#slainté mi gente✌🏽😗
dovesndecay · 1 year
I talk a lot about my Puerto Rican heritage because I'm catching up on 20-someodd many years of either deliberately ignoring it or actively resenting it, and I feel almost like I need to make amends for it within myself. And the disconnect I have with that side of me has been a big source of pain on a lot of levels, in different ways, some that I've healed from, and some I'm working on, and some that will never fully heal.
But it occurs to me only now that I genuinely did not grow up without culture -- and yeah, the main one I could point to was (US) Southern culture, and that's true, but I also grew up with a very healthy sense of Irish pride from my mom's side of the family, and I'm just thinking how I would love to figure out how to connect these two cultures in a way that feels right.
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