#slau Splinter
separatedleoau · 1 month
Will there be a comic about One in the Krang Invasion?
Does One know Splinter?
if I have the energy by then, yeah I want to do the movie plot! But remember we are at the start of the series rn, so I have a lot of story to tell before we reach that point!
Not yet, but he'll eventually learn about him as the other's dad and sensei, and they dont meet until furter down the line
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separatedleoau · 1 year
Hey! Four asks here. I haven't figured how to ask properly though don't mind my mistakes please TwT
1. Has One ever heard birthday's before? Would that be relevant somehow?
2. How does Spilnter react to having deal with telling the boys about who created them once they tell him about Drax and that they found their "dead" brother.
3. This whole disaster twins dilemma got me thinking about what would happen in the episode where Donnie and April are with purple dragons. How would One be there?
4. Would One be friends with Shelldon?
Hi! Oh this questions are fun!
1) One does know about birthdays, he just doesn't celebrate them. I like the hc that Draxum has lived a few centuries so his kind doesn't really celebrate them because it gets tiring. The mindset Draxum has on birthdays being useless and a waste of time is a mindset he passed on to One.
It will be relevant later! :3c
2) This one is a little hard to explain because is not a thing that gets solved in a single situation.
The boys know One is alive and Draxum created them, but Splinter doesn't know that One is alive and that they know about Draxum. Then Splinter finds out about One being alive and the boys have to come clean about how much they know, but they also have questions for Splinter, because the story he had told them on how he got them now doesn't match up if Splinter knows who One and Draxum are. So Splinter "comes clean" but is actually still lying about a whole part of the story so they don't know he was Lou Jitsu.
And then they find out about Lou being their dad, and Splinter still doesn't tell them the truth.
Is not until One moves to the lair that Splinter tells them the whole truth. And it is mostly because he doesn't really have another choice.
Since he lost One, he had been lying to the boys to protect them, so they wouldn't be hurt for things that were out of their control. But as the truth starts to come out Splinter is struggling to keep those lies, some are still to protect his boys, but honestly, some are to protect himself, so he doesn't have to talk or think about about a time of his life he doesn't like.
Raph is the one hurt the most by all the lying.
3) honeslty, I don't think im gonna do that episode. There are some things that don't change from canon since they don't really involve One, so I'm just not gonna make them, that doesn't mean some of them don't happen, it just kind of happens off camera.
4) I still haven't think up much about that dynamic (is still a very long time until I get to that in the story so I'm not worried) but I do want One to be a bad influence on Shelldon lmao
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separatedleoau · 1 year
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Favorite pizza... probably some of the weird ones at Hueso
He doesn't like tea for the longest time until he's already living with the Hamatos and Splinter makes him tea, One likes it how he makes it <3
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I could swear I already answered something similar to this but I couldn't find it so here it is
After he leaves Draxum he wants nothing to do with him for a while, so he stops wearing his uniform and even drops the name Number One and raters being called Leo, no one has a problem with that until Draxum and his redemption come into the picture because he refuses to call One by another name but the one he gave him.
Eventually things get better between One and Draxum and he is comfortable with the name Number One again, for the most part he goes by Leo but he sees both as his names.
He will get his blue mask!
I still haven't chose the exact time he gets it, I have two situations that fit perfectly to Splinter giving him his mask, and I keep jumping from choosing one of the other but is a long time into the future so I'm not worrying about it now. But he will be running around all color coded with his bros <3
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separatedleoau · 2 years
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unfortunely the whole... sutuation, he is when he finds out doesn't really allows him to get exited about it, not externally at least.
same when they all find out Splinter is Lou, the whole situation doesn't really lets any of the boys process it as a lot of things are happening at the same time.
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separatedleoau · 2 years
Hello I saw that you were talking about the brother's individual relationships with One so now I want to ask you about the slowly growing development with One and Splinter.
Does Splinter immediately want to throw affection to One or is it a gradual build like Raph and Donnie? And what does One's developing relationship with Splinter also allow him to see that THIS is Lou Jitsu and how does it play off? :D I need to know! I am a HUGE fan of Leo and Splinter bonding moments <3
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I've been geting this question a lot so here we go
First I have to explain a little some about this AU, it was never supposed to be something serious, is mostly some actual chapters of plot to stablish the setting then just a bunch of random scenarios that are not connected of the bros hanging out and bonding (that's why I didn't want to write it, just make ramdom art of them)until I felt like its been enough and I can make some other actual chapters with plot.
I say this bc Splinter doesn't even know Leo exists until we are reaching that second batch of plot chapters and that is spoilers territory that I don't what to touch yet
So I'm gonna be extremely vage about this
First time meeting each other is by accident and they don't even share a word. Splinters just happens to be there and sees him leave, leaving him in shook bc Splinter quickly recognizes this must be the turtle he lost. He ask his sons an explanation and they finally come clean on what they've been doing for months.
They never told Splinter anything bc they didn't even trust One, and while Mikey wanted to, Raph and Donnie never saw a good reason why.
Splinter is shook to his core and they can tell but they don't know why. Splinter had lied to them about how he found them, saying he found them on the street and picked them up, they know he is a mutant too but as far as they know, Splinter doesn't remember how it happened.
Splinter "comes clean" and tells them he was there when they mutated, he doesn't tell them his DNA was used for it, he just mentions he was there at Draxum's lab (avoiding telling them why, they just suppose Draxum was gonna experiment on him too) he tells them the lab was gonna explode and he managed to take them before running out, not before being drenched in the mutagen too and mutating. He tells them of how in the heat of the moment he didn't realized he had missed a turtle, it wasn't until they were safe on the surface that he saw. He feared the worst, but he had no way of going back for him.
Meanwhile, One is very uninmpressed, Mikey had told him about their Dad and that he also trains them sometimes. One had no visual reference for it but certanly a shot rat-man was not what he expected. he just thinks "no wonder they have learn more from Lui Jitsu movies, than from him"
Second time they interact is at the end of a very funny bit that I have planed out but I'm not gonna get into (is a surprise :3 and a good one this time). They don't really see each other face to face tho, but almost.
Third time comes along with One's choice of joining the fam and leaving Draxum. So after that is hanging out time again but now all as a family.
I already said on that post of One's relationship with Raph that the eldest turtle is the second person of authority that he ;learns to respects, the third one is Splinter. 
At first none of them will know how to interact with the other. One had never have a father, Draxum being the closes thing but he is nothing like Splinter and One can tell on the way the others interact with him, but he can't get himself to act that free around him.
Splinter wants to call him son, and wants to get to know him but every time he is on the room One seems to tense up and his while mood be more rigid.
With a little help of his brothers, Splinter finds a way to make Leo feel more at home and get him to lighten up
They will get a lot of small bonding moments, I'm not gonna mention all but here are some I have planned:
Donnie wants to get Leo some actual clothes since he hasn't any. Leo mentions he had never used anything human-made, and that at home if he wasn't to do anything he would wear robes like Draxum.
Splinter overhears this conversation ans procedes to buy him a blue and white silk robe.
Leo finds the gift on his room, puts it on immediately rushes to the living room to thank him for it when he sees Splinter wearing a matching robe with the inverted colors. He almost loses his mind.
The rest are jealous they don't have matching clothes with Splinter, but they don't like using robes so whatever.
Splinter is also the one to give him his blue mask
Leo walks on Splinter seeing telenovelas and gets hooked, not 10 minutes after he is already siting against the couch watching too.
Much to everyone's annoyance Splinter spends the whole supper explaining Leo the past episodes so he is all caught up for the next.
They watch them together in a daily basis
First time Leo called him dad he didn't even noticed, it just slipped. Everyone else do notice and makes a huge deal out of it. Splinter tries to act normal but he is screaming and crying inside bc Leo called him "Dad"
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separatedleoau · 2 years
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Feel free to ask anything* about the AU! Just be patient, I'm slow and my asks on the askbox are like hydra heads, every time I answer one, two more appear.
I complied links to posts and tags bellow the cut so you guys can find things faster and overal to keep things more organized, so check the links first, just in case I've already answer whatever you were gonna ask about!
*Things I wont talk about due to spoilers:
Any specifics of Splinter and One's relationship (check Splinter's tag, I've talk a bit about it)
The when and how One takes the desision to go with his brothers and leave Draxum
Anything related to both season finals, so, things related to the Shredder
the Bug Busters episode (I've answer a few of these already and that's all you'll get for now)
The boys reaction to finding out about the seed situation (I've talk a little about it too, but the rest is a surprise)
The movie events (I haven't thought that far ahead)
Concept for this AU / Comic / masterpost
Main tags
SLAU asks - All asks SLAU art - Asks that prompted me to draw something SLAU fanart - Art from you! SLAU crossover - Crossover art with other AUs
Character tags! For things about One and his relationship with other characters
SLAU one SLAU raph SLAU mikey SLAU donnie SLAU splinter SLAU april SLAU draxum SLAU goyles
Themes people usually ask about
SLAU sibling time - Anything that has to do with the boys or April interacting with One SLAU childhood - literally anything that happens before the comic starts SLAU seed - things related to the whole seed/vines situation SLAU episodes - any questions about events that actually happen on the show
blood -> tw blood / cw blood (If anyone wants me to add other warning pls send me as ask)
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