sam, noticing something strange. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it. Your head tilted and your eyebrows furrowed as you fell deeper into thought.
“What is it? Y/N?”
Your face shifted from confusion to mischievousness comically fast. “I forgot how tall you were, Sammy,” you began to giggle, “You’re like a giant moose! Moo!”
Sam sighed. “Yeah, I forgot how difficult you got when you were drunk,” he picked you up, “Come on, bug. Let’s go.”
As soon as Sam held you, your eyes started to droop with drowsiness. Sam secured you as you rested your heavy head on his chest. He stepped outside into the cold. Sam thought about how complicated his entire life was, and how much pain it caused him and his family just so he could leave. He knew that he had most likely ruined his relationships with Y/N and Dean- He wasn’t too worried about dad- John was never much of a father, anyway. He walked towards his car, then placed you in the passenger seat. “Just wait here a second, Y/N, I have to go lock up, okay?”
You yawned, sleep’s gentle arms pulling you into dreamland. “Okay, Sammy.”
You saw him smile bitterly as he closed the car door, and then you were out cold.
Eventually, you came to, but not in a room you recognised. The bed was not yours, and it smelt nothing like Dean or the crappy motel rooms you spent eternities in. Why couldn’t you remember anything from last night? Oh God, you didn’t get kidnapped, did you? A bright light filtered through the blinds, burning your eyes. You looked around the bedroom to find pictures of Sam with people you didn’t recognise. Was this Sam’s room? Were you... in Stanford? Your memories began to return to you, like a trickling stream finding it’s way back to the ocean.
So you’d slept through the entire night, since Sam had found you in the bar. A digital clock on a bed stand was brought to your attention, informing you that it was almost 5pm, and you’d slept the entire day away. You groaned lowly as a throbbing sensation grew stronger, emanating from your skull. You brought your fingers to your temples, trying to massage away the pounding above your ears.
“Regretting last night’s decisions already?” Sam appeared in the doorway, with a mug in his hands.
“Don’t make me hit you, Sam,” you muttered.
He chuckled, a sound that made you feel happy and whole, as if nothing was wrong. As if he’d never left.
“Here, take this,” Sam handed you a few pills and a steaming hot coffee. He set the tray down on the bed stand and pushed a few of your stray hairs behind your ear. You smiled at him in thanks and drank your mixture of medicine and caffeine.
“So, what’s going on? Why did you run away?” concern flooded into Sam’s features.
“Dean was being a pig.” you stated.
“Like always, then?” Sam raised an eyebrow.
“More than usual, big brother,” you took a sip of your coffee. “I really missed you, Sammy. Things have been... tough without you.”
Sam looked away. “I’m sure you’ve all been dealing fine. After all, I was always the weakest link. Dad was probably glad I left so easily.”
You shot Sam a dirty look. “You know that’s not true, Sam. You’ve been gone a year, but it feels like a hundred. We need you back, Sammy. Helping people.”
Sam shook his head. “It’s not what I want to do,”
“It’s what you’re meant to do, Sam,” you murmured.
“This is exactly why I stopped talking to you all. You’ll just try and drag me back into the life! Well, guess what, I don’t want to hunt anymore. Get that through your thick skull,” he growled.
Anger started to bubble in your stomach. “So, what, you just wanna live some white fence, 2 and a half kids, apple pie life? You want to abandon your family? You want to leave innocent people to monsters? That’s not you, Sam.”
“You don’t know anything about me.” Sam snarled.
“Right. It’s not like I lived with you for 17 years!” you shrieked. Tears clawed their way down your face, leaving permanent stains on your soul. “You shouldn’t have brought me here.”
Sam’s shoulders tensed. “I’ll go call Dean.” He walked away.
You just couldn’t do anything right. First, you pushed away your eldest brother, who’d always looked after you. Now, you pushed away your second brother, simply because you held onto your past memories too tightly. The only thing you could do properly was hunting and hurting others. You stood from the bed, wiped your tears away, and collected all your things. Sam and Dean were only going to make you feel worse. 
Staying with Dean was a bad idea; you couldn’t stay with Sam unless you were drunk, and dad would already be angry enough. The only option was to be alone. You wrote a quick note to ensure Sam and Dean would leave you alone. Quietly, you sneaked out of Sam’s room to his living room, where you heard his muffled voice from a different room. You shot out of his apartment, running out to the car park. Just as you got into a car, Sam appeared at the front entrance, looking around frantically for you. With fear fuelling you, you started to hot-wire the car. Finally, it started up, and that was when Sam noticed you.
“Y/N! Wait, please!” he yelled after you.
You accelerated. That was what you did best, after all. Run. You looked in your mirror, Sam’s lonely figure standing there. And suddenly you knew that you’d made a terrible mistake by ever leaving.
Dad, Sam, and Dean were some of the best hunters in America. How were you going to outrun these talented trackers? How were you going to outrun your family?
How were you going to outrun your past?
Part 2 
Part 4
(ever growing) Tag List:
@simsguruforever2580 @jackjackljaqui @blackjacksdonuts @i-am-enough-always @katflintstone12 @extreme-supernatural-lover @a-girl-who-loves-disney @xagateophobiax @jared-jensen-misha-are-lovelyy @super100012 @unikitty-03​ @1-more-internet-kid @adeanmon
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henyome · 7 years
Dynamic Chord Love U Kiss Series – Apple-Polisher Volume 14 UK
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Sorry for the long delay in getting this out. So many things came up in the meantime, it’s actually been mostly finished for the past two months but I just never had a chance to go back through it. I hope you guys enjoy it though, Yuki is my favorite guy from Dynamic Chord.
Note: This is an epilogue to Yuki Aoi’s route in the game, each track is a different episode in Yuki and MC’s relationship. You can purchase the CD on Amazon JP or CDJapan.
Track 1 – Daring
0:31 – Mm…? Mm… Morning? Ah, ‘kay… No, I don’t wanna wake up yet… I’m tired…  Mm, you knew, huh? I was up ’til dawn. When I saw your sleeping face, I got a melody stuck in my head and I wanted to write it down before it disappeared… and then before I knew it…
1:17 – So just a little bit… Can you let me sleep a little longer? Huh…? A good morning kiss? Ahh… *kiss* Mm… One more? *kiss* Good morning… And good night.
1:55 – Sorry… I’m happy for the invite, but I’m tired… I’m lonely, hold my hand. I feel at ease when I hold your hand. It reminds me that you’re with me. I’m being selfish? Only with you. So let me have my way a little. Thanks…
3:00 – *laughing* It tickles! Ahaha… What are you doing? I said it tickles. Huh? You were bored so you were counting my moles? Don’t do that, they’ll just increase. You want to see my back? No way, I won’t show it to you. I get it, I’ll get up. I’ll get up, so stop counting my moles. *sigh*
3:44 – It’s morning and I’m already tired. So? What? You don’t usually do this. Are you wanting attention? Why aren’t you saying anything? If you don’t tell me I won’t know. Hey, come here.
4:16 – You won’t come? Are you pouting, or do you want my attention? Pick one. If you’re going to be like that then I’m just going to go back to sleep. *chuckle* So that’s it. It’s true, we’ve both been busy so we haven’t had much time for each other. Sorry.
4:45 – Then why don’t we start over. First… *kiss* Good morning. *footsteps* Hey, where are you going? *rustling* What are you doing…? *footsteps* Oh, you’re back. Hey. What are you holding in that hand? Stay still? Hey, you couldn’t be… *marker noises*
5:38 – What are you writing on my face? This will come off, right? *sigh* Okay, are you satisfied now? Hey, that laughter is a bit much. What did you write? I’m going to go wash my face and see– *kiss*
6:06 – What’s with you all of a sudden, kissing me… Whoa. Ah… Well, now that you’ve pushed me down, what are you going to do next? Is this it? Mm… I won’t be satisfied with just a kiss. Do you want me to hold you?
6:43 – You’re cute when you’re honest. *deep breath* Hey… What time do you have to go to work today? Oh… So we have two more hours. Then we have plenty of time… So… *flips over*
7:20 – You’re fine with me interpreting this as permission to continue where we left off, right? *chuckle* Your invitation sure was cute… Seriously… *kiss* This is how an adult does it… Don’t forget, okay?
7:58 – No, I’m not going to let you run away… Let me do what I want this time. I’ll make sure you don’t regret it… Hm? You’re worried about the light? Then… *closes curtains* Is this better?
8:28 – There’s no reason to be embarrassed. You’re beautiful. It’s fine, so just be quiet… *kiss* Seeing your face up close… Just I said, you’re beautiful. And your expression is seducing me. I’m the only man you’ve been with, so where did you learn to make that face?
9:08 – I see, that’s right… I taught you it… In that case, I’ll show you how I show my love… Pay close attention. *kiss* I love you.
9:54 – Hey, do you want to use the shower first? Not going to move? Then… I’ll use it first, okay? Are you thirsty? Do you want me to bring you water? You’re fine? Alright. Then take it easy and get some sleep. *kiss* I’ll be back soon.
10:56 – Huh… What is this.. “I… love you…” This is what she wrote?  How cute. Wait, that means… I had sex with her looking like this…  *sigh* That’s way too lame. I’ll have to punish her later.
Track 2 – Ringo wo Muite Kurenai ka?
0:04 – (talking to someone else) *chuckles* If we have time, we should do it together then. Ah, my plans for tonight?  I’m a bit busy… Yeah, our band is having a meeting at the vocalist’s house tonight. (to you)Oh, you’re finished? (back to the other person) Sorry, we’ll talk again some other time.
0:29 – I just saw Ogasawara-san a little bit ago, he said you’d be done soon so I decided to wait for you. It’s a been while but do you want to peel an apple for me? Oh? Why are you in a bad mood? Aha, before you go misunderstanding, let me just say that there’s nothing going on between me and that woman just now.
0:55 – It’s true that I have women like her approaching me sometimes, but it doesn’t matter. I have you. So how about it? If you don’t have anything else to do after this, do you want to come to my place? You don’t feel like it today? Alright. Then at least let me take you home. Even if it’s just for a little bit, I’d at least like to be able to talk to you.
1:29 – Then it’s decided, I’ll go get my car. I’ll give you a call when I pull up in front of the studio. You can come out and meet me then. *pat* And in the meantime, try to cheer up a bit for me, okay? I’ll see you in a few.
2:02 – *sigh* So? When are you going to stop being grumpy? Ha… There was nothing I could do in that situation. You don’t need to worry about it. I was just trying to be polite about it. We’re not going to be alone together.
2:31 – *exhale* I get it. I’ve reflected on my actions. Even if I’m being polite, I need to make sure not to give the other party the wrong idea, right? So are you going to cheer up now? *chuckle* Good girl.
2:51 – I’m glad we were able to resolve it before we got to Narumi’s house. It would have left a bad taste in my mouth to leave things like that. What is it? Are you feeling bad about getting jealous now? I admit, I’m grateful for you getting jealous over me, but if it affects your mood then that’s another story…
3:14 – When girls would get jealous with me before, I could only think it was a bother or just outright annoying. This is different though, I really am happy about it. It shows how much you must love me.
3:34 – *rustling* Ah-ah… Come to think of it, I need to keep my promise. The promise to make sure you feel loved enough. Should I do it now? Or do you want me to do it after we get to Narumi’s house? Oh? You’re not listening to me? *chuckles*
4:04 – Okay! We’ll go to my house then. *laughing* (getting punched by you) Okay, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. It was just cute watching you lose your composure. *chuckles* I’ll be sad if you won’t peel an apple for me. Alright, I apologize. Then we’ll go straight to my house, okay?
4:55 – Thanks for peeling it. *bites into the apple* Mm, it’s good! Just as thought, when you peel it for me, it tastes better. Thanks. *chuckles* Are you still sulking? *chuckles* You can say no but you’re still making that face.
5:24 – *sigh* (using a cutesy baby voice) It’s time to be happy-happy, okay? (normal voice again) Ah… Now you’re sulking even more. Seriously though… I never get tired of seeing all the expressions you make.
5:47 – I caught you. *rustling* Of course you can’t move. I’m making sure you can’t. I’m going to fulfill my promise, so listen closely, okay? Eh… *clears throat* (using a cutesy voice) I wubb you. I wubb wubb you. *rustling* (normal voice) No good?
6:21 – *laughing* I was just joking, I wanted to make sure you were really listening first. Let me try that again then… I love you. From the bottom of my heart. Do I need to say it more before you believe me? Ah, I’m glad you believe me…
6:52 – I think everything you do is cute. When you act childish, when you lose your composure, when you pout… All of it. Hey, do you want to kiss? That’s unfortunate, because I want to kiss you. But I guess there’s nothing for it, I’ll just hold back for now.
7:26 – *kiss* Did it tickle? Then how about here? *kiss* Does it tickle here too? In that case, then let me kiss your lips? Turn this way. Thanks… *kiss* You already know one isn’t enough to satisfy me, right? *kiss*
8:24 – As I thought, I like kissing you here the most. Hey… Let’s do it some more.
Track 3 – xoxo
0:03 – *humming to himself* No, that’s not quite right… *resumes humming* Tch… I wonder what’s wrong with it… *sigh* It’s not good, the melody has already left me. Dammit… *sigh* I guess I’ll leave it there for today. *stretches*
0:48 – When did it start getting dark outside? Hm? Onigiri? Ah, this one has kelp… And salmon… All of my favorites. *rustling* Huh? Ah, you came over. *footsteps* Sorry, you came and I didn’t even notice.
1:35 – *kiss* When did you come? An hour ago? Good, then it hasn’t been that long. Ah, I’m done with it for today. The goddess of music has rejected me. Oh, thanks for the onigiri. I’m hungry, so I was happy you made them.
2:12 – Aha, you found me out. I got caught up in what I was doing and forgot to eat. How about you? Can you stay over tonight? You’re off until noon tomorrow? Alright. Hey, would you like to go for a walk sometime? There won’t be many people out at night, and they wouldn’t be able to recognize us anyways.
2:43 – This is compensation since we haven’t been able to go out for a date lately. I’m not just trying to be nice. I want to hold your hand and walk together. Oh, you finally have a happy look on your face now.
3:04 – Just let me eat this before we go on our date. Thank you for the food. *eating noises* Ahh, it tastes good. The flavor is comforting… Thanks again for making it.
3:43 – *footsteps* Brr… There’s no doubt about it being winter… Aren’t you cold? The tip of your nose is getting red. Yes, yes, you’re very cute… *mumbling* Around here should be good, I don’t see anyone around…
4:13 – It’s fine now, right? Let’s hold hands. *takes your hand* Your hands are getting cold. It’s proof that you have a warm heart though. And that means that the fact that my hands are warm is proof that my heart’s cold…
4:42 – The only person who would disagree with that is you. Thanks. Oh? What is it? You’re still worried about the blisters on your hands? I like your hands. They’re smaller than mine. It makes me feel like I need to protect you…
5:09 – Normally you’re strong-willed, self-centered and reckless, but… The truth is you’re shy, reserved, and just pretend to be strong. I think that part of you is cute. I’m being awfully honest?
5:31 – If I’m not honest occasionally, I’ll lose sight of what matters to me. Since I met you, I’ve started to realize what’s important to me. The joy of coming back to reality after being completely focused on music, only to find onigiri stuffed with my favorite ingredients… The precious moments when I can hold the hand of the person I love… The warm feeling of laughing together and being able to see our breath because it’s so cold…
6:07 – Just like this… walking together… is enough to bring me happiness. *takes you in his arms* Don’t worry, no one is going to come. I made a promise to Ogasawara-san that I wouldn’t let your talent go to waste by causing a scandal.
6:41 – You’re important to me, so I remember my promise. Before, I thought as long as I have music… As long as I can live and do music… But that wasn’t enough after all. I met Narumi, made a band with Shinobu, and invited Yuusei to join our band. We became Apple-Polisher together. I thought that was the peak of my life, but there was still a step higher.
7:21 – I want to keep aiming even higher in the future… In music and with you. Although I still don’t think I’ll be able to catch up to someone like you, someone who is like the sun for me… But someday I’ll show you. I’ll catch up to you.
7:46 – You really do cry easily, don’t you? But I guess that shows the extent of your feelings. I find that side of you appealing too, you know. Hey… will you continue to stay with me?
8:15 – Hm? Yes, I’ll stay beside you too. *kiss* I do think that someday… Someday it might be nice… for us to become a family together. *chuckles* I love you.
Track 4 – non-non-alcohol
0:02 – *beer can opening* Well then, cheers! *cans bump* *drinking sounds* The beer is good today too! Hm? Ah, yeah I’m really happy. Getting to perform the best live show ever with the guys, then getting fired up with all of them during the after party, and then getting to be alone with my cute girlfriend, drinking the beer I love.
0:40 – If this isn’t happiness, then I don’t know the meaning of the word. Yes, I think you’re cute. *drinking* I need another beer. *bag rustling* Thanks. *more drinking* So good! *beer spilling* Ah… I spilled it.
1:31 – *chuckling* Thanks. I’ll be careful not to spill it again. It’s not like I did it on purpose, I wouldn’t waste good beer like that. It’s just my hands are…. you know. *sighing*
1:58 – *sets drink down after drinking again* Ahh, so yummy. *rustling* I’m going to get a beer belly? No way, it’s fine. Even though I drink like this, I’m still working out enough. Do you want to see for yourself?
2:16 – You know… Narumi and Yuusei saying it is one thing, but you should know me best… I mean you see me in bed all the time. Or are you saying you want to see me naked right now? *Yuki getting shoved away* What’s with that? It’s not very cute of you.
2:39 – That’s the part where you’re supposed to get embarrassed and say yes. Wrong answer! I’m not drunk! I can still drink more. So give me some more. Ehh? Yeah, I drank at the after party but it wasn’t enough.
3:02 – No way! I wanna drink more! Besides, why aren’t you drunk? Did Shinobu tell you to look out for me? Am I a child? And anyways, why are you and Shinobu tag teaming on something like that?
3:23 – Have you been asking Shinobu about me? You don’t have to ask him about anything, I’ll tell you myself. Go ahead and ask me if you have any questions. But before that, another beer please! *bag rustling* Thanks. *drinking* So? Go ahead.
4:02 – I like meat, but I hate celery. As for a place that I like, the Amagi’s house. And a place I hate, hm… Well, let’s leave that one alone. My favorite music is rock, and there’s no music that I dislike. I’ll listen to most anything. I’m good at the guitar and… because it was the family business, tea ceremony. But now I don’t really even like looking at tea.
4:40 – After that, the people that I cherish are… Narumi, Shinobu, Yuusei, Tatsuo, and Narumi’s parents. As for the person I like… you. The person I love is also you. Is there anything else you want to ask about? I decided I wouldn’t lie to you about anything, so I’ll tell you whatever you want me to.
5:14 – So? What else is there? Oh, how I feel right now? Hm… Let’s see. *leans closer* I want to hold you. How about you? A kiss? Okay, let’s do it. Close your eyes. Yeah, just like that… *kiss*
6:12 – What do you mean what? I want to get you drunk too, so I made you drink some. When you get drunk your cheeks go red, your eyes go moist, and you start staring at me. I can’t get enough of that face you make when you’re drunk… so I wanted to see it. Plus, when you get drunk you’re more honest with me and let me spoil you.
6:42 – You still haven’t had enough alcohol, right? I’ll help you drink. Open your mouth. *kiss* Ah… Some of it dribbled down your lips. So lewd…  Me? I’m not drunk. I was waiting for you to get drunk.
7:24 – That’s right, adults are cheaters. Shall we continue like this? Or do you want to go to the bed now?
Track 5 – Everything by… which music is you
0:23 – About time I head back… *footsteps* Oh, the moon. Hm? Nice work today. What’s wrong? You came out here to get a breather? That’s too bad. Here I thought you were lonely and came out to see me while I was smoking.
0:57 – Yeah, I already knew your answer but asked anyways. I told you before that I’m conceited. Well, I’m done with my smoke and was about to return anyways. But now that you’re here, I think I’ll linger and talk with you before I go back.
1:24 – I didn’t think you’d show up at a drinking party that Kippei invited me to. Yeah, I heard already. You met them at the studio and they dragged you along. Kippei is pretty pushy after all, huh? Seems like you guys were having fun at your table. But please, don’t let Narumi drink too much. Even though he doesn’t show it on the outside, he gets drunk before you know it.
2:02 – It’s not me being overprotective, I’m just worried. Am I worried about you? Nope… Did you think I’d say that? Of course I am. Worried that you’re getting along too well with Narumi, that Yuusei is getting too close, that Yuuki is being too touchy with you…
2:29 – *sigh* What are you grinning about? Yeah, I’m jealous. It’s fine that you get along, but getting along too well is… Oh! Don’t grab onto me without warning like that. You don’t know who might be watching?
2:51 – Just a little, huh? If someone comes we have to let go. Okay, good girl. My table? It’s a total mess. I’m busy enough between Kippei’s drunken grandstanding and Shinobu’s lecturing, and then Tasuku’s downing drinks like it has nothing to do with him. Why do I have to drink with those three?
3:27 – Isn’t it weird in the first place that when I try to sit beside you, Yuusei and Yuuki both get in my way? Then when I try to drink a beer, Kippei snatches it from me. I try to eat a snack and Tasuku takes that from me. Then beside me, Shinobu is drunk and trying to eat nut shells. It’s incredibly tiring.
3:51 – It seems like fun? Really, you… I’m not pouting. Like a child? I’m an adult, you know. Should I demonstrate that for you? She rejected me… Ungh… I guess I have no choice but to just hold you while I can.
4:27 – You… smell good. Yeah, I’m drunk. I get like this when I drink. Ahh, just holding you like this calms me… I enjoy how loud and exciting it can be drinking with everyone, but… I also like it when it’s just the two of us.
4:56 – I’d never thought that way before now. Oh, since you made me jealous, can you say it for me? That’s right, tell me that you love me. Yes, right here. You will when we get back to the room? So that means you’re going to stay over at my place today?
5:28 – Are you off tomorrow? Okay, then I’ll be patient for now. Well then, shall we head back? Otherwise they’ll start making fun of us. I don’t mind it, but you don’t like it, right? I know, it’s embarrassing. And I also don’t like watching them tease you either.
6:06 – Before we head back… *kiss* I want to hurry up and wrap you in my arms. *sigh* You stay here a little longer, I’ll go on ahead. You’re asking why? Because I don’t want them to see the expression you’re wearing right now. Then, see you after.
7:09 – Go in. *sound of the door locking* I don’t have to hold back anymore now, right? *kissing* No way, I can’t hold back anymore. Right here, right now… *peeling clothes off* Dammit… How do I take off these clothes? *kissing* You won’t run away, huh?
8:10 – Sorry. *sigh* I just can’t… I lose my composure when it comes to you. I get too jealous, because… I don’t want anyone to take you from me. Yeah, I guess that’s it. I’m worried. I mean, the way the two of us started off… wasn’t all that good.
8:59 – I guess it would be better to say it was the absolute worst way to start off. I hurt you and treated you horribly for the sake of my own ego. Just so I could get you away from Narumi, I lied to you, and I even took your first time.
9:21 – And yet you told me that you loved me. I was sure you had to have hated me, so there was no way you could feel that way, but… Maybe it’s because I’m the only guy you’ve been with, so that’s why you can say you love me right now– *slap*
9:44 – Sorry. It’s not that I doubt your feelings. I even feel conceited about the fact that you even looked my way in the first place. But… I can’t change the past. And I don’t think… I have the right to be loved by you.
10:10 – But… I don’t want to let you go. The more I got to know you, the more time I spent you, I fell in love with you. I can’t give you up now… The fact that music is my number one still hasn’t changed. If someone asked me to pick between you and music, I’d pick music.
10:45 – But… I love you enough that I would hesitate and have to think about it. You feel the same? Yeah, I guess we’re both like that. Hey, could you let me do things over again? I want to love you the right way. Want to get in bed now?
12:03 – You’re blushing… It’s cute. Don’t hold back, let me hear your voice. That’s right… Just like you did a moment ago. Do you love me? Me too, I love you. So cute… *sound of bed sheets moving* Oh? *Yuki humming to himself* No, not that phrase… Come on, don’t disappear on me… *continues humming, footsteps as he heads to his computer*
13:25 – And done. Now just to save it… So bright… Ah, crap… I did it again. She’s sleeping soundly. I better apologize to her when she wakes up. I’m sorry. Thank you, for loving someone like me.
14:20 – Get some rest. *kiss* Good night, my one and only.
Track 6 – Kiss me before I rise
0:05 – You’re sleeping sound… Such a cute sleeping face. What are you dreaming about? You’ll probably forget it by tomorrow morning. *gets up and heads for the balcony, taking out a cigarette to smoke*
1:00 – *sound of sheets moving as you get out of bed* You’re awake, huh? *Yuki puts out his cigarette* It’s fine, your health is more important. It’s cold over here, let’s go back inside. *sound of the door closing*
1:37 – You look like you’re still tired. Want to go back to bed? Me? I’m going to stay awake a little longer. I’m not going to go anywhere, I’ll stay right here. Nn…? What’s wrong, hugging me suddenly? It’s rare for you to act clingy like this.
2:09 – You thought I left? What are you saying, there’s no way that would happen, right? I’m right beside you. Yes, yes, there, there, spoiled girl. I’m not making fun of you, in fact I want to pamper you right now.
2:48 – Let you pamper me? I’m more the pampering type than the type to be pampered. I’m treating you like a kid? Of course I am. *sound of Yuki getting punched* Don’t get mad, I have a good reason for it.
3:14 – What reason? You won’t know if I don’t tell you? The way you keep looking at me is so arousing, I’m treating you like a kid to try to distract from it. If I don’t… then I’ll want to have sex with you again tonight… Okay?
3:41 – *laughing* Don’t hit me. But you’re not completely against it, right? You are? Hm, I wonder. Can I test that theory? You want to know how I’m going to do that? Like this. *kissing* See, your body is being honest.
4:15 – If only your mouth could be as honest… *struggling sounds* Ow, don’t bite me out of nowhere like that. Are you a dog? Huh? What are you disappointed about? Of course there’s only teeth marks, you bit me. Wait, were you trying to leave a hickey? Come on, don’t turn away.
5:00 – Look at me. I was right, wasn’t I? A hickey is a way to prevent cheating? Who told you that? Of course it was Yuusei… I’ll have a word with him tomorrow. Hey, you don’t have to do that. I won’t cheat on you anyways.
5:30 – I may not seem it, but I’m sincere. Even when I had a girlfriend in the past I never cheated. Sorry, that’s not really a pleasant topic either, is it… But anyways, as long as you’re beside me, I’m happy. Yeah, that’s right, I need Narumi and music in my life too… And beer.
6:04 – Don’t laugh, seriously… Oh yeah, let me teach you something. If you want to leave a hickey… *kissing* You do it like this. You don’t bite down, you just suck. Understand?
6:35 – It’s fine, no one will notice if you have a hickey here. Now, if you understand how to do it, go ahead and try. You wanted to put a hickey on me, right? You sure you don’t want to? You really don’t want to? *chuckling* It’s a little late to be getting embarrassed, you’re cute.
7:04 – Come on, it’s fine. Just try it. …It hurt a little, but you did it. Do you feel a little better now? Then I’m glad. In that case, there’s no reason for me to hold back anymore, right? What am I holding back on? *kissing*
7:56 – I want to feel you. Hm? You have a favor to ask? What is it? You want me to get up before you in the morning and wake you with a kiss? *deep breath* I wonder if I can wake up that early… You’re going to go to bed now if I won’t agree to do it? That’s not fair.
8:31 – Okay, we’ll have it your way then. *kissing* I want to hear you cry out for me with that sweet voice. I love you.
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